Do they lay tiles on osb. Is it possible to glue tiles on osb board

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

But today we will talk about how the laying of tiles on the floor or on the wall is done. After all, if you laid the osb slab on the floor, you still need to use the finish coat - why not use tiles for this.

Laying tiles on osb slab - on the floor

When laying tiles on an OSB slab on the floor, some points are important. The most important thing to understand is that OSB slab can deform under load, and tile is a hard material and it is not subject to deformation. Therefore, if the surface sags under load, then the laid tile will simply peel off from the surface.

Therefore, the most important thing is to lay the osb slab securely so that it does not have a chance for deformation.

You can lay tiles on a concrete screed using glue, of course perfect option. Such a floor will not deform even under heavy loads.

Well, if your plates will be laid on logs, then you need to make sure that the distance between them is minimal, and of course, the thickness of the sheet is also important here. Experts recommend choosing it from 15 mm, by the way, you can get acquainted with the dimensions -.

If you want to insure yourself, you can lay the plates in two layers - but make sure that the joints of the layers do not match, otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.

Still very important point- do not forget to leave expansion joints near the walls when laying the laminate on the floor, otherwise your OSB will definitely deform when the temperature fluctuates.

Well, you have familiarized yourself with the nuances of laying OSB on the floor, now you can move on.

Floor surface preparation

Let's be honest, laying tiles on an OSB slab is not an easy task, even from concrete base such a veneer leaves what can we say about a tree. But modern technologies do not stand still, and today there are many materials that will help us adequately cope with our task.

First step- this is an improvement in the adhesion of the OSB surface of the plate, for this we first need to go through the surface sandpaper.

Naturally, it is very difficult to do such work manually, so we use electric assistants for this work - an angle grinder or a belt grinder will be just right.

If osb is covered by some protective layer- varnish or paint, it must be carefully removed so that there is no trace left.

After the above procedures, the surface must be cleaned and, if necessary, dried.

Second step- impregnation of the plate with modern compounds to increase adhesion. For this purpose good fit primer deep penetration. When buying, the main thing is to determine whether it is used for wooden products.

This primer can be applied with a brush, roller or sprayer. It is advisable to walk the surface in two layers so that there are no untreated areas left.

The drying time of the primer is usually short, but it is better to follow the recommendations in the manufacturer's instructions.

After that, laying the tiles on the OSB slab may already be done, but it is best for the floor to take another extra step - reinforcement.

The next step is to reinforce the OSB board. To keep our tiles firmly on the surface, you need to attach a metal mesh to it. The method of fastening can be different - it is possible to use self-tapping screws, additional fasteners - or attach with metal brackets. The choice of method will depend on the availability of material and tools, since in financial plan they are all not expensive.

The mesh must be fixed evenly, securely. At the joints, it is desirable to make it more reliable fixation. After that, you can apply a thin layer of screed, which will be the basis for our tiles.

You can also make a screed from tile adhesive - the main thing is that it is suitable for these purposes. That is, it had good adhesion to wooden surfaces.

Keep in mind that not every tile adhesive is suitable for laying tiles on an OSB slab, it must be flexible and suitable for problematic surfaces.

For these purposes, you can advise Ceresit CM 17, or another similar adhesive. Self-expressing mixtures are also suitable here, but also not all.

The very process of laying tiles on OSB is practically no different from similar work on other bases, so you can read more about this in the article - laying floor tiles.

Laying tiles on osb slab - wall

As mentioned above, in order for the laying of tiles on the osb slab to be reliable, we need to prepare the surface. Since the wall is less subject to physical stress, it is not necessary to strengthen it. Unless, of course, it vibrates from the slightest movement of air in the room.

Wall surface preparation

The first step is to finish the surface with coarse or medium grit sandpaper. If the surface of the plates is treated with a protective layer of varnish or paint, plaster and the like, all this must be removed, and carefully so that no traces remain.

For this step, you need to use a suitable tool - a grinder with an appropriate nozzle or a grinder. This process allows you to increase the adhesion of the surface of the plate with the primer and glue that we will apply in the future.

Since a lot of dust is generated during the grinding process, everything must be carefully cleaned at the end of the work, even wet cleaning may be necessary.

The next step is to use a wood primer, which not only protects the wood from all sorts of damage but also increases the adhesive strength of the adhesive. We process the surface, as always - with a brush or roller. Who has a sprayer - it will be preferable, as it will allow you to apply the primer more evenly while saving it.

The materials used for the primer are not very good for your health, so do not forget about personal protection and ventilation of the room.

Primers usually dry in a matter of hours, so you won't have to wait long.

Well, the surface is prepared and you can already lay tiles on it. But you can play it safe and make the reinforcement of the wall. For this, it is no longer necessary to use a metal mesh, the usual one will do. The use of the mesh and the application of plaster are described in detail -.

After the OSB wall dries, it again needs to be impregnated for adhesion, or rather with a good primer. This is done so that all the layers that are adjusted to the osb are attached to each other as tightly as possible.

As for the glue, then back, you need to buy not the first one that comes across. If you want the tile laying on the osb slab to be reliable, you must use the highest quality materials. Therefore, choose glue from an imported manufacturer in European countries, or domestic, but already proven.

Tiles can be attached not only to tile adhesive, liquid nails and silicone sealant can also do the job.

You may need to follow all of the above steps to small area to ensure a quality end result.

The tiling process itself is described in detail, so there is no point in repeating it.

Oriented strand boards are one of the most sought-after materials for home interior cladding. Performance characteristics allow them to be used on any surface. But such a base needs finishing, which is not always easy. Particular difficulties may arise if it is necessary to glue ceramics on OSB; for this, some features should be taken into account.


There is no unequivocal opinion on this issue: many experts and home craftsmen consider this possible, others are firmly convinced of the opposite. The fact is that the process has an important feature - the need for more thorough preparation of the base, taking into account the type of surface. You should also choose responsibly. suitable formulations and products for pre-finishing. All this takes time and effort.

Since floor coverings experience more significant loads than wall coverings, certain recommendations and rules must be followed:

It is possible to glue the tiles on the OSB board, but subject to all the rules and the use of high-quality materials. There are often problems with this, so sometimes preliminary experimental manipulations are required to evaluate the products.

On a note! The English abbreviation OSB (oriented strand board) in Russian may sound like OSB or even YUSB.

OSB is considered one of the most popular materials, but sheets need additional decorative cladding.

The choice of adhesive composition

The right choice of tile adhesive eliminates the possibility of peeling facing material provided that other preparatory processes are carried out accurately. Can be used for work different types products, but the following are recommended:

Elastic polymer. Great for work, especially on unstable surfaces. Due to its plasticity, such an adhesive is able to reduce the resulting stress.

Silicone. These compounds are classified as sealants, but are often used to lay tiles on walls. Although there is a good result when using this product, great difficulties can arise. The fact is that there are many varieties of the mixture and not all of them have the declared qualities, therefore suitable option you have to choose by trial and error.

"Liquid Nails". Universal mortar, allows you to securely glue various parts and elements. Its acquisition should also be approached responsibly.

Such compositions are not used as the only binder and are applied only after preliminary surface treatment.

Preparatory work

Before laying tiles on vertical or horizontal coatings lined with OSB, it is necessary to take measures to increase the adhesion of materials and prevent their deformation. All work is done by hand:

It is not recommended to use the object immediately after preparation.

Laying tiles on the floor

Doing everything right is easy if you follow the instructions:

Important! If work is carried out in a room with high humidity, then all joints are preliminarily sealed.

Sticking tiles on walls

Laying tiles on vertical surfaces is easier, but only in the case of a small product format. Any kind of glue can be used for the process. The technology is as follows:

All activities are carried out only at a positive temperature, constant humidity and the absence of drafts.


The tile is left for 2-3 days, depending on the selected composition. Further actions:

Although the work on laying the slab material is quite laborious, they make it possible to ensure that there are no problems in the future.

Today we will talk about gluing tiles on OSB boards (they are also OSB sheets, OSB panels and wood boards). The same way you can glue ceramic tiles on OSB sheets.

The need for installation of tiles on OSB boards most often occurs during the construction of houses on frame technology. frame construction houses are gaining more and more popularity, and wooden structures from wood-based panels are valued for their low cost and environmental friendliness. This is especially true in the field of construction country houses. And among the leaders among building and finishing materials, OSB boards are considered here. These slabs are sawdust and wood chips pressed in several layers, bonded with various resins. how finishing material OSB boards serve as an excellent replacement for drywall, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood and finishing plastic. The superiority of the following:

  • aesthetic properties - appearance similar to wood, so OSB boards are also used as a decorative element;
  • multifunctionality - OSB boards are used for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, as an auxiliary building material, as structural elements during construction;
  • easy processing - the plates are easily sawn, drilled, painted and glued;
  • high strength.

However, this plate also has significant disadvantages: increased deformation at fracture, as well as change in value at high humidity. It is these properties of OSB boards that create certain difficulties when it is necessary to finish the surface with tiles. The trouble is that no glue sticks tiles to OSB clean. It often happens that the glued tile falls off after a few days, due to the fact that the adhesive deforms the slab. Therefore, it is necessary to apply various techniques to enhance the bonding abilities of surfaces.

Proper gluing tiles on OSB sheets

For successful installation, tiles should be applied to a specially prepared surface. Prepare the surface in several ways, each of which has its supporters and opponents.

1. The first way, lay on a primed surface. With this method, a primer is applied to the surface of the OSB board pre-treated with sandpaper. For better waterproofing and surface density, the primer is applied in two layers, with an interval of 1 hour between layers. After that, the plates are allowed to dry, in order to avoid their deformation, and the gluing of the tiles begins.

More information about the types of primers, the rules for their selection and application can be found in a separate article:.

2. The second way is gluing on plywood or drywall, which are attached to the OSB board using pre-set logs. The logs are attached to the wall in increments of 40-50 cm, and sheets of plywood or drywall are attached to them with self-tapping screws. Using a level, make sure that the surface is perfectly flat. Otherwise, the tile will not hold.

3. The third method is installation on a special reinforced mesh, which is attached to OSB boards using special fasteners, or pressed into the adhesive layer, after which another layer is applied over the mesh. Another way: the mesh is covered with a special waterproofing on cement base, after which it is allowed to dry and primed. The tile is attached to such a surface much better than to OSB.

There are different opinions about what kind of glue to use for gluing tiles on wood board. The main requirement for glue is that it must be focused specifically on such work, be flexible enough, and also adapted to work in rooms with high humidity (bath, kitchen). Do not save on glue, in the future such savings will turn into more at great expense. The most recommended brands of glue are Ceresit CM17, Soudal 24A. As an alternative, liquid nails are used.

In each of the above methods, there are a lot of nuances, non-compliance with which can reduce all efforts to attach tiles to OSB to zero. The wrong adhesive, the wrong primer, or a level base, and the tile will fall off in a few days. Therefore, we will consider in detail the installation of tiles on a pre-primed OSB surface (walls and floors).

Preparation for work

So, what do we need to work?

  • special rubber hammer;
  • notched trowel for applying adhesive solution;
  • primer;
  • square and level;
  • tile cutter;
  • tile adhesive (acrylic, epoxy-polyurethane or two-component adhesive);
  • grout;
  • spacers for tiles;
  • sponge.

In addition, if selected alternative way installation (with an additional supporting structure), we should stock up on logs (battens or store-bought), sheets of plywood (or drywall), reinforced mesh, wood screws and cement mixture. We will need these materials when choosing one or another method of gluing tiles.

tile bonding process

So, the surface is prepared, proceed to installation. The most popular method of gluing tiles to a wall involves gluing " beacon tiles". With a small pasting area, beacon tiles are attached at the corners of the surface. If the work area is large, then the beacons are fixed along the wall in increments of 0.5 m. At the same time, they try to stick them on the protruding parts of the wall, if any. In order for a number of tiles to turn out to be even, use the level.

After the beacon tiles have been applied to the wall, markings are made using rails with plumb lines. We will need them so that a series of tiles go along the same level. When gluing tiles on OSB, use the installation method " down up", That is, the bottom row is fully laid out, followed by the second, and so on. Under the base of the first row, it is better to put a long wooden lath, or aluminum profile. This base is not removed until the tiles are completely dry.

In no case should you lay the first row of tiles, focusing on the floor line. It is far from always being even, and then the subsequent rows will begin to “walk”.

The technology for laying tiles on the floor is somewhat different and, according to professional craftsmen, more difficult than installing tiles on the wall. First, the floor is marked. The first step is to determine the exact center of the room. For this, it is measured long wall room and from the middle of its length a line is drawn at an angle of 90 °. Then the same is done with short wall. As a result, at the intersection of these two lines, we get the center of the room. If necessary, the center point can be shifted to minimize tile trimming. Before laying the tiles on the adhesive, you can lay out the tiles “dry” to determine the accuracy of the center offset. It is from this point that we will lay out the tiles.

For better fixing of the tile, the adhesive should be applied both to the work surface and to the back side of the tile itself. This is done with a notched trowel, as it expels air bubbles from the glue. During the tiling process, the row should be corrected using the rule. The tile applied to the adhesive must be gently tapped with a rubber mallet so that it fits better into the adhesive layer. In order for there to be an equal distance between the tiles, we put special spacers-crosses. It is important to work slowly, in stages - after 4-5 rows have been laid, you should take a break for 1 hour so that these rows have time to grab a little, then glue a few more rows. In the corner of the wall and floor, the tiles are adjusted to size by cutting with a tile cutter.

Completion of work - after installation of tiles

After the installation is completed, you can not immediately rush to grout the joints and, moreover, wash the tiles. The glue needs time to completely dry and grab. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the room, this can take from three to ten days. Only then can you start removing the spacers and grouting. Excess grout is immediately removed with sponges(Dried grout will be difficult to remove). When the grout has dried, a special moisture resistant impregnation, the purpose of which is to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold in the seams.

After the impregnation is completely dry, the tile can be washed. Separately, attention should be paid to the angles between the floor and the wall. To avoid moisture getting there, they are separately primed. water-repellent putty. And only after that impose skirting boards.

If it is necessary to drill a hole in a tile (under a mirror, a soap dish, etc.), then drilling should be done with a drill in the “without perforation” mode. Otherwise, the tile will burst or fly off.

There are many ways to cut and drill tiles. You can read more about the most popular and effective of them in a special article:.

So, as we can see, sticking a tile even on such a problematic surface as an OSB plate is quite within the power of everyone. Despite the variety of ways to install tiles on OSB boards, the method with priming the surface of the board is considered to be very effective, and most importantly, the least expensive. The main thing is to observe all the nuances and features in working with the material and stock up on a bit of patience.

Building materials are constantly evolving, this trend leads to the emergence of new types with different quality characteristics. One of these innovations is OSB (OSB) board or oriented strand board. It is used for the construction of load-bearing structures of the building, laying the floor, cladding facades or even the ceiling. Since the material is new, the question arises whether it is feasible to lay tiles on OSB plate?

Will such a fantasy lead to a loss of quality characteristics and aesthetic design?

What is OSB or OSB board

This type of board is a higher quality variation of chipboard. They use sawdust and wood shavings. conifers. During the production process, the raw material is pressed using a special impregnation.

It is resin, synthetic wax and boric acid.

The resulting product has a set of advantages:

  • increased strength, which allows laying OSB sheets on the floor;
  • flexibility;
  • ease of processing, which is important when creating tiled floors;
  • breadth of application;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • relatively small weight;
  • price;
  • aesthetic qualities.

Can tiles be laid on OSB boards? Insofar as OSB board can be used as floor covering, the question arises, how to lay the tiles on the OSB slab. This is necessary because, despite the ability to resist moisture, the material gradually accumulates water, which leads to its deformation. Therefore, an understanding of the process is required, how to lay tiles on OSB slabs.

First stage

Initially, before laying the tile on the surface particle board, it needs to be primed and created reliable protection from moisture penetration.

Applying a primer on OSB boards of high-quality laying

This procedure will not only help protect the substrate, but will also lead to better adhesion of materials.

There are three common ways in which the base can be processed.

Primer coating

The use of a polymer composition will help create protection against moisture. Previously, the surface of the plate will need to be treated with sandpaper. Then a primer is applied by means of a roller, preferably in two layers. A minimum of 12 hours must elapse between application of protection and styling.

Creating an additional layer

The tile is able to fit not on OSB, but on a second layer created from ordinary plywood. To do this, you need to fill logs on the base with a small step, screw sheets of plywood of the appropriate size or drywall onto them. The level must be maintained, otherwise the tile will simply fall off in the future.

Surface reinforcement

This method consists in laying a reinforcing mesh on a floor or wall made of OSB boards. It is mounted with glue or special fasteners.

After laying the grid, it needs to be primed, allowed to dry, and only then it is necessary to start laying tiles.

Sometimes there are lacquered plates. In this case, the glossy surface will need to be sanded to improve adhesion.

Glue selection

An important element when laying tiles on the floor on top of OSB boards, the selection of a high-quality adhesive composition is essential. Traditional cement-based adhesive is not suitable.

The adhesive for laying tiles on the surface of OSB board has a complex chemical composition. It includes microfiber, silicone, and other polymer components. Among its features should include ensuring the most durable fastening of the tile to the surface of the plate. When applied, it is easily distributed over the base and becomes elastic after hardening.

Another option to achieve strong bonding is to use liquid nails or glass. This option will be preferred for small volumes of work or the need to replace damaged tiles.

A popular recipe is the use of ordinary NC varnish, in which you need to add foam shavings pre-soaked with acetone.

The use of factory adhesives will make the process more convenient, and the result will be stronger, so do not experiment, but buy one of the available adhesives.

There are also certain requirements for tiles. To prevent its cracking during operation, it is desirable that the size of each be no more than 30x30 cm. The thickness should be at least 15 mm.

Laying process

How to lay tiles on OSB board?

The first step is to mark the surface, having decided on the layout of the tiles and the pattern.

Direct installation begins, it is recommended to start from the center. In some cases, it is allowed to lay tiles from a far corner. For correct calculation the number of tiles and reduce the number of scraps, it is recommended to lay the tiles on a dry one.

The adhesive composition is applied with a special spatula to the OSB board itself and to the ceramics. Adhesives should be applied in small portions.

After that, the tile is applied to the floor or wall and slightly pressed. To achieve a better grip, it is allowed to tap a little with a rubber mallet.

Each stacked row needs to be checked for maintaining the horizontal and evenness of laying, such manipulation will allow you to get the perfect surface and maintain the attractiveness of the pattern.

Creating a beautiful pattern is achieved through the use of special spacers in the form of small plastic crosses.

Their installation is no different from a similar procedure when laying a simple tile on a wall or floor.

After laying, leave the surface for three days to allow the adhesive to dry completely. Spacer crosses can be removed the very next day.


The final stage of work is the application of grout. It is required to fill the voids in the seams so that the surface is homogeneous. The use of color composition will give the drawing greater originality.

To apply the grout, you must use a silicone spatula or a regular foam sponge. It will be correct to remove the remnants of the grout immediately, since the process will require some effort when it dries.

After applying the grout, it is recommended to treat the surface of the laid tile with a moisture-resistant impregnation, which will not only prevent the penetration of moisture, but also protect the tile from the effects of fungus and mold.

Corner joints must additionally be treated with a special water-repellent putty.

Only after completing all the described steps, it is necessary to mount the skirting board.

If you need to drill holes in the floor or wall tiles, you should use a drill without a perforation mode, otherwise chips or cracks may form on the surface of the tile. If it is necessary to obtain large holes for pipes, it is recommended to make them in advance, before laying ceramics on the base surface.

After completing all the work, the tiles must be washed and enjoy the resulting beauty. Proper preliminary surface preparation, compliance with all laying rules, the use of high-quality glue is the key to obtaining a durable and reliable coating. But, the main thing, of course, is patience, then everything will definitely work out.

OSB plate is today considered one of the the best materials for prefinishing surfaces. She possesses high strength and allows with minimal cost level the surface of both walls and ceilings. Let's talk about the nuances of working with this material and whether it is possible to lay tiles on OSB boards (chipboard, plywood).

What is this article about

Features of the work

Laying tiles on an OSB base has features. Chipboards are ordinary wood, and it has high flexibility and water absorption, without which it is impossible to obtain required quality gluing.

The tile has very low flexibility in comparison with other materials. Before putting tile on the OSB slab, it is required to ensure the rigidity of the base. To do this, when laying tiles on the floor, it is necessary to use OSB boards with a thickness of at least 15 mm and lay them on logs with a minimum step.

The surface of the wood chips that make up the board is smooth and does not adhere well to adhesive composition. To ensure the necessary adhesion of the adhesive and the plate, there are several options:

  1. The best thing is to perform additional surface cladding with sheets moisture resistant drywall or cement board. This will slightly increase material costs and the thickness of the coating, but the result of such work will be that the tile will last the entire guaranteed period without peeling off.
  2. It is possible to cover the surface of the OSB plate with a metal reinforcing mesh. Then the tiles on the OSB board are laid in the usual way with standard adhesive mixtures.
  3. The third option is to use special adhesive mixtures designed for attaching tiles to wooden bases.

In addition to increasing adhesion, the primer layer reduces the water absorption of the slab and reduces the risk of peeling ceramic tiles when the adhesive layer dries.

Foundation laying

According to the standard, the floor version of OSB slab laying provides for fastening to intermediate logs laid on the floor at a distance of 40 to 60 cm from one another, depending on the thickness of the slab (the higher it is, the greater the distance).

When laying tiles on the floor, the distance between the lags must be halved. It is necessary to leave a gap of 2–5 mm between the OSB slab with shadows to compensate for thermal expansion.

Wall coverings do not have such high requirements for rigidity. However, it is better to go ahead for some increase in costs during preliminary work than to engage in endless repairs later. In all other respects, the installation of the base does not differ from the generally accepted one, including heat and moisture insulation.

Surface preparation

To increase the adhesive force between the board and the adhesive, the substrate must be prepared. The chips in the slab, although not laid perfectly even, form an almost glossy surface on their own. To remove the gloss, the plate must be treated with coarse-grained sandpaper. After processing, all dust must be carefully removed with a vacuum cleaner.

A primer is applied to the treated surface in two layers with intermediate drying for at least 1 hour. After applying the second layer, drying should be carried out for at least 12 hours. For priming, you can use almost any polymer primer.

Note! On some sites you can find a recommendation for the use of the primer "betonokontakt", supposedly having best properties. Such advice does not take into account the fact that this primer is designed for use on concrete floor or other surface with a certain structure of pores and capillaries. AT wooden surfaces this primer is not absorbed and remains on the surface in the form of a film.

It is quite possible to apply PVA glue to the plate for construction works in two layers.

The primer on the surface of the OSB boards is applied with a roller, which minimizes material consumption and ensures high quality coatings.

Laying on the grid

A good result will be if you glue the tiles on the OSB along the reinforcing mesh. To do this, on a prepared and primed base, you need to lay a metal mesh, which is attached to any of available ways- from the use of self-tapping screws to conventional staples driven with a stapler.

The mesh for reinforcement should be with perforated cells ranging in size from 5 to 10 mm. The mesh should evenly cover the slabs without swelling and breaks. When docking, the mesh sheets should overlap each other by several centimeters.

Is it possible to glue tiles with conventional mixtures? Yes, but it is still better to use mixtures with increased elasticity and high adhesion to wooden surfaces.

gluing tiles

In order to glue the tiles to the OSB board, regardless of how the base was prepared, it is necessary to use special adhesive mixtures. They are characterized by high elasticity and adhesion to wooden surfaces. The most widely used adhesive mixture is Ceresit CM17, which is specifically designed for laying ceramic tiles on deformable wooden surfaces, including plywood, chipboard, OSB boards.

Somewhat more expensive, but it is also more reliable to use epoxy two-component grout mixtures based on epoxy resins, for example, from Litokol. Epoxy adhesive has a huge advantage over all other mixtures due to its high load characteristics. This is especially important if the question is about laying tiles on the floor where there will be maximum load. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost of glue should be noted.

The tile is glued traditional way using a notched trowel. A figured spatula allows you to form continuous grooves on the adhesive layer, due to which no air bubbles will remain under the tile. In addition, an intermittent layer of glue allows you to level the surface with minimal effort.

To form the same thickness of the joints between adjacent tiles, special plastic crosses must be laid, which will need to be removed after the tiles have set.

Grouting is carried out after the adhesive has dried in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of the material used.

Laying tiles on drywall sheets

The best effect can be obtained if ceramic tile will be laid on drywall sheets. Surface structure drywall sheet It is designed for applying any adhesive compositions based on gypsum or cement. Of the shortcomings, only an increase in the thickness of the preliminary base by a value of 9 mm and above (9 mm is the minimum thickness of drywall sheets) should be noted.

Sheets of moisture-resistant drywall (with a green coating) are attached to the base using self-tapping screws with a length of 10 mm in increments of 25–30 cm along the contour and 40–50 cm over the entire area. The surface of the GKL is made of cardboard impregnated with a moisture-resistant composition. Before installing the tiles, drywall must be primed with any deep penetration primer and wait for it to dry completely (at least 12 hours).


As an adhesive for tiles when laying it on OSB panels, it is possible to recommend the use of silicone adhesives or liquid nails.

Considering high flow adhesive when laying tiles, this option makes sense only for small volumes or when it is necessary to replace several elements of the coating.

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