How I went to America under the Work and Travel program. Registration stages: "Work and Travel"

Encyclopedia of Plants 10.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

I continue to talk about the opportunities to travel, including for free. The idea for this article was inspired by the incredible popularity of my Green Card Guide. Since then, I have been working closely enough with the US Embassy in Ukraine in the fight against fraud and deception when obtaining a migration or tourist visa to the United States.

The Work and Travel program attracts a lot of young people, students who want to try independent living, taste "American freedom" and perhaps take the first step towards the "American dream". In this article, I will take a detailed look at the whole essence of this program, how to take part in it, earn money and travel without encountering scammers.

So, if you want to learn the nuances of the Work & Travel USA 2017 program, welcome to this article. I hope you can find the information you need and answers to your questions. If not, I'll be happy to help, ask in the comments.


What is Work and Travel

At the heart of this international program for students from various developing countries is the opportunity for young people to go to the United States, work there, earn some money and embark on a journey through the vast expanses of the New World.

The founder of the program and its main controlling body was and remains the US Congress, which allows you to protect yourself from fraud as much as possible. Unlike many free trips by volunteers, here a person receives one important privilege - a visa with a work permit.

Every year, tens of thousands of students from all over the world go to North America. There they get a job (mostly a rough job like a dishwasher, etc.) that does not require a special education, where they earn a certain amount of money. After working for a few months (and a J-1 visa gives you the right to stay in America for up to 4 months), you can go on a trip. I am mainly read by tourists, and therefore they know - it's just a fairy tale: to drive a powerful American car on ideal roads from state to state, enjoying nature and cities.

The main idea of ​​this exchange is cultural exchange, opportunities for ordinary children from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries to realize themselves and start an independent life.

How to participate

The terms of participation

Not everyone can participate in this program and you need to meet a number of criteria, such as:

  • Know English at a good conversational level (enough Intermediate level schools). You can learn English on your own, I'm just writing an article about it
  • Be a student of a state university (students of vocational schools and technical schools cannot participate)
  • Study on a full-time basis
  • Age from 18 to 23 years

If you meet all of the above criteria - excellent, then you can apply for participation in the program. In return, you get a visa for 4 months and the opportunity to work in the United States. Based on this, you can plan a trip, work, place of residence, etc.

Decide on the need

Deciding whether or not you need to participate in Work and Travel is one of the main tasks. After all, you must understand that this pleasure is expensive. All the agencies that I have seen swear by oath that you will earn money for travel there. But it is worth understanding that the average salary that you can count on is about $ 8 per hour. And working 8 hours a day, you will receive $ 1,500 - $ 1,600 per month. And in order to pay off participation in the program, you will have to work two or three jobs.

Why am I taking a job for a month as an example? In Ukrainian universities, as well as in Russian ones, the majority will conduct exams in June. And the student has a maximum of 2 months left (you can participate only during the period when there is no training), of which at least a month you want to travel. And for what money? Oh yes, housing and meals are also at your expense, they are not provided.

So I'll give my opinion:

  • If you want to improve your knowledge of spoken English, break away from your parents for at least a couple of months, feel like an American - this program is for you. If you have friends or relatives living there who will give you shelter, will have a place to live and even lend a car - this is generally ideal!
  • If you just want to see a piece of America, it’s better to go on a trip yourself for the same money. Fortunately, you can get to the USA for 300 - 500 dollars, depending on the dates, and with a transfer in Europe (if you have one) - it's even cheaper. Getting a US tourist visa is also not difficult, it is given immediately for 10 years. However, it does not allow legal work.

In the case when your university exams are held early and you are sure that you can spend more than 2 months in America, then you should also try your luck. After all, how was it ... We will regret more what we did not do than what we did! Dare!

Find an agency

You probably know that I am a fighter against intermediaries. All these my lessons on getting a Schengen visa, a US visa or a visa are aimed at saving people from terrible agencies and intermediaries who deceive their clients in order to profit from their ignorance of the situation. However, in the case of the Work and Travel USA program, you have no other choice. You have to work with an agency that acts as an intermediary between you and the inviting party - the sponsor.

There are hundreds of such agencies. And their name is legion. I'll tell you a secret, there is no particular difference between them. Therefore, I recommend choosing the most popular in your area.

We immediately score on those who claim to have “connections at the embassy”, they ask too much low price or too high. Those who are trying to "sell" tickets for a thousand dollars - there too. Roughly speaking, the task is to find the most adequate agency with which you personally will be pleased to work.

Prepare documents

With documents, everything is quite simple. The fact is that the services of agencies include the preparation of documents for you, assistance in filling out questionnaires, and the like. But you will also have to put in some effort.

All the paperwork that you will collect is your ticket to participate in the program. Take this seriously and never use fake documents or false information. If such a fraud is revealed, you run the risk of a dozen or another years to secure yourself the status of "unentry" in the United States. Trust me, it's not worth it.

Initially you will need:

  • Copies of all pages of a civil passport that contain any marks
  • Copies (at least 3 pieces) of all pages of the international passport with any marks or visas
  • Certificates from the university (2 in English, 2 in the state)
  • At least 4 photos 3x4cm
  • Photo 5x5cm
  • Photo in in electronic format 5x5, color, on a white background
  • Copies of all pages of the record book from the place of study
  • Copy of TIN
  • Copy of student card

In addition, form DS-2019 and a letter from the sponsor must be completed. The agency should help you with this.

Price and payment for participation

So, as I said, pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, if you are traveling with the goal of at least recouping your investment, you need to weigh and think over everything several times. And then get hold of the required amount. Here, of course, relatives can come to your aid. I don't recommend taking a loan from a bank.

How much will participation cost on average?

  • Payment to the intermediary - in the region of $ 600 - $ 1200, depending on his "appetite"
  • Consular fee for J-1 visa - $160
  • Search and selection of vacancies - $150 - $350
  • Registration in the SEVIS system - $35
  • Round-trip air ticket - from $700 through an intermediary, or up to $500 if you buy on your own

Why did I highlight the flight item? The fact is that for all, without exception, intermediaries that I found on Google, the prices for a flight to the USA cost at least 700 bucks. They also humorously promise "student discounts", which do not exist. However, you and I know very well that even a direct flight from Kyiv or Moscow to the USA rarely exceeds $500. The main thing is to be able to search.

In no case do not fly with "money back to back". You must have at least $500 on your card or bank account in reserve for the first time. It is not uncommon for a student to find out upon arrival that he was denied a job that was agreed upon. You also need to live on something. And eat. I wrote 500 USD because this amount is enough to buy a ticket and return home if something happens. The more money you have, the calmer you can feel in the States.


After you find an agency, fill out and submit the documents - you will be recorded for an interview at the US Embassy. You will go there in order to go through a kind of "filter" from unreliable emigrants. All questions will be directed to ensure:

  1. You are an independent person and can take care of yourself
  2. You are not going to violate the laws of the state where you are going to work
  3. You will return to your home country after the end of the program, and will not stay illegally in the country
  4. Do you know English in sufficient level to work and live in America

There are no universal questions, as well as answers to them. You must know English well and remember basic information, which you can get in preparation for the interview.

The most frequent questions:

  • Where do you study, what course, what subjects did you study in the first semester of the first year, who are you according to your zodiac sign, etc. Do not be surprised, these are basic questions, the purpose of which is to make sure that all the documents you provide are real and contain truthful information.
  • How long do you plan to stay in the US? Where to work? Why exactly this firm \ this direction. What city is your job in? What do you know about this city and state? That is, they will make sure that you understand where you are going and will really work there.
  • Do you have relatives in the US? Do your parents live with you? Who do they work? What are your plans for autumn? They need to make sure you don't become illegal.
  • How do you understand the proverb ***? Can you explain Gimlet Rule? Prove the Pythagorean theorem. Such questions are also not uncommon, they should show how you will react in a non-standard situation.
  • At any time during the interview, the consul can switch to English. You should at least understand it and be able to connect a decent answer in your head.

Try to clean yourself up before going to the interview. Get a manicure, put on a decent shirt. No one talks about a strict or business style ... But in a T-shirt and shorts, most likely you will not even be allowed into the embassy itself.

Girls, I'm warning you! Short skirts, deep neckline - set aside! The chance of rejection increases exponentially.


Highly important nuance is a job search. Your job and its conditions, comfort and safety, earnings and mood depend on what vacancy you choose and what employer you get. That is why it needs to be taken very seriously.

You can look for work on your own, you can entrust this business to an agency for an additional fee. But there is another option, for the most desperate and those who like to "try their luck" - this is a job search on the spot. However, it is only suitable for people who easily and naturally know how to communicate and win over. But without an approved job (Job Offer), you will not be allowed to participate and the embassy will refuse a visa.

Jobs that are usually offered to students do not require special skills, but it will be very good if you already have experience in a similar field. As a rule, students work:

  • Newspaper and pizza delivery men
  • Lifeguards on the beach
  • Waiters
  • Washing dishes in cafes and restaurants
  • Amusement park and hotel attendants
  • cleaners
  • Etc.

Naturally, the work should please you and suit you. For example, if I went under this program, I would definitely choose to work in national parks. Yes, it's far from the city and the social circle is smaller… But nature and starry nights are what I love in the first place!

In addition, you can get a second job to earn even more on your travels, and not just break even.

Travel is one of the components of the Work and Travel program


The program is called “Work and Travel”. Initially, the idea is to, after earning extra money, go on a trip to the United States and / or nearby countries (Canada, Mexico). Here everything rests on your desire and financial question. The States is not a cheap country. A night in suburban motels will cost $80 - $150 depending on the state and proximity to the attraction. A rooming house near the national park can even drag out $ 300, and all the places will be occupied.

Public transport in our understanding is underdeveloped. Buses here are a rarity at all (I mean intercity buses), and the price of a bus train or railway is often more expensive than plane tickets. Therefore, between the states it will be best to travel either by plane or by car. And again, the problem is to rent a car for a month - it’s easier to buy your own. To buy your own means to pay also its cost, insurance and so on. Buying a car when traveling for up to 3 months is not profitable, unless you travel with a company of 3-4 people and chip in on its cost.

But with all this, it cannot be said that you will not have the opportunity to see America. In the end, there are hitchhiking and that will save you a lot of money.


You can always ask your questions in the comments, and I will try to answer them.

Can I use Work&Travel if I don't speak English?

No, you must have basic knowledge to communicate with other people and representatives of the authorities and law of the United States. You will be “overwhelmed” at the embassy at an interview, which takes place in English.

Can a part-time student apply for this program?

No, daytime only.

If I am under 18, what should I do?

Then this program is not for you. On the other hand, there are dozens of others, no less interesting. For example - Flex (only not students in the Russian Federation).

The Work and Travel program is a popular tourist destination, which is classified as business tourism. The whole point is, in general, in the name itself: work and travel. The classic format means that students from all over the world can spend the summer at work in America, and then, if they wish, ride around the United States.

The program is valid from May 15 to September 15. For several months, the student works at the chosen place under the same conditions as an ordinary American. At the end of the contract, there are two options. The participant can travel within the USA for up to 30 days, or immediately goes home.

Other programs similar to Work and Travel offer the same or very similar conditions. But the latter still remains the most popular, with about 100,000 people coming to America every year. Let's try to figure out how to go under the Work and Travel program and for whom this type of travel is suitable.

How to get into the Work and Travel program?

The Work and Travel USA program in Russia is mainly carried out by special agencies. The registration procedure is simple and takes place in several stages.

  • Applicants fill out a questionnaire and pass an English proficiency test.
  • Based on the data received, a job is selected for the student, the participant collects documents and pays a fee.
  • Next, a special visa is issued, which is called J-1.
  • Buying plane tickets and other organizational issues usually takes over the agency.
  • All questions on arrival are regulated by the contract. Some companies provide accommodation, and in some cases you have to look for it yourself. Many points depend only on the particular place of work, so be careful when choosing a vacancy.

You can also find an employer on your own, but it is recommended to do this only if you, or your friends, have already traveled there. There are a lot of scammers on the Internet, and it is almost impossible to check an employer without an agency.

What else do you need to know?

  • There are no age restrictions in the program rules. But as practice shows, the easiest way to leave is for first-third-year students, that is, 21-23 years old. Final year students at the interview will have to convince the consular representative that they will return home at the end of the program.
  • An important condition of the Work and Travel program is that the participant must return home before the official start of the academic year in his educational institution but no later than September 15th.
  • The program for Work and Travel students is not a language course, no one will specifically teach the language. Therefore, only those students who already know English well, at least at an intermediate level, can take part.
  • Be sure to sign the contract after reading it carefully. In America, they take documents very seriously and rarely violate the conditions.
  • All organizations involved in the program have 24/7 support. Find out and write down her number - this will help in case of problems.
  • In addition to paying for the flight, you must have money with you for the first month of rent and food. As elsewhere, the student receives the first payment only after two to four weeks.
  • An important nuance - in the USA there are other standards cellular communication and sockets. Most of modern phones will switch to another mode without any problems, but before leaving, it’s still better to make sure that yours is one of them. As for sockets, buy a special adapter in advance.

This was my first Work and Travel experience. and I can definitely say that this is not only best summer in my life, but also the most productive! 3 months working in a big restaurant in the cultural capital of Texas has given me a whole new level of English proficiency. Well, the final month was allotted for travel: I drove 11,000 km by car - from Los Angeles to New York. A sea of ​​impressions, great experience and memory for a lifetime - that's what I can say about the Work&Travel program. During my participation in the program kept a video diary about how things really were.

I have always dreamed of spending an unforgettable summer with friends, seeing all the beauty of America. Thanks to the Work & Travel USA program, I was lucky enough to visit the Grand Canyon, enjoy the Niagara Falls, feel the atmosphere of the mystical New Orleans, walk the streets of Chicago, LA, Washington, New York, and this is not all that I managed to capture. My friends and I managed to have a real blast, make friends from all over the world and get our own idea of ​​America and Americans, not from the media. If you have any questions, then you can write them to me on VKontakte, I will tell you how to competently make plans in order to accomplish the impossible in one summer!

Participated in the Work and Travel program from INTEX for two summers in a row. I managed to visit New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Niagara Falls and Puerto Rico, and my friends drove across America by car. Of course, I had to work a lot and spend a significant part of my time on it, but at the same time, I significantly improved my English. At first it was difficult, but after a couple of weeks everything began to improve. Thanks to the program, I learned to overcome obstacles, became independent, made friends with guys from all over the world and had an unforgettable summer.

This was my 3rd trip to Ocean City with Work & Travel USA. Of course, there are many impressions about the summer and they are mostly positive, not only thanks to travel (this time I managed to go to Las Vegas, San Francisco, Atlanta, Virginia, Niagara, Washington and New York), but also to a large extent a pretty good job - 3 summers in a row she worked in the Jolly Roger park, but this time already in the position of a supervisor. Working at Jolly Roger is definitely one of the the best places for students, because The park has about 200 employees, all from different countries. Unforgettable impressions and acquaintances for life.

Two Work & Travel summers is the most unforgettable experience and the most bright adventure in my life. Work, leisure, shopping, travel, new friends from all over the world, the ocean and independent living - I am very glad that I had such an opportunity! With W&T, you really start to look at the world more broadly. Everyone there experiences a sea of ​​new impressions and vivid emotions. Intex team, I am very grateful to you for the quality service, for the attentive and individual approach!

With the help of the Intex team, my friend and I got visas under the Work and Travel program in the USA without any problems and went on a long-awaited trip. It was a great time - unforgettable, amazing, full of impressions and adventures. We spent the whole summer by the ocean, visited New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Niagara Falls and, of course, our beloved Atlantic City. Thanks to the program, we have not only seen a lot interesting places, but also got a great experience of independent living and the opportunity to meet new friends with whom we still communicate ... and memories of the summer in America always bring only a smile! Thanks to the guys at Intex for helping make this all happen.

For the last 3 years in the summer I have traveled under the Work and Travel program to America, and all 3 times were simply unforgettable! I could not even imagine that I could travel around Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, look at Niagara Falls, make friends with people from all over the world, rock out at concerts of famous bands!) I fell in love with this country, this incredible adventure! Thank you, Intex, for discovering America for me!

As I understand it, you are interested in paid internships abroad. I'm happy to tell you about the best programs.

Paid Volunteering in Colombia for English Teachers

The organizers (the Ministry of Education of Colombia, together with a partner NGO) call this program a volunteer one, but in fact, this is the most paid internship.

Requirements: Level of English proficiency not lower than C1 (documented), age 21-50 years old, desire and ability to teach. Desirable, but not required: experience of traveling/living abroad, in particular in Latin America; TEFL certificate, teaching experience, Spanish proficiency basic level. These additional terms increase your chances of participation.

Now about the conditions. Participants will help teachers and students in grades 6-11 improve their communication skills in English.

Interns are paid a stipend of 1,500,000 Colombian Pesos (approximately $450). These funds are enough for accommodation, food and household expenses. For comparison, this amount is more than twice the amount of the minimum wages in Colombia and is comparable to the average salary of school teachers.

Read more about how to apply

Paid volunteering in Chile

This program is generally similar to the Colombian one. The only thing significant difference- you will be provided with free accommodation and food a priori, and the scholarship, which you can spend at your own discretion, will be about $100.

Paid volunteering in Portugal

Great program! Throughout the year, an eco-project in the Algarve requires volunteers for a variety of jobs, from cleaning the territory to maintaining documentation.

Volunteers are provided private rooms with shared bathrooms in cottages, two meals a day. The work is paid: each volunteer receives 100 euros per week + 30 euros per month for transport from and to the cottage village. The minimum membership period is 3 months.

Teach Russian Abroad

This internship is very interesting! Moreover, in most programs, the experience of teaching a language is not mandatory, that is, not only a philologist can become a Russian teacher.

Almost all programs of this kind are paid, that is, while performing their functions during the academic year, the assistant receives a salary (usually about 800 euros per month), and in some cases the host provides him with housing.

Such projects are being implemented in Asia, Africa, North and South America, Europe. You can read about the conditions and the application process for participation.

Teach English in Thailand

The Thai organization "SEE Tefl" invites young teachers for a paid 4-month internship in schools in the Chiang Mai region in the north of the country.

Upon arrival, selected candidates undergo a two-week training and then begin full-time work in one of the Thai schools for 4 months. Young specialist accommodation, meals and a monthly salary of 650 euros are provided. A language certificate is required. Details

Teach English in Peru

The VolunTeach Peru organization invites graduates and students of the last courses of universities in the specialty "Teacher of English language» for a paid internship. Young professionals will teach English in schools in different regions countries.

Teachers will live in families that cooperate with the project. In addition to accommodation, the organization provides trainees with food, transportation to and from work, and a salary of $500 per month.

Internship at the European Commission

This is an opportunity to work side by side with specialists from one of the departments of the European Commission for five months. It's priceless international experience and a weighty line in the resume, so the competition is huge.

Depending on experience and preferences, the trainee can be engaged in administrative work, legal issues, preparation and editing of publications, projects in the field of ecology, organization of meetings, conferences, public lectures. All this during the day. In the evenings - best traditions student exchanges - international parties, football, wine tasting, cultural program in Brussels and Luxembourg and a lot of interesting things.

Interns receive a monthly stipend of €1,000.

Other programs

1. What is required to participate in the Work and Travel program?

To participate you need:
1) Be a full-time / part-time student of a university
2) Be aged 18-25
3) Know English at a conversational level

2. What level of English is required to participate in the Work and Travel program?

We will check your level at a short interview. We will set several simple questions about your hobbies and friends, why would you like to go to America, etc. It is important for us that you understand the questions and know how to answer them. No certificates and perfect English required.

3. How long is the Work and Travel program?

The earliest start date is May 15th. The latest is June 15th. You must complete the work no later than September 15, and according to the rules of the program, you have another month to travel after work!

4. What documents are required to participate in the program?

The following documents are required to participate in the program:
1) Passport
2) Student ID
3) Foreign passport
4) Certificate from the university
5) Photo 3x4

5. Can I participate in the Work and Travel program if I have an "empty" foreign passport?

Yes, you can. The presence or absence of other visas in your passport does not matter.

All questions

6. If I have questions in the US, who should I contact?

During your stay in the USA, your American sponsor is in touch with you for the entire period of your stay.

7. What kind of help does the US sponsor provide?

An American Sponsor is an organization that is located in the United States and is in touch with the student around the clock to provide advice. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to resolve issues (disputes) with the employer and the use of medical insurance.

8. Do I need to purchase additional health insurance?

No, insurance is already included in the cost of the program and covers treatment bills up to $100,000.

9. Where will I work?

We have many interesting vacancies in different parts of the USA. According to the rules of the WAT program, students can work exclusively in the service sector, namely: in hotels, cafes and restaurants, national parks, water parks, amusement parks. Possible positions: waiter, busser, operator in amusement parks, housekeeper, cashier in a supermarket, seller of ice cream or souvenirs, barista, lifeguard, cook assistant, kitchen worker, dishwasher. It is also worth noting that it is forbidden to work in large cities under the Work and Travel program, therefore, work for students is mainly offered in resort cities and centers of America.

10. Can I choose where I will work? State?

Yes, we provide students with several options to choose from, however this is an employer choice, not a state choice. In the job description, you can see in advance the proposed salary, the place where you will work and the duties that will need to be performed in this position.

11. Is it possible to work in New York or Los Angeles?

12. Can I go with friends to the same place?

You can. If your company is up to 5 people, we will easily arrange everyone for one employer!

13. How much will I earn?

The salary from your main job will be more than enough to comfortable living, food and entertainment. Average earnings on the main job from 1200 to 2000 $. If you wish, you can get a second job, if it does not interfere with the main one.

14. Where will I live?

Most employers provide housing themselves. This means that when choosing a job, you will already know in advance all necessary information relating to housing. If the employer does not provide housing, we do everything in our power to help you find it, namely: we provide information on the housing that we have (websites for rent, contacts of those who can suggest and help something), we connect with students who have already been in this place - they will surely be able to tell you about all options residence. Often, even if the employer does not provide housing, he will assist in finding it.
The American sponsor also provides accommodation options for students, but you will need to negotiate with the owner of the accommodation yourself.

15. How much money should I take with me?

This question is very individual, everything will depend on where exactly you will go, whether you will need to get to work by bus or by domestic flight, whether you plan to spend a couple of days in any large city and only then go to the employer, how much money you will need pay immediately upon check-in when you arrive at the place - all these factors will ultimately affect the amount that you decide to take with you. According to statistics, students take with them from 500 to 1000 dollars, but we recommend taking at least $800. The amount that the student will take with him should be enough literally for the first 2 weeks. In 2 weeks the student will receive his first pay check.

16. Does the program pay off?

Yes. The program is fully paid off if the student works an average number of working hours (40 per week) at 1 job.

17. What to do with the early delivery of the session?

Each student has the right to pass the session ahead of schedule, provided there is a good reason. International exchange programs are good reason, but it also depends on your relationship with the dean's office and lecture attendance statistics. Try not to miss, and you can easily negotiate.

18. Do you provide any certificate for the university?

Yes. We provide our students official document(certificate) that the student is a participant in an international exchange. The certificate is issued on our letterhead.

19. Is it possible to apply remotely if you are in a city where there is no Startravel office?

Yes. It's not difficult at all. You just need to contact the nearest office via Skype and have an interview!

20. Until what date can I apply for the Work and Travel program?

We recommend reading
