Moscow Sretensky Theological Seminary. Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

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Pray at the icon of the Mother of God © depositphotos

Today, November 4, the Orthodox world celebrates another religious holiday- the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Website will tell you about the history of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the holiday, prayer, traditions, rituals and signs of this day.

The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated on November 4, and in 2018 it falls on Sunday.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - history

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has a very interesting story. It was found in the 16th century by a little girl Matrona on the ashes of a great fire that destroyed part of the city of Kazan, after the Mother of God herself appeared to her three times in a dream and indicated the place where the icon was hidden.

At the place where the icon was found, the Bogoroditsky maiden monastery was built, where later Matrona and her mother received monastic vows.

Many lists were made from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the icon itself became famous for its miraculous work - the sick recovered, the blind gained sight, the enemies were defeated and expelled.

The most famous miracles of the intercession of the Mother of God are associated with the events of the Time of Troubles. On November 4, 1612, militiamen, blessed by the Kazan Icon, led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky, liberated Moscow from the Poles in a fierce struggle.


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In memory of this victory, one of the most important Orthodox churches was erected in the center of Moscow - the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Smooth pavement, laid out in front of the Kazan Cathedral, was later called Red Square. The temple was restored on November 4, 1993 - the day of memory of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which is celebrated with worship and procession.

Feast of the Kazan Icon - traditions and rituals of the day

The day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has long been considered one of the main women's holidays, and it is not for nothing that the icon is called the "Kazan woman's intercessor". There are many rites and rituals used by women in the old days.

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Birch leaf gives beauty and protects from old age. To do this, early in the morning on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, women went to a birch grove in search of leaves covered with frost. Having torn off such a leaf, they looked into it, as if into a mirror. It was believed that after that the face would be cleansed and rejuvenated, and throughout the year the woman would look young and beautiful.

Apple and honey gives beauty. From a sacred apple stored with, women peeled and threw away the peel, imagining that all the imperfections of the skin of the face would disappear with it. Then the apple was rubbed and, together with honey, applied to the face with the words: "The apple has been cleansed, and my face will be cleansed. The honey is soft and sweet, and my skin will become soft and sweet."

Late autumn weddings were usually timed to coincide with this holiday. It was believed that the Mother of God herself on this day blesses the young on happy life. Moreover, if the wedding day is rainy, then the young will have a happy whole life. But if there is no rain, then the family will not live long. And therefore, too superstitious newlyweds on a sunny day on Kazan even postponed the wedding so that the sign would not come true.

During this period, the seasonal construction works. There was even an agreement: "On Kazanskaya - settlement", which no one risked violating, so as not to bring trouble on themselves. On the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, real beer holidays were often held in villages and villages, treating men who returned home from work from the city.

From that day forward, the arrival of real winter cold was expected. Cellars were ventilated on Kazanskaya Street so that food supplies would not deteriorate and run out.


Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - signs

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  • Kazan without rain - the year will be difficult. It was believed that on this day the Mother of God cries for all people, begging the Lord God for forgiveness for human sins and good harvest next year.
  • It rains on Kazanskaya in the morning, and in the evening it snows. This day is the boundary between autumn and winter: it’s not yet winter before Kazanskaya, and it’s not autumn from Kazanskaya. Therefore, during the day, the rain can gradually turn into snow.
  • Good people do not go on a long journey to Kazanskaya - they will return home for a long time. This sign clearly confirms the previous one. If you go out on wheels in the rain, then you need to return on skids.
  • Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy, will not repent.
  • In Kazan, the frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
  • What Kazanskaya will show, then the winter will say.
  • If it rains on Kazanskaya, it will pour all the holes, and if it snows, it will sweep all the roads.
  • On Kazan clear day - to a cold snap.
  • Kazanskaya shows the way to frost.
  • If it is foggy in the morning, there will still be thaws.

The miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God - prayer

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Before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, they pray for the healing of eye and other diseases, protection of the house from trouble and fire, deliverance from enemy invasions, blessing the newlyweds, the birth of children, and family well-being.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, I fall down before Your honest icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who run to You, implore the merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may we preserve our peaceful country, keep His Holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresy and schism. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless you, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from libel evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of a sinful life and the remission of sins, yes, all gratefully singing Your greatness, let us be vouchsafed to the Kingdom of Heaven and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is set to take place twice a year: July 8/21 - in honor of its miraculous acquisition and October 22 / November 4 in honor of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Polish invasion.

November 4/October 22 - "Autumn Kazan".
In October 1612, the Russian militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Before decisive battle Russians prayed before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The victory was won thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, so a holiday was established in honor of her icon. At first it was only in Moscow and Kazan, and in 1649 it began to be celebrated throughout Russia. Before October revolution this day (November 4, according to the new style) was non-working. Since 2005, the tradition has been restored, the public holiday is called the "Day of National Unity" and is a day off.

July 8/21 - "Summer Kazan".
The Day of Finding the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has been celebrated since the 16th century. The icon was miraculously revealed to people in 1579, after almost half of Kazan was destroyed by fire.

The history of the formation of the holiday is described in detail in the section "Events from the history of the icon." On July 8 and November 4, the same service is performed in the church. The kontakion sounds as follows: “Priest, people, to this quiet and good refuge, to an ambulance, ready and warm salvation, to the protection of the Virgin. Let us hasten to prayer and rush to repentance: the Most Pure Mother of God exudes for us inexhaustible mercy, precedes to help and delivers from all troubles and evils, Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants. Thus, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is spoken of as the protector of the Russian land. The Mother of God keeps us and blesses us.

The Russian people treat the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with great respect. It is in every city in many churches and houses. Through this image, the Mother of God becomes a Helper and Healer. With mental trouble or physical illness, the Orthodox turn to her, and a miracle happens. No wonder Russia is called the Mother of God, more than 500 icons of the Mother of God have shown themselves to be miraculous.
On the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) spoke about the need to pray to the Queen of Heaven, who helps us to follow the path to salvation. She always stands up for us, does not forget us, protects and saves us from evil. The Mother of God intercedes in prayers for us before God. She sees everyone: those who are in danger from enemies, who are overcome by sorrow and illness.
Loving the entire human race, She notices our every tear, every misfortune and just a sigh, and incessantly prays to Her Divine Son and Lord for mercy on people and deliverance from all evil. If trouble suddenly happened, you need to remember this and call the Mother Queen of Heaven, and she will immediately come and help.

The history and meaning of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The phenomenon of the icon Holy Mother of God in the city of Kazan (1579). On October 1, 1552, on the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, at night, John IV, the leader of the Russian soldiers who were preparing for a decisive assault on the Tatar Kazan, suddenly heard the call of Moscow bells. The tsar understood that this was a sign of God's mercy: through the prayers of the Chosen Governor, the Lord wanted to turn the people of Kazan to Himself.

The conquest of Kazan under the protection of the Most Holy Theotokos completed the work begun in 1164 by the holy prince Andrei Bogolyubsky († 1174; Comm. 4 July). The Volga - the country's main waterway - became a Russian river. 60,000 Russian people were released from Tatar captivity. The enlightenment of the Tatars with the light of the Gospel truth began. The first martyrs appeared - Saints Peter and Stephen (Comm. 24 March). The newly established Kazan diocese became part of the Russian Church and soon shone with its archbishops: St. Guriy (+ 1563; Comm. 5 December) and St. Herman (+ 1567; Comm. 6 November).

But the appearance in the city of Kazan on July 8, 1579 of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God especially contributed to the rise of Orthodoxy among the Volga Mohammedans.

The work of preaching the Gospel in the conquered kingdom among the inveterate Moslems and pagans was difficult. The Most Holy Mother of God, the patroness of the preachers of the Word of God, who even in Her earthly life shared the evangelistic labors with the holy Apostles, seeing the efforts of the Russian missionaries, did not hesitate to send them Heavenly help, revealing Her miraculous icon.

On June 28, 1579, a terrible fire that began near the church of St. Nicholas of Tulsky destroyed part of the city and turned half of the Kazan Kremlin to ashes. Mohammed's worshipers gloated, thinking that God was angry with the Christians. “The faith of Christ,” says the chronicler, “became a parable and a reproach.” But the fire in Kazan was an omen of the final fall of Islam and the establishment of Orthodoxy throughout the Golden Horde land, the future East of the Russian state.

The city soon began to rise from the ruins. Together with other fire victims, archer Daniil Onuchin built a house not far from the place where the fire started. His nine-year-old daughter Matrona appeared in a dreamy vision of the Mother of God and ordered to get Her icon, buried in the ground even under the rule of Muslims by secret confessors of Orthodoxy. The girl's words were ignored. The Mother of God appeared three times and pointed out the place where the miraculous icon was hidden. Finally, Matrona and her mother began to dig in the indicated place and found a holy icon. Archbishop Jeremiah arrived at the place of miraculous acquisition at the head of the clergy and transferred the holy image to a nearby temple in the name of St. Nicholas, from where, after a prayer service, they transferred it with the Procession to the Annunciation Cathedral - the first Orthodox church city ​​of Kazan, erected by Ivan the Terrible. During the procession, two blind men, Joseph and Nikita, were healed.

A list from the icon revealed in Kazan, a statement of the circumstances of its acquisition and a description of miracles were sent in 1579 to Moscow. Tsar Ivan the Terrible ordered to build a temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on the site of the apparition, where they placed the holy icon, and to found a convent. The matron and her mother, who contributed to the acquisition of the shrine, took monastic vows in this monastery.

At that time the future Patriarch Hermogenes, St. Moscow (+ 1612; Comm. 17 February) was a priest in the St. Nicholas Church, where the first prayer service was performed before the Kazan Icon. Fifteen years later, in 1594, already being the Metropolitan of Kazan, he compiled a legend about the sacred events, of which he was an eyewitness and participant: “The Tale and Miracles of the Most Pure Mother of God of Her Honorable, Glorious Appearance of the Image, even in Kazan.” With great factual accuracy, many cases of healing that took place from the miraculous icon through the prayers of believers are described in the story. The manuscript of the "Tale" - the autograph of His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes - is reproduced in its entirety in a facsimile edition: The Legend of the Miraculous Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. With a preface by A. I. Sobolevsky, M., 1912.

The small icon, acquired by the girl Matrona on the recently annexed foreign outskirts of the Russian kingdom, soon became a national shrine, a sign of the Heavenly Protection of the Mother of God, revealed to the entire Russian Church, for the soul of the Orthodox people felt the special participation of the Most Pure Lady in the historical destinies of the Motherland. It is no coincidence that the Kazan image is a copy from the ancient Blachernae icon (celebration of July 7) and belongs to the iconographic type of the icons called Hodegetria the Guide. Many times, "Mother of Kazan" showed the way to victory for Russian Orthodox soldiers in the performance of their sacred duty to God and the Motherland.

In the year of her appearance in Kazan (according to other sources, two years later), the famous campaign "for Kazan" (for Ural mountains) Blessed Herman, Cossack ataman Ermak Timofeevich Povolsky († 1584), who was crowned with the annexation of Siberia. The fertile energy radiated in a miraculous way was enough for the Russian explorers-missionaries to go east for several decades, “meet the sun” many thousands of kilometers, and on the Feast of the Intercession in 1639 set out on their first voyage along Pacific Ocean proclaiming salvation to the peoples around.

Orthodox soldiers and missionaries went to the east, apostates fled to the west. A wave of impostors and "thieves' people" tried to flood Russia at the beginning of the 17th century, the Jesuits. By the providence of God during the period of the Polish invasion (1605-1612), which the people called the "Time of Troubles", the Russian Church was headed by the great confessor of Orthodoxy - Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, admirer of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, author of the "Tale" about her and the Service her.

In difficult days, when Moscow was occupied by the Poles, and strife and discord were spreading across the country, the adamant sufferer for the Holy Faith and the Fatherland, being in custody, managed to secretly send an appeal to Nizhny Novgorod: “Write to Kazan Metropolitan Ephraim, let him send to the regiments to the boyars and the Cossack army with a teaching letter, so that they firmly stand for the faith, suppress robbery, preserve brotherhood, and as they promised to give their souls for the house of the Most Pure and for the miracle workers and for the faith, they would have done so. Yes, and write to all cities ... everywhere speak by my name. The people of Nizhny Novgorod responded to the call of the primate. The assembled militia was led by Prince Dimitri Mikhailovich Pozharsky.

The Kazan squads who joined the militia brought with them a list from the Kazan miraculous icon, which was handed over to Prince Dimitri in Yaroslavl. The Most Holy Lady took the militia under Her protection, and by Her intercession Russia was saved.

The Russian troops experienced enormous difficulties: internal hostility, lack of weapons and food. In the autumn bad weather, the Russian army moved to storm Moscow, which was in the hands of the Poles.

A three-day fast and fervent prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God bowed the Lord to mercy. In the besieged Kremlin, at that time, Archbishop Arseny of Elasson (later Archbishop of Suzdal; † 1626; April 13) arrived from Greece, seriously ill from shocks and experiences, was in captivity. At night, the cell of St. Arseny suddenly lit up with Divine light, he saw the Monk Sergius of Radonezh (Comm. 5 July and 25 September), who said: “Arseny, our prayers have been heard; through the intercession of the Mother of God, the judgment of God on the Fatherland is turned over to mercy; tomorrow Moscow will be in the hands of the besiegers and Russia will be saved.

As if to confirm the truth of the prophecy, the archbishop received healing from his illness. The saint sent news of this joyful event to the Russian soldiers. The next day, October 22, 1612, the Russian troops, inspired by the vision, won a major victory and took Kitai-Gorod, and 2 days later - the Kremlin.

On Sunday, October 25, the Russian squads solemnly, with a procession, went to the Kremlin, carrying the Kazan icon. At the Execution Ground, the procession was met by Archbishop Arseny, who left the Kremlin, carrying the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which he had kept in captivity. Shocked by the accomplished meeting of the two miraculous icons of the Mother of God, the people prayed with tears to the Heavenly Intercessor.

After the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow, Prince Dimitry Pozharsky, according to the Nikon chronicle, placed the holy Kazan icon in his parish church of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, on Lubyanka, in Moscow. Later, the Kazan Cathedral was erected at the expense of the patriot prince on Red Square. The holy icon, which was in the troops of Pozharsky during the liberation of Moscow, was transferred in 1636 to a newly built church. Now this holy image is in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

In memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, it was established to celebrate on October 22 a special celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. At first, this celebration took place only in Moscow, and since 1649 it has been made all-Russian.

In 1709 before Poltava battle Peter the Great with his army prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (from the village of Kaplunovka). In 1721, Peter transferred one of the copies from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God from Moscow to St. Petersburg, where the icon was first placed in the chapel, then in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and since 1737 in the church in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin on Nevsky Prospekt. In 1811, before the Patriotic War, the holy icon of the Heavenly Intercessor was transferred to the newly created Kazan Cathedral.

In 1812, the Kazan icon of the Mother of God overshadowed the Russian soldiers who repelled the French invasion. On the feast of the Kazan Icon on October 22, 1812, Russian detachments led by Miloradovich and Platov defeated Davout's rearguard. This was the first major defeat of the French after leaving Moscow, the enemy lost 7 thousand people. On that day, snow fell, severe frosts began, and the army of the conqueror of Europe began to melt.

The Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg was built from 1801 to 1811 - as if specifically to become a temple-monument of Russian glory in Patriotic War 1812. The iconostasis of the main altar of fine chased work is made of one hundred pounds of silver: forty of them were donated to the temple by the Don Cossacks, who in 1812 recaptured this silver from the French. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with trophies taken from the French in 1812. Enemy banners bowed at the sacred tomb of Prince Mikhail Kutuzov-Smolensky, the savior of the Fatherland, buried in the cathedral. Bronze statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly stand in front of the temple at the ends of the colonnade, which embraces the cathedral square in a semicircle...

In numerous miraculous lists from the Kazan icon, the Most Pure Mother of God, the Patroness of the Orthodox Russian people, is glorified in Russia. Of the many icons of the Mother of God revered in the Russian Orthodox Church, none is as common as Kazanskaya. She is sacredly revered by all Orthodox Russia, they most often turn their eyes to her in troubles and illnesses, crying out: “Eager intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all of Your Son Christ our God ... bestow on everyone useful and save everything, Virgin Mother of God, You Thou art the divine protection of Thy servant.

In blessed autumn, the icons of the Most Pure Theotokos are located on the face of our Fatherland, truly forming a heavenly cover. By her tireless intercession sent down by the Divine Son, who offered Himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. The ancient Vladimir holy image of the Mother of God preserves and blesses our northern borders, the Smolensk and Pochaev icons protect the west, and to the east, to the ends of the earth, the miraculous Kazan image of our Most Pure Mother shines with rays of inescapable grace.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God saved Moscow from destruction and it happened on November 4th. By church calendar celebration Orthodox Day The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is held on July 21, after this icon was miraculously discovered in Kazan in 1579. And it happened like this.

History of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Long before the arrival of the troops of Ivan the Terrible in Kazan, most of The city was wiped off the face of the earth by a terrible fire. One of the victims was a certain archer Onuchin. A miraculous vision came to his daughter when, during her sleep, the Mother of God came to her and told her about the miraculous icon buried under the ashes. Kazan is a Muslim city, so the Orthodox image was hidden by one of the believers.

How did the holiday of the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God appear?

In memory of the liberation of Moscow, the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was established - November 4th. It was this icon that helped fight the invaders then. And what is most interesting - the icon was found exactly in the very place that was indicated to the girl in a prophetic dream.

The meaning of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The icon found then has incredible power, and its acquisition by believers was accompanied by a variety of miracles. And a copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, written in the 19th century, more than once healed the sick due to their eyesight.

Often the miraculous icon saved the Russian lands from invasions, it was revered by our great warriors and commanders who lived in different time. The militia of Minin and Pozharsky had the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, Kutuzov prayed to her in front of Borodino, and even, despite the excommunication of the church from the state during the Soviet era, they relied on it before the start of the Battle of Stalingrad.

The end of the Troubles in Russia is associated with the miraculous icon. The militia, Minin and Pozharsky, thanks to her managed to expel the Polish invaders from Moscow. According to historians, at the most difficult moment, Minin and Pozharsky were sent from Kazan the Holy Image - the icon of the Virgin.

After that, a strict three-day fast was maintained by the army, after which they turned to God and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with a plea for help. As a result, on November 4, 1612, the Poles were defeated, the troubled times finally ended in Russia, the strife and conflicts came to an end. In honor of the glorious victory, the Kazan Cathedral was laid on Red Square, which was completely destroyed in the 30s of the last century, but in our time it has been restored.

In the modern calendar, this holiday is revered only by deeply religious people, and 300 years ago Orthodox holiday Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was popular. It was believed that the next day came true winter. Young people and girls considered a good sign get married on the Day of the Kazan Mother of God. This meant that the family would be strong and happy.

When is the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God?

Every year, on November 4, hundreds and thousands of believers celebrate the bright Orthodox holiday - the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Congratulate your loved ones on this great Day - the day of liberation from the invaders and the unity of the Russian people!

Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God twice a year - in autumn, on November 4, and in summer, on July 21. This is due to the fact that the Mother of God of Kazan is the most revered and beloved holy image in Russia. She is considered the protector of the Russian land and the patroness of all righteous believers. About the history of the origin of the holiday, the features of the celebration, the creation of a postcard with the image, as well as signs and stories, read on.

The history of the appearance of the holy face

The Kazan icon has an interesting history of the appearance of the Orthodox. It happened back in 1579. Then Kazan was on fire, the fire destroyed part of the city, leaving ashes behind. A terrible flame left the merchant and his family without a home. When people were left without a roof over their heads, the Mother of God herself came to their nine-year-old daughter Matrona in a dream. She ordered to come to the ashes in order to pick up her holy image there in the ruins. At first, the adults did not believe the child, but the messages began to be repeated. The family went to the ruins. There they found an icon that was no different from the new image - fresh and bright colors amazed people. The people of the city began to pray. They decided to take the image to the church. When the Kazan icon was transferred, it showed its miraculous power giving sight to two destitute blind men.

It is still unknown how the face of the Mother of God ended up under the burnt ruins. Presumably, it was buried there by confessors of Christianity, who fled from the Tatar invasion. When the fire started, the icon appeared outside.

On the site of the apparition of the Mother of God, Kazanians built a convent. There, the girl Matrona, to whom the Saint turned, and also her mother were tonsured.

In a matter of time, the news of the miraculous icon spread all over the cities, they began to pray and highly revere it. By the time Russia began Time of Troubles, wars and revolutions, the Kazan face was considered the main defender. However, the original face has not reached our time, everything that is stored in churches is lists. At the beginning of the 20th century, the icon was stolen for profit, and then burned.

The essence of the holiday

The day of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is celebrated on November 4 - this is the date of the appearance of the Most Holy Christians in the burnt Kazan. However, there is another date that is no less revered by the Orthodox - July 21. Then the holy image helped the Russians to save their native land from the invasion of the Poles, who seized Moscow by fraudulent means. They burned churches, destroyed shrines, mocked the Orthodox. Patriarch Hermogenes called on the people to rise up to fight the invaders. The face of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent to the defenders from Kazan. People began to earnestly pray to the Saint, kept fasting, and the Russian army won. July 21, 1649 radically changed the course of history. Since then, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God has been especially revered by the people of Russia: people give each other postcards with the image of the Virgin Mary, say kind words, pray for salvation, happiness and healing.

You need to turn to the Kazan Mother of God for a miracle, she will help you make a fateful decision and protect you during any disaster. The Mother of God covers the suppliant with a light veil, protecting him. You can come to the Virgin Mary only with an open heart, clear thoughts. Then the Christian will get what he asks for. It is also recommended that you carry postcards with the image of the Mother of God the Defender.

Signs and traditions

With the feast of the Kazan icon, new rites and signs came into the life of Orthodox Christians. At two solemn days believers necessarily went to church with the whole family, where they asked the Intercessor for protection, protection and guidance. The congratulations were held on a grand scale: after the church service, people performed procession- with the faces of the Virgin, they went around the cities and villages. This process symbolized protection from misfortune and troubled times. Today, Christians do not go to the passages, but are limited to passing through the main streets of the city. Some believers simply send postcards with the holy image to their relatives and friends.

In ancient times, the Mother of God was considered exclusively a female protector. Therefore, there were many ceremonies that women had to do these days. For example, taking care of your beauty. It was believed that it was necessary to pick a birch leaf on the feast of the Kazan Mother of God. The main condition is the one that is already covered with frost. It should be brought home and looked into it, as in a mirror. It was believed, thus, a woman will become even more beautiful, will not grow old.

The holiday was considered an excellent time for marriages and weddings. According to beliefs new family created during this period will be happy. Those who wanted to unite their destinies before God tried to time the celebration to autumn holiday. It promised a cloudless life.

Church ministers recommend that those who want to find peace and receive support always celebrate the triumph of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. It is worth sending postcards with the face of the Saint to relatives and friends, praying for their health.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated twice a year: July 21 and November 4. This icon is associated with the great historical events Russia. She is especially revered by the Russian Orthodox people and is considered miraculous.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: history

It was found miraculously in 1572 in Kazan. The city shortly before this event was taken by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. After the fire, due to which almost the entire Christian part of Kazan was destroyed, the Mother of God appeared three times in a dream to the nine-year-old girl Matrona and ordered her icon to be found in the ashes.

When mother and daughter began to dig in the place where the stove had been before the fire, they found an icon at a depth of about 1 meter. Among the first eyewitnesses of the miracle was the priest of St. Nicholas Church Hermogen, who later became the Patriarch of All Russia.

On the same day, many people came to the place where the icon was found, and the city resounded with festive bells. Since then, this day has been celebrated annually, first in Kazan, and then throughout Russia. In 1579, Ivan the Terrible founded the Bogoroditsky Monastery at the place where the icon was found, where the found icon was kept, which soon became a national shrine, a sign of the heavenly protection of the Mother of God over Russia.

The Bogoroditsky Monastery of Kazan is located near the Kazan Kremlin, on Bolshaya Krasnaya Street.

The people call the date of November 4 autumn (winter) Kazan. This holiday is connected with the events of the Time of Troubles, when Polish interventionists invaded the territory of Russia. Moscow was taken by Polish troops, and the Patriarch of All Russia Hermogenes was imprisoned. In captivity, the Patriarch prayed to the Mother of God, relying on her help and protection. His prayers were answered, and in September 1611 a second civil uprising. Russian troops liberated Moscow and with the miraculous list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God entered Red Square.

The Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Red Square is considered one of the ancient shrines of Russia

In honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, Prince Pozharsky in the 1630s erected a temple of the Kazan Icon, where it was located for three hundred years. In 1920 the church was barbarously destroyed. A pavilion was erected in its place and public toilet. In the nineties of the last century, these buildings were demolished and a new temple was erected. The original appearance of the cathedral was preserved thanks to the drawings and measurements made before the demolition of the shrine.

The image of the Kazan Mother of God was especially revered by Peter the Great. During the Battle of Poltava, a miraculous list from the icon (Kaplunovskiy) stood on the battlefield. There is a legend that St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, even before the founding of St. Petersburg, blessed Peter I Kazan icon: « Take the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. She will help you defeat the evil enemy. After that, transfer the shrine to the new capital. She will become the cover of the city and all your people».

In 1710, Peter I ordered the miraculous list from the Kazan icon to be transported from Moscow to St. Petersburg. For some time, the holy image was in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and later (under Anna Ioannovna) it was transferred to a special church erected on Nevsky Prospekt.

The accession to the throne of Catherine II is also associated with this St. Petersburg shrine. Paul I, having become emperor in 1796, decides to build a more worthy temple for the icon. He announces a project competition, in which A. N. Voronikhin won. The temple was modeled after Saint Peter in Rome. It took 10 years to build it. It was completed under Alexander I.

The construction of the Kazan Cathedral was completed in 1811. For the project A.N. Voronikhin was awarded the Order of Anna

Before miraculous icon in 1812 M.I. prayed for the salvation of Russia. Kutuzov. In the Kazan Cathedral on December 25, 1812, the first prayer service was served for the deliverance of Russia from the French invasion.

Autumn Kazanskaya: signs and traditions

Feast of the Kazan icon - important date in folk calendar. Winter is on the threshold, the garden and field work is over, the workers are returning from seasonal work. Winter Kazan - the traditional settlement period. All construction work is completed by this time, and carpenters, diggers, plasterers and masons are paid and return home.

Be patient, laborer, and you will have Kazanskaya in your yard.

And the owner of the farm laborer would be glad to squeeze, but Kazanskaya is in the yard: she is the head of the whole row.

It often rains on this day. On this occasion they said: If the Kazan sky cries, then soon winter will come". If November 4 is a clear day, then a cold snap is coming.

In some places, a patronal feast falls on this date. Many people get married on this day. After all, according to popular belief, whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy all his life. But you should not set off on the road on November 4th. It is believed that a person on the road can be in trouble.

Among the people, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the woman's intercessor and patroness of the common people. Therefore, the autumn Kazan is one of the main women's holidays. It was celebrated with a magnificent feast with mash and beer.

This icon is also considered an assistant in the treatment of eye diseases. It is said that on this day the dew is especially healing. Therefore, before sunrise, they tried to collect at least a little dew, which they rubbed their eyes, treated abscesses and skin diseases. There is a legend that one young girl thought that she did not come out with her face, because no one loves her. She got up early on the autumn Kazanskaya and went to the grove, where she found a birch leaf that hung low on a tree and was covered with frost. She looked into this leaf, as if into a silver mirror, and all the ugliness left her face.

Autumn Kazanskaya: signs and sayings

  1. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will not repent.
  2. The rain will pour holes on Kazanskaya - it will send winter.
  3. What Kazanskaya will show, then the winter will say.
  4. You can’t go far: you will leave on wheels, and you will return on skids.
  5. Before Kazanskaya - not winter, from Kazanskaya - not autumn.
  6. It happens on this day in the morning it rains, and in the evening it snows in snowdrifts.

Video: November 4 - Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

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