Icon of Saint Luke. Saint Luke of Crimea: prayer, miracles of healing

Decor elements 16.10.2019
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The icon of St. Luke of Crimea is precious for Orthodox Church shrine. Christians pray at this image and reveal their innermost secrets and requests. The saint intercedes for all those who ask, and great miracles happen when God answers prayers and people receive what they ask for.

The relics of the archbishop are kept in Simferopol, the city where the saint served and lived his last years. It is at this shrine that many healings and miracles take place today. Therefore, every year tens of thousands of pilgrims Orthodox faith come to this place.

What helps the icon of the Archbishop of Crimea

The icon of St. Luke of Crimea depicts him dressed in a chasuble and standing with his hand raised, blessing the faithful, because the archbishop's service lies precisely in caring for people. Sometimes the saint is depicted sitting at a table with a book, as if showing his work and side of scientific activity. Such an image has a more instructive character, since it tells the believers the story of the life of the saint. In the world you can also find copies of boards where the archbishop is depicted standing, with a cross in right hand, and there is where he keeps various instruments of the surgeon, which indicate the profession of the saint during his lifetime.

About the saint:

With what requests and troubles should one come to the icon of the saint? Of course, with requests for healing, because the saint during his lifetime was a talented doctor. But they turn to the holy healer with other requests:

  • get rid of physical ailments and suffering;
  • strengthen faith;
  • before an emergency operation and difficult treatment;
  • heal from psychological and mental illnesses.

There are many testimonies of healings after turning to a saint. Luke never refuses those who ask and intercedes with the Lord for them. That is why there is always a queue of people praying to his icon, and masses of people flock to the relics every year.

Advice! Many Orthodox churches they keep images of the holy archbishop, and if there is no such board in the nearest church, then a small icon can always be purchased for home iconostasis.

Revered icon of St. Luke of Crimea

Famous wonderworking icons

The Church knows cases of miraculous healings and deliverances of people after prayer at the icon of Luke of Crimea. Many pilgrims who came and prayed at the relics of the saint were healed of a physical illness. In addition to healing, the saint helps to be firm in faith and resist all sinful desires.

Doctors and medical workers consider this saint to be their protector and patron, because he was a doctor and continued to practice even after taking the priesthood (there is a case when Luke operated on a patient in the vestments of an archbishop). Sincere prayer to the image brings relief to the soul and helps in all endeavors, especially in treatment.

More prayers for health and healing:

There are cases when applicants prayed to the image for their admission to medical university and did so despite tough selection and seemingly impossible obstacles. For such young Christians, the dream of their whole life came true - to heal people. They pray to the icon and to gain faith, believers who are at a crossroads or in trials come to the image, they pray to their mothers for lost sons who have lost their faith, and the saint answers prayers for everyone, intercedes for everyone before the Creator. After the transition to eternal life, the former doctor cares for lost souls and, being a spiritual mentor, prays for peace for believers.

One miracle was remembered by many servants of the temple, in which the holy relics are kept. A pregnant woman came to the image and prayed furiously and for a long time. After some time, she returned and wept with tears in her eyes, thanking Luka Krymsky in prayer. When she was approached by temple attendants and asked to tell her story, the woman said that she was pregnant and, being examined, she was told that the child would be born mentally retarded. She came to the temple and for a long time asked the saint to have mercy on her and the baby. She refused an abortion and gave birth to a child who was born completely mentally and physically healthy.

Important! Many miracles are performed through the sincere, sincere prayer of the righteous. And the image of Luke Krymsky contributes to these miracles. Prayers before his image will always be heard.

Luka Krymsky

Life of Luke Krymsky

The story of the future saint began in Kerch, when at the end of April 1877 the third son, Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky, was born to a Catholic pharmacist. He was raised by his mother - a sincere Orthodox. Despite the fact that the father of the future doctor was raised in the Catholic faith, the children were raised in the Orthodox faith. Valentin from childhood showed great zeal in painting and even graduated from the Kyiv Art School after moving.

After graduating from high school, the young man was going to enter the Art Academy in St. Petersburg, but changed his mind and went to the legal profession, which he left for the sake of medicine. After graduating from Kyiv University and its medical faculty, Valentin began a practice, specializing in eye surgery.

Chronology of life

After the war with Japan began in the east of Russia, the doctor Voyno-Yasenetsky went there as a volunteer, where in the city of Chita he began work in a hospital at the Red Cross. Having become the chief physician of the surgical department, he performed operations on a wounded soldier and met his future wife, Anna Vasilievna, who worked as a nurse, there.

Immediately after the marriage, the period of family moving began:

  • 1905 - 1910: work in many different county hospitals, where Valentin was not limited to surgery, receiving people and acting as both an ophthalmologist and a therapist. During this period, he also discovered an alternative method of pain relief - anesthesia of the sciatic nerve, which later became the topic for Voyno-Yasensky's doctoral dissertation;
  • 1910: moving to the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where, after many years of hard work, the doctor decided to study purulent surgery;
  • 1917: the beginning of the revolution in Russia, the infection of Valentin's wife with tuberculosis and the family moving to Tashkent. There, Valentin Feliksovich becomes the head of the surgical department;
  • 1918: Started teaching as a doctor, where he taught a course in topographic anatomy and surgery. Already at this time, Valentin Feliksovich began to think about the Most High God, a lamp and a burning candle appeared in his office, and before the operations, the doctor began to pray for a successful outcome. In the same year, the wife of Valentin Feliksovich dies from tuberculosis;
  • 1921: Valentine's ordination to the rank of deacon, and after - the priest;
  • 1923: Fr. Valentin takes monastic vows and takes on a new name - Luke. In the same year he was ordained to the rank of bishop, and immediately after that - the arrest and the beginning of three exiles;
  • 1924: While in exile, the archbishop performs a complex operation to transplant a kidney from an animal to a human. This kind of operation was not previously carried out in the USSR, but instead of being released, the authorities send a doctor to the village of Khaya, where exile and medical practice continue;
  • 1925: transfer of a prisoner to the city of Yeniseisk, where he was allowed to practice medicine and serve in a local monastery. End of the first exile and return to Tashkent;
  • 1930-1933: exile in Arkhangelsk;
  • 1934: the release of the doctor's work "Essays on Purulent Surgery";
  • 1937: another arrest and torture;
  • 1939: exile to Siberia. Appointment as chief physician of the Krasnoyarsk military hospital, where he operated on wounded soldiers;
  • 1943: amnesty and appointment as bishop of Krasnoyarsk;
  • 1944: transfer of a doctor to Tambov, where he continued his medical and religious practice, restoring churches, reorganizing hospitals until his health deteriorated;
  • 1946: presentation of the Stalin Prize to the doctor. Transfer to Simferopol due to deterioration of vision and health;
  • 1956: the priest becomes completely blind, but continues to work for the good of the Church of Christ;
  • 1961: On June 11, the archbishop died peacefully in his sleep.

Saint Luke of Crimea (Voino-Yasenetsky)

relics of a saint

After the death of the relics (20.03.1996) were transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the city of Simferopol.

Until today, the priest, who endured many tortures and sufferings, being arrested and sent into exile three times, is admired and revered. After all, despite the hardships in life, he did not leave the Lord and continued to serve Him, and did not leave the needy people whom he operated on, treated and healed.

Today, Saint Crimean is revered by Orthodox Christians and his image is often visited in the hope that the saint will help get the necessary answers to questions and grant healing.

Watch a video about Luka Krymsky

In the capital of Crimea, on Odesskaya Street, you can already notice the domes of a beautiful Orthodox church from afar. Its official name is the Holy Trinity Cathedral, located on the territory of the current convent of the same name. But for many residents of the city, and even visitors, it is known as the Church of St. Luke, in Simferopol this place is very revered by the parishioners.

Where is the temple in Simferopol?

Trinity Church is located in the very center of the Crimean capital. After passing the quarter to the northeast, you will find yourself at. Heading northwest along St. Odessa, you can go to the hotel "Valencia".

Church on the map of Crimea

The history of the sacred place

Like many old churches, St. Luke's Church now looks completely different than at the beginning of its existence, and its "life" was full of various events. In the place where it now rises, a small wooden church was erected in 1796, it belonged to the Greek church. By the way, this served her well during the years of persecution of faith in Soviet times: the authorities treated such churches with some apprehension - so as not to spoil relations with other states.

AT early XIX century, the entire area where the Holy Trinity Cathedral was located was inhabited by Greeks, so a Greek gymnasium was opened in the building of the temple. But the small wooden building was not adapted to the long and active exploitation. In the middle of the century, it was dismantled in order to build a new temple complex, more spacious and made of stone, on the vacant site. The architect I. Kolodin became the author of the project.

The architect used classical architectural forms. The plan of the church is cruciform, crowned with an octagonal dome in the middle, to the left of which there is a low bell tower. The sophistication of the facade, decorated with pilasters, columns, and an abundance of mosaic paintings, attracts attention. Inside it is divided into two chapels: one is dedicated to the Cathedral of the Crimean Saints, the second - to Saints Elena and Constantine.

The Orthodox community of Simferopol had a hard time during the Soviet times. All the main temples in the city were blown up, only this one survived. For a long time it remained the Cathedral of the Crimean diocese. Two clergy who led it were driven to the camps and shot. In 1946, the local rector became the archbishop Crimean Luka, whose name is now called the Trinity Church.

Trinity Cathedral: under the sign of the saint

Archbishop Luke is a truly unique person. His worldly name is Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky. In order to at least slightly note his unusualness and scale, it is worth listing only some biography facts:

What is interesting about the Church of St. Luke?

Since the Holy Trinity Cathedral was a Cathedral, St. Luke linked the last fifteen years of his life with it. He died in 1961, was canonized by the church, and in March 1996 his relics were transferred to the temple, to which he gave so much of his strength. Now they are stored in the main hall, in a silver shrine, they are one of the main local values. And to the right of the entrance there is a small building - the Museum of St. Luke.

The icon of St. Luke (Bishop of Crimea) is especially revered in the Orthodox world. Many believing Christians say warm and sincere prayers before the image of the saint. Saint Luke always hears requests addressed to him: through the prayers of believers, great miracles are performed daily - many people find deliverance from various mental and bodily ailments.

The relics of Luke Krymsky in our days show various healings, testifying to the great spiritual power of the saint. To worship the shrine, many Christians come to Simferopol from different cities peace.

The icon of St. Luke is intended to remind people of the life of a great man, fearlessly following in the footsteps of the Savior, who embodied the example of the Christian feat of bearing the cross of life.

On the icons, St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky is depicted in archbishop's vestments with a raised blessing right hand. You can also see the image of the saint sitting at the table over an open book, in the works of scientific activity, which reminds Christian believers of fragments of the biography of the saint. There are icons depicting a saint with a cross in his right hand and the Gospel in his left. Some icon painters represent St. Luke with medical instruments, recalling his life's work.

The icon of St. Luke has great reverence among the people - its significance for believing Christians is very great! Like St. Nicholas, Bishop Luke became a Russian miracle worker, coming to the rescue in all life's difficulties.

Today, the icon of St. Luke is in almost every home. This is due primarily to the great faith of the people in the miraculous help of a saint who, by faith, can heal any disease. Many Christians turn to the great saint in prayer for deliverance from various ailments.

The Young Years of Archbishop Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky

Saint Luke, Bishop of Crimea (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky), was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. From childhood, he was interested in painting, attending a drawing school, where he demonstrated considerable success. At the end of the gymnasium course, the future saint entered the university at the Faculty of Law, but a year later he stopped classes, leaving educational institution. Then he tried to study at the Munich School of Painting, but in this area the young man did not find his vocation.

With all his heart trying to benefit his neighbors, Valentin decided to enter the Kyiv University at the Faculty of Medicine. From the first years of his studies, he became interested in anatomy. After graduating from an educational institution with honors and having received the specialty of a surgeon, the future saint immediately began practical medical activities, mainly in eye surgery.


In 1904, the Russo-Japanese War began. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky went to the Far East as a volunteer. In Chita, he worked at the Red Cross hospital, where he practiced as a doctor. Having headed the surgical department, he successfully operated on wounded soldiers. Soon the young doctor met his future wife, Anna Vasilievna, who worked in the hospital as a nurse. In marriage, they had four children.

From 1905 to 1910, the future saint worked in various district hospitals, where he had to carry out the most diverse medical activities. At this time, the widespread use of general anesthesia began, but there were not enough to perform operations under general anesthesia. necessary equipment and specialist anesthesiologists. Interested alternative ways anesthesia, the young doctor discovered new method sciatic nerve anesthesia. Subsequently, he presented his research in the form of a dissertation, which he successfully defended.


In 1910, the young family moved to the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where the future Saint Luke worked in extremely difficult conditions, performing several operations daily. Soon he decided to study purulent surgery and began to work actively on writing a dissertation.

In 1917, terrible upheavals began in the fatherland - political instability, widespread betrayal, the beginning of a bloody revolution. In addition, the wife of a young surgeon falls ill with tuberculosis. The family moves to the city of Tashkent. Here Valentin Feliksovich holds the position of head of the surgical department of the local hospital. In 1918, the Tashkent State University in which the doctor teaches topographic anatomy and surgery.


During civil war the surgeon lived in Tashkent, where he gave all his strength to healing, performing several operations daily. During the work, the future saint always fervently prayed to God for help in accomplishing the work of saving human lives. There was always an icon in the operating room, and a lampada hung in front of it. The doctor had a pious custom: before the operation, he always kissed the icons, then lit the lamp, prayed, and only then got down to business. The doctor was distinguished by deep faith and religiosity, which led him to the decision to take the priesthood.

Health A.V. Voino-Yasenetskaya began to deteriorate - she died in 1918, leaving four small children in the care of her husband. After the death of his wife, the future saint became even more actively involved in church life, visiting churches in Tashkent. In 1921, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained a deacon, and then a priest. Father Valentin became the rector of the church, where he always preached the Word of God very lively and zealously. Many colleagues treated his religious beliefs with undisguised irony, believing that the scientific activity of a successful surgeon with the adoption of the dignity ended completely.

In 1923, Father Valentin adopted Luka with a new name, and soon took on the episcopal rank, which caused a violent negative reaction from the Tashkent authorities. Some time later, the saint was arrested and imprisoned. Has begun a long period links.

Ten years in captivity

Two months after his arrest, the future Saint Luke of Crimea was in a prison in Tashkent. Then he was transferred to Moscow, where a significant meeting took place between the saint and Patriarch Tikhon, who was imprisoned in the Donskoy Monastery. In a conversation, the Patriarch convinces Bishop Luke not to leave medical practice.

Soon the saint was summoned to the building of the KGB Cheka in Lubyanka, where he was subjected to cruel methods of interrogation. After the verdict was passed, Saint Luke was sent to the Butyrka prison, where he was kept in inhuman conditions for two months. Then he was transferred to the Taganka prison (until December 1923). This was followed by a whole series of repressions: in the midst of a harsh winter, the saint was sent into exile in Siberia to faraway Yeniseisk. Here he was settled in the house of a local wealthy resident. The bishop was given separate room where he continued to practice medicine.

After some time, Saint Luke received permission to operate in the Yenisei hospital. In 1924, he performed the most complex and unprecedented operation to transplant a kidney from an animal to a human. As a "reward" for his labors, the local authorities sent a talented surgeon to the small village of Khaya, where St. Luke continued his medical practice, sterilizing instruments in a samovar. The saint did not lose heart - as a reminder of the bearing of the cross of life, an icon was always next to him.

St. Luke of Crimea the following summer was again transferred to Yeniseisk. After a short prison term, he was again allowed to practice as a doctor and to serve in the church at the local monastery.

The Soviet authorities tried with all their might to prevent the growing popularity of the bishop-surgeon among the common people. It was decided to exile him to Turukhansk, where there were very complex natural and weather. In the local hospital, the saint received patients and continued his surgical activities, operating and using the patients' hair as a surgical one.

During this period, he served in a small monastery on the banks of the Yenisei, in the temple where the relics of St. Basil of Mangazeya were located. Crowds of people came to him, finding in him a true healer of soul and body. In March 1924, the saint was again summoned to Turukhansk to resume his medical practice. At the end of the term of imprisonment, the bishop returned to Tashkent, where he again assumed the duties of a bishop. The future Saint Luke of Crimea conducted medical activities at home, attracting not only the sick, but also many medical students.

In 1930, Saint Luke was again arrested. After the guilty verdict was pronounced, the saint spent a whole year in the Tashkent prison, being subjected to all sorts of tortures and interrogations. St. Luke of Crimea endured severe trials at that time. Prayer offered daily to the Lord gave him spiritual and physical strength to endure all adversity.

Then it was decided to send the bishop into exile in the north of Russia. All the way to Kotlas, the accompanying soldiers of the convoy mocked the saint, spat in his face, mocked and mocked him.

At first, Bishop Luka worked in the Makarikha transit camp, where people who became victims of political repression served time. The conditions of the settlers were inhuman, many decided to commit suicide out of desperation, people suffered from massive epidemics of various diseases, and they were not provided with any medical care. Saint Luke was soon transferred to work in the Kotlas hospital, having received permission to operate. Then the archbishop was sent to Arkhangelsk, where he stayed until 1933.

"Essays on purulent surgery"

In 1933, Luka again returned to his native Tashkent, where his grown-up children were waiting for him. Until 1937, the saint was engaged in scientific activities in the field of purulent surgery. In 1934, he published a famous work called "Essays on Purulent Surgery", which is still a textbook for surgeons. The saint did not have time to publish many of his achievements, which was hampered by regular Stalinist repressions.

New persecution

In 1937, the bishop was again arrested on charges of murdering people, underground counter-revolutionary activities, and plotting to destroy Stalin. Some of his colleagues who were arrested with him gave false testimony against the bishop under duress. For thirteen days the saint was subjected to interrogations and torture. After Bishop Luke did not sign the confession, he was again subjected to a conveyor interrogation.

For the next two years, he was held in a Tashkent prison, periodically subjected to aggressive interrogations. In 1939 he was sentenced to exile in Siberia. In the village of Bolshaya Murta Krasnoyarsk Territory the bishop worked in a local hospital, operating on numerous patients in incredibly difficult conditions. The difficult months and years, full of hardships and hardships, were adequately endured by the future saint, Bishop Luke of Crimea. The prayers he offered for his spiritual flock helped many believers in those difficult times.

Soon the saint sent a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Supreme Council with a request for permission to operate on the wounded soldiers. Further, the bishop was transferred to Krasnoyarsk and appointed chief physician of a military hospital, as well as a consultant to all regional military hospitals.

While working in the hospital, he was constantly monitored by KGB officers, and his colleagues treated him with suspicion and distrust, which was associated with his religion. He was not allowed into the hospital dining room, and therefore often suffered hunger. Some nurses, pitying the saint, secretly brought him food.


Every day, the future Archbishop of Crimea, Luka, independently came to the railway station, selecting the most seriously ill for operations. This continued until 1943, when many church political prisoners fell under the Stalinist amnesty. The future Saint Luke was appointed Bishop of Krasnoyarsk, and on February 28 he was already able to serve the first Liturgy on his own.

In 1944, the saint was transferred to Tambov, where he conducted medical and religious activities, restoring destroyed churches, attracting many to the Church. He was invited to various scientific conferences, but he was always asked to come in secular clothes, which Luke never agreed to. In 1946 the saint received recognition. He was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Crimean period

Soon the health of the saint seriously deteriorated, Bishop Luke began to see badly. Church authorities appointed him Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea. In Crimea, the bishop continues his busy life. Work is underway to restore the temples, Luke daily conducts a free reception of patients. In 1956 the saint became completely blind. Despite such a serious illness, he selflessly worked for the good of the Church of Christ. On June 11, 1961, St. Luke, Bishop of Crimea, peacefully departed to the Lord in the Week of All Saints.

On March 20, 1996, the holy relics of Luke of Crimea were solemnly transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. In our time, they are especially revered by the inhabitants of the Crimea, as well as by all Orthodox Christians who ask for help from the great saint.

Icon "St. Luke of Crimea"

Even during his lifetime, many believing Christians who personally knew this great man felt his holiness, which was expressed in genuine kindness and sincerity. Luke lived a hard life, full of work, deprivation and adversity.

Even after the repose of the saint, many people continued to feel his invisible support. After the archbishop was canonized as an Orthodox saint in 1995, the icon of St. Luke incessantly shows various miracles of healing from mental and bodily illnesses.

Many Orthodox Christians rush to Simferopol to venerate the great Christian value - the relics of St. Luke of Crimea. Many patients are helped by the icon of St. Luke. The value of her spiritual power is difficult to overestimate. For some believers, help from the saint came instantly, which confirms his great intercession before God for people.

Miracles of Luke Krymsky

Today, through the sincere prayers of believers, the Lord sends healings from many diseases thanks to the intercession of St. Luke. Known and recorded real cases incredible relief from various diseases that took place thanks to the prayer of the saint. The relics of Luke of Crimea exude great miracles.

In addition to getting rid of bodily ailments, the saint also helps in the spiritual struggle with various sinful inclinations. Some believing surgeons, deeply revering their great colleague, following the example of the saint, always pray before surgery, which helps to successfully operate even complex patients. According to their deep conviction, this helps St. Luke of Crimea. Prayer, heartily addressed to him, contributes to the solution of even the most difficult problems.

St. Luke miraculously helped some students to enter a medical university, thus their cherished dream came true - to devote their lives to treating people. In addition to numerous healings from illnesses, St. Luke helps lost unbelievers gain faith, being a spiritual mentor and praying for human souls.

Many miracles are still performed by the great holy Bishop Luke of Crimea! Healing is received by all who turn to him for help. There are cases when the saint helped pregnant women to safely endure and give birth to healthy children who are at risk according to the results of multilateral studies. A truly great saint is Luke of Crimea. Prayers offered by believers in front of his relics or icons will always be heard.


At the opening of the grave of Luke, the incorruption of his remains was noted. In 2002, the Greek clergy presented the Trinity Monastery with a silver reliquary for the relics of the archbishop, in which they still rest. The holy relics of Luke of Crimea, thanks to the prayers of believers, exude many miracles and healings. In order to venerate them, people constantly come to the temple.

After the glorification of Bishop Luke, his remains were transferred to the Cathedral of the city of Simferopol. Often pilgrims also call this temple like this: "The Church of St. Luke." However, this wonderful one is called Holy Trinity. The cathedral is located at the city of Simferopol, st. Odessa, 12.

How to ask St. Luke for help, will tell "VM". The relics of Luke were delivered to the capital from Simferopol. Hundreds of pilgrims came to the Donskoy Monastery to turn to St. Luke for help. As the organizers noted, there are numerous testimonies of miracles that happen after that.


Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky was born in the Crimean city of Kerch in 1877. He decided to become a doctor and entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University. During his career, he wrote over 55 scientific papers in anatomy and surgery. He is one of the first doctors who began to perform complex operations on the intestines, heart and brain. In 1921, after the death of his wife, Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky took the monastic vows. He simultaneously worked as a doctor and professor, while continuing to serve in the cathedral on Sundays. Saint Luke is the author of almost 1300 sermons.


The relics themselves are placed in a shrine - an ark, which, as a rule, is made in the form of a coffin. As soon as you approached her, cross yourself twice. The imposition of the cross can be accompanied by a bow. After that, touch them with your lips, then with your forehead. Put on the cross again and step aside. Please note that there are a lot of pilgrims, and most likely it will not work to stand in front of the relics for a long time.


Saint Luke is considered the patron saint medical workers. Doctors believe that contacting him will help to establish the correct diagnosis of the patient and successfully carry out treatment. Pilgrims often ask the saint for blessings for their parents, strengthening their moral strength and family relations. People with severe ailments also turn to Luke. The pilgrims said that after that the incredible happened to them.

A monstrous incident happened to a student of the Moscow Theological Seminary, Evgeny. One night he was severely beaten by unknown persons. He was taken to the hospital with multiple skull fractures and brain contusions. Fellow students and teachers of the seminary prayed to the Lord, the Mother of God and St. Luke. The most difficult operations were ultimately successful, and after a while, Eugene continued his studies. And in Lyubertsy, where he comes from, they opened a church named after St. Luke.


The doors of the Donskoy Monastery will be open until May 18 from 07:00 to 21:00. Once every two hours, prayers will be served before the relics. Those who wish to bow to St. Luke will be given drinking water, and volunteers will come in line to help at any time. Wheelchair users, pregnant women and parents with children under one year old will be able to enter the monastery without a queue.


If you do not have the opportunity to get to the relics in the Danilovsky Monastery or the Holy Trinity Convent in Simferopol, where the relics are stored, you can pray to Luke at home.

■ In the "red corner" you should have a small icon of him. Together with the icon of Luke there should be an icon of the Lord.

■ Light a candle or lamp.

■ Before prayer, a woman, as well as at the entrance to the temple, needs to put on a scarf and stand right in front of the face of St. Luke. The priests say that before starting the prayer, you need to stand a little and look at the fire of the candle. So you can calm down a little and cleanse yourself of negative thoughts.

■ Say “Lord, have mercy” three times while crossing yourself. Then read the prayer. After that, you can ask St. Luke for help in your own words.


“O all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ. With tenderness, bow down the knees of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we pray with all your heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand . We believe more, because you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while on earth.
Ask Christ our God, and confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, and rebuke the opposite.
Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything is even useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: our cities are affirmed, the land is fruitful, deliverance from gladness and destruction, consolation for those who are in pain, healing for those who have lost their way on the path of truth, blessing for a parent, a child in fear The Lord's upbringing and teaching, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor.
Grant us all your Archpastoral blessing, and if we have such a prayer intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Lead us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray for us to the almighty God, in eternal life we ​​will be able to glorify with you the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) is one of the newly glorified saints, who, however, is already surrounded by great veneration by Orthodox Christians. His life was cut short in the early sixties of the XX century as a result of a long illness. But his name is not forgotten, a prayer is offered daily to St. Luke of Crimea from the lips of many believers.

The formation of the personality of St. Luke

Before moving on to the very texts of prayers to the saint, one should understand a little about the biography of this person. This will give an understanding of why prayer is offered to him at all. Saint Luke at birth was given the name Valentine - Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky. He was born in 1877 in Kerch. As a child, he had a penchant for drawing and dreamed of becoming an artist, but in the end he chose the path of a doctor. After graduating from Kyiv University, Valentin worked as a surgeon for Far East operating on wounded soldiers who took part in the battles during Russo-Japanese War. In 1917, he moved to Turkestan, where he continued to practice medicine in one of the hospitals in Tashkent. In 1920, he headed the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the Turkestan University, lectured.

Taking Holy Orders

While living in Tashkent, Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky begins to show an active interest in church life. Thanks to one of his speeches in 1920 regarding church life in Turkestan, Valentin was noticed by Bishop Innokenty of Tashkent, who ordained him to the rank of deacon, and then a priest. Having assumed the burden of pastoring and bearing the obedience of a cathedral preacher, Valentine did not leave medicine and scientific activity while continuing to operate and teach.

Archbishop Luke's persecution and exile

The persecution of Father Valentin began after he took monastic vows in 1923 and was named Luke in honor of the evangelist, who, according to legend, was also a doctor. In the same year, Hieromonk Luke was ordained to the episcopal rank, after which the first exile followed - to Turukhansk.

While imprisoned, Bishop Luke worked on his book Essays on Purulent Surgery, for which Comrade Stalin would later personally award him. Soon Bishop Luka was sent to Moscow, where the authorities allowed him to serve and live in an apartment. Fourteen years later, during the anti-religious persecution of 1937, Bishop Luka's second exile followed, this time to Krasnoyarsk. When the war began, he was sent to work as a doctor at the Krasnoyarsk evacuation point. Since 1943, he also occupies the Krasnoyarsk bishop's chair. However, just a year later, he was expected to move again. Now he is going to the Tambov region as a bishop, but he does not stop practicing medicine, coordinating under his command about 150 hospitals in the region.

Awards and canonization

With the end of the war, Archbishop Luka is waiting for a church award - the right to wear a diamond cross on his hood. And from the side state power he is awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945".

In 1946, Archbishop Luka was awarded another award - the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree - for his contribution to the development of domestic science in the field of medicine.

In the same year, he was transferred as a bishop to Simferopol, entrusting the Crimean cathedra. There Bishop Luke will spend the rest of his life. By the end of his days, he will completely lose his sight, but still he will not stop serving.

The Council of the Moscow Theological Academy at this time accepts His Grace Luke as an honorary member of the Academy. And his posthumous veneration among the church people led to a natural canonization: in 1996, in Simferopol, Archbishop Luke was glorified as a saint and confessor of the faith.

Lifelong service as a doctor also determined his place in the Cathedral of Saints - prayer to St. Luke became a means of healing and recovery. To him, as well as to St. Panteleimon, people who are obsessed with various ailments and diseases turn to him. However, praying for something else is also not forbidden. Many parents read, for example, prayers to St. Luke for children, for family well-being. As a patron of the area, Archbishop Luka is remembered in those places where he carried out his pastoral ministry - in the Crimea, Tambov, Tashkent, Krasnoyarsk, etc.

General Prayer to Saint Luke

In private prayers, you can pray in your own words, but joint services are subject to a certain order and have a standardized set of texts. Below we will give a prayer to St. Luke of Crimea in Russian translation:

O all-blessed confessor, saint, our father Luke! Great saint of Christ! In tenderness, bowing the knees of our hearts, as the children of our father, we implore you with all zeal: hear us sinners. Lift up our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you stand in the goodness of the saints, with angelic faces. For we believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors when you were on earth.
Beg from Christ, our God, so that he would establish his children in the spirit of correct faith and piety. May he give the shepherds holy zeal and care for the salvation of the flock entrusted to them. Let them protect the right of believers, strengthen the weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, rebuke those who resist. Give each of us the gift that we need, and that will be useful both for eternal salvation and in this life. Grant our cities affirmation, fertility to the earth, protection from hunger and disease, comfort to the mourners, recovery to the sick, return those who are mistaken to the path of truth, bless parents, raise and grow children in the fear of the Lord, help orphans and the lonely. Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that, having this prayer intercession, we can get rid of the opposition of the devil and avoid all enmity, discord, heresies and schisms. Lead us to the road leading to the villages of the righteous, praying for us to the almighty God, so that in eternal life we are honored with you to unceasingly glorify the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Such is the common prayer to St. Luke, read during official services. In prayer books intended for private use, other versions of the texts are also given. One of them - a prayer to St. Luke for health - will be given below. For the convenience of understanding the text, it will also be presented in Russian translation.

Saint Luke: prayer for recovery

Oh, blessed Saint Luke, hear and accept us sinners who turn to you with prayer! You are accustomed in your life to accept and help everyone who needs your help. Listen to us, the mourners, with faith and hope, crying out for your intercession. grant us ambulance and miraculous healing! May your mercy not be squandered now on us, the unworthy. Heal us, who suffer in this bustling world and find no consolation and compassion anywhere in spiritual sorrows and bodily illnesses. Deliver from the temptations and torments of the devil, help to carry your life's cross, endure all the difficulties of life and not lose the image of God in it and preserve the Orthodox faith. Give us the strength to have firm hope and hope in God, unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that when the time comes to part with life, we can reach the Kingdom of Heaven together with all those who are pleasing to God. Amen

This is how Saint Luke is venerated in the Orthodox Church. At the same time, a prayer for recovery can be read not only during physical exhaustion, but also during depression or some kind of mental illness. In addition, the circle of diseases in the church tradition also includes spiritual problems, for example, doubts about faith.

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