Diplomatic and military actions of countries before World War II. Soviet diplomacy during the Second World and Great Patriotic War

The buildings 22.09.2019

The assessment of the personality of V.M. Molotov in the life of the Soviet state, as well as most of the other supervisors of the Soviet era, over the decade has changed repeatedly - from the injury to the insensitory.

Molotov had a lot to work hard on party work and in the organs of the highest executive. However, first of all, his personality is associated with foreign policy activities at the post of addict, and then the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. A total of Molotov led NKID / MID throughout almost 13 years, including solely complex - in terms of conquest Soviet Union international Positions - Pre-war and war years.

The strategic course of the Soviet Union in the 1930s was the creation of the system collective security in Europe. However, these plans were torn by Western powers, which agreement with the USSR against the growing risk of Nazism chose the policy of pacifying an increasingly nervous aggressor in the hope of attaching a possible German expansion from himself and send it to the east. When the USSR, in March 1939, initiated the holding of Soviet-British-French talks in Moscow, proposing to conclude an agreement "On a mutual commitment to provide each other immediately all assistance, including military, in the event of aggression in Europe against any of the Contracting States" 1, this kind of commitment I scared British and French politicians, and the agreement did not take place.

Leading formal negotiations from the USSR and hoping to associate his hands with some symbolic agreement, London continued at the same time with Berlin. British Prime Minister N. Chebellamen, chatting on June 8, 1939 with an employee of German Foreign Minister A. Background Trot TsU Solz, did not hide that "From the very day, he came to power, he defended the idea that European problems could be solved Only on the line Berlin - London "2.

Such a position of Western countries put a new question about the security of the Soviet Union. The Soviet leadership did not fail without reasonably the possibility of a new collusion of Western democracies with Hitler in the type of Munich Agreement, but already at the expense of the USSR. Therefore, it was considered possible to try to resume economic, and with a favorable circulation of events - and political, contacts with Germany.

In May 1939, M. M. Litvinova, as a People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, changed V.M. Molotov. It was "With his name, the forced waste of Soviet diplomacy from the pre-war policy aimed at ensuring collective security in Europe is connected, to attempts to independently solve the security issue of the country" 3.

On July 29, V.M. Molotov telegraphed into the Soviet Institution to Berlin: "Every improvement in the political relations between the two countries, we, of course, would be welcomed by" 4. At the same time, the Soviet leadership, in order to preserve the freedom of the hands, preferred to expect the initiative from the Germans. Berlin and in fact, in mutual convergence showed much greater than Moscow, activity. His actions were logical in their own way: Hitler was to meet the war against Poland and was ready for many concessions, just to prevent the creation of an independent front in the east with the participation of the Red Army. In this regard, it is difficult to disagree with the opinion of I.A. Schelyshev: "The Moscow negotiations from the very beginning acquired an ambiguous character. Both sides in secret from each other negotiated with Germany, played at once on two tables. It can be said that in the negotiations in Moscow, the third party was invisible - Germany. Hitler also led his party "5.

When for the Soviet leadership, it became extremely clear that the negotiations of the Military missions of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France began on August 12 in Moscow, and France are not conducted by Western countries to conclude an effective military union, but for the pressure on Hitler, so as not to allow him, in turn, to negotiate with USSR, they were interrupted. By choosing in favor of contacts with Germany, I.V.Stalin agreed to arrive in Moscow of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany I. Riebbentrop.

On August 23, 1939, an aggression agreement was signed with Germany, who read, in particular: "both of the Contracting Parties undertake to refrain from any violence, from any aggressive action and any attack against each other, both separately and together with other powers ... in case The emergence of disputes or conflicts between the Contracting Parties on the issues of one or another, both parties will resolve these disputes and conflicts with an exclusively peaceful way in the order of friendly exchange of views or in the right cases by creating a conflict settlement commissions "6. The signature under the document was put by V.M. Molotov and I. Ribbentrop.

In modern Western historiography, the Molotov - Ribbentrop Covenant is often considered to be some " trigger crochet", Pressing which allowed Hitler to start the second world war. In fact, to unleash the world slaughter of Germany gave the opportunity to the short-sighted policy of pacification conducted by Western democracies. The pact was the temporary military-political compromise on which the Soviet leadership for the winning time and geographical space on the eve of the inevitable military collision with Germany. To go to such arrangements with a frank enemy, the Soviet Union objectively forced the interests of their own security, the need to build ruins of defense on distant approaches.

As a result of the August, and then September, 1939 agreements with Germany, the Soviet Union, by signing the secret additional protocols, made the inclusion in the sphere of its interests of some countries that were previously integrated Russian EmpireBut either found after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia Independence (Finland), or after the First World War, they were rejected as a result of direct annexation (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the eastern part of Poland - Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, Bessarabia).

To prepare the secret protocols to the non-aggression agreement of August 23, 1939 and the Treaty on the Friendship and the Border of September 28 of the same year, Molotov had a direct relationship. He led negotiations with Ribbentrop, and put his signature under the documents. It is characteristic that by the end of his days he did not recognize the fact of the existence of such documents. To the question set in 1983 by the historian G.A. Kumanev, is there a secret protocol to the nonsense, the former People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs replied extremely stretching: "The difficult question was touched upon. Well, in general, with Ribbentrop in orally about everything then agreed "7.

Molotov directly participated in the achievement of agreement with Japan on concluding a neutrality Covenant on April 13, 1941, which made it possible to remove the danger of the war at the same time on two fronts - in the West and East. Under the package also stands the signature of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR 8.

In Moscow, the compromise of the agreements reached in the fall of 1939 with Germany was fully realized. In the sincerity of Hitler, the Soviet leadership did not believe, and therefore took efforts to prior to the further plans of his future opponent. To this end, Molotov in November 1940 went to Berlin on an official visit. On the eve of the trip, November 9, in a personal conversation with Stalin, he received a number of major directives. First of all, it was necessary to find out the actual intentions of Germany, as well as Italy and Japan in the implementation of the creation plan " New Europe", As well as the" Great East Asian space "; to identify the prospects for attaching other countries to the triple CTU; It is designed to find out what place was reserved by Berlin to the Soviet Union in these plans at that moment and in the future.

Judging by the directives of the People's Commissar, Stalin proceeded from the fact that the agreement reached in 1939 on partial delimitation of the interests of the USSR and Germany was exhausted as a result of the liberation campaign of the Red Army to Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, entry into the USSR of the Baltic republics, Bessarabia and North Bukovina. Exhausted, as emphasized in the directives, with the exception of Finland. Therefore, during a visit to Berlin, Molotov was prescribed, pushing out from the "initial mark" of the sphere of interests of the USSR in Europe, as well as in the near and Central AsiaTo prove the opportunity to agree on this account with Germany and Italy, but no agreements make it in mind the continuation of negotiations in Moscow with the participation of ribbentrop.

As for Finland, it was prescribed to achieve during the negotiations so that it was attributed to the sphere of the interests of the USSR "On the basis of the Soviet-German Agreement of 1939, in which Germany should eliminate any difficulties and ambiguities (withdrawal of German troops, the termination of all political demonstrations in Finland and in Germany, aimed at harming the interests of the USSR). "

During the negotiations of Molotov, the mouth of the Danube was attributed to the sphere of interests of the USSR, as well as Bulgaria with the introduction of the Soviet troops and during guarantees from the Soviet side, similar to those who were given Romania from Germany after Berlin introduced his troops there. The German leadership needed to bring the dissatisfaction of the USSR, which it was not consulted with the Soviet government on the issue of guarantees and entering troops in Romania. "The question of the further fate of Romania and Hungary, as bordering the USSR, is very interested - the directives are emphasized - and we would like to agree with us." Without the participation of the USSR, according to Stalin, the question of Turkey and Iran could also be resolved, where the "serious interests" of the Soviet Union 9 were present.

A number of modern authors consider this kind of instructions as the proof of Stalin's expansionism, the continuation of the course on the "delimitation of the spheres of interests", which the USSR allegedly began to implement the Secret Protocol to the Covenant on nonsense with Germany. In fact, it was an attempt at the Soviet Union in the conditions of the impending war as far as possible to push the frontiers of their defense: where through territorial acquisitions, and where by the strengthening of its own influence in the adjacent states of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

The Soviet leadership led in connection with this complex political game. A trip to Berlin was a difficult test for Molotov. As it became known later, Hitler a month later, on December 18, 1940, signed the Directive No. 21 according to the "Barbarossa" plan, thereby giving the launch of the practical training of Germany to the war against the USSR. Negotiations with the Soviet delegation were needed by the Nazi leadership only as the cover of the beginning of military preparations. All this is definitely an imprint on the situation of the visit of Molotov.

The German leaders tried to incline Moscow to participate in the joint section of the British Empire and talked about the "expediency" of the USSR movement south to the Persian Bay and the Arabian Peninsula. This was done to complicate Soviet-British relations, to prevent the possible rapprochement of Moscow and London. Molotov, leading negotiations with Hitler, Goering and Ribbentrop, insisted primarily on the discharge of German troops from Soviet borders (in Finland - in the north and in Romania - in the south) and providing additional guarantees for the USSR security.

He had to put in a matter of all his relatively poorly poor diplomatic luggage, all extract and perseverance. The course of negotiations showed that the German side was ready to lively discuss the divide of the British inheritance, but as soon as the Soviet militarily reminded that "big questions tomorrow"There should be no problem of today's challenges of today, that is, he returned the interlocutors to problems that the USSR's safety directly depended, they immediately sneeze or, like Hitler, came into irritation. The Führer, who failed to incline the Moscow guest to a profitable decisions for himself, did not demonstratively arrived at the retaliatory dinner, which Molotov gave Molotov in the Embassy in the evening.

The last conversation with Ribbentrop turned out to be unsuccessful, during which the German minister led a speech "On the transition to future cooperation between the member states of the Covenant of three powers - Germany, Italy, Japan and the Soviet Union" and about the search for ways to "jointly determine general features The spheres of interests of these four states. " Molotov said that the Soviet side does not object to the joint work of the USSR with the countries "axis", but the specific directions of such work require elaboration. As for the delimitation of the interests of interest, so far such a question, as noted by the People's Commissar, Germany was not put and "he is for the Soviet government new." In other words, he did not associate any specific decisions with the hands of Soviet diplomacy, adopting the Ribbentrop proposal to continue further exchange of views through ambassadors in Moscow and Berlin.

To eliminate or at least distinguish the danger of aggression, the Soviet leadership, comprehensively having weighed everything "for" and "against", went to the fact that it agreed to "mainly adopt the project of the Pact of four powers" (Germany, Japan, Italy and the USSR) "On their Political cooperation and economic understanding ", that is, to join the new section of the" spheres of influence ". Molotov reported on this Berlin through the German ambassador F.Shlenburg on November 25. At the same time, consent was furnished by a number of unacceptable conditions for Hitler, such as the requirements of the output german troops From Finland or ensuring the safety of the USSR in the Mediterranean sheds by concluding a mutual assistance package between the USSR and Bulgaria and the organization of the military and naval base of the USSR in the Bosphorus region and Dardanelle on the basis of the long-term lease. Such a tactical move, according to the Soviet side, made it possible to ensure freedom of arms and at the same time retained the possibility of preventing or at least pulling away the moment of Nazi aggression for a later date. However, the answer from Berlin did not follow: the third Reich has already made his choice in favor of the war against the USSR.

When analyzing the Hammer's behavior, during negotiations with the Nazi Tips, a natural question arises about the degree of its independence. Responding to it, one should proceed from several considerations. Molotov, until the appointment, the addict did not have diplomatic experience, minimally communicated with foreign representatives, did not speak sufficiently in any European language. Especially at the beginning it could not not affect his activities. According to the veteran of the diplomatic service V.V. Sokolov, "V.M. Molotov, having come to the Narkomointell, observed extreme caution, seeking all the questions that have arisen from I.V. Stalin. Considering yourself a politician, he did not prepare for diplomatic activities, foreign languages Not owned ... "10.

It is impossible to discount the regime of authoritarian authorities in the USSR, in which all significant decisions, including in the field of foreign policy, took part person personally. Stalin "Not only determined the main directions of the country's foreign policy, but also provided a direct impact on the solution of specific issues of NKID" 11. For viewing and approval, he was represented by all important documents of a diplomatic nature - the projects of all documents that the USSR ended up for consideration by the international community, directive by Soviet delegations for two- and multilateral negotiations, diplomatic statements, records of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs and his deputies with foreign diplomators, Diplomatic correspondence, information received from ambassadors. As Molotov emphasized, "we [had] centralized diplomacy. There were no autonomy and could not have any independence and could not have ... Everything was in the fist of Stalin, I - otherwise we could not at that time ... We had a good diplomacy. But in it, Stalin played a decisive role, and not some diplomat ... "12.

Milk Molotov's diplomatic skills compensated for enormous experience in managing whole spheres state activities. By the end of the 1930s, he was a mature and sophisticated politician, he had his own opinion, which was ready and able to defend, including Stalin. The practical implementation of the Political Bureau Installations of the Central Committee of the CPS (b) and the head of the ruling party reflected the work and methods of the Molotov's work and the head of the ruling party.

Returning to his Berlin trip, it should not be noted that all his actions by the People's Commissaries with Stalin through the encrypted correspondence, received specific instructions and recommendations from Moscow, which followed. But it is clear that he communicated with Hitler and Ribbentrop directly himself, and here Molotov showed himself a persistent negotiator, a solid politician, who knows the situation well and persistently defending the interests of their country. It is no coincidence that a very demanding leader sent the Molotov encouraging a telegram: "We consider your behavior in the negotiations right."

True, not everything is so unequivocal. On the one hand, summing up the visit of Molotov to Berlin, Stalin, as recalled the USSR manager of the USSR, I.E. Schadaev, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) stated: "It is clear one thing: Hitler leads a double game. Having prepare aggression against the USSR, at the same time he tries to win the time, trying to create an impression from the Soviet government that it is ready to discuss the question of the further peaceful development of Soviet-German relations ... We all must remember this and get ready to prepare for the reflection of the fascist aggression "13. But at the same time, Stalin, and Molotov believed that before the defeat of the UK, the Germans would not fight from the USSR, and they did not expect to win a year or two to prepare the country to reflect aggression. G. Khukov recalled, as soon after his appointment by the head of the General Staff during the Stalin's report in February 1941, attended by the Molotov report, he interrupted his speech: "Do you think that we will have to fight the Germans soon?" fourteen

In such a duality of the position, in playing Stalin in his conviction, which will be able to spend, deceive Hitler (and this line adhered to all the entourage of the leader), the cause of the catastrophic missum was rooted in determining the possible terms of German aggression made by the Supreme Soviet leadership. This also has essential wines of the head of the NKID.

The war, which began on June 22, 1941, highlighted the Molotov's special role in the management and Soviet diplomacy, and the country as a whole. He was the first of the Soviet leaders due to the official situation from the German ambassador F.Shlenburg tragic news of the announcement of the Soviet Union of War. It was from his speech on the radio at noon on June 22, 1941, and not the heads of the party and the Government of Stalin or the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin found out the Soviet people about the broken misfortune, as well as the equitable nature of the beginning of the fight against Nazism: "Our The right thing, the enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours!"

The unprecedented test required for the USSR demanded the strictest centralization of power. In her hands, she focused her narrow circle of Stalin's associates led by the leader himself, forms on June 30, 1941 State Committee. Defense. In his composition, Molotov took the post of Vice-Chair, that is, Stalin.

It was Molotov, and not Beria, as A.I. Mikoyan claimed, made the initiator of the creation of GKo 15. His deed is logical: after all, he was the only one, except Stalin, who in practice knew, being in the 1920s by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, the work of the Council of Labor and Defense, on the similarity of which was created by GKO, as well as the technology of work "Trok" in the Politburo - Sllass authorities created from party leaders and countries in conditions Civil War and the most severe economic crisis and demonstrated high efficiency. On June 30, at the critical moment after the first, catastrophically folding week of war (June 28, Minsk, and in a day, the main forces of the Western Front fell into the enemy environment) Molotov showed such a necessary initiative to form the GCO. Together with the guests invited to his Kremlin, he discussed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an emergency authority, after which the idea was put on the court Stalin, who retired on this day at the "nearby country", and received a complete leader OK.

Even earlier, Molotov came into the composition of the head of the chief command formed on the second day of the war (from August 8, 1941 - the bid of the Supreme Command) - the authority strategic management Armed Forces. According to the testimony of Marshal G.K.zhukov, "he was almost always present at the rate when operational-strategic and other important issues were considered. There were often disagreements between them [Molotov and Stalin], during which the correct decision was formed "16.

Members of the GKO, continuing to perform the main workload, received significant additional responsibilities. The Molotov Resolution of GKO dated February 4, 1942 was entrusted with "control over the execution of decisions" for the production of tanks 17. And at the end of the year, in accordance with the GKO Resolution of December 8, 1942, he entered the operational bureau of the GKO - along with Malenkov, Beria and Mikoyan. The monitoring and monitoring of the current work was assigned to the "control and execution of the production and supply plans for the drug industry, black, non-ferrous metallurgy, power plants, coal and chemical industries 18.

The redistribution of powers was affected by members of the USSR Council. On August 16, 1942, Molotov was approved by the First Deputy Chairman of the SNK "on all issues of the work of the SNK", and a little later and the chairman of the SNK 19 Bureau. Consideration and approval of "national economic plans (plans of production and supply), the state budget and lending to all sectors of the national economy, as well as the organization of work of drug addicts who have not included in the sphere of HBO management - machine-building drug addicts, construction and production drug addicts building materials, food I. light industry, agriculture, agricultural billets and trade, sea and river transport, rubber industry, forest industry, cellulosic and Paper Industry, Health, Justice, and All Committees and Offices in the USSR SCC.

Thus, taking into account the responsibilities of Molotov within the framework of the GKO and SCA of the USSR under his immediate principle, the entire defense industry and the entire people's complex was provided. Of course, he relied on big number Deputies and the apparatus, but in the end, for everything answered himself. And coped with the entrusted duties not bad. We will be able only to one fact: September 30, 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for his contribution to the production of armored vehicles. This award is impressive figures achieved since the beginning of the war of the release of tanks and self-propelled artillery installations: from 4968 - in 1941 to 24134 - in 1943 20.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that the main official responsibility of Molotov continued to remain the leadership of the NKID. With the beginning of the war in the activities of the People's Commissariat, serious adjustments were made. The main thing about it was required now, there was provision of favorable international conditions for decisive removal to the countries of the fascist "axis", the search for allies and establishing them, primarily with the United States of America and the United Kingdom, effective political, military and economic cooperation. The drug team played an exceptional role in solving this problem.

On June 26, he directs the ambassador to the United States to the USA: "You should immediately go to Roosevelt or Halla [K. Hel - US Secretary of State], and in his absence - to Wellese [S. Shweles, US Deputy Secretary of State, replaced . Hell during his illness] and, saying about the perfidy attack of Germany in the USSR, request, what is the attitude of the American government to this war and to the USSR. Questions about help now should not be put "22. In the tone of both telegrams, an independent position of both the People's Commissaries and the countries that had fallen in an exceptionally difficult situation were felt, but did not encourage anyone in advance and ask for help.

Only after the American Ambassador L. Shteyngardt received on June 29 and heard from him about "desire and willingness to give every possible assistance to the Soviet Union, which will be in the USA, so that the Soviet Union won Hitler," he gave K.A. Yumansky An indication of meeting with F. Shooter or US Secretary of State and put the issue of the possibility of assisting the USSR (hereinafter referred to as a list of specific weapons and strategic materials).

Practically from the very beginning, the Soviet leadership raised future allies to the question of lack of mutual economic assistance, encouraging them to create a wide military-political framework for the development of comprehensive cooperation. When, in the course of June 27, a conversation with the British ambassador S. Kripps last noticed that in the economic region, his country can provide the USSR necessary materialsThat she has, "the time has not yet matured for the political agreement, since there were a lot of mutual distrust from the past, Molotov responded immediately. He said that "it's better not to return to the past," since the situation has changed radically: "Both sides have one enemy, and they have general issues And common interests. " At the same time, "it is necessary to determine mutual assistance to some agreement on a certain political framework on which it would be possible to carry out military and political rapprochement between both countries" 23.

Such perseverance of the Soviet side gave its fruits. On July 12, 1941, the Soviet-British agreement "On joint actions in the war against Germany" was concluded in Moscow, which recorded the mutual readiness of the parties to "assist each other and the support of all kinds in the present war against Hitler Germany" 24. By his signature, the document was covered by V.M. Molotov.

The special value of the agreement was that it marked the beginning of the practical formation of the anti-Hitler coalition as a military-political union. A serious material base was supplied to such an alliance: in a month, on August 16, a Soviet-British trade agreement was signed in Moscow, loan and clearing, which provided for the provision of a loan to the Soviet Union in the amount of 10 million pounds for procurement for the needs of the Red Army and Fleet Martial technology and weapons.

The Washington and Moscow, an indicated Union of London and Moscow, managed to bring the visit to the Soviet capital at the end of July 1941 in the Soviet capital at the end of July 1941 - a personal messenger and friend F. Mostwelt.

As a result of common efforts on September 29 - October 1, 1941, the first conference of representatives of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, considered issues of mutual supplies and best use material resources Three countries in the war. A secret protocol on the supply of weapons and strategic materials in the USSR of weapons and strategic materials is signed at once - to 30 June 1942.

An equally important was the political result that the head of the Soviet delegation of Molotov determined concisely and exhaustively: "The political importance of the conference is that she showed how strongly disappeared ... The intentions of the Nazis, against which the powerful front of the freedom-loving peoples led by the Soviet Union was created. , England and the United States of America »25.

Of course, many politicians and diplomats contributed to the achievement of this success from the Soviet side. It is impossible not to note the role of Stalin, who personally, without regretting the time, negotiating with the heads of American (A. Rugarman) and British (Lord U.Biverbruck) delegations. Nevertheless, the role of Molotov is impossible to diminish.

Especially since contacts with important, but still secondary people from the Allied camp did not allow to achieve a full-fledged military-political union with the United States and the United Kingdom, without which capable antihytler coalition It was impossible. Moscow came to the conclusion about the need to send the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs for a personal meeting with the first persons of the allied countries.

In May-June 1942, Molotov, by the decision of the government (read - Stalin), at a four-dimensional bombarder TB-7 (PE-8) made a distance even for today's standards (about 20 thousand km) and an extremely risky flight to the British Islands, and then USA. On May 21, Molotov began negotiations with Churchill and the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Iiden with the aim of: 1) the conclusion of an allied contract, which was not able to sign in December 1941 during their stay in Moscow and 2) Agreement on the opening of the second front. Moreover, the addict stressed the priority importance of the second question, saying to intend to consider it with the US president. Showing proper respect for the British ally, the interlocutors told Molotov, the Soviet government recognized it necessary so that he, Molotov, previously discussed the question of the second front with Churchill and Eden.

The search for a reasonable compromise was hard. The British side did not agree to enter the draft item proposed by Stalin still during the Moscow visit, about the post-war European building with the recognition of the borders of the USSR as of June 22, 1941. In other words, the British did not want to recognize the fact of the entry of Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Bessarabia and the Baltic countries to the USSR, as well as the new border with Finland after Winter War. In the negotiations with the messenger of Moscow, Churchill and Eden still categorically objected to this item.

Molotov, together with the Ambassador Maysky, following the instructions received earlier, sent to Stalin to the telegram, in which the English project was regarded as "an empty declaration in which the USSR does not need." An unexpected answer was received from Moscow: "Instance" prescribed immediately sign a contract in English, explained: "There [in the contract] there is no question of the safety of borders, but this is probably not bad, since we have hands free. The question of borders, or rather, about the security guarantees of our borders on a particular plot of our country, we will solve the force "26.

Stalin put the task as soon as possible to sign the contract and fly to America to seek the Opening Allies of the Second Front back in 1942.

On May 26, 1942, the treaty between the USSR and the United Kingdom about the Union in the war against Hitler's Germany and its accomplices in Europe and cooperation and mutual assistance after the war was signed. He replaced an agreement of July 12, 1941 and became a full-fledged legal framework to provide each other military and other assistance "against Germany and all those states that are associated with it in acts of aggression in Europe". The parties confirmed their obligations that prohibited any negotiations with Germany and its allies and conclude a truce or peace treaty with them "otherwise, as in mutual agreement" 27.

It is curious the assessment that, for the first time, silenting with Molotov, in the diplomatic duel, gave the Soviet addict Churchill. On May 27, 1942, telling Roosevelt about the signed Soviet-British contract, the prime minister wrote: "Molotov is a statesman and has freedom of actions, very different from the one that I and I had to watch Litvinova. I am very sure that you will be able to negotiate with him well "28.

Unfortunately, not all depended on the hammer. May 29 - June 5, he spent a whole series of negotiations, primarily with Roosevelt. It was the first in the history of interstate relations of the USSR and the USA official visits at such a level. The US President accepted the messenger of Moscow immediately, talked with him to lunch given in honor of Molotov, and after him. However, as soon as the head of the Soviet delegation put a direct question about the opening of the second front in 1942, the Gopkins large enthusiasm and his advisers in the face of Gopkins, the headquarters of the American army of General J. Marshall and the commander-in-chief of the Navy Admiral E. Kingov did not show . As Molotov reported to Moscow on May 31, "Roosevelt and Marshall said that they all want to do this, but until the case rests on the lack of vessels for the transfer of troops to France. I didn't say anything concrete "29.

"My mission to Washington can be considered complete," made the pessimistic conclusion of Molotov. However, this conclusion was premature. June 3 managed to coordinate the draft Soviet-American communiqué proposed by the Soviet Soviet. It indicated that "in negotiations, a complete agreement was reached in relation to the urgent tasks of creating a second front in Europe in 1942."

On the day of publication of the communiqué, on June 11, 1942, in Washington Ambassador of the USSR and the US Secretary of State, an agreement was signed between the governments of both states about the principles applicable to mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression 30. This act ended the process of forming an antihytler coalition. True, the extended "full agreement" on the creation of the second front was implemented only in 1944.

Allies under different pretexts were postponed by the opening of hostilities against the Wehrmacht in Western EuropeSo the entire main burden in the armed confrontation with a general enemy was taken by the Red Army. Soviet diplomacy made persistent efforts to change the situation. In October 1943, a conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, USA and Great Britain took place in Moscow. In the discussions with K. Hell and A.Iidom Molotov, it was possible to prepare a solid base for the first three in the history of the Anti-Hitler Coalition of the Conference "Big Troika" in Tehran at the end of November 1943.

The Moscow Conference adopted a declaration on universal security, which was first proclaimed the formula for the unconditional surrender of fascist states as an indispensable condition for the termination of war. In the final communique of the government of the three powers, the first target "acceleration of the end of the war" was recognized and as one of the main means achieving this goal was proclaimed the opening of the second front by landing the allied troops in Northern France. True, the allies did not go on the assurance of the possibility of the invasion of the continent from the British Islands in the spring of 1944 31.

After the end of the work, the head of the American delegation K. Hel, turning to the Molotov, who presided over the conference, said: "I am sure that I will express not only my own opinion, but also the opinion of Mr. Idena, if I say that both we are delighted with manners with which you conducted the work of the conference. I personally attended many international conferences and never met such an experienced and skillful work ... "The success of the conference suggests that it was not empty words.

With the formation of the antihytler coalition and the approval of the practice of personal correspondence of the leaders and their communication at the conferences "Big Three", Stalin began to play a growing role in foreign policy affairs. Molotov involuntarily began to move into the shadow. This happened, in particular, on Tehran, Yalta (February 1945), Potsdam (July-August 1945) conferences of the Heads of the Great Powers. Nevertheless, such a conclusion is legitimate only when considering the public side of cooperation with the allies, the actual work on the diplomatic front of the People's Commissar still took over and led it consistently and intensively.

Even Western politicians could not not evaluate the contribution of Molotov to achieving foreign policy success, which, in addition to the success of the military, was noted the path of the Soviet Union to the victory over Germany and its allies. The characteristic that was given by U. Kherchille, "Vyacheslav Molotov was a man of outstanding abilities and cold-blooded merciless ... I have never met a person who is more completely representing modern concept Robot. And at all that, it was still, apparently, sensitive and acutely honed diplomat ... In Molotov, the Soviet car, no doubt, found a representative and in many ways a representative of her representative - always a faithful member of the party and follower of the Communist Doctrine ... Maazarini, Talleyran, Metternley I would take it into our company, if there was another world, in which the Bolsheviks allowed themselves to enter "32.

The important role of Molotov continued to play after the end of World War. Speaking about the work on the implementation of solutions to the Yalta, Potsdam and San Francis conferences in organizing the post-war world, signing peace treaties with states, formerly allies during the war years nazi GermanyHe recalled: "I saw my task as a minister of foreign affairs in order to expand the limits of our Fatherland as much as possible ... I saw the peace treaties from the states" 33.

In March 1949, Molotov was removed from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, it was removed, and not released, since it was suspected by Stalin in Potakania "enemies of the people." And in 1952, in the plenum, held after the XIX Congress of the WCP (b), will be subjected to a critical criticism of 34. It is possible that, living Stalin longer, Molotov, along with Mikoyan and Voroshilov, could become victims of a new cleaning wave in the highest leading circles of the country. This circumstance nevertheless did not make the former foreign minister to change its view to the role of Stalin in achieving the victory in the Great Patriotic War. "I want to emphasize that we all were very lucky that from the very beginning of the war we were with us," he said about this. - I will note at least his huge role in the leadership of the national economy. All major issues of military restructuring and operation of our economy, even in detail, he kept in memory and skillfully carried out all the control levers at the specified course "35.

1 year crisis. 1938-1939. Documents and materials. 2 t. T. 1. M., 1990. P. 386-387.

2 World Wars of the 20th Century. In 4 kN. Kn. 4. Second world War: Documents and materials. M., 2002. P. 67.

3 essays of the history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. 1802-2002. In 3 tons. T. 2. 1917-
2002 M., 2002. P. 355.

4 year of crisis. 1938-1939 ... T. 2. P. 145.

5 Soviet foreign policy 1917-1945. Searches for new approaches. M., 1992. P. 177.

6 World Wars of the XX century ... P. 81.

7 Kumanev G.A. Next to Stalin. Frank evidence. M., 1999. P. 10.

8 World Wars of the XX century ... pp. 182-183.

10 Sokolov V.V. People's Commissaria Vyacheslav Molotov // International Life. 1991. №5.
P. 103.

11 essays of the history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia ... P. 273.

12 Chuev F.I. One hundred forty conversations with Molotov. M., 1991. P. 98-99.

13 cyt. by: Kumanev G.A. Decree. cit. P. 404-405.

14 Zhukov GK Memories and reflections. In 3 tons. 10th, extra. by manus. author. T. 1. M., 1990. P. 326.

15 Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 12 tons. T. 10. State, society and war. M., 2014. P. 73.

16 Zhukov GK Decree. cit. T. 2. P. 112.

17 RGASPI. F. 644. OP. 1. D. 20. L. 218.

18 there. D. 72. L. 165.

19 there. F. 17. OP. 3. D. 1045. L. 17.

20 Great Patriotic War ... T. 7. Economics and Weapons of War. M., 2013. P. 509.

22 ibid. P. 39.

23 ibid. P. 46-48.

24 there. P. 145.

25 ibid. P. 341.

26 quote. by: Rhazshevsky O.A. Stalin and Churchill. Meetings. Conversations. Discussions. Documents, comments, 1941-1945. M., 2004. P. 157.

27 Documents of the USSR Foreign Policy. January 2 - December 30, 1942. T. 25. KN. 1. M., 2010. P. 392.

28 cyt. by: Rhazshevsky O.A. Stalin and Churchill ... pp. 207-208.

29 there. P. 231.

31 Soviet Union at international conferences of the period of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. T. 1. Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and the United Kingdom (October 19-30, 1943). M., 1978. P. 311.

32 cyt. by: Medvedev R.A. They surrounded Stalin. M., 2012. S. 17.

33 Chuev F.I. Decree. cit. P. 98-99.

34 Simonov K. The eyes of a man of my generation. M., 1988. P. 241-242.

35 Kumanev G.A. Decree. cit. P. 12.

Diplomacy during World War II

German attack on the USSR. Speech Roosevelt and Churchill. The antihytler coalition is consisted, the Basis of the B-oh was the Union of 3 Great Powers: Great Britain, the USSR and the USA. Cherchilla and Roosevelt's statements met the support of most English and American peoples, although some states of the US and the United Kingdom were considered to be more desirable mutual depletion of Germany and the USSR. Their point of view was expressed by Senator Truman (subsequently - president). In England, the Minister of Aviation Prom-Mur-Brubazon was divided into England, but the leaders of the English and American governments considered it necessary to cooperate with the USSR in the fight against Germany. Since the USSR and the United Kingdom, unlike the United States, have already fought against Germany, the Soviet government offered England to conclude an agreement on joint actions. England agreed. On July 12, 1941, the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany was signed. The USSR and England were obliged to "provide each other help and support," + "Do not negotiate, not to conclude a truce or peace treaty, except with mutual consent." July 31, 1941 1 English Military Ship arrived in Arkhangelsk technical means and ammunition for the USSR. Then in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk - English "Convoes" - transport ships guarded by military ships with weapons and ammunition. Until the end of 1941, 7 English convoys came to the Union.

To stop the activities of Hitler's agents in Iran, the USSR and England by mutual agreement - and in accordance with the Iranian-Soviet Agreement 1921-25 Aug 1941 introduced their troops to Iran. Shah Iran, focused on Hitler Germany, renounced the throne and ran. The new Iranian government has concluded an agreement on Union with the UK and the USSR. It pledged to provide transport through Iran of cargo intended for the USSR, and the USSR and England pledged to bring their troops from Iran no later than 6 months after the end of hostilities against Germany and its allies. Taking into account the wishes of the USSR, England 6 Dec 1941 declared war allies in Germany who fought against the USSR, - Hungary, Romania and Finland.
 In an effort to expand the coalition of the anti-forces, the USSR decided to achieve agreement not only with the UK, but also with the emigrant governments and groups opposed to Hitler's Germany. In July 1941, the USSR signed an agreement with the emigrant governments of Czechoslovakia and Poland in London. The Soviet government recognized "invalid" Soviet-German agreements "On territorial changes in Poland", but the question of future Polish borders remained open. The parties have pledged to assist each other in the war against Germany. The Union agreed to form Czechoslovak military units in the USSR and Polish The army (mainly from Polish prisoners of war in the USSR). 27 Sep 1941 Soviet government, following the example of England, recognized General de Gaulle by the head of all free French. It promised to provide free French "comprehensive assistance and assistance in the overall fight against Germany and its allies. ", + I expressed the determination to" ensure full restoration of independence and the greatness of the FR "after achieving a joint victory. In response, General de Gaulle obliges" to fight on the side of the USSR and its allies until the victory over the common enemy and provide the USSR comprehensive assistance and assistance. "

Moscow Conference 3 Powered: USSR, England and USA in Saint-Oct 1941. The US and England governments have pledged to convey the USSR a significant amount of weapons, more than 3,500 aircraft and 4500 tanks, and the USSR pledged to supply England and the United States with strategic raw materials. October 30 Okt Roosevelt ordered to provide the USSR an interest-free loan of 1 billion dollars, and 7 Nov 1941 spread the law on Led Lisa to the USSR. American and English weapons, gear and food are systematically entered in the USSR. They went 3 ways: northern, through the northern ice, in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk; Southern - through Iran; And Eastern - through Vladivostok. First, these deliveries are small.

Atlantic Charter - the main program document of the antihytler coalition, signed by Roosevelt and Churchill 14 Aug 1941 on the ship off the coast of Canada. According to the Charter of the United States and the United Kingdom, "do not seek territorial or other acquisitions" and "respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of the board at which they want to live." To visit the restoration of "sovereign rights and self-government of those peoples, which were deprived of this for a violent way"; Ensure equal to all countries access to trade and world raw materials sources; "The ability to freely swim around the seas and oceans"; Organize economic cooperation. Roosevelt and Churchill announced that they consider it necessary to disarm the aggressors and create a reliable system of universal security. They called on all the state in the future "abandon the use of force." Although the Atlantic Charter was accepted without consulting from the USSR, did not say anything about specific tasks Fight against fascism, the USSR in St. 1941 agreed with its principles. At the same time, it is fearing that the provision on the restoration of the sovereign rights and self-government of those peoples, which were deprived of them for a violent way, can be applied to terr. the acquisitions of the USSR in 1939-1940, agreed that the practical application of the principles of the Charter "should be able to reform with the circumstances, needs and historical features TOM or DR country. "

Contradictions in the antihytler coalition. In the coalition, there were serious contradictions caused by differences in social and political system of public-TV; their goals and their policies. + Disagreements on the issue of the 2nd front in Europe, the creation of the United States USSR considered the most effective way to achieve victory over Germany. July 18, 1941 a week after the agreement on joint actions with England, Stalin put this question in the message to Churchill. Referring to the lack of forces and funds, Churchill rejected this and to open all subsequent proposals in 1941 "2nd front in the Balkans or FR".Dr. The problem is the problem of post-war borders and in general the post-war device of the world. Neither England nor the United States recognized the new borders of the USSR, established in 1939-1940, and feared the possible "Bolshevization of Europe", and the USSR wanted to legally consolidate his new borders. For the first time, this problem was discussed in detail during the visit of the English Minister of Foreign Affairs Iden to Moscow in December 1941. Eden intended to supplement the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on joint actions during the war by an agreement on post-war cooperation and brought with him a project of such an agreement, according to England and The USSR was obliged to cooperate during the war and "in the reorganization of Europe after the war with attention to each other's interests", in accordance with the principles of the Atlantic Charter, that both sides "do not seek territorial or other acquisitions" and will not interfere in the internal affairs of other peoples . Union proposed projects 2 treaties: "On the Union and mutual military assistance between the USSR and England in the war against Germany", the other - "On the establishment of a mutual agreement between the USSR and the UK in solving post-war issues and their joint security actions in Europe after graduation Wars with Germany. " To the 2nd Treaty Stalin, unexpectedly for the Idena, suggested adding 2 secret protocol, in which a specific plan of the device of the post-war European is scheduled. These protocols provided for the restoration of the pre-war borders of the USSR and the borders of European countries occupied by Germany, with territorial changes for some. Over pre-war borders, the USSR claimed in the territory of Romania, Finland and part of Vost Prussia from the city of Cenigsberg. The Soviet government offered to expand Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia at the expense of Hungary and Italy, and Turkey, to reward her for neutrality, at the expense of Italy and Bulgaria. Poland was planned to transfer some regions of the Zapp of Ukraine or Zap Belarus with the Polish population and expand its territory in westway Due to the east of Prussia. Germany was supposed to completely disarm and divide into a number of state-in, restoring Austria as an independent state-in. The aggressors must compensate to victims of damages caused by their attack. To preserve the future world in Europe, it was proposed to create an international organization - the European Council and provide at its disposal "a certain number of troops". + Stalin offered Eden to create English military, air-air and naval bases in FR, Belgium, Holland, Norway and Denmark. The British government did not want to associate itself with specific obligations, + earlier it declared the non-recognition of terr. Change after 1939, and promised the US government not to enter without consulting with him to secret agreements on the post-war device. Eden did not agree to guarantee the new borders of the USSR, and Stalin refused to sign projects of contracts with Great Britain. These disagreements were kept secret, but they seriously complicated the relationship.

Japan builds plans against English, USA, Holland. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. 11 Doct Germany and Ial + Henrg, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Croat declared the US War. Agreement of Japan, Germany and Ital about mutual assistance. January 18, 41G Agreement on the delimitation of military operations zones.

Signing the 26th anti-Association of the United Nations Declaration in Washington.

Union 3 great powers. After the US joining the war, the Government of England and the United States agreed on military politics plans. In Dec 1941 adopted a general English-American war plan. Opening of the 2nd front in Europe, the plan did not provide for. Instead, it was planned to organize the landing of the Anglo-American troops in Franz of possessions in North Africa, whiskers were controlled by Vichy and where there were no German and Italian troops. Such an operation could not distract significant forces from the decisive Soviet-German front, but it could be more simple, could bring Italy from the war and strengthened the position of England and the United States in the Mediterranean. Coordinating its plans without the participation of the USSR, the Government of England and the United States continued negotiations with the Union. Again the question of the 2nd front. The Soviet government insisted that England and the United States have created 2nd fronts against Germany in Europe as soon as possible, during 1942. Open the 2nd front demanded wide sections of the population in England and the United States. The justice of this recognized Roosevelt. But the military leaders of the United States and England, as well as Churchill, believed that there were no conditions for planting a landing in Europe. To discuss further plans for the Anti-Hitler Coalition Roosevelt and Churchill, visit Molotov to visit London and Washington in May-June 1942. The British government agreed to conclude an agreement on post-war collaboration with the USSR, but without concrete mention of the future borders of the USSR. Molotov intended to postpone the signing of the contract, but Stalin, given that Germany began an offensive to East Front, gave him instructions to adopt the project proposed by England. On May 26, 1942, the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on the Union in the War against Hitler's German and its accomplices in Europe and cooperation and mutual assistance was signed in London. The contract confirmed the agreement on joint actions against Germany from July 12, 1941 and provided for joint actions in the post-war period, + the provision of mutual assistance, if one of the parties will again be involved in the war with Germany or the state-related states. The USSR and England agreed to cooperate in the organization of security and economies of the prosperity of Europe; Do not conclude any unions and do not take part in any coalitions directed against the DR. The term of the contract is 20 years. USSR and the USA June 11, 1942 entered into an agreement "On the principles applicable to mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression". The parties pledged to promote defense and mutually submit materials, maintenance and infra. The Soviet government promised to return the United States from the USSR of the Defense Materials at the end of the war, which will be not destroyed, lost or consumed and can come in handy for US defense. With the final calculation, after the end of the War, the ssh should take into account all the property, infra-already and other benefits, they received from the USSR. The post-war period provides for the possibility of agreed actions of the USSR and the United States in order to develop mutually beneficial economic relations in the spirit of the Atlantic Charter. The signing of a contract with England and Agreement with the United States ended the legal registration of the Union of 3 Great Powers: USSR, Great Britain and the United States. Roosevelt offered the USSR to create after the war "international police force from 3-4 powers: USSR, USA, Great Britain and China", and Stalin replied that "Roosevelt Rights".

Giving the USSR and the pressure of public opinion, the Government of England and the United States signed the Anglo-Soviet and Soviet-American communique, where it was said that between the USSR, England and the United States "agreed on the creation of the 2nd front in Europe in 1942. In exchange, the US government has achieved agreement from the USSR to reduce approximately 40% of Land-Lisa deliveries to use the released resources to organize the 2nd front, and the British government accompanied the communiqué with a confidential reservation: "It is impossible to say in advance whether the situation will be in advance that it will be possible Implement this operation when the specified period comes. " The obligations of the 2th front of the front England and the United States did not fulfill. A week after the publication, Churchill communion met Ruzwell and convinced him to postpone the creation of 2 fronts in Europe. Returned to the previous plan about French Sorts Africa. The USSR once again had to fight the main forces of Germany and its allies.

Diplomacy during World War II

German attack on the USSR. Speech Roosevelt and Churchill. The antihytler coalition is consisted, the Basis of the B-oh was the Union of 3 Great Powers: Great Britain, the USSR and the USA. Cherchilla and Roosevelt's statements met the support of most English and American peoples, although some states of the US and the United Kingdom were considered to be more desirable mutual depletion of Germany and the USSR. Their point of view was expressed by Senator Truman (subsequently - president). In England, the Minister of Aviation Prom-Mur-Brubazon was divided into England, but the leaders of the English and American governments considered it necessary to cooperate with the USSR in the fight against Germany. Since the USSR and the United Kingdom, unlike the United States, have already fought against Germany, the Soviet government offered England to conclude an agreement on joint actions. England agreed. On July 12, 1941, the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany was signed. The USSR and England were obliged to "provide each other help and support," + "Do not negotiate, not to conclude a truce or peace treaty, except with mutual consent." July 31, 1941 1 English warship with technical means and ammunition for the USSR arrived in Arkhangelsk. Then in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk - English "Convoes" - transport ships guarded by military ships with weapons and ammunition. Until the end of 1941, 7 English convoys came to the Union.

To stop the activities of Hitler's agents in Iran, the USSR and England by mutual agreement - and in accordance with the Iranian-Soviet Agreement 1921-25 Aug 1941 introduced their troops to Iran. Shah Iran, focused on Hitler Germany, renounced the throne and ran. The new Iranian government has concluded an agreement on Union with the UK and the USSR. It pledged to provide transport through Iran of cargo intended for the USSR, and the USSR and England pledged to bring their troops from Iran no later than 6 months after the end of hostilities against Germany and its allies. Taking into account the wishes of the USSR, England 6 Dec 1941 declared war allies in Germany who fought against the USSR, - Hungary, Romania and Finland.
 In an effort to expand the coalition of the anti-forces, the USSR decided to achieve agreement not only with the UK, but also with the emigrant governments and groups opposed to Hitler's Germany. In July 1941, the USSR signed an agreement with the emigrant governments of Czechoslovakia and Poland in London. The Soviet government recognized "invalid" Soviet-German agreements "On territorial changes in Poland", but the question of future Polish borders remained open. The parties have pledged to assist each other in the war against Germany. The Union agreed to form Czechoslovak military units in the USSR and Polish The army (mainly from Polish prisoners of war in the USSR). 27 Sep 1941 Soviet government, following the example of England, recognized General de Gaulle by the head of all free French. It promised to provide free French "comprehensive assistance and assistance in the overall fight against Germany and its allies. ", + I expressed the determination to" ensure full restoration of independence and the greatness of the FR "after achieving a joint victory. In response, General de Gaulle obliges" to fight on the side of the USSR and its allies until the victory over the common enemy and provide the USSR comprehensive assistance and assistance. "

Moscow Conference 3 Powered: USSR, England and USA in Saint-Oct 1941. The US and England governments have pledged to convey the USSR a significant amount of weapons, more than 3,500 aircraft and 4500 tanks, and the USSR pledged to supply England and the United States with strategic raw materials. October 30 Okt Roosevelt ordered to provide the USSR an interest-free loan of 1 billion dollars, and 7 Nov 1941 spread the law on Led Lisa to the USSR. American and English weapons, gear and food are systematically entered in the USSR. They went 3 ways: northern, through the northern ice, in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk; Southern - through Iran; And Eastern - through Vladivostok. First, these deliveries are small.

Atlantic Charter - the main program document of the antihytler coalition, signed by Roosevelt and Churchill 14 Aug 1941 on the ship off the coast of Canada. According to the Charter of the United States and the United Kingdom, "do not seek territorial or other acquisitions" and "respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of the board at which they want to live." To visit the restoration of "sovereign rights and self-government of those peoples, which were deprived of this for a violent way"; Ensure equal to all countries access to trade and world raw materials sources; "The ability to freely swim around the seas and oceans"; Organize economic cooperation. Roosevelt and Churchill announced that they consider it necessary to disarm the aggressors and create a reliable system of universal security. They called on all the state in the future "abandon the use of force." Although the Atlantic Charter was accepted without consulting from the USSR, did not say anything about the specific tasks of the struggle against fascism, the USSR in St. 1941 agreed with its principles. At the same time, it is fearing that the provision on the restoration of the sovereign rights and self-government of those peoples, which were deprived of them for a violent way, can be applied to terr. Acquisitions of the USSR in 1939-1940, agreed that the practical application of the principles of the Charter "should be able to construct the circumstances, needs and historical features of that or other countries."

Contradictions in the antihytler coalition. In the coalition, there were serious contradictions caused by differences in social and political system of public-TV; their goals and their policies. + Disagreements on the issue of the 2nd front in Europe, the creation of the United States USSR considered the most effective way to achieve victory over Germany. July 18, 1941 a week after the agreement on joint actions with England, Stalin put this question in the message to Churchill. Referring to the lack of forces and funds, Churchill rejected this and to open all subsequent proposals in 1941 "2nd front in the Balkans or FR". Dr. The problem is the problem of post-war borders and in general the post-war device of the world. Neither England nor the United States recognized the new borders of the USSR, established in 1939-1940, and feared the possible "Bolshevization of Europe", and the USSR wanted to legally consolidate his new borders. For the first time, this problem was discussed in detail during the visit of the English Minister of Foreign Affairs Iden to Moscow in December 1941. Eden intended to supplement the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on joint actions during the war by an agreement on post-war cooperation and brought with him a project of such an agreement, according to England and The USSR was obliged to cooperate during the war and "in the reorganization of Europe after the war with attention to each other's interests", in accordance with the principles of the Atlantic Charter, that both sides "do not seek territorial or other acquisitions" and will not interfere in the internal affairs of other peoples . Union proposed projects 2 treaties: "On the Union and mutual military assistance between the USSR and England in the war against Germany", the other - "On the establishment of a mutual agreement between the USSR and the UK in solving post-war issues and their joint security actions in Europe after graduation Wars with Germany. " To the 2nd Treaty Stalin, unexpectedly for the Idena, suggested adding 2 secret protocol, in which a specific plan of the device of the post-war European is scheduled. These protocols provided for the restoration of the pre-war borders of the USSR and the borders of European countries occupied by Germany, with territorial changes for some. Over pre-war borders, the USSR claimed in the territory of Romania, Finland and part of Vost Prussia from the city of Cenigsberg. The Soviet government offered to expand Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia at the expense of Hungary and Italy, and Turkey, to reward her for neutrality, at the expense of Italy and Bulgaria. Poland was planned to convey some regions of the Zapp of Ukraine or Zapla Registry with the Polish population and expand its territory in the Western direction at the expense of Vost Prussia. Germany was supposed to completely disarm and divide into a number of state-in, restoring Austria as an independent state-in. The aggressors must compensate to victims of damages caused by their attack. To preserve the future world in Europe, it was proposed to create an international organization - the European Council and provide at its disposal "a certain number of troops". + Stalin offered Eden to create English military, air-air and naval bases in FR, Belgium, Holland, Norway and Denmark. The British government did not want to associate itself with specific obligations, + earlier it declared the non-recognition of terr. Change after 1939, and promised the US government not to enter without consulting with him to secret agreements on the post-war device. Eden did not agree to guarantee the new borders of the USSR, and Stalin refused to sign projects of contracts with Great Britain. These disagreements were kept secret, but they seriously complicated the relationship.

Japan builds plans against English, USA, Holland. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. 11 Doct Germany and Ial + Henrg, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Croat declared the US War. Agreement of Japan, Germany and Ital about mutual assistance. January 18, 41G Agreement on the delimitation of military operations zones.

Signing the 26th anti-Association of the United Nations Declaration in Washington.

Union 3 great powers. After the US joining the war, the Government of England and the United States agreed on military politics plans. In Dec 1941 adopted a general English-American war plan. Opening of the 2nd front in Europe, the plan did not provide for. Instead, it was planned to organize the landing of the Anglo-American troops in Franz of possessions in North Africa, whiskers were controlled by Vichy and where there were no German and Italian troops. Such an operation could not distract significant forces from the decisive Soviet-German front, but it could be more simple, could bring Italy from the war and strengthened the position of England and the United States in the Mediterranean. Coordinating its plans without the participation of the USSR, the Government of England and the United States continued negotiations with the Union. Again the question of the 2nd front. The Soviet government insisted that England and the United States have created 2nd fronts against Germany in Europe as soon as possible, during 1942. Open the 2nd front demanded wide sections of the population in England and the United States. The justice of this recognized Roosevelt. But the military leaders of the United States and England, as well as Churchill, believed that there were no conditions for planting a landing in Europe. To discuss further plans for the Anti-Hitler Coalition Roosevelt and Churchill, visit Molotov to visit London and Washington in May-June 1942. The British government agreed to conclude an agreement on post-war collaboration with the USSR, but without concrete mention of the future borders of the USSR. Molotov intended to postpone the signing of the contract, but Stalin, given that Germany began an offensive to East Front, gave him instructions to adopt the project proposed by England. On May 26, 1942, the Anglo-Soviet Agreement on the Union in the War against Hitler's German and its accomplices in Europe and cooperation and mutual assistance was signed in London. The contract confirmed the agreement on joint actions against Germany from July 12, 1941 and provided for joint actions in the post-war period, + the provision of mutual assistance, if one of the parties will again be involved in the war with Germany or the state-related states. The USSR and England agreed to cooperate in the organization of security and economies of the prosperity of Europe; Do not conclude any unions and do not take part in any coalitions directed against the DR. The term of the contract is 20 years. USSR and the USA June 11, 1942 entered into an agreement "On the principles applicable to mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression". The parties pledged to promote defense and mutually submit materials, maintenance and infra. The Soviet government promised to return the United States from the USSR of the Defense Materials at the end of the war, which will be not destroyed, lost or consumed and can come in handy for US defense. With the final calculation, after the end of the War, the ssh should take into account all the property, infra-already and other benefits, they received from the USSR. The post-war period provides for the possibility of agreed actions of the USSR and the United States in order to develop mutually beneficial economic relations in the spirit of the Atlantic Charter. The signing of a contract with England and Agreement with the United States ended the legal registration of the Union of 3 Great Powers: USSR, Great Britain and the United States. Roosevelt offered the USSR to create after the war "international police force from 3-4 powers: USSR, USA, Great Britain and China", and Stalin replied that "Roosevelt Rights".

Giving the USSR and the pressure of public opinion, the Government of England and the United States signed the Anglo-Soviet and Soviet-American communique, where it was said that between the USSR, England and the United States "agreed on the creation of the 2nd front in Europe in 1942. In exchange, the US government has achieved agreement from the USSR to reduce approximately 40% of Land-Lisa deliveries to use the released resources to organize the 2nd front, and the British government accompanied the communiqué with a confidential reservation: "It is impossible to say in advance whether the situation will be in advance that it will be possible Implement this operation when the specified period comes. " The obligations of the 2th front of the front England and the United States did not fulfill. A week after the publication, Churchill communion met Ruzwell and convinced him to postpone the creation of 2 fronts in Europe. Returned to the previous plan about French Sorts Africa. The USSR once again had to fight the main forces of Germany and its allies.

To understand that in what conditions the Soviet Union was located at the end of the 30s of the 40s of the 20th century, i.e. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, it is necessary to correctly assess the international situation of the time and the role of the USSR in the international arena. I.L. Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: P.51

The Soviet Union at this time was the only country of Europe with the communist regime. The success of the first five years, the rapid growth of industry, the improvement of people's lives could not but disturb the Western European political circles. Governments of these countries could not allow the repetition of the October Revolution in their countries, they were afraid of the expansion of the revolution from the USSR. First, the leader of the world proletariat V.I. Lenin, and then his successor as the head of the Soviet state I.V. Stalin unequivocally declared the spread of the proletarian revolution worldwide and the world domination of the communist ideology. At the same time, Western governments did not want to spoil relations with the violation of the Force with the Union. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, over Europe, the threat of fascism has hollowed. European states could not allow any, nor other deployment of events. Everyone was looking for possible compromises, including the Soviet Union. I.L. Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: P.51

Hitler's arrival in 1933. Forced to force the Soviet policy towards the creation of a collective security system. And. Al Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: p.52 in 1933 After a long break, diplomatic relations with the United States were restored, in 1934. The USSR was adopted in the League of Nations. All this testified to strengthening the international authority of the USSR and created favorable conditions To enhance the foreign policy activities of the state. In 1935 The Soviet Union has concluded contracts for mutual assistance in case of war with France, Czechoslovakia. In 1936 A contract has been concluded with Mongolian People's Republic, and in 1937. - Agreement with China for nonsense. And. Lel Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: p.54

Soviet diplomacy in those years sought on the one hand to implement a collective security plan in Europe, not to succumb to the provocations of the enemy, not allow a wide anti-Soviet front, on the other hand to take the necessary measures to strengthen the country's defense capability.

The Soviet government was looking for ways of Constructive Union with France and England and suggested that they conclude a pact in case of war, but the negotiations on this issue were in a dead end, since the Western powers did not want to conduct them seriously, and considered them as a temporary tactical move, the USSR pushed the USSR to accept one-sided obligations.

At the same time, the German war from the USSR was not beneficial during this period. Its plans included the occupation of France, England, Poland with the further creation of the United Europe under the auspices of Germany. The attack on the USSR, with its extensive reserves of natural resources, was determined by Germany as a later task.

Under these conditions, the tendency of the Soviet foreign policy towards the normalization of relations with Germany, although they did not refuse to normalize relations with Germany, although he did not refuse to negotiate with England and France. But soon it became clear that negotiations with military missions of these countries were impossible, and they were interrupted not an indefinite period. And. Lel Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: Stage4

In parallel, on August 20, the Soviet-German trade and credit agreement was signed in Berlin, and on August 23, after 3 hour talks between Germany and the Soviet Union, a non-warning pact was signed for a period of 10 years, called the "Molotovov-Ribbentrop Pact", by name Foreign Ministers, which built it with their signatures. This document reflected the legitimate interests of the USSR, providing our country's time to prepare for the introduction of a large war, and also prevented the possibility of war on two fronts - against Germany in Europe and against Japan Far East. At the same time, the secret protocols of this Covenant testified about the imperial ambitions of both states. They stipulated the spheres of influence in Europe, the section of Poland. According to this agreement, the USSR was transferred to the rights to the Baltic States, Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Bessarabia, Finland. I.L. Israelian., "Diplomacy during the war years (1941-1945)".: P.56

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