The meaning and use of water. Drinking water in human life and its impact on health

The buildings 21.09.2019
The buildings

Everything in nature is harmonious and logical. Everything created on Earth is interconnected and works in tandem. We are so used to some things in nature that we no longer notice them. true gift, we treat as a matter of course the components of our life with you.
Water is one such substance. We drink, cook, wash ourselves, and also calmly pollute the sources of such an inalienable natural gift as water, without thinking about what consequences its absence on planet Earth can lead to.
Nevertheless, "Water was given the magical power to become the Juice of Life on Earth" ( Leonardo Da Vinci ).
Water is the foundation proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. On the way, you need to learn how to use the Juice of Life — Water — correctly and with benefit for yourself) ...

Water is the basis of life on Earth

And here, water value not exaggerated! For a moment, 90% of the human body, its cells and tissues, like all life on the planet, consists of water. The existence of the human, plant and animal world on the planet is impossible without clean water. Being the only and unique substance on the planet that can come in three different states - liquid, gaseous and solid, and also having such a simple chemical formula- H2O - water, however, is fraught with a huge amount of mysterious and enigmatic information.

Here is what the famous French pilot and writer wrote about water Antoine de Saint-Exupery :

“Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with a joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. With you, the forces that we have already said goodbye are returning to us. By your mercy, the dried-up springs of our hearts begin to seethe in us again. You are the greatest wealth in the world ... "

Importance of water in human life

What is the importance of water ? HUGE. Without exaggeration.
Man is made up of water. Man is practically a liquid. And that's a fact.)
Depending on age, lifestyle and health, the percentage of water in our body contains from 70 to 90! % of the total volume in cells and tissues, namely:
- 90% of the brain is water;
- 83% of blood is water;
- 22% of bone tissue is water;
- 75% of our muscle tissue is water!

There are many sayings and jokes on this topic among scientists and writers:
- The science fiction writer V. Savchenko stated that a person "has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a 40% solution of caustic sodium."
- Water "invented" man as a means of transportation - biologists sometimes joke.
- Or a wonderful romantic metaphor by Dubois: "A living organism is animate water."

What does water do in our body

1. Water is involved in the process of breathing, namely, it humidifies the inhaled air;

2. Water regulates body temperature in the body;
3. Water is involved in metabolic processes in the body and helps to absorb nutrients;
4. Water improves kidney and liver function. Correct work these organs helps to eliminate toxins. If there is not enough water, the kidneys turn on the economical mode and keep all the toxins in the body. water balance the functioning of the liver decreases, and unextracted poisons and toxins accumulate in the body;
5. Water transports nutrients and oxygen to cells;
6. Water dilates blood vessels, therefore, by fully saturating your body with water, a person suffers less headaches and experiences less fatigue;
7. Water protects the internal organs and lubricates the joints, preventing the development of arthritis, arthrosis and diseases of the spine;
8. Water speeds up and normalizes metabolism, thereby fighting overweight. Obese people should drink 200 ml more water for every extra 10 kg of weight;
9. Water is the elixir of youth and beauty. Water supplies our skin with moisture and makes it supple and elastic.
10. And finally, the obvious conclusion - Water strengthens the immune system!

Water prolongs our life day by day, thanks to water we live .

When and how to drink water

Every day, each person needs to drink:
- in the cold season up to 2.5 liters of water;
- in the heat up to 4 liters of water.
Why? Every day the human body loses 3-4 liters of water. This is fine. But the balance must be maintained and the lost amount of water replenished.
Allocation of substances per day from the human body (according to Starling):
The kidneys excrete 1500 ml/day;
Skin 700-900 ml/day;
Lungs 500 ml/day;
Gastrointestinal tract (intestine) 100 ml / day.

Therefore, it is vitally important to observe the drinking regimen!

A person should consume as much water daily as he loses. The norm of drinking water per day to replenish the lost is up to 40 ml per 1 kg of weight, which is 2 - 2.5 liters.

It is advisable to drink unboiled, but filtered water, in small sips. And it is best to drink "live" or melt water. Put the water bottle in the freezer. Take it out after a while and keep warm. Pour part of the thawed water into another container, voila, drink and be healthy.
Sutra on an empty stomach you need to drink 2 glasses of water. I drink water with lemon . This simple drink is very healthy. lemon water will start the metabolism and cleansing processes of the body. During the day, 20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water, and an hour after meals if desired. Insufficient amount of water during the day slagging the body, and the blood becomes acidic.
Remember! Tea, coffee, juices and other liquids are not water - they are food for the body.

How long can a person not drink
The studies of the American physiologist E.F. Adolf showed that this measure of time directly depends on the ambient temperature and the mode of physical activity. So, for example, at rest in the shade, at temperatures up to 23 ° C, a person can live up to 10 days without water. And at an air temperature of over 30 ° C, in the same state of rest, a person can last no more than 2 days.

Water has memory and structure

With the most simple properties water we are all familiar with. More recently, scientists have paid deeper attention to the subject of this unique mineral. The impetus for the scientific world was the amazing discoveries of the Japanese water explorer, the famous healer Masaru Emoto . Masaru Emoto proved that water is able to absorb, store and transmit human thoughts and emotions .
Essence of experience:

The shape of ice crystals depends on its purity and changes depending on the atmosphere created around it. Everything matters for their formation - the sounding music over the water, the words spoken to it, the images shown, and even what people think about water, pay attention to it or not.

So, Emoto showed different images to the water, talked, played different music for the water, and then the water quickly froze in liquid nitrogen. Further, Masaru Emoto placed frozen layers of water under a powerful microscope and took photographs, which resulted in water drawings with amazing pictures and shapes. This is how the official scientific discovery that water has memory and structure.
The Scientist Emoto himself explained it this way :

“The ability of Water to respond to a very wide range of electromagnetic oscillations (“vibrations”, or hado) leads to the fact that it reflects the fundamental properties of the universe as a whole. Every person and the whole planet on most is made up of water. Water is the link between spirit and matter. Therefore, I am convinced that we can heal ourselves and planet Earth by consciously cultivating the most important positive emotions and “vibrations” of love and appreciation around us.

After these experiments, serious studies of water began, which have already led to certain results. 4 years ago, scientists announced that a computer could be made on the basis of water with a power millions of times greater than existing ones! Very interesting, isn't it?)
Our ancestors - healers and healers, spoke water for a solution various tasks. They were aware of the magical properties of water, which have now received scientific justification and confirmation. In our time, this knowledge was actively used by Kashpirovsky and Chumak).

Here are such funny verses that fully reflect the message of the article in their comic manner)):

Amazing question:
Why am I a water carrier?
Because without water
And neither here nor there!

Rest, drink water
We sit - we pour water, -
And, it turns out - without water,
And neither here nor there!

Both animals and cattle drink,
And trees and flowers,
Even flies without water
And neither here nor there!

Woe - must be drowned,
Joy - must be soaked
In every case - without water
And neither here nor there!

No shave, no drink
Don't wash, don't swim
Man without water
And neither here nor there!

No, comrades, not in vain
There are rivers and seas
Because without water
And neither here nor there!
Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.

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The most familiar and most incredible substance on Earth is water. The importance of water cannot be overestimated in the life of all life on the planet, it is present in every moment of our existence. Being the predominant element in the composition of any organism, water also controls its vital activity.

Water in nature

Mankind has been trying to unravel the mystery of this amazing and contradictory element throughout its existence. How did it originate, how did it get to our planet? Probably, no one will be able to answer this question, but everyone knows that the importance of water in nature and human life is unimaginably great. One thing is absolutely true - today there are as many water reserves on Earth as there were at the birth of the universe.

The unique properties of water to shrink when heated and expand when frozen is another reason to be surprised. No other substance has similar properties. And its ability to move from one state to another, so familiar and at the same time amazing, playing an exceptional role, makes it possible for all living organisms to exist on Earth. The Higher Mind assigns the main party to water in maintaining life and participating in constantly occurring natural processes.

The water cycle

This process is called the hydrological cycle, which is a continuous circulation of water from the hydrosphere and the earth's surface to the atmosphere, and then back. There are four processes involved in the cycle:

  • evaporation;
  • condensation;
  • precipitation;
  • water runoff.

Once on the ground, part of the precipitation, evaporating, condenses, the other part fills the reservoirs due to the runoff, the third turns into going underground. So, constantly moving, nourishing the water arteries, plants and animals and preserving own reserves, roams, protecting the Earth, water. The importance of water is obvious and indisputable.

The mechanism of circulation and its types

In nature there is big cycle(the so-called world), as well as two small ones - continental and oceanic. The precipitation that collects over the oceans is carried by the winds and falls on the continents, and then returns to the ocean again with runoff. The process in which ocean water continuously evaporates, condenses and falls back into the ocean is called the small oceanic gyre. And all similar processes occurring over land are combined into a small continental circulation, mainly actor in which is water. Its importance in the natural processes of continuous circulation, which maintains the water balance of the Earth and ensures the existence of living organisms, is undeniable.

water and man

Having no nutritional value in the usual sense, water is the main component of any living organism, including humans. Nobody can exist without water. Two-thirds of any organism is water. The value of water is extremely important for the proper functioning of all systems and organs.

Throughout life, a person daily comes into contact with water, using it for drinking and food, hygiene procedures, relaxation and heating. Not found on earth
more valuable natural material, as vital and indispensable as water. Going without food for sufficiently long periods of time, a person will not live without water even 8 days, since at within 8% of body weight, a person begins to faint, 10% cause hallucinations, and 20% inevitably cause death.

Why is water so important to humans? It turns out that water regulates all the basic life processes:

  • normalizes the humidity of oxygen, increasing its absorption;
  • carries out thermoregulation of the body;
  • dissolves nutrients, helping the body to absorb them;
  • moisturizes and creates protection for vital organs;
  • forms a protective lubricant for the joints;
  • improves metabolic processes in the activity of body systems;
  • promotes the evacuation of waste from the body.

How to maintain water balance

On average, a person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In more extreme conditions, such as hot weather, high humidity and physical exertion, water loss increases. In order to maintain the normal physiological water balance of the body, it is necessary to balance the intake of water with its excretion through competent

Let's do some calculations. Given that the daily human need for water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight and about 40% general need comes with food, the rest should be taken in the form of drinks. In summer, daily water consumption corresponds to 2-2.5 liters. The hot regions of the planet dictate their requirements - 3.5-5.0 liters, and in extremely hot conditions up to 6.0-6.5 liters of water. Do not allow dehydration of the body. The alarming symptoms of this trouble are dry skin, accompanied by itching, fatigue, a sharp decrease in concentration, blood pressure, headaches and general malaise.

Useful effect

It is interesting that, taking a direct part in metabolic processes, water contributes to weight loss. The common misconception that people who want to lose weight need to drink less water, as the body retains water, causes significant harm. You can not drive your own body into even more stress, knocking it out of the usual water exchange. In addition, moisture, being a natural diuretic, tones up the kidneys, provoking weight loss.

Getting the optimal amount of water, a person adds strength, energy and endurance. It is easier for him to control weight, since even the psychological inconvenience from forced changes with a decrease in the usual diet is easier to bear. Scientific research It has been proven that daily consumption of a sufficient amount of pure water helps to fight serious illnesses - it helps to ease back pain, migraine manifestations, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition, by toning the work of the kidneys, water inhibits the formation of stones. It has been proven that creative people tend to drink a lot, and great artists were pushed to create masterpieces. The value of water, it turns out, is also important in art.

Water exchange of plants

Just like humans, every plant needs water. At different plants it is from 70 to 95% of the mass, controlling all ongoing processes. Metabolism in a plant is possible only when in large numbers moisture, so the importance of water for plants is undeniably great. Dissolving minerals in the soil, water delivers them to the plant, ensuring their continuous flow. Without water, seeds will not germinate, and the process of photosynthesis will not occur in green leaves. The water that fills it ensures its viability and preservation of a certain shape.

The most important condition for the life support of a plant organism is the ability to absorb water from outside. The plant, receiving water, mainly from the soil with the help of roots, supplies it to the ground parts of the plant, where the leaves evaporate it. Such a water exchange exists in every organic system - water, getting into it, gives off, evaporates or is released, and then again, enriched with useful substances, enters the body.

Another amazing way of water penetration into living cells is its osmotic absorption, i.e., the ability of water to accumulate from outside into cell solutions, increasing the volume of fluid in the cell.

The Art of Drinking Water

The constant use of pure water significantly improves the mental activity of the brain and the coordination of movement, and therefore, the importance of water for the vital activity of brain cells is especially valuable. That's why healthy man should not limit yourself to drinking, but you should follow some rules:

  • drink little but often;
  • you should not drink a lot of water at once, as an excess of fluid in the blood will put an unnecessary burden on the heart and kidneys.

So, the importance of water for living organisms is enormous. Therefore, the creation of conditions for maintaining their own water balance is necessary for each person.

Importance of water in human life Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable part of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water. In general, the human body consists of 50-86% by weight of water (86% in a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly). Water content in various parts body is: bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles - up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%.

The use of water in everyday life Water is the most permanent and absolutely indispensable component of our Everyday life. There is not a single household operation that could be carried out without water. And in everyday life, we, Ukrainians, spend water without sparing, for example, 2.5 times more than the British, who, unlike us, are much better provided with water.

Tips Fix leaky faucets. Dripping from a faucet is 24 liters per day (720 liters per month), and leaking from a faucet is 144 liters per day. Give preference to "lever" faucets - they mix water faster than faucets with two taps. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. A leaking toilet cistern is up to 2 cubic meters of water per day in the "toilet bowl".

Purchase whenever possible economical plumbing. When washing dishes, do not keep the faucet constantly open. Use dishwasher and washing machine only when fully loaded. Taking a shower reduces your water consumption by 5-7 times compared to when you take a bath. Install spray nozzles on faucets. This will help reduce water consumption. Tips

in maintaining human life

There is no life if there is no water.

The main environmental problems of mankind:

How is water used in the human body?

regulates body temperature

participates in the metabolism

lubricates the joints

Water is necessary for cleansing blood vessels, joints, all organs and systems.

According to medical experiments:

It is scientifically confirmed that “dry” food consists of 50-60% water:

in bread - about 50%,

in meat - 58-67%,

Symptoms of dehydration are:


poor concentration,


increase in pressure

poor kidney function

dry cough,

pain in the back and joints.

Drinking mode.

Long-term studies of blood under a microscope have proven that the cause of most modern diseases is dehydration of the body and subsequent acidification of the blood.

The whole process of our life is a process of drying out: a person, like any vegetable and fruit, loses its appearance becomes dry and wrinkled. Osteochondrosis of the spine is an excellent example of the fact that desiccation has entered the stage when the jelly-like mass of the intervertebral disc has turned into a thin bone plate, and the vertebrae have "crawled" on top of each other.

blood pressure,

back pain,

rheumatic pains,

blood cholesterol level,


blood pressure, etc.

Observe the drinking regime!

The important role of water is

that it is the main element

in maintaining human life

those. - an indispensable component of all living things.

Only where there is water, there is life.

There is no life if there is no water.

Water is an extraordinary, unique mineral! It is the only mineral that exists in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Water is one of the best energy and information carriers.

All living animals and plant beings are made up of water: animals - 75%, fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95% %, watermelons - by 96%.

The human body consists by weight of 50-86% water (86% in a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly). The water content in various parts of the body is:

bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles - up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%.

The main environmental problems of mankind:

no organic food,

poor quality of drinking water, the main criterion for the state of health of the population,

poor solution of medical and social problems.

According to WHO, 85% of all diseases in the world are transmitted by water. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases.

Man, throughout his life, daily uses water.

Every morning it is saturated with a sip of water, refreshes your body. Here she is in the faucet! Opening the tap, you fill any vessel and use this same water without thinking where it comes from.

He uses it for drinking and food, for washing, in summer - for rest, in winter - for heating.

We are 80% water. Water - main material from which our body is built.

For humans, water is indispensable, and is a more valuable natural resource than iron, oil, coal, gas.

How is water used in the human body?

Helps convert food into energy

helps the body absorb nutrients

humidifies oxygen for breathing,

regulates body temperature

participates in the metabolism

protects vital organs

lubricates the joints

removes various waste products from the body.

The whole process of our life is a process of drying out: a person, like any vegetable and fruit, loses its appearance during long storage, becomes dry and wrinkled. Osteochondrosis of the spine is an excellent example of the fact that desiccation has entered the stage when the jelly-like mass of the intervertebral disc has turned into a thin bone plate, and the vertebrae have "crawled" on top of each other.

A person is obliged to take care of his internal organs, because this is his life support. By using pure boiled water, we spend daily wet cleaning in your body, cleansing it of toxins and toxins.

Without water, no matter what body cleansing procedures you perform, it will be dry cleaning. Without water, it is impossible to do high-quality cleaning, you definitely need water.

A person loses 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. So he needs to drink as much water.

To saturate our body with water, it is necessary to constantly drink only non-boiled water.

A person can drink compote, fanta, mineral water, etc., and the cells drink only pure structured non-boiled water.

According to medical experiments:

a person begins to feel thirsty when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2% (0.5-1.0l)

with a loss of moisture in the amount of 6-8% of body weight, a person falls into a semi-conscious state,

loss of 10% of moisture from body weight hallucinations begin can lead to irreversible changes in the body

with a loss of moisture in the amount of 12%, a person cannot recover without special medical care,

with a loss of moisture in the amount of 20% (7 - 8l), inevitable death occurs.

A person can live without food for about 50 days, if during a hunger strike he drinks fresh water, he will not live without water for a week - death will occur in 5 days.

The average person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In hot weather, with high humidity, during sports, water consumption increases. Even through breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water daily.

The correct drinking regime is the preservation of the physiological water balance, i.e. the release and intake of water should be equivalent.

Approximately 40% of the body's daily water requirement is met with food, the rest we must take in the form of various drinks. Every day you need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water. In hot regions of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 liters per day, and at an air temperature of 38 -40C and low humidity, outdoor workers will need 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water per day.

At the same time, you can’t focus on whether you are thirsty or not, since this reflex occurs already late and is not an adequate indicator of how much water your body needs.

It is scientifically confirmed that “dry” food consists of 50-60% water:

cereals contain up to 80% water,

in bread - about 50%,

in meat - 58-67%,

in vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water.

And about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself.

By participating in the metabolism, water can reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight.

People who want to lose weight believe that their body retains water and try to drink less of it. However, water is a natural diuretic and if you drink it, you will lose weight.

If the body receives enough water, then the person becomes more energetic and hardy.

It is easier for him to control his weight, as digestion improves, and when you are drawn to a snack, it is often enough just to drink water to reduce your appetite.

Symptoms of dehydration are:

dry skin (may be accompanied by itching),


poor concentration,


increase in pressure

poor kidney function

dry cough,

pain in the back and joints.

To maintain the water balance, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. The brain and the whole body will be sufficiently charged the right substances, if you drink unboiled, purified water, of high quality, that is, rich in minerals.

Drinking mode.

We are 80% water. In unboiled water, pH = 7.45 - this indicator practically coincides with the slightly alkaline reaction (pH) of blood. Boiled water, as you know, is dead water. Compare: green tea pH = 6-5, juices 4-5, Fanta or Pepsi 2-3. Thus, if we drink all these drinks, but do not drink water, then our blood gradually becomes acidic.

How much water do you need to drink to remove intoxication and not “acidify”?

In any textbook of physiology there is a norm - 30 ml of water per 1 kg of human weight, this is 2-3 liters of unboiled water per day.

Carbonated water in this case is not suitable.

Tea, coffee, beer, artificial drinks are not able to satisfy the body's need for natural water, especially in a situation where the body is under the stress of daily problems.

All of these drinks contain water, but most of them also contain dehydrating substances such as caffeine, alcohol…

Be sure to drink clean, not boiled water every day. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Long-term studies of blood under a microscope have proven that the cause of most modern diseases is dehydration of the body and subsequent acidification of the blood.

The whole process of our life is a process of drying out: a person, like any vegetable and fruit, loses its appearance during long storage, becomes dry and wrinkled. Osteochondrosis of the spine is an excellent example of the fact that desiccation has entered the stage when the jelly-like mass of the intervertebral disc has turned into a thin bone plate, and the vertebrae have "crawled" on top of each other.

A person, in order to live happily ever after, needs to wash not only his appearance, but be sure to wash inside - wash his inner “home”.

Cleansing the body inside should be carried out daily, using clean, not boiled water. For any cleaning, water is used, because. a dry sponge is impossible to do a good cleaning.

Compliance with the drinking regimen for the body is the use of a sufficient amount of water, which can minimize:

blood pressure,

back pain,

rheumatic pains,

blood cholesterol level,

thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack.

Drinking enough water is one of the better ways prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Regular water intake improves thinking and brain coordination.

I draw the attention of people with diabetes.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the drinking regimen. The pancreas produces insulin, and when dehydrated, its main function is to produce bicarbonate to protect the intestines from acid burning.

So that the process of digestion does not stop, the body draws water from its reserves for the production of bicarbonate. And where to get water for the production of insulin, and how to deliver potassium, sugar, amino acids to a dehydrated cell smeared with cholesterol?

Alas, as you can see, the problems are growing like a lump:


blood pressure, etc.

Therefore, we need to constantly drink unboiled water to help our pancreas.

Observe the drinking regime!

The norm of drinking water per day to replenish the lost is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight, which is 1.5 - 2.5 liters. Drink water not boiled, slowly, in small sips, not in large quantities. The first glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and then during the day, so that it is gradually absorbed in the body and the process of purification is constantly going on. Otherwise, it will immediately leave without fulfilling its purpose. Without water, the body becomes slagged, the blood becomes acidic. Juices, tea, coffee - are not water. Their body takes them as food.

We continue the conversation with a specialist in "household" ecologists. Today's theme is everyday, environmentally friendly habits.

Today talking about environmental issues surprise no one. We talk about the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica, about the onset of desertification territories in distant Africa, about oil spills in the oceans, as well as about many other troubles that can lead to global cataclysms on our planet. We complain about the not very wise powers of this world and wonder how they do not understand that they are sawing the branch on which they sit. After all, the consequences of environmental disasters will certainly affect them, and even possibly their descendants. It's all like that. However, we do not think much about the fact that we ourselves are able to influence the state of environment. Rarely do we blame ourselves for pollution problems. It seems to us that we are not doing anything that can bring tangible harm to the planet. The consequences of our actions often seem insignificant to us, the harm done is completely innocent, and the possible danger is illusory and not noteworthy. Meanwhile, the daily habits of millions of people can cause no less harm to nature than spilled oil off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

A friendly attitude to nature is easiest to form from childhood. Ideally, if a child sees such small things from birth and receives a logical explanation for the existence of such family habits as they grow older, taking into account their development. There may be questions about the existence of several trash cans in the house, the presence of an empty glass near family toothbrushes, which is used when brushing teeth, and many small parts everyday life, accepted in your family.


What are the benefits of talking to children?

1. What is water

Water is the most common oxide on earth. Composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. At normal conditions colorless transparent liquid. In large layers of a bluish tint. Has no smell and taste. The water shell of the Earth is called the hydrosphere. It includes all the waters of the oceans: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, The groundwater, as well as water in the atmosphere and lithosphere. Water in large quantities found in many substances: minerals and rocks, crystals and organic matter, and also it is in huge quantities in the deeper bowels of the Earth's mantle

2. Importance of water in nature

We only highlight the most important aspects:

  • The bulk of the cell falls on water, since the cytoplasm of cells consists of water for more than half
  • Most of the water available in nature is salty and only a small part is fresh.
  • The bulk fresh water planets are stored in glaciers
  • Violation of water metabolic processes in any organism leads to disruption of its functioning and often to death.
  • The water cycle in nature is the basis for the existence of life on Earth
  • water exchange often causes various geological changes

3. Importance of water for the human body

  • AT various types cells human body water content ranges from twenty-eight in bone tissue to ninety-two in blood
  • Water is the basis liquid media our body: blood, lymph and tissue fluid
  • Seventy percent of all body water is concentrated in the protoplasm of cells, that is, it is the so-called intracellular water.
  • The main body regulating water-salt metabolism is the kidneys.
  • Water enters the body in its pure form and in the form bound water included in food
  • The primary role of water in the life of all living beings, including humans, is due to the fact that it is a universal solvent. huge amount chemical substances. That is, in fact, it is the environment in which all life processes take place.
  • Water restriction for a person is the first limiting factor in his life.

4. Use of water in industry and agriculture

  • crop production
  • animal husbandry
  • Forestry
  • Hunting and fishing
  • Fishing and fish farming
  • Transport and communications
  • Construction
  • Mining
  • Energy industry
  • Metal production and metal rolling
  • Community, social and other personal services

The use of water in daily life and everyday life

Let's just list

  • Food and drink
  • Personal hygiene
  • Laundry and cleaning
  • Watering plants
  • Toilet
  • Heating
  • Repair and construction
  • Aesthetic goals
  • Keeping pets or aquarium fish

Sample Action Plan for Changing and/or Building Water Habits

Action plan

  1. We conduct a home audit of water use
  2. Fixing a leak on a ship
  3. Emergency brake!
  4. Am I already clean?
  5. Take care of stock
  6. Water for irrigation
  7. pure source
  8. Fixing a leak on a ship

1. Home audit of water use

How to act?

  • Study the pattern of water consumption in your home
  • Make a list of sources of water use
  • Calculate the amount of water consumed from different sources during the week. This table can help you
  • Let's draw up a diagram of the structure of water consumption at home

To calculate the water used per minute for various needs, you will need three-liter jar and a stopwatch. By measuring how many seconds three liters of water run up when washing dishes, noting how much time you spend on dishes, you can easily calculate how much water runs away in one session. Then count for a week. Children are very enthusiastic about such an audit. To calculate how much water is leaking in a toilet, hang a sticky note with a pen that says something like, “Flushed? Check the box! Knowing the volume of the tank, it is easy to calculate the desired figure. With machines for washing or washing dishes, washing vacuum cleaners and other appliances household appliances even simpler: water consumption in each mode is indicated in the instructions

It's good if you have a water consumption meter. You can compare the meter readings and your audit. Here, not only additional sources of water consumption that you have overlooked can be identified, but inexplicable water losses can also become an unpleasant discovery. Sometimes such actions lead to the detection of leaks in plumbing, not only in the apartment, but also in common buildings.

2. Eliminate the leak on the ship

We may think that a little water comes out of a dripping faucet. But even a slow flow leads to the loss of fifteen to unlimited liters of water per day. A faulty flushing device in the toilet can cause the loss of seven hundred thousand (!!!) liters of water per year. It is necessary to eliminate all leaks in your home, and therefore, reduce the unnecessary cost of clean water.

How to act?

  • Find all the leaking places in the apartment. Here, puddles, drops, condensate and mold can become your assistants in places where water is used: under the sink or in the shower, near the taps or in the toilet.
  • Make a list of things that can be fixed
  • Check if the toilet is leaking. Pour some colored water into the tank at night when no one plans to use it for the next few hours. Don't rinse. After an hour, you can check if the tinted water flows out of the toilet. If so, then the tank is leaking.
  • If you live in a private house, examine the plumbing in the area: columns, hoses, pipes, and so on. Maybe there are leaks
  • Make a plan for fixing leaks and implement it

3. Stop, tap!

Remember if water flows when you wash your face, brush your teeth or wash the dishes? If, while brushing your teeth, the water is left open for three minutes in the morning and three minutes in the evening, twenty liters of water are poured out per day. If there are three of you in the family - sixty liters. By turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, you can easily conserve clean water. After all, clean water getting into the sewer needs to be cleaned. And this is an additional burden on the environment and additional costs.

How to act?

  • Accept on family council solution to save water. Not only in order to replenish the family budget, but also with the environment in mind.
  • Close faucets whenever possible so that water does not flow in vain
  • When washing your hands or washing your face, use water only to wet your skin and soap, then turn off the faucet. Turn the water back on to rinse.
  • When brushing your teeth, use some water to wet the brush and put it in a glass to rinse your teeth. Then close the faucet and open it only to rinse the brush and glass.
  • When washing dishes, clean them first of food debris, then wash hot water. Rinse quickly and leave to dry or wipe dry. Use as little as possible household chemicals, as it complicates further wastewater treatment.
  • If you are using a tap, turn it on as soon as you fill the dishes.

These good habits will save water. Brushing your teeth alone can save you nine thousand liters of water a year per person, which is enough for a five-minute shower every day for nine months! Washing dishes in this way will save the same amount of water, which is enough to wash dishes in the described way for two whole liters.

4. I'm already clean

The water travels a long way to our faucet, and it comes out very quickly. How much water do we need to wash well? To take a shower for ten minutes, you need about one hundred and fifty liters of water. Reducing your shower time to five minutes can cut your water consumption in half without compromising your personal hygiene.

How to act?

  • Time your shower time and calculate how much water everyone uses to wash.
  • Calculate the amount of water needed for a bath.
  • Think about what you need in each case. If you just want to wash, it will be more economical to take a shower. If you want to relax in the water and soak up, take a bath rather than stand in the shower for fifteen minutes or more.
  • While showering, you can turn off the faucet while you soap up. This way you can reduce the time of using water.

These simple rules will not require additional economic or time costs, but will contribute to the preservation of not only water resources, but also the energy needed to heat water and deliver it to our taps.

5. Take care of your drains

Everything that goes into the kitchen sink or toilet goes into the city treatment facilities or spills onto the ground next to our house. The process of water purification is laborious and expensive. In addition, it is sometimes impossible to completely purify water from pollutants: some of them partially or completely remain in waste water. When polluted water is poured simply onto the ground, into a sewer or local sewerage, chemicals can gradually accumulate and pollute the environment.

How to act?

  • You can reduce the use of detergents in household by this method. First, cut your use of detergents in half in a week. If this is not difficult and does not reduce your quality of life, try repeating the procedure. Do this until you find the minimum dose needed to keep your home clean. After all, many types of pollution are easily washed off without detergents.
  • Try to partially or completely replace detergents for less hazardous to nature: soda, mustard powder, river sand, natural coffee residues and other products
  • Limit your use of personal care products to the extent necessary to keep you feeling clean and healthy.
  • enjoy liquid soap instead of lumpy
  • There are products that poison the water less. Pick a list
  • Do not dispose of paint, solvent or other residues down the drain. building mixtures. It is better to drain them into separate containers. Ways to safely dispose of such substances is a topic for a separate discussion. Look for the information you need in competent sources

Reducing the load on wastewater treatment plants can improve the quality of drinking water, reduce economic costs and have a beneficial effect on human health. Saving the family budget is also important: you will be less likely to purchase household chemicals for washing and cleaning.

6. Water for irrigation

Watering the garden, we often do not think about how much water we spend. If you use a pump for this purpose, the jet of water is difficult to control, so a lot of water just pours into the ground without benefiting specific garden plants. Knowing some of the features of plant life, you can bring considerable benefits to the garden, family budget and the planet.

How to act?

  • Watering garden plants, pour water directly under the root, but do not erode the ground. Plants absorb moisture through the entire surface of the root hairs, but not the leaves and stems, so do not waste water pouring over the entire plant. In addition, moisture droplets remaining on the leaves can cause sunburn or fungal diseases.
  • Do not lay down the irrigation hose so that water runs down to the ground. In this case, a lot of water is spent on moistening the soil between the rows, and those plants that are at the end of the row may remain dry.
  • Try to use drip irrigation. It's easy to do it yourself if plastic pipe with holes for watering lay around the plants.
  • Plants will benefit more if they are watered with water from eighteen to twenty-five degrees, so it is better to water them with water heated in special containers.
  • Use the rainwater collected in the container for irrigation. Experienced gardeners claim that plants love it more than tap water

By reducing the water for irrigation, the amount of electricity used by the pump is also reduced, and this is a double saving. Large water savings are especially important during hot weather, when the water level in the wells drops sharply, and the plants especially need generous watering.

7. Pure source

There are many sources of natural water around us. Often the water in such springs is even suitable for drinking, and sometimes it can even have mineral properties that are beneficial to health. Some springs and wells may be in disrepair. If there is such a source near you, try to put it in order and use it in the future.

How to act?

  • Check the quality of your drinking water
  • Contact your health service for information about the safety of drinking water from a tap, well, or spring. The drinking water quality of your source may have already been investigated.
  • Install the necessary water filters
  • Clean up the well, spring, or spring, if necessary.

Involve children at all stages of the proposed action plan. They can not only search necessary information or directly follow your instructions. The active participation of children in the implementation of measures to save water in the family will instill in them the necessary useful life skills, educate positive features character, will contribute to the development of attentiveness, observation, analysis skills, and the active development of mental activity in general.

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