Narva battle when happened. The campaign of the Russian army to Narva

Decor elements 22.09.2019
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The battle that was one of the very first in the Northern War occurred by the nineteenth of November 1700. Then he took pretty a large number of countries. She lasted twenty-one years and thus delayed the development of Russia. But the country was then enlisted by the support of many countries and was able to win in this duty of confrontation, however, in a collision with the Swedes with the River Narva, we still gave way. The defeat of the Russians near Narvaly gave to understand the Emperor of the country Peter the Great, that the country should develop their military qualifications and was able to return the fortress and some adjacent to the Earth in 1704. All this was done at the expense of the huge efforts of the ruler. He was able to organize good preparation Army in very short time. The Swedes had a very well prepared and formed army.

How it all began.

In fact, Russian troops approached the fortress in September. Thirty-five thousand warriors, headed by Peter I, passed through the river Narva in September, and nothing was hurried. It was very easy to capture the fortress, as there were only two or three thousand warriors in it. But for an unknown reason the ruler Russian Empire I decided not to hurry with military actions, and everything was delayed until November. The King of Sweden was notified that his fortress was susceptible to siege, and came to the rescue with his ten-year-old army. They landed at the nearby territories. Then the Russian ruler did not suspect that the Swedes army would attack and went beyond the help of Novgorod. He drove up to the eighteenth of November. The remaining army remains to be ahead of the fortress, but due to the fact that ours were very bad training and all actions were ill-conceived, the army stretched around the fortress in the line. It was approximately seven kilometers. Of course, the enemy was able to quickly navigate the day after the departure of Peter - nineteenth of November, an attack took place on Russian troops near the fortress. The Russian army intelligence officers were able to harm the Swedes, but this was not enough. Their qualification rearrange our number. Everyone was frightened by an unexpected attack, could not keep positions and began to retreat in a panic. They began to cross the river Narva on the wooden bridge. Naturally, he could not stand such a number of people and broke down under the legs of our soldiers. Many mercenaries, knowing that their emperor is missing, they decided to move to the side of the enemy. And yet, there were really persistent shelves in the Army of Russia. Such detachments did not allow to destroy all the soldiers of the Russian army, and with all their losses kept very brave and courageously. At that moment, when it seemed that our simplicity would defeat, Semenovskaya and Preobrazhenskaya Guard joined the battle. They were able to quickly disappear from the enemies, thereby distinguished by defeat and pick up broken soldiers. This gave the second breath of the Russian army. The battles at the bridge lasted a few hours under the cover of the night. Karl XII. - King of Sweden, was very surprised by the persistence of Russian soldiers and did not expect such an Natius from the side, it seemed already depressed Russian regiments. On the opposite flank, the division A. A. Weid was stood. She also was able to resist the soldiers of the Swedish army and restrain the onslaught of enemies. Thus, the battle lasted until the night and only at dawn everything was amended.

Defeat of Russia and the conclusion of the contract.

Both sides suffered considerable losses. Russia suffered a defeat, despite the fact that eight thousand Russian soldiers died. Our army was not defeated, and Karl XII was able to experience all the persistence of our divisions and infantry. He understood that if the battle had continued, his country would have a chance to suffer defeat. Therefore, the King of Sweden did not resist the desire of his enemies to finish the battle. The contract concluded between the enemy countries gave our troops the right without any "but" will go home. Unfortunately, the Swedes violated consent and captured the officers of several regiments. Their divisions completely disarmed. Almost all the commander-in-chiefs were lost. The losses of the Swedes were less and amounted to three thousand people.
Then, considering that the opponents are almost defeated, Karl XII decided to compile a winter company against Russia. The Swedish king assumed that for his country, Poland is a more dangerous opponent and moved the war to her. True, Peter Great understood all the shortcomings of his army and spent some work on mistakes, while resting his army for short term. Karl XII could not even suggest such an outcome, and in 1704 the ruler of Russia was still able to win the desired fortress. Many guns made. Due to the lack of copper, they were cast from church bells.

Narva was the first serious defeat of the climbing nation, who knew even defeat to turn into the tools of Victory. K. Marx.

On September 23, 1700, the first Russian regiments of 10 thousand people reached Narva. The main concentration of the troops was completed only by mid-October. The king ordered the alignment of batteries and siege work. The bombardment of the fortress began on October 20 and without any effect two weeks lasted - exactly as much as the gunpowder, nuclei and bombs had enough. Peter I (1672 - 1725)

Meanwhile, Karl XII approached Narva as unexpectedly as to Copenhagen. Having received the news about the approach of the enemy, Peter is leaving here from - under Narva, having passed the command of the army just hired to the Russian duke background of Crukey. The Swedish army focused on Narva on November 18. The battle occurred the next day. Karl XII (1682- 1718) Duke von Kroi

The linage of the Russian camp was focused on the siege of Narva, so its fortifications stretched out a thin line with a length of seven miles. Before the start of the battle, abundant snow fell, which allowed the Swedes unnoticed to approach the positions of Russian troops. The rapid attack of the Swedes caused a universal panic.

B.P. Sheremetyev, together with Connection, rushed through Narov, having lost over a thousand people during the crossing. The bridge, which fled the infantry from Division A. M. Golovin, collapsed, and many fugitives immediately went to the bottom. Circular background and foreign officers, held in the Russian service, hurried to surrender. Only two Guards Shelves and Lefortovsky Regiment showed resistance and in this universal confusion retained combat capability. B. P. Sheremetyev (1652-1719) A. M. Golovin (1667-1720)

At night there was a calm and negotiations began to surrender. The beginning of the war, the first opposition with the enemy ended for Russian troops with a crushing defeat. Under the Narva, Russians lost killed, six thousand people who died from hunger and all artillery in 135 guns of different calibers. The army lost almost completely the highest officer. And for all that the Swedes under Narva were several times less than the Russians: under the command of Charles XII there were 8-12 thousand people, while the Russian army consisted of 35-40 thousand.

Peter Narva visually showed the country's backwardness and low combat capability of the army. Narva was a brutal school from which the lessons should be removed - learn and teach to win. The siege of Narva began again in the last days of May 1704, but it was sluggish: there was no siege artillery. The fortress hitting the fortress began only after the guns and the Mortira were delivered from under Derpta and St. Petersburg. The commandant of Narva was the same mountain, who commanded the garrison of the fortress in 1700. Much has changed since then in the Russian army, but Mountain, as well as his Lord Charles XII, the ideas about it remained the same. Narva Commendant believed that the walls of the fortress stood the same poorly trained and bad armed Russian ruarest, as four years ago.

Peter used the Council of Menshikov and equipped several Russian regiments to Swedish uniforms. They moved to Narva from the other side where the besieged expected help from Swedish General Shlippenbach. The walls of the fortress launched a staged battle between the "Swedes", which Peter commanded, and Russian troops. The sounds of artillery and rifle shooting came to the mountain, and he looked at the "battle" field for a long time, but did not notice the trick. The blue uniforms of soldiers and officers, yellow and white netdars of the Swedish army were visible. Confident that the long-awaited "Sicurs" approached Narva, Mount ordered to attack the Russian troops from the rear and thereby help "his" break into the fortress. Together with a detachment from the garrison, the civilian population came out, expecting to be engaged in all kinds of good from Russian worm.

Military cunning succeeded. The Swedes were attacked from the fortress were successfully attacked and suffered significant losses. Properly, without boasting Peter informed friends about the victory. Using the game of the words "Narva" - "dusting," he wrote Kickina: "Inova I can not write, just that Narva, who went out for 4 years, now, glory to God, broke out about the bigger I say myself."

A total of four winters were separated the first Narva from the second, but as they distinguished themselves from each other! Then the Russian army was able to engage in "infant playing", now she joined the hours of youth. Then she was defeated, now she triumphant victory.

[...] Hello for many years! And I will find me about me. Gave God on this Scripture in the service of the great sovereign under the Russian Federation, addressed well, and henceforth I hope for a harsh of God. And we become a fourth week of the fourth week under Rogovoy and eat cold and hungry death: Breads became expensive, I buy two Altyna kerish bread. And you're, Batyushko Stepan Prokofievich, will be possible to go to you yourself, and you bring me a fur coat any kind, and a shirt with ports, and the lips are good or kisthers, soon, not a bump. And it is impossible to be it myself, and you came with someone who needed, hard, yes, fucking money, and I will pay all the money here. Yes, write to me about your health, so that I am back about your health about Christ please. We will write to you little, but a lot of brow behaving.

Osada Narva

[...] We guessed that Narva is poorly strengthened and the troops in it are small. On September 23, Peter became under Narvoye and immediately engaged in cooking towards the siege, together with the Saxon Engineering General Gallarth, who was sent by the king of August. Difficulties were discovered right now: military reserves were harvested much less than how much it was necessary, but the opinion of Gallarta. Another trouble: troops due to the bad autumn road and the shortage of the stage moved very slowly, and expensive time left. In total, the troops gathered under a narrative of 35 to 40,000, exhausted by a heavy campaign and a disadvantage of edible supplies: guns turned out unsuitable. Finally, on October 20, fire was opened in the city from all Russian batteries; It was hoping that the city during his small means would long last, as suddenly the news came that Karl Xii landed in Perna with great, as they said, the army. After the Military Council, the Russians strengthened their camp. Shooting around the city continued until finally the lack of nuclei, bombs and gunpowder did not stop the fire. It was not possible to wait for their sudden.

Solovyov S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. M., 1962. KN. 14. Ch. 4.

Narva disposition

It was a strong fortress for that time. It was located on the left bank of the river. Narov, 12 km from her mouth. On the right bank of the river was the premium strengthening - an old castle of Ivangorod, built in beginning of XVII in. The terrain around Narva was swampy. After the autumn rains, it has become difficult for troops. The fortress had solid fortifications and walls demanding for breakdown of severe artillery. Her garrison led by Colonel Mountain numbered 2 thousand people.

Russian troops with a number of 34 thousand people were camping on the left bank of the Narov in one line, which in the form of a semicircle covered the Narva and adjoined the flanks to the river. The front camp of about 7 km has not been addressed not to the fortress, but to the West and consisted of reinforcements in the form of an embankment with a moat (aprozy), followed by troops. An irregular cavalry under the command of B. P. Sheremetev was put forward to ensure sediezing work and exploration to the Reveling Road.

Rostunov I. I., Avdeev V. A., Osipova M. N., Sokolov Yu. F. History of the Northern War 1700-1721

Bombarding Fortress

On November 1, on attacking and Ivan-Cities, a new line was carried out, 2 people were killed at the attack at the shock, 5 people were injured. Today, firmly fired from cannons, both Metali bombs, from what in the city small fire Decreased, but soon extinguished. Our guns against the city have more defensive; What has it been noted that some guns broke out, it did not discharge several charges.

2. Tella in Allart on a false attack on the right side one lodgment to do; Then partly fired tightly, where 3 killed and 20 people were injured. Then one line on the left side of the batteries under 16 guns was carried out by 70 steps. Torzor and with a shock attack one line 100 steps was carried out; With 2 killed and 6 people injured.

3. A rejoiced lodgement is fixed, the line and batteries are also added to 60 steps; Top at a shock attack on 36 steps gone. Founded 5 people and no one killed. It is also hard to shoot the gun and throwing bombs, it was kept, in short, the cloaks in the shelf guns and bombs happen.

"The Greatest Victory" Charles

A quick victory over the Denmark, won by eighteen-year-old Karl XII, unleashed his hands for immediate action against the Russians, besieged by Narva, and he with an extraordinary speed transported his army over the sea in Pernov (Perne) and moved to Narva. At this time, the most dominant in Sweden the noble class with a special animation supported the king. On November 18, 1700, Karl attacked the Russian army, assumed Narva, and caused her a serious defeat. The Russian command was in his hands randomly turned up, although he received excellent recommendations, the Frenchman at the Austrian Duke de Croa service (Russian sources referred to him de Croi or Crowe Background). This adventurer, invited to Russian service in 1700, brought eighty officers from Vienna. Half of this officer of this named de Croa "officers", by the way, surrendered to Narva, together with his commander, who later, already in Swedish captivity, had already defined the whole year from Peter Efimki, for "with the great Harchmi 42 people Nutrition forced" and feed these "poor prisoners."

The officer, Naskoro-recruited, untrained, commanded mostly straight from the stamps of recruits, never happened in battle. This de Croa was as a strategist below any criticism. He stretched his army with a long thin stripe and it was pleasant. There were no orders from him during the battle at all, and if they were made so, they understood them only by the Germans taken to the officers, but not Russian officers and are not enough soldiers. The Russian weapons were bad from the hands badly, the guns broke and killed a servant. Finally, the delivery of the provisional was so delivered that the soldiers of some regiments did not eat a day just before the attack on them Charles. The soldiers believed their no one who did not know the commander-in-chief de Croa and the German officers completely by traitors who would give them to "their" king. Under such conditions, it is not strange that the Russians suffered damage, but the fact that the battle lasted so long: in the morning to dark Night. This is due to the courage and resistance of several detachments and, above all, two Guards regiments (Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky), and the fact that the Swedes won, Karl XII found out only when the Russians offered such conditions: they get free exit with weapons, through the river, On all four sides. In captivity, contrary to the conditions, insidiously broken, Karl detained the generals, colonels and officers of noble origin.

About this " the greatest victory"Charles drumbed the whole years of the Swedes, the Germans who sympathize with him the French and the British. If we are comparable to Narva with Poltava, where the Swedes rushed by the swarming, in panic escape after two hours of the general battle and where (counting with the surrender during the dying) The army surrendered to captivity without any conditions, it may seem strange that the Narva Russian defeat was discussed by such a unheard of military feat. swedish king.

The army moved under Narva, about 35 thousand, consisted more part From recruits under the team of bad officers and foreign generals who did not use confidence. Strategic paths were not; Under the dirty autumn roads, it could not be enough for non-shells nor food. Started the fortress, but the guns turned out to be unsuitable, and they soon ceased to shoot for a lack of powder. The precipitating, according to an eyewitness, went near the fortress, like cats near hot porridge; Measures against the offensive of Charles XII did not accept. In the evil the November loying, the king burst into the Russian camp, and the Swedish 8-thousand brigade ruled the Russian building. However, the victory was every minute was on the hair from trouble. The king was afraid of all afternoon, as if the noble and Cossack, Konnie Sheremetyev did not hit him into the rear; But she, according to Karl, was so kind that rushed to flee into the river Narov, sobering a thousand horses. The winner was so afraid of his defeated, which overnight hurried to bring new Most Instead of hitting under the pressure of the fugitives, to help them quickly get to their side of the river. Peter left the camp on the eve of the battle, so as not to constrain the commander-in-chief, Inozeman, and he really did not argue, the first one was taken prisoner and fascinated by other foreign commanders, frightened by the crime of their Russian team.

Klyuchevsky V.O. Russian history. Full course of lectures. M., 2004.

Consequences of defeat

Narva was besieged by a strong Russian army (35-40 thousand people). But Peter began a campaign for autumn, the weather prevented military operations, off-road left the army without bread and forage. The disadvantages of the military organization gave themselves to know: although the troops standing under Narva were regular, new building, but Peter himself confessed that they were "not trained", that is, bad. In addition, the officers in most were foreigners, not loved by soldiers who had a poorly known Russian, and there was no one power over the entire army. Peter instructed the team to the Russian General Golovin and the French recommended by Germans, Duke de Croa. And Peter himself did not refuse orders to military actions. It was thus multiple. With all these conditions, among the Russian troops, the fear of collisions with the Army of Charles, covered with laurels of recent victories in Denmark, was naturally among the Russian troops.

And Karl after the defeat of Denmark was walking on Peter. The Russians near Narva learned about the approach of the Swedes already when Karl was only 20-25 versts. Peter immediately left the troops, leaving the de Croa team. Knowing the courage and personal courage of Peter, we can not explain his departure to be plot; Rather, think that Peter believed the case under Narva lost and left to prepare a state for defense from the Swedish invasion. On November 20, 1700, Karl really broke the Russian army, took away artillery and captured the generals. Peter was in a hurry to strengthen Novgorod and Pskov, instructed Repnin to collect the remnants of the broken army and waited for Karl at the borders of the Moscow state.

But Karl's mistake saved Peter from further troubles. Karl did not take advantage of his victory and did not go to Moscow. A part of the votes in his military council spoke in favor of a trip to Russia, but Karl had a little on Petra's forces, considered him a weak enemy - and went to August. Peter could breathe freely. But the situation was still hard: the army was upset, there was no artillery, the defeat was badly influenced by the mood of the Spirit inside the state and destroyed the prestige of Russia abroad. [...] Under the fresh impression of defeat, Peter flashed a thought to look for the world, but Peter did not find anyone abroad to help Russia [...].

The beginning of the Northern War

At $ 1697-1698 $. Peter I spent Great Embassy According to European countries. As a result, a coalition was created against Sweden, which was then the strongest northern country. Coalition received name Northern Soyuz. Russia intended by war to access Baltic and return the Baltic lands, and also hoped to get Swedish Ingermanladia. The largest fortress in this region was Narva. According to the agreement in the Northern Union, Russia announced the War of Sweden immediately after imprisonment of the truce with Turkey at the end of August $ 1700 $ G. In the Northern Target, the main target became just Ingermanlandia.

Preparation for the battle of Narva

The Russian army had a sufficient number, but the reforms started by Peter I demanded a continuation.

Example 1.

So, in particular, the troops lacked the discipline and the necessary military knowledge, as well as to ensure.

However, the young Peter I believed that the army was ready for war, he planned to bring $ 40,000 thousand infantry to Narva, $ 10 thousand thousand people noborian calenda and $ 10 $ thousand Cossacks. The Swedish army was better organized.

The trip to the Narva of the Russian troops was quite long, because The movement slowed down the travel with equipment, ammunition, etc., as well as rains. The advanced shelves approached the fortress at $ 2 $ of a week after the start of the war - to $ 10 $ September $ 1,700 $ G. And the last at all did not have time to battle: so, $ 10 thousand thousands of Cossacks were in Pskov, the Pskovo-Pechora monastery and Gdow, and $ 10 $ thousand soldiers led by Repnin A.I., were still in Novgorod.


The garrison of Narva was about $ 2 $ thousand. Narva was located on the West Bank of Narva River (Narov), and Ivangorod - on the eastern shore. Between these fortresses was a bridge, which greatly made the siege. The siege was headed personally Peter I. In the second half of October, the shelling of the Narva of Russian artillery began, but the guns had enough for a couple of weeks only, and the effect did not reach the effect at all (the guns were small-caliber). Thus, the actuator fell.

In the current situation, the Northern Union showed his inconsistency: Denmark capitulated, the King of the Commonwealth August II. retreated from Riga. But Karl XII, the King of Sweden, sent extra forces to Ingermanland and arrived himself.

In early November, a Russian squad Sheremetev The defeat under the fortress of Purtz (in a swampy terrain on the coast of the Finnish bay between Narva and Revel, i.e. Tallinn). Sheremetev managed to capture two officers who, following the instructions, strongly overestimated real information about the number of Swedish troops.

Main Battle

Fearing possible actions of Augustime, as well as the Cossacks and in the Pskov and in Novgorod, the soldier repfon, Karl II did not compare the number of troops with Russian. Soon the Swedes broke the Sheremetyev in the pihuyogi, because He distributed a detachment for finding a found.

$ 10 $ November Captain Preobrazhensky Regiment Yakov Gummert. Routed to the side of the Swedes. It strongly undermined the attitude to foreign officers.

Having learned from Sheremetev about the approach of the Swedes, Peter I went to Novgorod. Command Tsar handed the duke de crook. As a result, the general battle of $ 30 to November has passed without the king. The Swedes attacked unexpectedly thanks to strong snowfall and counterfeit for the Russians. Panic began in Russian troops from surprise: someone tried to flee, many drowned, part of the Bila Foreign Germans, accusing them. De crook surrendered to the Swedes. But a $ 3 $ of a new building regiment fought desperately. By night, the riots intensified. In the morning next day Tsarevich A. Imeretsky, A. Golovin, Prince Ya. Dolgorukov and I. Bugorlin Started negotiations on the surrender.

Note 1.

Russian army Abandoned Narva without banners and weapons.


It was a heavy defeat for the Russian army: the set of warriors lost, including the team composition, artillery, collapsed the reputation of the army. But Karl Xii rashly decided that he broke Peter I for a long time, while the Russian king began to actively hold military reformIn an effort to rely now on compatriots in senior positions.

Attempts by Peter I to conclude the world with Karl XII were unsuccessful, so Russia closed closely with August II.

Taking Narva Peter occurred at $ 1704 $ in the second battle.

Plans to King Charles XII. Karl XII led 8 thousand soldiers under Narva (5 thousand infantry and 3 thousand cavalry; for other data, 10 thousand soldiers came with the king). On November 19, the Swedes were able to secretly approach the line of defense of the Russian army. They focused in the area of \u200b\u200bthe height of Germansburg, on which they installed their artillery. I planned to split the Russian army to the center of the Russian position of Karl XII on the part and smash them alone.

Swedes are coming. During the battle, which began in the middle of the day, the Swedes managed to implement part of its plan. Thick snowfall allowed them to imperceptibly approach Russian positions. The Swedes fell asleep Rips with ligaments of his twigs and quickly captured the fortifications and there were cannons there. The thin line of defense was broken, and Russian troops were divided into two parts. In addition, the Russian army remained without a general manual, because foreign military specialists led by the Duke of De Croa already at the beginning of the battle were captured. The eyewitness justified this transition to the fact that there were cases of violence of Russian soldiers with foreigners officers. Wrong cries "The Germans we changed!" On the right flank of Russians began panic escape towards the bridge. There formed a crush, and the bridge collapsed.

Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky shelves give federated by the Swedam. At this critical moment, only Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments were able to fight back to the enemy. They surrounded themselves with wagons and picked up defense. They were joined by other troops who did not have time to cross over the river. Karl XII himself drove his troops into the attack on the Russian Guards Shelves, but unsuccessfully. On the left flank A. Wide also managed to stop the flight of his soldiers. The location of Sheremetyev's local cavalry crossed the right bank of Narva, while more than a thousand people went to the bottom. Each of the remaining parts of the Russian army in numbers was at least the Army of Charles XII.

Negotiations and waste of Russian troops. Therefore, the king willingly went to the negotiations proposed by the Russian side. An agreement was concluded, according to which the Russian troops with weapons and banners were to go to the right bank of the river. The Swedes had all Russian artillery.

On the morning of November 20, the bridge was fixed and the waste of Russian troops began. After the Division of Golovin, Semenovsky and Transfiguration Shelves crossed, Karl XII violated the agreement and demanded that the troops of the left flank passed the weapon. Wide Division had to fulfill this requirement, after which it was skipped through the bridge. Swedes plundered, 79 Russian generals and officers, including Ya.F. Dolgorukov, A.M. Golovin, A. Veid, Tsarevich Alexander Imeretsky, I.Yu. Trubetskoy and other noble person. Having entered into the Narva freed from the blockade, Karl ordered the noble Russian prisoners along the streets.

Causes of defeat and loss. The battle near Narva was played by the Russian army. Losses amounted to 6-8 thousand people - killed and died of hunger and disease. 145 guns were lost. Causes of defeat - in the weak preparation of the Russian army. Only a few of her regiments (Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, Lefortovo and Gordon) had a small combat experience. Unlike two guards, old soldiers' shelves, whose leaders were not alive by this time, did not show themselves from the good side. Inexperienced and dismissed was the leadership of the Russian army. Some historians consider "the disorganization of the command" the main reason Defeat, but imperfect was the whole system of the Russian army. The use of foreign military specialists also did not justify themselves.

Evaluation of Peter I.Twenty years after the event, Peter I gave a completely objective assessment of the events under Narva: "And Tako Swedes over our army Victoria received that there is undoubtedly; But it should be understood, over what army they were learned, because only one old regiment Lefortovo was ... Two Guard shelves were on two attacks at Azov, and field fighting, and Napa with regular troops, never seen. Other shelves ... like officers, and ordinary, the most recruits ... In addition, in late time, the great hunger was, it was impossible to bring a great dirt for the Great Mud, and it was impossible to say a single word, all the way I was infant played, and art below view. "

Danger for Russia. After the battle near Narva, the Russian army actually lost its combat capability. You can hardly agree with the existing opinion that after the Narva battle of Karl was afraid of Russians, he allegedly "not only hurried to let go of the whole Russian army, but he himself retreated to Derpta, not looking for a new meeting." If Karl XII, at that moment, wanted to realize conquering plans against Russia, he could well develop his success, seize significant territories, etc. The consequences could be catastrophic for Russia. Peter feared such a move of events, he forbidden the remaining troops under the fear of death to retreat from the Novgorod and Pskov line and ordered to rush to strengthen the northwestern borders of the state.

But the worst did not happen. Karl XII focused on the fight against August II, whom he considered the most dangerous of his opponents. A light victory under Narva deceived a vain Swedish king, spoiled him his head. According to modern Swedish historians, the contemptuous attitude towards Russians and the Russian army in 1708 and 1709 turned out to be the robbery in 1708 and 1709. He believed that he had already ended with Russia. On the Swedish medal, knocked out in honor of the victory near Narva, was depicted running, losing the sword and a Peter I hat; The inscription was a quotation from the Gospel: "Iced Won, crying bitterly." European printing and journalism picked up this idea. Diplomatic prestige of Russia has sharply fell. European diplomats were frankly laughed at their Russian colleagues. In Germany, rumors about new, heavier defeats of the Russian army and the arrival of sofya priests were spread to power. European seal distributed an idea of \u200b\u200bNarva defeat as an irreparable catastrophe for a Russian state. Almost ten years will look at Russia through bad experience Narva.

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