Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - ideas and scenarios. What games and competitions to include in the scenario of Cosmonautics Day in the middle and preparatory groups

Landscaping and planning 10.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Scenario sports festival dedicated to the day of Cosmonautics for older children preschool age"Space trip"

Khachko Svetlana Nikolaevna instructor in physical education MBDOU No. 15 "Brook", Berdsk

This development is designed for children of senior preschool age and is intended for physical education instructors and educators of preschool educational institutions.

Target: Development of endurance means exercise mixed nature.

Tasks in the main areas.
- Strengthening of the musculoskeletal muscles.
- expansion and consolidation of children's knowledge about the Cosmos;
- consolidation of motor skills in relay races with different kind activities;
- to cultivate feelings of patriotism and love for our planet Earth.
- to cultivate the desire for physical activity, attention during actions to the signal of the instructor.

Preliminary work:
Hall decoration: photo by Yu.A. Gagarin; illustrations depicting the solar system, a spaceship, an orbital station, an astronaut in weightlessness, an astronaut in a space suit.
Teaching children poems on the topic
Making party invitations for parents

4 racks,
10 hoops,
skittles 12 pieces,
ribbons according to the number of children,
balls according to the number of children,
4 plastic bottles with cut leg hole
2 fitballs,
2 cut plastic bottles with millet,
2 cups
2 buckets
colorful balloons 40 pieces,
two magnetic boards with a schematic representation of the North Star and the constellation Ursa Major.

The course of the holiday.

Leading: Hello dear guests. It is no coincidence that we have gathered in this festive hall today. On April 12, 1961, the first man on our planet, Yu.A., flew into space. Gagarin.

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Singing songs about it
spring drops
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.
(V. Stepanov)

No time to play today
We are busy with other
Planets are unusual
We work together.
Let them spin in space
Rockets are flying towards them!
The brave astronauts
Playing kindergarten.

We are brave pilots
We want to become faster
In real rockets
We will fly into space.

Above us the stars are bright
Burn up in the sky
Russian flag raise
On Mars and the Moon.
(Y. Serpina)

Leading: Guys, you all know that we live on planet Earth. The Earth is a huge ball floating in the boundless expanse of the Cosmos. Space has always interested man. Is it important to know if there is life anywhere else? There are still a lot of mysteries in the Cosmos ...

Leading: Do you guys want to be astronauts?
What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, educated, smart, hardworking, courageous, courageous, stubborn, hardy).
If you try hard
If you really want
Can you go up to the sky
And reach the sun
And seriously, not pretending,
Get to know the moon
Walk around it for a bit.
And return home again.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We invite all girls and boys to take a trip into outer space.
There are 2 crews at our cosmodrome today - "Mir" and "Comet".
Hoops are laid out on the floor in two lines. Hoops are compartments of the ship.

Motto of the astronauts:
To control a rocket
You need to be brave and strong
The weak are not taken into space
After all, flying is hard work!

Leading: Cosmonauts, equalize, quietly. March around to the left.

Rocket launcher game.

Waiting for us fast rockets (Walking on toes)
To travel to planets. (Walking on heels)
What we want (Tilt down, spread your arms to the sides)
Let's fly to this one. (straighten up, hands behind back)
But there is one secret in the game (hands behind head)
There is no room for latecomers! (Sit down, back straight)

With the end of the words, the children scatter and take up rockets in pairs - hoops.
The Fairy Stargazer enters.

Fairy Stargazer: Hello children. I am Fairy Stargazer. I love watching the stars, the Sun, the Moon and other planets. To do this, I have many different instruments: a telescope, space probes, binoculars, etc. I spend a lot of time near the radio telescope. With it, I travel the planets. Guys! And where are you going? Take me with you.

Leading: Good! In order not to get lost in outer space, we will mark our path with stars, and the Stargazer Fairy will help us with this.

Fairy Stargazer: I know everything, everything, and the biggest star - the Polaris! I will put it on your star maps for you. (attaches to magnetic boards). Knowing its location, it is easy to navigate in outer space, you can even find the constellation Ursa Major. Do you want it to shine on your star maps? Then you must try by doing space trip. For completing the task, I will give you a star.

Leading: Crew prepare for flight. Please put on space suits and go to your rockets. Hands are our seat belts.
Crews ready? Fasten seat belts. Earth, permission to take off? Let's start the countdown 3-2-1 Start (in chorus).
Flight Director (call signs): "Mir", "Comet", takeoff allowed!

Leading: 3,2,1, start! Let's fly! The music of the Spaice band sounds
We got into weightlessness (WARM-UP under the soundtrack).
You did the warm-up very cleverly, for which each team receives a star. Fairy Stargazer gives the stars.

First stop on the moon. (Show the picture posted on the wall).
1. What is the Moon? (Earth satellite)
2. The moon is larger or smaller than Earth, and the Sun?
3. Why does the moon seem larger than the stars? (Close to Earth)
4. What light will the moon fly off? (reflected)
The moon has uneven surface, it is difficult to move along it, moon rovers will help us. Teams take starting positions.

1 Relay.
"Ride on moon rovers." Lunokhod - 5L plastic bottles with a hole cut out for the leg. Put the moon rovers on your feet, walk with a wide step to the rack and back.

Leading: We return to the rocket. I propose to make a space trip to the planets located closer to the Earth. Our planet is the third from the Sun. We fly to the second planet from the Sun - Venus. (musical accompaniment sounds). Fasten seat belts. Venus is the hottest planet surrounded by a dense atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.
I'm going to land. Unfasten the straps. We move around the planet by jumping, as the planet is very hot. Help us - "Venerobols".

2 Relay.
"Veneerball jumping". Jumping on balls - fitballs.

Fairy Stargazer gives the stars.

Leading: We continue the journey. We fly to the planet Mars. Children stand in columns, join hands above their heads. (musical accompaniment sounds). In the night sky, the planet appears red because it is covered with red sand, and there is so much sand that all the rivers have dried up from it. Let's help the planet by collecting red sand. Landing.

3 Relay.
"Let's move the Martian sand." There are empty containers near each team. At the counter in transparent plastic jars, is red-colored, millet. A child with a glass runs to the counter, picks up "sand", resorts to the command and pours it into a container. Pass the cup to the next person.

Leading. We continue the journey. We take missiles. ( Musical accompaniment). We fly to the planet Mercury. This is the closest planet to the Sun, this planet has no satellites. During the day, the planet is hot, and at night it can be freezing rain. A lot of meteorites fell on Mercury yesterday, let's remove them to make it easier to explore the planet.

4 Relay.
"Remove space junk". Each team collects the colorful balls scattered around the hall into their basket. Fairy Stargazer gives the stars.
Now you are waiting for an intellectual task.

Riddles from the fairy - astrologer.
The biggest and hottest star in the universe? (Sun)
Earth's natural satellite? (Moon)
A man who flies into space? (Astronaut)
What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship)
Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin)
What was the name spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day)

Fairy Stargazer gives the stars.

Leading: Our journey continues.

5 Relay.
"Let's assemble satellites with magnetotrons."
Running in a hoop, you need to collect the entire crew one by one.

Fairy Stargazer gives the stars.

Competition "Collect the big bear."
Guys, how many stars did you collect during your trip! Let's make a star map, on which we will return home. Children collect the Big Dipper. The Astrologer Fairy hands over the last star from the constellation.

Leading: Thank you fairy. You have been a great help to us. And it's time for us to return to Earth. The star map will help us. (Musical accompaniment). We successfully landed on our home planet. So the space journey ended, we returned home, to the best of all planets, the planet Earth.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory,
Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!
(Ya.L. Yakim)

Song "Planet of Children" children perform.
(lyrics by V. Kuznetsov, L. Shilov, music by N. Berestova)

Leading: You have made wonderful astronauts. Now I want to give you a gift, a sweet prize.

April 12, 1961 was the day that marked new round in the development of science and technology. Decades before, scientists different countries developed projects for space rockets - aircraft that help people go into space. Before that, in 1951, the first attempt was made to send dogs into space, however, the ship with the animals did not reach orbit - the dogs returned to earth. Later, after several more rocket launches with dogs on board, the world-famous successful flight of Belka and Strelka followed. Shortly before Yuri Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut in 1961, a monkey monkey from the United States put on a spacesuit. In addition to these amazing flights, history knows the adventures of French astronaut cats and even ... turtles! In addition to mammals, various insects, plant seeds, algae, microorganisms managed to visit the orbit. The first person to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut. Since it was our country that was able to successfully send a person to outer space, for decades we have been celebrating April 12, 1961 as Cosmonautics Day. This day is celebrated annually throughout Russia. In schools and kindergartens there are holidays dedicated to space and everything related to astronautics. Together with the parents of the children, the educators draw up scenarios for holding this holiday in the middle, senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten turns for little boys and girls into a real intergalactic adventure.

An amazing holiday for Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenarios for the April 12 event for children

The holiday for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten can be spent in different ways. Older children and preschoolers will be interested in a thematic conversation, the purpose of which will be to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about everything related to space. Showing slides during the conversation will help the children understand how people came up with the idea of ​​​​building the first aircraft. Boys and girls are told about the role of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Queen in the development of space shipbuilding. Of course, the monologue of a teacher or an invited guest, even if “flavored” by showing amazing pictures, would be boring, especially if such a story would last for a long time. That is why the script for holding Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten includes songs and poems about space. The children themselves read and sing them. The more children are involved in the organization of the holiday, the more interesting it is on April 12 in the kindergarten!

Ideas for Cosmonautics Day in Kindergarten - Scenario "Great Space Journey"

According to the "Great Space Journey" scenario, the host opens the holiday. He talks about why April 12 is called Cosmonautics Day. The facilitator briefly tells the children the story of launching animals into space. Boys and girls are looking at photos of Strelka and Belka. Perhaps some of the boys and girls have already watched a full-length Russian animated film about the adventures of dogs in orbit and their training. However, the presenter can inform the children that at the end of the matinee they will watch this funny cartoon. It is necessary to include the children's performance with poems and songs about human spaceflight into space in the scenario of the celebration. For this, 7-14 days before the "Great Space Journey", the teacher distributes to the children pieces of paper with poems about the brave cosmonauts, about the first flight around the Earth of Yuri Gagarin. As it was reported to the children at the very beginning of the holiday, the matinee on April 12 ends with watching the cartoon "Squirrel and Strelka".

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - Matinee scenario for the middle group

AT middle group kindergarten children 4-5 years old are not yet able to memorize poems well. However, at this age, children are happy to take part in various skits. Since the kids still cannot maintain attention for a long time, listening to the teacher or the leading matinee, dedicated to the Day cosmonautics, the script of the holiday should include many short numbers - poems, dances, songs, skits. The children will also be interested in a quiz - answers to questions about space and astronauts. Among other things, each of the kids, own will, can tell everything he knows about rocket flying. The scenario for holding the Day of Cosmonautics in the middle group of the kindergarten may include holding sporting event. Boys and girls already know that only the strongest and most trained people are taken as astronauts. The competition for the fastest, most dexterous and flexible will appeal to all the guys without exception! Since space is always associated with mysteries and mysteries, children can organize a "meeting with aliens."

Holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group - Scenario "Meeting with aliens" in kindergarten

Spending Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of the kindergarten, it is not necessary to tell the children about the development of space shipbuilding for a long time and in detail. Kids 4-5 years old are much closer to the idea of ​​​​everything magical, mysterious and unfamiliar, connected with space. Of course, they already know that life is possible on distant planets. Boys and girls secretly hope to meet aliens, see a UFO, a flying saucer. If the most active parents of children are involved in the preparation of the holiday, they will be able to play the role of space aliens. Mothers can sew astronaut costumes for their children - “spacesuits”, and educators and fathers will dress up as alien guests. In this case, small children become spectators of the big show "Meeting with aliens." Of course, some of the children will recognize their father or mother in the strangers asking questions to kindergarteners, but it will still be fun!

"Alien" greeting

Coming to you from afar
We are with Bim Bim
Villager planets
A TV show came to us
What do you have here merry and congratulations

Is this a guest here?
You look and stunner
Pretty and smart
What do we wish them?

Wish we are kind
Wish the big man
To long not an old man
And a big wallet

We would sit with you
But we need to fly away
To the planet bim-bonyako
wish you good luck
And cosmic energy fuels you
Goodbye, goodbye!!!
Fly away!!! Fly away!!!

Holiday Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenario for the preparatory group

The topic of space flight is always interesting for young children. Indeed, in childhood, not only boys, but also girls dream of becoming astronauts, going on a long journey to the stars and, perhaps, meeting representatives of alien civilizations there! The teacher, having connected the parents and older brothers and sisters of the children to the preparation of Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, can independently prepare a presentation on the history of human spaceflight. To increase children's interest in the topic of astronautics, adults responsible for holding the event collect materials about space in advance - photographs of astronaut animals, illustrations, posters, photo albums with pictures of the conquerors of interstellar space. The children are told about the first "flying" heroes of fairy tales and legends - the Little Humpbacked Horse, Icarus, flying carpets.

Holiday for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group - Scenario "I want to become an astronaut"

Preschoolers of 6 years already perfectly memorize poems and actively participate in all events in honor of the holidays with pleasure. The children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten can be offered to hold matins "I want to become an astronaut." It is necessary to include sports competitions for children, quizzes, competitions in the script of the matinee. The games and relay races included in the holiday script will bring great excitement to the matinee. For example, in the middle of an activity, children can be divided into two teams. Each of these teams is given a set of constructor with large parts. Children competing with each other must build a rocket. Members of the winning team are always awarded homemade medals (for example, "Best Spacecraft Designer" or "Future Astronaut").

Scene "I want to become an astronaut"

Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair next to it.

LEADING: Every boy dreams, of course,
That someday he will fly into space.
And the boy Seryozha was no exception,
I decided to be an astronaut when I grow up.

The boy Seryozha comes out to the middle of the hall.

SEREZHA: The astronauts are lucky,
Fly into space every day
Count the stars, walk on the moon...
As much as I would like to.
I want to become an astronaut
I'll grow up and fly into space!

HOST: But first you need to know
What does it take to become an astronaut?

Seryozha approaches dad.

SEREZHA: I'll ask my dad. Dad, tell me
What does it take to become an astronaut?

PAPA: Cosmonauts have their own, special regimen.
Charging every day, and on time they go to bed.
It's very important for health
This special regime must be observed.
Jogging, push-ups, squats,
Cold water pouring.
At least start with this.

SEREZHA: Well, this is a couple of trifles.
I am ready to do the charging.
And go to bed by the hour.
All this I can do myself.

PAPA: Well, son, since you are ready,
Let's get started today.

LEADING: All day he worked with dad,
And squatted, and did push-ups,
Washed with cold water,
And even lifted the bar.
He jumped, ran and jumped.
And terribly tired in the evening.

Papa and Seryozha pantomime exercises, running, wiping with water, etc.
At the last words of the host, Seryozha sits wearily on a chair.

PAPA: Are you so gloomy, son?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

SEREZHA: Now I understand - this is not an easy job.
Space fly.
I did not change my mind about becoming an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such space loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course I won't be discouraged
I will develop strength in myself,
Exercise in the morning
And go to bed on time.

LEADING: All the boys dream of space,
They read books about space.
In the sky the stars are studying
They dream of becoming astronauts.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten, senior and preparatory groups can turn into a fun and memorable event if it is prepared in advance. We are sure that our ideas for spaceflight matinee scenarios will help you spend April 12 a real holiday for children.

tutor of the first qualification category Zhukova T. B. MBDOU kindergarten No. 27 "Birch" of the general developmental type

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Expand and deepen children's knowledge of space.
  • Continue to acquaint children with the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day and the heroes of space.
  • To teach children to be proud that the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, was a Russian person.
  • To consolidate the ideas of children about outer space, about the planets of the solar system.
  • To cultivate respect for the profession of an astronaut and pride in our great country, which was the first to send a man into space and for the people who glorified Russia.
  • To bring children to an understanding of such moral and strong-willed qualities as perseverance, fearlessness, which help to become a famous person.
  • Continue learning to answer questions using different kinds simple and complex sentences.
  • To cultivate mutual assistance, friendship, organization in sports games, as well as the ability to work in a team, coordinate their actions.

Dictionary Enrichment:

Cosmonautics, astronaut, solar system, planet names: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Orbital station, orbit, telescope, atmosphere, weightlessness.


The hall is decorated with stars, portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin,

V. Tereshkova, S. P. Korolev, K. Tsiolkovsky, rocket drawings "East" , solar system, planet earth. Game tables, 4 baskets, Balloons 20 pieces, 2 rackets, 2 pairs of fins, 2 spoons, 4 plates, 20 colored stones, a spinning ball, chips for the jury, team emblems, team neckerchiefs in two colors, space rocket parts, 2 rocket diagrams, cards with letters, envelopes, 2 magnetic boards, hourglass.

Preliminary work:

Talk about astronauts solar system, planets. Examining illustrations about space. Reading "Starfighters" from the story of V.P. Borozdin, "Road to Space" from the story of Yu. A. Gagarin. Lotto, dominoes about space, watching DVD movies "Journey to Mars" , "The Secret of the Third Planet" , "What the Stars Say" . Drawing and modeling on the topic "Space" , application "Alien" , making, together with parents, crafts on the topic "Space trip" . Participation in the competition "Great Space Journey" in MBDOU "TsRR-d / s" Lastochka " Star City. Test cosmonaut O. G. Artemyev was invited to the lesson, with whom we corresponded during his stay in space.

Video support:

Presentations "Our amazing planet» , "Space trip" ,

slide show "How they live on the ISS" .

Musical accompaniment:

  • "Gravity of the Earth" words by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov.
  • Space music performed by the band "Space" .
  • "Our Happy Crew" music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.
  • "Big round dance" music B. Savelyeva, sl. L. Rubalskaya.
  • Music screensavers for games.

Lesson progress:

The hall is dim, a video appears on the screen "Our Amazing Planet" . The song sounds "Gravity of the Earth" the words

R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov. Children come out, they have emblems with the names of teams on their chests, scarves are tied. Children perform musical rearrangements. At the end of the music, line up in a semicircle.

1 child:

For many centuries, earthlings have dreamed
Conquer the heavens
Like birds fly and the wind
And rush to the stars in a rocket.

2 child:

And then came the 20th century.
Man made a dream come true.
The whole world spread the news:
There is the first man in space!

3 child:

Man in space!
Man in space!
This message flew over the planet!
Man in space!

Man in space!
How long have we all dreamed about this!

4 child:

His soul aspired to the sky,
A smile, to match the sky,
Well, it was so good
Which appealed to all peoples.

5 child:

He was the first, which means a hero,
Conquering extraterrestrial space,
He put his native house in the palm of his hand,
Having examined all the details of the decoration.

6 child:

The country rejoiced, buzzed:
- Returned from orbit Gagarin!
And spring was shining everywhere ...
The whole world was grateful to him.

7 child:

Glory to Gagarin!
All our people rejoice.
Half a century has passed since then.
And now the man can't be stopped.

8 child:

Space stations operate for six months.
And a lot of people have already been in orbit.
Both scientists and tourists.
Progress is going very fast.


Here are our children dreaming
Rush to the stars in a rocket.
And let's just play for now
But today we will also visit space.

Children sit on chairs to the music.


Guys! We have gathered in this hall, which today is so unusually and festively decorated. Do you know what holiday our country will soon celebrate? That's right, Cosmonautics Day!

What is astronautics? (Astronautics is the science of space flight.)

What is space? (This is all space outside the Earth.)

Space is a boundless space, which a person will explore as long as he lives on this Earth himself, until all his inquisitiveness and curiosity runs out.

Probably, there is not a single person on Earth who has not admired the stars at least once. The mysterious world of stars and planets has long attracted the attention of people, attracted them with its mystery and beauty. Space has always been interesting to people, and how many secrets, mysteries it contains for people! After all, you really want to know, for example, is there life on some other planet? And what do its inhabitants look like? I also wanted to see what our planet Earth looks like from a great height. First, people invented airplanes and helicopters and began to fly in air shell Earth.

What is it called, guys, who will tell you? (Atmosphere). Correctly. But planes could not fly to other planets. Why do you think? (There is an attractive force on Earth that they cannot overcome.) People didn't stop there. Space beckoned them. And they began to dream of inventing a machine that would take them to other planets. Remember who invented the rocket engine? (It was the designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.) People of many countries thought about flying to other planets. But, it was in our country that a man first flew into space.

And who was this person whom the whole world remembers? (children answer).

Yes, that's right: it was our pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. All the people of the planet know this day - the day when the first man went into space. And we are proud that this day, this holiday was opened by our country, Russia! The 108 minutes spent by the first cosmonaut in space paved the way for other space explorers.

Comprehending the Cosmos, humanity has something to be proud of. Who will name these great achievements of earthlings?

Suggested responses from children:

Valentina Tereshkova is the world's first female cosmonaut on planet Earth. Man's exit into outer space. It was the Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Launch of artificial earth satellites. American astronauts flew and landed on the moon.

The most powerful Hubble telescope was launched into Earth orbit, which allows scientists to make new discoveries and obtain images of deep space. The launch into orbit of an orbital complex, to which astronauts arrive and work for a long time. Aircraft reached the planet Mars. The rover managed to make many discoveries, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Red Planet. Preparations for the flight of people to Mars.


Yes, guys, and this list of achievements is constantly updated with new discoveries. Let's plunge into this amazing and mysterious world.

Show presentation "Space trip" .


Guys, did you like the movie? Would you like to become a detachment of young astronauts? Well then!

To become an astronaut
You have to make an effort:
Start the day with a charge
Study well!

The ship can take
Only strong, dexterous.
And that's why you can't
Here without training!

Attention! Young cosmonauts: equal - quietly! By the first space training - transgress!

Fizminutka "Cosmonauts"

We will try very hard (children make jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)
Play sports together:
Run fast like the wind (Run on toes)
Swimming is the best in the world. (Do strokes with hands)

Sit down and get up again (squat)
And lift dumbbells. (Straighten bent arms up)
Let's be strong and tomorrow
All of us will be taken as astronauts! (Hands on the belt)

Well done! At ease!

What kind of profession is this - an astronaut, what qualities does it require from a person? What kind of person can become an astronaut?

(Strong, courageous, dexterous, courageous, decisive, persistent, intelligent, inquisitive.) That's right guys! When a person has such qualities of character, then he will be respected and loved. Being an astronaut is an honor, of course it is difficult, but also very interesting! I want to introduce you to a test cosmonaut who recently returned from an orbital ship, it was to him in space that we wrote a letter and sent photographs of the exhibition of our space crafts. Meet Oleg Artemyev.

We invite the astronaut to the center of the hall. The boys prepare a chair and a table for him. The girls give him flowers.

Oleg Artemiev:

Good afternoon guys!

(A story about weightlessness, space food, about a spacewalk, accompanied by a slide show.)


Oleg Germanovich, the guys and I learned a lot about space, but they have more questions that they would like to ask you. Guys, you have such an opportunity to get answers to what you are most interested in. Ask questions please!

Children ask questions to the astronaut. He, during the conversation, also asks questions to the children.

Oleg Artemiev:

You are really great, you already know a lot about the Cosmos, and I think that you can be enrolled in the school of young cosmonauts.


Well, then I invite you guys to the astronaut school. And you, Oleg Germanovich, are invited to the jury to evaluate today's tests.

Here today two space detachments will compete in strength, dexterity, speed, courage. Meet!

Background music sounds, the children go to the center of the hall. Perform a song "Our Happy Crew" music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.

1. As we run out into the courtyard on the field of the cosmodrome,

Let's get down to business together.
From the swing near the house you need to make a simulator,
You have to get used to weightlessness.
Chorus: If we want to go into space, then we will fly soon.

ours will be the most friendly,

our happy crew!

2. If we do not have a spacesuit to go flying,
We can make it ourselves.
Glass from an old headlight for a spacesuit will do for us,
and cardboard box- too.

3. We are cookie salad, candy vinaigrette
Instead of pasta, they filled a tube.
And, of course, an invitation to a space lunch
The very first received our Tuzik.

4. Why are we not astronauts, if each of us
Do you even dream about the orbital complex?
And we agree even tomorrow, even today, even now
Ride a rocket into space.

Host: Captains, introduce your teams.

space squad "Comet" .

Motto: U "Comets" there is a motto - never fall down!

space squad "Rocket" .

Motto: "We are the Rocket team" we will fly to any planets!

The jury will evaluate today's tests at the cosmonaut school. (Introduction by the jury, which takes its places.)

For each correctly completed task, the team will receive a chip, whoever has more of them - that team wins.

Now attention!

Captains, come to me and take the envelopes from the table.

1 task.

Letter cards in envelopes.

Teams will have to lay out the names of their ships while the sand flows in the hourglass. Let's start the countdown!

Conclusion: The astronaut must be "ATTENTIVE, SMART, LITERAL"

2 task:

Remind me, what is the name of the condition in which a person and objects around him lose weight? (Weightlessness.)

Our contest is called "Weightlessness" . Each team's players receive balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: The astronaut must be FAST, SKILLY

The game "Bouncers" .

Guys, now I'll test your ingenuity. Sometimes people like to exaggerate everything, and they are called braggarts.

Let's play a game "Bouncers" .

Once an alien flew to Earth and began to show off his planet:

Our planet is the most beautiful.
Children: And ours is even more beautiful.
We have the deepest seas.
Children: - And we have even deeper.

Our mountains are the highest.
Children: - And ours are higher.
Our rivers are clean.
Children: - And ours are cleaner.

Our bread is delicious.
Children: - And ours is tastier.
- Our apples are sweet.
Children: - And ours are sweeter.

Well done boys! I see that you love your planet very much!

3 task:

Before launching a rocket into space, scientists design and draw up schemes of spacecraft, and design engineers assemble them according to the drawings. This competition is called "Design department" . You will be given a scheme-plan for building a rocket. Each player takes one part at the start and builds a rocket, strictly adhering to the scheme. Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must BE ABLE TO WORK IN A TEAM, TO BE SMART

4 task:

Would you like to see other planets?

But in order to travel to the planets, you need to know the conditions that await us on their surface. In the next contest we will test what you know about the planets.

How many planets are in the solar system?

How are planets different from stars?

What is the name of the planet closest to the Sun? (Mercury)

Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus)

What planet is called "blue" ? (Earth)

What planet is called "red" ? (Mars)

What is the largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter)

Which planet has rings? (Saturn)

Which planet rotates when lying on its side? (Uranus)

Who will name the eighth planet from the Sun? (Neptune)

5 task:

Preparing for a flight into space, an astronaut goes through a survival school in difficult, unforeseen situations. He must be able to do everything, even the unexpected. Our next contest is called "Move your flippers" ! The player must put on flippers, run to the finish line, overcoming obstacles, remove them, and pass them on to the next player.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: The astronaut must be HARD, READY TO OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES.


Our competition has come to an end. We ask the jury to evaluate today's tests.

The floor is given to the jury. As a result of the competition, friendship should win.


Guys, let's stand in a big circle and see what I have in my hands (children's answers). Yes you are right. This is a globe, a model of our planet. Earth is a beautiful planet full of wonders and mysteries. People, animals, plants live on Earth, all of them should be fine, and people should take care of nature. See how beautiful our planet is. She is also called "blue" planet. Why do you think? (Children's answers.) That's right, there is a lot of water on Earth. So that such beauty does not die, one must carefully treat it.


"There is one planet - a garden,
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds, calling migratory.

Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies only here
They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other similar one!


Guys, let's wish our Planet all the best!

(Musical composition by M. Dunayevsky sounds "The wind of change" . Children, holding a globe, express their wishes. The globe is passed around.)


Take care of your planet, Earth!
Love her and appreciate her.
Protect her, protect her
Don't hurt anyone!

Children sing a song "Big round dance"

(music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by L. Rubalskaya)

1. We were born into the world,
To live happily.
To play together
To be strong friends.

To smile at each other
Give and flowers
To be fulfilled in life
All our dreams.

Chorus: So let's arrange
big dance,
May all the people of the earth
They will get into it with us.

Let it sound everywhere
Only joyful laughter
Let the song become without words
Understandable for everyone.

2. We want to roll
In the green grass
And watch them float
Clouds in blue

And into the cool river
Dive into the summer heat
And catch in the palms
Warm mushroom rain.

3. We were born into the world,
To live happily.
So that flowers and smiles
Give to each other.

For sorrow to disappear
The trouble is gone.
To the bright sun
It always shone.

Oleg Artemiev: You have shown yourself to be brave, strong and friendly guys. This was the first cosmonaut. I'm sure when you grow up, one of you will be in the astronaut corps.

For your efforts, all participants are awarded certificates "Ready to become an astronaut" and commemorative ribbons with space symbols. (Presentation of memorable gifts.)

I wish you always remain so cheerful, be inquisitive, study well at school and become good people in the future.


Time has flown by so imperceptibly
And it's time to say goodbye to friends.
Everything in our life is so fleeting
Have time to live your life not in vain!

Dream, create, play, make friends,
Let the boundless distances beckon you all.
The world is endless and unexplored
Many discoveries are waiting for our guys!

Children and the astronaut make a memorable photo.

April 12 is celebrated in our country Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our planet was shocked by unexpected news: "Man in space!" The dream of people to fly into space has come true. On an April morning, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. The flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes.

The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its obscurity. People dreamed of learning about space as much as possible. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, moon rovers ..

Let's teach children about space and astronauts so that they have an idea

It is good if parents read books about space with their children, show pictures, look at the globe of the starry sky. You can play space-themed games with children, read and learn poems about space, guess interesting

Teaching kids about space

Planets and stars

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. Also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge balls of light. is also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we can see it and feel its heat.

We see the stars only at night, and during the day the Sun outshines them. There are stars even bigger than the sun

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

Remember the planets

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two is Venus

Three is Earth

Four is Mars.

Five is Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven is Uranus

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in line.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

called Pluto.

Jupiter is the largest planet. If you imagine it in the form of a watermelon, then in comparison with it, Pluto will look like a pea.

So that children can better remember all the planets, read the poem, let them remember it. You can sculpt planets from plasticine, draw them, you can cut them out of paper and attach them to a lamp at home, for example.

You can see our space plasticine crafts

Children about space


Scientists who observe and study the stars are called astronomers.

Previously, people did not know anything about space, about the stars and believed that the sky is a cap that covers the Earth, and the stars are attached to it. Ancient people thought that the Earth is stationary, and the Sun and Moon revolve around it.

Many years later, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Newton understood why the planets revolve around the sun and do not fall. They all fly around the Sun in their own way.

So scientists discovered the secrets of the cosmos. In the Middle Ages, a telescope was invented, with which scientists observed the stars.

There are still many mysteries in space, so astronomers have enough work to do for a long time.

Astronaut Animals

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for "reconnaissance". They were dogs, rabbits, mice, even germs.

Dogs are smarter than mice, but not all dogs were eligible for the test. Purebred dogs are very gentle, they were not suitable for space. Dogs were selected by size, they were trained, accustomed to noise, shaking. Most of all came ordinary mongrels.

The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. She was watched, but she did not return to Earth.

Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft. They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.

So scientists proved that space flight is possible.

About astronauts for children

An astronaut is a person who experiences space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.

The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes. Came back alive and well.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsk region Smolensk region in ordinary family collective farmer. Grew up as an ordinary child. In his youth, he was fond of classes in the flying club. After school he became a pilot. In 1959 he was included in the group of candidates for cosmonauts. And for his first flight into space he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union and awarded the order Lenin.

Yuri Gagarin will always remain in our memory as the first cosmonaut. Cities, streets, avenues are named after him. There is a crater on the Moon named after him, as well as a minor planet.

Astronauts are courageous people, they train a lot, they have to know a lot and be able to control a spaceship.

The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965. And the first woman cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963. She withstood 48 revolutions around the Earth, spent almost three days in space, took photographs that were used to study the aerosol layers of the atmosphere.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and well, be self-possessed, patient, enduring.


Children always look at the moon in the sky with interest. It is so different: either in the form of a sickle, or large, round.

The child will be interested to know what is on the moon. It can be said that the Moon is covered with funnels-craters that arise due to collisions with asteroids. If you look at the moon through binoculars, you can see the unevenness of its relief.

Stargazing with kids

Children need to be watched starry sky. Do not be too lazy to go out in the evening and admire the stars. Show the child some constellations, try to find together big dipper. Tell us that ancient people peered into the night sky, mentally connected the stars, drew animals, people, objects, mythological heroes. Find a map of the starry sky and show your child what the constellations look like, and then find them together in the sky. It develops observation, memory.

In general, it would be great to take the child to the planetarium, if you have one in the city. The child learns a lot of interesting things from the story about the stars, planets.

We do not have a planetarium in the city, it is only necessary to go to another city.

The theme of space contains a lot of ideas for drawings, crafts. You can draw, sculpt astronauts, aliens, the moon. Come up with new names for stars and planets. in general, show your imagination, the theme of space is limitless and interesting for children.

Here are Yulina's drawings on the space theme.

Space games for kids

Children can play games. Here are some games that you can play.

The game "What we take with us into space."

Lay out the drawings in front of the children and invite them to choose what they can take with them on the spacecraft. These can be the following picture-drawings: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, a candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

Game "Space Dictionary" will help children to replenish their vocabulary with words related to the theme of space. You can play for several children and arrange a competition, who will name more words related to space. For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, space suit, etc.

The game "Say the other way around."

Teach children to choose words with opposite meanings. Yulia and I played these games, she was good at naming antonyms correctly.

Far -…

tight -…

big -…

get up -…

fly away...

high -…

famous -…

turn on -…

dark -…

Tell your children about space, astronauts, learn the names of the planets, look at the starry sky. Let the child grow up curious, and suddenly he, too, will later become a scientist or an astronaut and you will be proud of him.

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