Features of the house of foam and concrete. Main Features and Applications of Styrofoam Blocks in Construction Styrofoam Blocks for Construction

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

Expanded polystyrene blocks are the result of the efforts of scientists from the German chemical company BASF, who tried to combine various properties and characteristics in one material.

Light and warm blocks of foamed polystyrene foam for the home are actively used today in modern construction. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic information about the material - its characteristics, dimensions, pros and cons of use - in this article.

The main characteristics of polystyrene foam blocks

Despite the fact that the first blocks of foamed polystyrene concrete appeared back in the 70s in the USSR, developers have only recently begun to actively pay attention to this building material.

The production of polystyrene blocks today is established in industrial scale at many domestic enterprises. Below are main physical properties blocks, standardized by GOST:

  • the block density index for the house should be from 150 to 800 kg / m³;
  • have good resistance to frost (without loss of property, the block will last from 30 to 150 freeze and thaw cycles);
  • the compressive strength index is from B0.35 to B2.5;
  • the thermal conductivity index varies from 0.055 W/mºC to 0.145 W/mºC;
  • the vapor permeability coefficient is 0.05 mg;
  • the material belongs to the slow-burning group, that is, it has resistance to fire.

1.1 Material application

The use of building materials is allowed for:

  • construction of the outer walls of buildings;
  • arrangement interior partitions on the upper floors of the house, in which, as a result of the weakness of the plates, the use of cinder blocks or other heavy materials is impossible;
  • as an additional insulating or soundproofing layer in the building;
  • in the construction of premises that need to maintain a certain temperature level, for example, for the construction of a bathhouse, or a corral for animals.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages

After analyzing these characteristics, consider the pros and cons of the material for building a house. Based on the GOST standards, it can be assumed that all the characteristics of expanded polystyrene concrete are normal and it is quite possible to build large buildings from it, but this is not so.

For example, the compression strength index of the blocks is not very high, respectively, experts strongly do not recommend building a house with a height of more than two floors from this building material.

A small vapor permeability coefficient also has its pros and cons. The pros are what the material does not absorb moisture, which means that it resists frost well. But the disadvantages are that the same property does not allow the building material to "breathe". As for the ecological properties of the blocks, everything here is also not unambiguous.

It is possible to say something exactly about environmental friendliness only after many years of living in a house built of polystyrene foam. This is possible only when analyzing the air for the detection of styrene, but today no one is doing this.

Today, consumers have only one proof - the certificates received by the manufacturer, the authenticity of which, unfortunately, cannot be established.

Undoubted advantages are that expanded polystyrene concrete has a long service life. Given these advantages, many developers today choose given material for the construction of one- and two-story houses.

If you believe the reviews of experts, the disadvantages of houses built from expanded polystyrene concrete include the possibility of destruction of the material from permanent sun rays. In addition, according to data posted on construction forums, polystyrene foam is not recommended for use with internal insulation.

Despite all the disadvantages, the building material is still has three main advantages:

  1. Excellent energy-saving properties, as a result of which the owner of the house does not need to additional insulation building.
  2. Expanded polystyrene concrete does not need waterproofing.
  3. The plasticity of the material and the exact geometry of the dimensions. As a result, laying is greatly simplified, which contributes to saving the solution.

1.3 Polystyrene concrete blocks: disadvantages and advantages (video)

1.4 Dimensions and approximate cost

Today, blocks with many sizes can be found on sale. The most popular sizes that are in demand among consumers are as follows (based on width-height-length):

  • 188x300x588;
  • 300x380x588;
  • 92x300x588;
  • 138×300588;
  • 80 × 300x600 (can be used only when building interior partitions).

Also on sale you can find polystyrene blocks in high density(about 600 kg / m³), ​​which are lintels for doors or windows. Such blocks are reinforced and are intended for both load-bearing and heat-insulating structures.

Now as for the cost. Of course, we cannot provide exact prices, as they change from time to time. But the approximate price range is as follows: the price for cubic meter polystyrene concrete blocks varies around 3,500 rubles (1,200 hryvnia). The cost of foam concrete material is approximately the same.

When compared with aerated concrete, the latter costs about 3,800 rubles (1,300 hryvnias) per cubic meter, and wood concrete - around 4,500 rubles (1,500 hryvnias).

2 Production technology

Briefly consider the technology of manufacturing building materials. To obtain the final product, manufacturers use the pressing method, which, in fact, is used to produce all blocks used in construction without exception.

More modernized production uses the method of vibrocompression of blocks. According to experts, this improves the stability index, as well as increase the service life.

If you understand that insulating a concrete floor with polystyrene foam is a profitable business, then you can try to organize your business at home. To organize production, you will need a concrete mixer, the material itself is polystyrene, cement, water and sand.

Naturally, the volumes of sand, cement and water must be rather big. At home, it is quite possible to make building materials with a density of D1200 and D350. For the production of the first you will need:

  • 1.1 cubic meters of expanded polystyrene;
  • about 300 kg of cement;
  • approximately 800 kg of sand.

When the mixture hardens, the result you will get a solid concrete material. The production steps are as follows:

  1. First you need to make a mixture. The elements described above must be mixed in a concrete mixer for about thirty minutes.
  2. Then the mixture is poured into the formwork or pre-prepared forms.
  3. AT summer time it will take about three days for the mixture to solidify, in winter - at least a week, sometimes more. In any case, before removing the resulting polystyrene foam from the molds, it must harden.
  4. The next stage - at the discretion - is sawing the material.

Construction technologies are constantly being improved - quality is increasing, new methods are being established, working times are being reduced. In our country, foam plastic formwork has been used relatively recently, while in European countries it has been known for more than 50 years. Thanks to this formwork, the soundproofing properties of the building are improved, and the efficiency of the heating system is increased. In essence, this is a structure that consists of a large number foam blocks connected by means of special jumpers. Among the main advantages of formwork, one can single out a reduction in terms and labor costs.

Styrofoam formwork

Styrofoam formwork - design scheme

This is a hollow structure where reinforcement is installed and poured concrete mortar. The formwork is made of polystyrene foam blocks connected by lintels. This technology, as already noted, greatly simplifies the construction process, since additional arrangement of both thermal and sound insulation in this case is not required.

The foam itself as a building material is strong enough, moisture resistant, chemically inactive and safe for health. It weighs a little, so the formwork blocks can be manipulated even without the use of special equipment. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the cost of construction.

During the production of the described products, a fire retardant is used, which increases the fire safety of the finished building at times. Such formwork (and it is also called non-removable) is characterized by simplicity of design, and even those who do not have great experience in building houses. All that is required in the work is accuracy and utmost attention.

Classification of fixed formwork

Depending on the purpose of the formwork, they are divided into two broad categories.

  1. Construction- perform the function of a kind of frame in monolithic structures. The cavities in the blocks are filled with concrete during construction. As soon as the mixture hardens, the walls are sheathed with a refractory material of at least 3 mm thickness (this can be either drywall or ordinary plaster).
  2. Decorative- made of blocks with reinforcement and insulating material inside. They are assembled directly on the walls using jumpers (no sealants and solutions are used). Walls made in this way do not need cladding.

Note! In addition to foam, there are a number of other materials that can be used in the construction of fixed formwork.

  1. Expanded clay structures are the first options for fixed formwork. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary cinder blocks. They are not very popular because they are expensive and need additional insulation.
  2. Glass-magnesite structures weigh little and are used mainly for internal partitions because their bearing capacity is low.
  3. Arbolite structures are constructed from wood chips and cement. They have excellent thermal insulation properties, but are quite expensive.

Note! In the light of all that has been said above, it becomes obvious that foam formwork is the best option, because other materials have many disadvantages. By the way, about the advantages and disadvantages.

Video - Fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene

Advantages of polystyrene formwork

As we just found out, it is better to use foam plastic for formwork. After all, it is an environmentally friendly material, the manufacture of which does not use any toxic substances. Other advantages of this material include:

  1. ease of installation, which saves a lot of time and money;
  2. long service life;
  3. the possibility of digging a not too deep trench during installation;
  4. profitability;
  5. drainage is sufficient for waterproofing protection of the base;
  6. foam boards do not attract rodents as much as other materials, and, moreover, do not rot;
  7. high thermal insulation performance, which can significantly save on insulation;
  8. mounting channels in blocks designed for laying various kinds of communications.


There are, of course, structures and weak sides, even if they are few. These include:

  1. the impossibility of construction in the winter;
  2. mandatory grounding of a house under construction;
  3. the humidity in such walls will be very high, and therefore it will be necessary to equip forced ventilation.

How to calculate the cost of construction?

To learn more about the savings achieved by using foam formwork, we calculate approximate cost building walls. The calculations are based on the current cost of the material (more on this at the end of the article) and the size of the building under construction. Approximate calculation necessary materials will look like this:

  1. concrete- about 125 liters per 1 sq. m. (the price depends on the cost of the required materials);
  2. - 3.3 pieces per 1 sq.m. (about 500 rubles);
  3. fittings- about 10 kilograms per 1 sq. m. (specific cost depends on current prices).

And if we proceed from prices in Moscow, then approximate calculations during the construction of one floor they will look like this (the cost of the work itself is not included):

  1. total area (all kinds of openings are not included) - about 180 square meters;
  2. concrete mortar for this area - about 27 cubic meters, that is, 81 thousand rubles;
  3. the price of the formwork itself is about 88.2 thousand rubles;
  4. fittings - 1800 kilograms or 37.8 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the total cost of all consumable for one floor will be an average of 207 thousand rubles.

Dimensions of fixed formwork made of foam

Name Dimensions Thermal insulation thickness
internal outdoor
Series 25 (one-piece)
Main wall block 1250x250x250 50 50
End wall block 1250?250?250 50 50
700?250?250 50 50
Series 30 (one-piece)
Main wall block 1250?300?250 50 100
End wall block 1250?300?250 50 100
Corner wall block (right/left) 1250?300?250 50 100
Series 35 (split)
Wall block 1200?300?250 50 100
Series 50 (one-piece)
Main wall block 1250?300?500 50 100
End wall block 1250?300?500 50 100
Corner wall block (left/right) 450?300?500 50 100

How foam formwork is made

Stage one. We will immediately make a reservation that there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of polystyrene foam formwork, but only on condition that you strictly follow our instructions. So, first mark the territory and prepare all the materials necessary for work. Draw up a building plan for the future building, and then, in accordance with it, mark the site for the base.

It is important that each of the corners be aligned with the utmost clarity using the mounting level. Moreover, you need to carefully level the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe construction site, since only under such circumstances will you be able to apply the desired markup with a minimum error.

Stage two. Next, equip the trench for the future foundation. The depth of this trench should be 0.5 meters, and the width - only 0.4 meters. At work Special attention keep the bottom of the pit horizontal. The fact is that the formwork will not be removable, therefore, it will no longer be possible to level the surface for the walls.

Stage three. Then proceed to the implementation of the drainage cushion. Such a pillow should be laid exclusively on a leveled (mounting level to help you!) Surface. Use a sand and gravel mixture as a pillow - pour it on the bottom of the trench with a 15-centimeter layer and level it. So the future load from the building will be distributed as evenly as possible.

The pillow will also have another function - a thermal insulator and drainage system. Insert reinforcing rods into the pillow - in the future they will take part in connecting the formwork blocks.

Stage four. Pour a thin layer of concrete over the pillow - it will serve as a kind of "sole" for the base. Thanks to such a “sole”, the surface will turn out to be as even as possible, which is very important when building formwork with your own hands.

Stage five. After the concrete mortar has hardened, put the foam blocks on the reinforcing rods installed in the previous steps. Install jumpers between the blocks, with the help of which they will be connected to each other. It is characteristic that the blocks must be connected according to the principle of a groove and a ridge, which will minimize the number of additional assembly joints. For corners, use special corner connections- so you protect yourself from the laborious fastening of elements in the corners.

Stage six. After installing a number of blocks number 3, align them vertically. Monitor to side surfaces always matched one another.

Stage seven. As soon as all the voids inside the polystyrene foam plates are filled, you can proceed with the actual pouring of the concrete solution. To compact it, experts recommend using special deep vibrators. When you've finished tamping the surface, take a trowel and carefully level the top "mirror". It is worth adding that the foam formwork provides for the addition of coarse crushed stone to the concrete (it is important that the size of its fractions exceeds 0.8 centimeters).

Note! This kind of formwork has recently become increasingly popular, since it does not need to be dismantled after the mortar has hardened, but on the contrary, it will also serve as an additional thermal insulation layer in the future.

Stage eight. This completes the construction of the formwork. As a result, you will get walls that will look like a “sandwich” in the section: two rows of foam, between which there is a heavy-duty concrete monolith. Characteristically, but the inner layer will be thinner than the outer one, due to which the insulating properties of the material will be excellent.

Video - How to build a foam formwork

Styrofoam formwork price

In specialized stores, foam blocks are sold corner, end and wall. You must buy them separately. The cost itself, of course, largely depends on the thickness of the outer layer (read: insulation), although if the order is wholesale, then the price can drop significantly. Below are the average prices of the most popular manufacturers.

  1. The production of the Minsk company "BelTeploDom" will cost about 19 dollars per sq. m.
  2. Blocks from "Auto-B.A.N" are cheaper - only $ 8.
  3. The St. Petersburg company "Bamlex" produces elements for formwork, which are sold at an average of 15 dollars.
  4. Finally, blocks from the Chelyabinsk " Construction technologies…” cost an average of $12.

It is worth noting that often people face certain difficulties when constructing foam formwork. Often this is due to:

  1. with non-compliance with construction technology;
  2. with dubious quality of the elements themselves.


The described auxiliary structures made of expanded polystyrene are used in the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete objects and foundations. Sometimes formwork is used as decorative material(see varieties) for various architectural objects.

In addition, foam blocks with insulation are often used in window decoration and the construction of interior partitions. And thanks to the excellent external data, the modules can also be used in the decoration of office premises.

Before proceeding directly to installation work, you need to calculate the approximate cost in order to know about future costs.

That's all, good luck with your work. Warm winters!

A modern house should be not only attractive and durable, but also economical and energy-saving. That's why it's getting more and more popular lately. unconventional methods building from materials that were not previously used. One of the relative novelties in construction are the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are built from foam blocks poured with concrete.

Scheme of insulation of a polystyrene foam facade.

Today, in order to build a warm and quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also polystyrene foam blocks, poured using a conventional concrete mortar. Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene, long time not considered as a complete building material, but recently such designs have become more common.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very complicated, although certain skills and time are required for construction. Foam walls are built using the following materials:

  1. Styrofoam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only in an industrial way.
  2. A mortar made of concrete, with the help of which the cavities of the blocks are poured.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

The scheme of fastening the foam to the wall.

  1. First you need to set the foundation. In this case, you can also use a tape, but since the house is poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After that, the laying of wall blocks begins, around which it is installed wooden formwork. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam during pouring.
  3. Concrete is poured carefully, it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move, do not deform during work.

Thermal house features

Why does a Styrofoam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks of foam, or polystyrene, act as formwork-insulation, which reduces heat loss. But it’s not enough just to order a foam house, you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south, at the entrance it is recommended to arrange the so-called buffer zones. For houses that are built from blocks poured with concrete, you can not save on doors and windows.

Of the features of such foam buildings, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in the winter months, such a house must be warmed up, although energy consumption will be minimal.

The people who put this warm house, but who neglected the rules for its installation (not so complicated), they often complain about dampness and a fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of the violation of technology, and not the shortcomings of the material. Styrofoam and concrete walls are vapor-tight, so a forced ventilation system should be installed to maintain a comfortable atmosphere inside. by the most the best option are air handling units with recovery.

Finish options

The construction of foam houses is distinguished by its own characteristics, but from the advantages over others it should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

facade external walls, as a rule, are processed by a layer decorative plaster, characterized by low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are possible.

Scheme of thermal insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam.

For example, you can use ventilated facade systems, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Internal walls can be finished with the most various materials. Today, most often they are sheathed with drywall, which provides many design options.

For roofing materials there are no restrictions on foam houses. Due to the fact that concrete mortar is poured inside the blocks, the house turns out to be virtually monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even natural ceramic tiles, which are very heavy, can be laid on the roof surface.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the foam house, all engineering communications can be laid directly in the walls of the house, but this must be done even at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is polystyrene as a frame good enough? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam? Consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

Styrofoam wall diagram.

  1. Operational problems. Such a disadvantage is associated with the material itself - foam. To fix shelves or cabinets on its surface, it is necessary even during the construction itself to arrange special linings that are fixed directly to concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture, you will have to cut a layer of foam to concrete, and then attach it to it. wooden blocks, on which cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem is solvable, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the easiest work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that foam houses are considered very warm, they still require winter time good warm-up.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam as a building material for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is constantly a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so that it is not classified as critical, but this requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in the house more comfortable by installing a forced ventilation system. And given that such ventilation systems today they are installed not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings, such a drawback often goes unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires certain efforts and skills. In this case, blocks poured with concrete are not just installed, it is necessary to put them correctly, in strict accordance with all the requirements for technology. But it cannot be said that it is more difficult to install foam plastic blocks than to build a house, for example, from brick. In many cases, it is even easier to set up such a house, although you will have to sweat when laying the first rows. Efforts and skills require external and interior decoration foam walls, as it may be difficult to mount. Therefore, it is necessary to use only special materials.

Many consider the disadvantages that the blocks are made of foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main one for building the walls of a house, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of polystyrene has not been proven, during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is also necessary to note the following point: today the number of houses built from polystyrene foam and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all the others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, they are distinguished by their attractive cost and the ability to receive various forms, but more than one year is still required for a more complete analysis of their operation.

Building Requirements

A foam house today is one of the options for a fairly quick and inexpensive construction of housing. Such a construction can accept any, often very unexpected, but such attractive shapes, which greatly distinguishes a thermo-house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, foam blocks poured with concrete, you need to remember some features.

Scheme of the expanded polystyrene panel.

  • transport, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, as the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip off. This problem can be solved by simply gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes installation longer;
  • when buying, you should choose the right blocks, as unscrupulous manufacturers can allow marriage. All corners must be even, the dimensions must match the declared ones;
  • when concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of formwork is required, but also constant checking verticality with building level. This is necessary, since the foam expands during pouring, that is, the blocks can move, but this should not be allowed;
  • after the installation of house structures is completed, you must immediately proceed to outdoor decoration so that the foam has as little contact with direct sunlight as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only traditional materials are used, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but also unusual at first glance, but no less high-quality and reliable. We are talking about foam blocks, the cavities of which are filled with a concrete mixture inside. After hardening, the house takes on attractive forms, it is durable, holds heat well, and it is comfortable to live in it.

Concrete is a reliable and extremely durable building material. However, it has a disadvantage. We are talking about the low thermal insulation characteristics of concrete walls. To insulate the blocks, builders use additional tools, such as foam. This material has a number of advantages over other thermal insulation products. Styrofoam is a synthetic building material, which includes polymers. Due to its moisture resistance, foam insulation is used in construction. They are effective for finishing walls inside and outside buildings. The foam layer is used to protect the facade of the building from the penetration of liquid, and inside from the cold.

Building material advantages

Specialists began to resort to the use of foam plastic with concrete relatively recently. The combination of these materials increases the thermal insulation properties of the walls. Moisture resistance is considered one of the main advantages of the polymer. In addition, the foam increases the resistance of the structure to the effects external factors. At the same time, the cost of performing such work is minimal. Prices are lower than the cost of creating objects of another type. This feature is the main advantage. Nevertheless, despite the obvious advantages, the combination of concrete with crumb is not durable. To boost this indicator, it is necessary to mix the solution in the correct proportions: foam chips (balls), as well as other components.

Where is it used?

There are a number of features that can improve the efficiency of the use of materials such as concrete block from foam. However, foam can be used only in some cases. Crushed concrete is suitable for pouring the floor in a garage or other buildings of a similar type.

It is undesirable to use concrete and foam chips when building walls and pouring floors in residential buildings. Practice has shown that more often a concrete floor is used for laying parquet and other coatings. Properly performed insulation will achieve best effect. Laying building materials in low-rise and high-rise floors is doubtful.

Methods for combining materials

There are three methods:

Insulation with sheets

This option involves the creation of a special layer. The wall is insulated with foam, which is fixed on the surface. The building material is laid under before pouring the mixture. Sheets are attached to the walls from the inside or outside of the building. In this case, the foam is fixed on the hardened concrete.

You can also insulate gas blocks with foam. This method is universal, it is combined with other building materials. As for expanded polystyrene, it has a classification, it must be taken into account when carrying out work. Knowing these features will help you the right decision.


Before making the solution, you must read the instructions for the combined mixture. First you need to load the cement composition, sand (ratio 1: 2) inside the concrete mixer. Then - fill in the same number of foam balls. If you do not have shredded material, then you can pass building material sheets or pieces of it through an automatic crusher. After mixing the components, add a liquid, the amount of which is half of the volume of the solution. It is necessary to mix the composition until it becomes homogeneous.

The proportions of the filling components are as follows: 1:2:3:3 (cement, sand, polystyrene foam, liquid). The prepared mixture will have a number of advantages over a simple concrete solution. First of all, such a composition has a lower thermal conductivity and, as a result, increased thermal insulation characteristics by foam particles. At the same time, the building material will have a low weight, which will reduce the load of concrete on the base of the structure. This product is easier to work with.

In addition, concrete acquires soundproofing properties. The buzz spreading through the cement will be absorbed by the polystyrene particles. You will be able to save on additives, since the foam is cheaper than other ingredients, especially when you take into account the number of components. The total volume of materials that make up the mixture determines the final price of the screed. However, one feature of the foam affects negatively. It's about strength. In order for this property of concrete to be maintained within acceptable limits, the correct ratio of ingredients should be monitored.

Fixed formwork structure

Sometimes builders make foam formwork before pouring concrete. This method is considered effective in the construction, insulation of buildings. The method has many advantages, among which is a variety of designs. Workers can create products of the desired shape from polystyrene foam, be it an arch, a rectangle, etc. This feature allows you to expand the possibilities. In addition, expanded polystyrene is easy to handle. Builders will need to install a structure with reinforcement inside, and pour into it cement mixture. You do not have to spend time installing timber formwork.

Experts point to the ease of processing the material. Cutting products is carried out with a knife, this does not require other devices. In the same way, they create strobes for wiring. In addition, the combination of building materials will help create reliable and durable buildings. Concrete will not need additional insulation. At the same time, the product will be integral, there will be no seams on it, due to which the concrete will be more durable. The use of building materials will increase the speed of installation (usually a box of a small one-story house built in a week). The only drawback is the need to finish the building from the outside. To do this, you can use ordinary plaster.

A modern house should be not only attractive and durable, but also economical and energy-saving. Therefore, recently, non-traditional methods of construction from materials that have not been used before have become increasingly popular. One of the relative novelties in construction are the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are built from foam blocks poured with concrete.

The use of expanded polystyrene

Today, in order to build a warm and high-quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also polystyrene foam blocks, poured using a conventional concrete mortar. Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene, for a long time was not considered as a full-fledged building material, but recently such structures have been used more and more often.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very complicated, although certain skills and time are required for construction. Foam walls are built using the following materials:

  1. Styrofoam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only in an industrial way.
  2. A mortar made of concrete, with the help of which the cavities of the blocks are poured.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

  1. First you need to set the foundation. In this case, you can also use a tape, but since the house is poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After that, the laying of wall blocks begins, around which wooden formwork is installed. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam during pouring.
  3. Concrete is poured carefully, it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move, do not deform during work.

Thermal house features

Why does a Styrofoam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks of foam, or polystyrene, act as formwork-insulation, which reduces heat loss. But it’s not enough just to order a foam house, you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south, at the entrance it is recommended to arrange the so-called buffer zones. For houses that are built from blocks poured with concrete, you can not save on doors and windows.

Of the features of such foam buildings, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in the winter months, such a house must be warmed up, although energy consumption will be minimal.

People who put up such a warm house, but neglected the rules for its installation (not so complicated), often complain about dampness and fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of the violation of technology, and not the shortcomings of the material. Styrofoam and concrete walls are vapor-tight, so a forced ventilation system should be installed to maintain a comfortable atmosphere inside. The best option is air handling units with recuperation.

Finish options

The construction of foam houses is distinguished by its own characteristics, but from the advantages over others it should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

Facade external walls are usually treated with a layer of decorative plaster, which is notable for its low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are also possible.

For example, ventilated facade systems can be used, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look, but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Internal walls can be finished with a variety of materials. Today, most often they are sheathed with drywall, which provides many design options.

There are no restrictions for roofing materials of foam houses. Due to the fact that concrete mortar is poured inside the blocks, the house turns out to be virtually monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even natural ceramic tiles, which are very heavy, can be laid on the roof surface.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the foam house, all engineering communications can be laid directly in the walls of the house, but this must be done even at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is polystyrene as a frame good enough? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam? Consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

  1. Operational problems. Such a disadvantage is associated with the material itself - foam. To fix shelves or cabinets on its surface, it is necessary even during the construction itself to arrange special linings that are fixed directly to concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture, you will have to cut a layer of foam to concrete, and then attach wooden blocks to it, on which cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem is solvable, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the easiest work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that Styrofoam houses are considered very warm, they still require good warming up in winter.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam as a building material for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is constantly a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so that it is not classified as critical, but this requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in the house more comfortable by installing a forced ventilation system. And taking into account the fact that such ventilation systems are installed today not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings, such a drawback often goes unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires certain efforts and skills. In this case, blocks poured with concrete are not just installed, it is necessary to put them correctly, in strict accordance with all the requirements for technology. But it cannot be said that it is more difficult to install foam plastic blocks than to build a house, for example, from brick. In many cases, it is even easier to set up such a house, although you will have to sweat when laying the first rows. Efforts and skills are required for the exterior and interior decoration of the foam wall, as it may be difficult to mount it. Therefore, it is necessary to use only special materials.

Many consider the disadvantages that the blocks are made of foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main one for building the walls of a house, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of polystyrene has not been proven, during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is also necessary to note the following point: today the number of houses built from polystyrene foam and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all the others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, they are distinguished by their attractive cost and the ability to take various forms, but more than one more year is still required for a more complete analysis of their operation.

Building Requirements

A foam house today is one of the options for a fairly quick and inexpensive construction of housing. Such a design can take any, often very unexpected, but such attractive forms, which greatly distinguishes a thermal house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, foam blocks poured with concrete, you need to remember some features.

  • transport, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, as the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip off. This problem can be solved by simply gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes installation longer;
  • when buying, you should choose the right blocks, as unscrupulous manufacturers can allow marriage. All corners must be even, the dimensions must match the declared ones;
  • when concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of formwork is required, but also a constant check of verticality using the building level. This is necessary, since the foam expands during pouring, that is, the blocks can move, but this should not be allowed;
  • after the installation of the house structures is completed, it is necessary to immediately proceed to the exterior finish, so that the foam plastic is in contact with direct sunlight as little as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only traditional materials are used, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but also unusual at first glance, but no less high-quality and reliable. We are talking about foam blocks, the cavities of which are filled with a concrete mixture inside. After hardening, the house takes on attractive forms, it is durable, holds heat well, and it is comfortable to live in it.

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