What is the best pump for pumping out all the dirty water from the well. How to independently pump a well after drilling Which pump for pumping a well after drilling

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The device of any well with the installation of drilling casing pipes to the bottom of the aquifer, accompanied by subsidence in the water intake area a large number earthen rock, worsening specifications source and water quality. During the operation of any well or well, their parameters gradually deteriorate due to the silting of the bottom with sand, clay, small pebbles coming from the aquifer.

Rice. 1 Structure of common sand well

In all cases, the only effective method The fight against water pollution is the lifting of dirty liquid from a source to the surface with the help of electric pumps. To do this, you need to know the technology of cleanup work, and which pump to pump the well after drilling or to eliminate silting is better.

In the vast majority, not only after drilling, but also during operation or after a long downtime, pumping the well is most often necessary. sand species. The bottom of their aquifer usually consists of sand, clay or pebbles, silting leads to the following negative consequences:

Reducing the depth of the water source

It may have Negative consequences for submersible electric pumps located at a short distance from the bottom, filters and components of the working mechanism supplying water will begin to clog with dirt, which will lead to an accelerated failure of pumping equipment.

Water quality is deteriorating

In addition to the fact that the silted bottom approaches the water-sucking units, the rising water, passing through the silted layer, carries with it small particles of dirt, which contribute to the turbidity of the liquid. Water becomes unfit for drinking and domestic use, and it becomes too expensive to clean it with filters.

Rice. 2 Sand well design

Debit is falling

The water pressure is prevented by a layer of dirt formed during the silting process, which resists its passage. Water may simply not be enough for domestic needs if the pump pumps out all the water from the well.

The water level is dropping

A drop in static and dynamic levels is a consequence of a change in flow rate and can lead to dry running of operating electric pumps.

These negative consequences do not appear immediately and serve as signs indicating the need to pump the well source.

Requirements for electric priming pumps

Not every electric pump pumps out contaminated water, for example, the answer to the question - “is it possible with vortex views?” will be negative. Vortex models in effect design features(small gaps between the impeller of the vortex wheel and the walls of the working chamber) are absolutely not intended for working with contaminated water. When choosing the right pumping equipment, the following criteria should be followed:

Rice. 3 Soil in a silted spring

Well Compliance

A pump for pumping a well must be suitable for its parameters, primarily due to its pressure and immersion depth.

Water Quality Compliance

The polluted bottom of well sources may consist of various fractions: sand, clay or pebbles. Type of pumping device must match the structure of pollution, otherwise it will not work effectively in an unsuitable environment and lead to failure.

low cost

It is irrational to spend a lot of money in everyday life to buy an expensive pumping electric pump - when working in a polluted environment, the mechanism of any device wears out faster, and replacing parts in expensive equipment, in addition to its high cost, will lead to even greater costs.

This statement does not apply to organizations involved in the pumping of wells at a professional level. For example, expensive high-quality Gundfos submersible electric pumps, due to their high reliability after many years of operation, are more profitable to pump wells than domestic models.

High performance

This parameter affects the pumping time of contaminated water, which in some cases can take more than a day, and the cleaning efficiency. More powerful models suck up liquid from greater depths, respectively, taking away more contaminants than low-power devices.

The main types of electric pumps for cleaning wells

Due to their design features, several types can work effectively with polluted water. electric pumps most commonly used in everyday life.


The use of vibration types for pumping dirty water has the following advantages and disadvantages:

Rice. 4 Submersible vibration pump

low cost. All vibration models belong to products of the budget price category, the minimum cost of the Aquarius pump is about 20 USD.

Simplicity of design. Allows you to repair or replace worn parts without much effort and special equipment.

Work with dirty water . Vibratory electric pumps are best suited for pumping clay contaminants, sand and small pebbles quickly erase their rubber parts.

Principle of operation. The use of vibration pumps adversely affects the casing pipes, causing their deformation, and can also lead to complete silting of the well source due to the compaction of the sedimentary layer during vibration.

Low performance and uptime. These are the main disadvantages of vibration pumps, excluding their use for permanent water supply.

After completion of drilling and installation of the casing, the owner of the equipped water source will face the following question: how to rock the well? That is, how to remove silt residues, sandy suspension and dirty water from the mine that have accumulated in the well during drilling or appeared during the installation of casing pipes.

Moreover, due to the rather large volume of pollution and the inaccessibility of waste deposits, cleaning the well after drilling is one of the rather complex operations implemented using special technologies.

However, these technologies, despite some specificity, are still quite accessible for mastering and using in the “do-it-yourself” format. And in this article we will consider the buildup process, which can be implemented on our own.

The aquifer is far from the pure stream of water that flows from the tap in your kitchen. AT natural environment the aquifer is a sandy-clay suspension compressed between a clay lens and sandy loam. It is from it that we extract water, cleaning this porridge with the help of mechanical filters.

But with the smallest particles - silt - mesh filters do not know how to fight. In addition, during the construction process, some of the highly concentrated sand suspension will penetrate into the well, clogging the filters from the inside.

As a result, the owner of a newly equipped source is forced to pump out this mixture from the bottom, thereby increasing the efficiency of filters and water quality. That is, he needs to pump a new well, creating conditions for successful operation source in the near future.

At the same time, in the process of "swinging" silt and sand are washed out not only from the pipe, but also from the layer closest to the outer boundaries of the casing. Therefore, a properly “swinging” well is surrounded not by a muddy suspension, but by a layer of sufficiently clean water. But such a result requires the application of certain efforts.

How to properly pump a well: an overview of the process

Technically, the “buildup” looks like the usual pumping of water from a well. That is, we immerse the pump into the casing pipe and begin to pump out water along with silt and sandy-clay suspension.

But the external simplicity of such technology is deceptive.

After all, to successfully complete this procedure, you need to know:

  • Firstly, how much to rock the well (in time, without interruptions).
  • Secondly, what kind of pump to do this (selected according to the performance of the unit).
  • Thirdly, how to organize this process (where to fix the pump, when to start the buildup, and so on).

Well swing duration

You need to pump continuously, until perfectly clean water “flows” from the outlet pipe of the pump. After all, mesh filters pass through only small particles, and coarse sand settles from the outside, forming an additional filter layer.

Thus, the duration of pumping out depends on the type of soil, the throughput diameter of the casing pipe and the depth of the well bottom. But even under almost identical conditions, one well will swing much longer than the other. After all, it all depends on the quality of the soil at the filter itself.

As a result, the average pumping time is 10-12 hours, but the most polluted mines, which are built in clay or chalky soils, sway for days.

What pump to pump the well?

Of course, the cheapest, submersible, centrifugal type. After all, it will have to be disposed of or postponed until the next buildup. Since it is no longer possible to use such a pump clogged with silt and sand. And yes vibration pumps- are categorically not recommended for buildup - they simply cannot withstand such a load.

Well, the main pump, which was purchased as the main injection device that provides pressure in the home pipeline, is categorically not recommended to be used.

It is introduced into the well only after the buildup. And pumps only practically clean water.

Organizational matters

We have already decided how to pump the well after drilling.

Now let's see how to do it:

  • The pumping process starts after the installation of the last casing elbow is completed.
  • Main tool - centrifugal pump, submersible type.
  • The immersion level is 70-80 centimeters from the bottom of the well, approximately at the cut of the gravel pack.
  • The pump operation mode is intermittent, with frequent extractions from the well for flushing and cleaning.

Pump power is the maximum possible (including cost). After all, to complete the buildup process, in some cases, you have to pump up to 500 cubic meters liquid suspension.

Well pumping: an overview of common mistakes

The well start-up procedure may fail due to the following organizational errors:

  • Due to too low immersion of the pump, as a result of which the apparatus is clogged with silt for counted minutes. And in the most difficult cases the pump will be pulled into the quicksand irrevocably.
  • Due to too high a suspension, as a result of which only top part submerged section of the casing pipe, and silt deposits will remain at the bottom of the source. As a result, after a couple of months, it will be necessary to repeat the buildup.
  • Due to the ill-conceived discharge of pumped water drained near a well or well. As a result, water will seep back into the pipe, penetrating through the docking slots, and eroding the soil surrounding the well.

Therefore, the pump must be hung correctly (neither high nor low), and the water must be drained as far as possible from the head of the well. Otherwise, all the efforts and funds spent on the buildup will be in vain.

Fight against silt and quicksand

It doesn't matter how long and how many times you swing the well - silt will still appear in the mine. After all, the mesh filters superimposed on the intake holes at the end of the casing pipe are simply not designed for such a small "caliber" of polluting particles.

Quicksand is water-saturated sands or sandy loam

As a result, the well owner must allocate time to preventive work carried out immediately after the recession of the flood (seasonal increase in the level ground water). After all, mud plugs are formed during an unexpected increase in pressure in the aquifers of the soil.

Moreover, there are two ways to deal with traffic jams, namely:

  • If the moment has not yet been missed, and there is still no plug in the well, then you just need to increase the intensity of operation, pumping out water not as needed, but for 2-3 hours in a row. As a result of such an overload, coarse sand will be washed around the filter elbow of the casing pipe, and silt deposits will be removed from the mine before the next flood. But after such a tough operation, it is necessary to inspect and repair the pump.
  • If the moment is missed and a plug has formed in the well, then it will have to be washed out with a jet of water supplied to the bottom of the well under pressure. Moreover, for blurring, you need a special injection pump, a hose, the length of which is equal to the depth of the well, and a hydraulic nozzle. After blurring, the silty suspension is simply pumped out of the well without any residue.

As you can see, both technologies do not require exorbitant efforts, and most of the work related to well maintenance is carried out remotely. Therefore, just do not be lazy, service the well at the right frequency, and enjoy clean water all year round.

Each well must have its own passport with a whole bunch of application documents, including those from the Ministry of Subsoil Use. And in these documents, in black and white, the item is written - "The results of experimental pumping." Therefore, for this reason alone, this operation cannot be dispensed with.

But the situation may be even simpler, and here even documents are useless. The fact is that the first water coming from a newly constructed well will certainly be very dirty, and so much so that both chemical and microbiological analyzes, which are also mandatory and must appear in the passport, will be useless.

We make a decision

The pumping process can take quite a long time. It is impossible to say in advance how much a new well needs to be pumped. This may take from 10-12 hours to several days or even weeks. One can only speculate that if it will be long and complicated and may even take months.


Actually, the pumping technology is inherently quite simple - it is getting water from a well until it is clean.

So the process diagram looks like this:

  • A - safety rope, we advise you not to forget about it and be very demanding about the reliability of this rope;
  • B - check valve;

  • C - filter, problems with the filter can often lead to errors in assessing the quality and general availability of water in the well;
  • D - a rubber ring, a modest but very useful element of the whole structure, which will protect the system from sharp contacts with the casing;
  • E - casing pipe.

Thus, pumping is preceded by several actions:

  • selection and immersion of the pump; When choosing a pump, keep the following in mind:
    • the pump will work for more than one day, it will need to be immersed in the casing, so you should not buy an expensive pump, a productive, but cheaper submersible pump is quite suitable for pumping;

    • a more expensive one can already be purchased later for regular work with clean water;
    • you need to be prepared for the fact that the pump will often fail - its constant work with sludge will do its job, but the repair is done fairly quickly and the work continues.
  • it is necessary to hang the pump in the pipe at a height of 70-80 cm from the bottom of the well, only in this case it can be expected that the sludge will be captured and rise up;
  • periodically the pump requires maintenance - stop, extraction from water.

In the photo, the most suitable and simple pump for pumping is submerged

Errors and some nuances

It would be easier to answer how long it takes to pump a well if some significant errors did not interfere with the work, which could ruin the whole thing altogether.


Among possible errors note the following:

  • the pump is suspended too high, it is too close to the surface of the water - as a result, low efficiency; you can feel it when it's enough long time water will come out, which is called “neither this nor that” - it is not too dirty, but also clean, without impurities, it cannot be called either; in the worst case scenario, in this situation, the well quickly becomes silted up and the pump stops pumping water altogether;
  • the pump is lowered too low - and begins to constantly become clogged with silt; you will be able to determine this condition when you have to clean the pump too often; a very unpleasant consequence of the low position of the pump is its complete immersion in silt, while it can be very difficult to remove it from there;
  • very close drainage of water on the surface - the water above must be diverted to the side as far as possible, otherwise it can return down through the existing channels in the ground and, thus, the pumping process will continue indefinitely;

Useful advice!
To protect against return, we advise you to build on the outside of the pipe clay castle.
The lock will also protect against rain and melt water from entering the well.

  • insufficient attention to the safety cable - you can’t even call it a mistake, it’s just a disaster, since a stuck pump that cannot be pulled out with a cable, or a broken cable, then makes such incredible efforts to extract the pump that drilling the well itself will seem in this case child's play.


We draw attention to some of the nuances associated with the described action:

  • any work on the well refers to work of increased injury risk and labor intensity, be extremely careful - the soil can “go” to the side, the pressure can turn out to be unexpectedly large - all dangers must be carefully calculated and a rescue recipe must be prepared for each;
  • when lowering the pump into the well, use the mormyshka fishing technology familiar to all fishermen:
    • lower the pump carefully until you feel the bottom of the plug;
    • lift it up again by 30-40 cm;
    • turn on the pump;
    • slowly start lowering it again, but with jerks up - 5 cm down - 3 up;
    • this behavior will cause the sand to rise but not clog the hose.
  • already during the operation of the well, it is necessary to carry out preventive pumping for 2-3 hours during periods of reduced water consumption;

  • the plug formed below from or, which is the reason why the well is not pumped, can be washed out with clean water supplied down under pressure through a hose;
  • By the way, this method of pumping a well is also practiced - by the method high pressure, or feeding down clean water; this method allows you to pump in the shortest possible time, but only on clean aquifers, when it is necessary to reanimate a previously used well, or on a well, in the reliability of the design of which you are 200% sure.


The process of pumping a well is quite lengthy, so set yourself up to do all the work yourself right away. Let's not forget, the operating instructions for the well require its periodic pumping regularly. Moreover, set yourself up for the need for accurate knowledge of the entire technology.

Be sure to watch it more than once and constantly refer to the video in this article as a reminder. The price of neglecting pumping is simple and natural - you will not use the well, and you will have to carry water in bottles from the store.

On the one hand, the issue of water supply country house is solved simply. A well or well is made and the homeowner gets constant access to drinking water. Moreover, if desired, the well can be made independently, and this will save finances.

On the other hand, own source is a whole complex of different works. Therefore, the matter is not limited to one digging. And one of the first tasks that the owner needs to solve is how to pump the well after drilling. After all, without this, it will not work.

The concept of buildup

The buildup of a well after drilling is the process of removing all foreign impurities from the water. In fact, if this is not done, the water will be undrinkable.

Well buildup

During the operation of the source, water entering the casing from aquifers passes through the filter column. It retains impurities of clay and sand. However, immediately after drilling, it is too saturated with fine suspensions.

In addition, in the process of drilling and installation of the casing, a lot of dirt enters the source, both from the surface and from the passed layers. Naturally, it must be removed. That's what the pump is for.

Fundamentally, pumping a well after drilling is a fairly simple process. It comes down to pumping water with a pump. However, as in any other business, pitfalls can be hidden behind seeming simplicity. Therefore, for a qualitative result, it is necessary to understand well all the nuances of the technology.

In addition, if the well is properly pumped, this will remove soil particles from the near-pipe space and aquifers. And this will significantly increase the service life of the source. Therefore, the importance of these works should not be underestimated.

Demolition work

As mentioned above, in principle this is a fairly simple process. However, before proceeding with it, you need to clarify some points:

  • necessary equipment;
  • duration of work;
  • pump selection.

In addition, it is important to understand how to properly organize the entire flushing process.

Work duration

Initially, it is difficult to say how much a well needs to be pumped. It depends on the:

  • degree of pollution;
  • soil type;
  • source depth;
  • equipment used.

However, there are approximate figures that you can focus on. At the same time, it must be understood that the process is considered completed when clean water begins to flow from the well. Moreover, to be sure, you need to wait about an hour - if all this time a clean liquid arrives, the work can be considered successful.

When shallow wells within 20-30 meters, flushing can take no more than two days. The same applies to those sources that pass through one clean aquifer, such as sand or limestone.

If the source is of great depth, for example, an artesian well, pumping the well after drilling can take up to a month. However, a big plus long term rinsing in subsequent long-term use.

But the most complex and time-consuming cleaning work falls on the clay. When the casing string passes through the clay layer, the work can take several weeks, even if the source is shallow.

Water with sediment

Pump selection

Another point that needs to be clarified is which pump to pump the well after drilling. Given the degree of water pollution, you need to use the simplest submersible pump. It is strongly not recommended to flush with an apparatus designed for subsequent permanent operation - it simply cannot withstand the load and fail.

Vibrating devices must not be used. This is due to two reasons:

  • they are not designed for such work and will not withstand the load;
  • Vibration will only exacerbate the pollution problem.

Therefore, it is purchased inexpensive centrifugal device. Even if it breaks in the process, it is usually easy to repair. And spare parts are inexpensive. In addition, simple pumps, although not as powerful, are less sensitive to dirty water. And without problems pump out pollution of small fractions. It is advisable to purchase a powerful model, because. the duration of the work directly depends on this.

The most important rule in work is to periodically clean the pump from dirt. To do this, it is enough to rinse it with clean water. If this is not done, it will quickly fail. This is due to the fact that the equipment is still not designed for pumping dirty water. After all, this creates additional burdens.

Submersible pump

Stages of work

The main question that the owners of artificial sources ask themselves is how to pump the well after drilling. In fact, everything is quite simple. The main thing to follow simple rules and avoid common mistakes.

First, you need to prepare the necessary tool:

  • centrifugal pump;
  • steel rope;
  • hose;
  • carrying.

Everything is simple here. However, it is important to purchase a strong metal cable on which the pump will be suspended. Do not use a rope for these purposes - it can fray and break. And if the device falls into the well, this will create additional problems.


Before rocking the well after drilling, it is advisable to take care that dirty water does not get back into the casing. This is especially true for shallow sources. If the discharge is carried out next to the casing, the dirt will very quickly penetrate into the aquifer, and then into the casing. Therefore, the process can be endless.

To avoid this, you need to stock up on a long hose and organize water drainage as far as possible from the source. It can be a pit or just a wasteland - the main thing is that the area allows you to take large volumes of water.

  • the pump is fixed in the well. It must be installed at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the bottom - this is the optimal depth that allows you to pump out the dirt. If you lower it lower, the liquid may be too thick and the pump will not be able to handle it. And if the pump is located higher, the cleaning efficiency will decrease significantly;
  • after that, the pump is connected and the cleaning process begins. It is important not to forget to periodically get it to the surface and rinse with clean water.

Now, you need to wait until clean water comes out of the well. On average, the work will take 1-2 days. But, a lot depends on the specific conditions.


Considering that after drilling a well, a considerable amount of water will have to be pumped out of it, you need to prepare for this. main problem create pollution in it - silt, sand and clay. If you pour the liquid directly onto the soil, it can be spoiled, so it makes sense to make the simplest filter installation.

One of available options, use an old barrel or other similar container for these purposes. And to make an installation out of it is quite simple:

  • closer to the top, you need to make a hole in the side of the container;
  • install a mesh filter on it - gauze or old tights are suitable for this;
  • if there is no hole at the top, you will need to make one.

Everything, now the hose is connected to the top, and dirty water will be poured into the barrel. Due to the fact that it will flow out through the top, it will have time to settle. Of course, periodically it will have to be cleaned of deposits, but then the dirt will not fall on the upper layers of the soil.

Cork removal

Sometimes a situation occurs when a plug of sediments forms at the bottom. In this case, a simple pumping will not work. To eliminate it you will need:

  • additional pressure pump and long hose;
  • it sinks to the bottom of the casing string and a jet of water is fed through it from the surface;
  • it erodes the cork and lifts deposits;
  • at the same time, they are raised to the surface by a submersible pump.

Cork removal with two pumps

If deposits are too dense, they may need to be worked out mechanically. For example, with the help of a bailer.

Cost of work

The final price will depend on the complexity of the work and the depth of the source. But you can give indicative prices:

The exact cost can be obtained from specialists, after they know all the necessary characteristics.

Common Mistakes

When flushing is done by beginners, errors may occur:

  • pumped water is drained next to the well - most of sediment comes back;
  • the pump is installed too low - it may not withstand the load and burn out;
  • it is set too high - the main deposits will remain at the bottom and eventually form a plug.

Thus, flushing the well after drilling is not a very laborious process. And if you follow the simplest rules - all the work can be done without problems with your own hands. And that will save you a lot of money.

During the drilling work on the arrangement of water wells, the question almost always arises of how to pump the well after drilling. Indeed, immediately after the drilling was successfully completed, the water at first is very cloudy, it is completely unsuitable for drinking. This happens because the aquifer was destroyed, soil particles were extracted from it during drilling, and substances from the drilling fluid got into it. So, so that water can be used in technical and food purposes need to drill a well.
Pumping a well is also called - buildup. So in this article, the terms "well pumping" and "well pumping" can be considered equivalent.

The essence and necessity of the buildup of the well

The buildup of the well is necessary not only to make the water suitable for further consumption. If you do not take cleaning measures, then over time the situation will not only not improve, but will only worsen due to the fact that silt and other debris completely clog it. So the well will simply cease to function.

An equipped water well is an autonomous and reliable source of water supply for a summer house or a private house.

The so-called silting of the well is a completely natural phenomenon. Moreover, it never stops. Not only large particles of soil, but also millions of tiny particles are constantly present in the water. Very small ones can even freely pass through and settle at the bottom of the well. Over time, deposits become so severe that the depth of the well decreases significantly, and its productivity decreases.
When a well is regularly used, the siltation process slows down due to the fact that water flows are in constant motion. And vice versa, if the well is not used for a long enough time, or is resorted to periodically, the well will be drawn in fairly quickly - literally in one year.
However, if the well is pumped correctly, then all the smallest particles from the aquifer will be effectively removed.
At the very beginning of pumping, the water will flow very turbid, it will not be possible to use it for any purpose. But over time, the water stream will lighten and become more transparent. Until, finally, it clears up to absolute purity.

Well pumping is the process of cleansing the source after completion of drilling operations.

In time, this process can take up to 12 hours, and for special complex wells- and a few months. However, the latter option is unlikely to threaten the average consumer. Nevertheless, a few hours before you start the full use of the well, you still have to be patient.

Description of the well stimulation process technology

Technologically, the pumping process is the most common pumping out of dirty water until clean water begins to flow. But with all the apparent, at first glance, simplicity, you need to take into account a lot of the most various subtleties process and its features.
First of all, it's a choice. Even if the owner of the well has purchased powerful pumping equipment for it, you should not rush to lower it into an undeveloped well. It will still come in handy for working with clean water later.
In order to pump the well, an inexpensive submersible pump is quite suitable. If the buildup process drags on for a long time, then most likely the pump will often become clogged and even fail. But the expensive pump for clean water will remain in reserve - it will be possible to use it for a long time on clean water.

Submersible pump - a pump, mainly of a vertical type, installed in boreholes and shaft wells to raise liquid from a depth.

It must also be remembered that it is better to purchase a pump for pumping a well of a centrifugal type. Vibration models simply can not cope with the loads placed on them.
Suspension of the pump is another point that absolutely needs to be paid attention to. As for the suspension height, the pump must be fixed at a height of approximately 80 cm from the bottom of the well. In this case, it will be possible to count on the fact that the silt will be captured from the aquifer and brought out. During operation, the pump will need to be periodically removed from the well and subjected to flushing - simply by pumping clean water through it.
The pumping procedure should be carried out until clean water flows. It is rather difficult to say exactly how many hours it will take. The pumping time is affected not only by the nature of the soil, but also by the power of the pump - the intensity of the buildup.

The most common mistakes made during buildup

It is worth noting that not only beginners, but sometimes experienced masters make all sorts of mistakes in buildup. Some of them are so critical that they can lead to the fact that the well will become completely unusable, while the equipment will also fail.
Below are the most typical mistakes during the run. Of course, they should be avoided at all costs. So, these errors are:

In principle, the above tips are not so complicated that they cannot be applied in practice. But this will avoid serious complications during pumping.

What can be done to prevent silting of the well

If maintenance work is carried out on the well in a timely manner, then the water in it will be clean and transparent throughout the entire period of operation.

Note! It is not enough to pump the well - you also need to prevent it from re-silting up. To prevent this from happening, if the well is not used regularly for a long time, it is necessary to turn on the submersible pump for a couple of hours. This will allow you to do without additional maintenance for quite a long time.

However, even if, despite all efforts, the formation of a silt plug is observed, then you can try to wash it out of there. To do this, inside the well to the pump itself, you need to lower the hose and supply clean water through it under sufficiently high pressure. She will wash all kinds of deposits from the well, and then rise up through the annular space and splash out along with the silt.

Well silting is an accumulation small particles rocks as a result of their removal from the aquifer.

This procedure must be carried out until the gravel from the bottom filter begins to flow along with the water. Then you can carry out the usual pumping of the well.
In any case, re-pumping of any well is a more time-consuming process than primary pumping. It is often easier to equip a new well in a new location than to build up an old one.

What to do if suddenly the dirt came from an already pumped well

It also happens that dirty water suddenly begins to flow from an already developed and pumped well. This can happen for two reasons:

  • The filter broke through - and all the dirt that was lingering with it before now began to flow inside;
  • There was a depressurization of the casing pipes - and now clay and other deposits began to flow from the water-resistant layers into the water.

Prevention of silting of a well or a well is not a difficult task, to warn you need to use the well and the well often, if there is a pump, turn it on more often to drive the water away.

Whatever causes it, it will be necessary to carry out overhaul wells. Depending on the reasons, it will be necessary either to remove the casing and repair the depressurization, or to repair the filter.

Cleaning a well for water intake with a bailer

You can alternately use both cleaning the well with a bailer and submersible pumps. Before you start cleaning the bailer, you must do the following:

  • Remove the submersible pump and free the entire shaft from all kinds of foreign objects and equipment;
  • The bailer is fixed on a fairly strong metal cable and lowered to the bottom of the well;
  • As soon as the bailer reaches the bottom, it rises a little - about half a meter - and then, under its own weight, drops sharply down;
  • From the blow on the bottom, the clay will set in motion, everything free space around the bailer will be filled with particles of silt and clay;
  • At the same time, from a blow to the bottom, the intake channel of the bailer will open - and dirty water will enter the cylinder.

A bailer is simply a one or two meter long piece of pipe with a wire loop at one end and check valve and a cutting device on the other.

The procedure will need to be repeated several times, after which the bailer must be lifted up and cleaned of dirt. At a time, it usually turns out to extract no more than 500 grams of litter, so the cleaning process with a bailer, although effective, is quite lengthy.

Sergey Vitalyevich Ponomarev, well driller: Beginners should also be warned against the following mistake. Sometimes, as soon as clean water begins to flow from the pipe, they consider the process successfully completed - and stop further pumping water from the well. But it’s better to be a little more patient and pump clean water for at least an hour. This will guarantee a more reliable result.

Yuri Pushkov, professional driller: Vibratory pumps can also be used during re-cleaning of the well. However, for this you will need to additionally purchase a special nozzle for water intake.

What can be said in the end

The well cleaning procedure is an extremely necessary measure that will guarantee the purity of the water and, in the future, the longest possible service life. Therefore, it is very important to approach the process thoughtfully, taking into account all the subtleties and features.
In this case, special attention should be paid to the most common gross errors, which were mentioned above.
As a last resort, if during the development of the well there are concerns that it will not be possible to build it up on your own as it should, it is worth inviting specialists from professional equipment and rich experience in carrying out this kind of work.

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