Will there be civil shipbuilding? How to revive civil shipbuilding in Russia.

landscaping 22.09.2019

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pashin V.M.
for the journal "Metals of Eurasia"

Maritime activity has always been and remains a profitable business. The cost of chartering ships that transport goods by sea annually amounts to 230-250 billion dollars. The cost of fish and seafood harvested annually from the sea ranges from 35 to 40 billion dollars. No less profitable is offshore oil and gas production, estimated at $80-100 billion. These figures should be supplemented by the market of shipbuilding products, the volume of which is 70-80 billion dollars a year.

In addition, vigorous activity at sea ensures the transport and economic security of the country, especially in the presence of separated enclaves, makes it possible to solve geopolitical problems and brings additional jobs, increasing employment. All together explains the reasons why the world's leading countries are paying Special attention development of national shipbuilding industries, which are the main suppliers of technical means for maritime activities.

The Russian shipbuilding industry has vast experience in building ships and vessels of all types and purposes. Speaking on the pages of the Eurasia Metals magazine, I want to take the opportunity to emphasize that the Russian metallurgical industry traditionally has a reliable partner in the shipbuilding industry, which provides our plants with unique high-strength and non-magnetic steels, titanium alloys and other world-class structural materials. Shipbuilders are one of the main consumers of metallurgical products in the domestic market, and the prospects of the metallurgical industry also depend on how Russian shipbuilding develops.

AT modern conditions the possibility of a large-scale entry of Russian shipbuilding products to the world market is associated with the need to solve a number of problems.

Their essence is as follows. Shipbuilding is a very specific area. Accumulating in its products the achievements of a large number of related industries (metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, etc.), shipbuilding simultaneously stimulates the development of these industries and their achievement of a high scientific and technical level. We can say that, on the one hand, shipbuilding is an indicator of the level of development of the state economy, on the other hand, it is a stimulating link economic development. The creation of one job in shipbuilding entails the emergence of 4-5 jobs in related industries. But characteristic features industry are also the high science intensity of ships and vessels, the length of development and construction cycles, the high capital intensity of the industry's products, the need to purchase a significant share of component equipment abroad.

Understanding this underlies the attitude towards national shipbuilding in the leading maritime countries of the world. The construction of ships all over the world is carried out using bank loans with subsequent repayment of the loan from the income received from the operation of the ship. Such a system makes it possible to attract investments in shipbuilding and, despite large investments frozen for a long time, to carry out the construction of ships.

In addition to using a special credit system for the construction of ships, the shipbuilding industries of foreign countries receive direct financial support from governments. The main purpose of supporting the shipbuilding industry is to enable national shipyards to successfully compete with shipyards in other countries due to artificially maintained low prices for ships under construction.

Government assistance to national shipbuilding industries is provided through direct subsidies for shipbuilding; providing easier conditions for lending and tax breaks; placement of government orders for the construction of civilian ships at national shipyards; debt relief; providing financial assistance for the modernization and reconstruction of shipyards, as well as for R&D, etc.

International agreements within the framework of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is fighting for equal conditions in the competitive struggle in the market of shipbuilding products, have adopted uniform lending standards for all shipbuilding countries (loan amount - 80% of the price of the vessel at 8% per annum, term - 10 years ), as well as state support for shipbuilding is allowed - partial subsidizing of the cost of building a vessel in the amount of 9%. However, in the competition for orders to build ships, most countries violate these agreements. For example, in Japan, national shipowners are given a loan at 5% per annum, Spain provides loans in the amount of 85% of the cost of the vessel, and the USA - 87.5% and for a period of 25 years, etc. The governments of Japan and Germany provide national shipyards with subsidies of up to 30% to compensate for the difference in shipyard costs and the market prices of ships, in Spain - up to 19%, and in Italy - up to 13%. In many countries, customs duties on imported ship equipment have been significantly reduced, and in China and Poland they have been abolished altogether. In addition, in China, the state regulates the price of steel and ship equipment. Such active government support for shipbuilding allowed China to take the third place in the world in terms of shipbuilding output.

In the US, there is a system of protectionist laws in support of national shipbuilding. These are, in particular, the Jones Act, according to which coastal and inland transportation in the United States can only be carried out on ships built in the United States and flying the US flag, as well as the Shipping Act of 1936, as amended in 1993. It should be noted here that when In the early 1980s, President Reagan canceled all shipbuilding incentives; civil shipbuilding in the United States practically ceased to exist. Its revival required the adoption in 1993 of President Clinton's ten-year program "Revival of the National Civil Shipbuilding", which provides for a number of benefits in the field of lending for the construction of ships, as well as direct subsidies from the budget for certain works.

In our country there is no system of crediting the construction of ships. Russian banks give loans for a maximum of two years and at least at 15-20% per annum, which makes it economically unprofitable to build ships in Russia at the expense of loans from Russian banks. If, however, loans from foreign banks are used for these purposes, then in order to obtain such a loan, it is necessary to provide guarantees either from the state or Russian banks recognized in the West, which is very difficult to do.

In addition, foreign banks provide loans, linking them with a mandatory order in the West for ship components, thus providing work for their own industry.

Another important factor hindering the expansion of shipbuilding by Russian shipowners at Russian shipyards is the exorbitant tax pressure, which leads to the fact that the cost of ships built at Russian shipyards is 15-20% higher than the cost of similar ships ordered abroad. Thus, in 2001 Russian shipowners had to pay approx. $14 million with a total volume of sales of transport and fishing shipbuilding products on the domestic market of $120 million, i.e. the increase in the cost of ships due to the additional tax burden amounted to 17%.

Large taxes and customs duties on imported ship components have led to the fact that every year Russian shipyards, instead of building fully equipped ships, are increasingly switching to the construction of bare hulls. If in 1999 only 7 hulls were built at Russian shipyards, then in 2001 there were already 44 hulls, which were then towed for subsequent completion and saturation with equipment to foreign shipyards.

In order to change the situation that has developed in Russian shipbuilding, it is necessary for the state to take urgent measures, to pursue an active protectionist policy in relation to national shipbuilding.

Everyone knows about the powerful state support for the domestic automotive industry, an industry in which we lag behind the world level in all respects. Nevertheless, the state found an opportunity to support it by making the products of this industry competitive at least in the domestic market. Shipbuilding, on the other hand, is an industry whose products are in demand and have breakthrough technologies. Our products are bought. If the industries are created similar to the economic conditions accepted in world practice for work, we will be able to annually export civilian ships for $600-800 million and warships for $2.3-3.0 billion.

Russia, three-quarters of whose borders are maritime, carrying out more than 60% of the export-import cargo turnover by sea vessels and actively developing oil and gas production on its own sea shelf, like other countries, must provide support for its national shipbuilding.

One of the main reasons explaining the need to support Russian shipbuilding is that the Russian merchant and fishing fleet are on the verge of complete extinction, which entails enormous economic damage, and also negatively affects national security.

Russia has always been among the leading maritime powers. Today, it has practically lost this meaning. The domestic fleet has been completely ousted from the transportation of Russian foreign trade cargo. In 2001, courts under Russian flag transported only 4% of the 250 million tons of foreign trade cargo that passed through domestic ports, while in the 80s they transported up to 65% of such cargo, providing the state with up to 3 billion dollars a year. There is a lot of talk today about civil aviation. The fact is that Russia has practically lost this market. The damage from the ban on domestic-built aircraft flying abroad is estimated at $1 billion. But why do we not pay attention to the loss of at least the indicated $3 billion a year from the charter of ships, giving foreigners the transportation of almost all of our foreign trade cargo. From year to year our fleet is decreasing both in quantity and in tonnage. Average age ships flying the Russian flag has reached 20 years. There is, perhaps, no such old fleet in any country in the world. Today, the volume of construction of civil ships in Russia does not ensure the replacement of the natural aging of the domestic fleet. Thus, in 2001, only six sea transport vessels were built compared to 35-40 sea vessels built annually earlier. Required lifting capacity sea ​​vessels required for the development of the projected volume of Russian cargo transportation for the period up to 2010 is estimated at 8 million tons, which requires the construction of more than 300 ships of various types, including ships with a deadweight of more than 150,000 tons.

In order to reverse the existing negative trends, it is necessary to ensure the accelerated replenishment of the merchant fleet with modern ships by creating conditions for their cost-effective construction at domestic shipyards.

Even worse is the situation with the replenishment of the fishing fleet. In the fishing fleet of Russia, the number of vessels has sharply decreased, the annual volume of fish catch has decreased almost four times from 11 million tons in 1989 to 3.8 million tons in 2000. The average per capita consumption of fish products in Russia has decreased in recent years from 20.3 kg to 7-8 kg. Over half of the vessels of the fishing fleet require replacement due to exceeding the service life. The replenishment of the fishing fleet is proceeding at an extremely low rate. In 2001, for example, only seven fishing vessels were built with a total deadweight of just over two thousand tons. In the years preceding the collapse of the USSR, over 100 units with a total deadweight of more than 90 thousand tons were built annually. the use of foreign loans, according to the Accounts Chamber, brought nothing but financial losses for Russia.

At the beginning of 1999, the State Fishery Committee proposed new concept development of fisheries in the Russian Federation. According to this concept, the fishing fleet should provide the following volumes of fish catch in the forecast period: 2005 - 4770 thousand tons, 2010 - 5190 thousand tons, 2015 - 5500 thousand tons. To date, proposals have been developed for the type of fishing vessels that should most effectively, with maximum economic return, provide the predicted catch volumes. By 2010, more than 1,000 fishing vessels of various types will need to be built according to tentative calculations. However, the current economic incentives are unlikely to bring shipowners to domestic shipyards, and as a result, the projected catch volumes will remain in the category of projects.

An extremely important area of ​​the domestic civil shipbuilding market in the next ten years will be the creation of vessels and technical means for the development of unique oil and gas fields on the Russian Arctic shelf, estimated at 100 billion tons of oil equivalent. The cost of developing priority deposits is estimated at $15 billion. The development of the Arctic will require the creation of a wide range of transport, service and technical vessels and floating structures adapted to work in harsh climatic conditions. Here the main task is to ensure the placement of the bulk of the work on the creation of this equipment at Russian enterprises, which causes a negative reaction from foreign investors and attempts are being made to divert these orders to foreign shipyards. In our opinion, these vessels and watercraft should be designed by domestic specialists and built at Russian shipyards. By 2012, it is estimated that 12 - 13 unique production platforms, 8 - 9 line icebreakers and a support fleet will need to be built.

One of the ways that can solve the problem of the revival of the merchant and fishing fleet of Russia, ensuring the competitiveness of Russian shipbuilding products on the world market, is the adoption of the State Duma draft law "On the creation of economic conditions for the renewal of the fleet of ships Russian fleet and their construction."

The draft law provides for subsidizing by the state of part of the interest rates on loans from domestic banks, bringing the level of interest rates of domestic banks to the level accepted throughout the world, and providing state guarantees for loans from foreign and domestic banks for the construction of ships at Russian shipyards for Russian shipowners. This will ensure an influx of investments in shipbuilding, increase the volume of shipbuilding and the tax base, create prerequisites for the development of not only shipbuilding, but also shipping, industrial fishing, oil and gas production on the sea shelf, such industries as machine-building, electrical engineering, metallurgical and a number of other industries, will increase the country's defense capability.

The adoption of the draft law would create economic conditions comparable with foreign ones for the construction of ships for the needs of Russia at Russian enterprises, the preservation, development, and effective use of the high production, scientific, technical and export potential of the Russian shipbuilding industry, and an increase in the number of jobs in shipbuilding and related industries and will also ensure the preservation of the country's defense capabilities.

Strengthening domestic civil shipbuilding will also strengthen Russia's position in the world military shipbuilding market. Today, Russia's quota in this market is about 10% of the world portfolio of orders with real growth prospects up to 30 - 35% for the entire range of products and services without exception.

Another important feature of work in civil shipbuilding is a very promising and already established abroad tendency to transfer the achievements of civil shipbuilding to the military. The 140-150 times greater global tonnage of civil ships compared to the navy, its many times more intensive operation, higher safety standards and the unconditional requirement for the competitiveness of civilian ships in the market caused a significant revision of the standards of military shipbuilding in the leading maritime powers in the direction of borrowing civic experience. Unfortunately, we do not pay due attention to this serious problem.

However, support is one side of the problem, and the other - and most important - is to ensure the competitiveness of shipbuilding products. It is necessary to ensure that the demand for these products is determined primarily by their high quality, i.e. technical level and perfection. The latter, as is known, is a derivative of the scientific and technical potential of the shipbuilding industry.

Russian shipbuilding today consists of 170 enterprises of a number of sub-sectors in the following specialties:

  • shipbuilding and ship repair - 65 enterprises;
  • ship engineering and electrical engineering - 43 enterprises;
  • marine instrumentation - 56 enterprises,
  • other specializations - 6.

Enterprises and organizations of the industry are located in all administrative districts of the Russian Federation: the North-West, the Center and the Volga region, the South, the Urals and Siberia, the Far East.

At present, the industry can build vessels and ships of all types with a maximum displacement of up to 100 thousand tons. Among the enterprises of the industry are such industrial giants as FSUE "PO" Sevmashpredpriyatie", OJSC "Baltiysky Zavod", FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" and OJSC "Severnaya shipyard".

The number of employees in the industry has stabilized and now stands at about 220,000 people.

The basis of the scientific and technical potential of the shipbuilding industry is 56 research and design organizations specialized in the main areas of R&D and design work:

  • shipbuilding and shipbuilding - 21;
  • marine instrumentation - 22;
  • ship engineering and electrical engineering -13.

The status of the State Scientific Centers of the Russian Federation was given to the Central Research Institute. acad. A.N. Krylov, Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus", Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, Central Research Institute "Elektropribor", Acoustic Institute named after N.N. Andreev, Central Research Institute "Gidropribor", and NPO "Aurora" and NPO "Granit" received the status of the State Research and Production Centers of the Russian Federation.

The total number of scientific workers in the shipbuilding industry as of the beginning of 2002 is about 30,000 people.

It should be noted that the current growth rate of production in the military-industrial complex, including shipbuilding, is 1.5-2.0 times higher than the national average. Since 1998, the shipbuilding industry has managed to increase production volumes by more than 1.5 times. This was achieved despite the fact that the volume of output under the State Defense Order over the previous 10 years has decreased many times over, and the industry enterprises participating in the State Armaments Program have been experiencing underutilization of weapons production capacities throughout this period and military equipment. The growth in volumes was achieved mainly due to an increase in the production of products supplied to foreign markets. In the next 10 and even 15 years, it is the world market that is and will be a lifeline that allows maintaining the minimum required technological level of the military shipbuilding industry, behind which an irreversible process is inevitable.

Assessing the current state of domestic shipbuilding, one cannot help but see positive changes compared to the first post-Soviet years.

Further revival of shipbuilding and expansion of its segment in the world market system is possible only if the industry is reformed.

A feature of the exclusively shipbuilding sub-sector is the historically established legal disunity between ship designers, on the one hand, and builders, on the other.

For many years, the author has been a supporter of the transfer of working design to factories. Today's conditions dictate even more radical directions - the creation of integrated holding-type structures that allow working for the final result in a single technological chain "research - concepts - design - construction - service". In essence, this is a market option for recreating the interaction between research institutes, design bureaus and factories, i.e. an alternative to the collapsed command-and-control system.

All proposals for reforming it made in recent years have preserved the historically established disunity between the designers of ships and vessels, on the one hand, and the builders, on the other. Although the experience of the whole world and even own experience in ship instrumentation and mechanical engineering they spoke about the opposite.

In our opinion, the main principle of reforming the industry should be the creation of such integrated structures (IS) that could have effective demand, in other words, market segments in which the products of the new IS will be in demand.

This is the triune principle:

  • the created IS itself should be focused on the creation of products that potentially have demand prospects;
  • IS should include all types of enterprises that contribute to the creation of competitive products. And this means that the IS should contain all links of the technological chain: research and conceptual development, design, development of construction documentation, technological preparation of production, construction, fine-tuning and delivery of the ship (vessel), service maintenance;
  • the state, in conditions of low loading with defense orders, must show its will in relation to the concentration of the State Defense Order and the State Order on the created IP.

Another fundamental principle of restructuring should be the orientation of the created IS towards the final product, the implementation of which allows to compensate to the maximum extent the costs of all participants in the process of its creation. Separately created purely research IS, design or factory IS cannot have prospects.

A restructuring concept similar to the considered one has already been implemented in the form of the most competitive shipbuilding concerns in Japan and South Korea, owning almost 70% of the world civil shipbuilding market.

A typical example is the South Korean concern Hyundai Heavy Industries Company, which processes up to 1 million tons of steel per year, produces civil ships, marine mining equipment, bridges, ships and other products and, in addition to experimental base.

It should be emphasized that the products of the shipbuilding industry are ships and vessels of all types and purposes, which are the most complex engineering structures of our time. Due to the specifics, we do not have the opportunity to work out promising scientific and technical solutions on prototypes, as is common in other industries. Relatively speaking, we always work immediately "to the net size". Hence, the enormous role of comprehensive preliminary conceptual developments in shaping the technical appearance of ships and ships of the future, forecasting the needs of the domestic and world markets for ships and ships of various types and purposes, preparing programs for the construction of ships and ships of various types with their binding to specific builders is obvious. .

The industry needs to have a "forward looking" - a head scientific center. In the pre-perestroika period, such a center was the Central Research Institute. acad. A.N. Krylov.

Historically, since its foundation in 1894 in the form of the first experimental pool in Russia, the Central Research Institute named after. acad. A.N. Krylova became the center of concentration of scientific developments and unique experimental facilities in all major shipbuilding areas:

  • hydrodynamics (propulsion, seaworthiness, controllability, etc.);
  • ship propulsion of all types (propulsion, acoustic and strength
  • structural mechanics (static structural strength and strength of ship equipment and mechanisms, structural and armor protection, shock resistance and vibration);
  • ship power and electric power industry, including nuclear, as well as nuclear and radiation safety;
  • acoustics of equipment, mechanisms, ships (methods, calculation, measurements and control, technical means noise reduction, equipment);
  • electrodynamics (methods for calculating and measuring the fields of an electromagnetic group, demagnetization systems and other means of reducing field levels);
  • stealth technologies in the fields of the upper hemisphere (methods of calculation, measurements, means of reducing visibility).

Only in the last 50 years by the Institute:

  • more than 10 thousand models of ships, vessels, facilities and other floating objects were tested;
  • Approximately 7.5 thousand propellers and others
  • strength and vibration tests were performed on more than 15 thousand semi-natural and full-scale hull structures;
  • carried out technical and operational-economic expertise of more than 2 thousand projects developed by the design bureaus of the industry, incl. about 220 submarine projects.

In terms of the concentration of scientific areas and experimental facilities, versatile experience in supporting the design, construction and delivery to the customer of ships and vessels of various purposes and types, as well as highly qualified scientific personnel, the scientific and technical potential of the Institute is unique and the only one in Russia and, first of all, for Navy. Design bureaus-designers and research institutes of the fleet have practically no experimental base. Therefore, neither in previous years, nor today, nor tomorrow, it will be possible to create a ship, a submarine, or other complex marine equipment without using certain areas of the institute's potential.

The Institute has preserved a highly developed Soviet period a scientific direction that provides conceptual developments: forecasting, preparation of shipbuilding programs in parallel with the institutes of the fleet, methods for assessing military and economic efficiency, technical and economic analysis of the work of Sudprom, examination of all projects, etc. Figuratively speaking, the main task of this direction can be called the implementation of "targeted work ", especially significant in the era of a sharp shortage of funding for the maintenance and replenishment of the fleet. The significance of such studies is also in the fact that they are alternative to similar naval developments and, in essence, are an antitrust tool in the preparation of conceptual solutions.

At the same time, it should be noted that, in fact, in the past 10 years, the potential of the Institute is not fully demanded by the domestic fleet and shipbuilding.

Speaking about the significant underutilization of the potential of the Institute and other shipbuilding research organizations in the interests of the domestic fleet, it should be noted that it was the scientific and technical potential that became a lifeline that made it possible to fit, albeit with difficulty, into the world market of experimental and theoretical research, into the problems increasing the competitiveness of civil fleet ships and developing offshore fields, and other science-intensive problems, even of a non-shipbuilding profile.

It would be possible to continue the list of problems accompanying, by the way, not only shipbuilding, but also other industries. These are the problems of personnel, the interaction of science and industrial enterprises, product quality, renewal of fixed assets, etc. However, the main thing is that maritime activities are profitable, but we have not yet fully realized the need and conditions for obtaining this benefit.

About how things are today with the "citizen", said
Evgeny Nikolaevich, at first glance, the industry has everything to solve the problem: the Russian civilian fleet needs new ships, and USC enterprises are quite capable of building them.

And there is. The average age of Russian vessels is thirty-eight and a half years, while the standard life of a vessel is about thirty. In reality, it is usually extended through repairs and modernization, but the economic efficiency of operating the old fleet decreases more and more over time: ships need constant repairs, fuel consumption increases. This applies to both transport and passenger ships. And passenger ships in recent decades in Russia were almost not built. Over the past decade and a half in the transport fleet, the number of technical parameters ships exceeded the number put into operation thirteen times. So new ships are very much needed. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation estimates the need for inland water transport for the next eight to ten years at about 100 billion rubles. (this is more than 80% of the domestic market).

Yes, renewal is necessary and inevitable, and USC has the production resources to increase the pace of production: the necessary capacities are available at the Sevastopol Marine and Amur Shipbuilding Plants, in the KSNG Group in Astrakhan (the Lotos plant), at the Khabarovsk plant, the Krasnoye plant Sormovo. The USC shipbuilding cluster in the northwest has great potential. However, the solution to this problem depends on many factors. And from state policy, and from shipowners, and in general from the state of the economy. Shipowners need, for example, a guarantee of the cargo base. Should earn recycling grants.

Is the money being invested in the Russian shipbuilding industry today enough?

The state helps us a lot, especially the Ministry of Industry and Trade. There are support measures that both USC and other companies use, but nevertheless, we do not expect a huge amount of money to be injected into the shipbuilding industry. This requires the economy as a whole to function well. The fleet grows and strengthens if there is a need to constantly transport something: people, cargo ... Investments go into the construction of specific ships. Our main sectoral tools for attracting money are leasing programs.

USC is actively implementing a ship leasing program. It is supported by the state, and during its implementation until 2030, 130 different vessels of mixed, "river - sea" navigation with a total cost of more than 86 billion rubles will be built. This will make it possible to fulfill the consolidated long-term plan for orders for ships and marine equipment of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2017–2030.

How loaded are the "civilian" shipyards of USC today?

Our main "civilian" factories in the class of vessels "river - sea" - "Krasnoe Sormovo" and "Lotos". For them, it is optimal to build twelve to fourteen ships annually. It is fourteen orders that Krasny Sormovo will be working on in 2017-2018. I note, by the way, that the cost of river-sea vessels is much lower than that of technically sophisticated icebreakers and seismic survey vessels. Therefore, for one plant, fourteen orders will provide a good load, and for another, five will be more than enough.

Today we are witnessing the development of domestic tourism, including water tourism. Our river cruises are becoming increasingly popular among foreigners as well. And river cruise ships, as you said, also mostly have a very respectable age ...

Alas, yes. The average age of Russian cruise ships is forty-two years. It turns out that there are more and more tourists every year, and there are fewer ships that can satisfy the growing demand. Moreover, when designing and building existing domestic cruise ships, the requirements of international conventions (SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78, etc.) were not met, which does not allow them to obtain international certificates confirming the possibility of operating and transporting passengers. As a result, there are no offers on the market of sea and river cruises for previously very popular routes between the ports of the Black, Azov, Baltic and Caspian Seas.

What cruisers are currently being built at USC factories?

Shipyard "Lotos" is building a cruise ship "river - sea" for 310 people for the Moscow River Shipping Company. It is planned that it will be used on long-distance cruise lines Moscow - Astrakhan, Moscow - Rostov-on-Don and Moscow - St. Petersburg with passages along the Ladoga and Onega lakes. The second ship is being built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant for the Vodohod shipping company. Its passenger capacity is slightly larger: 340 people. It will run along the lines Moscow - Astrakhan and Moscow - St. Petersburg.

These vessels of the PV300 and PV300VD projects are being implemented as floating hotels with balconies, terraces, pools and sun awnings on the upper, “sunny” deck, forward viewing salons. There is a restaurant on board, the number of seats in which is equal to the number of passengers, conference rooms, bars, a children's room, a beauty salon, a souvenir kiosk, a fitness center, and an outdoor solarium. And what is especially important for people with handicapped all conditions will be created there: elevators connecting all decks, special toilets, extended walkways, no obstacles when moving in wheelchairs.

Projects are complex. A cruise ship this type can be called innovative, because such vessels have not been built in Russia for half a century. In its development, new design solutions are used. For example, full-turn rudder propellers are used as a propulsion complex - previously they were not widely used on passenger ships. The vessel meets strict environmental requirements: at a relatively high speed, it has low noise. The level of automation is completely new. The ship is equipped with modern navigation aids, but the crew is small.

From year to year, the share of Russian equipment on our ships will increase
USC Vice President for Civil Shipbuilding Evgeny Zagorodniy

Of course, many issues arise during construction, primarily technical ones, but they are successfully resolved. And I can report that customers of the first vessels of the PV 300 project have already received requests for the construction of additional vessels of this project.

Although it is still premature to talk about system loading with such orders, we are moving forward in this direction. Of course, we are focused primarily on popular and inland waterways, but among our new projects there are quite exotic ones. For example, on the basis of an ice-class rescue vessel, we have developed an arctic yacht that is able to overcome ice fields up to the North Pole during the season and from which you can dive under the ice on a submarine. There is also a demand for such tourism, and it is increasing.

If we talk about civil shipbuilding, we cannot help but recall that today there are two topical issues on the agenda: the development of the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route. And USC is also building icebreakers...

You are right, in the last decade the Arctic has become an object of close attention, which is due to the geopolitical interests of the key powers of the region, and the volume of potential energy resources, and, in addition, the capabilities of the Northern Sea Route - after all, this is the shortest sea route from Europe to Asia. Of course, it has its own specifics: navigation there lasts from two to four months, but we are quite capable of increasing the time of piloting ships.

The United Shipbuilding Corporation has all the necessary competencies, including engineering, to create icebreaking vessels, as well as marine equipment for exploration and development of deposits on the Russian Arctic shelf.

We have unique technologies for building an icebreaking fleet, accumulated over many decades, and in addition, we build both offshore equipment and service vessels.

The construction of icebreakers is currently underway at the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg - these are project 22220 nuclear-powered ships, and at the Vyborg Shipyard - diesel-electric icebreakers. But in principle, many other USC shipyards can also build ice-class vessels. The key enterprises of USC - primarily Sevmash and Zvyozdochka with branches in Murmansk - are located in the polar region and are staffed by highly qualified specialists in the field of shipbuilding.

Modern icebreakers are very different from those built decades ago. During their design, great amount research work. In particular, for the icebreaker "Arktika" there was a need

in the creation of new low-temperature steels. And we got them. Technical solutions were found for transferring the electric propulsion system from direct current to a variable. A new generation of propulsion motors and converter technology has appeared. For the first time in the history of icebreaking, an icebreaker emergency run system was created in the event of a nuclear reactor failure. All these and many other innovative solutions are already being used on a series of Project 2220 nuclear-powered ships.

We are preparing to implement unique projects in the Arctic region, such as the construction of an ice-resistant fixed platform for the Kamennomysskoe Sea field and the construction of the second stage of the Arctic LNG-2 gas liquefaction plant.

In the medium and long term, we expect the participation of our design bureaus and enterprises in the implementation of the Iceberg project - where we are talking about providing under-ice drilling.

We also consider it necessary to join such promising direction in import substitution, as the creation and production of elements of underwater production systems. This is a difficult task, and it can be solved only by joining the efforts of oil and gas companies, specialized machine-building enterprises of the shipbuilding industry and executive authorities.

Another important direction for the corporation - the construction of fishing vessels. How does it work?

In the recent history of Russia, there have been no transfers to the customer of fishing vessels built at domestic shipyards. However, in November last year, the Vyborg Shipyard signed contracts with the Arkhangelsk Trawling Fleet for the construction of the second four new generation trawlers-processors of the ST 116 XL project (the first four were ordered in March 2016). And in December - with "Nord Pilgrim" for the construction of two fishing trawlers. In addition, last year, under a contract for the construction of three trawler-seiners between the Yantar Baltic shipbuilding plant and the fishing collective farm named after. Lenin, the first two ships of the SK-3101R project, Leninets and Komandor, were laid down.

We are preparing to implement unique projects in the Arctic region
USC Vice President for Civil Shipbuilding Evgeny Zagorodniy

According to the Federal Agency for Fishery, more than thirty applications for the construction of new vessels under investment quotas are currently being prepared. We are talking about both already concluded contracts and those on which negotiations with shipyards are still ongoing. The target term for the construction of the trawler according to the developed project is two years.

And then it is a ship completely ready for operation?

Yes, of course, we make turnkey ships. As for fishing vessels, Russian customers still prefer to take on foreign projects - Norwegian ones, for example. But at the same time, we use only domestic rolled metal products and design documentation of domestic bureaus. The equipment is supplied to the vessels both Russian and foreign. While the share of foreign, unfortunately, more.

I want to note that there are no strict restrictions regarding the saturation of ships with exclusively Russian equipment. In addition, there is another side of the issue: we are forced to state that in this particular place the domestic manufacturer has not yet developed all the necessary competencies. For example, we still have to buy trawl complexes and fish factories in Norway. The situation is similar with general ship systems.

At the same time, many foreign companies are ready to localize the production of general ship and special equipment in Russia, both in the form of final assembly and in the mode of production of some units. The problem is in the psychology of the customer, who is not yet ready to fully switch to domestic products.

In June of this year, a large round table was held with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and almost two dozen large companies, at which it was planned to change the import substitution program in the direction of further increasing Russian content in the construction of civilian ships.

From year to year, the share of Russian equipment on our ships will increase. One of the key factors for this is serialization. An illustrative example is the Vyborg plant. A series of sixteen trawlers at this shipyard makes 100% mastery of all the necessary skills and technologies a reality. Gradually, we must reach the production of at least 60% of the content of such ships.

The issue of economic sanctions is closely related to the issue of import substitution. What is the result of their introduction?

In Russia, all the necessary competencies and technologies are sufficiently developed to perform that part of the work that falls on our shipbuilders. At the same time, foreign specialists can, of course, also participate in the creation of the vessel at the stage of commissioning of imported general and special equipment.

I believe that in a strategic sense, sanctions have even played a positive role. Today we are actively engaged in the localization of production in Russia, restoring lost competencies, and conducting a large-scale reconstruction of production facilities. I have already given examples of the introduction of new technologies, the successful solution of pressing technical issues. Slowly but surely, we are becoming more and more self-reliant and independent, and, accordingly, Russia is becoming more and more independent and economically independent.

In conclusion, I emphasize again that for full development civil shipbuilding needs a comprehensive government policy. Investment quotas, utilization grants and the development of leasing programs - only all of this together can create long-term economic incentives for this.

Investments (Between 2008 and 2016)
6.4 billion rubles
USC received from the federal budget for the implementation of leasing projects for sea and river vessels
11.8 billion rubles
totaled the volume of investments in the construction of civil ships

Russia is a country whose territory is washed by the waters of three of the world's four oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. The length of Russia's maritime borders is significantly greater than that of land borders (38.8 thousand km and 14.5 thousand km, respectively), which emphasizes the importance of maritime communications for the development of trade and ensuring the sustainable growth of the country's economy. But it is impossible to achieve this goal without the development of maritime transport and coastal infrastructure based on the achievements of science and technology, expanding the geography of domestic and foreign transportation. Therefore, maritime transport, linking Russia with other states - subjects of the world economy, should become one of the priority sectors of the Russian economy. It is the development of this industry that will help Russia take its rightfully deserved place in the world economy.

Brief outline of the development of shipbuilding in Russia

Development of shipbuilding until 1991

For almost the entire 300-year history of the Russian fleet, there was no marine civil shipbuilding in Russia. The extensive construction of civil courts began in our country only in the mid-1920s. 20th century. For 70 years, domestic civil shipbuilding has passed several stages of its development.

First stage - since the mid-1920s. until the mid-1930s, when the first domestic-built civilian ships were laid down and successfully built at the southern shipyards (in Nikolaev and Sevastopol) and at the factories of Leningrad: timber carriers, tankers, refrigerators, passenger ships, trawlers.

Second phase - since the mid 1930s. and until the end of the Great Patriotic War, when the shipbuilding industry directed all its efforts to creating and maintaining the military potential of the country, building ships and submarines. Civilian ships were practically not built during this period.

Third stage The development of shipbuilding in our country began after the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war in the late 1940s and early 1950s. and was characterized by intensive construction of civilian ships. For 15 years from 1951 to 1965, the volume of construction of sea transport vessels increased more than 4 times, reaching in 1961-1965. almost 1.5 million dwt. During the same time, the volume of construction of fishing vessels has increased by almost 9 times in terms of the number of vessels, and by almost 6 times in terms of total capacity. The construction of new large civil shipbuilding plants in Kerch and Nikolaev began, and most of the Union's shipbuilding plants were modernized. All this contributed to the fact that in the IX Five-Year Plan (1971-1975) a record volume of construction of sea transport vessels was achieved in the entire history of the country, amounting to 215 vessels with a total deadweight of more than 2.7 million tons. more than 750 units with a total capacity of about 650 thousand liters. With. During this five-year plan, the country's first large-capacity vessels for the transportation of bulk and bulk cargoes of the type " Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya» with a deadweight of about 50 thousand tons and supertankers of the « Crimea» with a deadweight of 150 thousand tons. A large series of open-type universal dry-cargo vessels with a deadweight of 13.5 thousand tons were built, which represented a new word in the development of universal dry-cargo ships. In the field of commercial shipbuilding, the construction of a fishing base " East”, the construction of large freezing fishing trawlers of the type “ Horizon" and " Pulkovo meridian”, which were the most advanced mining and processing vessels in the world. In the same period, the construction of the country's first floating drilling rigs of the type " Caspian", icebreaking railway ferries of the type " Sakhalin» and a new generation of passenger hydrofoils. The world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker was built Arctic» with a capacity of 75 thousand liters. With.

Since the mid 1970s. starts gradual reduction civil shipbuilding. In the X five-year plan (1976-1980), the number of built sea transport vessels decreased by 1.5 times, and the total deadweight - by 300 thousand tons to about 2450 thousand tons. The volume of construction of fishing vessels also decreased by the number of vessels by almost 200 units, or by 30%, although the total capacity of the built mining vessels remained almost at the same level due to the construction of large-tonnage powerful trawlers instead of medium-tonnage ones.

During this period, the industry mastered the construction of new ships for it of the type " ro-ro”, among which the most notable was a large-capacity vessel of the type“ Captain Smirnov» with a gas turbine plant with a capacity of 50 thousand liters. with., allowing him to develop an unprecedented speed for civilian ships of 25 knots. The first environmentally friendly tankers with a deadweight of 25,000 tons with a double bottom and double sides, the first combined oil bulkers of the " Boris Butoma» with a deadweight of about 100 thousand tons.

In the XI five-year plan (1981-1985), the volume of construction of sea transport vessels has further decreased by 1.5 times in terms of the number of vessels and by 30% in terms of total deadweight, amounting to 88 vessels with a deadweight of about 1850 thousand tons. During this period, the construction of transport vessels at the Vyborg shipbuilding plant, the production of which is reoriented to the construction of floating drilling rigs and block modules for them. The construction of transport ships at the Baltic Shipyard is being stopped, the Admiralty Shipbuilding Plant is practically ceasing to build civilian ships, civil shipbuilding is being reduced at the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant and at the Northern Shipyard. Among the new types of ships, the production of which was mastered during this period, it should be noted lighter carriers of the type " Alexei Kosygin”, built at the Kherson plant. During these years, the volume of construction of fishing vessels also decreased by about 100 units. and 60 thousand liters. With. total capacity, amounting to 480 vessels with a capacity of about 580 thousand liters. With.

In the XII Five-Year Plan (1986-1990) the reduction in the volume of construction of sea transport vessels at the plants of the industry continued, amounting to only 57 vessels with a total deadweight of about 1500 thousand tons, i.e. by more than 35% of the number of vessels, and by deadweight - by almost 20% . In terms of the volume of transport shipbuilding, the industry was thrown back by 25 years to the turn of 1961-1965. It is true that the volume of commercial shipbuilding has somewhat increased in comparison with the 11th Five-Year Plan, amounting to about 560 ships with a total capacity of about 630,000 hp. With.

During this period, the first nuclear-powered lighter carrier in the Union was built. Northern Sea Route» with a deadweight of 32 thousand tons, icebreaking and transport supply vessels with a deadweight of about 11 thousand tons, ships of the « ro-ro» a new generation with a deadweight of about 12 thousand tons. The period of the 1980s. also characterized by a sharp reduction in the construction of high-speed passenger hydrofoils. If in the 1970s on average, about 35 SECs were built per year with a total passenger capacity of about 3.5 thousand seats, then in the mid-1980s. only 20-25 STCs with a passenger capacity of just over 2 thousand seats were built annually, which led to a sharp aging of the fleet of high-speed vessels and threatened the entire system of high-speed transportation on the country's rivers and coastal areas.

Data on the construction of civil ships in the period from 1971 to 1990 are given in Table. 0.1.1.

Table 0 .1.1

The volume of construction of the main types of civil ships by the plants of the USSR from 1971 to 1990

Vessel type

Five years, years





Sea transport vessels:

quantity, units

total deadweight, thousand tons

Commercial mining and mining and processing vessels:

quantity, units

total power, MW

River and mixed navigation

self-propelled ships:

quantity, units

total carrying capacity, thousand tons

Summing up data on the development of domestic shipbuilding until 1990, it can be stated that during the Soviet era, domestic shipbuilding was one of the most powerful in the world. It provided a third of the world's military shipbuilding, and in the field of civil shipbuilding, the country was among the ten most developed countries in the world. The shipbuilding industry of the USSR annually built ships and vessels for the Navy with a total displacement of more than 300 thousand tons, sea transport ships with a total deadweight of up to 550 thousand tons, fishing vessels with a total main engine power of about 100 thousand kW and a significant amount of various ship accessories.

The shipyards of the USSR built over 50% of the tonnage of the country's marine transport fleet, which ranked sixth in the world, 60% of the fishing fleet, which was the largest in the world, and 80% of the river fleet. Research vessels, floating and fixed platforms for oil and gas production on the sea shelf, as well as various vessels for their maintenance were built.

In most areas of marine technology, our country was at the level of the leading maritime powers, and in a number of areas it was ahead of them. We had a number of priority achievements recognized in the world. These are nuclear icebreakers, ships and hydrofoils and hovercraft, ekranoplanes, etc.

Over the years, the Soviet Union created one of the world's largest fleet of sea transport ships, numbering more than 1800 ships with a total carrying capacity (deadweight) of about 22.5 million tons. The USSR sea transport fleet, ranking sixth in the world, provided 40% transportation of foreign trade goods of the country and almost completely carried out transport support for hard-to-reach areas of the North and the Far East. The world's largest fishing fleet was also created. The river fleet of the USSR had the largest number of self-propelled cargo ships in the world. In addition, a new transport system for high-speed passenger delivery was created on the rivers using high-speed vessels with dynamic support principles.

The share of domestic shipyards in the creation of marine transport, fishing and river fleets is given in Table. 0.1.2.

The network has interesting resource: http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/ru/
On the world map in real (almost) time, ships are displayed that are in the coverage area of ​​​​VHF (ultra-short) communication with the coast. You can see the names of the ships, their TTD and even photos.
But, this is what I ...
Firstly: (I show screenshots to the lazy) - they clearly show that coastal waters are teeming with steamships of various designs, purposes and sizes, resembling traffic jams in megacities in terms of traffic density.

Baltic Sea

Baltic straits

English Channel

A huge number of steamships plow the expanses of the world's oceans. But…
And here - secondly: try to find ships under the flag of Russia. How many found?
Things are even worse with an attempt to find ships built in Russia. Do not search on the specified site, there is no such data. Search online or take my word for it.
Many MARITIME POWERS, taking care of their state, impose restrictions on the import / export of goods on ships flying a foreign flag. Some countries (Korea, China) have created powerful and productive shipyards over the past 10-15 years. Supplying the whole world with a new modern fleet.
Eh, Pyotr Alekseevich, who cut through a window to the Baltic, would be upset at the current state of the Russian navy (shipbuilding industry, maritime education, maritime science)!

This, I thought to write yesterday. But today the news appeared on the network, which I quote below. God bless the industry! No, not reborn, but born. After all, we have never built good merchant fleet ships in sufficient quantity and assortment. Cruisers, nuclear submarines and icebreakers - yes, but not transport ships.
The only thing left to do is to introduce quotas for import or export (let the economists decide) by ships under the flag of foreign states. And then not only money will go to Russia, but marine science will also be revived.

There is only a small note to the article: they called it “Ship Revolution”, but in the article itself they make a clear distinction - military SHIP building, and civil - SHIP building

On November 7, President D. Medvedev rushed to sign the long-awaited law on support for Russian shipbuilding. The document was ready a long time ago, a year ago it went through all the rounds of approvals in the government and the State Duma. But the presidential signature appeared only now. Now shipbuilders will receive unprecedented benefits, this should revive production. The law is magnificent, if only not to be late. While during the crisis the state flooded banks with money and built castles in the air, shipbuilding abandoned to the mercy of fate almost went to the bottom.

Shores of industry

The shipping law contains all the measures that the shipyards have been begging for at least the last 15 years. The territories of shipbuilding enterprises, in fact, will turn into free enterprise zones. For the next 10 years, they will be exempt from most taxes, including land and property taxes. Zero customs duties on the import of equipment. New Russian vessels will not be subject to income tax when sold. Also in the document are dozens of other indulgences - large and small.

All this should cut the old Gordian knot of Russian shipbuilding at the root. “The exorbitant tax pressure on Russian shipyards led to the fact that the cost of ships under construction turned out to be 15-20% higher than the cost of similar foreign ones,” explains Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Central Research Institute. Krylov Valentin Pashin.

There is a set of problems here. And they have been piling up for a long time. For example, the world's largest shipyards receive 90% of their income from the construction of civil ships. Still: the total tonnage of the world civilian fleet is 150 times higher than the tonnage of the naval fleet. The total price of all peaceful courts is more than 1 trillion. dollars.

But we have a production bias. “There was such a joke that in the USSR there is no shipbuilding, but there is military shipbuilding. The share of civilian shipbuilding began to decline from 1974, gradually decreased, eventually by the 1990s Soviet Union approached the fact that in shipbuilding approximately 92% was represented by a military order, ”says the president of the United Shipbuilding Company Roman Trotsenko.

As a result, only a third of Russian shipyards meet international standards, while the rest have too high energy intensity of production, 50-70% worn-out equipment and outdated shipbuilding technologies. In particular, 15 years ago, the world's largest shipyards switched to the technology of building ships using huge blocks of 2-4 thousand tons each. We don't have such technology yet. The result of the overall lag is obvious: in 2001-2009. Russian shipping companies purchased 143 new sea ships. But only 17 of them left the Russian stocks. River ships in the Russian Federation in these years were not built at all.

A revolution was needed to push the industry out of the hole. It was provided by the law signed by D. Medvedev. The authors of the document expect a global breakthrough. The new tax reality will make Russian ships a bargain. On average, the payback period will be halved - from 20 to 10 years. This should stimulate ship-owning companies, which are still massively delaying the renewal of the fleet. A boom in orders is expected. Thanks to him, by 2020, a hundred shipbuilding enterprises in the Russian Federation will build a thousand new ships, earning 500 billion rubles.

An ocean of turmoil

It is very important that the plan becomes a reality. Because now the question is not about windfall profits, but about the survival of Russian shipbuilding as an industry. A worse year than the current one, shipbuilders did not know for a very long time. Back in 2010, the Accounts Chamber studied the state of the industry. The result - it finished the year in the red, the total loss of enterprises amounted to 54 million rubles. The hole is unpleasant, but not critical. However, in 2011, a real ninth wave rolled onto the shipbuilders. The largest shipyards went bankrupt one after another.

In particular, the shipbuilding empire of the former senator S. Pugachev finally collapsed. He owned Baltiysky Zavod, Severnaya Verf and TsKB Iceberg were on the verge of closing - the owner's debts to banks almost dragged them to the bottom. I must say, the senator went to great lengths: the Baltic Shipyard almost drowned, although he had a large order for the construction of a floating nuclear power plant for Rosatom in the amount of 8.6 billion rubles.

The enterprises that are part of the state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) also got a hard hit. In the summer, the corporation expected the conclusion of 13 very large contracts, but the signing of the contracts was delayed. As a result, in August 2011, the production of new Admiralty shipyards, Sevmash and Zvezdochka. Meanwhile, these three shipyards account for up to 80% of all Russian projects in the field of shipbuilding.

Finally, an unfortunate situation Amur shipbuilding plant Khabarovsk region). The enterprise got into an unusual story. Until recently, its main products were submarines, including nuclear submarines. But the plant is located 600 km up the Amur, and the fairway of the river has changed dramatically in recent years. The depths fell, it became impossible to bring submarines out of the shipyard into high water. As a result, production stopped. The government allocated 9.8 billion rubles. to save a strategically important enterprise. But all the money goes directly to Sberbank, to which the Amur Plant has a huge debt

Thus, the whole year the Russian shipbuilding was battered like a liner caught in a severe storm in the middle of the ocean. The industry did not give up; on the contrary, it fought for survival from last strength! It was in 2011 that our shipbuilders set a world technological record Srednevskiy Shipyard smoldered the world's largest monolithic ship hull made of composite material. Displacement - 1 thousand tons. Another success - a very profitable order from Gazprom for the construction of eight ice-class supertankers fell on shipbuilders. These are not ships - almost floating cities. Finally Sevmash built the world's largest and the first in the Russian Federation ice-resistant fixed sea-based platform for gas production at the giant Prirazlomnaya field. At the same time Vyborg Shipyard gave floating drilling platforms "Polar Star" and "Northern Lights".

In general, the shipbuilders had a hard time. The industry has practically run aground. Without state support- do not go on a new voyage. Required lever &ndash now it is in the form of a law on the support of shipbuilding. belatedly, but the state came to the rescue. According to calculations, at first the aid will cost the state budget 1 billion rubles. lost tax revenue per year. But in eight years, the shipyards will get on their feet and begin to bring large profits. Then the treasury will more than recapture what was lost, and shipbuilders will make up for lost time in more than 20 years. 

Next up is the aviation industry!

Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" began active construction of civil ships in 1924. Since then, the construction of commercial vessels for domestic and foreign markets has been the second main direction of the company's development. The shipyard has built more than 280 vessels for various purposes, including passenger and dry cargo vessels, timber carriers, tankers, fishing and research vessels, container and Ro-Ro vessels, bulk carriers, tugs, supply vessels for offshore drilling platforms, ferries and floating docks.

The first were the passenger-and-commodity refrigerators "Alexey Rykov" and "Yan Rudzutak", built to transport goods and passengers from the Leningrad port to England and back. Both ships were handed over to the customer in 1928. In the period 1927-1930. 4 more motor ships with a more powerful diesel plant were built at the Northern Shipyard.

In the period from 1930-1934, two specialized ships for the transport of timber "Old Bolshevik" and "Murmanles" were built, six dry-cargo ships with a displacement of about 11,000 tons, the first of which dry-cargo ships "KIM" and "Komsomol" opened communication with America.

In the period 1931-1937, 56 fishing trawlers were built at the plant for their use in the northern Far Eastern seas.

In 1936, the first government yacht "Chernomorets" was built.

In the period 1956-1961. a large series (21 vessels) of oil tankers under the project 437N and 437NM for the fishing industry was built at the plant.

From 1957 to 1960, work was carried out to re-equip Finnish-built dry-cargo ships into research vessels "Petr Lebedev" and "Sergei Vavilov".

In 1958, the plant started building a series of passenger ships under project 592 for the Azov-Black Sea and Caspian lines. The lead ship was commissioned in November 1959. In total, 9 such vessels were built at the plant.

For the Lomonosov-Kronstadt ferry crossing, at the end of the 60s, 4 car-passenger ferries were built - an icebreaker according to project 1731.

In 1962, the construction of a series of timber carriers under project 596 began. The vessels were intended to transport timber and packaged lumber from the northern ports of the country with ice conditions. The lead ship was handed over to the customer in June 1963, a total of 22 ships were built. In 1967, two timber carriers "Nevel" and "Borovichi" were converted into research vessels to work with spacecraft.

In the period 1976-1978. at the factory. A.A. Zhdanov, four project 596 timber carriers were re-equipped into floating measuring points for receiving telemetry information from controlled spacecraft and communication with astronauts. The refurbishment project was carried out at the Baltsudoproekt Central Design Bureau. The first ship, Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov, was handed over in December 1976, the second, Cosmonaut Georgy Dobrovolsky, in June 1978, and the last, Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev, in November 1978.

In 1973, according to the project 1877, the government ship "Rossiya" was built for pleasure trips along rivers, lakes, reservoirs without weather restrictions, the ship could also go to coastal sea areas. In 2004-2005 at the "Northern shipyard" was carried out the modernization of this ship.

In the period 1970-1975. two launching docks with a carrying capacity of 10,000 tons were built, project 1769.

In the period 1968-1975. at the factory. A.A. Zhdanov, a large series of dry-cargo vessels of the "Fiftieth anniversary of the Komsomol" type was built according to project 1562 (36 units). The design of the ship was developed by the Baltsudoproekt Central Design Bureau. The vessel was intended for the transportation of general cargo and industrial equipment with a wide range of loading cubic capacity. The lead ship was handed over to the Azov Shipping Company in December 1968.

For the first time in the history of domestic shipbuilding in February 1974, the plant named after. A.A. Zhdanova began building a series of ships (14 units) according to project 1607 with a horizontal method of cargo handling and a bow ramp device unique for its time. The project was developed by Central Design Bureau "Baltsudoproekt". The vessel was designed to transport wheeled vehicles, roll trailers, packaged general cargo, in heavy packages, both on pallets and without them, as well as containers international standard, including 20 refrigerated containers. When performing hull work, for the first time they began to use a mathematical model of the hull using the first-generation domestic computer "Minsk-32".

Further improvement of the vessels of this project concerned only an increase in the length of the hull by 13.1 meters. The lead ship under project 16073 "The Sixtieth Anniversary of the USSR" was built in 1982. A total of 8 vessels were built under this project.

Two Ro-Ro vessels under project 16071 "S. Kirov" and "Pavlovsk" were handed over to the customer in 1989 and 1993, respectively.

In the mid-90s, a series of bulk carriers (6 units) was built at the Severnaya Verf Shipbuilding Plant according to project 15760. The ships were intended for the transport of bulk cargo, including grain, coal, ore, phosphates, lumber, general cargo, containers of international standard, rolled metal.

In the early 200s, a series of four dry-cargo vessels of mixed river-sea navigation with increased carrying capacity of the Valdai type was built at the Severnaya Verf plant according to project 01010. The lead ship, St. Apostle Andrei, was laid down in January 2001, handed over to the customer in November 2002. The remaining vessels of the series entered service in March, November and August 2003.

Today, the shipyard's technological capabilities make it possible to build commercial vessels for various purposes, including icebreakers, with basic dimensions of 170 m in length and up to 28 m in width. Severnaya Verf has the ability to build vessels in large series. Up to 6 ships can be under construction at the same time various projects. The shipyard builds commercial vessels in accordance with the requirements of various classification societies and is licensed for all types of commercial shipbuilding activities.

Main achievement recent years in the field of civil shipbuilding for Severnaya Verf is entering the market for the construction of supply vessels for offshore drilling platforms Western Europe. For the first time in the domestic shipbuilding industry, Severnaya Verf carried out turnkey construction of two supply vessels for offshore drilling platforms for customers from Norway. At the same time, the shipyard has at its disposal proven technologies, special equipment and, most importantly, experience in the full-scale construction of modern ships supplying the IBP, which is practically absent in the domestic shipbuilding industry.

This experience has allowed as soon as possible prepare production for the construction of ice-class supply vessels for the development of the Shtokman and other hydrocarbon deposits on the Arctic shelf by the gas and oil industry. Severnaya Verf successfully participated in the tenders held by Gazprom for the right to build ice-class supply vessels of projects 22390 and 22391. The plant's proposal was recognized as the best among the participants (including foreign ones) who submitted applications.

Currently, Severnaya Verf is building two logistic support vessels with a high ice class ARC4 of project 23120 for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Names of ships: "Elbrus" and "Vsevolod Bobrov".

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