DIY frame for a picture. How to make a wood frame

garden equipment 30.08.2019
garden equipment

A good picture always requires a good frame. And it does not matter at all what it is: a children's drawing, embroidery or oil canvas. Without a frame, all these works will look unfinished. However, it is not always possible to find exactly what is suitable for a particular picture on sale. It is much better to make the frame yourself.

Design rules and materials of manufacture

Each should be framed in a frame that suits her. Only in this case, it acquires a special look and can complement the interior or become its highlight. Before you get started, you need to pay attention to some design nuances:

  • The framing must fully correspond to the function of the room in which the painting is planned to be located.
  • It must be in one color scheme with content, not with a wall.
  • It is undesirable for the frame to be very bright. This option will make the drawing or photo too faded.
  • The framing element should focus on the image itself.
  • Some frames are a continuation or finishing touch of the composition.

  • The picture and the frame structure must be designed in the same style. For example, for an avant-garde option, you cannot use a molding baguette. For graphic images, design with glass or passe-partout is suitable.

Advice. If there are difficulties with the choice, it is best to use a tree of different textures and shades. This material is considered universal and suitable for any composition.

There are no special restrictions in the selection of material for the frame. Suitable wood, cardboard, plastic, plaster, etc. The main criteria here are the density and the ability not to soak from the glue.

Making a wooden frame

Wood is considered a classic material for decorating paintings. They framed painting almost from the moment of its appearance.

Advice. To make a frame out of wood yourself and at the same time get a quality product, it is best to use a plinth. You can buy it at any hardware store.

To accomplish what you have planned, you will need:

  • wooden material (plank or plinth);
  • sharp knife;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue for wood;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails, hammer;
  • angular ruler;
  • very thick fabric, cardboard or plywood.

The manufacturing work is carried out as follows:

  1. The dimensions of the picture, for which the future frame is intended, are measured with particular accuracy.
  2. The measurements obtained are marked with a simple pencil on a wooden blank.
  3. Cut with a hacksaw required size planks. Clean them up with sandpaper.
  4. All edges are cut at a 45° angle.
  5. Now the frame can be glued. If it is small, such fastening of parts will be enough. Otherwise, small nails are additionally used.

After completing all the above steps, you can start decorating. The frame structure can be varnished, painted, glued on it various decorations, that is, arrange it to your taste.

Polyurethane foam (aka polystyrene) is widely used in construction as an imitation of gypsum, wood, etc. To make a frame from such material, it is best to use ceiling plinths. They can have a flat surface, or they can be covered with a variety of convex patterns.

Attention! Polyurethane foam is quite a delicate material. From the impact of any force, a dent appears on it.

To complete the work, prepare:

  • foam plinth;
  • sharp knife;
  • glue for foam;
  • ruler.

Make a frame like this:

  1. Make measurements of the drawn image. At the same time, a base is prepared from plywood or thick cardboard, on which the picture will be attached. Its size should correspond to the perimeter of the future frame.
  2. Cut the styrofoam with a sharp knife.
  3. The edges are cut at an angle of 45°.
  4. The segments are connected with glue.
  5. The design object is attached to the base using buttons or the same glue.
  6. The finished frame is glued on top.

To make the frame more interesting, it is painted acrylic paints in one or more colors. After the work is done, it remains only to attach a loop and hang the decor on the wall.

soft frames

The so-called soft frames are great for decorating the walls of a children's room. They make them like this:

In order to make a frame with your own hands, it is not necessary to make great efforts or spend significant amounts of money. You can beautifully decorate a drawing, picture or photograph with the help of the simplest materials that can be found in every home.

The modern world dictates its own rules. Gadgets are replacing the previously familiar things that were part of our everyday life. If earlier photos were stored in photo albums, now most often on hard drives, flash drives, online storage. You can view thousands of images at once, but the very charm of the process is lost. Compare with reading books online and in real binding, with paper pages. The book and photo album that you hold in your hands have their own magic, unique energy. Photo frames can also be classified as an endangered class, but with a big correction: if these are ordinary products from the store. Creative DIY frames are out of fashion. They are always relevant, effectively decorate the interior, become an original addition to the gift. Consider ways to make unusual frames with which a special atmosphere appears in the house.

How to make a photo frame out of cardboard

The advantage of this method is that you can use any color. Cardboard sets are sold in 8, 10, 16, 20 or more shades. Or it's best to create your own range by covering the surface with paint that blends perfectly with the interior of your room.

Now more about the process itself:

  • We outline the desired size of the future frame, draw a rectangle on the cardboard and cut it out. Try not to climb over the edges. On bright cardboard, all the bumps will be visible.
  • Then inside we draw a second rectangle with a pencil - a little smaller size photographs (10x15 or 9x13). We make a neat cut under the photo. Be careful not to damage or wrinkle the cardboard.

  • Now about the decor. If the cardboard is plain, with the usual smooth texture, the frame can be supplemented with bright elements. These can be stickers that are sold in stationery stores (flowers, figurines, letters), sticky-based stars, textile roses, voluminous paper compositions, bows, and more. Fantasize more. If you have time, you can paste over the cardboard with millet, buckwheat, small pasta and paint on top with a spray can.

Important point: choose good glue, which will ensure a secure fixation of decorative elements.

  • We make the back wall that will hold the photo. It is better to take thick paper or the same cardboard. Cut out a rectangle the size of a centimeter big photo. Glue the edges to the base so that the top side remains free - you get a pocket. We are waiting for drying.
  • We insert the photo into the frame and admire our hand-made creation.

DIY photo frames from the pages of a magazine

Read magazines become a useless stack, a dust collector, which is a pity to throw away, but also useful application can not found. Colorful glossy pages are an excellent basis for decorating an original photo frame. The process itself is also fascinating, which often develops into a hobby. Products are bright, interesting, unique - it will be difficult to find analogues. Now step by step.

  • We take a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. Perfect Size- 20x25 cm. We draw a rectangle under the photo in the middle with a simple pencil, it should be slightly smaller than 10x15. We cut out the window with scissors, without climbing over the given edges.
  • We take up the magazine We tear off or cut off the pages one at a time. Each must be twisted into a tight tube. To prevent the sheets from unwinding, we glue the outer edges.
  • The tubes can be decorated with multi-colored clerical threads, which you need to buy in advance at the store. It is better to choose contrasting colors, the more shades there are, the brighter the composition will turn out. We wind the threads on the tubes from the magazine pages, leaving small gaps. We fix the loops along the edges, carefully trim the ends.

  • We frame the cutout under the photo. Alternately glue the tubes around the window, one after the other, combining the colors at our discretion. We recommend using PVA glue - it fixes paper materials best. You can set the tubes in any direction: straight lines diagonally, vertically, horizontally.
  • We make a pocket for a photo. WITH inside frame, glue a rectangle that will close the window - it will become a pocket.
  • In the central upper part of the frame, we glue a loop under the hook - for placement on the wall or make a leg out of thick cardboard (desktop version).
  • Insert a photo. With debut, you did it!

How to make a beautiful gift frame

The perfect gift - given with soul. Of course, store presents often take a lot of time to choose, but they do not have the energy of hand-made. Complement the main gift with a handmade photo frame, and the hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised and touched.

The process is quite simple:

  • From the cardboard we cut out the base for the photo - in size, focus on the photo. If inside is 10x15, the sides of the frame should not be less than 5 centimeters.
  • With scissors we make a window-slot under the photo.

We select a piece of fabric. Colors, print - to your taste. The most winning options that look bright and impressive: contrasting peas, multi-colored stripes, patterns on a white background. It is better to choose a drawing according to age and situation. Children - cartoon motifs, women - floral prints, men - restrained style.

  • We put the fabric on cardboard and measure a rectangle with a margin around the edges - for bending. We cut out small squares on the sides so that the bends are neat and aesthetic. Don't forget to make a window in the middle.
  • Glue the fabric to the cardboard. We try to ensure that the material does not wrinkle, is fixed evenly, and does not slip along the edges.
  • At the back we make a pocket according to the principle described above - from thick cardboard glued to the base on three sides.
  • We select the color of the tape. You can buy ready-made with a bow. We glue the tape to the fabric from the bottom horizontally or from the side vertically. The frame is ready and waiting for its solemn moment.

How to make a flower frame

Flowers can become not only the basis for a bouquet. Floral compositions from varieties that become beautiful dried flowers without water are a great decor for a photo frame.

We will tell you in detail how to make a masterpiece out of an ordinary frame:

  • Hydrangeas, small spray roses in half-open buds, medium-sized gerberas are ideal for dry compositions. It is necessary to cut off the stems so that they are enough for fixing and the extra ones do not crawl out of the edges of the frame.
  • Glue the edges of the photo frame with ribbon, fabric or lace.
  • Now the most important stage - fixing the colors. You need to act carefully so that the inflorescences do not break. We start gluing from the corner of the frame, a little diagonally. We try to hide all the voids.

We make a back pocket for a photo and fastening (for a wall - a loop, for a shelf - a leg-support). A beautiful flower frame is ready.
DIY photo frames from threads

What to do with threads if you don't know how to sew? Make an original photo frame that will effectively decorate your home. The colors of the threads can be chosen in harmony with the shades of the interior. It will look stylish and conceptual. About the process step by step:

  • We select threads . A frame in one color will look boring. Try to combine two or three shades, you can use a bright multi-gamma. Red with blue, yellow with green, orange with purple, brown with canary, white with blue look interesting. Be true to your taste and color of the interior.

  • We make the frame. To do this, you need a sheet of thick cardboard and scissors. Determine the size, outline inner window and cut out with scissors.
  • We apply glue to the surface and proceed to winding with threads. Measure the length and cut from the coil - it will be convenient to combine different colours. The threads should fit snugly against the cardboard, soaked with glue. After the frame is completely wrapped, put it on the table and press it on top with a press: a stack of books, a jar of water. 15 minutes and you can continue.
  • We make a pocket. It will have to be glued to the thread base. Leave the top edge free - through it you will insert the photo into the frame.
  • Filament frames look more spectacular on a table or shelf. The method of fastening is appropriate - a support made of kraton.

How to make your own photo frame from buttons

There are buttons in every house. You can easily make a bright set for a photo frame. In addition to buttons, you will need three more items: super glue, thick cardboard and scissors.

  • We are preparing the base. In order for the frame not to bend from the weight of the buttons, choose the thickest cardboard. We make both the outer frame and the pocket under the photo at once.
  • We fix the buttons. You can arbitrarily, you can make a drawing, keep the balance in shades and shape. It is better to start from the top corner and go clockwise.
  • Let the frame lie down for a while until it dries completely. Try not to put anything on top, the buttons can move, the composition will crawl and you will have to start all over again. 10 minutes and the photo frame is ready to use.

Whatever method you choose, the frame will be original and unique. Feel free to fantasize, try new materials and decor elements. Try yourself in hand-made. The process is creative and exciting, often develops into a hobby. How nice to admire the frames made with your own hands and with soul!

Without a doubt, you have a lot of photos stored at home and most of them are hidden in albums, since there are no photo frames for all the pictures.

Now it is fashionable to decorate the walls with whole photo collages, multiple frames on a fireplace, chest of drawers or a showcase. In this regard, today we propose to look best ideas DIY photo frames 2019.

Making a beautiful and original photo frame with your own hands is quite simple. You will need any materials at hand for decoration and the base of a photo frame made of cardboard or wood.

A self-made photo frame will definitely take pride of place in the house, and can also become original gift for a loved one.

We offer you the most original ideas DIY photo frames 2019 and ways to decorate old and boring photo frames.

We make beautiful photo frames with our own hands - creative ideas and photos step by step

Let's start from the easiest way how to make a photo frame with your own hands from cardboard. Two types of frames are obtained from cardboard - voluminous and flat.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step photo frame lessons from cardboard will tell you how quickly and without special skills you can make a beautiful photo frame that you just have to decorate.

Do-it-yourself photo frames 2019 from related branches look unusual and new. In that form, you can also connect the planks, it will turn out quite interesting.

Do-it-yourself photo frames in the form of a canvas will look no less original. All you need is a small piece of cardboard that you wrap in your choice of fabric or paper and stick two small clothespins on to act as a photo holder.

A real find for large shots will be window frame, which can perfectly serve as an original do-it-yourself photo frame.

The frame from the window can become the basis for a collage of photos, if you stretch a few thick threads and fix the pictures with clothespins, as you can see in the example.

A do-it-yourself wall photo frame, consisting of a number of elements, looks very nice. Such a photo frame can be created in any style: childish, romantic, family, bright or minimalist.

We decorate a frame for a photo - an original do-it-yourself photo frame decor

Have you found old frames from photographs or paintings at home? Do not rush to throw them away, give them new life and turn it into a design masterpiece, enlivening your own interior.

As a decor for a do-it-yourself photo frame 2019, use any materials: beads, sequins, pebbles, buttons, artificial flowers, small designers and puzzles.

Pictures from a seaside vacation will look very cool in a do-it-yourself photo frame decorated with shells and pebbles collected on the beach.

A family photo in a frame of coffee, peas or cereals will harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen.

Do-it-yourself quilling photo frames look very stylish and original. Paper colored patterns and flowers look attractive and unusual.

For a fashionable eco-style interior, do-it-yourself photo frames 2019 decorated with wooden stumps and twigs, cork circles, flat pebbles are suitable.

No less original to decorate a photo frame with your own hands in the form of a mosaic. Suitable here broken glass or a mirror, maybe you still have old broken Christmas toys that are also suitable for decoration.

To decorate a photo frame with your own hands in the style of a mosaic, you can use eggshell, pre-colored.

One of the most simple ways To decorate a photo frame in an original way with your own hands is to take multi-colored threads and wrap them around the frame.

More cool and unusual ideas for a photo frame with your own hands, see the gallery.

Beautiful do-it-yourself photo frames - decor ideas, step-by-step photo tutorials, new items in 2019

Nowadays, hand-made interior items are in great demand. There are many shops selling goods of this category. Handmade products look original, the authors invest not only imagination and skills, but also a piece of their soul. Yes, and it's nice to have in the house not standard products from consumer goods, but an individual product, which is in a single copy. However, for such products you will have to pay a tidy sum, since authorship is valued dearly. It will be much cheaper if you show creativity, imagination and realize your vision of a household item, for example: photo frames, paintings, wooden mirrors.

creative plans

Before undertaking any work, it is always necessary to draw up rough plan actions, prepare materials and an object that you want to frame. Ready product should organically fit into the interior of the room, whether it be an office or a residential apartment. The frame cannot but correspond to the style of the overall interior. Also, the materials from which the frames are made vary greatly in texture, quality, and color. Itself wooden frame maybe in a strict style, or maybe with a beautiful openwork carving.

Even a simple, even frame made of wood is complemented by design elements that will give it a special style and originality. You also need to decide what exactly to focus on in the work. If the main thing in the project is the design of an already finished frame, then it can be purchased at the store, and at home transformed into a masterpiece. If the frame itself becomes the object of creativity, then it is better to make it yourself.

Material selection

In order to make a frame with your own hands from wood, the necessary wood is selected. Basically, you need to look at the pattern and structure of the tree, since, in principle, any breed is suitable for this. If the frame is then painted, then the simplest one is chosen - pine or spruce. If the structure of the tree is visible and the product is subsequently varnished or stained, then you need to take wood with the original pattern. Walnut, ash, cherry, linden look very nice.

Beautiful do-it-yourself picture frames made of wood are created when they are carved (floral, plot or simple ornament). For carving, softer wood is taken, especially if the carver is a beginner. A professional, of course, will make a pattern on an oak board, but for a beginner it will be difficult, since oak is considered a very hard wood. You will also have to buy a set of cutters of different sizes.

Another option for making a frame with your own hands from wood is a simple wooden product, which is decorated on top with improvised materials. Picture frames decorated with something unusual are now fashionable. These can be pieces of bark, pencils, shells, buttons and other junk material.

Making a frame with your own hands from wood

Before you make a picture frame out of wood, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • plywood or fiberboard;
  • wooden slats, plinth or baguette;
  • hand saw or jigsaw;
  • miter box;
  • construction stapler;

  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic varnish or paint, brushes;
  • stain (if necessary);
  • a plastic or metal loop;
  • nails or screws;
  • hammer or screwdriver (in extreme cases - a screwdriver);
  • corner clamps;
  • sandpaper.

When planning to glue a picture frame with something (it’s easy to make it out of wood with your own hands), prepare the material that is needed for this. You can lay out the necessary pattern on the table in advance in order to understand how it will look.

Step-by-step instruction

The first step is to measure the size of the picture and cut out a square or rectangle from plywood or fiberboard. Its size should be larger than the picture by the width of the wooden lath. After attaching a picture or photograph to plywood, outline it with a pencil so as not to stain the object during work. After that, the picture can be put aside until the end of the work.

The second step in making a frame with your own hands from wood will be cutting the rails at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this, you need a saw and a miter box. A rail or block of wood is inserted into the miter box and sawn off along the line. Then we repeat the procedure with another bar. We combine the corners of two pieces of wood, you should get a right angle of 90 degrees. We apply this corner to the plywood and mark the length of the other sides. After that, according to the marked marks, we make cuts of the other two corners. We attach the assembled frame to plywood and check its size. If everything is clearly aligned, you can proceed to the next step.

The ends of the rails, sawn at 45 degrees, are smeared with PVA glue and tightly pulled together, left alone until completely glued (approximately 2 hours). After that, for better bonding, connect the corners of the rails with staples using a construction stapler.

Wooden frame assembly

The last step in the manufacture of the frame will be the fastening of the parts together. There is a small nuance here. If you attach a picture or photograph forever, then it can be glued to plywood. Then everything is much easier. The finished frame just needs to be nailed to the plywood or screwed with small screws. If the photo is inserted, then you will have to work harder.

In order for the photo to be freely inserted into the frame, it is necessary to leave a gap between the frame and the photo. In a purchased frame, wooden slats are processed on milling machine and a step is made for insertion. At home, not everyone has a router, so you need to do it differently. Between the frame and plywood, make an additional layer, for example, from thick cardboard. Strips are cut to size, corresponding to the width of the frame, and glued around the perimeter of the plywood on three sides. You don't need to do it from above. A picture or photograph will be inserted into that slot.

Farther sandpaper clean the surface and cover with a layer of varnish or paint. After drying, repeat the cleaning procedure and cover with another layer. Let dry. Acrylic varnish dries quickly and almost does not emit unpleasant odors.

A do-it-yourself frame for a picture is made of wood for a short time. It remains only to attach a loop and hang it on the wall. The only thing that can be advised is to laminate the photo so that you can periodically wipe the dust without damaging the photo itself.

Variety of materials

You can create frames with your own hands from wood and metal, baguettes and plastic, polyurethane baseboards and simple branches. Now there is such a free approach to the choice of materials that you can realize any flight of fancy. Frames are roughly knocked down with large nails, tied together from randomly sized branches, burned with a blowtorch, peeled off with a stiff brush. Everyone has their own approach. Whoever thinks, then embodies in his work. So many nowadays various materials and examples of other designers that you can, after viewing the photos, choose the one that suits you.

Designer mirror frame

You can make frames not only from slats or bars. Consider several options for unusual frames. For example, how to make a wooden mirror frame with your own hands using small twigs? We take plywood for this and cut out a figure several centimeters larger in diameter than a mirror.

If, for example, it is round, then a larger circle is drawn, etc. Then the mirror itself is glued onto liquid nails in the center of the plywood circle. A strip of plywood remains along the edges, which we will decorate. To do this, take glue for the tree and, in turn, smear each branch with glue and put it in a circle with the end in the middle. The work is meticulous and long, but it will turn out to be a completely original thing.

Twig frame

Consider another example of an originally made photo frame. Everyone can make it with their own hands from wood. A photograph is glued onto a sheet of plywood and a few centimeters of margin are left to the edges to decorate the frame. Branches of one or different lengths, carefully dried and treated with an antiseptic.

After that you can cover them acrylic varnish, or you can leave it untouched. A beautiful twine is taken, four bunches are made from an equal number of branches. The bundles are tightly connected to each other. It turns out a frame of twigs, which is then glued to the free part of the plywood sheet.

Come up with your own version, create, search, try, and everything will work out! Good luck!

It is quite possible to make a frame for a picture with your own hands, as well as for a poster, photograph or drawing. Moreover, this occupation is interesting and even creative.

Probably, you immediately have doubts that you can really create something worthy that will not spoil your work of art, and that it will not be a shame to hang such a frame on the wall. And you are completely wrong to think so. If you belong to those who have hands, well, certainly not from the back seat, then everything will definitely work out. All you need is a little effort, patience and knowledge, which I will gladly share with you. And the result will not disappoint you. And if it turns out well, it will even be a source of pride for you. It's always nice to look at something you've made yourself. So let's get down to business.

There are three main arguments for this:

  • First, not every locality there are framing workshops where one could order a frame, which, in general, is not cheap.
  • Secondly, it is not always possible to buy a ready-made frame for a picture of the size you need. Otherwise, you will have to crop the poster or photo, which is also not good.
  • And thirdly, a product that is successfully made with your own hands will look more original and will bring you moral satisfaction.

In the beginning, you need to clarify that there are many options for making a frame. But half of them require necessary equipment, which not everyone has, especially if you do not do this all the time.

Therefore, we will consider the three most affordable options.

Making a frame for a picture from a wooden plinth

What do you need to stock up before starting work?

Well, the materials and tools, in general, are not intricate, but still, something will need to be prepared in advance.

And so, from the materials you will need a wooden plinth or well-planed bars with an oval edge. Both can be purchased at hardware stores. You don’t need a long length, so it won’t cost much at all.

In addition, you will need a small sheet of thick cardboard or fiberboard boards about 2-3 mm thick.

You will need wood glue, staples or small nails, stain and varnish.

From the tools you will need a small hammer, a hacksaw with a fine tooth, a miter box or a square, a tape measure, sandpaper with a not very large grain and a pencil.

In accordance with the size of your picture, measure out four pieces of plinth with a small margin in length. This is so that later it is more convenient to saw off the edges.

Well, if for some reason you have a miter box available. In this case, you can easily carefully saw off the workpiece at the desired angle. If you do not have it, and this is most likely the case, then you will have to use a square or a protractor. Mark the workpiece at an angle of 45 degrees and carefully saw off, trying to prevent chipping of the wood.

If you do not have a hacksaw with a fine tooth, then you can use a hacksaw for metal.

Just saw in this case slowly and without pressing, because the narrow blade of the hacksaw can go to the side, and the cut will turn out to be oblique. Make sure that in this case the hacksaw blade is well stretched. Then it will move less.

After sawing off, the ends must be treated with sandpaper and remove wood dust with a slightly damp cloth.

Now you need to fasten the workpieces together. This can be done in two ways.

In the first case, we smear the ends of the blanks with glue, glue them together on a flat surface. At the same time, we check the correctness of gluing with a square and fix the corners on the back of the frame with brackets for wood. After that, let the glue dry completely.

In the second case, we act in exactly the same way, only we fasten the corners not with brackets, but with pre-prepared corners made of cardboard or fiberboard with a side of about 5 cm using carnations. You can also use ready-made metal corners or cut them out of tin.

When the glue is completely dry, we process the joints with fine sandpaper and remove dust. After that, we cover the frame with stain suitable color. Just try to cover with one layer in one pass. Otherwise there will be stripes. Then you have to cover the stain one more time.

After a few hours, we varnish the frame, dry it and enjoy the result.

As you can see, making a frame for a picture with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Making a frame from rails with subsequent decoration

This will require planed wooden slats, which we saw off at an angle of 45 degrees in the manner described above and fasten with corners made of cardboard, fiberboard or metal.

Cardboard corners, before nailing with carnations, should be anointed with glue.

After the glue has dried, we glue the picture frame on the front side with a decorating material and paint it in the desired color or varnish it.

Pieces of brushwood, shells, small flat pebbles, various buttons and much of what comes to your mind can serve as such material. Therefore, you can safely include fantasy. Such frames look quite original, but you need to take into account the style of your painting or photograph. That is, for a more solid plot, you need to choose a more rigorous decorating material, and for a childish or comic one, something funny will do.

To make a frame for a picture with your own hands using the proposed decorating technology is within the power of everyone. You just need to show imagination and approach the process creatively.

Making a frame from foam plinth

Another easy one interesting way. In this case, we make the frame for the picture very effective and reminiscent of a classic baguette. But at the same time, it turns out to be very light and not creating big problems when mounted on the wall in the simplest ways.

You can read about how to fix a picture without nails in this one.

We choose a suitable foam baseboard, which is usually used in conjunction with ceiling tiles. It must be said that the choice of such a plinth in stores is quite large, despite the fact that the foam ceiling tiles not very fashionable right now. We saw off carefully the blanks according to the size of the picture. You can do this with a hacksaw or cut with a clerical knife if yours is not too flimsy.

We smear the ends of the blanks with a thin layer of polymer glue, press firmly on a flat surface to each other until the glue sets.

In order for the corners to be straight and the joints to be without gaps, check them before gluing with a square by laying the frame on the surface of the table.

After the glue has dried, we proceed to the processing of the frame. To do this, take the color on water based desired color, which is used when painting walls, and cover the frame with a regular brush.

Coloring it is advisable to start from the back of the frame to practice and make sure that the color you want is the one you want.

The frame for the picture should be painted completely from all sides so that the foam does not shine through.

Coloring is a primer coating. Therefore, the next step is to final processing. To do this, you will need to stock up on two cans of brown spray paint, if your primer was brown, and golden.

In fact, the color of the primer and paint for it does not have to be brown. It all depends on your preferences and the main tones of your painting. We will take these colors as an example.

And so, after the color has dried, apply a thin layer on it brown paint. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, the color is water-soluble, so a more stable coating must be applied to it. And secondly, the frame, covered with color, has a matte surface. To give a more attractive look, we cover it with aerosol enamel.

The next step is to complete the finishing of our frame.

To do this, we take a can of golden paint, remove the cap or lid from it, as it will be clearer to you, and spray paint into it from a close distance so that a little paint accumulates in it in liquid form, and not sprayed. After that, we take a narrow paint brush and apply paint around the perimeter of the frame on the protruding horizontal edges of the plinth closer to the outer edge.

After that, dip the brush quite a bit into the paint and apply it with light strokes to the protruding patterns of the frame. Try not to worry too much at this moment and feel like not a painter painting a fence, but a creator!

That's actually all. The frame turns out to be quite nice and very much resembles a real wood frame. With a little practice, you can make such frames in a couple of hours.

We looked at three ways to make your own frame for a picture with your own hands. All of them do not require special skill and expensive tools. Which one suits you best, choose for yourself.

If you have a desire to purchase some stylish poster or a good copy of the picture for your frame, then you can read about it in the article. It describes everything in great detail. possible options interior paintings.

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On the site you can find information not only on interior paintings, but also on independent creation modern interiors, making magnificent stained glass windows, original airborne panels, as well as get acquainted with training courses on these topics.

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