The main events of the year in the world. Summer Olympics in Rio

Landscaping and planning 25.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

The year is coming to an end and we can begin to take stock.

So, what was popular this year.

1. Art therapy

The method of treatment with artistic creativity. Art therapy today is considered one of the softest, but effective methods used in the work of psychologists and psychotherapists, well, it smoothly flowed into our everyday life.

Buns have been popular for a long time, but the loose hair bun has become a hit this year.

3. Brooches and badges

Once upon a time there was already a fashion for round badges of your favorite musical groups and TV shows, and again, the fashion for them has returned, though in a slightly modified form.

4. Nose piercing

Previously, it was popular to pierce the wing of the nose, in the same year, piercing in the middle of the nose became a hit.

5. "Funny Videos"

"Funny videos" - as they themselves call them, from girls who know how to laugh at themselves and others. Someone is doing pretty well, someone is not doing very well, but these vines have become a symbol of 2016

6. Crazy Cakes

Berry vintage cakes are a thing of the past. This year absolutely cosmic cakes ruled the ball, which you don’t even know how to approach.

Popular back in 2015, snapchat abroad became the scourge of Russian Instagram in 2016.

8. Dmitry Medvedev

And finally, "there is no money, you stay here, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health."

What do you remember about 2016?

Updated on 28/11/16 13:28:

Thanks gossips for reminding me. This game seems to have driven a lot of people crazy.

Perhaps the most talked about Oscar ceremony in history happened in the outgoing 2016 - Leo DiCaprio and the expectations of millions of viewers associated with him were to blame. Nominated for the fifth time, the actor, as was commonly believed, was greatly disliked by academics, and the very situation when he was left without a statuette became the talk of the town. This time everything came together - DiCaprio received an Oscar for not being his best best movie"Survivor", but given his previous merits, this fact was considered by almost everyone to be fair.

From June 10 to July 10, France hosted the European Football Championship. For more than a month in 2016, there was no topic more popular than Euro 2016. The victory of the Portuguese team for the first time in the history of the competition was an absolute sensation: a clear outsider who miraculously left the group, the team somehow kept on Ronaldo's charisma alone, and in the final enchantingly beat the hosts of the championship without his main star - the injured Cristiano left the field at the very beginning of the game . It seemed that nothing would help Portugal, but the victory, which was pulled out with teeth, looked more than deserved.

Another sensation that literally shocked the world was the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. He enlisted the support of 290 electors - 58 more than those who supported Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump's incredible and unpredictable victory has become a symbol of the collapse of political technologies - all the factors of the candidates' election campaigns and public opinion polls predicted Clinton's victory.

The biggest sporting event of 2016 was the summer Olympic Games. The main sporting event was held in Brazil from 5 to 21 August. However, the focus of the discussion was not so much the competitions themselves, but the scandal associated with Russian athletes - those who passed more than 3,000 doping tests, many of them were simply not allowed to compete. In Russia, the actions of the International Olympic Committee were called a political provocation.

Exhibitions of Valentin Serov and Ivan Aivazovsky in Moscow

The outgoing year has become a real breakthrough for the residents of the capital of Russia. The exhibition of Valentin Serov, held at the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, caused an unprecedented stir: due to kilometer-long queues, the exposition had to be extended for a week. Further - more: a collection of works by Ivan Aivazovsky gathered even more visitors. At the end of the year, Muscovites' interest in art did not fade away - the Tretyakov Gallery had to introduce personalized tickets for the exhibition "Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinakothek" after a crush occurred in the queue for entry.

Cannes Film Festival 2016

The most authoritative and prestigious world film review ended this year with the awarding of the Englishman Ken Loach, who conquered the authoritative jury with his new drama I, Daniel Blake. But more interest in Cannes, as usual, we showed in connection with unprecedented secular activities. And after all, there was where to roam - at first everyone discussed the triumphant appearance of Kim Kardashian at the De Grisogono party, then the incredible appearance of the main model of the outgoing year, Bella Hadid, in a revealing scarlet Alexandre Vauthier dress, in which she appeared at the premiere of the film "The Stranger". Also, the secular degree was noticeably increased by the pregnant Blake Lively and Tatyana Navka, who suddenly became the most influential Russian star in Cannes.

Venice Festival 2016

The Silver Lion for directing this year in Venice was given to Amat Escalante for The Wilderness and Andrei Konchalovsky for Paradise. Having become a triumphant of the oldest film festival on the planet, Konchalovsky will represent Russia at the Oscars next year.

site presents the top 10 major events outgoing 2016. It took place under the sign of two trends: the failure of the policy of "isolation of Russia" by the globalists and the global offensive of the nationalists, in good sense of this word, those who protect the nation from degeneration and loss of self-identification. Even the death of Fidel Castro looks in this context as "the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave."

Jacob Kedmi: Mussolini laughs at events in Europe

1. We put in the first place US presidential elections and the victory of Donald Trump. The Republican is like a paver, : the majority of the oligarchic elite, the elite of the means mass media, the entire power political elite, even the elite of his own party. Why? Because Donald Trump understood what, namely, a change in policy that led the nation to degeneration and loss of self-identification.

Globalism has suffered a crushing defeat in the United States, as Trump promised "but to return industry and jobs to the United States. He managed to convince people that the traditional one is the way to a dead end. And judging by the first appointments, he does not intend to deviate from campaign promises .

2. Russia took advantage of the shock of Obama and his administration and, together with the Syrian army, carried out turning point in the Syrian campaign, . Syria got a chance to remain a state, and Russia - to gain a foothold in the Middle East. "The defeat of the militants in Aleppo is the defeat of those countries that supervised them, including the United States, France and Great Britain. Aleppo was their last big card, which they could play on the Syrian battlefield," Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview RT. Our success in Syria was also made possible by the defeat of the globalists in Turkey.

8. We almost forgot about in the UK, about its exit from the European Union, although we must pay tribute - its result was the first harbinger of the collapse of the globalist pyramid. Brexit has formalized into real force. After him, the victory of the Gaullist (a supporter of a sovereign state) in France in the Republican primaries no longer looks like a sensation, just like the globalist Matteo Renzi in a referendum in Italy.

Of course, it is more profitable for Russia to negotiate in Europe on a bilateral friendly basis than with the European Union consolidated towards it in hatred.

9. It is impossible not to recall the conclusion between the government of Colombia and the guerrillas from the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Army of the People" (FARC-EP) . This conflict was the longest in the history of the Western Hemisphere: the confrontation lasted more than 52 years.

It is interesting that the referendum did not approve this treaty, it had to be passed through parliament for the second time. This suggests that misunderstanding between the elites and peoples is growing everywhere and the parliament does not always express the interests of the population.

It is interesting that it was his president Miguel Santos who called the main "culprit" of what happened.

10. We put in conclusion the top events of the outgoing year. Fidel is a man who was loved by the world for his ability to stay true to his ideas in the very hopeless situation. It was the last of the planet, in the highest sense of the word, as a representative of the people who dared alone, having received the full support of the majority of Cubans.

Looking at the American empire today, you can say: "The Moor has done his job, the Moor can go."

The outgoing 2016 was rich in various events that had big influence to global geopolitics. Report Agency has prepared an annual selection of the main ones.

One of the significant and, perhaps, unexpected events of this year was UK referendum to leave the EU- the so-called "Brexit", as it was dubbed in the Western media.

On June 23, in the UK, during a referendum, supporters of leaving the EU won, gaining 51.9% of the vote. 48.1% of the population voted to stay.

Russian political scientist Pavel Klachkov believes that a rather fierce struggle continues around the very procedure for Britain's exit from the EU, which is both political and informational and psychological in nature.

"We see that those forces in British society and the establishment - the Conservatives, who insisted that Britain remain in the union, do not give up. They make certain efforts within their powers, including raising any questions in the British Parliament with the fact that to slow down the exit process," P. Klachkov said.

In his opinion, the trend is towards the fact that the UK will still leave the EU: “It is inevitable. Perhaps the EU will crumble, it will no longer be what it was before. different world order.

Another significant event of the year for world geopolitics was US presidential election November 8, which in fact will determine the main directions of US foreign policy for at least the next 4 years. Republican candidate Donald Trump won the election with a majority of the Electoral College. These elections came as a complete surprise - Trump won despite the forecasts of most American experts and the media, who predicted the victory of the Democratic candidate - former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

At the same time, Azerbaijani expert Tofig Abbasov believes that Trump's victory was expected. "Why? Because the geopolitical situation that has reigned now, in many aspects and signs, repeated the situation at the end of the 70s of the last century. And then the Democrats, led by Jimmy Carter, having made a series of failures at the external frontiers, seriously shook the position of the United States at the international level. The American voter did not forgive the series of failures of the Democrats, and Ronald Reagan won the election, promising the electorate a more coherent policy, a solution to social and economic troubles," T. Abbasov said.

According to him, Trump in some way repeats the style of his predecessor.

T. Abbasov expressed the opinion that under Trump foreign policy The US will be more agile, avoiding the obvious failures and offsetting some of the costs that the Obama administration blundered.

"If, in the context of positive changes, he also achieves some easing of tension from the trends of tough confrontation with Russia, Iran, Cuba and other countries, this will allow achieving some detente, which has been asking for a long time in the world," the political scientist added.

Terrorist acts also this year, unfortunately, repeatedly shook the world in different parts Sveta. Until now, conflicts continue in Iraq and Syria, where the interests of various countries, including neighboring ones, clashed. And flashes of war reach, to one degree or another, distant countries, even Europe. So, in Pakistan in January, as a result of an attack by militants on a local university, 26 people were killed, in Istanbul in June of this year, as a result of a suicide attack at the airport, 45 people died, or earlier in the same Istanbul in January the explosion killed 10 people, including tourists from Germany and Norway, or a double bombing in Baghdad that killed 292 people. This year, terrorist attacks have not bypassed the EU countries - on Bastille Day, a terrorist who drove a truck into a crowd of people on the embankment in Nice, a truck that drove into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people.

Orientalist Igor Pankratenko believes that in 2017 this growing trend in the number of terrorist attacks will continue.

"And this is not due to the activity of the Islamic State, in my opinion, there is often more of a franchise here, and sometimes - appropriation for propaganda purposes of what others have done. But with the fact that the current international approach to this problem is vicious. Terrorism today it is a weapon of the poor, deprived of hope and prospects, who see no other life than war," the expert notes.

In the context of the Middle East and South Caucasus region, another development that shocked the public was coup attempt in Turkey, which occurred on the night of July 15-16, when part of the Turkish military attempted to carry out a military coup in the country. However, thanks to the support of the people, power remained with the legitimate president and government of Turkey. The Turkish government blamed the terrorist organization FETÖ, led by US-based Fethullah Gülen.

Political scientist Elkhan Shahinoglu believes that the coup attempt took place with the direct support of pro-Gülen forces in the Turkish army.

"The results of the coup d'état are still being eliminated, because it was arrested a large number of of people. The echoes of the coup in Turkey will be present for a very long time," Shahinoglu said.

According to him, for years, the Gülen structure has been infiltrating Turkish state institutions, strengthening, trying to weaken the country from the inside.

"However, Turkey faces other problems, in particular, the fight against terrorism. We see every day that explosions occur in Turkey. The FETÖ movement is trying to use external forces to destabilize Turkey. I think that Turkey, as a strong state, will be able to neutralize the threat in the face of the movement and will be able to achieve success in the fight against terrorism," Shahinoglu stressed.

Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has remained unsettled for over 25 years. And this year, this smoldering conflict broke out at the very beginning of April - from April 1 to April 4, active clashes of the parties took place on the line of contact, known as "April War".

As a result of this war, the heights around the village of Talysh were completely liberated by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, and the strategically important Laletepe height, in the direction of the Fizuli region, also came under the control of the Azerbaijani troops. The ministry also reported that as a result of the events, the losses of the Armenian side exceeded 200 people killed and more than 500 wounded.

Conflictologist Yevgeny Mikhailov believes that the results of the April military clash showed that Azerbaijan is ready to recapture its territories.

"The army of the republic has received the latest weapons and knows how to work with them," said E. Mikhailov.

In his opinion, Russia will try to prevent the escalation of the conflict in the future. "The efforts of our country prevented the April events from turning into large-scale bloodshed. I hope that already in the new 2017, the occupied regions of Azerbaijan will be returned peacefully," the expert added.

Probably, the visit ofHead of the Roman Catholic Church Francisin Baku as part of his tour of the countries of the South Caucasus region. The visit of the previous Pope John Paul II to Baku took place 14 years ago - in 2002.

During the visit, on October 2, the Pope met with a number of Azerbaijani officials, as well as with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The head of the Holy See also delivered a Mass at the local Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baku.

Political scientist Ilgar Velizade expressed the opinion that the visit of the Pope to Baku demonstrated the existence of interests between Azerbaijan and the Holy See in various areas which today form the agenda of relations between the two countries.

"This visit showed that the efforts that Azerbaijan has recently made to implement humanitarian projects together with the Vatican are bearing real and concrete results.

As for the prospects for cooperation, it is very important to note that this visit has become the basis for the development of relations between Azerbaijan and the Vatican, based on the already developed projects. Availability good relations between Baku and the Vatican will allow, at a minimum, to change the position of the Holy See towards impartiality in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement," the expert noted.

Already today, starting with the tiny Russian border garrison on Ratmanov Island and ending with the westernmost Russian region - Kaliningrad, the new 2017 will begin its victorious march. What it will be like is the biggest mystery that only time, humanity and each of us will answer. However, the future is shaped by the past, and it is in the past that the seeds of future change are buried. What the coming year will bring with it is the fruit of what people managed to create in the outgoing 2016. Everything - from small personal problems and joys to global political conflicts and achievements of the past year - will affect the course of history in the coming year.

Life decided to recall all the most important political events of 2016 in order to understand with what historical baggage the world will cross the milestone and enter the new year.

Standing on the threshold of a new year, we can say that in 2017 we are certainly waiting for global changes. For example, the new US administration may agree to ease anti-Russian sanctions, despite the latest unfortunate demarche associated with the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats at the end of the year. After the inauguration of the new President of the United States on January 20, global politics in general, it can radically change course. It is no secret that the United States is one of the political giants, which also largely determines European politics. And if Donald Trump fulfills his promise - and deals with issues domestic policy own country and establishing contacts with Russia - then we can assume that we will " global warming"with the West, after which anti-Russian rhetoric will no longer be necessary.

As a result of a possible rapprochement between Russia and America, the EU, which is bursting at the seams, may, as they say, be left out of work. If the US President ceases to support the European Union and NATO, then following the UK, as already announced in the outgoing year, a number of countries will hold a referendum on leaving the EU. Among the main contenders for exit is France, without which the European Union will certainly not be able to function. And given the imminent migration crisis and the inability of the authorities of European states to contain this wave, new leaders may appear in the country, which can also significantly affect the warming between Russia and the West.

The focus of world development will increasingly shift to the East, to the Asia-Pacific region, where world finance, technology, education, and, inevitably, military power will go after production. The focus of the new American administration, as Trump has already stated during his election campaign, will shift towards confrontation with China.

The world will obviously not become a safer and fairer place, new ones will still be formed in it and continue existing conflicts, since fundamental qualitative disagreements have not been overcome - the scientific, technological and economic gap between the advanced part of the world and its periphery is only growing. In these circumstances, Russia needs to continue to build up its own industrial and intellectual potential in order to enter a new era with a self-sufficient economy, a strong and solidary society with a minimum of conflicts and capable armed forces able to protect our interests anywhere in the world. And such a Russia will not be afraid of any challenge or aggressor.

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