What were the shutters on the windows of houses for? Wooden shutters. History of occurrence, types and material

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Window shutters are an archaic element of the interior. Previously, they were installed to protect the kitchen window from the cold and the sun. Today they also serve a decorative function. The design gives the cottage, giving functionality and originality. What are the sashes, what are they for, how much do they cost, why and how to install them in an apartment, the article will tell.

Manufacturers offer big choice shutters for windows, you can see them in the photo. Products are classified according to different features. By styling There are vintage, classic and modern models.

According to the structure, there are:

All varieties can be made of wood or metal.

Depending on the opening mechanism, there are systems:

  1. Swing. They are divided into double-sided and single-sided.
  2. Folding. They function like an accordion. By changing the position of the valves, the illumination of the room changes.
  3. Roll. Roller window views (a subspecies of metal louvre structures). The protective element is wound on a drum.
  4. Sliding. Pantograph grilles that move to the edges of the window opening.
  5. Rollback. Rarely used to protect windows.

By location they are divided into:

  • Internal. Installed inside the house. Most often used in multi-storey buildings.
  • Outdoor. Mounted outside the room. More suitable for frequent buildings. They are removable and non-removable. The former have the form of shields that are completely removed from the window opening, while the latter are stationary.

Depending on the material of manufacture, they are classified into:

  1. wooden;
  2. plastic;
  3. metal, for example, steel, aluminum;

Iron options are considered the most reliable. But wooden ones allow you to create interesting patterns and look more stylish.

Management is divided into:

  • Mechanical. Opening and closing is carried out manually using a lever system.
  • Automatic. A special electric drive is used.

Popular product features

New shutters on the windows perform a protective, energy-saving, decorative function.

The primary task is to protect the house from children, vandals, intruders, and the views of passers-by. French shutters are more reliable than bars. If you buy a high-quality structure and install it correctly, it will be more difficult to crack it than cut down the anchor pins of the lattice. The grid is less efficient in this regard. The products protect the house from intense sunlight, strong wind.

The decorative function is especially pronounced in variants made of wood. Copies are carved, with an original curly pattern. It is easy to make beautiful sashes from an ordinary board with your own hands using a jigsaw.

Features of the choice of material

Often summer residents do not know what material it is better to take a product from, which manufacturer to give preference to. Wooden options versatile and attractive. Their advantages are simplicity and the performance of almost all the functions of window shutters. The disadvantages are that high humidity they swell strongly, and under the influence of the sun give a significant drying. Wooden models need periodic painting and treatment with special protective agents.

Metal specimens are used for protection country houses from thieves. Their advantages are the performance of all functions, simplicity of design. Many types have good external performance. Forging elements are used to give a more sophisticated look. Minus the high price of the goods, expensive installation.

Roller shutters are made of aluminum, plastic or steel slats. Steel is used in country houses and outbuildings, aluminum - for finishing residential premises and protecting against vandals. Pros: Affordable price, large selection color solutions. Minus in the absence of decorative elements.

Plastic systems are the best choice for a cottage or a country house. Advantages in light weight, low price, high strength and resistance to negative external influences environment, no operating costs. However, they do not differ in a large selection of decor and texture.

What material to choose from depends on the preferences of the buyer, the size of the budget. According to consumer reviews, the most practical are hardware, and the most original ones are wooden. As for the manufacturer, it is better to give preference famous brands. Cheap Chinese products are of poor quality. reliability, practicality, stylish design stands out the products of the company Intime.

The cost of various types of shutters on windows for a country house

The cheapest are single-leaf blind shutters, their average price is 2500 rubles per square meter.

In second place are double-leaf models - 3700 rubles. Shutters-blinds of a solid type cost 3,300 rubles, and double-leaf counterparts - 4,500 rubles. Swing single-leaf blinds are estimated at 4200 rubles, double-leaf - at 4900 rubles.

The price depends on:

DIY creation

Insulated doors in combination with sealed doors provide comfort and warmth in the house. Most often, metal specimens are installed on the windows from the inside. Summer residents order products in the workshop. But if there are necessary tools and certain skills, you can make them out of metal with your own hands.

For work you will need blanks:

The step-by-step process of creating double-leaf steel products looks like this:

  1. taking measurements from the slope, window sill, corners.
  2. welding of a frame from steel corners.
  3. installation of a sheet on a metal rectangle, the fastening of which is carried out with bolts, nuts.
  4. installation of stiffeners (provide additional strength).

It is important to constantly monitor the evenness of the structure with a level. The existing voids must be foamed, covered with an insulator. When planting the sashes on the hinges, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the closure. If the measurements are made correctly, in the center of the sash should converge perfectly, allow you to push the latch and close the lock.

Finished shutters should be decorated. The easiest option is to paint to match the color of the windows. An interesting method of decorating with fresh flowers. To give originality, it is recommended to use forged parts. They don't have to be done on your own. You can buy forging elements at a hardware store and carefully weld them.

Nowhere in the world did shutters play such a role as in Russia. V wooden hut in summer they saved from the heat, and in winter - from frost, winds, snow drifts and, of course, thieves. Today, double-glazed windows also cope with all this, but they cannot do one thing - to create that feeling of security and comfort that a window with shutters brings.

My shutters are not for decoration. They are installed for the whole winter and with a very specific purpose. Next to our dachas - a cottage village. There are roller shutters on all the windows. I do not argue that they are easy to use, but they have not passed the test of time, because they do not perform their main function - protection against hacking. They protect only from stone-throwing hooligans, and are completely defenseless before hacking. No wonder in this village all year round the guards are seated. In general, such children's toys do not suit me.

How do I choose shutters?

That is why, as in the old days, shutters are installed on most country houses today, consisting of one or more shutters, reinforced in the window opening. But winter is not summer, and it is not at all necessary to open the shutters when the owners only occasionally visit their dacha.

On the windows in the entrance hall, I put inexpensive removable shutters made of a 2 mm thick metal sheet welded onto the frame. Cheap and cheerful. I fix with bolts screwed with inside walls.

But in my rooms the windows are quite large, and here I had to put a hinged structure. I thought of everything to the smallest detail so that it was not very easy to crack them.


In double-leaf shutters, I have a width of each leaf of 600 mm. Structurally, they are hung on a supporting frame. The shutters are made of wood in the form of shields 30 mm thick. For durability, internal metal pins are inserted into them.

Outside, I attached antique forged overhead hinges to the sashes for attaching to the frame. Realizing that the reliability of the shutters depends on design features, which do not allow their opening, I made it so that the platband of the supporting frame closes its fasteners, and the flanging serves as additional reinforcement.

In addition, I installed the anti-removal pins, as on the input metal doors, which, in the event of cutting the hinges, protect against the removal of the sash.

My tricks

Let me tell you about one more little secret. On the inside of the sashes, I have an additional sheet of metal fixed. From the outside, my shutters look like wood, but they are actually very strong.

Let's say intruders want to get into my house by opening the shutters. But there is no access to the mount, which means that you will have to cut off the hinges on the shutters. Even if the hinges are cut off, the shutters of my shutters are still fixed with anti-removable pins.

The locking shutters of my shutters naturally close from the inside. Ask how? After all window sashes in the country they always open outward, and the shutters interfere with this. But I came up with my own method.

As you know, the window in the windows always opens inward. This is the property I use. Directly opposite the window on the inner surface of the sash, which is superimposed on the second sash when closing, I have a bolt lock installed.

Before leaving the dacha, I close the shutters, go into the house and turn the lock through the window with the key. At the same time, bolt pins are extended from each sash in three directions of the window opening, which rigidly fix the shutters. So what to do? If you want the cottage to be reliably protected in winter, you have to work hard.

By the way, on the veranda I also have all the windows closed with shutters for the winter. Only their design is more complicated. Let me just say that all four wings fold like an accordion, like a screen. Well, they consist, like the shutters on the windows, of wooden shields reinforced from the inside with a metal sheet. Therefore, in winter, I do not worry about the safety of my dacha.

Konstantin Rudenko, Vologda region

Initially, both in castles and in palaces, shutters performed only a protective function. They appeared along with the windows, at a time when about transparent glass didn't even dream of it. The exact age of this architectural detail unknown, but more than one thousand years old. The first mentions are found in the historical works of Roman scientists and the papyri of Ancient Egypt.

Typical window shutters in southern European cities

Most likely, like most useful inventions, they appeared in many countries at the same time, performing exclusively protective functions. In hot countries, they protected the coolness of the house and protected from sandstorms, in cold countries they closed the windows from piercing winds and cold, for this they were additionally sheathed with felt.

For the manufacture, the material was used, which was rich in the area - wood, marble. Thus, the locals created their original traditions shutter manufacturing. Over time, their shape improved, they became more functional and comfortable. From simple shields, the shutters turned into important element decoration of the entire building.

Beautiful shutters became evidence of material wealth, and old and cracked were silent witnesses of poverty and decline.

Glazed windows spread quickly enough, but their hinged form was not used for a long time. In the warm season, they were simply taken out of the openings and stored in the pantry. Thus, the shutters were the only barrier between the inhabitants of the house and outside world

Features of the European set case

Knight's castles and city houses

The first shutters of European castles were metal, they did not carry any decorative value, but they reliably protected the inhabitants of the fortress from the invasion of enemies. Since iron was expensive, an alternative material had to be found, which was oak wood. The metal was used, but only to increase the strength of the structure, as a variety of fittings.

With the advent of glass, they not only did not disappear, but even more strengthened their positions. Glass was expensive and had to be protected.

The first shutters of European castles were metal

The shutters in the houses were often internal, as can be seen from the re-creation of the setting in historical films. One of the reasons is considered to be the large thickness of the walls of buildings of that time, in order to open or close the shutters, one had to go outside. From the inside, they were reinforced with horizontal bars, so they were reliable protection for the house.

Sun-kissed countries - Italy and Spain

In the hot climate of these countries, the protection of the cold was superfluous, and there was a problem of maintaining a pleasant coolness in the house. It was here that lattice shutters were invented, which became the prototype modern blinds. They were assembled in a frame of durable wooden slats, inside which narrow strips were installed at an angle. This design allowed light into the room, but did not allow the sun to heat it. A similar design was used in Eastern countries, where wealthy citizens could even compete in the beauty and rich decoration of the shutters of their houses.

Worth mentioning separately Provencal style shutters. These are shields made of vertical strips, which are fixed tightly or with a small gap. Shutters were made in hinged or removable form.

In addition to hinged shutters, folding shutters were popular, they were made in the form of a shield, which closed the window. With the help of stops, it could be installed at a certain height, adjusting the amount of light in the room

The originality of Russian shutters

Most people imagine Russian shutters in the form of a two-leaf structure reinforced on hinges. Gradually, the protective function intertwined with the decorative one. The usual square shape of the opening gave way to arched and trapezoidal windows.

Along with the windows, the shutters also changed. For centuries, the shutters on the windows of a simple Russian hut or a princely palace were made of wood. The richer the house was, the more attention was paid to window decoration. Along with carved shutters, curly architraves and valances were attached to the windows, which were made in the same style with the shutters and completed the frame of the opening. The shutters themselves were not covered with rich decorations, since they had to remain a reliable protection for the hearth during the absence of the owners, severe weather and at night.

Carved shutters on the windows of a simple Russian hut

The traditions of artistic decoration of shutters developed differently in each locality. In some areas, this art has survived to this day, but there are cities and regions where the decoration of the shutters was not given so much importance.

Glass was an expensive material, so not everyone could afford a large glazed window. There is an assumption that at first Russian shutters could be single-leaf. Later they expanded, shutters appeared with double and triple paneled inserts. In addition to carving, dyeing was used for decoration and art painting, which also protected the wood from rot and fungus. Popular were considered blue, red, green colors. The poor palette is explained by the small assortment of colorful materials of that time.

For the manufacture of the main structure, durable types of wood were used, and carved elements were made from soft types. Metal nails were rare at the time, and the pieces were fastened with well-fitted wooden pegs.

It is noteworthy that Russian craftsmen did not use solid forged window shutters, preferring to work with wood. They have perfected their skills so much that now the antique shutters seem to be a real work of art.

By closing the shutters at night, the family protected their privacy from ill-wishers ( good people in the dark, they will not walk under the windows). It was a ritual that protected the sanctity of the family hearth. Belief in otherworldly forces was very strong, and windows with shutters made it possible to protect themselves from their influence. Boarded up tightly windows and in our time are considered a sign of abandonment, desolation and evoke sadness.

New fashion or well-forgotten old

With the advent of curtains and curtains on the windows, Russian shutters lost some of their significance and began to be used less frequently. There were few craftsmen left who could create carved masterpieces, people began to strive for simple and inexpensive things. Gradually, the shutters were simplified to a small figured frame around the windows. The fading of popularity was facilitated by a large outflow of the population to cities and new industrial settlements, where housing was built at an accelerated pace, and time was not wasted on decoration.

The real shutters that were in the Russian hut can still be seen in the villages on the houses of the old building.

The fashion for Russian-style shutters returned a few years ago when they became popular again. country houses from a log house, for which the shutters were an organic addition. They perform the same function as several centuries ago - they protect the house and favorably distinguish it from typical cottage buildings.

The shutters on the windows of the Russian hut have become a kind of stereotype - they are wooden, brightly colored and always with carved decorations.

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Wooden shutters on windows in Russian huts and houses have been installed since time immemorial. They served at the same time to protect against dashing people and to decorate the appearance of the house. As a material in the manufacture wooden shutters wood available in the area was used in the manufacture of wooden shutters. Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house.

The shutters served as a protective screen from the scorching rays of the sun, creating coolness and silence in the house, in addition, on winter days they were a good barrier from the cold, wind and rain. Shutters appeared before the widespread introduction of window glass.

Upholstered from the inside with felt or other insulation, they protected from the weather, primarily from the cold, both in the castles of the nobility and in the homes of the poor.

Back in the nineteenth century, many window frames did not swing open, in the warm season they were simply completely taken out of the openings. The shutters became the only protection of the dwelling at night and in the absence of tenants. As a material for the manufacture of wooden shutters, wood available in the area was used.

Most often it was pine or spruce, less often larch and other, more noble species of wood. Carved shutters were made to decorate the house. Wooden carved shutters consist of the main sheet, which serves as protection, and carved decorations made of more soft wood, usually linden, fixed on the canvas with nails or self-tapping screws. For additional decoration and protection from external environment shutters must be painted.

The most popular were white shutters or a combination of white and blue. White color has always been associated with cleanliness and health, and therefore gives the home an eye-pleasing color scheme. Traditional wooden shutters are used in the construction of houses in our time.

Carved wooden shutters consist of a cloth that serves as protection and various carved decorations, which are made of soft wood (linden), fixed with self-tapping screws and nails.

Shutters made of wood are constructed from sheet pile boards, slats and clapboards. The shield, which turned out, is tightened in width with clamps and cut off. Hinges are fixed on the outer side of the shutters, and the inner side is reinforced with wooden slats. Window shutters can be completed in the most different options: wooden box, covering the slopes of the window opening, carved figured architraves decorating patterned shutters, various locking mechanisms, anti-burglary shutters, shutters-blinds.

September 18, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Until recently, shutters on windows were perceived as decorative element rustic style architecture, so they were installed extremely rarely. However, recently the fashion for this facade element has begun to return, as a result of which shutters can now be seen on modern houses. And it went on sale a large assortment these products, which differ not only in design, but also in performance, as well as the functions they perform.

Why shutters are needed

As you know, windows are the most vulnerable place in the house, in terms of security, since glass is easy to break in order to get inside the room. Of course, grilles can be installed to increase security, however, they do not protect windows from vandals.

Therefore, if you leave housing for long time, then shutters are the most reliable way of protection. Accordingly, first of all, we can recommend using shutters for windows in the country. However, even if you live in the house permanently, they will also be useful.

The fact is that shutters can perform other functions:

  • allow you to limit the view through the windows at night, and are also able to protect the room from intense sunlight, i.e. they can be used instead of curtains or blinds;
  • can additionally protect from the cold on frosty days, in addition, they serve as additional sound insulation;
  • often used as a decorative element that adorns the facade of the building. In particular, they can emphasize the belonging of the house to one or another.

Thus, shutters are a really useful and practical element of the facade, so it is not surprising that they are back in fashion.

One of the main differences between shutters is the material they are made from.. According to this parameter, they are divided into the following types:


Wooden shutters can be called a classic option, as they are what we represent when it comes to this element of window protection. It should be noted that wooden shutters on the windows are both internal and external.

Internal, as a rule, perform a decorative function, and also protect the room from the sun. The outer ones do a good job of protecting and decorative function.

Depending on the type of construction, wooden shutters are divided into several types:

  • single-leaf hinged - consist of one door, respectively, suitable for small windows;

  • double-leaf hinged - have two doors, as a result of which they can be used with both narrow and wide windows;
  • folding multi-leaf - consist of several wings that fold like an accordion. The advantage of this design is that the window can be closed not completely, but only by a third or half;

  • louvered - are a hinged or folding structure, inside which there are lamellas. A special mechanism allows you to change the angle of the slats, as in conventional blinds. Thus, it is possible to regulate the flow of sunlight into the room.

If the house is small and low, then it is more advisable to use internal shutters, since from the outside they will seem too massive.

Among the advantages wooden products the following points can be highlighted:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractive appearance - often wooden shutters are even decorated with carvings;
  • durability, the only thing is that these products require periodic maintenance;
  • can be strong and reliable.

Therefore, wooden shutters are the most popular. Their cost starts from 2000-3000 thousand rubles per square meter. The most expensive are carvings - the price of such shutters can reach 8000-10000 rubles per square meter.

Of steel

Steel shutters are the most durable, so they are used primarily as protective ones. However, do not think that they will not be able to decorate the facade of the building. For example, products with forging elements look very beautiful and in terms of aesthetics they are in no way inferior to wooden counterparts.

As for the design, iron shutters are most often swing single-leaf and double-leaf. In addition, there are louvered models.

Separately, it should be said about such a type of products as roller shutters. They are a canvas consisting of lamellae. When lifted, the canvas rolls up.

As a rule, such a design is equipped with an electric drive, which simplifies their operation, since you do not need to open and close the shutters with your own hands. Some models even come with a remote control.

These products cannot be called decorative, so they are rather anti-vandal. Of course, they can also be used for sun protection. Moreover, the canvas can be fixed in any position, which allows you to partially close the windows.

Metal models of shutters come with an external and internal safe lock, which can only be opened from inside the house. For a dacha that you leave unattended for a long time, it is more expedient to use products with an internal lock.

Among the advantages of these products are the following points:

  • high strength;
  • do not swell from moisture and do not dry out, unlike wooden counterparts;
  • long service life, the only thing is that they also need to be periodically looked after.

Ordinary swing metal shutters windows cost an average of 3,500 rubles per square meter. Decorated with forging products, of course, much more expensive.

If you have welding machine, you can make simple metal shutters with your own hands. They consist of a frame, which is usually welded from profile pipe or corner, as well as plating in the form steel sheet, i.e. the design is quite simple.


Aluminum shutters are of the following types:

  • louvered-folding;
  • louvered hinged;
  • roller shutters.

It should be noted that aluminum products have an attractive appearance. Often they even imitate wooden shutters.. Therefore, they can be purchased as decorative, as well as for protection from the sun.

As for the protective function, aluminum models cannot fully cope with this task, since they are inferior in strength to some wooden and even more so metal counterparts. However, in any case, it is much more difficult to get into a window closed with such shutters than into an unprotected one, besides, they protect against vandals. Therefore, aluminum models are great for houses in which someone constantly lives.

In addition, these products have other advantages:

  • they are light in weight, which simplifies their transportation and installation;
  • not subject to corrosion and negative environmental influences. True, over time they may be required.
  • can have not only a rectangular, but also an arched shape.

The cost of these products starts from 3000 rubles per square meter. True, there are expensive models from European manufacturers, the cost of which is several times higher than the price of metal counterparts.

Made of plastic

Finally, consider the plastic shutters. These products have an attractive appearance, and there is a fairly large range of their design. There are models for wood that imitate wood texture, as well as one-color products.

As you might guess, the main task of plastic shutters is to decorate the facade and protect the room from the sun. In terms of strength, they, of course, are inferior to all the products described above, therefore, they are not suitable for protecting housing from penetration.

However, their popularity does not suffer from this, which is due to the following advantages:

  • low cost - from 1500-2000 rubles per square meter;
  • unaffected by the environment:
  • They are light in weight, so they can be mounted both on walls and directly on plastic windows or wooden frames;
  • do not need care;
  • simple installation instructions, so you can install them yourself.

Here, in fact, are all types of shutters that I wanted to tell you about.


As we found out, there are currently many types of shutters that are designed to perform different tasks. Therefore, when choosing, you need to decide on the functions that are important to you.

If decorative window shutters are required to decorate the facade, then aluminum or even plastic products can be used, but if it is necessary to protect the housing from penetration, then it is definitely better to give preference to steel products with a lock that opens from the inside.

The video in this article contains some additional information. If you have any questions regarding the choice of shutters or their performance, unsubscribe in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 18, 2016

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