Combination of names for marriage. Divination for love compatibility by name and surname

garden equipment 16.10.2019
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An important role in marital and love relationships between men and women. This is manifested in everyday communication, and in the intimate sphere.

Name Compatibility Test:

Some scientists believe that a certain coincidence of vibrations and consonance in names can have a positive effect on the harmonization of relationships between people. It has also been observed that men with a particular type of name are highly aroused by a particular type of female name, and vice versa. Therefore, the compatibility of names in love is of considerable importance. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the fact that names reward their carriers with individual traits and certain personal properties. As a result, there is often enough attraction of people of one type to another. For example, it may happen that a person often has to meet people who have the same name. This subconscious attraction is proof that certain names are compatible with each other.

Regarding the theory of such name compatibility, there is the following opinion: most often those couples live happily in which the names of partners coincide in their sound range. Like any words, names are a certain set of sounds. Each sound is perceived different people differently. Someone is attracted, someone is indifferent, and someone repels. That is why certain names, and therefore their owners, arouse in us a corresponding attitude. An important role in the compatibility of names is given to patronymics. If the name enriches its owner with certain qualities, then the patronymic can weaken or strengthen them. If people in a couple have names and patronymics that sound harmonious, then the relationship between partners will be appropriate.

For example, consider the names Igor and Irina. Not a very harmonious combination. The name Igor sounds harsh, and Irina sounds soft. But if we take the same pair of names, but in combination with their patronymics, then we will hear completely different music: Igor Valerievich - Irina Sergeevna. The main stress in both patronymics falls on the 2nd syllable - this is what smooths out the "discordance" of names. It turns out that when pronouncing names, a rather harmonious combination Valeryevich - Sergeevna comes to the fore in the sound, and this determines the favorable compatibility of names in love and marriage. Such compatibility portends a strong and well-coordinated relationship of the couple.

Name compatibility for love and marriage

Are you about to get married? Then the online table “Compatibility of names for love and marriage” may well come in handy. If a woman's heart is experiencing even the slightest doubt, and the readings of the table confirm that there are problems, then you need to think carefully again.
It's time to check the online compatibility of names in love and marriage for free, cast aside doubts and check. If you carefully check your chosen one on the eve of the wedding, then this will help in future life do without disappointment.
And if according to the table everything works out as well as possible, then feel free to agree to the offer of your loved one.

Name compatibility in marriage and love plays a big role in your destiny

Name compatibility in marriage and love, its calculation and promising direction astrology, whose roots go back to ancient times. The artifacts found testify to the creation by the priests of the Zoroaster religion of whole, voluminous lists of names, in which their compatibility was indicated. The ancestors of the modern inhabitants of Mesopotamia also took compatibility issues very seriously, giving names great importance.

What do names carry?

The names given to children have always carried a certain semantic load, showing the character traits that parents would like to endow their child with. For example, Andrew, translated from Greek, means brave, and Elena means the chosen one. According to the ancestors, the way you will be called predetermined your fate. Modern research do not refute these theories, but, on the contrary, find more and more confirmations for them.

Functions of a person's name:

  • indicate relationship;
  • legalize a person in society;
  • allows you to identify yourself;
  • mythological function.

That's it about the last of the functions will be discussed in this article. The name is a unique sound code, a vibration given to you at birth. Astrologers believe that it can determine:

  • character;
  • habits;
  • preferences and tastes;
  • relationships with the opposite sex.

Advice! In a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, analyze your circle of acquaintances. You will definitely notice a pattern that it is easier for you to communicate with carriers of a certain name.

Sometimes it happens that, just by hearing someone's name, you already know what kind of worker this person will be or feel unconditional trust in him. Perhaps you have always been attracted to people with a certain name? How do names dominate feelings? What in them makes us form an opinion about a person on a subconscious level even before we meet?

The answers to these and many other questions lies in the study of name compatibility. They proved that names create certain vibrations in space that affect both you and your environment. To do this, it is not at all necessary to pronounce the name aloud or hear it with your own ears, it has power, even if it is still being written.

In any case, there is a fairly high probability that you can or, conversely, not be able to get along with people whose names are incompatible with yours. Therefore, for harmony in personal life, it is extremely important that the names of the spouses do not enter into dissonance, but harmonize with each other.

Why calculate name compatibility?

Calculating the compatibility of a pair by the names of partners will help:

  • See the dynamics of relationships, understand how you and your partner are potentially
  • approach each other.
  • Conduct a deep analysis of your relationship;
  • Having received information in time and adjust the line of your behavior in relationships and marriage.

Quite a few ways of interpreting names have been invented to check the compatibility of a pair. The two most popular of them are:

  • Analysis of the numerical code inherent in each name.
  • Interpretation of the letters that make up the name and its meaning.

Advice!Please note that the results of the Name Compatibility Interpretation are in no way a guide to action, rather they are simply reference Information, helping to direct your relationship with your soulmate in the right direction.

We propose to consider each of them in a little more detail.

Calculation of name compatibility by numerical code

Proponents of this approach are sure that each union, both love and friendship, is characterized by a certain numerical vibration. Knowing the number that unites the couple, it is possible with some certainty to predict the prospects for the development of their relationship, as well as the direction in which lovers should direct their energy so that the relationship develops organically.

Getting a number that symbolizes exactly your couple is not difficult at all. You will be required to make a simple calculation of the numerical values ​​of the corresponding letters in your first and last name, bring the result to a single figure, symbolizing your interaction with the Universe.

Example: Maria (M-14, A-1, R-18, I-10, I-33 =14+1+18+10+33=76=7+6=13=1+3=4); Ivanov (I-10, V-3, A-1, N-15, O-16, V-3, A-1 =10+3+1+15+16+3+1=49=4+9= 13=1+3=4). First name number = 4, last name number = 4, 4+4=8, and girl number is 8.

Similar actions are carried out for the name and surname of your chosen one, after which the results are summarized. The combination that adds up to the number 12 is considered the most successful. But it is not common, so we simply rely on even numbers, each of which gives marital relations harmony, happiness and unfading passion. The number 18 is an unpleasant exception to the rule, it threatens marriage with coldness in relationships and indifference.

Accordingly, odd combinations indicate the likelihood of an unsuccessful union. It is likely that the relationship itself will be good, but fate itself will prevent them in every possible way, a similar outcome is especially likely for the number 13. Exceptions are the numbers 19 and 21, symbolizing prosperity and happiness.

Advice! When entering into marriage, the issue of changing the surname is relevant for most women. Keep in mind that the number-symbol of your couple will change in this case, which may affect the relationship. According to the scheme described above, check how favorably the Universe will react to the change of your last name, perhaps you should stay with your maiden name.

The effect of the sound of names on compatibility

Fans of the following name compatibility theory suggest analyzing the possible development of relationships based on the meanings of each letter of the name. A name, like any other word, is a set of sounds, each of which is perceived differently by others. Each of the names and, accordingly, their carriers, evoke certain associations in us.

The coincidence of each letter of the name increases the chances of a successful marriage. It follows from this that the most successful are couples with the most identical names, for example, Valery and Valeria.

The meaning of the letters in the name:

  • A - authority, inner strength, energy;
  • B - the ability to achieve goals, to feel more than others;
  • B - unity with the outside world, some eccentricity;
  • G - scrupulousness, love of secrets;
  • D - a tendency to extrasensory perception, openness in communication, slight capriciousness;
  • E - the ability to overcome obstacles, love to chat, the ability to see the essence;
  • Yo - emotionality, the desire for self-expression;
  • W - the wealth of the inner world, which is carefully hidden from others due to lack of self-confidence;
  • Z - developed intuition, dissatisfaction with one's wealth;
  • I / Y - peacefulness, fine mental organization;
  • K - stability, insight;
  • L - ingenuity, developed acting qualities, scrupulousness, pedantry;
  • M - shyness, diligence, caring, love for details;
  • N - lively mind, high ambitions, interest in healthy lifestyle life;
  • O - high emotionality, incontinence;

  • P - loneliness, isolation, concern for one's own appearance;
  • P - adherence to the canons, self-confidence;
  • C - a sharp pragmatic mind, a desire to constantly control the situation, jealousy;
  • T - self-development, sensitivity;
  • U - intuition, subtle mental organization, the ability to empathize;
  • Ф - originality, dislike for clichés, a tendency to exaggerate, tenderness;
  • X - changeability, sexual dissatisfaction, law-abiding;
  • C - pride, developed leadership qualities;
  • H - ambition, loyalty;
  • Ш - a good sense of humor, authoritativeness, inability to compromise;
  • SCH - developed intellect, the desire to achieve goals, the breadth of the soul;
  • b - the ability to find compromises in relationships, gentleness;
  • S - earthiness, practicality;
  • b - the ability to get to the bottom of the details;
  • E - oratorical qualities, curiosity;
  • Yu - strength of character, a tendency to self-sacrifice;
  • I am pride, intelligence, creativity.

Features of sound analysis

Supporters of the theory of sound analysis of names argue:

  • The length of the name also affects the character, the longer it is, the tougher, stronger and more complex the nature of the bearer (Miroslav, Elizabeth, etc.). Accordingly, short one- and two-syllable names testify to the softness and harmlessness of the carrier, the exceptions to this pattern are Peter, Irina and Olga;
  • Along with the names, the patronymic has a certain influence on the character and attitude to life. It can enhance or, conversely, weaken some of the qualities of a person. For example, the union of soft Valentina and hard Oleg, at first glance, does not seem very harmonious, but having examined them together with patronymics, we see a more pleasant picture: Valentina Maksimovna and Oleg Vasilyevich. The stress in their patronymics falls on the second syllable, thereby smoothing out the dissonance of names and thereby increasing the couple's chances for mutual understanding and successful relationships.

Advice! If there are strong, mutual feelings between you and the chosen one, but the compatibility analysis shows a low probability of success in the relationship, try to “give” your loved one a new name by coming up with an affectionate nickname and constantly using it in everyday life.

The opinion of psychologists

Psychologists are sure that the compatibility of the couple's names is a solid foundation for a strong and healthy relationship. After all, this parameter indicates the similarity of personalities, temperaments and the prospect of coexistence. And the sound of names plays an important role. As practice has shown, unions are successful in which male name contains two names - husband and wife. For example: Vasily - Vasya and Leah, Lilya; Ruslan and Svetlana, Lana; Vladimir and Mira, Miroslava.

Fate is favorable to couples in names that have common syllables. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to analyze the names in couples living happily together for a long time. Most of them do not even suspect that they owe part of their happiness to the consonance of their own names.

Quite often there is a situation when long period time for life path you meet carriers of a certain name, but despite all the initial attractiveness of their carriers, the relationship does not add up, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. A similar phenomenon means that you are attracted to a certain type who has received certain qualities and characteristics under the influence of his name. It is the combination of such traits that attracts your close attention, causing personal and sexual interest in the primary stages of dating.

Advice! Having understood at a certain stage in life that your favorite type of carriers of a certain name does not suit you, look inside yourself - most likely the moment in life has come when you have to make certain changes in your character, opening your soul to new feelings.

Redirect your energy in a new direction, remember a forgotten hobby, change your daily routine, go in for sports. Changes like these will renew your fluid field and will attract members of the opposite sex with a different personality to you. So you can break vicious circle, open up to new acquaintances with other names that are compatible with you in marriage and relationships.

Changing yourself, attracting new experiences is the ideal solution for getting out of a depressive state and parting with Loneliness. After all, the probability of meeting your soul mate, destined for you by fate itself, suitable in all parameters and data, increases significantly.

Compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac

People have long attributed to each name its own meaning, and each sign of the zodiac - its own character. Astrologers are sure that both the name and the sign of the zodiac carry a special energy, so choosing a name, if the choice of a zodiac sign is not so possible, must be taken very seriously. Good choice a name under the sign of the zodiac will help a person in life, direct him on the true path, and the wrong choice will force a person to an eternal struggle with troubles that will appear from everywhere.

Both the sign of the zodiac and the name of a person affect how his relationships develop with close and not so people. Knowing the subtleties, you can help yourself and others in achieving mutual understanding, easily get out of conflict situations, find harmony with yourself and your loved one. Compatibility of zodiac signs is a fact that has long been known and proven over the years.

If, when compiling a compatibility horoscope, you take into account not only the zodiac sign, but also the name, then the result will be much more accurate. The compatibility horoscope is a wonderful thing. Properly written, it solves most problems simply because people know about them.

The meaning of the name and the compatibility of names is calculated by the numerical value, which is obtained from the totality of all letters. The total calculated number corresponds to one of the planets solar system. According to this number, character traits and areas of activity that are favorable for a person are determined. there is also an opinion that the use of the same name over the years creates a kind of stereotype of what a person will be like.

In order to choose the right name for a child, one must take into account the time of his birth - the sign of the zodiac that corresponds to him and the element. Now the explanation of the signs of the zodiac is based on the existence of 4 elements and 9 planets. To choose a name, the strongest planet in the horoscope should form the basis. In addition, we must not forget that it is important how the parents will name the child. After all, having written “Yaroslav” in the certificate and calling him Slava, they will pronounce two different names in terms of astrology. We must not forget about it.

But if a person eventually finds out that he was given a “wrong” name, then the name can be changed - this will also change the astral map of the individual. Compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac is a very important aspect in a person's life, because right choice can make life much easier.

There are many names, and some of them fit several zodiac signs. This only means that the owner of such a name will have many opportunities and abilities, from which he will be able to choose the ones that are closest to him in spirit and character.

In addition to abilities and character, the choice of a name affects health. So different planets affect the body in different ways. Therefore, knowing the exact information about the name and sign of the zodiac, you can avoid a lot of problems, predict troubles in advance and build your life in a way that is favorable under the stars.

But if the name has to be changed, then it is necessary to check that the new one corresponds to the horoscope. Then positive traits of a person will intensify, and negative ones will come to naught. But if the name is changed for the worse, and the consequences will be reversed. In this case, it is important to note that changing the name in the passport is not the main thing, because the planets do not look at the passport. It is necessary to change the attitude of others, and, most importantly, call yourself a different name. For the same reason, very often, people with pseudonyms behave differently than "required" by their name. The thing is that astrological power is determined by the sound of sounds, and for a name and pseudonym it can be completely different. Therefore, it is important to consider the compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac.

Each of us has a soul mate or is in search. Compatibility by name and surname will help not to make a mistake in the person who is nearby. Since ancient times, divination has been given Special attention, there were special days on which this sacrament was given special significance. AT modern world also, many treat this process with trepidation. In this material, we will try to explain to you how to make a calculation in order to understand whether a person suits you or should be treated with caution. Guessing for compatibility by name and surname is not difficult, it does not take much time. All you need is a pen and a blank piece of paper.

Calculating the compatibility of partners by date of birth is not exactly fortune-telling, but rather a science called numerology.

What is a family for a person? First of all, it is support, support and love. When people respect and appreciate each other. Why does it fade into the background in the modern world? What are the reasons for frequent breaks in relationships, because when creating a family, people vow to be together until the end of their lives, both in joy and in sorrow. Gradually, this oath is forgotten, it is not given much importance.

Divorce is no surprise these days. If you have connected your life with another person, please go to the end. It is not necessary to leave a person at the slightest quarrels, to rush from one extreme to another. Everyone has difficult situations, the strong cope with them together, and the weak begin to look for a replacement.

Most people are in no hurry to register their relationship. With what it can be connected? Why is the creation of a family for a person not of such importance? People live together, run a joint household, and even give birth to children. Then, in an instant, they disperse, as if nothing had happened.

How were families created in the past? People met for a long time in order to start a family? In fact, there were a specially trained category of people, they were called matchmakers. Such people pushed to create a family, held wedding ceremonies.

Maybe these problems are related to the fact that people do not match each other by name? Haven't thought about it? This is true, in most cases people disagree because the names are simply incompatible. In order to understand how you fit together, you can turn to specialists, or you can independently carry out calculations, thanks to which the result will be amazing.

Method of calculation 1

Compatibility numerology by name and surname contains several methods for calculating. We offer you the first calculation that will help you understand what your compatibility is. Write down your data and the data of your man on a piece of paper.

For example: Golobokova Vera Vitalievna and Verkhoturov Denis Nikolaevich.

There is an opinion that the more identical letters in the names and surnames of a couple, the better their compatibility.

  1. Take a close look at how many identical letters are in your name. In this example, we see that people have the same letter "v" in their surnames.
  2. Now see what combinations you have. The first set: vowel-consonant, the second and third only consonants. 4 and 5 columns should be a combination of a vowel and a consonant.
  3. Count how many letters each representative has in total. In our case, a woman is twenty-four letters, a man is twenty-five letters. A very good percentage of compatibility. Well, if the number of letters for representatives of different sexes is the same, then you are perfect for each other. It happens that the greater the difference in numbers, the less matches there will be.
  4. Pay attention to the first letters of the first and last name, whether they are consonants or vowels. In this example, people's first and last names begin with consonants, which is very good. To have an ideal indicator, it is necessary that the letters alternate.
  5. Look carefully which of these letters are repeated most often in a person's name. The letters "c" and "e", "r" occur and partners the same number of times. And that's good enough. If there are many matches in letters, such an alliance is almost perfect. Follow the same procedure with the last name and patronymic.

The researchers found that if partners have few coincidences, then you should not be upset, such an alliance can be successful. It all depends on how people treat each other. But if there are no coincidences at all, then it is worth considering. Most likely these relations have no future, between loving people often there are clashes of views, out of the blue they can quarrel. Such unions cannot last long, in the end they will fall apart anyway.

Method of calculation 2

We bring to your attention another way that can also help you. Below is a table, each letter corresponds to a certain number. Take a close look at her. Write your names on a piece of paper, then match the letters with the numbers.

  • This is done something like this: your name is Oksana, the name of your betrothed is Anatoly. Now we make a combination of numbers.
  • Oksana: 7+3+1+1+6+1= 19. Now we need to translate into a prime number 19=1+9=10. Continue until you get one number 10= 1+0=1.
  • Do the same with the man's name. Anatoly: 1+6+1+2+7+4+1+2= 24; 24=2+4=6. That's all, it remains to do the same actions with your last names.
  • The calculation is ready, you can see the result.


This number indicates that a person is endowed with leadership qualities. It will not be difficult for such a person to lead the people. It is almost impossible to influence them. Purposeful and persistent, they know exactly what they want. The disadvantage of such people is that they do not know how to listen and hear, for them there is only their point of view. Against this background, disagreements with others often occur. You need to learn to compromise, listen to the advice of people, not do everything in defiance, then problems can be avoided. If this does not happen, then it can be difficult for them to be in society.

Such people have very little time to understand what kind of person is next to them. They cannot tolerate lies, hypocrisy. They prefer not to associate with such people. In your inner world they try not to let anyone in, so as not to be disappointed. Once, they had to experience this feeling, but now they are trying not to get burned. They have few friends, but there are a couple of faithful and devoted, ready to help at any moment.


Sensitive psychologists who see through a person. You can turn to them at any time for advice, you can talk heart to heart with them or just keep quiet. They try to avoid conflict situations, and they do it very well. They are respected in society, they know how to keep secrets. Relations in the family are calm, harmonious, respectful.

Like all people, they have not very good moments in life. They try not to devote their relatives and friends to their problems, preferring to cope with them on their own. Despite this, such people feel confident in any company, they easily find mutual language make new friends. They take criticism calmly, behave in a balanced manner.


  • A person who often lives in illusions loves to dream and talk about the meaning of life. They love everything beautiful and pompous. From an early age, they are different from those around them, but this does not interfere with their life.
  • Such people make good artists and poets, composers and dancers. They try to diversify their home, making it beautiful. Sometimes a lot of unnecessary is present in their lives.
  • Often people use their kindness because of their own selfish goals. You need to learn to say “no” to people and not go along with them.
  • Surround yourself with loyal and devoted friends, even if their number is small. Spend more time with your family, they certainly won't hurt you. Help those who really need it. Set goals for yourself and confidently move towards them.


A person who is accustomed to constancy. He does not like sudden changes, unexpected gifts. Purposeful and sustained, a man of word and deed. Let him be rude and overly emotional, but he will not denigrate a person behind his back. This was taught to him by his parents since childhood. As a result, there are sometimes conflict situations with those around you. The main thing is to stop in time, not to aggravate the quarrel, otherwise the outcome will be disappointing.

Thanks to their hard work, such people achieve material prosperity. They move towards their goal clearly, without turning off the intended path. Management treats them with respect, entrusting serious work. They cannot tolerate lies, betrayal and hypocrisy. They do not follow the lead of others, they think with their own heads. Their only drawback is the presence of envy of the most successful people.


Such people are in constant search, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. Their character is unstable. They are fond of traveling, visiting new countries, making the necessary acquaintances. They cope with problems easily and naturally, easily adapting to any situation. They are not accustomed to asking for help, and they themselves are in no hurry to provide it. They can not always cope with their emotions, they are irritable and quick-tempered.

If fortune-telling is not compatible by name and surname, it did not show the result that you expected, do not be discouraged. All in your hands!


  • Such people will never leave a person in trouble, they will definitely come to the rescue. In life, they achieve everything through their efforts.
  • Honest and freedom-loving, do not follow the lead of others. They have a sense of justice from an early age, almost from birth.
  • Peace and harmony, mutual respect and support reign in their family. They express their point of view only when they can argue it. In other cases, they try to remain silent so that a conflict does not occur.


Throughout life, such people are in search of perfection. Their character is changeable. They are subtle psychologists who understand people. A couple of minutes is enough to scan a person nearby. The choice of a partner is approached with caution, often burned. Their novels happen often, but they end the same way. They try not to let others into their inner world, they do not trust their secrets. But they themselves can listen to a person, help him with advice, if necessary.


Material wealth is of no small importance for such people. All their lives they strive to become rich and successful. They have a lot of ideas in their heads that they can easily implement. They try to behave in public as if they do not deny themselves anything. In fact, this is not so. To be successful, they need to put in their best efforts. Thanks to their dedication, they achieve their goals. People are treated with caution, rarely allowed close to themselves.

These people also have disadvantages. In pursuit of material wealth, they often miss bright moments in life.


Successful people who know exactly what they want. Confidently moving towards the intended goal, sometimes stepping over their heads. They do not dedicate their relatives and friends to their problems, they are used to relying only on themselves. Ready to help at any moment, ask nothing in return. People around them treat them with apprehension and even mistrust. Emotions are hidden from outsiders, and it works out quite well. They try not to let them into their inner world, so as not to hurt them. They have developed empathy and compassion.


Everyone has the right to believe or not to this test. We have the power to change the reality around us, to influence the course of events. It often happens that even strong alliances fall apart due to misunderstanding and prejudice. Learn to respect each other, appreciate every moment spent together, because we do not know what will happen tomorrow.

Video "Compatibility of names in marriage and love"

Our ancestors in everyday life called themselves one name, and were baptized by another - secret, church name, which was carefully guarded from outsiders. Why such difficulties? Knowing a person’s name is enough, both for prayer for health and for a conspiracy to die. If the name is known to the enemy, then you are in danger - our ancestors thought so.

Names are a set of sounds that has its own special energy. Our name affects our destiny, and people who change their name change the very course of life. This rule also applies to love. You have probably noticed that in love affairs you often come across partners of the same name. This could give you the idea of ​​looking for compatibility and surnames for marriage. It must be assumed that something in the energy of your names attracts you. But what - this can be determined using the compatibility of names and surnames in.

Compatibility calculation

Numerology is the science of numbers, and each letter in it has its own numerical value.

Let's take a look at the table that will help us calculate the compatibility of the last name and first name of partners:

  • 1 - A, I, Y, Y, L;
  • 2 - B, F, K, L, R, W, Z;
  • 3 - G, S, C;
  • 4 - D, M, T;
  • 5 - E, H, X;
  • 6 - V, U, E;
  • 7 - Z, O, Ch, Yu;
  • 8 - P, F;
  • 9 - Shch.

We take the names Anna and Igor, and count.



Now let's see how the names and surnames of partners are combined according to the results of numerological calculations.

1 - compatible with everyone, but needs the understanding of a partner and love for new ideas and undertakings.

2 - 1, 8, 6 and 3 are suitable for them. Twos appreciate comfort and warmth, and partners should provide them with stability, without sudden changes.

3 - 1, 3, 9 and 6 will do. They are dynamic and at the same time naive. It will not be easy for them with a conservative partner, since the life credo of triples is to go against stereotypes.

4 - 1, 6, 2, 8 will do. Fours are pessimists, but they are looking for a partner who will be able to cheer them up. At the same time, the partner of the four must be very patient, as she needs time to disperse in spirit.

5 - fit 7, 9 and 3. They are wise and freedom-loving, looking (and long and hard) for a partner who can understand their needs and at the same time provide diversity.

6 - 1, 3, 9, 4 are suitable. For sixes, the most important thing is the beauty of life. They are aesthetes and love it when a partner admires them, but they want a person whom the six themselves can admire as their partner.

7 - 3, 1 and 9 will do. Seven has excellent intuition, she always feels what is right and how it should be. They are diverse and multifaceted, but always adhere to their principles.

8 - 1, 2 and 8 will do. Eights are picky and secretive. They distribute the whole world according to priorities and degree of importance, and make excessive demands on partners.

9 - 3, 7 and 8 will do. Nines are hyperactive people who do not tolerate passive and whiny people in their society. They are great advisers, but at the same time, very active. A person with no less active life position will suit them.

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