Plans of rooms in guest houses. Guest house: photo and construction technology

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

layout guest house will be different from the layout of the main house. But in rare cases it can be similar if the house is used to receive relatives at any time of the year.

The guest house has minimum set premises, and therefore a large area. As a rule, such houses are built one-story, less often two-story or with an attic. The set of premises will be as follows: a living room, which houses a small kitchenette, one bedroom or no bedroom. As for the dining room, hallway and boiler room, they do not exist at all. Here you can place a sauna or pantry with a separate entrance.

What should be the size of the guest house?

The area depends on the number of guests received and the functional premises that are planned in it. Consider several options for guest houses:

– A small one-storey house with an area of ​​15 – 30 m2. In such a house, you can place no more than two rooms with a bathroom. It is suitable for three people and is usually in summer time of the year.

Cottage area up to 50 m2. Such a house is more comfortable and suitable for living. all year round. It can accommodate up to six people. You can arrange a sauna.

- Mansard or two-storey house area up to 50 m2. This house is more economical in terms of building area and more functional than the previous one. Its layout will be as follows: on the ground floor - a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom and a sauna; on the second - one or two bedrooms.

At the entrance to the guest house, it is necessary to provide a terrace of 10 m2 for relaxation and friendly meetings. On the terrace you can place a barbecue in the living room fireplace or stove. Fire always gives the house comfort, and also increases the lines of operation before the onset of cold weather.

After the construction of the main country house I have left great amount superfluous building materials, which it was decided to put to good use and build another building on the site. Thus a hybrid was born. summer kitchen with a guest house of 15 square meters. The total construction costs (including the cost of "extra" building materials) are approximately 150,000 rubles.

The construction was carried out from shit and sticks using the most modern technologies. The foundation is an insulated Swedish slab without a warm contour. Walls - different sizes aerated concrete blocks with a finished wall thickness of 250 mm laid on mounting foam. Roof - wooden rafters with a continuous crate and a single-layer built-up waterproofing. Construction was carried out extremely slowly and unhurriedly, because. there was no need to hurry.

2. The walls are plastered in the same way as on the main house. Outside - cement plaster Grunband with polystyrene foam balls and thin-layer white cement putty Belsilk. It’s too lazy to paint, the same story with the main house. The insulated base of the UShP must also be closed plastic panels. Wooden structure hemmed the roofs with plastic "soffits". It is also necessary to plaster the junction of the wall and the roof, but the hands will not reach either.

Yes, helpful advice for those who are built from aerated concrete. Never, you hear, never buy a supply of aerated concrete blocks. No 5% margin. All this will remain and then you will puzzle over what to do with it. Block breakage is minimal, stock is not needed, plus consider the multiplicity of delivery by whole pallets (1.4 m3). Ideally, do an orderly block count.

3. Remains from the construction of the main house were used inside. The laminate on the floor fit perfectly, and for the entrance area I bought additional tiles with imitation of laminate for 200 r / m2. The corner sofa, as planned, will be made of two single beds. Gotta sew large pillows for them. On the ceiling is a white-painted lining. The walls are also painted with leftover paint. There is no water supply and sewerage in the house, because. at the time of design engineering systems there was no guest house in the project.

4. An air source heat pump is used for heating - here is this wonderful window air conditioner General Climate consuming 1 kW of electrical energy and producing 2.5 kW of heat. I bought it on Avito for 7 thousand rubles. Of course, the guest house turned out to be not as energy efficient as the main one, after all, the walls are too thin and big square glazing, but it is quite suitable for operation in the off-season.

5. On huge panoramic windows - roller blinds. In the upper left corner exhaust fan. It was possible to use almost all the remnants of building materials from the main construction. After that, I also sold all the unnecessary tools (such as concrete mixers) to Avito, thereby returning part of the investment.

6. All summer we fought with weeds on the site. So far ineffective. There is no time to weed everything all the time. And since a huge number of shrubs are planted everywhere and fruit trees- you can’t just mow everything with a trimmer. In general, there is still work and work. And at this very moment you understand the advantage that we have only 6 acres, not 20. Who would look after 20 acres of land?

I wanted to make an elevator to the roof this season, but he dissuaded me from the green roof, so for now I put a couple there solar panels for experiments with alternative energy. In general, during these two years of construction, we managed to gain invaluable experience with our own hands. And from interesting observations - construction can never be stretched for more than 2 years. During this time, new technologies and materials will appear, and if you have an unfinished house, you will constantly improve it during the construction process for the rest of your life, never finishing it. For now, there is no need to build anything for yourself, but often you have to advise friends and acquaintances.

And as an idea for further self-realization, there was a desire to build an extreme entertainment park, but without a serious investor, one can only dream of this. But in the world there is nothing impossible, the main thing is desire.

Increasingly, we are approached by customers who are interested in guest house projects, both small for temporary residence of 1-2 people, and large: with a sauna, garage, attic. This is convenient when you need to comfortably accommodate relatives or friends who have arrived for the summer, without violating the established lifestyle and habits of the owners.

Under common name often understood as completely different in purpose and size building objects, they can be divided into two types.

    Large brick or frame buildings, one of our best projects— guest house No. 60-68 for 10 rooms with a separate entrance for each room. AT this case, a motel is proposed for it, but it is also well suited for a country residence, where there are many guests at the same time.

    Designs of small guest houses designed for single-family accommodation, which can be built inexpensively. Often such a building combines two functions: a bathhouse is located on the first floor, and living rooms are located on the second.

In the south of the country, in Krasnodar Territory, Crimea houses of the first type are common, they are often used for renting out for the period of summer holidays. More often, such buildings are built from foam concrete (foam blocks), since this is a more economical option compared to brick. An example of an object of the second type is project No. 12-41 in our catalog.

How to choose a guest house project

Regardless of what you plan to build: a guest mini-house or a private mini-hotel, when choosing a project, you need to consider several points:

  • whether it will be designed for year-round operation - the choice of insulation and engineering structures depends on this;
  • comfort level - this implies how many bathrooms, showers should be, how water heating will be provided;
  • what will be more economical - the organization of autonomous communications, or their connection to common system cottage.

Depends on the purpose of the building interior layout, the number of entrances, the arrangement of the adjacent territory. For example, parking lots, recreation areas with a swimming pool and gazebos. Design of engineering systems is carried out on a separate order. The catalog contains basic projects, which can be modified as needed. A standard set of documentation reduces the cost of construction. At the request of the customer, our architectural bureau is ready to develop an exclusive version of any level of complexity.

Projects of guest houses with a bath are among the most sought after in the construction industry. The fact is that guests often come to the residents of the suburbs and there is a need to accommodate them. At the same time, such visits are usually combined with festive events or recreation. Therefore, the combination of such a house with a bath is very appropriate.

Purpose of the guest house

When choosing a guest house project with a bath, you should always remember the main purpose of this building. It consists in the temporary accommodation of the owner's guests. land plot and a country house during their visits to him. Of course, you can also place guests in the main building for a while, but this is not always convenient, as various kinds of domestic issues arise that can greatly spoil a joint outdoor recreation.

There is another way to use the guest house - renting it out. The fact is that the same project of a guest house and a bathhouse with an attic with it allows a person to live around the clock in such a building, while he can wash and use hot water. As a result, the homeowner receives additional income from the rent at a time when his friends and acquaintances are not visiting him.

The guest house is also sometimes used as a place of rest for family members, especially if it is large. So, for example, here you can equip a billiard room, a library or an office of the owner of the house. Such a move allows you to use an empty room during the absence of guests in it, and in the event that they arrive, it is possible to quickly prepare it for their reception.

These features of the guest house must be taken into account when choosing a project. For example, a bath project with a guest house and a veranda will allow you to place both family members and your guests in one place during a joint holiday. Other options for the construction of this building include a combination of it with the same bathhouse, an increased area of ​​​​rooms intended for guests, the presence of a covered corridor connecting the guest house with the main building, etc.

Features of guest house projects

Modern guest house designs are usually categorized based on what material they are made from.

So distinguish houses built from:

  • bricks;
  • profiled timber;
  • tree;
  • foam blocks.

At the same time, it should be noted that among Russians, those architectural projects buildings, which provide for the construction of a building equipped with one of additional features: bath, sauna or barbecue area.

This is due to the fact that the guest house is, first of all, a place of rest, and therefore it should be equipped accordingly.

When choosing suitable option construction, it is always worth remembering that this building is usually built on a small piece of land, so its owner should pay attention to options that involve building on a small piece of land. For example, in this case, a guest house with a bathhouse, 6x8 projects, is suitable.

A house of this size will do its job well, while you can save land for other needs. In addition, it does not make sense to upset your guest house too much, since it is impractical to have two full-fledged residential buildings on the same site.

Popular guest house designs

In spite of a large number of developed standard projects, only a few of them are very popular with homeowners. So, for example, projects of guest houses with a bath from foam blocks in Russia are one of the most popular.

This state of affairs is connected with the fact that such houses are cheap to build, have good thermal insulation performance, and can also be built independently without the involvement of professional builders. In addition, foam blocks are available in almost all regions of the country, as they can be produced right on the spot, and not imported from afar.

The project of a guest house with a block bath may include different variants accommodation interior spaces, as well as facade decoration. This is due to the fact that the foam block is easily processed and combined with almost all types of finishing materials that exist today. In connection with the above factors, guest houses from blocks are practically perfect option for construction.

The second most popular guest house projects are a guest house project with a wooden sauna. Such houses fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the countryside. They look great, hold heat well, and are relatively cheap to build and operate. However, a rather big disadvantage of such houses is a high degree of fire hazard, as well as their susceptibility to decay.

Separately, it is worth mentioning houses built from profiled timber, which have recently become fashionable. The fact is that the project of a guest house and a bath from a log provides for a rather complicated technology for erecting a building from such a material, but buildings from a bar are built very easily. The house made of profiled timber comes in already ready-made as a kit, you will only have to assemble it on the spot, having previously prepared the foundation. This is very convenient when construction time is limited.

Projects of a guest house with a brick bath are also among the three most popular. They are durable, also look great and allow you to realize almost all the wishes of the owner of the household. There are a huge number of options for such houses, ranging from Swiss to high-tech buildings. However, most of them can be built independently in the case when you have an idea about the basic skills of conducting construction works.

Before you fully establish yourself in choosing your project, you need to decide exactly where the guest house will be located on the site. The fact is that the rules of the Fire Supervision provide for the construction of both main and auxiliary buildings at a distance of 6 to 15 meters from the buildings. The immediate distance is determined depending on the fire resistance class of the material used in the construction.

In addition, choosing a project without fail several factors are taken into account:

  1. The entrance to the guest house is not made opposite the doors of the main house.
  2. It will be mandatory to provide for the availability of parking spaces on the site where it will be built.
  3. If you are going to lay the project for its construction in the project for the construction of the main building, it makes sense to design joint communications in order to save on their implementation in the future.
  4. The layout of such a building must be approached, taking into account its features. So, ordinary house for guests, the one-story one has small rooms, and the kitchen and living room are usually combined.
  5. In the event that the use of the premises of the house is planned exclusively in the summer, its walls can not be insulated. If they will live in it all year round, it is worth making the insulation in a standard way.

In addition, a separate recreation area can be distinguished in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis building. It can be fenced or separated from the rest of the site using techniques landscape design.

Location of the bath

It is also worth responsibly approaching the selection of the location of the bath, if you want to build it separately from the house. The fact is that not all householders build rooms for guests, combined with a bath. Some prefer to build it separately.

The advantages of this approach include the ease of construction of such a bath, as well as the absence in guest house various odors associated with stagnation of water in this room. In addition, in this case, you can not worry about connecting it to a centralized sewerage system, but create an autonomous one.

If you decide to equip the steam room along with the main room of the house, then you can do this in several ways. Firstly, it can be a bath with a pool, which is very convenient, since there will be a rest room nearby after taking water and bath procedures.

Secondly, it is worth deciding in advance what this structure will be built from. It would be best if you make it in the same style as the guest house, in which case the whole complex will look good from the outside. In addition, a single construction project can significantly increase the energy efficiency of the building, which will save on its heating.

Thirdly, if there is a natural reservoir nearby, it makes sense to equip a descent to it. Such a step will several times increase the level of comfort when taking bath procedures, and will also allow you not to build an additional pool, spending money on it.

Project ordering principles

Having decided on the project, you can proceed to its order. To do this, you will need to select a contractor who will agree to build you a guest house. The second option is to build it yourself. In this case, in this case, you will need to master at least minimal knowledge in this area.

If you decide to hire a contractor, then the first thing to start with is to find out his reputation. You can do this via the Internet. So, usually serious construction companies have their own websites where they post information and their availability. permits for business in the construction industry. In addition, you can explore forums where customers leave reviews about certain construction companies.

Next, you will need to clarify the cost of the entire construction, taking into account the cost of the project you have chosen. This takes into account not only the price of the work, but also the building material. Usually price finished project is announced immediately, but if you decide to move away from it, you will have to pay extra for your wishes, for example, the construction of a veranda.

Some construction companies offer online calculators for their clients to help them calculate the cost of building a guest house. Besides, this moment You can clarify by calling the manager of the company, who will answer all your questions.

The next step in ordering the project will be the purchase of building materials. Of course, you can entrust this to the builders, but in this case you will not be able to save, and such savings can be 20% of the cost of the entire building. This figure is achieved by comparing the cost of building materials in different hardware stores and buying the cheapest ones.

Sometimes a discount can be obtained directly from the construction company. The fact is that some companies, when ordering the construction of a residential building from them at a good price, offer a bonus - the construction of a house for guests for free. This possibility should be discussed in advance, since after the conclusion of the contract you may not be provided with such a discount.

Having negotiated the price, it is worth moving on to the process of concluding an agreement with construction company. It should contain all the moments of carrying out certain works, as well as the terms of payment for them.

Experienced builders advise making payments in stages, in the course of performing a particular operation. Thus, you can avoid the situation when they take your money and do not perform the work. In addition, the phased payment of works allows you to plan this process, which makes it possible to finance the construction on credit.

It is also worth personally supervising the stages of construction, and not coming when the house has already been built. In this case, you will be able to make some adjustments to the stages of performing some technological operations, or, for example, replace the construction or finishing material another.

The completion of construction will need to be formalized by an act of acceptance and transfer of the erected object, which will indicate that you have no complaints about the quality of the work you have performed. Only after this it will be possible to receive the first guests in it and transfer the amount of the final payment to the contractor.

The company "SeverStroyLes" offers customers to build a guest house on favorable conditions. Buildings of this type, according to their characteristics, have a number of parameters that make them something between a private household and a hotel. Thanks to own production and thoughtful logistics, we offer prices slightly lower than those of competitors. You can order not only standard models, if necessary, the company's employees are ready to work with clients on an individual basis.

Projects and prices for the construction of guest houses

Choosing projects and prices for the construction of guest houses, everyone can be convinced of their low cost. To do this, it is enough to compare products with similar offers from our competitors. On the company's website, you will find both relatively inexpensive projects, as well as large two-story buildings that are more suitable for accommodating guests. Buildings can be equipped with various structural elements - a balcony, a veranda, a terrace and many others. We are sure that you will be able to choose a model that will fully meet your taste and financial capabilities. In cooperation with us you will receive:

  • environmentally friendly building materials, bestowed by nature itself from the depths of the northern forests;
  • the construction of a guest house with a bath is carried out for a minimum period at any time of the year;
  • the possibility of ordering the construction of a variety of areas according to your individual project.

Our company has everything necessary to carry out the construction of turnkey guest houses on time, and with high quality. We employ true professionals who, thanks to many years of experience, know almost everything about wood. When concluding a contract, you can not worry about anything, and our workers will do the rest. They will prepare the foundation, bring a house kit to the site and lay down the frame, wait for shrinkage, carry out external and interior decoration. After that, all you have to do is get the key to the new building - call!

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