Colorful experiments in chemistry with acids. Entertaining experiments in chemistry

landscaping 15.10.2019


Spectacular experiments in chemistry

Where does the passion for chemistry begin - a science full of amazing mysteries, mysterious and incomprehensible phenomena? Very often - from chemical experiments, which are accompanied by colorful effects, "miracles". And it has always been so, at least there is a lot of historical evidence for this.

The materials under the heading "Chemistry at school and at home" will describe simple and interesting experiences. All of them work well if you strictly follow the recommendations given: after all, the course of a reaction is often affected by temperature, the degree of grinding of substances, the concentration of solutions, the presence of impurities in the starting substances, the ratio of the reacting components, and even the order in which they are added to each other.

Any chemical experiments require caution, attention and accuracy when performing. Three simple rules will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

First: no need to experiment at home with unfamiliar substances. Don't forget that too large quantities well-known chemicals in the wrong hands can also become dangerous. Never exceed the amounts of substances indicated in the test description.

Second: before performing any experiment, one must carefully read its description and understand the properties of the substances used. For this there are textbooks, reference books and other literature.

Third: you have to be careful and prudent. If the experiments are connected with combustion, the formation of smoke and harmful gases, they should be shown where this will not cause unpleasant consequences, for example, in a fume hood during a chemistry circle or under open sky. If during the experiment some substances are scattered or splashed, then it is necessary to protect yourself with goggles or a screen, and seat the audience at a safe distance. All experiments with strong acids and alkalis should be carried out wearing goggles and rubber gloves. Experiments marked with an asterisk (*) can only be performed by a teacher or leader of a chemistry circle.

If these rules are observed, the experiments will be successful. Then the chemicals will reveal to you the wonders of their transformations.

Christmas tree in the snow

For this experiment, you need to get a glass bell, small aquarium, in extreme cases - a five-liter glass jar with a wide neck. Need also flat board or a sheet of plywood on which these vessels will be installed upside down. You will also need a small plastic toy Christmas tree. Perform the experiment as follows.

First, a plastic Christmas tree is sprayed into fume hood concentrated hydrochloric acid and immediately put it under a bell, jar or aquarium (Fig. 1). The Christmas tree is kept under the bell for 10–15 minutes, then quickly, slightly raising the bell, a small cup with a concentrated ammonia solution is placed next to the Christmas tree. Immediately, crystalline “snow” appears in the air under the bell, which settles on the Christmas tree, and soon the whole of it is covered with crystals that look like frost.

This effect is caused by the reaction of hydrogen chloride with ammonia:

Hcl + NH 3 = NH 4 Cl,

which leads to the formation of the smallest colorless crystals of ammonium chloride, showering the Christmas tree.

sparkling crystals

How to believe that a substance, when crystallized from an aqueous solution, emits a sheaf of sparks under water? But try mixing 108 g of potassium sulfate K 2 SO 4 and 100 g of sodium sulfate decahydrate Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O (Glauber's salt) and add in portions with stirring a little hot distilled or boiled water until all crystals are dissolved. Leave the solution in the dark so that, upon cooling, the crystallization of the double salt of the composition Na 2 SO 4 2K 2 SO 4 10H 2 O begins. As soon as the crystals begin to stand out, the solution will sparkle: at 60 ° C weakly, and as it cools, more and more. When a lot of crystals fall out, you will see a whole sheaf of sparks.

The glow and the formation of sparks are caused by the fact that during the crystallization of the double salt, which is obtained by the reaction

2K 2 SO 4 + Na 2 SO 4 + 10H 2 O \u003d Na 2 SO 4 2K 2 SO 4 10H 2 O,

a lot of energy is released, almost completely converted into light.

orange light

The appearance of this amazing glow is caused by an almost complete transformation of energy chemical reaction into the light. To observe it, a 10–15% solution of potassium carbonate K 2 CO 3 is added to a saturated aqueous solution of hydroquinone C 6 H 4 (OH) 2, formalin is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde HCHO and perhydrol is a concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2. The glow of the liquid is best observed in the dark.

The reason for the release of light is the redox reactions of the conversion of hydroquinone C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 into quinone C 6 H 4 O 2, and formaldehyde HCHO into formic acid HCOOH:

C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 + H 2 O 2 \u003d C 6 H 4 O 2 + 2H 2 O,

HCNO + H 2 O 2 \u003d HCOOH + H 2 O.

At the same time, the reaction of neutralization of formic acid with potassium carbonate proceeds with the formation of a salt - potassium formate HCOOK - and the release of carbon dioxide CO 2 (carbon dioxide), so the solution foams:

2HCOOH + K 2 CO 3 \u003d 2HSOOK + CO 2 + H 2 O.

Hydroquinone (1,4-hydroxybenzene) is a colorless crystalline substance. The hydroquinone molecule contains a benzene ring in which two hydrogen atoms in the para position are replaced by two hydroxyl groups.

Thunderstorm in a glass

"Thunder" and "lightning" in a glass of water? It turns out that it happens! First, weigh 5–6 g of potassium bromate KBrO 3 and 5–6 g of barium chloride dihydrate BaC 12 2H 2 O and dissolve these colorless crystalline substances when heated in 100 g of distilled water, and then mix the resulting solutions. When the mixture is cooled, a precipitate of barium bromate Ba (BrO 3) 2, which is slightly soluble in the cold, will precipitate:

2KBrO 3 + BaCl 2 = Ba (BrO 3) 2 + 2KSl.

Filter off the precipitated colorless precipitate of Ba(BrO 3) 2 crystals and wash it 2-3 times with small (5-10 ml) portions of cold water. Then air dry the washed precipitate. After that, dissolve 2 g of the resulting Ba(BrO 3) 2 in 50 ml of boiling water and filter the still hot solution.

Place the glass with the filtrate to cool to 40–45 °C. This is best done in a water bath heated to the same temperature. Check the temperature of the bath with a thermometer and, if it drops, heat the water again with an electric hotplate.

Close the windows with curtains or turn off the light in the room, and you will see how in the glass, simultaneously with the appearance of crystals, blue sparks will appear in one place or another - "lightning" and pops of "thunder" will be heard. Here's a "thunderstorm" in a glass! The light effect is caused by the release of energy during crystallization, and the pops are caused by the appearance of crystals.

Smoke from the water

Poured into a glass tap water and throw a piece of "dry ice" - solid carbon dioxide CO 2 - into it. The water will immediately bubble up, and a thick white "smoke" will pour out of the glass, formed by the cooled vapors of water, which are carried away by the rising carbon dioxide. This "smoke" is completely safe.

Carbon dioxide. Solid carbon dioxide sublimes without melting at a low temperature of -78 °C. In the liquid state, CO 2 can only be under pressure. Gaseous carbon dioxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas with a slightly sour taste. Water is capable of dissolving a significant amount of gaseous CO 2: 1 liter of water at 20 ° C and a pressure of 1 atm absorbs about 0.9 liters of CO 2. A very small part of dissolved CO2 interacts with water, and carbonic acid H 2 CO 3 is formed, which only partially interacts with water molecules, forming oxonium ions H 3 O + and bicarbonate ions HCO 3 -:

H 2 CO 3 + H 2 O HCO 3 - + H 3 O +,

HCO 3 - + H 2 O CO 3 2- + H 3 O +.

Mysterious Disappearance

Chromium(III) oxide will help to show how the substance disappears without a trace, disappears without flame and smoke. For this, several tablets of “dry alcohol” (solid fuel based on urotropine) are stacked in a pile, and a pinch of chromium (III) oxide Cr 2 O 3 preheated in a metal spoon is poured on top. And what? There is no flame, no smoke, and the slide is gradually decreasing in size. After some time, only a pinch of unused green powder remains from it - the Cr 2 O 3 catalyst.

Oxidation of urotropine (CH 2) 6 N 4 (hexamethylenetetramine) - the basis of solid alcohol - in the presence of a Cr 2 O 3 catalyst proceeds according to the reaction:

(CH 2) 6 N 4 + 9O 2 \u003d 6CO 2 + 2N 2 + 6H 2 O,

where all products - carbon dioxide CO 2, nitrogen N 2 and water vapor H 2 O - are gaseous, colorless and odorless. It is impossible to notice their disappearance.

Acetone and copper wire

One more experiment can be shown with the mysterious disappearance of a substance, which at first glance seems to be just sorcery. Copper wire 0.8–1.0 mm thick is prepared: it is cleaned with sandpaper and rolled into a ring 3–4 cm in diameter. the end of this segment is put on a piece of pencil, from which the stylus has been removed in advance.

Then pour 10-15 ml of acetone (CH 3) 2 CO into a glass (do not forget: acetone is flammable!).

A ring of copper wire is heated away from the glass with acetone, holding it by the handle, and then quickly lowered into the glass with acetone so that the ring does not touch the surface of the liquid and is 5–10 mm from it (Fig. 2). The wire will become hot and will glow until all the acetone is used up. But there will be no flame, no smoke! To make the experience even more spectacular, the lights are turned off in the room.

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Rice. 2.
Disappearance of acetone

On the copper surface, which serves as a catalyst and accelerates the reaction, acetone vapor is oxidized to acetic acid CH 3 COOH and acetaldehyde CH 3 CHO:

2 (CH 3) 2 CO + O 2 \u003d CH 3 COOH + 2CH 3 CHO,

with emphasis a large number heat, so the wire becomes red hot. The vapors of both reaction products are colorless, only the smell gives them away.

"Dry Acid"

If you put a piece of "dry ice" - solid carbon dioxide - into a flask and close it with a cork with a gas outlet tube, and lower the end of this tube into a test tube with water, to which blue litmus has been added in advance, then a small miracle will soon happen.

Warm up the flask slightly. Very soon, the blue litmus in the test tube will turn red. This means that carbon dioxide is acid oxide, when it reacts with water, carbonic acid is obtained, which undergoes protolysis, and the environment becomes acidic:

H 2 CO 3 + H 2 O HCO 3 - + H 3 O +.

magic egg

How to clean egg without breaking the shell? If you lower it into dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid, then the shell will completely dissolve and the protein and yolk will remain, surrounded by a thin film.

This experience can be demonstrated in a very spectacular way. Should I take a flask or glass bottle with a wide neck, pour into it 3/4 of the volume of dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid, put a raw egg on the neck of the flask, and then carefully warm the contents of the flask. When the acid begins to evaporate, the shell will dissolve, and after a short time, the egg in the elastic film will slip into the vessel with acid (although the egg is larger in cross section than the neck of the flask).

Chemical dissolution of the egg shell, the main component of which is calcium carbonate, corresponds to the reaction equation.

Who didn't believe in miracles as a child? To have fun and informative time with your baby, you can try to carry out experiments from entertaining chemistry. They are safe, interesting and educational. These experiments will answer many children's "why" and arouse interest in science and knowledge of the world. And today I want to tell you what experiments for children at home can be organized by parents.

pharaoh snake

This experiment is based on increasing the volume of the mixed reagents. In the process of burning, they transform and, wriggling, resemble a snake. The experiment got its name thanks to the biblical miracle, when Moses, who came to the pharaoh with a request, turned his rod into a snake.

For the experience you will need the following ingredients:

We impregnate the sand with alcohol, after that we form a small hill out of it and make a recess at the top. After that, mix a small spoonful of powdered sugar and a pinch of soda, then pour everything into an impromptu "crater". We set fire to our volcano, the alcohol in the sand begins to burn out, and black balls form. They are a decomposition product of soda and caramelized sugar.

After all the alcohol has burned out, the sand slide will turn black and a writhing "black pharaoh's snake" will form. This experiment looks more impressive with the use of real reagents and strong acids, which can only be used in a chemical laboratory.

You can do it a little easier and buy a calcium gluconate tablet at the pharmacy. Set it on fire at home, the effect will be almost the same, only the “snake” will quickly collapse.

Magic lamp

In stores, you can often see lamps, inside which a beautiful illuminated liquid moves and shimmers. Such lamps were invented in the early 60s. They work on the basis of paraffin and oil. At the bottom of the device is a built-in conventional incandescent lamp that heats the descending molten wax. Part of it reaches the top and falls, the other part heats up and rises, so we see a kind of “dance” of paraffin inside the container.

In order to carry out a similar experience at home with a child, we need:

  • any juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tablets - pops;
  • beautiful container.

We take a container and fill it with juice more than half. Add vegetable oil on top and throw a pop-up tablet there. It begins to “work”, the bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass capture the juice in themselves and form a beautiful seething in the oil layer. Then the bubbles that reach the edge of the glass burst, and the juice falls down. It turns out a kind of "cycle" of juice in a glass. Such magic lamps are absolutely harmless, unlike paraffin lamps, which a child can accidentally break and burn himself.

Balloon and Orange: An Experience for Toddlers

What will happen to a balloon if you drop orange or lemon juice on it? It will burst as soon as drops of citrus touch it. And then you can eat an orange with your baby. It's very entertaining and fun. For the experience, we need a couple of balloons and citrus. We inflate them and let the baby drip fruit juice on each and see what happens.

Why does the ball burst? It's all about the special chemical substance- limonene. It is found in citrus fruits and is often used in the cosmetics industry. When the juice comes into contact with the rubber of the balloon, a reaction occurs, limonene dissolves the rubber and the balloon bursts.

sweet glass

Amazing things can be made from caramelized sugar. In the early days of cinema, most fight scenes used this edible sweet glass. This is because it is less traumatic for actors during filming and is inexpensive. Its fragments can then be collected, melted down and made into props for the film.

Many in childhood made sugar cockerels or fudge, glass should be made according to the same principle. Pour water into a saucepan, heat a little, the water should not be cold. After that, pour sugar into it and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, cook until the mass begins to gradually thicken and bubble strongly. The melted sugar in the container should turn into a viscous caramel, which, if lowered into cold water turns into glass.

Pour the prepared liquid onto the previously prepared and greased vegetable oil baking sheet, cool and sweet glass is ready.

During the cooking process, you can add dye to it and pour it into some interesting shape, and then treat and surprise everyone around.

Philosopher's nail

This entertaining experience is based on the principle of iron coppering. Named by analogy with a substance that, according to legend, could turn everything into gold, and was called the philosopher's stone. To conduct the experiment, we will need:

  • iron nail;
  • a fourth of a glass of acetic acid;
  • food salt;
  • soda;
  • a piece of copper wire;
  • glass container.

We take a glass jar and pour acid, salt into it and stir well. Be careful, vinegar is harsh bad smell. It can burn tender Airways child. Then in the resulting solution we put copper wire for 10-15 minutes, after some time we lower the iron nail previously cleaned with soda into the solution. After some time, we can see that a copper coating has appeared on it, and the wire has become shiny as new. How could this happen?

Copper reacts with acetic acid, a copper salt is formed, then copper ions on the surface of the nail change places with iron ions and form a plaque on its surface. And the concentration of iron salts increases in the solution.

Copper coins are not suitable for the experiment, since this metal itself is very soft, and to make the money stronger, its alloys with brass and aluminum are used.

Copper products do not rust over time, they are covered with a special green coating - patina, which prevents it from further corrosion.

DIY soap bubbles

Who didn't love blowing bubbles as a child? How beautifully they shimmer and burst merrily. You can just buy them at the store, but it will be much more interesting to create your own solution with your child and then blow bubbles.

It should immediately be said that the usual mixture of laundry soap and water won't work. It produces bubbles that quickly disappear and are poorly blown. Most affordable way to prepare such a substance, mix two glasses of water with a glass of dish detergent. If sugar is added to the solution, then the bubbles become stronger. They will fly for a long time and will not burst. And the huge bubbles that can be seen on stage with professional artists are obtained by mixing glycerin, water and detergent.

For beauty and mood, you can mix food paint into the solution. Then the bubbles will glow beautifully in the sun. You can create several different solutions and take turns using them with your child. It is interesting to experiment with color, and create your own, new shade soap bubbles.

You can also try mixing the soap solution with other substances and see how they affect the blisters. Maybe you will invent and patent some new kind of your own.

Spy ink

These legendary invisible ink. What are they made from? Now there are so many films about spies and interesting intellectual investigations. You can invite your child to play a little secret agents.

The meaning of such ink is that they cannot be seen on paper with the naked eye. Only by applying a special effect, for example, heating or chemical reagents, can a secret message be seen. Unfortunately, most recipes for making them are ineffective and such ink leaves marks.

We will make special ones that are difficult to see without special detection. For this you will need:

  • water;
  • a spoon;
  • baking soda;
  • any source of heat;
  • stick with cotton at the end.

Pour warm liquid into any container, then, while stirring, pour baking soda into it until it stops dissolving, i.e. the mixture will reach a high concentration. We put a stick with cotton on the end there and write something on paper with it. Let's wait until it dries, then bring the leaf to a lit candle or gas stove. After a while, you can see how the yellow letters of the written word appear on the paper. Make sure that during the development of the letters the leaf does not catch fire.

Fireproof money

This is a well-known and old experiment. For it you will need:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • salt.

Take a deep glass container and pour water into it, then add alcohol and salt, stir well so that all the ingredients are dissolved. For ignition, you can take ordinary pieces of paper, if you don’t mind, then you can take a bill. Just take a small denomination, otherwise something may go wrong in the experience and the money will be spoiled.

Put strips of paper or money in a water-salt solution, after a while they can be removed from the liquid and set on fire. You can see that the flame covers the entire banknote, but it does not light up. This effect is explained by the fact that the alcohol in the solution evaporates, and the wet paper itself does not light up.

wish fulfilling stone

The process of growing crystals is very exciting, but time consuming. However, what you get as a result will be worth the time spent. The most popular is the creation of crystals from table salt or sugar.

Consider growing a "wish stone" from refined sugar. For this you will need:

  • drinking water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • paper sheet;
  • thin wooden stick;
  • small container and glass.

Let's make a preparation first. To do this, we need to prepare a sugar mixture. Pour some water and sugar into a small container. We wait until the mixture boils, and boil until a syrupy state is formed. Then we lower the wooden stick there and sprinkle it with sugar, you need to do this evenly, in this case the resulting crystal will become more beautiful and even. Leave the base for the crystal overnight to dry and harden.

Let's prepare the syrup solution. Pour water into a large container and fall asleep, slowly stirring, sugar there. Then, when the mixture boils, boil it to the state of a viscous syrup. Remove from fire and let cool.

Cut out circles from paper and fasten them to the end wooden stick. It will become a lid on which a wand with crystals is attached. We fill the glass with a solution and lower the workpiece there. We wait for a week, and the "stone of desires" is ready. If you put a dye in the syrup when cooking, it will turn out even more beautiful.

The process of creating crystals from salt is somewhat simpler. Here it will only be necessary to monitor the mixture and periodically change it in order to increase the concentration.

First of all, we create a blank. Pour warm water into a glass container, and gradually stir, pour salt until it stops dissolving. We leave the container for a day. After this time, you can find many small crystals in the glass, choose the largest one and tie it to a thread. Make a new salt solution and put a crystal there, it must not touch the bottom or the edges of the glass. This can lead to unwanted deformations.

After a couple of days, you can see that he has grown. The more often you change the mixture, increasing the concentration of salt content, the faster you can grow your wish stone.

glowing tomato

This experiment should be strictly under the supervision of adults, as it uses harmful substances. The glowing tomato that will be created during this experiment is strictly forbidden to eat, it can lead to death or severe poisoning. We will need:

  • ordinary tomato;
  • syringe;
  • sulfuric matter from matches;
  • bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

We take a small container, put the previously prepared match sulfur there and pour in the bleach. We leave all this for a while, after which we draw the mixture into a syringe and inject it inside the tomato with different sides so that it glows evenly. For start chemical process hydrogen peroxide is needed, which we introduce through the trace from the petiole from above. We turn off the light in the room, and we can enjoy the process.

Egg in Vinegar: A Very Simple Experience

This is a simple and interesting ordinary acetic acid. For its implementation, you will need a boiled chicken egg and vinegar. Take a transparent glass container and lower the egg in the shell into it, then fill it to the top with acetic acid. You can see how bubbles rise from its surface, this is a chemical reaction. After three days, we can observe that the shell has become soft, and the egg is elastic, like a ball. If you point a flashlight at it, you can see that it glows. Conduct an experiment with raw egg not recommended, as the soft shell may break when squeezed.

Do-it-yourself slime from PVA

This is a fairly common strange toy of our childhood. Currently, it is quite difficult to find it. Let's try to make slime at home. Its classic color is green, but you can use whatever you like. Try mixing several shades and create your own unique color.

For the experiment we need:

  • glass jar;
  • several small glasses;
  • dye;
  • PVA glue;
  • regular starch.

Let's prepare three identical glasses with solutions that we will mix. Pour PVA glue into the first, water into the second, and starch into the third. First, pour water into the jar, then add glue and dye, mix everything thoroughly and then add starch. The mixture must be quickly mixed so that it does not thicken, and you can play with the finished slime.

How to quickly inflate a balloon

Soon the holiday and you need to inflate a lot of balloons? What to do? This unusual experience will help to facilitate the task. For it we need a rubber ball, acetic acid and ordinary soda. It must be carried out carefully in the presence of adults.

Pour a pinch of baking soda into balloon and put it on the neck of a bottle of acetic acid so that the soda does not spill out, straighten the ball and let its contents fall into the vinegar. You will see how the chemical reaction will take place, it will begin to foam, releasing carbon dioxide and inflating the balloon.

That's all for today. Do not forget that it is better to conduct experiments for children at home under supervision, it will be both safer and more interesting. See you soon!

Who loved at school laboratory works in chemistry? It is interesting, after all, it was to mix something with something and get a new substance. True, it didn’t always work out the way it was described in the textbook, but no one suffered about this, did they? The main thing is that something happens, and we saw it right in front of us.

If in real life if you are not a chemist and do not face much more complex experiments every day at work, then these experiments that can be carried out at home will definitely amuse you, at least.

lava lamp

For experience you need:
– Transparent bottle or vase
— Water
- Sunflower oil
- Food coloring
- Several effervescent tablets "Suprastin"

Mix water with food coloring sunflower oil. You don't need to mix, and you won't be able to. When will it be visible clear line between water and oil, we throw a couple of Suprastin tablets into the container. Watching lava flows.

Since the density of oil is lower than that of water, it remains on the surface, with an effervescent tablet creating bubbles that carry water to the surface.

Elephant Toothpaste

For experience you need:
- Bottle
- small cup
— Water
- dish detergent or liquid soap
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Fast acting nutritional yeast
- Food coloring

Mix liquid soap, hydrogen peroxide and food coloring in a bottle. In a separate cup, dilute the yeast with water and pour the resulting mixture into a bottle. We look at the eruption.

Yeast releases oxygen, which reacts with hydrogen and is pushed out. Due to the soap suds, a dense mass erupts from the bottle.

Hot Ice

For experience you need:
- container for heating
- Clear glass cup
- Plate
- 200 g baking soda
- 200 ml of acetic acid or 150 ml of its concentrate
- crystallized salt

We mix acetic acid and soda in a saucepan, wait until the mixture stops sizzling. We turn on the stove and evaporate excess moisture until an oily film appears on the surface. The resulting solution is poured into a clean container and cooled to room temperature. Then add a crystal of soda and watch how the water “freezes” and the container becomes hot.

Heated and mixed vinegar and soda form sodium acetate, which, when melted, becomes aqueous solution sodium acetate. When salt is added to it, it begins to crystallize and release heat.

rainbow in milk

For experience you need:
- Milk
- Plate
- Liquid food coloring in several colors
- cotton swab
— Detergent

Pour milk into a plate, drip dyes in several places. Wet a cotton swab in detergent, dip it into a bowl of milk. Let's see the rainbow.

In the liquid part there is a suspension of droplets of fat, which, in contact with detergent split and rush from the inserted stick in all directions. A regular circle is formed due to surface tension.

Smoke without fire

For experience you need:
– Hydroperite
— Analgin
- Mortar and pestle (can be replaced with a ceramic cup and spoon)

The experiment is best done in a well-ventilated area.
We grind hydroperite tablets to a powder, we do the same with analgin. We mix the resulting powders, wait a bit, see what happens.

During the reaction, hydrogen sulfide, water and oxygen are formed. This leads to partial hydrolysis with the elimination of methylamine, which interacts with hydrogen sulfide, a suspension of its small crystals which resembles smoke.

pharaoh snake

For experience you need:
- Calcium gluconate
- Dry fuel
- Matches or lighter

We put several tablets of calcium gluconate on dry fuel, set fire to it. Let's look at the snakes.

Calcium gluconate decomposes when heated, which leads to an increase in the volume of the mixture.

non-newtonian fluid

For experience you need:

- mixing bowl
- 200 g corn starch
- 400 ml of water

Gradually add water to the starch and stir. Try to make the mixture homogeneous. Now try to roll the ball out of the resulting mass and hold it.

The so-called non-Newtonian fluid during rapid interaction behaves as solid, and when slow - like a liquid.

    Equipment and reagents: chemical beakers, conical flask, metal stand, porcelain cup, crystallizer, knife, metal tray, test tube stands, test tubes, matches, tweezers, pipettes, handkerchief; water, dry fuel, 3 tablets of calcium gluconate, potassium carbonate, ammonia 25%, hydrochloric acid (conc.), phenolphthalein, sodium metal, alcohol, stationery glue, ammonium bichromate, potassium dichromate, sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, iron (III) chloride solutions, KCNS, sodium fluoride.

    Event progress

    Chemistry is an interesting fascinating science. With the help of chemistry, our life becomes more interesting and diverse.

    Without chemistry, the whole world would become dim.
    With chemistry we drive, live and fly,
    We live in different parts of the Earth,
    We clean, we wash, we remove stains,
    We eat, we sleep, and we walk with hairstyles.
    We treat with chemistry, glue and sew
    We live side by side with chemistry!

    Although there are no miracles in the world.
    Chemistry provides the answer.
    “There are miracles in the world.
    And, of course, they can not be counted!

    Don't break teachers' advice:

    And even if you're not a coward,

    Do not taste the substances!

    And don't think about sniffing them.

    Understand that these are not flowers!

    Take nothing with your hands

    You'll get burned, blisters!

    Tea and delicious sandwich
    Very much asking in your mouth.
    Do not lie to yourself -
    We can't eat or drink!
    This, friend, is a chemical cabinet,
    There are no provisions for food.

    In the flask - like marmalade,
    Do not taste the substances!
    Even poison smells sweet.

    In the chemistry classroom

    Lots of stuff:

    cones, test tubes,

    Funnel and tripod.

    And you don't have to pull.

    In vain pens

    And then you spill it by accident

    Valuable reagent!

    "Pharaoh Serpents"

    Experience: put a tablet of dry fuel on a stand, put 3 tablets of calcium gluconate on it and set it on fire. A light gray mass is formed in the form resembling snakes.

    "Smoke Without Fire"

    Experiment: (The experiment must be carried out in a well-ventilated room or in a fume hood) pour potassium carbonate into a large flask (300-500 ml) so that it covers its bottom with an even layer, and carefully pour 25% ammonia solution to wet it . Then slowly (be careful!) pour a little concentrated hydrochloric acid into the flask (white "smoke" appears). What do we see? There is smoke, there is no fire. You see, in life there is no smoke without fire, but in chemistry it happens.

    "Flame on the Water"

    Experience: add phenolphthalein to a cup of water. Cut off a piece of metallic sodium or lithium and carefully place it in water. The metal floats on the surface, the hydrogen ignites, and the resulting alkali causes the water to turn crimson.


    Mighty nature is full of miracles,
    And on Earth they are subject to her alone
    Shining stars, sunsets and sunrises,
    Gusts of wind and sea surf ...
    But we, now you will see for yourself
    Sometimes we also have miracles.

    Experience: pour ammonium bichromate on a tray, drop alcohol, set fire to it.

    "Fireproof Scarf"

    children's answers).

    Our flying carpet has flown away
    We also don't have a samobranka,
    There is a handkerchief, it will now burn,
    But, believe me, it will not be able to burn.

    Experience: moisten a handkerchief in a mixture of glue and water (silicate glue + water = 1: 1.5), dry slightly, then moisten with alcohol and set on fire.

    "Orange, lemon, apple"

    Experiment: first, a glass of potassium dichromate solution is shown to the audience, which orange color. Then, alkali is added, the “orange juice” turns into “lemon juice”. Then the opposite is done: from " lemon juice"- "orange", for this a little sulfuric acid is added, then a little hydrogen peroxide solution is added and the "juice" becomes "apple".

    "Wound Healing"

    There are three vials on the table: “iodine” (FeCl3 solution), “alcohol” (KCNS), “ living water» (NaF).

    Here's another fun for you.
    Who gives a hand to cut off?
    It's a pity the hand is cut off,
    Then you need a patient for treatment!
    We operate without pain.
    True, there will be a lot of blood.
    Every operation requires sterilization.
    Help assistant
    Give me alcohol.
    One moment! (gives alcohol- KCNS)

    We will smear with alcohol plentifully.
    Don't turn around, patient
    Give me the scalpel, assistant!
    ("scalpel" - a stick dipped in FeCl3)

    Look, straight in a trickle
    Blood flows, not water.
    But now I'll dry my hand -
    Not a trace of a cut!
    "iodine" - FeCl3 solution, "alcohol" - KCNS, "living water" - NaF.

    "We are wizards"

    "Colored milk".

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"Entertaining experiments in chemistry"


in chemistry for children

Target: show interesting experiments in chemistry


    to interest students in the study of chemistry;

    to give students the first skills in handling chemical equipment and substances.

Equipment and reagents: chemical beakers, conical flask, metal stand, porcelain cup, crystallizer, knife, metal tray, test tube stands, test tubes, matches, tweezers, pipettes, handkerchief; water, dry fuel, 3 tablets of calcium gluconate, potassium carbonate, ammonia 25%, hydrochloric acid (conc.), phenolphthalein, sodium metal, alcohol, stationery glue, ammonium dichromate, potassium dichromate, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride solutions ( III), KCNS, sodium fluoride.

Event progress

Chemistry is an interesting fascinating science. With the help of chemistry, our life becomes more interesting and diverse.

Without the chemistry of life, believe me, no
Without chemistry, the whole world would become dim.
With chemistry we drive, live and fly,
We live in different parts of the Earth,
We clean, we wash, we remove stains,
We eat, we sleep, and we walk with hairstyles.
We treat with chemistry, glue and sew
We live side by side with chemistry!

Although there are no miracles in the world.
Chemistry provides the answer.
“There are miracles in the world.
And, of course, they can not be counted!

But before proceeding to the practical part of the event, listen to comic safety regulations.

Entering our chemical office,

Don't break teachers' advice:

And even if you're not a coward,

Do not taste the substances!

And don't think about sniffing them.

Understand that these are not flowers!

Take nothing with your hands

You'll get burned, blisters!

Tea and delicious sandwich
Very much asking in your mouth.
Do not lie to yourself -
We can't eat or drink!
This, friend, is a chemical cabinet,
There are no provisions for food.

Let the roach smell in the test tube,
In the flask - like marmalade,
Do not taste the substances!
Even poison smells sweet.

In the chemistry classroom

Lots of stuff:

cones, test tubes,

Funnel and tripod.

And you don't have to pull.

In vain pens

And then you spill it by accident

Valuable reagent!

"Pharaoh Serpents"

In India, in Egypt, you can watch snakes dancing to the tune of spellcasters. Let's try to make the "serpents" dance, only we will have fire as a caster.

An experience: put a tablet of dry fuel on the stand, put 3 tablets of calcium gluconate on it and set it on fire. A light gray mass is formed in the form resembling snakes.

"Smoke Without Fire"

The old saying goes "There is no smoke without fire", let's check it out.

An experience: (The experiment must be carried out in a well-ventilated room or in a fume hood) pour potassium carbonate into a large flask (300-500 ml) so that it covers its bottom with an even layer, and carefully pour 25% ammonia solution to wet it. Then slowly (be careful!) pour a little concentrated hydrochloric acid into the flask (white "smoke" appears). What do we see? There is smoke, there is no fire. You see, in life there is no smoke without fire, but in chemistry it happens.

"Flame on the Water"

Can you cut metal with a knife? Can he swim? Can water burn?

An experience: add phenolphthalein to a cup of water. Cut off a piece of metallic sodium or lithium and carefully place it in water. The metal floats on the surface, the hydrogen ignites, and the resulting alkali causes the water to turn crimson.


Mighty nature is full of miracles,
And on Earth they are subject to her alone
Shining stars, sunsets and sunrises,
Gusts of wind and sea surf ...
But we, now you will see for yourself
Sometimes we also have miracles.

An experience: pour ammonium bichromate on a tray, add alcohol, set fire to it.

"Fireproof Scarf"

Remember magic items from fairy tales ( children's answers).

Our flying carpet has flown away
We also don't have a samobranka,
There is a handkerchief, it will now burn,
But, believe me, it will not be able to burn.

An experience: soak a handkerchief in a mixture of glue and water (silicate glue + water = 1: 1.5), dry slightly, then moisten with alcohol and set on fire.

"Orange, lemon, apple"

And now the next magic, from one juice we get another.

An experience: first, a glass with a solution of potassium dichromate, which is orange in color, is shown to the audience. Then, alkali is added, the “orange juice” turns into “lemon juice”. Then the opposite is done: from “lemon juice” - “orange”, for this a little sulfuric acid is added, then a little hydrogen peroxide solution is added and the “juice” becomes “apple”.

"Wound Healing"

There are three vials on the table: "iodine" (FeCl solution 3 ), "alcohol" (KCNS), "living water" (NaF).

Here's another fun for you.
Who gives a hand to cut off?
It's a pity the hand is cut off,
Then you need a patient for treatment! (the bravest boy is invited)
We operate without pain.
True, there will be a lot of blood.
Every operation requires sterilization.
Help assistant
Give me alcohol.
One moment! (gives alcohol- KCNS) We will smear with alcohol plentifully.
Don't turn around, patient
Give me the scalpel, assistant!
("scalpel" - a stick dipped in FeCl 3 )

Look, straight in a trickle
Blood flows, not water.
But now I'll dry my hand
Not a trace of a cut!
"iodine" - FeCl solution 3 , "alcohol" - KCNS, "living water" - NaF.

"We are wizards"

And now you yourself will become wizards. We will now conduct an experiment.

"Colored milk". I suggest you get blue milk. Does this happen in nature? No, but you and I will succeed, only you can’t drink it. We merge copper sulfate and barium chloride together.

Dear Guys! So our miracles and entertaining experiments ended. We hope you liked them! If you know chemistry, it will not be difficult for you to unravel the secrets of "miracles". Grow up and come to us to study this very interesting science - chemistry. See you soon!

A chemist is a very interesting and multifaceted profession, uniting many different specialists: chemical scientists, chemical technologists, analytical chemists, petrochemists, chemistry teachers, pharmacists and many others. We decided to celebrate the upcoming Chemist's Day 2017 together with them, so we chose some interesting and impressive experiments in the field under consideration, which even those who are as far from the profession of a chemist as far as possible can repeat. The best chemistry experiments at home - read, watch and remember!

When is Chemist's Day celebrated?

Before we begin to consider our chemical experiments, let us clarify that the Chemist's Day is traditionally celebrated on the territory of the states of the post-Soviet space at the very end of spring, namely, on the last Sunday of May. This means that the date is not fixed: for example, in 2017 Chemist's Day is celebrated on May 28th. And if you work in the field chemical industry, or you study a specialty from this area, or are otherwise directly related to chemistry on duty, which means that you have every right to join the celebration on this day.

Chemical experiments at home

And now let's get down to the main thing, and we begin to perform interesting chemical experiments: it is best to do this together with young children, who will definitely perceive what is happening as a magic trick. Moreover, we tried to select such chemical experiments, the reagents for which can be easily obtained at a pharmacy or a store.

Experience No. 1 - Chemical traffic light

Let's start with a very simple and beautiful experiment, which received such a name by no means in vain, because the liquid participating in the experiment will change its color just to the colors of the traffic light - red, yellow and green.

You will need:

  • indigo carmine;
  • glucose;
  • caustic soda;
  • water;
  • 2 clear glass containers.

Don't let the names of some of the ingredients scare you - you can easily buy glucose in tablets at a pharmacy, indigo carmine is sold in stores as a food coloring, and you can find caustic soda in hardware store. It is better to take containers tall, with a wide base and a narrower neck, for example, flasks, so that it is more convenient to shake them.

But what is interesting about chemical experiments - there is an explanation for everything:

  • By mixing glucose with caustic soda, i.e. sodium hydroxide, we obtained an alkaline solution of glucose. Then, mixing it with a solution of indigo carmine, we oxidize the liquid with oxygen, with which it was saturated during the transfusion from the flask - this is the reason for the appearance of green color. Further, glucose begins to work as a reducing agent, gradually changing color to yellow. But by shaking the flask, we again saturate the liquid with oxygen, allowing the chemical reaction to go through this circle again.

How interesting it looks live, you will get an idea from this short video:

Experience No. 2 - A universal indicator of acidity from cabbage

Children love interesting chemical experiments with colorful liquids, it's no secret. But we, as adults, responsibly declare that such chemical experiments look very spectacular and curious. Therefore, we advise you to conduct another "color" experience at home - a demonstration of amazing properties red cabbage. It, like many other vegetables and fruits, contains anthocyanins - natural dyes-indicators that change their color depending on the pH level - i.e. the degree of acidity of the environment. This property of cabbage is useful to us in order to obtain further multi-colored solutions.

What we need:

  • 1/4 red cabbage;
  • lemon juice;
  • baking soda solution;
  • vinegar;
  • sugar solution;
  • drink type "Sprite";
  • disinfectant;
  • bleach;
  • water;
  • 8 flasks or glasses.

Many substances on this list are quite dangerous, so be careful when doing simple chemistry experiments at home, wear gloves, goggles if possible. And do not let children get too close - they can knock over the reagents or the final contents of the colored cones, even want to try them, which should not be allowed.

Let's get started:

And how do these chemical experiments explain the color changes?

  • The fact is that light falls on all objects that we see - and it contains all the colors of the rainbow. Moreover, each color in the spectrum beam has its own wavelength, and the molecules different shapes, in turn, reflect and absorb these waves. The wave that is reflected from the molecule is the one that we see, and this determines what color we perceive - because other waves are simply absorbed. And depending on what substance we add to the indicator, it begins to reflect only rays of a certain color. Nothing complicated!

A slightly different version of this chemical experiment, with fewer reagents, see the video:

Experience number 3 - Dancing jelly worms

We continue to do chemical experiments at home - and we will conduct the third experiment on all our favorite jelly sweets in the form of worms. Even adults will find it funny, and children will be completely delighted.

Take the following ingredients:

  • a handful of jelly worms;
  • vinegar essence;
  • ordinary water;
  • baking soda;
  • glasses - 2 pcs.

When choosing the right candies, opt for smooth gooey worms, without sugar sprinkles. So that they are not heavy and move more easily, cut each candy lengthwise into two halves. So, we begin interesting chemical experiments:

  1. Make a solution of warm water and 3 tablespoons of baking soda in one glass.
  2. Put the worms in there and hold them there for about fifteen minutes.
  3. Fill another deep glass with essence. Now you can slowly throw the jelly into the vinegar, watching how they begin to move up and down, which in some ways looks like a dance:

Why is this happening?

  • It's simple: baking soda, in which the worms are soaked for a quarter of an hour, is sodium bicarbonate, and the essence is an 80% solution of acetic acid. When they react, water, carbon dioxide in the form of small bubbles, and the sodium salt of acetic acid are formed. It is carbon dioxide in the form of bubbles that surrounds the worm, rises up, and then falls when they burst. But the process is still going on, causing the candy to rise on the resulting bubbles and descend until it is complete.

And if you are seriously interested in chemistry, and want Chemist's Day to become yours in the future professional holiday, then you will probably be curious to watch the following video, which tells in detail about the typical everyday life of chemistry students and their exciting educational and scientific activities:

Take it, tell your friends!

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