We are studying a profitable business - growing mushrooms. Is it profitable to grow mushrooms? (Ready business plan with detailed calculations)

garden equipment 16.10.2019
garden equipment

Many people love mushrooms. Someone loves to collect them, someone likes to cook a variety of dishes from mushrooms, someone prefers to eat mushrooms. And there are quite a few profitable business- cultivation of mushrooms. Often experienced mushroom pickers, who understand mushrooms and enjoy working with them, take up this business.

But it is not necessary to be a mushroom picker to grow champignons or oyster mushrooms. Of course, first you need to understand the theory: how, where and under what conditions mushrooms grow, what is needed for the harvest to be of high quality and plentiful, where mushroom seedlings are taken and how many kilograms of mushrooms are obtained from one square meter of area. In addition, you need to figure out how this business should be formalized legally and how much initial investment will be required.

To get started, you can try to grow champignons or oyster mushrooms for yourself, on your own. suburban area or in the basement if you have a private house. After some time, you will have some experience and you will figure out if you like doing this and if you can succeed in this area. If the answer is yes, then it's time to write detailed business plan for growing mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms or mushrooms?

The technologies for growing these two types of mushrooms are similar, but there are still some differences. Almost all mushroom growers say that growing champignons is more difficult, since these mushrooms are more demanding on the quality of the nutrient medium and the mushroom mycelium from which they are grown. Growing champignons requires more than for oyster mushrooms, costs and very careful observance of all technological processes.

In connection with the above considerations, it is better for a beginner mushroom grower to start producing oyster mushrooms first. And only then to master the business of growing champignons. Although, if you are confident in yourself, have studied the technology well and you have all the necessary resources, nothing prevents you from starting with champignons.

Where to grow mushrooms

Lots of options. Good for growing mushrooms basements, sheds, cottages, village houses or any abandoned industrial and agricultural buildings. If desired, you can grow mushrooms in a city apartment, on a balcony or even in a room. Create right conditions it's not that hard. But growing mushrooms in an apartment is more of a hobby than a business, so we will take a closer look at the requirements for professional premises.

The temperature in the room should not be lower than 12 degrees and not higher than 25. The air humidity should be quite high - about 85%. Basements meet all these requirements perfectly. The room must have electricity. Water is also essential for growing mushrooms, so make sure you have an uninterrupted supply of it. In addition, the room must have a drain to remove excess water.

Ventilation and heating are also needed. Options for space heating can be different: electricity, gas, wood or coal stove. With regard to air humidity, then, with small production volumes, the desired humidity is easily achieved by simply irrigating the bags with the substrate in which the mushrooms grow. In large-scale production, air humidity is maintained using electronic systems air conditioning and humidification.

When you find a suitable space, you will most likely need to renovate it and install heating and ventilation systems. The floor is best done with concrete, and the walls are simply whitewashed.

The size of the room can be different and start from 15 sq. m. On one square meter, three to five blocks are usually placed - bags with a nutrient substrate in which mushrooms grow.

soil for mushrooms

The soil for growing mushrooms is the substrate. It can be straw (wheat, rye, barley), sawdust (any, except pine), sunflower husks, corn cobs, tree stumps, linen waste, bran, chaff.

There are farms that produce and sell ready-made substrate for growing mushrooms. But you can cook it yourself, from raw materials.

The substrate for oyster mushrooms is prepared very simply: straw, sunflower husks or other raw materials are poured hot water, aged for several hours, then mixed with seed and placed in large plastic bags. AT industrial production mushroom substrate after infusion is pasteurized in special chambers.

This applies to oyster mushrooms, now let's look at where and how to grow mushrooms. You need compost to grow mushrooms. You can buy it, or you can cook it yourself. The second option is preferable, as it is more reliable and much cheaper.

For champignons, wheat straw is best suited. It is dried, then crushed in a special grinder, after which it is saturated with water. Water absorbs water very well, so the proportions of water and straw are approximately 2.5:1. Then manure or chicken manure is added to wet straw and left for two weeks, providing air access. Usually, special aerated containers are used to mature the compost.

In such compost, champignons feel great and give good harvest. It can also be used for oyster mushrooms, they will also grow wonderfully. But composting is labor intensive, and oyster mushrooms can grow in the substrate, so compost is usually not used for them. Although in it the mushrooms are of the best quality.

mushroom seedling

The seed material for growing mushrooms is called mycelium. Usually novice mushroom growers buy it in large mushroom farms, which make it both for themselves and for sale. Experienced farmers can grow mycelium on their own.

When purchasing mycelium from the manufacturer, you must make sure that it is of good quality. It should be white, without spots and with a pleasant mushroom smell. Sellers of mycelium must have the appropriate license.

Growing mycelium in your mushroom farm and its further sale is a very profitable business, but it is complex and time-consuming. Mycelium is produced from the mother culture of the fungus, which, in turn, must be regularly updated so as not to lose quality. You can start growing mycelium after all the processes for the production of mushrooms are perfectly established.

Mushroom cultivation technology

So, we found out that the production of mushrooms requires a substrate or compost and mycelium. Both of these components are mixed or stacked in layers and placed in containers. Most often, large plastic bags are taken as containers - it is inexpensive and convenient. The bags are filled to the top, holes are made at the bottom to remove excess moisture. The mycelium should now grow through the substrate. To do this, the bags are kept indoors at a temperature of 22-24 degrees and a humidity of 60-70%. There should be no light in this room and there should be good ventilation. After three days, several slits need to be made in the bags. Mushrooms will grow through them.

After about two weeks, the bags with the substrate will become overgrown with mycelium. Now they need to be moved to another room, with a lower temperature and more humidity, where they will continue to grow. The temperature can be from 12 to 18 degrees. It depends on the type of mushroom. Some like very low temperature, others - higher. But in any case, the temperature should not exceed 16-18 degrees. Mushrooms grow very poorly in warm weather.

Humidity in the fruiting chamber should be kept within 85%. Most often, a pipe system is installed for this purpose above the bags, in which there are small holes. Through these holes, water enters the bags, moistening them.

Lighting at this stage is mandatory and should last at least 12 hours a day. Lamps are installed if necessary.

Mushroom fruiting has three phases. Each lasts 5-7 days, and between them 12-14 days. The first harvest is usually the most abundant, the second and third - less. After the third phase, the substrate bag is discarded and a new one is placed in its place.


To organize your business growing oyster mushrooms or champignons, you need to at least approximately understand what costs await you. It depends on a large number of factors: the size of your production, the heating system, the variety of mushrooms grown, the prices of the components needed to make compost, etc.

Consider the expenses and incomes of one of the farms that grows champignons. Calculations are given for one production cycle, which is two months.

So first the costs:

  • Components for the production of 30 tons of compost (compost is produced independently): straw, manure, other components. In total - 20,000 rubles.
  • Mycelium - 10,000.
  • Heating and pasteurization costs - 50,000.
  • Salary of workers - 60,000.
  • Total - 140,000.

Now, income.

From one ton of compost, 200 kg of champignons are usually obtained.

1 kg of champignons costs 100 rubles.

With 30 tons of compost, you get 6 tons of champignons worth 600,000 rubles.

Thus, the income will be 600,000 - 140,000 = 460,000.

But this arithmetic refers only to one cycle of production and does not take into account the initial costs, i.e. start-up capital to start a business. Let's list what you need to have ideally in order to launch profitable production mushrooms:

  • Composting room equipped with straw crusher, grain crusher for mixing, water supply and sewerage.
  • Room for pasteurization. There should be a steam boiler and a steam supply system, preferably automated.
  • Warm room for sprouting mycelium with heating, system drip irrigation and ventilation.
  • Cool room for growing mushrooms with heating, ventilation and lighting.
  • In addition, you will need transport.

These are average mushroom farm calculations, but you can get a rough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bexpenses and income from them. Perhaps you will start growing mushrooms in your country house, in the basement, and your costs will differ from those given, especially in the part that concerns the start-up capital. If you do everything on your own or with the help of your family, you will not have to pay workers.

Legal aspect

In order to make the mushroom growing business legal, it is necessary to issue. AT this case the option with private household plots - a personal subsidiary plot that does not require registration, will not work. The requirements for oyster mushroom and mushroom producers are more stringent.

Now about paying taxes. If you choose to grow mushrooms as a business, you will be classified as a farmer. According to the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity(OKVED) you belong to the number A.01.12.31. Your form of taxation is . This is a profitable form, it replaces all other forms of taxation. Its rate is 6% of net profit.

Realization of oyster mushrooms and champignons

In order to sell the grown products, you need to have:

  • Declaration of conformity GOST.
  • Phytosanitary certificate.
  • radiology protocol.
  • Guidelines for the storage and transportation of mushrooms.

So, where can you sell mushrooms.

First, you can sell them on the market yourself. This is a financially advantageous option, since the price will be retail, not wholesale. But this option takes time, and, therefore, money. This can be handy if you are not growing a large number of mushrooms.

Secondly, you can supply your products to shops, cafes and other catering establishments. The price in this case can be quite acceptable, and you can sell large volumes. But you will need to take care of the delivery and the conclusion of contracts.

Thirdly, you can sell mushrooms to wholesalers. The price in this case will be lower, but the implementation process is simplified as much as possible. The volume of production in this case is not limited.

Growing mushrooms as a business: step-by-step financial calculations and payback + 3 ways to sell goods in the mushroom business.

Capital investment in business: 90,000 rubles (on a leased plot).
Payback for growing mushrooms: from 2 months (1 production cycle).

Mushrooms are an integral part of the diet of almost every person.

They have many useful substances, they taste good, have various options cooking and, what is especially valuable, always affordable.

Perhaps only the "queen of the table" potato has more fans.

For these reasons mushroom business attracts many who want to try their hand at entrepreneurial skills.

Why not?

After all, growing mushrooms is considered one of the most profitable types of business in this segment.

The investment is relatively small, especially if you have your own business area.

In addition, many simply enjoy this type of cultivation, and there is no seasonality in this business.

But besides the love of mushrooms, you need to have special knowledge to organize a business.

How to start growing mushrooms as a business?

To organize a mushroom business, it is not necessary to be a professional mushroom picker.

However, in this case, a lot of theoretical information will have to be studied:

  • What kind of mushrooms to choose for cultivation?
  • How is the process "from and to"?
  • In what environment will mushrooms grow?
  • What can be done to increase the yield?

And these are just questions related to the specifics of this case.

You will also need to study organizational issues applicable to any type of business:

  • What documents need to be issued in order to engage in activities legally?
  • How much money do you need to start growing mushrooms as a business?

What documents are needed for a mushroom business?

To legally engage in the mushroom business, you have to go through a relatively simple procedure registrations:

    A businessman must register an IP.

    To do this, you only need a passport.

    The process is simple, and you can deal with it without intermediaries.

    You don't have to choose a taxation system.

    Cultivation of mushrooms qualifies as agricultural production.

    Accordingly, your activity will be subject to ESHN.

    And this is 6% of the profit, which is a very profitable option.

    In the future, you will need to obtain a number of papers, without which you do not have the right to sell the harvested crop.

    These documents include:

    1. radiology protocol;
    2. certificate of conformity of products to GOST;
    3. phytosanitary certificate.

What kind of mushrooms to choose for cultivation?

More experienced entrepreneurs recommend that beginners start by growing oyster mushrooms.

There are several reasons for this:

  • for it is required to make compost, which is a more labor-intensive and difficult task than preparing the substrate;
  • champignons are more "demanding" to the quality of the acquired mycelium;
  • all requirements and technologies must be observed especially clearly, in contrast to the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

Based on these considerations, it is better to start with oyster mushrooms.

And when you master the technology and equipment, you can start champignons.

How to choose a room for a mushroom growing business?

Growing mushrooms is a type of business that you can do even in your own apartment or at home.

But at the same time, you need to understand that the resulting volume of the crop will cover, perhaps, the needs of your family.

Businesses need larger territories.

Good fit country cottages, agricultural facilities that were abandoned, sheds.

The following requirements are imposed on the "mushroom" premises:

  1. For cultivation, a small area is enough - from 15 m 2.
  2. Strict requirements for temperature conditions: 12-25C about.
  3. Mushrooms need high humidity air - 85%.

    This indicator is achieved with the help of irrigation or the use of special equipment.

  4. Utility rooms must be provided with electricity (and heating), water and sewerage (water drain).
  5. If the room is not ventilated, you must install it yourself.
  6. The walls are whitewashed enough, and the floor is poured with concrete.

If you plan to organize large-scale production, on a dedicated site (ideally) you need to equip the following premises:

  • for the production of compost or substrate from purchased raw materials;
  • for pasteurization with appropriate equipment;
  • for growing your own mycelium;
  • the main room for growing mushrooms.

What resources are needed for a mushroom business?

In addition to documentary preparation and selection of premises, there is the main stage - the search for resources for growing mushrooms.

This list includes the creation of the necessary cover, the purchase of mycelium and the choice of equipment for the mushroom business.

What should be the soil for growing?

Interesting fact:
Russula and pink volushki, which are familiar to us, are considered poisonous in Germany, honey mushrooms and russula - in France, boletus - in Italy, porcini mushrooms - in Switzerland. Residents of these countries do not risk collecting these species.

Mushrooms are grown in a special soil - the substrate.

In its role, straw, sawdust, hemp, bran, husks and similar raw materials prepared according to technology are used.

Moreover, depending on the type of mushrooms, it will differ.

The substrate for growing oyster mushrooms can be easily prepared on your own.

However, those who do not want to waste their time or energy can purchase it from other farms.

But for champignons, you need to prepare or purchase compost.

In fact, compost can also be used for oyster mushrooms.

But it is more difficult to prepare than the substrate.

Therefore, entrepreneurs rarely take such a step.

How to choose seed?

The material from which mushrooms are grown has a special name - mycelium.

To start a business, it can be purchased at larger mushroom farms.

Subsequently, you can grow mycelium on your own.

Growing and selling mycelium can be an additional source of income for your farm.

However, do not rush into this step, as it will not be easy to implement.

So, first of all, it is important to establish the process of producing mushrooms for sale, and only after experimenting with mycelium.

When buying mycelium, a quality product can be determined by the following indicators:

  • White color;
  • nice smell;
  • absence of extraneous spots;
  • the farm has a license that will confirm the quality of the goods.

What equipment is needed for a mushroom business?

The main cost item in the mushroom growing business is the acquisition necessary equipment for furnishing the premises.

NameQtytotal cost
Total: 60 000 rub.
steam generator
1 30 000
1 7 000
1 3 000
1 4 000
2 8 000
Boxes and bags
550 5 000
Other- 3 000

Search for the necessary personnel

If the mushroom business is already planned by you as a source of significant profit, you will no longer be able to do it yourself.

At first, in order to save money, you can involve your family in business.

But in the future, you still have to hire handymen.

In this case, there is no need to talk about the presence of the necessary qualifications.

After all, the experience of growing mushrooms and the relevant knowledge on this moment do not give in any university or technical school.

Therefore, the requirements will be standard: a person must have a sanitary book, he must fulfill his duties honestly and responsibly.

How to find ways to implement in the mushroom segment?

Finding customers for sale is the main problem that growing mushrooms as a business has.

The demand for this product is stable, but, as a rule, the goods are ordered in small batches and from trusted suppliers.

Nevertheless, beginners also have a chance to find their place in a niche.

Although mushrooms are a specific product, it also needs to be advertised.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • give ads in thematic newspapers;
  • create a website and promote it on the Internet;
  • send potential customers free trial samples of products;
  • arrange promotions and make a system of cumulative discounts for your customers.

Who is the consumer of such productions?

Fairs, marketsRetail trade in markets and fairs is the most common way to sell goods grown on your own farm. Sometimes people do not want to buy mushrooms in the markets because they doubt their quality. Arrange the point cleanly and neatly, hang permits in a conspicuous place, use outdoor advertising. This will create a reliable image and build a base of regular customers.
Shops, supermarketsThis option is used for the implementation of wholesale lots. The disadvantage of this method is high competition. Therefore, you will have to lower the price the first time to get orders. The average profit margin will drop, but in the long run you will get regular customers and large batches of orders.
Cafes and restaurantsThey order products not in such large volumes as stores. However, there are mushroom producers who only cooperate with such establishments. And their business is booming!

How much does it cost to open a mushroom business?

It is difficult to name the average amount that will be required to organize a mushroom growing business.

The following factors affect the amount of spending:

  • do you grow mushrooms own site or took land/premises for rent;
  • what volume of production is planned;
  • how much does the necessary raw material cost from your supplier;
  • how many assistants you hired and others.

Imagine what the initial investment and the size of the current investment for a small farm can be.

It is organized on a leased territory, and champignons are selected mushrooms.

Production calculation is made for one standard cycle (2 months).

Starting investments

Regular investments

Profitability and payback of mushroom business

The mushroom growing business attracts many people who were far from the field of crop production before.

And even more so did not deal with mushrooms.

What is the reason for the interest in this particular niche?

The fact is that experts call this type of business one of the most profitable.

Payback rates can be 75-80% and even reach 100%!

Of course, in order to achieve such indicators, it is important to comply with a number of requirements.

However, even this is not a minus, because another plus of this business is a relatively small amount of investment.

With this amount of investment, we get 30 tons of compost. About 150-200 kg of mushrooms are harvested from each ton at the end of the cycle.

30 x 150-200 = 4,500-6,000 kg;

4 500 x 100 rubles = 450,000 rubles;

6,000 x 100 rubles = 600,000 rubles.

Calculations show that in ideal conditions the entrepreneur will earn in 1 cycle (2 months) from 450,000 to 600,000 rubles.

However, from this amount you need to subtract the amount of capital investments and regular investments for 2 months:

450,000 - (90,000 + 120,000x2) = 100,000 rubles.

You will learn how to grow oyster mushrooms in the video:

Potential Risks of a Mushroom Growing Business

There are a number of conditions that can prevent an entrepreneur from getting enough yield and profit from the business.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with them before the start of the project in order to be “ready”.

RiskProbabilityHow to prevent?
Not all items were soldMediumTo minimize risk, work on expanding your customer base. If this situation has already happened, the product can be dried.
bad harvestMediumFind another supplier of mycelium, more carefully control the process of growing mushrooms.
Equipment breakdownLowFollow correct use technicians yourself, and teach this to workers. It is advisable to have a warranty service agreement with the manufacturer.
Increasing competitionLowUse advertising methods, look for new customers, control the price level in accordance with the market ones.

In summing up, it is worth noting that the success of any business depends on the level of your return and the desire to achieve success.

Including when it comes to growing mushrooms - business will thrive if you devote time to learning about this industry.

Gather all possible information, write a business plan (even if you do not plan to get a loan for a business or investment).

When you know what and how to do the right tools sure to be found!

Do not rush to spend the first profit on personal goals.

Invest in the business and scale your business to make it more profitable.

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First of all, you need to prepare the room, you can grow mushrooms in the basement of a private house or in a barn. The walls in the room are recommended to be treated with a disinfectant solution.

To grow mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare a special substrate, which may include sawdust and straw. There are technological features of the preparation of the substrate for various kinds mushrooms. For growing oyster mushrooms, the substrate should be finely chopped and steamed in hot water. The substrate for honey mushrooms is pasteurized hot nutrient solution, to which starch, jam or cornmeal is added. Ready-made compost is added to the mushroom substrate.

The substrate is laid in layers in plastic bags measuring 40 by 90 cm. Mycelium is laid out between the layers. Every 10-15 centimeters a small hole is made in the bag.

The mycelium should be purchased from a trusted supplier, since the yield depends on the quality of the mycelium.

Mushrooms should be germinated in a closed dark and damp room at a temperature of about 22 ° C. As soon as shoots of mushrooms appear in the cut holes, bags with mycelium should be transferred to a cooler room. In order for mushrooms to grow quickly, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be about 15 ° C, for 12 hours a day the room with mycelium should be illuminated.

Fluorescent lamps can be used to illuminate the room.

Organization of business and sales of products

On the initial stage you can grow mushrooms in the basement of a rural house, in a garage or in a barn. The walls in the room are recommended to be insulated with polystyrene foam. It is recommended to divide the room into three zones. In the first zone, the substrate and mycelium will be placed in bags. In the second zone, mushrooms will germinate, and in the third zone, they will grow and develop.

In order for the mushroom business to bring a stable income, you need large room(about 600 sq. m.), so at the first stage it is worth treating this business as a source of additional income.

The most difficult thing is not to grow mushrooms, but to sell them. Finding a permanent wholesale buyer for a novice mushroom grower is difficult. You can sell mushrooms through restaurants and shops, but for this you need to obtain documents confirming the quality of the mushrooms. Therefore, at the first stage, it is best to sell mushrooms through friends and acquaintances. You can store mushrooms in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Growing mushrooms can be turned into a waste-free business, the used substrate can be used as an excellent fertilizer for the soil and sold to rural residents.

Mushrooms are a fairly popular product in the cuisine of many countries. Dishes from them are prepared as in establishments Catering as well as at home. Today we want to talk about the prospects that growing mushrooms gives an entrepreneur as a permanent or additional business. There are several technologies that do not require large labor costs and material investments. However, it is impossible to achieve real success in the cultivation and sale of mushrooms without mastering some of the secrets of such an enterprise.

  • Mushroom cultivation technology
  • How to start mushroom production?
  • How much can you earn growing mushrooms
  • How much money is needed to start
  • How to choose equipment for growing mushrooms
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering an activity
  • What documents are required to set up a business
  • What taxation system to specify when registering
  • Do I need a permit to open a business

Business - growing mushrooms, all the more tempting because you can do it without interrupting your main job. This is due to such factors:

  • Plantations do not require constant care, and there is no need to be near them all day;
  • The knowledge contained in the public literature may be sufficient;
  • Cultivation skills are acquired quite quickly;
  • Most residents of private houses have everything they need in production. Missing accessories can be purchased at ready-made, at a low price.

As the main business, entrepreneurs start growing mushrooms infrequently. Large volumes of harvest for a beginner often become beyond their power, and a young business ends, instead of development and prosperity. In addition, it is difficult to find regular wholesale buyers. Only if there are agreements with large retail chains, restaurants, procurement industries, it is possible to develop a business to the level of an average economy. We will talk about how to grow mushrooms in production and at home below.

Mushroom cultivation technology

Usually they practice growing champignons, oyster mushrooms or mushrooms for sale. The simplest technology is the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. For commercial purposes, it is reasonable to cultivate mushrooms all year round in room. It is common to grow mushrooms in the basement, but an ordinary utility room that can be ventilated is also suitable. The room must be divided into two parts. In one of them, the mycelium will grow, and in the other, the crop itself will be sold. Before planting the mycelium at home, the walls, floor and ceiling are treated with lime and well ventilated.

Mushrooms grow in a special substrate, which is made from sunflower seed husks, sawdust, straw and other things. The material for the soil mixture is crushed and scalded with boiling water. The finished substrate is placed in polyethylene bags. The mycelium is also placed there. Holes are made along the entire diameter of the bag, in increments of about 15 cm.

The first stage of mushroom germination is a month, at a temperature exceeding 20 degrees and air humidity close to 100%. After this time, the bags are transferred to the room with temperature regime 12-18 degrees.

In the room you need to provide ventilation and timely humidification. There are special devices for this, but at the beginning of the activity, an entrepreneur can use ordinary buckets of water and a household fan.

It is necessary to illuminate the mushrooms in bags 12 hours a day. To do this, fluorescent lamps are installed in the room.

Work indoors, even at home, must always be carried out in personal protective equipment. Through Airways harmful spores can enter the human body, causing an allergic cough.

After harvesting, the substrate in bags is changed. About 3 kg of mushrooms are usually collected from one bag weighing 10 kg. In a year, the yield of such a plantation is from 80 to 100 kg of the finished product.

Growing mushrooms will cost a little more. The technology is different in that the substrate is impregnated with water with the addition of jam, cornmeal or starch. So the mushrooms will receive all the vitamins they need for growth. You can plant mycelium not only in bags, but also in jars. Growing champignons requires even more fertile soil - compost. Mushroom pickers with experience prepare it themselves, and it is better for a novice entrepreneur to buy it ready-made.

A separate article deserves a technology that provides for the cultivation of mushrooms in natural conditions on the stumps Mushrooms do not produce large yields in such conditions from a commercial point of view, but due to their environmental friendliness, the product is in demand among certain segments of the population and can be simultaneously tested as an additional business. The agricultural technique of growing mushrooms on stumps is quite laborious, which is compensated by the corresponding price of the product.

How to start mushroom production?

The fact that you can start a mushroom growing business in your own utility room private courtyard we have already written. For the development of production on a larger scale, it will be possible to rent spacious room: former cowshed or warehouse. On average, to accommodate 15 tons of substrate in 10 kg bags, 500 sq.m. area. The room will not require special repairs, but it is better to seal the seams so that there are no drafts. The mushroom growing shop is equipped with a ventilation and lighting system. In the process of growing, mushroom pickers use fertilizers and compounds to fight diseases.

Shelving must be installed in the room. They, most likely, will need to be made to order, taking into account the characteristics of a particular production area.

Mushrooms in bags are usually placed both on the floor and on racks. So the payback on rental costs will be faster. The company's mandatory expenses include:

  1. employees' wages;
  2. Expenses for lighting and heating;
  3. Fare.

Taking into account monthly expenses and depreciation of purchased equipment, a 100-ton production can bring its owner $10,000 per month. In any case, it is better to start a business with small areas, and better - your own.

We have already mentioned that regular wholesale buyers are one of the keys to success in the mushroom business. There can be several implementation paths:

  • In public catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, canteens at recreation centers, sanatoriums;
  • In supermarkets and retail chains;
  • Sales to resellers on the market (recommended for products grown on stumps).

Another source of income that accompanies the mushroom business is the sale of the spent contents of the bags. The substrate serves as an excellent feed for livestock and fertilizer for the garden.

How much can you earn growing mushrooms

Growing mushrooms is a highly profitable business, the performance of which, when competent organization exceed 250%. The average profitability is 80% of the cost.

How much money is needed to start

The size of the initial investment depends on the cultivation method used: automatic or manual. The most common and inexpensive method is the use of mycelium in bags or special containers. To implement such a business idea, no more than 30 thousand rubles will be required. If an entrepreneur has the opportunity to start large-scale mushroom cultivation, it is worth using special briquettes. With automated cultivation, investments will amount from 100 thousand rubles:

  • Premises for rent (if necessary) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of briquettes - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Business registration and other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

How to choose equipment for growing mushrooms

Equipment is purchased after choosing a cultivation method. Using manual labor there is no need to buy special devices and devices. It is enough to equip the room with racks, hooks for hanging bags.
The automated process requires the purchase of:

  • Climate control systems;
  • Elements for installation of ventilation and watering;
  • Transporter.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering an activity

In accordance with the updated all-Russian classifier of types of activity, when registering the cultivation of mushrooms, the OKVED code 01.12 is indicated.

What documents are required to set up a business

Registration of individual entrepreneurship is a rational way to legitimize activities. For registration in tax office a stationary package of documents is provided.

What taxation system to specify when registering

The UAT is used as a taxation system with a rate of 6%. To apply this method of paying mandatory payments, you must write an appropriate application.

Do I need a permit to open a business

A business project for growing mushrooms does not require special permits and licenses. Very often this direction is used as a family activity.

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