Lux line. How to set up the production of water-based paints? What do you need? Organization of a business for the manufacture of coatings

The buildings 15.06.2019
The buildings

The production of paints and varnishes has been and remains one of the promising and profitable investments. Varnishes and paints are the most common and one of the most affordable finishing materials. Despite the fact that the domestic industry is actively developing in this segment, nevertheless, the competition is still not so high, and new business has every chance of success.

Over the past 6-7 years, the volumes of the paint and varnish market have been constantly increasing. However, this growth was mainly due to imports, whose share before the crisis was more than 20%. Over the past two years, this market has declined by 2.4%.

Russian manufacturers produce mainly solvent-based materials (paints, varnishes, primers, fillers), water-dispersion paints and varnishes, intermediates (lining oils, solvents) and oil paints. Moreover, in the segment of the chemical and petrochemical industry, the production of varnishes and paints occupies only 2.5% of the total output.

Analysts note that there is a shortage of domestic products on the paint and varnish market, although the production capacities for the production of these finishing materials are less than half loaded. Only ten Russian factories produce about 70% of the total production of varnishes and paints. However, small enterprises still retain a significant share of local markets of local and regional scale.

According to experts, by 2015 the market volume will reach 1511 thousand tons, which is 31% more than in the crisis year of 2009.

Classification of paints and varnishes

To begin with, we will understand the definition and classification of varnishes and paints produced.

Paints and varnishes, according to GOST 28246-2006, are a liquid, pasty or powder material that, when applied to a surface to be painted, forms a coating that has protective, decorative or special technical properties. All paints and varnishes are usually divided into three groups: basic, intermediate and others. The main materials include:

  • lacquer - a paintwork material that, when applied, forms transparent coating;
  • paint - a liquid or pasty pigmented material that contains drying oil of various grades or an aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers as a film-forming substance and which forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • enamel - a liquid or pasty pigmented paintwork material that has a paintwork medium in the form of a solution of a film-forming substance and forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • a primer that, when applied to the surface to be painted, forms an opaque or transparent homogeneous coating with good adhesion to the surface to be painted and to the top layers;
  • putty - a paste or liquid paintwork material that is applied to the surface before painting to even out irregularities and obtain a smooth surface.

Intermediate paints and varnishes are used mainly as semi-finished products. These include:

  • drying oil - a product of processing vegetable oils with the addition of desiccants (substances that accelerate the film formation of paints and varnishes) to speed up drying;
  • resin - a solid or semi-solid organic material that softens or melts under the influence of a certain temperature;
  • solvent - a single or multi-component volatile liquid that evaporates when dried and completely dissolves varnish or paint;
  • thinner - a single or multi-component volatile liquid that does not adversely affect the properties of varnish or paint;
  • desiccant - an organometallic compound that is usually added to certain paints and varnishes to speed up the drying process.

There is another type of paints and varnishes - the so-called auxiliary and auxiliary materials. This group of materials includes:

  • washer designed to remove old coatings;
  • mastic - adhesive, finishing or sealing compositions based on organic binders and other substances, forming a plastic mass, which under certain conditions can turn into a solid state;
  • hardener - a substance introduced into a varnish or paint for "crosslinking" the macromolecules of the film-forming substance;
  • accelerator - a substance that accelerates the process of formation of cross-links between molecules and promotes fast drying paint layer.

In addition, several types of paints and varnishes are distinguished according to the type of the main binder. According to this classification, paints and varnishes can be distinguished:

  • based on polycondensation resins;
  • based on natural resins;
  • based on polymerization resins;
  • based on cellulose ethers.

Production of paints and varnishes

For the production of paints and varnishes, it is necessary to select a heated room with an area of ​​3 sq. m with a water supply and water storage, as well as a voltage of 220 V. As can be seen from the requirements, at the first stage of your work, a garage of sufficient area will be enough. To begin with, it is best to choose a specific type of product that you will produce. In the future, when your income allows, you can think about expanding the range.

Many entrepreneurs who consider the segment of paint and varnish products in terms of attractiveness for investment note that the market for water-dispersion paint and varnish materials has the greatest development potential. Domestic manufacturers are mainly focused on the production of oil and alkyd paints and enamels. As a result, almost a third of the volume of water-dispersion materials consumed is imported products.

Indeed, on Russian market the share of this type of product is significantly inferior to world indicators, despite the fact that these materials are easy to use, environmentally friendly and relatively durable. In addition, the production of water-dispersion paints requires a smaller budget than the production of other paints and varnishes.

There is only one significant drawback in the production of water-dispersion materials. Due to the fact that for a long time these products, manufactured by domestic manufacturers, were distinguished by low prices and even lower quality, the promotion of Russian paints and varnishes (even if they are of high quality and competitive prices) in our market is associated with high costs and difficulties. Therefore, at the first stage of organizing and establishing own production consider possible distribution channels for your products.

The production of paints and varnishes consists of two stages: the production of semi-finished products (varnishes, pigments, etc.) and their mixing. As a rule, small enterprises purchase the bulk of the materials, while large enterprises produce on their own.

The choice of technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes depends on what materials and in what volume you are going to produce. The approximate cost of such equipment is from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

For example, a line for the production of primers, impregnations and other low-viscosity materials with a mixer capacity of 1000 kg / h will cost about 160 thousand rubles. A technological line for the production of paints, varnishes and other low- and medium-viscosity materials costs approximately 180 thousand rubles. Equipment for the manufacture of building putties will cost a more modest amount - up to 140 thousand rubles.

From raw materials, you will need various fillers, pigments, binders, thickeners. The purchase of the first batch will take about 150 thousand rubles. Additional costs (approximately 50 thousand rubles) will go to the packaging of finished paints and varnishes.

The technology for the production of varnishes and paints is quite simple. For example, for the production of water-dispersion materials, a dissolver-mixer is used, which mixes all the components and simultaneously disperses loose paint elements with a milling mixer. For pumping the finished paint and dispersion through pipelines, special screw pumps, which do not destroy the dispersion and retain all consumer properties of the paint. The finished paint, if necessary, is filtered and packaged in a polymer container. note that water-dispersion paints are an aggressive medium with a pH value of 8 and above. Therefore, in production it is highly desirable to use equipment and communications - pipes made of of stainless steel.

If you plan to work on your own for the first time, you will need the help of another worker. In the future, with the growth of production volumes, you will have to organize round-the-clock duty and, accordingly, increase the staff of your employees. In addition to the working staff, you can hardly do without the help of an accountant (he may be visiting), as well as a sales manager finished products if you have no experience in this.

So, to organize your own small production of paints and varnishes, you will need at least 350-400 thousand rubles. Add to that the monthly expenses for rent, communications and wages(if there are employees).

The cost of finished products, your profit and the profitability of your business directly depend on what materials and in what volume you produce, as well as on whether you can create sufficient demand for them. With proper business management, the payback for such production is very high and can range from 2-3 months.

Profitability of production of paints and varnishes

The profitability (the ratio of net income to gross revenue) of the production of paints and varnishes depends on the specific product and averages 15% in the industry, while the profitability of retail sales of such products is 3-4 times higher. According to the most optimistic calculations, profit from one ton of paints and varnishes can reach 30-35 thousand rubles, and monthly income with average production volumes - 300 thousand rubles.

Video about the production of paints and varnishes

For the production of water-dispersion paints, it is desirable to use a dissolver-mixer, which, if necessary, could mix easily compatible components with a frame (anchor) mixer and simultaneously disperse loose paint components (pigments and fillers) with a milling mixer located eccentrically with respect to the central shaft of the frame mixer. (anchor) agitators. As a rule, mixing with a frame (anchor) mixer is carried out at low speeds (60–120 rpm), while the dispersion of bulk components on the cutter is carried out at a shaft rotation speed of 1000–1200 rpm. In the absence of the above multi-purpose dissolver-mixer for the production of waterborne-dispersion paints, a dissolver with a central shaft with a cutter without a frame mixer can be used. A calculation of the parameters of a dissolver with a central shaft, which ensures an efficient dispersion process, is attached.

Since water-dispersion paints are an aggressive medium with a pH value of 8 to 10 and higher, in the production of paints it is desirable to use all vessel equipment made of stainless steel or glazed inside, and communication pipelines - from stainless steel.

For pumping the finished paint and dispersion through pipelines on the production line of water-dispersion paints, only screw pumps should be used, since centrifugal and gear pumps (as the most common in the paint industry) destroy the dispersion and lead to loss of paint properties. The pressure created by the screw pump can vary within 3-8 atmospheres, depending on the diameter of the pipeline. If the pipeline diameter is 89-102 mm, the approximate capacity of the screw pump can be 5-8 atm.

Paint preparation steps

1. The calculated amount of drinking water (GOST 2874) is loaded into the dissolver, then the frame mixer (or the dissolver with a cutter) is turned on and the prescription amount of sodium polyphosphate is added and mixed with a stirrer (or cutter) until the sodium polyphosphate is completely dissolved (about 1-1.5 hours ).

In industry, a pre-prepared solution of sodium polyphosphate is often used, for which 10–12% of the prescription amount of water is poured into a separate container (with a frame or anchor mixer with a rotation speed of 60–120 rpm), preferably equipped with a heated jacket, and the prescription amount is added. dry sodium polyphosphate and carry out the process of its dissolution at a temperature of 30-40 ° C and a rotating mixer from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the state of sodium polyphosphate: if it is in the form of a powder, then up to 30 minutes, if in the form of pieces or large granules - up to 1 hour.

In the absence of heating in the "jacket", the dissolution process is lengthened, but the control over the completeness of the dissolution of sodium polyphosphate should always be carried out with each preparation of the solution.

After complete dissolution of sodium polyphosphate, Cellosize QP 52000H is poured into the mixer with a very thin friable stream (for example: under industrial conditions, 24 kg of Cellosize is poured over 15-20 minutes). If Cellosize is introduced quickly into the mixer, problems may arise due to the formation of lumps, which will then be difficult to break up in the paste and thus homogenize the solution.

After the introduction of the prescription amount of Cellosize and its complete dissolution (control is carried out by pouring the solution into a glass plate for the presence of grains of undissolved Cellosize), the following is added to the mixer at low speeds (60-120 rpm):

  • Additol XW 330 - defoamer;
  • Additol VXW 6392;
  • Dovisil;
  • Dovanol DPnB;
  • propylene glycol.

After adding the last component, the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes.

2. With a constantly running dissolver (shaft with cutter, shaft rotation speed 1000-1200 rpm), the following are sequentially loaded:

  • Rutile Titanium Dioxide
  • Omyacarb 5 KA
  • Omyacarb 2 KA

It is recommended to use imported titanium dioxide (for example, Tronox CR 828 or Kronos 2190), since domestic (Sumy or Crimean) gives the paint a yellowish-grayish tint. If increased requirements are not imposed on the whiteness of the paint, then domestic titanium dioxide of the R-02 grade can be used (it is better to use domestic titanium dioxide with increased whiteness of the CR-03 grade produced by the Crimean plant "Titan", Armyansk).

In the case of using titanium dioxide in rubber-cored or synthetic containers, its loading into the dissolver should be introduced slowly for better introduction into the composition.

The duration of dispersion of the paste in the mixer after the introduction of the last component should be at least 40 minutes. The paste should be homogeneous, without lumps and foreign inclusions.

The DL 420 dispersion is added to the finished dispersed paste while stirring with a frame (anchor) mixer. The time of combining the dispersion with the paste is 10-15 minutes.

If dispersing equipment is available only in the form of a dissolver (without a frame or anchor mixer), the combination of the dispersion with the paste should be carried out with the cutter running for no more than 10-15 minutes, while not allowing the paint to heat up above 40 ° C.

After that, the finished paint, if necessary, is filtered and packaged in a polymer container. It is necessary to store the paint only at an ambient temperature above 2 °C.


Interior paint VD on acrylic-styrene dispersion DL 420

  1. Drinking water GOST 2874 37.70
  2. Cellosize QP 52000H Germany, v.Dau 0.40
  3. Sodium polyphosphate GOST 20291 0.10
  4. Additol XW 330 Germany, Salutiya 0.40
  5. Additol VXW 6392 Germany, Salutia 0.40
  6. Dovisil Germany, f.Dau 0.40
  7. Dovanol DPnB Germany, v.Dau 0.48
  8. Propylene glycol Germany, v. Dow 0.12
  9. Titanium dioxide import. F.Tronox, m.CR-828 2.00
  10. Omiakarb 2 KA Turkey, Omia 26.90
  11. Omiakarb 5 KA Turkey, f. Omia 23.10
  12. Dispersion DL 420 Germany, v.Dau 8.00

TOTAL 100.00

Possible substitutions for raw materials:

  • Omyacarb 2 KA on Normkal 2
  • Omyakarba 5 KA on Normkal 5

Finished paintwork density: 1.5 g/cm³

List of sold formulations and technologies for the production of coatings

  • ceiling paint;
  • moisture resistant ceiling paint;
  • paint for internal works;
  • moisture resistant paint for interior work;
  • washable interior paint;
  • facade paint;
  • deep penetration primer for interior work;
  • facade deep penetration primer;
  • strengthening primer for interior work;
  • primer strengthening facade;
  • primer "Betonkontakt"
  • tinting pastes (full-tone paints);
  • construction PVA glue;
  • PVA glue universal;
  • furniture PVA glue;
  • glue KS;
  • leveling putty for interior work;
  • finishing putty for interior work;
  • facade leveling putty;
  • facade finishing putty;
  • decorative plaster type "Bayramiks".

All recipes and technologies are sold without equipment for $120 (equivalent)

LKM recipes can be paid with Yandex-Money to the account 410011252191597 3600 rubles - immediately after payment you can receive recipes by any convenient way- download link and (or) CD to the postal address
Please inform us about the payment by e-mail plus additional advertising and video materials at the postal address.

Facade paint production video:


  1. Denis Serov 2.01.2010 22:20

    I ask you to pay your attention to my letter.
    We urgently need a recipe for production:
    1. decorative plaster of the Bayramix type.
    2. tinting pastes (full-tone paints)
    3. facade deep penetration primer

  2. Svetlana Grigorieva 23.04.2010 14:02

    for tinting pastes and other raw materials questions by e-mail

  3. Bahriddin 8.06.2010 09:00

    A recipe is required for the production of inks for textile printing "plastisol"

  4. Natalya Evgenievna 07/3/2010 13:04

    good day!
    I would like to know your contact numbers so that I can contact you by phone.
    waiting for an answer.
    thank you for attention.

  5. manager 5.07.2010 12:28

    Hello Natalya Evgenievna!
    Thank you for your interest in us and our products.
    Our contact phone numbers:
    0675712271 – Valentine
    0672650755 – Boris

    With uv. Boris, manager of PE "Masterskaya Svoi Delo"
    t. 0672650755

  6. Kurbon Murodov 12.10.2010 10:12

    dodri day we need a recipe and technologists

  7. 12.10.2010 10:25

    The price of a CD with recipes, technological maps, suppliers of raw materials, videos of the production of coatings has not changed and is currently $120.
    We send the details of its receipt by e-mail.

    With uv. Valentine,
    early department of foreign economic activity,
    commercial director of PE "Masterskaya svoi delo" Ukraine, Kirovograd region, city of Alexandria, st. Kukolovskoe highway 5/1A
    tel. mob. Ukraine +38 067 5612271
    tel. for subscribers from Russia +7 812 309 47 82
    for communication via skype our login is valik1616

  8. Yaroslav Vladimirovich 2.11.2010 17:59

    The Nomotek enterprise is engaged in the introduction and development of chemical technologies, in particular, the development of paint and varnish materials. We have a large number of developments, for more information, please visit our website:
    or 097 616 21 27- Yaroslav Vladimirovich

  9. july 26.02.2011 03:14

    Ladies and gentlemen:

    Hope all goes well with you!

    I am Julia from TianjinZhongmao Chemical Co, LTD, I know your email from yandex.We are independent processing trading company in chemical import and export facilities, we have products as follows:

    1. Titanium dioxide (rutile, anatase)
    2. lithopone
    3. stearic acid
    4. iron oxide
    5. formic acid
    6. glacial acetic acid
    7. caustic soda
    8.zinc oxide
    9. sodium formate
    12. LABSA
    14. CDEA
    … … … …

    If you are interested in it, please contract with me, I will be very happy to receive your email address.

    cf our company website is

    Hope to receive mail as soon as possible.

    e-mail: [email protected]

  10. Mansour 22.08.2011 11:57

    Good afternoon, I need a recipe and paintwork technology. Help me please.
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Mansour 22.08.2011 11:59

    Good afternoon, I need a recipe, technology and equipment for the production of coatings. My contacts:

  12. 29.08.2011 15:48

    Hello Mansour!
    Thank you for your interest in us and our products!

    We produce dissolvers for the production of paints, primers, fillers, here is a video of his work
    The price is $1,500. When purchasing a dissolver, you will receive from us a free CD with formulations and technologies for the production of coatings.

  13. Michael 15.07.2012 15:34

    how to contact you for the purchase of technologies for the production of coatings

  14. Anton 9.11.2012 13:11

    Hello, I am interested in the formulations of fire retardant impregnation for wood, fire retardant paint for wood, fire retardant varnish for wood, fire retardant paint for metal (120 min), fire retardant paint for cable and fire retardant mastic for cable. Specify the possibility of acquiring recipes and technological maps.

  15. rashid 9.11.2012 14:53

    Hello, we do not have such recipes

  16. Ruslan 12.02.2013 17:58

    I will sell the technology of flame retardants. All questions by email [email protected]

  17. Irina 16.04.2013 12:49

    Good day! Interested in the recipe for the production of artistic acrylic paints. Definitely odorless.

  18. Farruh 26.04.2013 23:01

    mne nujna dvuh kampanentniy lak richeptura

  19. Alexander 10/15/2013 14:37

    You can prepare printing ink that is thick and sticky, which, when applied to printed material, dries immediately without being absorbed, leaving a slight relief.

  20. Alexander 03/27/2014 13:33

    Good afternoon, I ask you to provide a recipe for the production of fire and bioprotective impregnation for wood. Based on ammonium polyphosphate and ammonium tetrafluoroborate…thanks in advance. I guarantee payment!

  21. gennady 25.09.2014 21:52

    Hello, I'm interested in the recipe for Lumian-type mother-of-pearl, South Korean

  22. ulugbek 12/18/2015 14:07

    Hello, I'm interested in tinting paste recipes

  23. Ruslan 27.01.2016 00:49

    We are engaged in the production of acoustics. We do painting with the help of water-based paint and PVA. Previously, this was enough, but for development, a more durable coating is needed. There are paints on the market such as WARNEX DURATEX etc. But the availability and price makes its use impossible. Advise how you can get out of this situation, if the production is not difficult, then we will try it ourselves, if it is difficult, we can order it. Some requirements for the paint: apply with a spray gun, matte, structural, dry residue around 60%. I would be very grateful for any information.

  24. Tahir 29.12.2016 12:22

    Hello! I'm interested in decorative paints, at the moment I'm more interested in Wet silk, velvet or velor, how much will the formulation of this kind of paint cost! Best regards, Tahir!

  25. Anonymous 12.02.2017 15:51

    Who already has ready-made paint recipes? Please share the information with the young IP esnik))))) I look forward to [email protected]

  26. Anatoly Gavrilovich Budko 03/18/2017 09:21

    Hello! Can you please tell me what kind of preservative is used in water-based paint? I add organic natural pigments for coloring and after a month the water emulsion turns sour (fermentation is in progress). I want to add some kind of preservative to eliminate this phenomenon, but I don’t know which one. Thanks in advance.

  27. Slavi Petev 17.05.2017 18:37

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe and technology for the production of road marking paint.
    Tel. +359 888 652 661
    Slavi Petev

  28. Alexey 05/30/2017 15:10

    hello, I’m interested in the recipe “decorative plaster of the Bayramix type” glue without fillers, what is the cost of this particular recipe?

  29. Vladimir 5.08.2017 11:30

    Good morning. Does anyone have a recipe liquid thermal insulation"Korund" type. We are grateful.

  30. Alexey 15.09.2017 16:41

    Good day! Interested in formulations for water-dispersion paints various kinds. Please contact me. +7 928 638 10 18- Alexey.

  31. Sergey 4.10.2017 20:13

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe for the production of fire-retardant paints for metal structures. If you have any, please reply. We are ready to purchase.

  32. Sergey 4.10.2017 20:14

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe for the production of fire-retardant paints for metal structures. If you have any, please reply. We are ready to purchase
    My contact phone number is 8 925 282 22 49.

  33. Eugene 10.01.2018 14:56

    We offer in St. Petersburg
    Plaster of GVVS-16/13 architectural Samara bag of 40 kg. 600 rub. from 1t-560r. from 5t-550r.
    Plaster GVVS-18 (increased strength) Samara bag 30 kg. 550 rub. from 1t-480r. from 10t - 460r.
    Smart gypsum Sculpture-casting mixture Samara bag 25 kg 460 rub. from 1t-440 r from 5t-410 r
    Smart gypsum for decorat production. stone Samara bag 25 kg. 460 rub. from 1t-430 r from 5t-400 r
    Smart gypsum for facade production. dec. stone Samara bag 25 kg. 520 rub. from 1t-480 rub. from 5t - 450 r
    GVVS gypsum (for stomatol., traumatol.) Samara bag of 20 kg. 350 rub.
    Gypsum stoma. Dentaformula type 3 blue Samara bucket 5/20 kg 390/1080 rub.
    Gypsum stoma. Dentaformula type 4 pink Samara bucket 5 kg 900 rub.
    Gypsum G-5 B III molding. medical Samara bag 25 kg 350 rub. from 1 t-350 r.
    Gypsum G-6 B III molding Peshelan bag 30 kg. 400 rub. from 5t-350 r. from 10t-330 r.
    Plaster of G-6 A I construction Peshelan bag of 35 kg. 300 rub. from 5t-260 r. from 10t-245 r.
    Gypsum G-6 A I construction Peshelan b/bag 1.2 t Direct 20.4 t — 6100 R/t
    Silicone Supermold ST25 jar 1 kg 750 rub.
    Silicone PLATSET (non-shrink) jar 1 kg 1250 rub.
    Fiber-reinforced concrete white Runit bag 25 kg 850 rubles from 1 t-800 rubles.
    Fiber-reinforced concrete white M1 bag 25 kg 550 rubles from 1 t-500 rubles.
    2. Lime
    Lime slaked hydrated Uglovsky comb-t bag 25 kg 350 rub
    Hydrated slaked lime Uglovsky comb-t bag 25 kg in transit, directly from 20 tons - 8100 r / t
    Quicklime Uglovsky comb-t bag 35 kg 400 rubles from 0.5 t - 300 from 5t-256 (7400), from 10 t-7200
    Lime chloride bag 20 kg 1600 rub. from 3 t -1500 rub./mesh., from 5 t-1400 rub./mesh.
    Dolomite flour Porkhov bag 50 kg 300 rubles from 0.5t-250, from 5t-180r (3600) from 10t-3300
    3. Chalk
    Chalk MTD-2 dispersed Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-165 5t-147r (4900r); from 10t-144r(4800r)
    Chalk STM-10 superthin Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-198 5t-186r (6200r); from 10t-183r(6100r)
    Chalk of the Ministry of Internal Affairs highly dispersed Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168 5t-162r(5400r) from 10t-159r(5300r)
    MMS-2 chalk separated by Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168 5t-156r (5200r) from 10t-153r (5100r)
    Chalk MMZHP (for animal feed) Shebekino, Melstrom bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168r 5t-126r (4200r); from 10t-117r(3900r)
    4. Clay. Kaolin
    Clay PGB (refractory, powder) Borovichi, Latnoe bag 50kg 600 rub. from 1t - 500 r; big bag 10 tons - from 9000 rubles.
    Kaolin KR-1 (for rubber) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 220 rub. from 1 t-8600 rub; from 5t-8400 rub.
    Kaolin KR-2 (for rubber) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 210 rub. from 1 t-8400 rub; from 5t-8200 rub.
    Kaolin KE-1 (for paper and porcelain) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 260 rub. from 1 t-9900 rub; from 5t-9700 rub.
    Kaolin KBE-1 Novokaolin bag 20 kg 240 rub. from 1 t-9700 rub; from 5t-9550 rub.
    Kaolin KZhV Zhuravlin. Log bag 20 kg 400 rub. from 1t-13200 r. from 5 tons - 12700 rubles from 10t-12200 r.
    White cement PCB 500 D0 Shchurovsky bag 50 kg 850 rubles from 1t-15600.00 from 10 t-15300.00
    White cement PCB 500 D0 Shchurovsky b/bag 1 t 15500 rub. from 5t-15200.00 from 10t-14800.00
    Cement white M600 Turkey/Egypt bag 50 kg 850 rub. from 1t-795r(15900) from 10t-15500.00
    Cement PC 400 D20 Slates bag 50 kg. 295 rub. 295r(5900)
    Cement PC 500 D0 Slates bag 50 kg. 390 rub. from 5t-360r(7200) from 10t-350r(7000)
    Cement expanding (for example) NTs-20 Podolsk bag 20 kg 400 rubles from 5t-16000 r from 10 t-15000r
    6. Microcalcite (marble flour)
    Microcalcite Km-2/Km-5, Km-10 Koelgamramor bag 25 kg 250 rub. from 5t - 8400 r from 10t - 8000 r.
    Microcalcite Km-40, Km-60 Koelgamramor big-bag ton 7 000 rub. from 5t — 6000 r from 10t — 5600 r
    Microcalcite Km-100, KM-160,200,300,500 Koelgamramor big-bag ton 6 000 rub. from 5t -5200 r from 10t - 4900 r
    Microcalcite Km-100, KM-160,200,300,500 Koelgamramor bag 45 kg. 400 rubles from 5 t-243 r (6500) from 10 t-220.5 r (5500)
    7. Crushed stone, Decorative sand (marble)
    Marble. cr. 5-10; 10-20 / 7-12 Koelgamramor big-bag tn 6 000 rub. from 10 t -4900 / 5300 from 20 t - 4400
    Marble. cr.0-2.5; 2.5-5; 5-12;10-20 Koelgamramor bag 50 kg 600 rubles from 5t-300r (6000) from 10t-250r (5000)
    Marble. cr.0-2.5; 2,5-5 Koelgamramor big-bag tn 5 000 rub. from 5t — 4900 r from 10t — 4700 r
    White-blue mr. baby 5-10, 10-20 Mumble bag 50 kg 600 rub. from 1 t-7000r from 5 t-6500r from 10 t - 6000r.
    Mram. cr. light gray 5-10, 10-20 Mumble big bag tn 7 000 rub. from 5t - 6000r from 10t-5500r
    Mram. cr. black, gray 2.5-5; 5-10 MineralResurs big-bag tn 8 000 rub. from 5t - 7500 r from 10t - 7000 r
    Dog mr.0-0.5; 0-1; 0.2-0.5; 0.5-1; 1-1.5; 1.5-2 White marble bag 50 kg 600 rubles from 5t -365r (7300) from 20t-320r (6400)
    Pes mr.0-0.5; 0-1; 0.2-0.5; 0.5-1; 1-1.5; 1.5-2 White marble big-bag tn from 7000r from 5t - 6500r from 10t-6000r
    8. Additives in concrete and gypsum
    Microsilica MKU-85 Russia b/bag ton 17,500.00 rub. from 5 t-16500.00 from 10 t-15900.00 from 20 t-15500
    Highly active metakaolin VMK-45 SYNERGO big-bag 450 kg 15750 rub. from 1 t -35,000 rubles; from 5 t -33000 rub.
    Highly active metakaolin VMK-45 SYNERGO bag 25 kg 900 rub. from 1 t -36000 rubles; from 5 t -34000 rub.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.3 Petrolit canister 15 kg 500 rub. from 10 canisters - 430 rubles.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.3 Petrolit canister 7.5 kg 250 rub.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.5 Petrolit canister 15 kg 1800 rub.
    Fiber for cement. rast-s L=18 mm 1 kg 220 rub. 10 kg-2200 rub.
    9. Pigments
    Pigment Omnicon RE 6110 brick-red Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3700 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 110
    Pigment Omnicon RE 7130 cherry red Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3600 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 130
    Pigment Omnicon YE 6420A yellow Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3800 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 920
    Pigment Omnicon YE 2960 orange Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3850 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 960
    Pigment Omnicon BR 6610 light brown Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3600 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 610
    Pigment Omnicon BR 6862 dark brown Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3400 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 686
    Pigment Omnicon BL 2360 black Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3400 r/400 r Analog Bayferrox 360
    10. Expanded clay, quartz flour, quartz sand, vermiculite
    Sand quartz. 0.63-2.5 mm Kuzmolovo bag 50kg 400r from 0.5 t-250r. from 10t-170r./2800r t in a bag
    Sand quartz. 1.25-2.5mm Kuzmolovo bag / bag 50kg/t 500r from 0.5t-300r. from 10t - 4000 rub. ton per bag.
    Quartz sand 0-0.63mm
    Sand white fr. 0-0.63 mm Luga bag 50kg 400 from 0.5t - 250 r from 10t-3500 r. t in bag.
    Vermiculite is swollen. fractionated (2.0) bag 10 kg m3 1 m3 — 7000.00 (10 bags)
    mob +7 931 3614427

  34. Sardor 12.02.2018 07:02

    Hello, I need a recipe for the production of liquid thermal insulation paint. for own production

  35. Yura 03/28/2018 09:18
  36. Diamond 5.04.2018 19:48

    hello i need the recipe water paint?

  37. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:31

    Who are interested in low-cost working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK paintwork materials - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail:

  38. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:31

    Who are interested in low-cost working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail: - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail:

  39. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:33

    Who is interested in low-cost working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK paintwork materials - paints, primers, fillers, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  40. Vladimir Solodunov 09/30/2018 13:42

    I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps): fire-retardant intumescent (thermo-expanding) paint, fire-biological protection for wood, primers, water-dispersion paints, concrete contact, PVA glue, ready-made putty, acrylic sealant, crack-resistant rubber paint, decorative plasters (bark beetle, structural) etc. Write:

  41. Vyacheslav 09/30/2018 19:11

    Beware of information scammers.
    Who are interested in low-cost working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail: - paints, primers, fillers, decor and much more from a large operating plant in Russia, write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  42. Vladimir Solodunov 30.09.2018 19:19

    Consultations of a technologist (PhD in Chemistry, experience in the production of coatings - 30 years) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion coatings and coatings on an organic basis (enamels PF, URF, primers GF, etc.). I work strictly according to the contract (by transfer to the account organization or cash). Write:

  43. Vyacheslav 10/31/2018 06:41

    Beware of resellers of information. Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK paintwork materials - paints, primers, fillers, decor and much more. These technologies are used in production at a large operating plant. They do not require any additional improvements. I work on this plant technologist, so all information is 100% reliable and from the first person. write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  44. Dinis 9.01.2019 00:44

    Need recipes for the production of paints urgently

  45. Vladimir Solodunov 9.01.2019 06:52

    Consultations of a technologist (PhD in Chemistry, experience in the production of paintwork materials - 30 years) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion paintwork materials and paintwork materials on an organic basis (enamels PF, URF, primers GF, etc.). I work strictly under the contract (transfer to the organization's account or cash). Write:

  46. Anonymous 9.01.2019 07:14

    Beware of resellers of similar information, who then resell it, pretending to be chemists, technologists, etc. Who are interested in inexpensive working production technologies (recipes) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more. My technologies are used in production at a large operating plant. They do not require any additional modifications. I work at this plant as a technologist, so all information is 100% reliable and from the first person. write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  47. Vladimir Solodunov 9.01.2019 07:16

    Beware of scammers and sellers of "plates" Technologist's consultations (PhD, experience in the production of coatings - 30 years) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion coatings and coatings on an organic basis (enamels PF, URF, KO, EP, GF primers, etc.). I work strictly under the contract (transfer to the organization's account or cash). Write:

  48. Abbos 23.01.2019 20:47

    Hello, my name is Abbos, I need a ceiling paint recipe;
    moisture resistant ceiling paint;
    interior paint;
    moisture resistant paint for interior work;
    washable interior paint;
    facade paint;
    deep penetration primer for interior work;
    facade deep penetration primer;
    strengthening primer for interior work;
    primer strengthening facade;
    primer "Betonkontakt"
    tinting pastes (full-tone paints);
    construction PVA glue;
    PVA glue universal;

  49. Abbos 23.01.2019 20:50 number

  50. Maria 14.02.2019 13:33

    Car window tinting
    - changing the degree of transparency of glass with the help of special tint films that are installed on the inner surface of car windows.

  51. Vyacheslav 24.02.2019 09:59

    Beware of resellers similar to my information on this site. Make me a request by e-mail: slava2195(dog) and I will provide irrefutable data on the person who resells it, pretending to be a chemist, technologist, etc. I sell working technologies (recipes) produced by LKM VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more. My technologies are used in production at a large operating plant. They do not require any additional modifications. and in first person.

  52. Vladimir Solodunov 24.02.2019 10:06

    Beware of a scammer posing as a technologist who sells technology cards that do not work for small businesses. Write and I will reset the contacts of the people he deceived. Consultations of a technologist (PhD, experience in the production of coatings - 30 years) + I give recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion coatings and coatings on an organic basis (enamels PF, URF, KO, EP, HV primers GF, KhS, etc. ). I work strictly under the contract (transfer to the organization's account or cash). I give the recipes of the fraudster Vyacheslav (aka Peter, Dmitry Samson, Alexander, Yuri) for free. Write:

  53. rufat 30.04.2019 22:07

    u menya yest ekanomni resept
    whatsapp +994503999093

Paints and varnishes are products that are used to cover and paint a variety of surfaces. They are a special solution in the form of a suspension, and when applied to the surface to be painted, they form a kind of coating with certain qualities. They are among the most sought after building materials and participate in the repair of any complexity, in various finishing work. Paints and varnishes are divided into many types:

  • Various adhesives.
  • Putties.
  • Paints.
  • Primers.
  • Enamels, etc.

Classification series of paints and varnishes

The production of paints and varnishes implies that the person who decides to open a business is well versed in the classifications of these materials.

  • The main materials, which are the most common in the building and finishing materials market, are varnishes, which leave the painted coating transparent.
  • Secondly, the paint that forms the coating different colors. The composition of the paint can be oily (they contain drying oil) and water-dispersion.
  • Thirdly, enamel.
  • Fourth, primer and putty.
  • How semi-finished products use an intermediate category: this includes drying oil, which helps the surface dry as soon as possible.
  • Resins, solvent for paints and varnishes.

Organization of a business for the manufacture of coatings

The production of paints and varnishes is currently a very profitable and cost-effective business. However, as in any other work, the business plan must be clearly and correctly organized. It is believed that the most attractive and interesting direction in this area is the business for the production of water-dispersion materials.

Their production has more than a hundred years of history. Such paints and varnishes gained the greatest popularity in the West, since in Russia for a very long time nothing was produced except glues and paints of terrible quality.

Dispersion paints are more environmentally friendly, less harmful to health and very easy to use, so they are used even by beginners in repair work. Since the modern construction market is just beginning to master this type of paint, the business for their production in Russia can turn out to be very successful and promising.

The main issues to pay attention to when organizing your business are the following:

  • Production room.
  • Necessary and high-quality raw materials.
  • Equipment for paint and varnish production.
  • Developed technology for production.

An important condition will be an analysis of the market in which you plan to work, that is, it is necessary to conduct a series of marketing research. It is also necessary to take into account when you will receive the first profit, and calculate the cost of the resulting product. For good and quality work you need to find a room for production that will be heated.

Its area should be at least 25 m 2, there should be a sufficient voltage level and constant access to tap water. Many arrange a base for the production of coatings in their garage, and in the summer they install the necessary equipment on the street. It is also necessary to take into account that it is necessary to initially spend about 250 thousand rubles on the purchase of high-quality raw materials: various additives, pigments, thickeners and other components.

In addition, additional costs must be taken into account. This includes payment for rented premises, for electricity and water, and wages for workers, and much more. But, given the profits you will make, the production of paints and varnishes is undoubtedly very productive and promising. It is only necessary to have an initial capital of about 500 thousand rubles.

LKM production technology

Currently, there are a wide variety of modern production technologies. Technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes are offered by various manufacturing companies.

Firstly, it is a line for the production of materials with low viscosity, the mixer capacity of which can reach thousands of kilograms per hour. These include a variety of impregnations, primers. Such a line includes: a mixer with a volume of 1 cubic meter, a main, a special system that controls the continuous supply of water, purifying primary filters, a pump for polymer dispersion of particles, three pumps for modifiers, a weighing platform with electronic sensors and a main control panel for the entire technology. Such a technological line will cost about 160 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a line is offered based on the production of low viscosity materials and materials with a medium viscosity. These are paints, varnishes, various primers and so on. Such a line will cost a little more - about 165-180 thousand rubles.

The third type of technological lines will be a line for the production of putties. Its cost is 135 thousand. There are many more options out there.

The production of paints and varnishes, in principle, is simple and consists of the following stages. Water is first poured into a special bowl (bowl), then the minimum speed is turned on. Next, all components are loaded, then chalk and titanium dioxide are poured. In the future, the resulting mixture is emulsified and packaged in the necessary containers.

Equipment and materials for coatings

The production of paints and varnishes requires the purchase of good equipment. Engaging in the creation of such equipment is no less promising and profitable. Various types of varnishes, paints, putties, enamels and so on remain the most popular materials among builders of various categories.

Currently, the production of paints and varnishes in Russia is gaining momentum, and for it, of course, equipment is needed. Therefore, there is no competition as such in this area. Equipment for paint and varnish production can be very diverse. It can be bead mills - submersible and ball, various mixers.

Raw materials for the production of coatings

For proper and high-quality work in the production of paints and varnishes, it is necessary to select and purchase the necessary and high-quality primary raw materials, from which semi-finished products will be made in the future, and as a result, finished paints and varnishes. Usually, small companies buy ready-made semi-finished products right away and simply complete the process of technological processing of paintwork materials.

The necessary raw materials are a variety of fillers, pigments of different colors, binders and thickeners. The initial purchase of such raw materials will be approximately estimated at 150-165 thousand rubles. The rest of the expenses (about 40 thousand) will be spent on the necessary packaging and containers for the finished product.

Types of paints and varnishes

Paints and varnishes are classified according to their state of aggregation into liquid, powder and paste. They create a special coating on the painted surface, and as a result, the surface acquires decorative and protective functions. All paints and varnishes are divided into three categories.

  • The main materials include paint, enamel, putty and primer. Such materials leave the painted surface transparent.
  • Intermediate materials include resins, drying oil, solvents, and so on.
  • And the third category is made up of mastics, various washes and hardeners. Putties fill various irregularities and smooth the repaired surface.

Currently, a certain type of colorful materials is becoming increasingly popular - latex paint.

latex paint

These materials are water based. This is a fairly versatile and standard paint, another advantage of which is that it is easy to clean. It is used in the repair of both external and internal finishing works. The next advantage of latex paint is that it is easy to dilute it with water, and the tools that repairmen work with are just as easy to clean with a simple soapy solution.

This paint is more environmentally friendly, does not have toxic properties and does not have a strong odor. This odor will gradually dissipate as the surface to be painted begins to dry, however, as with other paint materials, the room must be well ventilated. Latex paints are more resistant to high temperatures, fire and fading.

This makes it possible to use them in various outdoor decoration facade works. Another advantage over other paints is that latex paints dry quickly, within an hour. Due to their unique structure, they are very firmly bonded to the painted surface and are resistant to various natural influences. Therefore, having built your business on the sale this material, you will definitely win.

Production of varnishes and paints

Currently on the Russian market you can find a lot of organic materials: paints, primers, solvents and various water-dispersion materials. Of the total volume of manufactured paint and varnish products in the chemical industry, approximately 3% is the production of varnishes.

Today, almost the entire Russian market of paints and varnishes belongs to small enterprises, and large organizations are not loaded even at half of their capacity. The essence of the organization of the line for the production of coatings is that in special bead dispersants, each individual pigment is dispersed in the varnish itself. The result is pigmented paints.

The principle of production of pigmented paste is slightly different. It is made on mixers that are constantly working and set in motion bead mills, where the necessary pigments are supplied. The production of enamel takes place in mixers, where the dosed enamel is fed by a dosing device. In the future, the already finished enamel is cleaned of impurities and packaged.

Primer production

A primer is a type of paint and varnish materials that refer to suspensions of various pigments with special fillers. They are applied as the first layer of coating and provide good connection the next layer of paint with the painted surface. There is a huge variety of types of primers: moisture resistant; protecting against corrosion and preventing the appearance of rust on the metal.

Primer production is a process that uses both natural and chemical substances. Drying oils, various resins of alkyd origin, and so on are involved in the creation of the primer. Many primers, like paints, contain a variety of pigments or natural fillers, such as calcium, talc or mica.

Primer production equipment includes a special dispersion spray dispenser; a filter for the primary purification of incoming water, as well as syringes - dispensers for the remaining components - modifiers.

Putty production

The process of making putty is quite simple, and some repairmen create it right on the job. For manufacturing, you must have chalk, glue, blue vitriol, latex and sulfacel. All these ingredients are mixed in one container, and then transferred to special equipment, which brings the resulting mixture to the desired consistency.

There are many types of putties, so you need to choose them taking into account specifications. Attention should be paid to the structure and appearance of the surface to be treated and how it will behave this species putties at certain temperatures.

Enamel production

Enamel in the modern market of building and finishing materials is one of the most popular paints and varnishes. This is due to the fact that it very easily falls on the surface to be painted, after drying it creates a hard film, which later has a variety of textures and decorative advantages. Enamels can be oil, nitrocellulose, alkyd and so on.

In the first place in demand are alkyd enamels. They are most often used for interior repairs: for painting furniture, appliances, floors and other elements in the house. The advantage of nitrocellulose enamels lies in a wide choice of colors, they have a more pronounced sheen, similar to glossy. However, under the influence of natural factors, such enamel can easily fade and crack.


As noted above, the manufacture of paints and varnishes is an excellent area where you can organize your business and, no doubt, lead the market for building and finishing materials. Whatever business you want to open, the production of equipment for coatings, the production of primers or other types of coatings, the main rule is the correct organization of a business project and high-quality primary raw materials. As a result, having spent an initial capital of about 500 thousand rubles, you can receive the same amount every month!

Those undertakings are profitable, the results of which are in demand. We will talk about one of them today. In particular, we will consider the features of the implementation of the idea, which is based on the production water-based paints.

The composition of water-based paints:

  • water;
  • connecting elements;
  • pigments.

These components do not adversely affect human health and ecosystems. This is one of the obvious advantages of the business - there is no need for a certificate of conformity for paint. At the same time, one cannot do without a voluntary certificate, for which one will have to visit an accredited body specializing in certification.

Legalization of the future undertaking

There are 2 OPFs available:

  • entity;
  • individual.

In the process of choosing a form of business registration, you need to be guided by the amount of tax. The system of taxation at LLC is “simplified”. You can go the other way - to file a business as an individual entrepreneur.


The set of units is small. It includes:

  • dissolver;
  • eurocube;
  • bead mill;
  • automatic line that pours and packs the paint.

The dissolver mixes the original components of the paint. The fast rotation of the disc guarantees a high efficiency of crushing the ingredients. The dissolver is equipped with a high-speed milling mixer, the speed of which is adjustable. That is, you can set the optimal volume of production.

Among other things, the dissolver prolongs the "life" of the mill, which is necessary for the homogenization of the ingredients. Modern mills used in the production of water-based paints are highly productive and allow obtaining high-quality products. Therefore, saving on this unit is not worth it. The material for the mill body, the sieve is durable metal, which is not afraid of corrosive processes.

The packaging line is represented by:

  • conveyor belt;
  • container supply system;
  • a mechanism that seals the lids;
  • storage unit.

A few words about the composition of the paint

The minimum number of ingredients is 10, the ceiling is 15. In their structure, latex accounts for 40%, pigments and other fillers - 37%, plasticizers - 3%, titanium dioxide (plus esters) - 9%, dispersed chalk - 11%.

Features of the production process

First, water is introduced into the dissolver. Then the minimum speed of the installation is turned on, other ingredients are loaded - fillers, pigments. After that, dry components are added (titanium dioxide, chalk. At the next stage, the solution is dispersed. The finished product is filtered.

  1. High productivity is ensured by the bead mill.
  2. Production facility, cost of units (thousand rubles)
  3. Sufficient area of ​​the shop will be 80 squares. The temperature is at least 5 degrees.
  4. The price of a dissolver is 200, a mill is 250, an electronic scale is 6, a hydraulic trolley is 7.

As a result, we get 463 thousand rubles. Agree, in comparison with many undertakings, the cost of the units is symbolic.

Proof of a promising business idea

The volume of production is 10 tons. In this case, the cost of the latex dispersion will be 65 thousand rubles, the defoamer - 7 thousand rubles, Ca carbonate - 5 thousand rubles, other additional materials - 28 thousand rubles, chalk - 12 thousand rubles. r., labels - 6 thousand rubles. We get 123 thousand rubles. At the end of the year, the volume of production will be 120 tons of paint, and deductions for raw materials - 1.476 million rubles.

Working staff

You will need to hire:

  • the chief who will be responsible for the production process - 15 thousand rubles;
  • worker - 8 thousand rubles.

Every year, 276 thousand rubles will be spent on wages.

Calculation of the cost of a kilogram of the product:

123 rubles / 10 tons \u003d 12.3 rubles. per kilo. The monthly productivity of the facility is 10 tons.

Monthly costs (thousand rubles) will be associated with:

  • payment of rent - 10;
  • depreciation of the main units - 3;
  • FOT - 23;
  • communal - 5.

At the end of each year, 492 thousand rubles will be spent.

Economic efficiency

The size of the annual cost is 1.968 million rubles, the wholesale price is 30 rubles. per kilo, monthly income - 300 thousand rubles, annual - 3.6 million rubles, net profit - 893 thousand rubles.


It will be easier to implement if you determine the optimal combination of costs / price / revenue. The image is important. Poor quality products will cause a meager customer base, unprofitability. Therefore, it is important to establish the production and marketing of only a quality product.

The experience of successful domestic paint manufacturers suggests that it is necessary to use imported raw materials, which are a guarantee of obtaining competitive paints that are not inferior in quality to foreign manufacturers' products.

It is necessary to bet on wholesale sales, large volume. At the same time, it is important to work quickly, otherwise it will take more time to return the investment.

Sales points:

  • building stores;
  • supermarkets.

It is highly likely that construction companies specializing in the repair of residential and other real estate will agree to work with you. If you have the opportunity to acquire your own commercial objects, do not miss it. You can increase sales, increase your customer base through a cumulative system of discounts, various bonuses, promotions ...

Good luck in your endeavors!

The Raduga-LKM company manufactures and supplies unique, mobile equipment (mini-factory) for the rapid organization of the production of water-dispersion paints and varnishes of various viscosities (paints, putties, primers, enamels, varnishes, fire-retardant paints) with the possibility of packaging in containers from 1 or more liters (regardless of product viscosity).

Equipment performance:
  • Medium viscosity (paints, enamels) - 250 kg / hour, taking into account pumping (packing) of finished products.
  • Liquid (primers, varnishes) - 400 kg./hour
  • High-viscosity (putty, plaster, fire-retardant paint) - 150-200 kg./hour
  • The power consumption of the dissolver is 3 kW.
  • Dissolver volume - 215 liters,
  • Power consumption of the pump - 1.5 kW.
  • Filtration system - installed on request.
  • Electronic cutter speed controller from 0 to 1500 rpm.

When buying this equipment from us, we constantly provide technological support, help you choose one or another raw material, and consult over the phone. Products (water-dispersion paints and varnishes) are not subject to mandatory certification; at your discretion, you can purchase voluntary compliance.

How to start your own paint and varnish business

The production of paints and varnishes has been and remains one of the promising and profitable investments. Varnishes and paints are the most common and one of the most affordable finishing materials. Despite the fact that the domestic industry is developing quite actively in this segment, nevertheless, the competition is still not so high, and the new business has every chance of success.

Over the past 6-7 years, the volumes of the paint and varnish market have been constantly increasing. However, this growth was mainly due to imports, whose share before the crisis was more than 20%. Over the past two years, this market has declined by 2.4%.

Russian manufacturers mainly produce solvent-based materials (paints, varnishes, primers, putties), water-dispersion paints and varnishes, intermediates (lining oils, solvents) and oil paints. Moreover, in the segment of the chemical and petrochemical industry, the production of varnishes and paints occupies only 2.5% of the total output.

Analysts note that there is a shortage of domestic products on the paint and varnish market, although the production capacities for the production of these finishing materials are less than half loaded. Only ten Russian plants produce about 70% of the total production of varnishes and paints. However, small enterprises still retain a significant share of local markets of local and regional scale.

According to experts, by 2015 the market volume will reach 1511 thousand tons, which is 31% more than in the crisis year of 2009.

Classification of paints and varnishes

To begin with, we will understand the definition and classification of varnishes and paints produced.

Paints and varnishes, according to 28246-2006, are a liquid, pasty or powder material that, when applied to a painted surface, forms a coating that has protective, decorative or special technical properties. All paints and varnishes are usually divided into three groups: basic, intermediate and others. The main materials include:

  • varnish - a paintwork material that forms a transparent coating when applied;
  • paint - a liquid or pasty pigmented material that contains drying oil of various grades or an aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers as a film-forming substance and which forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • enamel - a liquid or pasty pigmented paintwork material that has a paintwork medium in the form of a solution of a film-forming substance and forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • a primer that, when applied to the surface to be painted, forms an opaque or transparent homogeneous with good adhesion to the surface to be painted and to the top layers;
  • putty - a paste or liquid paintwork material that is applied to the surface before painting to even out irregularities and obtain a smooth surface.

Intermediate paints and varnishes are used mainly as semi-finished products. These include:

  • drying oil - a product of processing vegetable oils with the addition of desiccants (substances that accelerate the film formation of paints and varnishes) to speed up drying;
  • resin - a solid or semi-solid organic material that softens or melts under the influence of a certain temperature;
  • solvent - a single or multi-component volatile liquid that evaporates when dried and completely dissolves varnish or paint;
  • thinner - a single or multi-component volatile liquid that does not adversely affect the properties of varnish or paint;
  • desiccant - an organometallic compound that is usually added to certain paints and varnishes to speed up the drying process.

There is another type of paints and varnishes - the so-called auxiliary and auxiliary materials. This group of materials includes:

  • a wash designed to remove old paint and varnish coatings;
  • mastic - adhesive, finishing or sealing compositions based on organic binders and other substances, forming a plastic mass, which under certain conditions can turn into a solid state;
  • hardener - a substance introduced into a varnish or paint for "crosslinking" the macromolecules of the film-forming substance;
  • accelerator - a substance that accelerates the formation of cross-links between molecules and contributes to the rapid drying of the paint layer.

In addition, several types of paints and varnishes are distinguished according to the type of the main binder. According to this classification, paints and varnishes can be distinguished:

  • based on polycondensation resins;
  • based on natural resins;
  • based on polymerization resins;
  • based on cellulose ethers.

Production of paints and varnishes

For the production of paints and varnishes, it is necessary to select a heated room with an area of ​​3 sq. m with a water supply and water storage, as well as a voltage of 220 V. As can be seen from the requirements, at the first stage of your work, a garage of sufficient area will be enough. To begin with, it is best to choose a specific type of product that you will produce. In the future, when your income allows, you can think about expanding the range.

Many entrepreneurs who consider the segment of paint and varnish products in terms of attractiveness for investment note that the market for water-dispersion paint and varnish materials has the greatest development potential. Domestic manufacturers are mainly focused on the production of oil and alkyd paints and enamels. As a result, almost a third of the volume of water-dispersion materials consumed is imported products.

Indeed, in the Russian market, the share of this type of product is significantly inferior to world indicators, despite the fact that these materials are easy to use, environmentally friendly and relatively durable. In addition, the production of water-dispersion paints requires a smaller budget than the production of other paints and varnishes.

There is only one significant drawback in the production of water-dispersion materials. Due to the fact that for a long time these products, manufactured by domestic manufacturers, were characterized by low prices and even lower quality, the promotion of Russian paints and varnishes (even if their prices are high and competitive) in our market is associated with high costs and difficulties. Therefore, at the very first stage of organizing and setting up your own production, consider possible channels for distributing your products.

The production of paints and varnishes consists of two stages: the production of semi-finished products (varnishes, pigments, etc.) and their mixing. As a rule, small enterprises purchase the bulk of the materials, while large enterprises produce on their own.

The choice of technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes depends on what materials and in what volume you are going to produce. The approximate cost of such equipment is from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

For example, a line for the production of primers, impregnations and other low-viscosity materials with a mixer capacity of 1000 kg / h will cost about 160 thousand rubles. A technological line for the production of paints, varnishes and other low- and medium-viscosity materials costs approximately 180 thousand rubles. Equipment for the manufacture of building putties will cost a more modest amount - up to 140 thousand rubles.

From raw materials, you will need various fillers, pigments, binders, thickeners. The purchase of the first batch will take about 150 thousand rubles. Additional costs (approximately 50 thousand rubles) will go to the packaging of finished paints and varnishes.

The technology for the production of varnishes and paints is quite simple. For example, for the production of water-dispersion materials, a dissolver-mixer is used, which mixes all the components and simultaneously disperses loose paint elements with a milling mixer. For pumping the finished paint and dispersion through pipelines, special screw pumps are used, which do not destroy the dispersion and retain all consumer properties of the paint. The finished paint, if necessary, is filtered and packaged in a polymer container. Please note that water-dispersion paints are an aggressive medium with a pH value of 8 or higher. Therefore, it is highly desirable to use stainless steel equipment and communications in production.

If you plan to work on your own for the first time, you will need the help of another worker. In the future, with the growth of production volumes, you will have to organize round-the-clock duty and, accordingly, increase the staff of your employees. In addition to the working staff, you can hardly do without the help of an accountant (he may be visiting), as well as a sales manager for finished products if you do not have experience in this.

So, to organize your own small production of paints and varnishes, you will need at least 350-400 thousand rubles. Add to this the monthly expenses for rent, communications and wages (if you have employees).

The cost of finished products, your profit and the profitability of your business directly depend on what materials and in what volume you produce, as well as on whether you can create sufficient demand for them. With proper business management, the payback for such production is very high and can range from 2-3 months.

Profitability of production of paints and varnishes

The profitability (the ratio of net income to gross revenue) of the production of paints and varnishes depends on the specific product and averages 15% in the industry, while the profitability of retail sales of such products is 3-4 times higher. According to the most optimistic calculations, profit from one ton of paints and varnishes can reach 30-35 thousand rubles, and monthly income with average production volumes - 300 thousand rubles.

Pavel Biryukov

(c) - a portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

Video about the production of paints and varnishes

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Equipment for the production of primers

The delivery set includes technological and normative documents for organization production of acrylic and latex primers:

Project specifications TU 2316-002-00080679-2006 "Water-dispersion primer".

Technological regulations for the production of acrylic and latex primers.

Recipe and technological maps of production:

  1. Primer for polystyrene boards VD-AK 055
  2. Primer strengthening facade styrene-acrylate VD-AK 010
  3. Primer strengthening for external and latex VD-KCH 012
  4. Primer strengthening universal for external and internal works styrene-acrylate VD-AK 012
  5. Strengthening primer for interior work VD-AK 020
  6. Primer (concentrate) VD-AK 010
  7. Primer acrylic deep penetration universal for external and internal works VD-AK 011
  8. Acrylic deep penetration primer for interior work VD-AK 021

The price of the installation for the production of primers "VD-100": RUB 130,000 VAT not included

reference Information:

Primers - compositions applied by the first layer on the surface prepared for finishing to reduce its porosity and ensure the required adhesion of the subsequent coating.

They differ from coloring compositions (paints) by a lower concentration or complete absence of dry fillers, and also by the fact that the primer cannot serve as the final coating, incl. with decorative features.

An additional property of primers is the protection of various primers from moisture, corrosion and decay.

Water-dispersion primers are divided into (depending on the type of dispersion), and subspecies (depending on the purpose). Let's take a closer look at the classification of primers .

1. Acrylic primer

Type of binder - acrylic or styrene-acrylate dispersion. Primers based on acrylic dispersions are applicable to almost all building surfaces (concrete, foam concrete, asbestos cement, fresh and old plaster, wood, fiberboard and chipboard, brick).

Used for priming surfaces special types primers - with corrosion inhibitors (as a rule - phosphating primers).

Acrylic and styrene-acrylate primers differ from latex (styrene-butadiene) primers in increased UV resistance.

Subspecies of acrylic primers:

Facade primer;

Deep penetration primer (including concentrated);

Strengthening primer for interior work;

Deep penetration primer for polystyrene boards;

Primer (concrete contact).

The deep penetration primer differs from the strengthening primer in the first place, in transparency. The deep penetration primer is translucent due to the particle size of the dispersion (less than 0.05 microns).

Firming primer milky color. Pay attention when buying.

2. Latex (butadiene-styrene) primer

Type of binder - butadiene-styrene latex dispersion. Applicable for almost all building surfaces (concrete, foam concrete, asbestos cement, fresh and old plaster, wood, fiberboard and chipboard, brick). Not suitable for priming metal surfaces. Less resistance to ultraviolet compared to acrylic (butadiene-styrene latex is destroyed within 5-6 years).

Subspecies of latex primers:

Facade primer (for local repairs);

Universal strengthening primer for facade and interior work;

Strengthening primer for interior work.

Latex deep penetration primers, unlike acrylate - does not exist, due to the difference in particle size of the dispersion.

Additional Information:

  • Paints and varnishes. General characteristics
  • Equipment for pouring coatings
  • Protection of metal surfaces from corrosion with paints and varnishes


We develop and manufacture equipment for the production of expanded clay concrete building blocks ( cinder blocks) according to GOST 6133-84. Three models are serially produced block production equipment- from vibrating machine 1IKS with a mold for 1 block, to a mobile vibrating machine "Comanche" with a mold for 4 simultaneously pressed wall block(cinder block).

Everything machines for the production of cinder blocks- palletless type of molding, the so-called "laying hens".

Vibrating tables for the production of paving BC-700 and BC-1200 series

molding vibrating tables are intended for the production of vibrocasting paving slabs, elements of architectural decor, fences and similar concrete products using the vibrocasting method.

Paint production equipment

Equipment for the production of coatings(acrylic, latex, polyvinyl acetate) - colors, enamels, primers, "concrete contact", fillers, decorative plasters and coatings - installations of varying degrees of automation and productivity, from simple dissolvers / dissolvers (dispersants) to semi-automatic mini-factories for the production of paints and varnishes (LKM).

Paint production equipment in all complete sets it is supplied with a set of regulatory, technical and technological documentation.

Gravity concrete mixers (concrete mixers)

Gravitational concrete mixers used for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures of varying degrees of hardness. The volume of the bowl of concrete mixers is from 130 to 180 liters. concrete mixers equipped with electric motors powered by a 220V household network.

Modular mini-plants for the production of polystyrene foam

Semi-automatic mini plants for industrial foam production(expanded polystyrene) with adjustable configuration.

The principle of mobile modules allows you to install foam production equipment in almost any industrial premises.

Received sheet Styrofoam fully complies with the requirements of GOST 15588-86.

Vibropress V-50 for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

Pallet vibropress V-50 for the production of cinder blocks, expanded clay concrete building blocks - the next step after the vibrating machines "laying hens". Performance vibropress B-50 is 50 blocks/hour, 2 block form, three types of building blocks produced in accordance with GOST 6133-84: SKTs-1, SKTs-2, SKTs-3.

Equipment for the production of fixed formwork

Line performance for fixed formwork production is up to 300 pcs. in shift. Wide degree of automation equipment for the production of fixed formwork. Block production fixed formwork- a necessary addition to the line for the production of polystyrene foam.

Equipment for the production of prefabricated monolithic floors

Equipment for the production of prefabricated monolithic floors. The overlap is formed by laying hollow blocks-liners on reinforced concrete beams, mounting additional reinforcement, steel mesh on top and subsequent pouring with heavy concrete.

Equipment for the production of construction putties

Equipment for the production of construction putties- latex, acrylic, oil-adhesive, based on PVA. Time-tested Soviet technologies, coupled with modern chemical components, give an impressive result.

In addition to the production of traditional putties, the capabilities of the equipment allow the production of decorative coatings, for example, the well-known Venetian plaster and perlite-based energy-saving coating.

Thermal insulation coating "Akvarella TM-150"

Ultra-thin heat-insulating coating "Aquarella TM-150" TU 5768-001-99799327-2010 for application to mineral and metal surfaces.

Equipment for the production of prefabricated chimneys

We develop and manufacture equipment for production prefabricated chimneys- enclosing structures made of expanded clay concrete blocks (with and without a ventilation duct) and covering slabs made of fiber-reinforced concrete.

Equipment for the production of primers

Equipment for the production of water-dispersion primers- acrylic and latex. Performance equipment for the production of primers- 500 l/h. The basic equipment for the production of primers includes an electronic dispenser of acrylic / latex dispersion, a pre-filter of water, dosing syringes of modifying components.

Equipment for pouring coatings

Equipment for bottling (packing) of technical liquids, dispersions and emulsions on water and organic basis - acrylic coatings, machine oil, antifreeze, adhesives, etc. materials.

Several degrees of automation - installations with visual control over the weight and semi-automatic devices with CNC. The liquid is pumped by a diaphragm pump of the Swedish manufacturer Tapflo with a Teflon membrane, the dosage of the material is an accurate electronic scale with a resolution of 10 g.

Industrial and domestic steam generators

Development and production steam generators- industrial and domestic steam generators(for saunas and baths). Steam generators are mass-produced, with a power of 2 kW with a working pressure of 0.7 atm - 2.5 kg / h, up to steam generators 160 kW with a pressure of 5.5 atm - 205 kg / h. Three-level protection system steam generators from overloads, built-in pre-treatment of water, phytocontainers.

Styrofoam shape cutting equipment

We produce machines for curly cutting polystyrene foam- range from manual cutting to CNC machines. The use of a high-precision Hiwin profile, precision manufacturing of machine parts, and professional assembly provide a level of cut products unattainable until now.

Styrofoam Manual Cutting Tool

The RI-01 hand tool is designed for cutting polystyrene (styrofoam) blocks in a construction site. Model "RI-01" tool for manual cutting of foam easy to operate, provides uniform adjustable heating of the cutting wire from 0 to 100%, which guarantees high quality cuts of almost any density of expanded polystyrene.

Kraskoterka (burr mill) SO-116A

Mass production paint grinders(stone mills), modified versions of the classic model SO-116A. Paint graters millstones are designed for grinding and paste-like non-explosive compositions used for painting works outside and inside the premises (chalk pastes, putties, adhesive colors). The initial components (chalk, pigments, adhesives) are pre-soaked in water before grinding.

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