Scenario of the contest "My Temple". Management of the culture of the administration of the Volokonsky district

Garden technique 24.09.2019
Garden technique

Everything should begin with training. On the central square of the village you need to install the scene, decorate it and everything around ribbons, balls, posters, flowers. You can make a thematic event (color design), depending on the budget and fantasy. It is better to designate this celebration for the evening (17-18. 00). In advance to notify all residents of the village of the upcoming event. It is also not superfluous to organize several game zones for the smallest inhabitants of the village. You can also install trading tents, mangals for kebabs and tables with beverages. The script may also approach and to celebrate the village's birthday.

Props: Honorary diplomas, gifts for participation in contests, cards with letters or fruits, colored towels, baskets with vegetables and fruits, set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Characters : Leading, leading, musical and dance groups, residents of the village.

Leading appears on the scene.

There are villages in our country,
On the map they are not found,
But in them there is friendship, hope,
Here, happiness are filled with days!

Here the air is special,
The most delicious bread
Here is clean in the river water,
It smells of grass, hay, flowers,
Looks like a soul!

Here kind people, and very welcome,
Feed, vehicles will always help
Here are women, girls, the best
Beauty lives in these edges!

There are no bustle, there is no concerns of urban,
Here everything goes to her
The hardworking people live here,
Here, happiness, good in every house lives!

Good evening you are glorious people! We are glad to see each of you at our event! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - the day of the village.

The harvest is already removed, the Earth is prepared, you can go on a winter holiday.

I want to wish you a flourity from a pure heart, fertility of your land, happiness your homes!

And even that every year was more cropped than the previous one!

Now I am with great pleasure to give the floor to your chairman who will probably have something to say.

(Chairman rises on the scene and pronounces a solemn speech)

In the village full-full talents,
Such beautiful, voices,
Something sometimes they are so sweet,
They come to listen from cities!

(On the scene comes out female team, preferably the older generation, and execute a song that every resident of the village knows)

So soulful, sincere, beautiful,
Harmoniously so thank you
You seemed to be covered me
And for the song, we owe years!

And while the artists are preparing,
I want to ask you questions
About the village, about your house, the region,
You must give all the answers!

What did you think so? People rest come!

That knowledge will be checked, and rest at the same time!

2 people are selected from the crowd. Everyone is asked questions who quickly answer, he will win. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize and a diploma: "The main connoisseur of the village." Every question is given 5-10 seconds.
Requisites: Symbolic prize and gram.

Approximate list of questions (maybe others):
1. In which year, your village was founded?
2. Who was the first rural head?
3. How many people live in your village?
4. Main attraction?
5. There were celebrity in your village, if so, who?
6. What plant prevails in your areas?
7. How is your village famous in the district?
8. What does the name of your village mean?

(Questions are better to compose with a knowledgeable resident who can get accurate answers)

Listen, what are you well done how cool invented! I learned so much about this picturesque area that now just obliged to see everything and see personally!

So far, you will prepare for the coming journey, I will invite a dance team to the stage (name), which is simply not tolerant to congratulate the inhabitants of this glorious village!

(Team comes to the stage)

Well, lit, well, well done,
I myself went to dance,
Just sorry I do not know how
At school only taught Waltz.

You do not be sad, do not be sad
In another, you show yourself
Learn to sculpt the pies
Not for yourself, but for the soul!

I can cake cakes,
But they need them later,
And I figure the shore,
I'm slim to be, believe me, I want!

Oh, think
Not in harmony happiness
Our wealth is not in it,
And in the wisdom of the years,
Which return, alas, no more!

You're right, I agree with you,
And I worship the oldest generation
And wish health, good,
So as not to knock on the house to you trouble!

I want to invite now on the scene
Reward awards now to reward
That person who is young soul
One who dropped the old one!

(The scene rises the oldest resident of the village. Hands are given: "Honorary long-lived", flowers and a symbolic gift. You can spend a little interview, set a few questions about the village)

1. From what year do you live in this village?
2. The brightest memory associated with the village?
3. Your wishes to your beloved village?

With each new inhabitant, with each new story, I am more and more in love with this village!

And it is not surprising, because such energetic, funny, extraordinary people live here.

You still forgot to add melodic!

But we just check it now!

2-3 inhabitants are invited to the scene. Each of them through the headphones listening to the song. Task - show this song without words. The order of listening and execution determines the draw. Wins the one who gains more correct answers. At the end, the honorable letter of the "Melnicate of the village" and the symbolic prize is presented. Song displaying time 15 seconds.
Requisites: grades, prize.

Options for listening (you can take others):
1. I wrote drunk;
2. Suddenly, how the door creaks in the fairy tale;
3. Oh, Kalina;
4. The stream flows, runs the stream;
5. And someone came down from the pork;
6. Neither the Kochnars we, nor carpenters;
7. Girls are standing aside;
8. And I am not a sorceress at all;
9. And I will find out my nail;
10. Oh, in vain aunt;
11. Music tied us.

Miracle will happen now
You read a congratulations,
Those who are much younger
Who are happiness fill the days!

(Children and read the scene)

(Tells some kind interesting fact About the village and harvest)

Interestingly, and we can dance our inhabitants also well, how do you cope with harvest?

So let's check it?

(Torny music turns on and a small dance pause is announced)

I want to invite this scene
I am a rising star,
Will give the song to you friends
Little happiness and good!

(The scene comes to the scene / singer and performs any song)

Do you know what I heard about this village?

And what?

Women who possess the magical forces live here!

Come on? Witches or what?

No, stupid, don't you think about? Women live here with the most unique culinary abilities in the country.

Come on?

I tell you yesterday I ate my local borsch, I thought, I swallow the language!

You need to check it urgently!

The game "Cooking Quiz".
3 women are invited to the scene. Each receives a card with the letter (the same). Task - alternately name the dishes starting with the specified letter. The order of answers can be determined with the help of an interesting draw (for example, who first names the main ingredient of the specified leading dish, will be answered first, etc. ... you can simply pull out the matches). Who will call more, that will win (for repetition - disposal). The winner is awarded the Certificate of Honor of "Recipes" and the symbolic prize. Instead of letters on cards, you can also depict fruit or vegetable, then you need to call the dishes, which contains the specified component.
Props: cards with letters or fruit / vegetables.

We talked about so many goodies that I also wanted to try it all! But we continue!

So that our people do not miss
So that people do not freeze,
We will dance with you,
Smile to light!

(Dance pause 10-15 minutes)

And we continue our holiday. And now I want to send my attention to the men's half of the population. I wonder if men live in this village?

So what did you conceive?

I conceived it to check!

4 men are selected. Everyone gets on a wet towel (dry if it's cold on the street). Task - Tie the strongest node on a towel (or several nodes, depending on the size of the towel). After the nodes are made, the participants change between themselves with towels and a new task appears - to unleash the node in 1 minute. Who will cope first, will receive a certificate of honor "Chief Salot of the village" and a symbolic prize.
Props: Colored towels.

I was always surprised how friendly residents in rural settlements. It is not easy neighbors, and one big family, which is the mountain for each other.

And it is really amazing, as many city inhabitants do not even know who they live next door.

And I would really like to once again check your cohesion!

Compiled 2 teams of 5-10 people each. Each team gets a basket with vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, apples, plum, potatoes, garlic, onions, grapes, cabbage), a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors. The task is to make the spirit of the crop from the materials obtained. Time to perform 5 minutes. The winner is determined by applause and hand a festive cake.
Props: Baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Thank you dear residents for your attention, presence and good mood.

We really liked to spend time with you. But, unfortunately, time flew quickly, the evening came, the kebabs were prepared, and we were time to say goodbye.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good and vivid impressions!

Thank you for your warring, participation and warm welcome! To new meetings.

Do not forget about pro musical accompaniment and

July 2 In the village of Annovka, the Kurokhansky district there was a significant event for all Orthodox Christians - the discovery and consecration of the temple in honor of St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian, Wonderworker.

The long way was passed before, the Annov land found his temple. So, in the 50s of the XIX century, the Nikolaev church was erected in the village of the village, but after another half a century, it was turned into a granary, finally destroying in times of the Great Patriotic WarBy blowing up the building. Many locals were forced to go for worship in a nearby village located 20 kilometers. Only in October last year, solemn consecration and stone laying took place during the construction of the temple.

On this sunny day, the event was visited by honorary guests: Governor of the Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko, Metropolitan Belgorod and Staroscolska Vladyka John, head of the administration of the Korokhansky district N.V. Polouyanova, Head of the Department of PJSC Gazprom, Petsenate, Natives of the village Annovka A.D. Bespalov, General Director of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow A.V. Babakov , head of the Administration of Annovsky Rural settlement A.I. Savastian, Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Council of the Korokhansky district M.P. Afanaskova, Head of the Voronezh linear production management of main gas pipelines OOO Gazprom Transgaz Moscow S.N. Pinkeevich.

Evgeny Stepanovich in his speeches congratulated the inhabitants with such a long-awaited and all the expected event, expressing special words of gratitude to the native of Sela Alexander Dmitrievich Bespalov, thanks to the efforts of which this beautiful temple was built. In conclusion, the governor handed the temple to the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Natalia Vladimirovna in circulation to the villagers emphasized the importance of this historical event, noting the importance of construction not only for the residents of Annovka, but also the neighboring, Zhigaylovsky rural settlement, where more than 500 people live. Also Natalia Vladimirovna congratulated Alexander Dmitrievich Bespalova with the assignment of the title of an honorary resident of the Annovsky rural settlement.

Vladyka Joannposyvil Podishozhan and said: "The construction of the temple is the message facing eternity, because they pray for everyone there, regardless of posts, age, social status. It was a common cause that unites us as a population, but as the people of God, because it concerns each soul. " Next, Vladyka awarded the patronage and benefactor of construction A.D. Bespalova medal of St. Joasaph, the Belt of Belgorod, the WonderworkerI degree;II degree -S.N. Pinkevich, Chief of the Voronezh linear production department of main gas pipelines Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC and presented the bishops of M.P. Afanaskova and A.I. Savastian.

The final stage, which gave the beginning of the life of a new temple, became the act of his transfer of the Belgorod and Staroscolsk diocese.

Scenario of the municipal stage of the contest "My Temple"

Cant.« How well in your temple of the master» - choir of the Pokrovsky Monastery

Leading:Good afternoon, dear guests, dear guys. Today we gathered at the municipal stage of the historical and cultural competition "My Temple" dedicated to the memory of the priest-enlightener A.P. Arkhangelsk

LEADING: Alexander Petrovich - Priest, teacher, educator. He was born in the middle of the XIX century in Krasnoslobodsk. Alexander Petrovich made an exemplary contribution to the development of the culture and education of the Krasnoslobodsky county and Mordovian region.

Leading: Presentation of the jury

Leading: The word is provided to the Chairman of the Diocesan Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Krasnoslobodsk Diocese Igumen Amphiloche.

(On the background of music sounds poems)

Reader: Per clear Zori.Rosis,

Beyond the light field with colossios

Behind the river ruffled in the flame blue,

Russia called you in Slavica.

Reader: About Motherland - I say quietly:
After all, you don't need to scream about great love.
She is my fade and reward,
I will say about her - the prayer is creating:
"Be forever in prosperity and glory,
Give you strength, the Most High, to keep the world,
Give us strength to live, not to be caught
And you can't drop yourself! ".

Leading: Great, beautiful and rich our country. Each person who lives on Earth, since childhood, absorbs the love of his people and the country to his land and its history. And personify their own land symbols


Leading: Today, our conversation will go about one symbol of Russia, about the symbol of spirituality and morality of our people - about the temples of Russia.

Song« Where does the homeland begins?» - choir of the Pokrovsky Monastery

Pinsky Tanya, student TSSH№1, reads a poem

Leading: Indeed, it is impossible to imagine the modern city, the village, the village without temples. These unique, rising above the earth like candles and at the same time relative to each Russian man of the facilities were always the main satellite of the Russian people.

Leading: Temple - House of God, house prayer, place for healing soul and body. The temple is the sacred place, clean, kind.

Leading: The construction of the first temples in Russia appeared with the arrival of Christianity. After the baptism of Russia and the adoption of Russia, Orthodoxy, i.e. from 988 years.

Leading: Since then, we swept for many years, and the amazing number of majestic domes of Orthodox churches, cathedrals, churches and monasteries have fallen over Russia. Temples are striking with their beauty, greatness, decoration.

Reader: There is a beauty of the unspecified, light,

That that the sacred is not in vain called!

Quietly will reveal the mystery cherished.

Rus White Swan in the heart will remain.

Snow fertile, joy to come true.

An hour of contemplation, god donated,

As if miraculously sung out of heaven,

The song is silent - the temple is white ... ..

Song "Russia"

Leading: There are a lot of temples. They are all like. And all are different. And they are also like people. Like a person, the temple has its name, birthday.

Leading: Now we will go on a virtual excursion to orthodox churches Our locality. We will get acquainted with the stories of our local temples that carry spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

Leading: The word is provided by Alekhina Albin, a student of the Torbeev Central Secondary School No. 3. It will present a job about the temple Blessed Virgin Mary sat down every one.

Leading: Knyazeva Daria performed the work about the temple of the Don Icons God's Mother Vopatino village.

Leading: Klychkova Maria will tell about the temple of the Kazan icon of God's Mother of the village of Zhukovo.

Song "Angel"

Leading: If you look at the temple from a bird's eye view, we will see the temples various shapes. More often temples have the shape of a ship, cross, circle, stars.

Leading: The ship saves in stormy waters, cross - our salvation and protection, circle - the symbol of infinity and eternal life, the star indicates people the way, and the church teaches right way in life.

Leading: Now we learn the story of the Pokrovsky male monastery of the village of Dracino. It was written by 3 participants in the competition. The word is provided by Korneva Mary, student of Dracinskaya high School.

Leading: Kazhaeva Natalia, a student of Torbeyev Central School No. 1, will continue to familiarize with the Pokrovsky male monastery.

Leading: Michdyaeva Catherine, a student of the Torbaevsky College of meat and dairy industry, will deepen our knowledge about Pokrovsky male monastery.

Song "Russia Russia will remain"

Leading: The main difference of the temple from all other buildings is the dome on which the cross is located. The dome is a symbol of aspiration to the world of mountain, the combination of earthly and heavenly.

Leading: The form of domes may be different. Initially, the dome was in the form of a military helmet, and the temple was similar to the Russian hero. Later, the dome began to be like a candle flame. And from the 17th century, the dome began to do in the form of vases.

Leading: Often it is not built on the temple not one, but several chapters. Miscellaneous amount of domes symbolizes:

Two chapters mean two natural (divine and human) in Jesus Christ;

Three chapters (three persons of the Holy Trinity);

Five chapters (Jesus Christ and four evangelists);

Seven chapters (seven sacraments and seven universal cathedrals);

Nine chapters (nine Angel Chins); -Reen chapters (Jesus Christ and Twelve Apostles). Sometimes build I. large quantity chapters.

Leading: Gorshkova Maria will introduce us to the monument of wooden architecture - the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Nosakino.

Leading: Sergushina Anna, a student of the Warzhelian secondary school, will tell about the temple of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Maltsev.

Leading: Ocepayeva Svetlana, a student of the Torbaevsky College of meat and dairy industry, will tell about the Holy - the Warzonophievsky Women's Monastery of the village of Pokrovsky Selischi.

Leading:In the competition "My Temple" participated students, parents, clergymen, teachers. From executives research work We provide the word Vikanova L.V.

(poem read on the background bell ring.)

Reader: Through the foam of white clouds

Fallen Ray Sun Golden

Touched rivers, fields, forests,

Villages of the cities of the land of the native,

And in predawn silence

Over the immense country

Fire flashed at the dawn

Bell Rus Holy!

Zasta dome burn,

AND orthodox crosses

Shown in the sky for centuries

As a symbol of faith and love,

As a memory that in the hearts of people

As the wisdom of an ancient antiquity,

As pain and tears of mothers,

Sons who have not met with the war ......

Through hundreds of years of good and evil,

Bans, War, Tears, Fear

Call again Bells

on Orthodox domes!

Leading: As a tree cannot live without roots, and the people cannot exist without their origins. Monuments of history and culture - this is what connects us with the past. Keeping, restoring monuments, we maintain and restore the interrupted communication of generations. We restore your national dignity.

Leading: Our virtual excursion It came to the end, but the life of our temples continues: for holidays and everyday life is committed by worship. In the church go in the mountain and in joy, here are understanding and participation, consolation and advice.

Leading: Coming to the temple, we learn how to good, mercy, compassion, sympathy, justice, honor. And all these qualities need to be protected in yourself. As a light from the candle to give warm to the one who needs it, to the soul to reach the sky, and help your affairs. And then we will save the temple in your soul and will build all our lives.

Song "My Russia"

Leading: Our contest was completed, questions ended, but it remains to the end of the unknown world of faith - an inexhaustible source of wisdom and knowledge.

Leading: We thank you for your work and hopefully, the expensive guys that this meeting will live in our hearts, in our thoughts, in the affairs of a decent Orthodox person.

Leading: And you dear guests, in memory of our contact with the temple we give you white doves, which in the Christian faith always considered "God's Birds ».

Leading:The word for summing up the competition and award is provided to the chairman of the jury of Igumen amphiloche.

Scenario of the concert program

on the day of the village - the throne holiday

ArchReart Mikhaila

from. Perepaign 1st

Tambov Region

1: Good day dear fellow villagers!
: Good afternoon, dear guests!
1: We are glad to welcome you on our holiday village!
2: Let this holiday give you a good mood.

1 : Among the fields, forests and passengers

There is an ordinary village.

Here I know every path,

Here I was born lucky.

My village is at the river,

Where barefoot and dew,

I died my childhood so that forever

Fix in all its glory.

2: I love you at any time of the year
My native cute village
And on a warm day, in any bad weather
With you, I always have a light on my shower.
And on this day - in the village of Vilita
And glances are radiated good light
After all, celebrates the village of his birthday
And many joyful and long years!

Song Chista Rus

1 . In our Tambov side

There is a village on the river.

The one who life has started here


2 : Guys here masters

Deftly rule all things

But women should be

They will not give up.

1 : Low bow to you, our guests,

No guests in the world are more beautiful,

All are smart, merry,

Yes, where are these?

2 : It seems to be familiar with many

We see many for the first time,

Do not worry - you are at home

Roads every guest for us!

1 . Well, I came, friends, it's time

We can not postpone.

Start a holiday start

Our village is glorified.

Song village

2: A special holiday comes,
What day Mikhailov is called!
Today, the angels fly,
Today, the people of the miracle are waiting.

Work on this day is not necessary
And you can only relax!
And remember finally about friendship -
Friends to visit everyone to visit.

1: Let's a lot of happiness in this holiday
Rather, your door will come!
And just right
Your fate will go forward!

Dance Flamenco

2: Beautiful and richly our village, but people are a real decoration. We see them every day, they live nearby, they are hardworking and modest. These ordinary people are not accustomed to glory, but their life, their daily work is a source of human wisdom and dedication. Word for congratulations is providedchapter of the Rural Council Strimov A.V.

Speech by chapter

1: Beautiful our Earth by people living on it, and these people are noted not only by selfless labor, but also a tough feat. A year of 70 years anniversary Great Victory We say Thank you for the world on Earth to our villagers, passing the roads of war, for peaceful fields, poured by the spikes, for the song Lark, for everything that is calledlife!

2: There would be no victory without those who stayed in the rear. They found the strength to replace those who went to the front, and stand out, make the whole severity of the war years. They received terrible news - the funeral. It fell onto their share and grief, and the need, and cold, and hunger, and waiting for the rest of my life. It came to them triangular letters.How they were waiting - these little soldier triangles. And how the heart died, having received the gray sheets of paper on which the husband or son fell by the death of brave.

Song "Nastasya" - Olga Vitutneva

1: Village, Cute Village,

The wave of harmony, the wave of rye.

Through hope and the wrongness

You go to the revival.

Song "We are with you two shores" - Orlova Larisa

2: My village, the village is native,

I am yours, I am a rural man.

Your fate with my fate

Forever is connected with you!

The song "Village" isp. Timofeev Alexander

1 : There is such folk wisdom "That genus is good - where old people respect and honor ... and that holiday is Slary, where they are the main place.

2: White flocks flew,
But the soul as before
Nightingales still not all sang
Not all the water
On this day and festive and light
You sadness, not time - it's not time
Long years you, apple trees in white
Joy all happiness and good!

1: From a pure heart with an open soul
Today we wish you a big life
To be health, and happiness, and joy,
So that the years flew and were not in a burden!

Song "Sapozhki" - Shvikova Victoria

2: Beautiful wedding is at least what

She is the result of great love.

Silver, Golden,

Any wedding name

The magnificence of the rite,

Hearts of lovers beauty

For eyes, for all one of the opportunity,

For countrymen - holy purity.

1: Today, on our holiday, there are married couples -UBILIrs who lived in marriage for many years. We invite you to the scene

Flying Tatiana and Yuri

Empty Lyudmila and Yuri,

who noted the 25th anniversary of the married life. This year they celebrate silver weddings. Health, happiness, love, consent and well-being you wish all the inhabitants of our village!

With congratulations to you, the head of the village council of Strimov A.V.

Song "I wish you happiness" -Timofeev Roman and Alexander

2 : Over the years, becoming an adult, in feelings is stricter.

Suddenly the heart you start to understand

No man closer and more expensive

What a woman who name is!

Song " Mama, Mama"- Duet Victoria Shlykov and Olga Vitutnova

1: Mothers! Your feat is rarely assessed by awards. But you have deserved the highest honors. On the eve of the All-Russian celebration of the Mother's Day, we want to congratulate all women of our village, wish health and happiness!

2: Hurry to her through the years and separation

To console and hug it

With reward kiss hands

The woman who is the name is mother!

Song "Talk to me, Mom" \u200b\u200bLarisa Orlova

1: While there is a school on the village, it means to live a village! Despite the fact that our school is small, many decent people have come out of its walls who have become professionals in education, medicine, construction, economics and other areas. From the heart I want to congratulate our wonderful teachers with the feast, which every day put a particle of your soul in our children!

2: There is no richer and generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.

They are in fate of each of us
It takes on it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher!

1: We are all in his most most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder ...
Live always in their students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

The poem "Dad" reads empty love

Dance "Styles"

2: - On this day, I especially want to congratulate the employees of the rural council, whose work is directly related to the life of the whole village and tell you heartfelt thanks for your contribution to the development of the village!

1.- employees of the Council Today, congratulations!
Let your home be filled with prosperity.
You wish you great success and wealth
Discard the fame of you deserved work.
Thank you for hard work,
Love for the land of the native, the tradition of fathers.
Bow you are low for patience and care!
Let your life and love be in your life!

East Dance

Song "Night" - Gromova Sofya

2: Probably each of those present at the festival with great respect and gratitude to those people who in the afternoon and night, in any bad weather hurry to help people. it medical workers Departments of nursing care.

1: For a diligent service
Before, now, again and again
You honor and respect,
Gratitude and love!
Dear health workers! Music gift sounds in your honor:

Song "Nothing with you will not work with you" - Sorokina Love

2 : Dear fellow countrymen
Honor and glory and the pride of Russia
You are in affairs, you are great in labor
Your names are very simple
Anna, Marya da Anastasia
Mikhail, Ivana, Petras
Your souls like the world is wide
You are hope and conscience of Russia!

1: Glory to the world on Earth!

Glory bread on the table!

Glory to those who raged bread,

Did not regret the work and strength.

Glory to them, hello from us!

In kind and happy hour!

2: From the heart of congratulations to workers agriculture, workers, we wish you success in your great work!

Vocal group I'm on the stove threatened

Bakal Cossack villages

1: Once the lights go out in windows
And darkness pitch will come
Only he is on the whole plot
Tonight will not sleep

2: Let our people sleep calmly
And not afraid of evenings,
After all, our inspector is precinct
Always help in trouble ready

1: With the holiday, we want to congratulate our district inspector Maslova Yuri Aleksandrovich and wish him success in His hard, but such a service needed to us! Music sounds for you congratulations "The guy walks at sunset" - Kuznetsova Hope

2: I am going on the village - I will meet a smile,
Familiar, good faces
Golden hearts - from gold bars,
Which can be proud of.
And every hello ", and how are you,
Many familiar with me are familiar with childhood.
With some studied, with others grew
Or lived on-sency

1: Today, with great gratitude, we congratulate employees of the service sector! These are lovely, modest women who work in the post office, a branch of Sberbank, a pharmacy, patiently and carefully help their customers. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.For you, the song "Some" Sorokina Love

2: Let laughter and joy

Calling song

Again stick over the village,

Let us become closely

Let happiness enters each house.

Dance "Disco Parisans"

1 : Beautiful, tender, polite and responsive girls and women working in the field of trade, congratulate you on the day of the village and dedicate to your honor Song "Babia Summer" - Kosenkova Love

2: In our life there is great amount holidays and none of them do without workers in culture, which their own creativity light your hearts, creating a holiday for all, opening the cherishedthe door to the world of beautiful.

1 : Employees of Culture
Today we congratulate
And creative success
In my work, we wish you!
Health, inspiration
And new achievements
Pleasant excitement
Significant accomplishments!

Song "Yagoda-Smorodina" - Kuznetsova Hope

2: B. Russia Only harmony

Began to be all started?

And in the bell tower

Our holiday in antiquity sounded.

We believe, he is still possible

Return again, our best day.

We again go on off-road,

To the sources of Russian villages,

So that you grow up with faith again

Kohl is destined to rebel

And to resurrected a full measure

Village age-old becoming.

1: Let every day and every hour
What was the fate for us
Brings joy with sunrise,
And shines you happy star
Store from the troubles and life of vitality.
Good luck to you and sincere laughter
Health to everyone, for a long year!

2: Let our farms

Always flourish

Let the strength of the peasantry

With the years they do not melt!

1: So be healthy,

Live richly

How the villages lived

In Russia, sometime!

Song "We wish you happiness"

At this, the concert program is over, to new meetings, dear fellow villagers!

Sounds hor. sunday school

Wonderful igumen of the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery in the history of the Pskov land, the builder of the God's temples and human shower.

Demonstrates the slides of the "Life of Cornelius". Music background - church chants.

The name of Reverend Cornilia, the monastery, a strict devotee and an enlightened person, was widely known in Russia at that time. Many people came to him for a smart conversation for spiritual teaching. His interest in his native ancient, the desire to preserve for the descendants "the affairs of the long-lasting days of the old days is deeply" - all this contributed to the fact that Hegumen Cornilius wrote the chronicle of the Pskovo-Pechersk Resident. The Lord so blessed his works that the glory of God crossed in the century, and the memory of Reverend remained in the hearts of human.
The builder of the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, Igumen, Cornili, who has undergone a lute execution from the hand of Ivan the Terrible, is devoted to the penetrated poem of the Outlist of the Monastery of Schiigumen Sava. Listen, his student of school number will be read ...

Cum of Hegumen Cornilius
Schiigumen Savva

It is clear, sweets frosty day, and the road as a pattern.
Tsar Ivan Vasilich The Terrible path keeps her Pechor.
Grozen king - none of the words, furrow wrinkles forehead:
About Pechora a lot of evil chipped him a hatop.
"At the Holy Gate, Hegumen is building a fortress, he became strong,
Spent, Volnodumen, climbs something.
With Prince Kurbsky was in love. Pulls towards Lithuania. "
Roughly the king, he craves her blood and a guide head.
The cross shines like Chervonets, all in the lights of the cave temple.
The sonorous hum of Pechora bells rolled around the mountains.
The wall crowds in fear of frightened people;
The abbot and monks wait silently at the gate.
The king approaches the Pechoras: "Where is the monastery? What kind of kind? "
To the amazed royal eyes, the fortress is strong standing!
"Oh, so what is Igumen! Alloy, no, strong,
Overschur, in no way, it's not treasoning, he thinks? "
Chmuri eyebrows, the king enters into the gate of the monastery,
And the rootilium falls as the congestion of the king.
Raised the garbage, blessing, but sparkled an unexpected sword,
And the chapter was removed from the bold shoulders with blood.
All reprisals are waiting humbly, everyone is standing, Ocalev.
In pity, sharply ordered the royal anger.
Hugged the king holy body, irrigated with a current tears,
And, Klyani is a bit case, in the church of the dead suffered.
Sacrifice of the wrath of the wonderful world, so the rootilies in the world of miracles
From the king of this earthly sent to the king of heaven.

Rev., understanding well, what value is the temple for a believer man, a lot of strength gave the construction of churches. What temples are built under the igumen of the root?

Responses of children. Slides with images of temples - Nikolsky, Blagoveshchensky, forty martyrs, fortress walls around the monastery.

With diligence was engaged in the reverend case of church construction.

V. Chamonin
Light cloud shines on a mountain temple -
Exactly from the lake takes off white swan to heaven.
There, between the pines of emerald, lakes crystal shook.
As a prayer in the sounds of wonderful, the church is poured into the church ...

The chasing of the Valaam Monastery sounds, the slides of the "Temples of Russia" are shown.

A life orthodox Christian Without a temple and imagined it is impossible. It takes the main events life path Human: baptism - spiritual birth, confession - healing conscience through repentance and forgiveness by the Lord of our sins, wedding, seeing eternal deceased. A true Christian hurries with the joy and hope of the Temple of God, where he expects invariably loving and the mild Lord.
Each of us would wish that his life flowed smoothly, calmly, all things were done on time and they would have accompanied success, and we would even feel the support of the Lord. What is needed for this? The execution of the biblical commandment: "Two days do your business, the day of the seventh is the Lord."

Children's stage "Silent Stone".

In the temple, our souls are performed by the gracious world of Christ. It happens, you will come there with an internal confusion, the severity of the heart, and leave the prisoner, consistent, soothered. Why is that? Because in the temple, God himself is invisible. Remember, as Christ said: "For where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them." That is why the life of an Orthodox Christian without a temple is impossible to imagine.

V. Afanasyev
Russia Holy Rus

Here I take a pencil, and I pray for God at Tom:
I want to draw Rus on this here is a lot.
Holy Rus, which the trace is not flushed by the flow of formidable troubles.
What is my conclusion in Russia? - Yes, she prays in the temples!
And these temples were not alone was raised from the ruins.
And there were evil in the darkness, cast back the bells.
Yes, the Bit Rus, but the Lord did not overcome her souls.
And so I pray for the Lord: save my holy Russia!

According to the grace of God, the tradition of olderism is not interrupted in our church (draws the attention of children to the photo exhibition of portraits of elders). Press these faces: how many are good, light, wisdom in them! To them, the elders of God, the inexhaustible flow flock all the advantage of the Council, consolation, support. And everyone gets spiritual and prayer assistance, learns to be merciful, love the neighbor, their depression. Few of them - the lamps of God, but the more valuable for us the saving grace of their life, their wise senile advice.

Bell ringer
From the poem Nekrasov "Knight for an hour"

Aside from large cities,
In the midst of endless meadows,
Behind the village on the mountain is low,
Takenla, all visible at the moon,
The church is old fading to me.
And on a white church wall
Reflects the cross lonely.
Climb the watchman
On your bell tower-ruin.
On the wall it is enormously great,
Poland crossed all the plain.
Lift! - And immediately Bay,
To heard a long buzz.
In the silence of rustic nights
These sounds are sining.
If there is a patient in the sick
He will be attached to the soul
And, considering the sounds carefully,
We will take my flour on the moment.
We will take my flour on the moment;
Lonely Night Trainer
They are worshiped - worst steps,
Their intricate plower believes
And the cross is autumn in the middle,
Requests God about a kept dream.

How old is Christianity in Russia? What prince baptized Russia? (Children's responses.) For what he did such a great and the holy case - he baptized his people into the true faith - he became after the death of the holy and pleasing to God. Now it is called him - the Holy Prince Vladimir.

Children's dramatization "Zlakotrian ink"

Just think that everything created by God teaches us the right faith in it! And what gives us the sun? (Children's responses.) Sunshine - how it is disinterested! Sending your light and heat, it gives everyone life. That is our Lord, who consists and gives us their grace.

Children perform the song "Praise the Lord from Heaven". M. Bogdanovich, music. prot. I. Lepeshinsky.

The world is because it is called God, which testifies to every reasonable and pure heart to a person about God, about the creator. As in excellent work we judge the arts of the master, and through a careful, unhurriedly examination of the creations of God, we will be asked for the knowledge of the Almighty and all-bad God. And the most remarkable is that such a study is available not only by a multiple professor, but also a swirl boy with a good soul and an inquisitive mind.

Children's insignment "Forget-me-not

How many useful lessons can be learned by studying the phenomena of God's peace!

Display slides of nature, music background - "Spring" A. Vivaldi.

Press in transparent waters of a quiet straight river. Does she stop at least a minute, whether it makes the case entrusted to her? No, the river-river is not tired; Even when we sleep, she rolls its waters to the target goal. These are the same as we should strive to become: filled with modesty and purposeful in the mainstream of our life - the knowledge of God and serving him.

Love God
Forest stream ran, Zhurch,
Fragrant sick-grass, spreading lace around the lace
And in gentle singing of the stream sounded wise words sounded:
Spring breeze alive whispered, slightly rustling foliage:
"Look for the road to Lord, love and praise God!"
Heaven shine blue, and the words were filled with gold:
"Look for the road to Lord, love and praise God!"

At the very beginning, when there was no peace, no man, God created the Holy Angels. The word "angel" means "Bulletin". Every Christian God gives with the baptism of the Guardian Angel, which is all earth life A person invisibly protects him from the troubles and keeps away from sins.

L. Charskaya
Night ... silence ... Kyota quietly lamp shines.
Light and joyful, someone child guarded.
The eyes like Merzia's stars, shine red dive,
Kudri, to the shoulders of falling, dark clouds.
He from the surveillance world to the world was a flexible appeared,
Reya in the space of the ether, went down to the children's bed.
Weighs the wing of snow-white in cute sleepy eyes,
The voice of a quiet and gentle whispering is wonderful fairy tales.

M. Foalov
Guardian angel
Everyone from God is given a holy keeper,
In joy and in grief with us, he is always:
Angel blonde, affectionate teacher.

Performed song "Angels in the sky live."

All of you have a small shrine. Our life begins with the temple, with baptism in the temple. You guessed what kind of shrine is we talking about? (Answer - about the cross.) After all, a cross is not just the memory of the bottom of baptism and not a relic, which must be stored under three castles. This is a shrine. Many of you know what words are written on the back of the Cross: "Save and Save." We all the cross should be protected from all the troubles and misfortunes. It is not by chance that the pious Russian people folded the wise proverb: "We are not a cross we carry, and he wears us." Next, no night you can not part with the cross.

Staging a poem A. Feta "Sleep time, Candle went out"

It's time to sleep, the candle went out. Sleep and you, my beauty!
Head head, curls climb.
Yes, and the eyes, the poor things, so ask to fall asleep ...
Only the gate of the shirt must be unsettled before.

Why, nanny, you need?

It is necessary, my friend, so that you,
Do not bring holy look, admired your angel.
Your keeper, the Angel of God, flies at night -
Like you, child, priest, only wings on shoulders.
If he sees the soul, the gate is opened and quiet your dream -
Quietly on the pillow, smiling, he will sit down.
Get up here, in front of the icon. I will send a birth.
Do not rush to put the bows, the "Virgin" read.
Over you, the Lord strength. Give me a gate of Pillamp.
I baptized the pillow, and I swear.

Often, prayer is called the "breath of life." Prayer is the thought facing God. Prayer is the work equal to which, perhaps, not to find. Look at the candle: like she, breathing with light, warm, fixed to God, and we, praying, should stand straight, rewarding praise to the Creator - not only in spirit, but also by the body, and a reverently autumn himself with a convening.

I. Rutenin
Morning prayer
I get up from bed early, so that, the Creator thanks
See how from the fog is harvested.
From the blade and before the stack - everything seemed to sing.
Everyone gets up to praise God - people, birds and sunrise.
Here is a flock of birds a pack - how light in Russia live!
And I, too, Rus Holy, I will love you a century!

It often happens that because of the external fuss, having eyes to see, we do not see; Having ears to hear - we do not hear. I think you need to become a baby in order to understand the recognition of the Russian poet, who said in a minute of spiritual enlightenment: "And I see God in heaven."

Let's see the wonderful story that happened with a small droplet.

I. Ruteenin's stage "Dustnink and Droplet"

He lived, was on the ground of the dust, and she was very proud of himself.

See how many of us! We are the most numerous people all over the planet, and the power we are Grozny: the wind will rise, the dust storm will begin - then to unlock anyone!

And above it at the very edge of a field flower hung a droplet of morning dew. She listened to the proud words of dust and silent. And the dusting saw her and began to spout even more.

About our sisters - dust and sands, when they want to say that something is very much, they say: "Like the sand of the sea." What can you say to yourself?

And when it's a lot in the sky - rain pours, and when a lot on earth is a river, a lake or even the sea, and we are strong and nice before God.

I did not expect such a turn of the dust. It was angry then and says:

Do you know that of us, dust, all earth It consists, and the Lord himself created himself from the Earth itself, so here!

And her modest droplet answers:

And I'm a speech of heaven: When the god of the asterisks will say their holy will, I hurry immediately to convey it. This in order for people on the earth of God will be performed.

What are you now the Lord ordered to convey to a person?

But what ...

She rolled with Rosinka from the twig and fell right on the dust, and from this proud
Dirty ordinary dirt turned out.

I want to convey to you so that people are not proud of:
Dana Krotsky grace, and who will be unhappy who will be unhappy.

Morning came. The sunshine looked out, the dirt was dry and again became dust, and the droplet evaporated.

Serves you right!

Said the dusting with gloating ... But the hot sun is stronger - such a roast that the whole land crackdown. The people of God began to pray: "We can see, we sinned, Lord, but they went to us at least a drop of moisture, and then after all the land of the crop does not give. In such a drought, hunger may come - and we, and our children will have nothing. All blades dried out, one dust on the road is ... "
It is offended by dusting that people talk about it so. But honestly, she herself was internally, it's very hot.
And suddenly the rain went, yes so warm, gentle, that all plants were perceived.

IN solar rays Welcome and fly easily, wildly.
Between heaven and people we build a rainbow-hope.

On the bread fields wheat risen became - people were delighted!
And again met dust with a droplet.

What do you want to pass people this time?

People ordered to convey that their prayer is heard.

Dusting is angry and thinks:

Nothing, we will see what will be with you in the winter!

And now the winter has come. All, the rivers of the lake frozen, the ice were covered, and not even the fact that the sea - the oceans are some frozen.


The dusting is rejoiced, although Sodrothan himself before the bones.

Anyway, our people - and stronger and more nice!

And suddenly looks - on her, the snowflake falls from the sky, flies like a white dove, flutters in frosty air. And on her dress, like the bride is white. And on the head - Kokoshnik, like Russian girls. It was a droplet that turned into a beautiful snowfish.

And-and-and-and ... What are you going to convey now?

Cold from the cold tooths the extended dust.

And I ordered to transfer to me from the Lord God that the strongest and glorious people on earth are the Holy Mother of Russia.

This is how this story ended. And you, our little viewers, remember it, be modest, never proud. Remember what blessed Lord himself by God the people you belong. Any breath Yes, I felt the Lord!

Everything wants to sing and praise God:
Zarya, and Lily of Lily and Kickl,
And forest, and field, and road,
And windscreen dust.
They sing the word word.
And the song of them from the century to the century
In other consonant, hear again
And repeats a person.

Well, our proviblons speak about the church: "To whom the church is not a mother - God is not a father." Therefore, friends, as the Zenitsa of the Oka we will take care of faith and keep loyalty orthodox churchwhich gives strength to win evil, teaches all kinds. In Mount Lee, in joy - any road leads to the temple.

Singing the Chorus of Sunday School.

From the site

  • Holy night

    Scenario child holidaydedicated to christmas

    1st shepherd.
    2nd shepherd.
    3rd shepherd.
    Grandson Anatoly.
    Granddaughter Anya.
    Granddaughter Lena.

    On the scene there is an elegantly decorated christmas tree. Next to her the table, at the table grandmother with grandchildren, they drink tea and talk. Playing a quiet music.

    Grandmother. My dear! Today's evening is special! It is called the Christmas Christmas Eve, or the Nativity of Christ.
    Christmas is Christo - the Great, Light, Joyful Holiday, when "Just Angels in Heaven and people rejoice."
    In 5508, the Lord of Our Jesus Christ was born from the creation of the world from the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Spirit in the city of Bethlehem!
    The first of these people on Earth learned the shepherds, Easter herd near the city of Bethlehema.

  • Pokrov of the Mother of God.

    Speech by the children's choir of the monastery.
    Farmer of the holiday.

    Today the Church celebrates the holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God. Pokrov is one of the most revered in the people of autumn church holidays.

    Child Chets.
    On autumn gray clouds, the Mother of God entered the temple.
    She fell on his knees, in front of his son prayed.
    And above everyone who is ready to believe, spread out his cover saint.
    He is from the light of heavenly sweat, weight and transparent in appearance,
    He will defend him from sorrows and troubles.
    (The poem is read on the background of Music P. I. Tchaikovsky "October".)

  • Chuha.
    Come closer, come
    And your eyes wipe your eyes.
    We are overwhelmed sweatshops,
    Famous crochets and mockery.

  • Easter

    Preparation of the holiday.
    This holiday in Russia was called differently: great day, bright day, Christ Sunday. Once he was hardly the most joyful and long-awaited children's holiday. It was a day merry games, first rounds, swing on the swing, courtyard bypass, reminiscent of a casual bond. Often it was called: green shints. In order for the holiday to be remembered to children, a preliminary work of the teacher, parents, older friends are needed: you need to tell children about the history of the holiday, to cook gifts and souvenirs with children, game equipment, paint eggs and bake cakes.

    Registration hall.
    The class (hall) is festively decorated with balls, blossomed by sprigs of trees, spring flowers.

    Registration hall.
    The hall is decorated with applied art objects, some of which are made by the hands of grandmothers, parents. These are embroidered napkins, household tracks, vine and berers, wicker lace, needlework.

  • Christmas journey

    For students of 4-6 grades

    Leading - boy and girl
    30 children dressed in the costumes of the Peoples of the world take part in the journey Latin America, Africa, East, England, Russia.

    The music "Children of the five continents" sounds. Leading - boy and girl.

  • Winter Mother Carols

    On the side walls of the hall there are plane houses. They depict a rustic street. Children are included following the leading melody of the Russian dance song. Leading and children are dressed in Russian folk costumes. They stop near the houses, enhance. Part of children - hosts, hostess, cat, dog - go to their "huts". Chants with the lead become a semicircle near the houses. Thrings in the hands - a sunny card from cardboard, attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers - the strollery symbol.

    So the Mother-Winter came.
    Dissolve the gate!
    Came and striding, yes from Novgorod.

    Children go, holding hands, snake around the hall and sing.

  • Nativity

    for senior preschool children

    Preliminary work:
    For many classes, conversations with children about Christmas are held - the main Christian holiday. Explains its essence and meaning. The holiday should take place in the atmosphere of bright joy.

We recommend to read
