Conspiracies for weight loss on the waning moon. Effective conspiracies for weight loss

Decor elements 16.10.2019
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Today, appearance plays an important role in a person's life. In society, extremely strict standards of beauty have been adopted, which everyone who wants to achieve at least something must meet. Under such circumstances, the problem excess weight becomes very, very serious, and to solve it, women, and sometimes men, are ready to do anything.

A weight loss plot is a good opportunity to improve your figure, which should be used in conjunction with traditional diets and fitness, and also in cases where such methods do not have any positive effect.

Magic rituals aimed at losing weight work on the same principle as rituals for health. They act on the human body, have a cleansing effect.

Exists a large number of a variety of weight loss rituals, however, none of them will be able to provide any tangible positive result if the performer himself does not strive to lose weight, and does not work in this direction.

Miracles, of course, happen, but you should not hope that a conspiracy alone will solve all your problems. Some of us have to work hard in order to make our figure perfect.

Magic can help in this, speed up the result, make the path to success easier, but not a single rite will have an effect if you yourself just lie on the couch and wait.

Powerful Conspiracy

This is a very powerful magical rite, which consists of several stages. To get the best result, you must strictly follow all the described requirements.

Preparation for the ceremony

Preparation for the ritual should begin a week before the full moon. First of all, you need to determine what result you want to achieve. Determine in advance the weight you are aiming for and subtract that amount from your current weight. Now let's take a little natural beeswax, it can be bought at a pharmacy or melted down from a church candle (the candle must be new).

From wax you need to roll a cylinder as thick as your little finger. After cutting off small pieces of wax from the cylinder and saying: the first kilogram, the second kilogram, the third, etc. until you get as many pieces as you want to lose kilograms.
The cut pieces of wax need to be melted down and rolled into a single ball, which will symbolize all your excess weight. Put the ball under your pillow.

Carrying out a conspiracy

During the full moon, you need to get the resulting ball from under the pillow, hold it firmly in your palm right hand, close your eyes and concentrate on the fact that it is overweight, imagine yourself already losing weight, as if the ritual has already led to the expected result. You need to imagine what you will become when all the extra pounds are gone, how beautiful you will be, how graceful, how men will start looking at you.

Now you need to choose a place in the room where a lot of moonlight falls. In this place, draw a small circle with chalk and put a wax ball in it. After that, you can go to sleep.

In the morning you need to cut off a small piece from the ball, melt it, imagining that you are melting your own fat, that it is leaving you, the extra pounds disappear. We also throw liquid wax into the toilet or into the street. These steps must be repeated daily. It is advisable to calculate the whole process in such a way that the wax ball is enough just in time for the beginning of the new lunar month.

Strong rite with prayer

This ritual is based on Christian beliefs. The Lord's Prayer should be read every night, starting from the new moon and ending on the last day before the full moon. We read the prayer three times, then, looking at the young month, you need to stroke clockwise those places from which you need to remove excess, for example, the stomach, buttocks, hips, etc. At this time, we constantly repeat:

“What I look at, it will be added. What I stroke will be taken away.

Inconspicuous action will pleasantly surprise you after a while

This is an effective ritual, the main thing is to conduct it exclusively on the growing moon.

Basic rules of rituals

If you really want to perform a strong ritual to lose weight, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • it is imperative to believe in the power of any uttered conspiracy, otherwise it will not be effective;
  • you need to read the plot measuredly, monotonously, in a quiet, calm voice;
  • it is best to perform rituals on an empty stomach and not eat after the conspiracy as much as you can;
  • in no case should you laugh during the ritual;
  • convert Special attention for the lunar cycle, if there are no recommendations and requirements for the phase of the moon in the rite, you need to conspire on the waning moon;
  • Friday and Monday are considered the best days for weight loss rituals.

Ritual for weight loss on water

This magical ritual is designed to reduce the target's appetite. To carry it out, it is necessary to pour water into an uncut glass and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

Sea queen, water maiden. You baptize all people, give them food, and wash them. With your strength, remove hunger from me so that it does not torment me. Take away from me the passion for food, so that I don’t want to and don’t think about it. Just as the purest person does not drink or eat, but lives by prayer alone, so you are a sea maiden, a water queen, strengthen me, give me the strength to refrain from eating. What is said will come true."

After you need to drink all the charmed water in small sips.

Lapel from food

This magical ritual is a lapel directed at a target. With its help, a person can fall out of love with the most pleasant dishes, from which he himself cannot refuse.

It can be carried out not with the most beloved, but with the most harmful products for the figure, for example, with chocolate, bread, etc.

You need to buy your favorite dishes, put them in the evening at the icon, light a church candle nearby and read the prayer “Our Father” three times.

Now we wait until the candle burns out, and go to bed. In the morning we light three new candles, read “Our Father” three times, after which we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I speak the food of the servants of God (my name), the food will inhale spiritual strength, blissful strength, that food will not become a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but nectar for the soul, a satisfying spirit, peace, and goodness. Give you, food, pleasure to the servant of God (name), nourish her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What is not good for me, then let it go, what is not good for my spirit, but for my body, then let it go, let it not settle down superfluous. Will have a servant of God (name) give up superfluous and unnecessary, die your desires, turn away from food, better once again Pray to the Lord God. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about the soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".

waning moon conspiracy

This ceremony must be carried out during the waning moon. Read the plot on the water, preferably right before bedtime. The words:

“Help, Lord, God bless, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa downy feather bed, and a pig lies on it, but my fat guards. A pig with three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the other head, eat my fat with the third head... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of the pig will eat all my fat, take all the fat and excess weight. Key, lock, tongue. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Rite with a bath

To carry out the ritual, you need to draw hot or warm bathing water into the bath and put your pectoral cross into it.

Fluids structure your body very well inside and out.

When the water is ready, take out the cross and pour one glass of fresh water into it. cow's milk and holy water, add petals from three different roses (color does not matter), lower the thread or braid 15–20 cm long.

Lie in the bath until the temperature of the water in it drops to the temperature of your body. After that, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, warm water, listen to me, listen. You, water, don’t get turbid, don’t boil, quickly take over for me. After the cross, water, make me slim. Wash me with milk, holy water, cover me with a rose petal. I will be neither thin nor fat, but everywhere even. Now you can leave the bath. When you let the water out, we read the words: “Go away the water, take all the burdens from me, take them away, put them under a black stone, hold them there for a hundred years.”

After that, you need to get the thread out of the bath and tie it around the wrist of your right hand. It is very important that the thread dries already on your body. The thread is worn carefully until it breaks. Rose petals also need to be collected, wrapped in a clean white cloth and buried in the ground under an old, withered tree.

The ritual is repeated three times on the new moon.

Bath for excess weight

In advance, you need to prepare a jar of cold spring or well water. Water is poured out of it into a bath prepared for bathing and the words of the conspiracy are whispered:

“A fat man walked on the ground, he ate holy bread, and sang merry songs. He drank holy water, and sweated all over. By the time the fat man reached the house, he completely lost his body, lost weight. So I (name) sweat in the bath, but I keep losing weight. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After taking a hot bath, you need to flush the water, and say:

“Water, run away quickly, run away, take everything superfluous from me. Now, water, serve me, for me, but don’t grieve for me. Under the heavy stone, stay there forever, lie down. May it be so".

To effectively lose weight with folk conspiracies, you should know some subtleties. Recommendations apply to all rituals, conspiracies and prayers for weight loss:

  • Perform the ritual in the phase of the waning moon or the full moon, then to achieve the desired result you will need a minimum of energy effort, and conspiracies and prayers for weight loss will have the maximum effect.
  • Perform the ritual late after sunset or early in the morning before dawn.
  • Choose quiet and dark room. There should be no one in the room except you, maximum concentration is necessary.
  • You must unwaveringly believe in the result.
  • All ceremonies, so that the fat is gone, perform on an empty stomach.
  • Speak the text of any conspiracy calmly and evenly, without pauses and hitches. It's best if you learn it by heart.
  • During the ceremony, get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You should be focused solely on the desire to get rid of excess weight.
  • Any magical ritual is a kind of sacrament. Do not share information about it or its results with anyone. If you are satisfied with the outcome of the conspiracy, do not even tell your loved ones about it.

Ritual for a comb

One of the most effective and simple conspiracies for losing weight is a ritual for a comb (we also recommend reading Tarasova's blog, how she lost 30 kg). To lose weight, you will need to purchase in advance (best on Saturday) a regular wooden comb or comb.

After sunset, remain alone in a room lit only by the flame of 2 candles. Put the prepared comb on the table and mentally tune in to the ritual. Imagine yourself at the weight you need, try to visualize these thoughts. Then say the necessary words:

“As a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! As nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig will get fat and fat, and my body will grow thin and prettier! Amen!"

Say the words of the conspiracy three times and hide the comb under the mattress on your bed. Such a ritual requires repeating once a month until you achieve the desired result, and all excess fat is gone.

Rite in the bath

This conspiracy from completeness is required to be carried out on the water in the bath.

When you cross the threshold of the bath, say these words:

“In a cassock, a monk walked along the road, read psalms, ate water and bread! On the way, the monk sweated and lost weight! If only I could sweat like that and lose weight! Amen!"

The same words should be repeated 3 times when you start the process of bathing. The result will not keep you waiting: in the first month you will get rid of several kilograms. For all the fat to go repeat this ritual after 30 days.

Conspiracy for water

You only need clean water in a vessel. The time to perform the ceremony is the phase of the waning moon.

Prepared water should be spoken by saying the following magic words:

“As the moon wanes, so I would lose weight! And when she grew up, she would take away all my fats! Let everything superfluous fall off, break off, run away, fly away, leave! To the moon, to the sun, to the forest, to the steppe, to the field! Yes, it will remain there forever and ever, for human life! Amen!"

Repeat the spell 7 times, let the water brew for 7 days dark place. On the night when the moon is no longer in the sky, drink some of this water and then continue to use it every day. In the next phase of the outgoing moon, repeat the rite on the water and speak the next portion.

Ritual with immersion in water

This rite is also based on the magical power of water. After sunset, before midnight, you need to prepare a bath for yourself. Add a little cream and petals of three roses to the water: white, red and pink.

Immerse yourself in the bath and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Imagine yourself with a great figure and surrender completely to the desire to lose weight. Say the cherished words 7 times:

“Mother Voditsa, help me, servant of God (name). She poured milk for you, decorated it with rose petals, put on the holy cross! Help me in my trouble, in my grief! Take away all the fats from me, Far, far away from me! I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight never comes back to me! Amen!"

It is not necessary to leave the bath immediately after the completion of the ritual: you can soak for some more time. The results from this powerful ritual will bring positive results almost immediately. To continue losing weight, repeat this water spell every month.

Conspiracy for honey

Prepare a small jar of natural honey. Perform the ritual on Monday in the wee hours.

On honey it is necessary to whisper the following words:

“To be beautiful to me, to be slim! Get all the fat off me, get all the fat off me! Do not go fat me, do not live with a lot of weight. He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return! Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful! Like a thin birch, like an aspen, so should I be thin, Like a graceful winch, like a sweet dove, so should I be slim! I will speak, I will bewitch myself, I will treat you with magic honey! Be the only way, no other way! My word is law! My word is true! Amen!"

Use this honey every morning on an empty stomach for 1 tsp, diluted in a glass of clean water.

Possible consequences

Conspiracies will not bring serious problems. you apply white magic, which is less prone to rollback negative energy. The ritual for weight loss is aimed at you, you do not want to harm anyone. There is very little negative energy in it. It is generally accepted that the worst consequence of such a conspiracy may be the lack of results.

What can you face :

  • Do not rush to repeat the ritual if you do not see a positive effect. We need to wait a bit. In the case of an excess of magical energy aimed at losing weight, the opposite effect of gaining excess weight may occur.
  • If you decide on a ritual using black magic, be sure to roll back from yourself. You run the risk of tying your body to exhaustion for the rest of your life.
  • If in the text of the conspiracy you come across words with the root "hud", then think about the advisability of using the ritual. You can not only lose excess fat, but also dry out.
  • If you are inclined towards a ritual with the use of dark forces, think about it: if you cannot cope with them, then excess fat will return in a larger volume.

Before you start applying conspiracies for weight loss, it is worth studying in more detail the types and consequences of these powerful rituals. Rituals help in weight loss, which will be even more effective if you follow a light diet. In addition to losing weight, there is also a general recovery and cleansing of the body. Such results can only be achieved if you believe in the rituals themselves, as well as the desire to get rid of excess weight. To choose a specific weight loss plot, you should know a few of the most commonly used ones.

What are slimming spells

Any phrase spoken aloud can act in a certain way. Weight loss conspiracies are one of the types of positive auto-training. These are words in a special sequence, by saying which a person reprograms his psyche, which helps him solve the problem faster. Conspiracies are often made with personal items - combs, crosses, etc. You can even read certain words in the toilet. The subject of conspiracies are also products, for example, meat or an apple. After reading, it remains only to bite off a piece of them, and give the rest, for example, to a dog.

A weight loss spell helps to gain confidence in the result, and can also work like this:

  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize digestion, metabolism;
  • eliminate excess weight, keep it under control;
  • improve appearance;
  • increase attractiveness;
  • take away negative energy;
  • change your attitude towards yourself;
  • convince of their own beauty, harmony and health.

Rules for conspiracies for weight loss

There are many options for conspiracies that help in losing weight. They differ in a set of words and some features of the implementation. This is an indication of a specific time of the lunar calendar or day. Special pronunciation conditions may also be recommended. General rules weight loss conspiracies can be represented as following list:

  1. Moon calendar. It is better to perform the weight loss ritual during the full moon or when the moon begins to wane. So it will take less energy.
  2. Times of Day. You should not pronounce a conspiracy from fullness during the day. A more favorable time is early morning or late evening after sunset.
  3. Day of the week. Monday and Friday are considered favorable for reading conspiracies.
  4. Pronunciation technique. You need to read the text calmly, without stopping. It is better to learn the whole phrase by heart.
  5. Mystery of the ritual. It is important that the ritual for weight loss is carried out alone. It is wrong to talk about an individual ritual even to relatives. Anyone can laugh at the conspiracy, and this often knocks down the mood.
  6. The power of ritual. It only makes sense if you believe in the spoken words. You should only think about what you want, i.e. about losing weight.

Strong conspiracy to lose weight

The ritual associated with voodoo magic is considered the most effective. Such an ancient cult paid a lot of attention to the health and beauty of the human body. For this reason, it is considered effective. A strong conspiracy to lose weight is carried out as follows:

  1. Take a hard piece of dough, clay or wax. Blind from the material a small figure of a full person - a doll. Add a drop of tears, sweat or your hair to it.
  2. Next, start reading a conspiracy for thinness - “I pinch my sides - I kill fat, I burn Fat - I drive out gluttony. Small food - the womb to please.
  3. While reading, alternately with your right and left hand, pinch off pieces from the hips, waist, or other problem areas in your opinion.
  4. When the dream figure is modeled, collect the remains, wrap them in cloth and burn them.
  5. hide the doll in safe place where no one can find her.

waning moon conspiracy

The mysterious power of the moon can also help you lose weight. It is important to wait until it starts to decrease. At this time, you can perform a ritual. The waning moon plot is as follows:

  1. Fill a glass with water, go out onto a balcony, street, or just stand at an open window.
  2. Place your hands with the container next to solar plexus, try to feel the action of the moon. If it is closed, then look at the glass itself.
  3. Further, without taking your eyes off, say the following words - “The waning moon - for me to lose weight, the moon - beautiful horns, I have a slender body. My word. The moon is your business." Repeat 9 more times, then go back to the room.
  4. Do this for 9 nights in a row.

Conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon

Another strong ceremony is performed, on the contrary, during the growing moon. You only need to patiently follow all the rules. It is necessary to read the plot daily for 13 days. It is advisable to retire in a room for this, preferably around midnight. There should be dim light in the room, for example, from a sconce or floor lamp. While reading, it is important to interrupt the entire thought process, thinking only about the spoken words.

The conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon itself is a whispering of the following text: “As fire melts wax, so the moon will enter my flesh. Cleans from fat, melts the sides. Excess weight will come off like a crazy demon. There will be no joy from sweetness. Appetite will decrease, satiety will remain. In 13 days I will be slimmer. I conjure you the moon: grow, decrease, do not forget me! May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Full moon spell for weight loss

The mysterious power of the moon is especially manifested during the full moon. It is better to carry out the ritual on Monday or Friday. Before the procedure, carefully read the text, but rather memorize it so as not to stumble during the ritual and pronounce the phrase with confidence. This must be done again before open window. The conspiracy itself on the full moon for weight loss: “As you, Mother - the Moon, from this moment decreases, so my weight begins to melt, fullness goes away. You, Moon, are waning and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin month, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".

Soap Conspiracy

For the next ritual, you will need the most common unscented baby soap and a linen washcloth. You also need to prepare a clean white towel, preferably a new one. Soap is just used for washing. You need to wipe yourself with a towel after the procedure, and use a washcloth during the procedure. The very conspiracy for soap is pronounced at dawn: “Soap-soap, wash harder, Soap-soap, wash faster, I will rub my skin with you, I will, then I will lose weight each time.”

Slimming spell before bed

Another unusual option is a conspiracy to lose weight before bed. It is carried out with a glass of water and the following words - “Warm water, take my fat with you. Wash away excess from me, leave thinness. Make your sleep sound and your body slim. Me healthy and beautiful. Flow water, but decrease the weight and do not return. May it be so". It remains only to wash with water and immediately go to bed.

Conspiracy on water for weight loss

To perform the following ritual, you will need an ode from a pure source, lit in the church. There you also need to buy 12 candles. A water conspiracy for weight loss is performed on the waning moon as follows:

  1. In the evening, take a glass of illuminated water, put it in front of you along with a lit candle.
  2. Mentally try to imagine the achievement of the cherished form. The result will depend on this.
  3. Then calmly and measuredly read the following text - “Water is violent, flowing back and forth, don’t run, help me. Take my weight with him, run away, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.
  4. At the end, put out the candle, and drink water in one gulp. Repeat the procedure for 12 days without skipping.

Conspiracy of Appetite

This ritual will help you cope with your appetite. For the ceremony, you will need a belt or other object, for example, a cross. A conspiracy against appetite for him is carried out at midnight during the waning moon. It is necessary to read the following over the talisman - “I conjure the Queen of Heaven to accept a gift from me. I give (so many) kilograms. Let the one who needs it take it. And another reward awaits me. The body is slender, like a birch camp. The figure is graceful, like that of a fallow deer, the beauty is lazy, not earthly. Amen". This item should be with you every day.

Conspiracy to lose weight on a candle

In any magical rituals, candles were almost always used. With their help, prayers are also performed. To conduct a conspiracy to lose weight on a candle, you will need to prepare another mirror and a needle. Next, you need to wait until midnight and do the following:

  1. Place a mirror and three candles in front of you. On each, pre-scribble with a needle the number of extra pounds.
  2. Next, light the first candle and read the following words - “I light my candle - I get rid of fat. There is no place for him anymore in my life. Farewell, evaporate, get out of my destiny. May it be so".
  3. Repeat the same with the remaining two candles.

A strong conspiracy to lose weight from Vanga

On the advice of the seer Vanga, women can even make conspiracies on their own. It's more like whispers for weight loss. They are used in almost every situation. A strong conspiracy to lose weight from Vanga sounds like this: “Hunger on constipation sleeps in the ocean-sea. Three whales do not let him outside. He will not find a servant (name) of hunger on the Lord. Terrible misfortune calm down, dissolve in the morning mist. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord to the slave (name) slender. Eyes sleep, do not stroke food. Nights to melt by morning, and hunger to lag behind the body, do not trouble it, do not break it. It is said in the night, hunger be silent! Amen!".

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

If you are just a beginner in the field of conspiracies, then do not rush to abuse them. It is important to see the first reaction, and then decide whether to continue practicing this method of losing weight. If suddenly the process went too fast, then you should not panic, because it can do even more harm. Just stop doing the ritual for thinness and soon everything will return to normal.

The main thing in any situation is to control emotions. Then the unpredictable consequences of weight loss conspiracies will not affect you. Otherwise, it is important to believe in what you say and start working on yourself. Without changing the diet and lifestyle, the effect cannot be achieved. Only thanks to your own efforts you will be able to see a positive result - confidence and long-awaited harmony.

Video: Weight loss conspiracy

What to do if diets do not help, and there is not enough willpower and opportunities to starve? There remains a reliable and proven remedy - a conspiracy of water for weight loss. Let's look at some effective rituals with water.

Everyone knows that green tea is very good for health. And if you back up his favor with a conspiracy, it will be absolutely wonderful! Also, this plot can be read on any herbal tea: bought in a pharmacy or grown in your garden.

So, you brew tea, let it cool a little to become warm, and read the words of the conspiracy seven times. Read so that the breath touches the water.

“Water, you cleanse the earth and wash the roots.
Cleanse me of fat, remove excess weight from me.
Give me health and harmony!

Conspiracy to lose weight in the bath

For effective weight loss you need to go to the bath three times on the waning moon on any women's day. Take a bath twice in this lunar month, and for the last time in the next lunar month. When you cross the threshold of the bath, say the words to yourself:

“The fat man was walking and sweating, but he wanted to go to the bathhouse.
I went to the steam room and lost weight there.
So I (my name) in the steam room to lose weight.

In parallel with going to the steam room, spend seven days in a row such a ritual for weight loss. Before dawn, draw water and read such a conspiracy of water for weight loss:

“Water-water, listen to me!
Don't boil and don't fret.
Take hold of my body!
So that I was thin, not full!
White in her body.

When you collect water, read the same plot on the dishes with water, touching the surface of the water with your breath. Next, take a bath with warm water and pour the charmed liquid into it. After that, say another conspiracy of water for weight loss:

“The fat man walked, sang songs, ate holy bread.
He drank holy water and sweated.
By the time I got home, I had lost weight.
So I (my name) sweat and lose weight in the water.

Lie in the bath for ten minutes and flush the water. When the water comes out of the bathroom, repeat the following conspiracy of water for weight loss:

"Hurry, water, run away!
Get extra weight!
Serve me -
Under the stone of the leak
And lie there forever.

Do this after every trip to the steam room. You will get two weeks of weight loss in one lunar month and one week in the next. At the end of the ceremony, read thanksgiving prayers.

Plot on woolen thread and water

For this conspiracy, we need the following:

  • silver water
  • blue wool thread

Immediately after the end of the full moon on the 17th lunar day, proceed to the ritual for weight loss.

At midnight, read a special conspiracy on some water and a woolen thread previously cleaned with silver:

“The round moon was walking across the sky, it reached the turn.
Went down with the turn of the day.
As the moon wanes
So it will take away my fullness.

The charmed water must be drunk every day, three sips in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed.

Weight loss will come very quickly.

herbal weight loss ritual

  • St. John's wort 40 gr.
  • Cystoseira bearded (seaweed) 20 gr.
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water

Before drinking a decoction of herbs, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony. Stand on the waning moon bare feet on the ground, bow to the waist 6 times and say:

“Mother of cheese earth!
You gave birth to potions, endowed them with great power.
Allow me to take them in order to drive the fullness off myself!
Mother earth, take the fullness from me!
May it be so."

Mix herbs (2 tablespoons of the mixture) and pour boiling spring water over. Soar in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain after an hour. Drink a glass 4 times a day. Do this for 11 weeks daily.

Before you drink your first glass, say the following words:

“From now on, I will lose weight.
My fat will disappear as the sun disappears below the horizon, as the moon disappears with damage!

Conspiracy to reduce appetite

If the cause of excess weight is excessive eating, then this should be done. Prepare a lot of food so that it is impossible to eat. Eat, and wrap the rest in red cloth and take it to the bend of the river (stream).

Say these words:

“After water, water, from water - trouble.
As from water water, so from me - trouble.

Throw a bundle of food into the river and say:

“Just as water flows and swims forever, so the unclean cannot live in my body.
Do not fill your stomach with food, do not suffer from hunger, do not force to eat.
Voditsa will take the food, drown it, and give me (his name) peace, satiety and health.
So be it!"

Leave without looking back. Gluttony will disappear along with hunger.

dark rite

In the evening, on the waning moon (immediately after the full moon), wash yourself over a basin, and after washing, pour some water into a glass. Place a glass at the head of your bed and say:

“Everything that fills me wanders in my body - let it pass into water.
Just as water has rolled off my body, so will fullness roll off.
May it be so."

Waking up, you must immediately take the glass with your left hand and say three times:

"Damn brothers!
Walk around me, take my zhor.
Take it 33 miles away to a demonic farmstead, a red eel.
Lock the way back to me, so that my stomach doesn’t growl, I don’t tear my intestines, I don’t torture with a smell, I don’t embarrass my mind.
Demonic power, lay off the hungry power from me.
The one that pulls and beckons to food.
As this water, spilled, dries up, so let my hunger dry up from me.
It does not shake my soul, it will burn and melt.
May it be so!"

With the last words, splash the water on the wall or floor to dry it. After that, go to the nearest crossroads of two roads and throw six coins of the same denomination over your left shoulder, saying:

Leave the intersection without looking back. Do not talk to anyone along the way and do not say hello until you cross the threshold of your house. Otherwise, the consequences can be dire. Do this for 13 consecutive days.

On the last day, fill a glass with vodka (specially purchased for this ceremony) and leave it at the crossroads, saying:

“It’s demonic for demons, but for me it’s mine.”

Before the ceremony and during the ceremony, do not read prayers. All Christian paraphernalia must be covered with a dark cloth or taken out of the room. Do not go to church either, otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may get fat or get sick. Never tell anyone about the ceremony. Do not perform the ceremony on Orthodox holidays.

All rituals for getting rid of excess weight are performed only on the waning moon. If the ceremony is held for only one day, then women's days in magic (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) should be taken into account.

Excess weight is a problem that worries many people and poisons their lives. In particular, the question of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms and gaining slim figure concerned about the beautiful half of humanity. What lovely women are not ready to go to in pursuit of the dream of losing weight!

debilitating diets, physical exercises, requiring a lot of time and effort, supposedly miraculous pills and drinks for weight loss, liposuction, often dangerous and fraught with unpredictable results, and other abuse of the body.

For those who do not intend to torture their body in order to lose a few kilograms of excess weight, I recommend trying a more gentle method - conspiracies for weight loss before bedtime. The advantage of such rituals is that before going to bed, the human brain is in the most relaxed state and perceives any information and any program well.

After saying the prayer three times, you need to direct your gaze to the growing moon, then start stroking the problem areas clockwise (those from which you want to remove the excess). The process is accompanied by a continuous repetition of the following conspiracy:

“What I look at, it will be added. What I stroke will decrease.”

Provided that it is carried out on a young moon, this rite will very soon give positive results.

Conspiracy program for weight loss

Before you apply this conspiracy, you must decide for yourself how much weight you want to achieve as a result of losing weight - this will be your motivation.

On the first day of applying the conspiracy before going to bed, take a pen and a new notebook, write the phrase: “My weight is (number) kilograms.” Then say the words below three times and go to bed. Text:

“How will I, the servant of God (s), go to the street, and beyond the outskirts - not by a gate, but by a gate. How will I meet open field red dawn. You burn, burn, dawn. As the dawn burns, so the fat body melts like a church candle, let the fat flow down. Key, lock, tongue. Amen - 3 times ”.

Repeat the ritual daily, with each subsequent day decreasing the number in the notebook by 1 - until your desired weight appears on the piece of paper.

Lapel ritual from food

The purpose of this conspiracy is to help the performer get rid of cravings for junk food, which contributes to the addition of unnecessary kilograms, if he is unable to refuse to eat them on his own.

To perform the ceremony, you need to prepare 4 church candles , the icon of the Savior and buy products that need to be eliminated from the diet.

Before going to bed, you should install an icon on the table, put food near it, put a lit candle next to it and read the prayer “Our Father” 3 times. Then you should wait until the candle burns out, and go to bed. Waking up in the morning, put 3 new candles next to the icon, say “Our Father” again 3 times and read the following plot:

“I speak the food of a servant of God (servants of God) (own name). The power of goodness, the power of spiritual food will inhale and that food will become not fat on the body, not a stone in the stomach, but nectar for the soul, a satisfying spirit, goodness and peace. Food, give pleasure to the servant of God (servant of God) (your name), give his (her) blood and brain, live everything and nourish the skin. What will not be beneficial, let it go, what is not good for my spirit and body, let it go and not settle too much. The servant of God (servant of God) will be able to refuse the superfluous and the unnecessary. Servant of God (servant of God), moderate your desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once again. God, help your servant (slave) (your own). He (a) will not strive to overeat, he will think more about the soul - both at home and at a party. Amen - 3 times ”.

Another ritual, see the video:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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