Stalin in the Great Patriotic and World War II. Stalin and Hitler: Collusion

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

After an unsuccessful attempt to sign an anti-Hitler Military Union with France and Great Britain and negotiations with the Germans of the USSR on August 23, 1939 concluded a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. It was issued at the negotiations of the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Molotov and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Joachima Ribbentrop. The officially published nonsense agreement was complemented by the secret protocol, which was also developed on August 23, 1939. This protocol shared all Eastern Europe On the German and Soviet spheres of influence.

Eastern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and part of Romania were recognized by the Soviet Sphere. In the second secret protocol (September 1939), Lithuania was added to them (in exchange for the concession of Germany part of Polish territory). Stalin and Ribbentrop on the night of the signing raised toast, discussing how to overcome the recent hostility between their countries. German-Soviet trade agreements completely undermined the British blockade of the Germans. Economic cooperation between the USSR and the Nazis became so wide that in 1939 Trotsky called Stalin "Hitler's Intennant".

On September 17, 1939, the Red Army crossed the Polish-Soviet border and rushed towards the upcoming Wehrmachut. For many in the world, the arrangement between Hitler and Stalin was shocked. Somehow, the relationship between the two countries was developed very rapidly, between two, at first glance, antagonistic regimes: on August 19, the trade agreement; August 23 - signing a non-aggression treaty; September 23 - a contract on friendship and border. The parties seemed that everything was happening very quickly and spontaneously. In fact, the path of rapprochement between the Nazi leadership of Germany and the communist leadership of the Soviet Union was long and not simple.

In the 20s, in the highest circles of the National Socialist Party, especially in its northwestern unit, as anywhere in Germany, hatred of capitalism and sympathy for Soviet Russia was strong. The same Goebbels told that he believes in Russia, that she would find the strength to reset the Igo Jews-Internationalists. He was terrified by the prospect of war between Germany and Russia. "Better than death at the same time with Bolshevism than eternal slavery at the same time with capitalism." That is why in 1926 he experienced a real shock, having heard one of the program speeches of Hitler, in which he announced the main task of his party to the destruction of Bolshevism - the main shock power Jewry - in the Union with England and Italy. "Maltenia, you won! - exclaimed Goebbels in his diary. - I was shouted on my head. So the heart hurts! "

But after a month, the Führer dispelled the doubts of his slander: "Hitler is great, he recorded in his diary." He thought everything. Its ideal: a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Earth entire people. Individual production. Concerns, trusts, large production, transport, etc. Socialize ... Italy and England are our allies. Russia is ready to devour us ... "
When Stalin decided to establish friendly relations with fascist Germany, he began secret search for direct contacts with the leadership of Germany. Soviet Torgpred in Berlin David Kandelaki reached success (about the fact that he was a personal trustee of Stalin, then no more than six people knew.

Kandelaki managed that, besides him, no one could achieve. He tied negotiations with the main persons of the Fascist Reich and even received a private audience at Hitler. Candelacas and Hitler agreed on and what information was brought in April 1937, he and his mysterious Rudolph in the Kremlin were brought, it is unknown, as unknown and most secret agreements concluded between Soviet and German representatives in 1937-1941. Especially curious a document discovered by the writer Herman Nazarov in one of the Russian archives. This is a general agreement on cooperation, mutual assistance, joint activity, signed on November 11, 1938, in Moscow, Heinrich Muller from Gestapo and Lavrenting Beria from the NKVD.

Muller in the second plan, behind Hitler.

Of the nine paragraphs of this five-hour document, four - the first, second, third and sixth, the first, second, third and sixth are most interesting to understand the pre-war events.

In §1, the purpose of the Agreement is formulated: to establish a close cooperation of the SSR and German special services "in the name of the security and prosperity of both countries, strengthening good-neighborly relations, the friendship of Russian and German peoples, joint activities aimed at making merciless struggle against common enemies leading a systematic inclination policy wars international conflict and enslave mankind. "

The question of who these enemies is specified in §2, which indicates that the NKVD and Gestapo will behave together with two main common enemies: "In international Jewry, its international financial system, Judaism and the Jewish world and the degeneration of mankind in the name of improvement White race and the creation of eugenic racial hygiene mechanisms. "

The species and forms of degeneration parties were determined by an additional protocol. It's "redhead; oblique; Externally ugly - chromonogiy and crooks from birth; having speech defects: whispering, moldability (Vladimir Ilyich came into the number of degenerates on the classification of the NKVD and Gestapapo), stuttering (congenital); Witches and sorcerers, shamans and clairvoyant; Satanists and drawrs; Humpback, dwarfs and with other obviously pronounced defects, which should be attributed to the section of degeneration and degeneration; Persons having large roda spots and the multiple number of small different color Skin coating, multi-eyed eye, etc.. "

Points §2 received unexpected development in the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) of December 20, 1938:

Approve the contract signed between the NKVD of the USSR and the Germans of State Security, cooperation.
In sincerity, relationships issue german authorities former citizens of Austria, Germany, Which are currently located in the USSR and caused their actions with significant damage during work in the Comintern.
The NKVD of the USSR in connection with this should be delayed by the required citizens and ensure the staging of the specialcheel for the transfer of the German authorities.
Request the German authorities on the issuance of former Soviet citizens, Emigured from the USSR, which, due to certain circumstances, are currently located in the countries of Germany, and caused their actions with a significant harm of Soviet power.
Consider appropriateness transfers to the German authorities of family members those who are subject to issuing our party.
NKVD USSR is supposed prepare lists of citizens who need to be requested from the German side. Lists to agree with the Central Committee.
Secretary of the Central Committee I. Stalin. (Printed on the book of Nazarov "And the meeting was still held!).

On January 14, 1939, Geydrich sent Beria's first list of 43 persons to be issued to the German authorities. And from this point on, the simultaneous destruction of the leaders of the Comintern in Germany and the USSR began. Mostly it was the faces of Jewish nationality. In the USSR, according to the NKVD, on December 20, 1940, 180,300 members of the Comintern were convicted, of which 95854 were convicted. It is curious that such a heydrich was found in the first list. famous figuresLike Neuman Heinz, Karl Radek, Gogo Eberlein, Alexander Abramov, S. Brik, Werner Rakov, who, by the time of issue, were already repressed. Max Clausen worked as a radist in the Zorge Group in Japan. George Dimitrov and Walter Ulbricht Stalin did not issue a gestapo.

In the Presidium of the 7th Congress of the Comintern. 1935 year.

Not forgotten and mentioned in the Agreement International Jewish financial system. If used by private, mainly Jewish, firms cheap Soviet oil was used in the global market mainly to put pressure on a petroleum group, then From February 1939, the Soviet government stopped selling oil to private firms and it began to sell it only Germany, Italy And to them friendly states ...
§3 of the General Agreement said: "The parties will fully help strengthen the principles of socialism in the USSR, National Socialism in Germany and are convinced that one of the fundamental elements of security is the process of militarization of the economy, the development of the military industry and the strengthening of the power and the capacity of the armed forces of their states." §6 clarified: USSR and Germany will cooperate in the "military industry; aircraft industry: economics; finance; energy; science and technology ", as well as" in the field of secret secrets, theosocology, theosophy, paranormal and abnormal phenomena affecting social processes and inner life states ... "

On May 23, 1939, Hitler declared his generals that a big war in Europe is inevitable. For two years, they have to defeat England, France and Poland. Assm should have given Germany the resources necessary for the War War. In general, the speech of Hitler was quite controversial, but none of those present dared to ask clarifying questions. However, before this period, it was necessary to persuade Russia to give Rihu the rated raw materials - bread, liquid fuel, manganese ore, cotton, phosphates, asbestos. At the same time trying to give as little as possible in return, because much of what requested Soviet Union It was extremely necessary by the German army.

The Germans involved all channels for the forced rapprochement from the USSR, but there were nowhere to hurry: a week left for a week, and there was no more friendly conversation. Finally, on August 15, when some two weeks left to the declared period of attack on Poland, Ribbentrop suggested Molotov to conclude a non-aggression pact for 25 years and asked him to take it in Moscow on August 18. Molotov, as if not understanding the whole desperation of the German situation, set the preliminary conclusion of a trade and credit agreement. And the Germans, who, on the eve of the war, fit the loan themselves, hurried after three days to conclude such a contract for 200 million brands.

(Finally, the trade agreement was formed in 1940 with a significant expansion of the nomenclature and supply volumes. On February 11, 1940, the economic agreement was signed between the USSR and Germany. It envisaged that the Soviet Union would put Germany in the amount of 420-430 million German brands for 12 months, that is, until February 11, 1941. Germany was obliged to put the USSR military materials and industrial equipment At the same amount for 15 months, that is, until May 11, 1941. On August 11, 1940 (six months after the signing of the Agreement), as well as on February 11, 1941 (a year later, German deliveries had to lag from Soviet no more than 20%. Otherwise, the USSR had the right to "temporarily suspend their deliveries."

The agreement stipulated that the USSR will supply to Germany

  • 1,000,000 tons of fodder grain and legumes, in the amount of 120 million Reichsmarock
  • 900,000 tons of oil in the amount of about 115 million Reichsmarock
  • 100,000 tons of cotton in the amount of about 90 million ReichSmarock
  • 500,000 tons of phosphates
  • 100,000 tons of chromite ores
  • 500,000 tons of iron ore
  • 300,000 tons of cast-iron scrap and cast iron in bars
  • 2 400 kg platinum

To ensure the fulfillment of its orders, the USSR pledged to put Germany over the next 18 months of 11,000 tons of copper, 3000 tons of nickel, 950 tons of zinc, 500 tons of molybdenum, 500 tonnes tungsten, 40 tons of cobral.

In addition, the USSR provided a discount of Germany to the transit of its goods at the trans-Siberian highway. What for Germany in the conditions of the Anglo-French blockade was extremely important.

The USSR in exchange received an unfinished heavy cruiser "Lutsz" and the equipment needed to complete its construction; samples of ship artillery, min, torpedo, periscopes; samples of the last models of aircraft; samples of artillery, tanks, means of communication; Samples of more than 300 types of machines and machines: excavators, drilling rigs, electric motors, compressors, pumps, steam turbines, oil equipment, etc.)

Molotov signs a treaty by Ribbentrop, to the right of Stalin. If they knew what would happen next ...

After the main condition was fulfilled, Ribbentrop was again the population of Schulenburg Ambassador, demanding that he achieved agreement on it, ribbentrop, arrival in Moscow to conclude a non-aggression Covenant. But, since Moscow and this time did not hurry with the answer, Hitler, having humbled his pride, first turned to Stalin with a message in which he asked to accept Ribbentrop. And he kindly appointed a meeting on August 23. It was on this day that a non-reliable secret protocol was signed in Moscow.

I shared with you the information that "accumulated" and systematized. At the same time, it was not impoverished at all and is ready to go further, at least twice a week. If you find mistakes or inaccuracies in the article - please inform. My electronic address: [Email Protected] I'll be very thankful.

8. Unlike the Communists who actively collaborated with Germany and shared Europe with the Molotov-Ribbentrop, UPA and OUN, did not cooperate either with German or communist occupation governments.
In turn, the Communists and Germans, in addition to the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Cove, taught each other, conducted joint repression, parades, exchanged by weapons, etc.
Communists and Germany together attacked Poland, unleashing the Second World War on September 1, 1939!

That is, communism and Nazism worked closely, but at the same time they accuse for some reason the Bander who lessed in the German concentration camp for the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine.
And for refusing to cooperate with Germany, two brothers Bandera were tortured in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Then the question arises: who whose accomplice is actually?
Famous factthat communist pilots studied in Germany, and Germany adopted the "experience of building gulags" from the Communists.
They helped each food due to the Holodomorov in Ukraine.
The UPA and Bandera did not have any agreements with the German occupying government, for which the Bandera was sitting in the concentration camp, and most of his family were repressed under various pretexts as communists and the Germans.

"15 facts about" Bandera ", or what the Kremlin is silent".

This is a quotation from the very article for the repost of which a resident of Perm was tried and fined to 200 thousand rubles. He was accused of disseminating false statements about the USSR and the rehabilitation of Nazism.

It is interesting, and what is contrary to historical facts, not Russian mythology, but what did the facts found representatives of Russian Claro Disminia in these words?

Military German-Soviet cooperation began long before the Second World War. It is necessary to recall that after the defeat in the First World War in the Versailles Peace Treaty, there were quite serious restrictions on Germany regarding the Reichsover and the military-industrial complex as a whole. Soviet Russia turned out to be the blacksmith in which the Nazi sword was discovered. And this is a fact.

On August 11, 1922, a temporary cooperation agreement was concluded between tips and Germany. Some items from it.

1. Mutual familiarization with the state and methods of training both armies by directions on maneuvers, field exercises, academic courses
2. Joint chemical experiments
3. Organization of Tank and Aviation Schools
4. Commissioning to Germany representatives of Soviet departments, namely: the management of the Air Force, Scientific and Technical Committee, Art Department, HardsanPR and others to study certain issues and familiarization with the organization of a number of secret work

Germany in Versailles was forbidden to have tank troops and military aviation, therefore in 1924 in the USSR, in Lipetsk, the Aviation School of the Reichsber is created through which the future Asses of the Third Reich passed. In 1926, the "Kama" tank school appears in Kazan. There was another school, the most secretly called "Toka". She was in the Samara region. It was a school of chemical war.

Undoubtedly, cooperation was mutually beneficial, the Germans trained their footage to the Versailles' contract, and the USSR received, including access to advanced military developments.

Nevertheless, by 1933, this cooperation went to no. The second breath of Soviet-German friendship acquired after signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant on August 23, 1939 and the secret protocol to it. Of the most protocol that he shared Europe into the zones of influence and, in general, which gave green light The beginning of World War II.

The Russians do not like this name - the second world, try to delete it and replace the "Great Domestic". It is understandable, the beginning of the Second World War, its first stage is a very uncomfortable point of history for the fans of the USSR. The problem is that, if we talk about the Second World War and that it began in 1939, the responsibility of the USSR for the unleashing of Oyoy must be recognized. With all flowing. A joint partition of Poland, the occupation of the Baltic countries, the attack on Finland and the press of Romania Bessarabia is all the Second World War. This is the war on which the USSR performed ally nazi Germany.

In addition to military cooperation, several trade agreements were concluded, for which in exchange for the supply of equipment for plants, some arms samples (aircraft, Lutsz Cruiser and 5 more warships, mass of various "spare parts" for various military equipmentIn short, the Military Development of 3 Reich) The USSR supplied the raw materials needed for Germany. It reminds 1939-40 and the beginning of 41 years. In 1940, a number of secret meetings occur between representatives of the NKVD and Gestapo, and the conclusion of cooperation between them. Let me remind you that Stalin issued Hitler all the German Communists who came to the USSR. Here is such a 3 intermenimal.

On June 17, 1940, the German Ambassador to the USSR Schulenburg sends a telegram of such a content to Berlin:

Molotov invited me tonight in his office and expressed me the warmest congratulations to the Soviet government on the occasion of the brilliant success of the German Armed Forces. Next Molotov informed me about Soviet actions in relation to the Baltic states. He referred to the arguments published in the newspapers, and added that it became necessary to put an end to all the intrigues of England and France, trying to sow distrust and disagreements between Germany and the Soviet Union in the Baltic countries.
For negotiations on the formation of new governments, the Soviet governments, in addition to the pollipred accredited there, was sent by the following particularly authorized persons: in Lithuania - Deputy People's Commissioner of Decanozov Foreign Affairs; in Latvia - Vyshinsky, representative of the Council of Ministers; In Estonia - Leningrad party leader Zhdanov.
In connection with the flight of the estates and the possible transition of the boundaries of [the former] Lithuanian army, Molotov said that the Lithuanian border is clearly protected. Soviet governmentTherefore, if necessary, will provide the Lithuanian government assistance in the protection of borders.

Schulenburg "

For those who do not understand. Stalin, through Molotov, congratulates Hitler with the capture of Paris.

In September 1939, the Soviet press, for example, the "Red Star", prints Hitler's speeches. By the way, the same newspaper reports a joint parade in Brest-Litovsk, on the occasion of the transfer of the German side of this city to the Soviets, well, as a victorious in a joint war over Poland.

These are the facts that the current Russia, the heir to the legal and spiritual USSR does not recognize. As with responsibility for the disconnection of a large armed conflict.

And also, the fact that in 1941, two gangsters were redistered, they were also clear, Europe was already ate, and any empire to strive to expand their borders, so the conflict in any case was inevitable. Not in 1941, so in 1951. Not Hitler would attack Stalin, so sooner or later, Stalin would have attacked Hitler. And there is also indirect evidence, it is enough to recall at least the tanks of the KV-2, a hundreds of which in 1941 stood at the Western borders of the USSR, and this offensive weapon intended primarily for the destruction of concrete fortifications.

The fact that for the denial of lies and the word truth in the Russian Federation began to crack at all amazing. The current "grandfathers" state-forming myth about the "Great Patriotic War" and the fight against Nazism, in general, is crumbling about a number historical facts. And without this myth of the Russian Federation in its current form is doomed, so this court is only the beginning. The myth-making and falsifiers will try to fully tell us about the immortal "feat" of the "28 Panfilovtsev", but at the same time will unwind from the pages of books and textbooks any mention of the Soviet-Nazi friendship and joint actions of two criminal regimes.

About Molotov's Pact - Ribbentrop heard many, but few people know that a year later the Germans offered the USSR a new contract. If Stalin and Hitler were then agreed, the Soviet Union would become a full ally of Germany

Knowledge of its history is not only a matter of education and culture. This is also the necessary foundation for creating a common future people living in one country. RBC, together with free historical society, continues the cycle of publications about the main events that have become swivels in our common story - Stories of Russia.

Three in the boat

75 years ago, on November 14, 1940, Chairman of the Sovnarkom and the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov, a number two people in the Soviet leadership, completed his three-day visit to Berlin. This trip has become the last attempt to resolve contradictions accumulated between the partners in the Covenant, and prevent the emergence of the Soviet-German war.

Ribbentrop and Hitler offered Molotov so that the USSR would join the triple CTU, which would thus turn into a four way. According to the project, Germany, Italy, Japan and the Soviet Union pledged to respect the "natural spheres of influence each other." A draft secret protocol was made to the contract, where the center of gravity of Soviet interest was determined "towards the Indian Ocean", and more specifically - to the Persian Bay and the Arabian Sea.

In fact, the USSR was offered either to wait for Germany and its allies to crush the British Empire, and pick up their share of production (if they allowed), or now try to occupy at least Iran, which would have led to the conflict with England. True, Hitler in a conversation with Molotov emphasized that "no asking for any military aid - Germany does not need it." Transcripts of these meetings have been preserved.

Molotov and Stalin, allowing the participation of the USSR in Four Covenate, demanded to bring German troops from Finland and allow the USSR to occupy this country. Molotov also expressed dissatisfaction with the guarantees of the territorial integrity of Romania and entering the German troops in Germany. In return, he demanded the transition of Bulgaria to the Soviet sphere of influence and establishing Soviet control over the Black Sea Straits with the creation of a military base there.

All these requirements were finally formulated in the draft Agreement of the USSR, Germany, Japan and Italy, transferred to the Himolovsky Ambassador in Moscow to the Vernera von der Shullenburg on November 25. German troops were to leave Finland, which was to be subject to Soviet occupation. The Soviet naval base was to be created in Dardanelles, and with Bulgaria, moving to the Soviet sphere of influence, the USSR will make a mutual assistance pact. The sphere of interests of the USSR was determined "in the south of Batum and Baku in the general direction to the Persian Bay," which included Turkey and Iran in it.

However, German response to this project did not follow. Even in Berlin, Hitler categorically opposed Stalin's new war against Finland, pointing out the importance for Germany's calm in Baltic. As for Bulgaria, the German side considered the German side acceptable only if Sofia agrees to him. And about Turkey, Hitler agreed only to revise in the spirit favorable for the USSR, the Montreux Convention, regulating the mode of the Black Sea strait.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissar of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov signs the German-Soviet agreement on friendship and the border between the USSR and Germany. Stand (from left to right) Joachim background-Ribbentrop, I.V. Stalin, V.N. Pavlov, F. Gaus (Photo: photoxicronics TASS)

The inevitability of war

After the visit of Molotov, the Soviet-German war became inevitable in the next few months. This is what General Guderian, the creator of the German Tank Forces, wrote in his memoirs: "Hitler was very angry with the requirements of Russian and clearly expressed his displeasure during conversations in Berlin, simply by ignoring the subsequent Russian notch. From the visit of Molotov and the move of Negotkov, Hitler concluded that the war with the Soviet Union was sooner or later inevitable. "

After the departure of Molotov from Berlin, the sides began to prepare for attack on each other. Hitler on December 19, 1940 signed the Barbarossa plan, which assumed the attack on the USSR on May 15, 1941. On May 30, when the attack was already postponed on June 22, Hitler spoke to the German diplomat Waltera Helyl: "Barbarossa" is a risk, like everything, if it fails, then everything is somehow disappeared. But when she succeeds, there would be a situation that would probably have forced England to the world. "

In turn, the Red Army was constantly preparing for war in the West. Only the deadlines changed - on the deployment plan of March 11, 1941, a pencil mark was preserved, made by Deputy Head of the General Staff Nikolai Vatutin: "An offensive to start on June 12" (the document is kept in the archives of the General Staff, it was published in 1999). However, when in mid-May, a detailed campaign plan was drawn up in the General Staff, its implementation was assumed in July.

Hitler did not trust Stalin and did not doubt that sooner or later he would attack him. Similarly, Stalin did not trust Hitler and did not doubt that sooner or later, Germany will attack the USSR. It was all the case in terms.

Stalin seems to be seriously believed that the Wehrmacht, as Ribbentrop and Hitler told Molotov, would soon invad the British Islands. The near time could only be the summer of 1941. Stalin, as well as Molotov, and the Soviet generals, did not imagine all the difficulties of the operation on the forcing of La Mansha. Why, in particular, persistently demanded from Western allies to land in France back in 1941-1942. It is no coincidence that Goering spoke Molotov on the decisive role of Luftwaffe in the war with England. And the capture of Crete with the help of aviation and air assault in May 1941 should only strengthen Stalin in this opinion. Hitler, as opposed to Stalin, allowed that the Soviet attack could follow in 1941. Thus, according to the testimony of the former head of the 4th army of Günther Bluemenitrite, "Hitler said he did not intend to wait for the Russians will be ready for the attack, and ahead of this danger from the east for the protection of Germany and all of Europe. He believed that the Russians would attack Germany in 1941. "

Joseph Stalin and Joachim Background Ribbentrop in the Kremlin August 23, 1939 (Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild)

What would happen if Stalin and Molotov took the offer of Hitler and Ribbentrop? Probably, then Hitler would not immediately attack the USSR, and transferred the center of gravity of the Luftwaffe action in the Mediterranean and would send there a few best tank and motorized divisions. But he would leave the main part of the land army in the east in case of the Soviet attack.

Agreeing on the proposal of Hitler about the Four Union, the Soviet dictator had a chance to hit first. But he decided to play a large, hoping that for a benevolent neutrality Hitler would give up Finland, Bulgaria and Turkey. However, such concessions for Hitler did not make sense. The Soviet occupation of Finland created a threat to Sweden, where the vital industry of Reich was supplied from iron ore. The USSR control over Bulgaria put in the extremely complex position of Romania and the German troops placed there, and also created the overall border with Greece from the Soviet sphere, which threatened the Mediterranean strategy of Germany and Italy.

So, the expansion, which was conducted by two dictators, led to bloody War. Nazi Reich died, but also the Soviet Union, which turned out to be among the winners, lost millions of its inhabitants and was so weakened that he could not hold the acquired territories for a long time. About these lessons and today it is worth remembering to all those who seek expansion.

Free Historical Society (VIO)was created in 2014, uniting historians and specialists of social and humanitarian Scienceswho consider it necessary to resist the falsifications of the history of recent times and are ready to fight for the honor of professional scientific community. During the year, VIO has repeatedly performed with criticism of the solutions of the authorities. So, it was supported by Professor MGIMO Andrei Zubet, dismissed for the criticism of the Russian foreign Policy in relation to Ukraine. Academician Yuri Bivovarov, accused of negligence in connection with the fire in Inion, was also openly supported. Criticism from VIO was repeatedly subjected to the statements of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Midage, who advocated the propaganda of the myths of Soviet times, and also stated that historians and archivans should be engaged in the fact that the state pays them money, and not to master the adjacent professions. "

Boris Sokolov member of the Russian Penaging Center and Volnaya Historical Society

Poet against the artist

... during the century of bloodshed Hitler and Stalin performed in similar horrific roles, like two lighthouse evil. They devoted themselves to mutual destruction, however, it seemed that they were still needed to each other. They studied careers, respected and even admired their cruelty, and used each other to develop their ambitions.

Adhering to their ideologies, their goal was the collapse of Europe, the death of millions of people and redoned political system all over the world.

Both, both Hitler and Stalin, were outsiders, they came out of far poorer places than the empires that they created later, so they were sometimes called provincials, vulgar jacks, and both of them had a characteristic regional emphasis throughout life.

"Pink bud,

Sniffed to violet blue

And, easy wind awakened,

Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Grass "

These verses belong to the young Georgian poet, which at an early age refused the poetic field for the sake of the Great Idea ...

Joseph Stalin was born in 1878 in Georgia, where he is still considered a hero, despite the fact that he turned his back to his country. Joseph Jugashvili (his real name) took the revolutionary name Stalin in 1912.

Stalin was the son of a simple shoemaker who terrorized the family. As a child, he had a silence, which left the scars on his face for life. His left hand He was paralyzed as a result of an accident, it was only 1.52 tall and sometimes walked on a hidden platform.

Adolf Shiklgrubber, better known as Hitler, was for 10 years younger than Stalin. He also could not boast of happy childhood. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the suburbs of the Austrian Town Branau. He was smart, but a lazy boy, and loved to dream of adventures. From early childhood, he adored books about war and military service. His father was a customs official. He wanted Adolf to continue his way and went to public service. The boy was shocked, he said he wanted to become an artist.

"By artist? Only through my corpse!" - He answered his father.

Like Stalin, Hitler grew up in a very brutal atmosphere. Hitler's father was very cruel man And often beat Adolf and his brother. The fact that Hitler despised his father was obvious. But he just adored his mother to Clara, he wore her photo until his death. She was very balung him than the boy spoiled. Having come to power, Hitler proclaimed the death day of his mother to the Mothers in Germany.

Stalin's mother, Catherine, was not so hoping on his son, but also cared for him, sending her son a basket with Georgian delicacies to death. When Stalin somehow reproached her in the fact that she handles him like a child, she replied that that is why he grew up a good man. She wanted him to become a priest, and sent him to the Orthodox Russian Spiritual Academy. It was a turning point in the life of the Georgian boy.

... Poet Jugashvili ended when Stalin collided with Marxists when the matter of universal justice captured him entirely. Although according to some data, Stalin did not stop writing poetry to the death itself ...

"But instead of the greatness of glory

People of His Earth

Canceled poison

In the bowl presented.

Said him: "Damned,

Pey, dying to the bottom ...

And your song is alien to us

And the truth is not needed! "

In the repressive atmosphere of the seminary in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, Stalin was perfectly politically caught. Instead of the Bible, he read a copy of the Marxist theory, and instead of Christianity he believed in a new communist idea. His daughter, Svetlana, believes that it was at this stage that he realized that the people of rude and intolerant, and that they would lie and fly intrigues. At the age of 20, he left the seminary and dedicated his life revolution.

Stalin had all the qualities of the terrorist, he robbed banks, provoked the brutal demonstration and beat his opponents. Seven times he was arrested and exiled to Siberia. A little later, he wrote about those times:

"I was communicating for the most part With criminals. I remember how we stayed in the salons of the city and drank all their pennies. The criminals were quite cunning, and among them there were many political rats. "

In Siberia, Joseph Stalin developed a line, which in the future helped him to reach power - absolute self-confidence and independence. He could not rely on anyone, except for himself, never shared his experiences. Later he said:

Hitler was a little different. In 1908, he left the small town of Austria and came to Vienna, where he wanted to try her happiness and make the artist's career. It is known that even at school, the evaluation "excellent" was only a gymnastics and drawing. He painted everything that saw, painted a lot and painted until death.

"I was sure that they would meet me there with open arms, I would be glad, since my work is impeccable," Hitler wrote in his work "My struggle" before the arrival in Vienna. But, as it turned out, his talent was not enough. He tried twice to enter the Academy of Arts, but he was denied twice:

"It was very hard. When I found out the news, I just missed me" -he spoke. The failed artist quickly sank, and he had to look for her housing among the vagrants. It was very humiliating. Embarrassed and lonely, he sat all day in the same corner, drawing. Hitler tried to earn, selling his scenery veins as illustrated postcards.

First world War 1914 were turning in the life of Adolf Hitler. He became a regimental courier, passing messages from one trench to another, often under merciless fire. Was twice wounded, once poisoned with gas, then was awarded the Order Iron Cross. War forever changed him. He created a moral redemption, perhaps it was due to the fact that he constantly saw his friends kill people, and this prompted the desire to put themselves in the atmosphere of death and destruction. This affected his future desire to apply violence in politics.

"I realized that life is very cruel, and there is no other purpose, except for the preservation of the form" -hitler wrote. For him, there was no such concept as morality. He recognized only the survival of the strongest representative of the highest German nation.

Joseph Stalin, unlike Adolf Hitler, did not participate in the First World War due to the injury of the hand and political unrest. Freed from service, he completely devoted himself to politics. He perfectly understood his role in history, working with such personalities as Trotsky and Lenin. Stalin seemed to have already understood his destination, but Hitler after the First World War was in complete chaos.

The defeat of Germany in 1918 was a strong blow to him. He recognized this news, being in the hospital after gas poisoning. The defeat was betrayed by Hitler the strongest features that were also inherent in Stalin - an unsurpassed sense of a political mission. Later he wrote:

"I grew in me hatred, hatred for those who are not responsible for these actions. My fate has become clear to me."

He felt that he needed to tie his life with German history and with future Germany.

In 1919, he entered the right batch of workers in Munich. From the very beginning, he made a speech, despite his Austrian accent. The power of oratory gave him control over the party just formed by the party and the thousands of its new members. In less than a year Hitler made her his. It was an amazing change in a person who in just 10 years from the beggar became the leader.

Stalin at that time had already reached the authorities and tried to grasp it, but in the world where Lenin was a star, Stalin had to reduce his ambitions, unlike Hitler, who was craving for power. Lenin appreciated the ruthlessness and Deceit of Stalin:

"This cocoon will cook us anything else like a pended dish" -he spoke.

Stalin's behavior in relation to the party and his ability led him in 1922 by the position of Secretary General of the Communist Party, which gave him a good base for the future, especially when Lenin's health worsened.

Stalin knew how to choose people in his office in the Central Committee of the Party, put them on the places they needed, and these people later remained him obliged for high positions.

Lenin's death gave Stalin the opportunity he was waiting for so long. He acted as a new preacher of the cult of Lenin's personality, at the same time he calculated his rivals. The skill of Stalin's power was built on his wonderful ability to destroy others.

After the elimination of Trotsky, as the main opponent, Stalin will begin politics against those who helped him eliminate Trotsky. And they will also eliminate them.

Secretary and ruthless Secretary General of the Communist Party built full and despotic power, which was not equal. Only one person could compete with him - Adolf Hitler.

In January 1933, Hitler became German Chancellor. But this was not what he wanted - a perfect winner, but only the head of the coalition government. The fact that he had to go later was very different from the path of Stalin.

Stalin reworked the party and the organization, and Hitler had to create his batch from nothing. But, like Stalin in Russia, in Germany, many underestimated the Fuhrera, although he used the same methods of tricks and manipulation. German conservatives believed that as soon as Hitler comes to power, they will be able to control it. They were also mistaken, like approximate Stalin.

The strength of Hitler was the ability to talk. His speeches hurt people and brought him closer to him. He wrote about him as follows:

"Hitler energized the vibrations of human hearts with the accuracy of the seismologist or the radio, thereby allowing it to act as a voice of the whole nation."

Before starting speech, Hitler always felt the mood of the listeners. Orator, as he said, receives a permanent leadership from people to which he acts. It was a combination of style and emotions, as well as the acting abilities of Hitler.

All contemporaries of the Fuhrer celebrated his special gesticulation during performances. It was a spell, hypnosis, its characteristic gestures - folded hands on the chest, sharp emission of one hand forward - concluded a mysterious esoteric meaning. It was an external copying of the signs of the ancient Germann runes. Hitler designed his speeches as an artist, all speeches were thoroughly thought out.

Stalin's power could not compare with his public speeches. Stalin had many talents, but there were no oratory art on this list. Until the end of his days, he spoke with a strong Georgian accent, he lacked speech fluency, but he had a pretty pleasant communications manner at party conferences. Stalin, unlike Hitler, never sought to the external show-sided side of his speeches. Calm, subordinate internal logic Speech Stalin was deprived of any emotionality. Each word was verified and weighed, the logic of his speeches was flawless. Stalin paid a lot of time to his self-education, and he himself said that he reads up to 500 pages daily. But it was difficult to imagine that he could appear on the Nazi rally and, like Hitler, make people stand up ...

Stalin became one of the main figures in Russia. Like Hitler, he had a huge dictatorial power, and, like Hitler, he used it to implement personal plans. For Stalin, it was modernization, and nothing, and no one could prevent him from achieving his goal. Stalin always believed that the fastest way to political solution of the problem is a physical strife:

"If any social group people prevent your politics, eliminate them physically "-he spoke.

Ideologies need enemies. The enemies of the Nazis were outsiders, Jews, Marxists, Roma and Homosexuals. Stalin's enemies were his own people, against whom he began the war in the name of the state ..

Hitler, unlike Stalin, was a vegetarian, and never smoked. He hated the routine control. Unlike Stalin, Hitler refused to read long papers, he got up late and often did nothing entire day.

Joseph Stalin has always been in the post. Working one days and nights on his dacha, he got the nickname "friend of the card file." He was very diligent, unlike Hitler. It was his very valuable feature regarding power. Over time, his paranoia intensified, he stopped trusting all the people around him, even close to colleagues and friends. He got rid of them. He became a permanent figure in the infinite chain of the funeral.

"There is a person - there is a problem. No person - no problem" -speaking Stalin.

In 1938, Hitler and Stalin became absolute heads each in their own country. And for the balancing of power in Europe, they began to follow each other.

"I read the book about Stalin," said Hitler, "he is an amazing person who placed all this gigantic country in his iron hugs."

Both, Hitler and Stalin, silently admired each other and respected the fact that they were both of the lower layers, but they went through the way to the huge power.

In 1939, Hitler set up a new goal - Poland. With the help of logic, but also with higher cynicism, characteristic of both dictators, two enemy camps fell into mortal arms. In the summer of 1939, Hitler sent his minister of Ribbentrop to Moscow for signing with Stalin "Covenant on nonsense." It was beneficial to both parties: Hitler could calmly attack Poland, Stalin, who weakened after the hostilities, could safely collect defense. After signing the Covenant Stalin said:

"I know that Hitler on the mind. He thinks he has reached me, but in fact it I reached him."

Events showed that he was mistaken ...

The pact caused war in the world and decided the fate of Poland. The secret agreement of the dictators divided the territory of Poland between them. In the summer of 1940, Hitler visited Paris as a conqueror. In less than 6 weeks, France was in Hitler's hands. His military success strongly strengthened Hitler's self-conceit as a political genius, he equated himself to Napoleon.

He was lowered by success, he again sent his attention to the East. He ordered his generals to prepare a lightning attack on the Soviet Union to the beginning of the summer.

... The idea of \u200b\u200b"Blitzkrieg" was the source of the artist expressionist, and indeed, as in the picture to the legs of Hitler, conquered countries fell: France lasted a month, Denmark fell in one day, Holland lasted less than a week. He planned the same thing in the USSR, but here the Hitler expression came across a person for whom the "word" was the main thing. Stalinist word "brothers and sisters!" And "the enemy will be fighting - the victory will be behind us!" Penetrated into the consciousness of each soldier, and everyone could draw a picture of the future victory.

Those., The artist, who tried to draw a picture of the Millennial Reich with rapid smears in the spirit of impressionism, to draw a picture of the capture of the most quick strokes big countries In the world, and the poet, who first did not realize what was happening, then I thought for a long time, well, and then I completed the case as it was necessary ...

At the same time, Stalin was absolutely sure that Hitler would not attack him, despite the information received from the reservoirs. He did not believe anyone except Hitler.

When Stalin first heard that the Germans bombed Russia, his answer was:

"Hitler knows nothing about it. It is urgent to contact Berlin!"

But soon he learned the brutal truth. Hitler's betrayal plunged him into rage. After that, he left for his cottage and inactive, while the Germans were approaching. Even after the war, he shook his head and said:

"Together with the Germans we would be invincible."

In order to recover Stalin it took time. On June 30, 1941, he returned to the Kremlin and restored control again by contacting the Russians:

"Well, if the Germans want a fighter war, they will get it!"

Now that two dictators were bent among themselves, their ruthlessness and cruelty accepted a new turn. It was the battle of Titans, the battle is not for life, but to death between two tyrants of world history.

Hitler was absolutely confident in the victory. But the strategy was not understood correctly and faith into their own power.

German troops were not prepared for the Russian Winter. They stretched too much in the endless expanses of the Soviet territories.

When the paints thickened, Hitler realized that Stalin's power is that he was always ready to take into account the fact that others did not even notice. Stalin is half a monster, half a giant - it is completely indifferent to the social side of life. People had to die for what he wanted.

After the defeat in Stalingrad, Hitler went to the shadow, and his relationship with the Germans weakened. This error reduced the magnitude of its shape.

When Russian troops approached Berlin, Hitler forbade negotiations with them:

"If we agree, tomorrow I will do the same. And I can't do anything with it ..."he spoke.

In March 1945, Fuhrer last seemed to be in public. The war has greatly aged him, he looked significantly over his 56 years. According to official data on April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide.

When Stalin found out that Hitler committed suicide, he exclaimed:

"He did it, a scoundrel! It is a pity that we could not take it alive." Stalin Hitler War

After the death of Hitler and the end of the war, Stalin became even more powerful. But the older he became, the one was more alienated and isolated, constantly afraid of death ..

Stalin, despite its tyranny, occupies an important place in history. He was a great leader who brought the country the order and development of the industry.

Both, Hitler and Stalin, threw a shadow on modern world history. During their power killed millions of people. For many, Hitler will remain the brightest reflection of evil. Stalin is not so strictly condemned, because his crimes became known only after his death. But it is possible that in conclusion it is not important that of them were more cruel, but what their roots were. Both dictators were pretty early walked hands from compassion.

"One death is the tragedy - said Stalin. - The death of millions is statistics."

"Conscience - said Hitler, is the fiction of the Jews" ...

... If you take these metaphors that Hitler is an artist, and Stalin is a poet, then Hitler rather produced an external impression, the effect of visual, and Stalin "verb Zaga's hearts of people", and the effect turned out to be more structural, large-scale precisely from Stalin.

Stalin retreated from the direct expansion, which was in the speech of Hitler, and it seems to look a non-stubborn, without special gesticulation and nested in this gesticulation of mystical senders, but at the same time ideology encoded in the behavior itself and in signs had a more fundamental and serious influence that people Each in its own way, deciphered within themselves.

The Hitler's Millennial Reich painting, drawn by wide strokes, could not stand the test of time, she crumbled with the artist. Stalin's image of the victory turned out to be stronger and more durable ..

And so, and the other was died of talents with generous hand. One could have become a very good paint artist, architect; Another could have become a very good poet of the late 19th - early 20th century. But both refused their talents for the sake of the country's good, for the fact that they considered justice ...

"When I die, a lot of garbage will be applied to my grave, but the wind of time ruthlessly meets him ..."Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

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