How to wipe interior doors. Proper cleaning: how to wash doors? How to remove grease from natural wood doors

The buildings 03.03.2020
The buildings

The front door is the “face” of the house, and at the same time business card those who live in it. The character and habits of the owners are often judged by its condition, because neat and responsible people will certainly not allow stains, traces of drips and streaks to appear on the surface.

However, sometimes bring front door to neat appearance It turns out to be very difficult, even with great desire and remarkable effort. To win the battle for cleanliness despite the most difficult stains, take note of the following tips!

How to clean your front door

How to clean doors from foam

Construction foam that literally sticks tightly to the door surface is a real headache that thousands of people face (and, as a rule, immediately after installing that brand new door). If the same problem affected you, but you didn’t have it at hand special means for a remover like Cosmofen, proceed as follows:

1. Scrape off any dried-on material with a plastic spatula. It is permissible to use a knife, blade or rough metal brush, but only if the door leaf has not yet been painted or varnished - noticeable scratches may remain.

2. Protect your hands with gloves and treat the stained areas with pharmaceutical Dimexide (there is no need to rub it in vigorously, just apply generously).

Attention! Before using cleaning fluid on a large scale, test it on an area of ​​the door that is least visible. This rule is relevant for all detergents, since there is always a risk that the coating (especially varnish) will suffer from aggressive components.

3. Let the drug absorb. After about ten minutes, using the same plastic scraper, zero sandpaper or a hard sponge, bring the surface to its proper form.

For the future, it is worth knowing that it is much easier to remove polyurethane foam in a hurry, when it is still fresh: carefully pick it up with a piece of plastic or other non-sharp object at hand, remove the residue with a cloth soaked in solvent (again, after preliminary testing, since acetone can corrode paint and leave whitish streaks).

  • When cleaning the door, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the foam in every possible way: the liquid will only fix it, accelerating the hardening process.
  • Acetone, which is effective on fresh foam, has no effect on frozen foam - at best, you will waste time, and at worst, you can “seal” the mounting agent even more tightly to the door leaf.
  • Don’t even try to use Dimexide on eco-veneer - this material is fibrous and does not easily resist the destructive effects of the drug’s components. Cleaning should be purely mechanical; the use of an abrasive in the form of ordinary soda is acceptable.
  • Wooden doors can be cleaned with fine sandpaper without much difficulty.
  • Mechanical doors that do not have paint coating or spraying can be safely treated with solvents. They cope with the task in literally 10-15 minutes.
  • If the iron door is coated with powder paint, do not rush to experiment with “chemistry”, but rather turn to vegetable oil. Any, slightly warmed, is suitable: apply to stains, leave until the foam softens. Next, work with a hard sponge and wash off the oil traces with a soap solution. Attention! This method will not work for wooden and veneered doors, as well as doors finished with MDF.

How to remove whitewash from a door

In comparison with corrosive polyurethane foam, whitewash looks completely harmless, but you still have to work with it. Adding to the concern is chalk, which is not able to dissolve in water - it simply “hangs” in it, making it much more difficult to wash off. Dried whitewash is removed in several steps:

– The main part is removed sandpaper;

– Next comes the cleaning solution – first you should try vinegar. Ordinary table vinegar is diluted in clean water at the rate of 20 ml per liter, after which, using a sponge or rag, the residual stains are soaked. Alcohol diluted in half can be used with the same success: such a product will not pose a threat even to sensitive varnish.

Steel doors are perfectly cleaned by kerosene, which is used in half the amount of vinegar for the same liter volume. If you are bothered by a persistent pungent odor, you can use the already familiar vegetable oil: apply it to a wet surface (the affected door is rubbed with a sponge soaked in water), leave until it dries. Later, oil traces are washed off with clean water, and the door leaf is wiped dry with a cloth.

  • If possible, use warm water to prepare cleaning solutions.
  • A stained door should be washed from top to bottom.
  • The rinse water should be changed several times. Immediately wipe cleaned areas dry with a clean cloth.

What will remove glue from a door?

Adhesive traces from adhesive tape can be easily removed with a damp sponge. hot water. The most original method is to remove stubborn sticky marks with fresh tape: a new piece of tape is glued directly on top and sharply torn off so that it pulls away particles of old glue. Repeating the procedure will take a long time and monotonously, so this method is exclusively for the patient.

There is a chance that dried traces of masking tape will “capitulate” under the pressure of a hair dryer. Direct a stream of hot air at them, and after a few minutes, when the glue softens a little, begin mechanical cleaning with a scraper.

Of the traditional approaches that apply to cleaning outer door, it is worth highlighting the following:

– Cleaning with a sponge soaked in medical alcohol or vodka. The method is safe for all materials, including MDF;

– if the problem is advanced and the door is not veneered, you can resort to nail polish remover;

– on matte doors, traces of adhesive tape can be easily removed with a melamine sponge. It is better not to experiment with varnished ones: melamine often manifests itself as a shine killer;

– and vegetable oil comes into play again: transfer it to the stained door leaf with a cotton pad or cloth, leave for ten minutes and rub the treated area diligently. Wash off marks with soapy water;

– Vaseline can be used with the same success as oil. Just what you need for doors with a delicate veneer finish!

How to clean a door from grease stains

Fatty stains are usually removed without any extra effort. The easiest way to remove stains is with dishwashing gel or another detergent for cleaning - like Schumanit or Domestos. It is better not to resort to powdered abrasives, acids and alkalis, and if the coating is varnished, then they are strictly prohibited.

Other means of fighting for cleanliness include:

Ammonia solution. You need to dilute 1.5-2 teaspoons of ammonia in a glass of water. To wash painted wooden doors, the concentration is reduced - the same two teaspoons are already per liter.

Clay slurry. This product is also intended for wooden canvases: the powder is diluted with vinegar, the resulting paste is transferred to greasy prints and left to dry.

Solvent "White spirit". Only suitable for metal doors without finishing.

Soap solution. Crumble a piece of laundry soap on a grater and dissolve the resulting shavings in warm water. Lather the grease marks using a sponge; wash away big amount clean water and immediately wipe the door with a dry cloth.

Pure alcohol. Cleans MDF panels perfectly: place a soaked cotton pad on the stained area and leave for a quarter of an hour. For laminated fabric, only a solution is applicable - 1 part alcohol is diluted with 9 parts water.

Potato juice. Cut the potato tuber in half and rub generously into the greasy spots. After ten minutes, wipe off any starch with a dry cloth. To remove whitish streaks, rub the treated areas with baby powder.

Soda slurry. Removes even the most stubborn stains; if handled with care, can be used for cleaning laminated doors. Dilute the powder with mouthwash, immediately transfer the mixture to the stain and wait a couple of minutes. Rinse off the slurry with water and wipe the surface dry. If the door loses its shine, wipe it with vegetable oil.

Wooden surfaces get dirty quickly. Within a week after installing the new door, are discovered greasy stains from fingers. This material is durable and environmentally friendly, reliable and suitable for any design.

Wooden doors cannot be cleaned with the same compounds as metal ones. Detergents must be selected carefully; they should not contain aggressive chemicals.

Products from natural wood react negatively to heavy exposure to moisture. It is recommended to clean the material with a damp cloth, using a little effort to remove dirt.

For natural wood, the dry cleaning method is suitable. For lacquered door use products suitable for plastic products.

How to wash wooden doors:

  1. Dishwashing liquid or hair shampoo is diluted in a container with warm water. Take a rag, soak it in soapy water, conduct in one direction so that there are no streaks. Wipe with a clean cloth and polish.
  2. Silite active foam effectively removes greasy finger stains. 1 minute of exposure is sufficient to remove contaminants. facilities .
  3. Domestos cannot be used for natural material. This universal spray can remove old and fresh stains. First remove dust, then remove stains. Domestos disinfects surfaces.
  4. Schumanite is used to remove greasy marks from veneered doors. The composition is applied to the canvas, carefully wiping the dirty surface. Leave for 1 minute, wipe with a damp cloth. Schumanite creates a protective film. Doors remain clean from 3 to 7 days.

You can remove dirt from wooden doors using sandpaper. Clean off dirt, then polish.

To clean varnished surfaces, use a hair dryer. The greasy stain is heated, removed with a dry cloth, then washed with soapy water.

Folk remedies

If for some reason chemicals are not suitable, you can clean the doors using folk remedies.

How to wash interior doors? To remove contaminants, use citric acid, potatoes, clay, ammonia and other home remedies.


Removes varnish, sticky dirt, grease stains, and pen marks. Work with acetone carefully. Prolonged rubbing will cause white spots to form.

An alternative to acetone is isopropyl or rubbing alcohol. The usage is similar.

How to clean doors:

  1. Apply a little cleanser to a cotton swab.
  2. Test the effect in an inconspicuous area. After making sure that the acetone will not damage the wood, treat the dirty areas.
  3. Wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth.

Acetone should not be used on varnished surfaces. Suitable for natural wood only.

Table vinegar

Excellent natural remedy helps get rid of unpleasant odor and greasy stains.

It is used to prepare good cleaning compositions for wood and mirrors.

How to wash a door:

  1. To remove stains from mirrors 2 tbsp. l. vinegar is diluted in 1 liter of water. Wash the glass with soapy water and wipe with a dry cloth. Handle vinegar solution and rub until shiny with newspapers.
  2. Cleanse wood coverings recommended this way: 50 ml olive oil, 100 ml vinegar and 200 ml warm water. All ingredients are mixed in a spray bottle. Apply the composition to dirty places. Wipe with a damp cloth.

Coating cleaning is effective, traces from marker. Vinegar is used to kill bacteria, it disinfects.


An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide works well on fresh stains. Ammonia is used for natural wood and varnished surfaces.

To remove greasy stains use 2 tbsp. l. 10% solution diluted in 500 ml of water. The composition is suitable for cleaning natural wood.

To remove dirt from painted canvases oil paint use 2 tsp. ammonia, diluted in 1 liter of water.

After application, let it sit for 5 minutes. Wash surfaces with clean water and wipe dry.

Lemon essence

Before you wash wooden canvas from contamination with citric acid, you need to make a solution. This is an abrasive product scratches surface if used as a powder.

Citric acid in an amount of 50 g is dissolved in a liter of water. This solution whitens and can be used on light-colored surfaces.

Natural wood has the properties of good permeability to liquids. If you stain the surface with brilliant green, you will not be able to remove the stain.

What to do:

  1. Clean the doors with sandpaper.
  2. Sprinkle the dirty area with citric acid.
  3. Pour in vinegar.
  4. Foam will begin to release, which will bring all the brilliant green to the surface.
  5. Quickly remove any remaining product and repeat the process.

Citric acid is replaced with the juice of one citrus fruit or soda.

Cleaning Rules

To effectively remove contaminants, a number of factors must be taken into account. They will help you choose a cleaning product without damaging the coating.

If the door in the house is damaged, it is restored with beeswax. Deep scratches mask with wax pencils.

If care is correct, the structure will last a long time. Following proper cleaning procedures and using suitable products will protect the surface from damage.

How are wooden doors washed so that they retain their properties for a long time and shine with cleanliness? This question worries all owners who have an installed wooden door.

A wooden door is environmentally friendly, durable, reliable and fits any room design. Therefore, there are wooden doors in almost every apartment, house, and office.

Cleaning products can vary and range from expensive to traditional ones. The choice is up to you which detergent to wash with. wooden door, the main thing is to avoid strong chemicals(they can ruin the surface of a wooden door).

A large list of detergents that are used to wash wooden doors:

1. Folk remedies:

  • Acetone or white spirit;
  • Table vinegar;
  • Ammonia;
  • Lemon essence;
  • Clay;
  • Raw potatoes.

2. Household chemicals:

  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Silit;
  • Domestos;
  • Schumann;
  • Profit.

Steps to solve the problem yourself

In order to wash a wooden door with your own hands, and do it quickly and efficiently, you need to perform the following list of actions:

  1. Wipe the door with a damp cloth;
  2. After this, apply the selected detergent to the entire surface of the door;
  3. Wipe complex stains more intensively;
  4. Wait five minutes;
  5. Remove foam and remaining moisture from a wooden door; you can use a towel or a special cloth.

These steps will clean any wooden door, but if you still have stains, then you should seek the advice of professionals. And in order to be sure to remove all stains and dirt, contact the EKS company, which will clean your apartment quickly and efficiently.

  • You should not use abrasive powders when washing doors, they can damage the surfaces;
  • When you soap a wooden door with any means, it is best to wait 5 minutes (and this is the maximum);
  • Buy a polish based on natural beeswax, this product will help maintain the cleanliness and shine of your wooden door;
  • If the stain is greasy and old, you can use regular potatoes. Cut the vegetable into two parts, apply the cut to the stain, and wait a little. After this, be sure to wipe the door dry, the stain will definitely go away;
  • The prepared solution will help remove grease from wooden doors: 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water. Gently wipe the stain with this solution, it is guaranteed to do the job;
  • To remove difficult stains, a solution can help mixed clay with vinegar (in equal proportions).

By following the advice of professionals, you can easily understand how to clean wooden doors.

We touch doors every day, more than once, and not only us, but also guests and neighbors. As a result, on the surface doors sebaceous greasy spots that are necessary wash. And even if you install a new one entrance or interior door, cleaning cannot be avoided. Doors are now usually installed using polyurethane foam and if they do it carelessly, the remains spoil the look.

Task 1: wash the metal, iron entrance door

After installation or insulation input (usually metal, iron) doors there is a need to wash remnants of polyurethane foam.

This must be done either immediately, before the foam dries, or, on the contrary, wait until it dries. In the first case use:

– solvents (white spirit, acetone, profit).

– special polishes for PVC – Cosmofen, Top Clean, Fenozol.

– special cleaners for hardened foam (sold in many stores) on a metal entrance door.

Dried foam can only be removed mechanically by grinding the surface. Residues are washed off using the methods listed for the first case.

Solvents will also help remove grease stains from metal surfaces.

Task 2: wash plastic and wooden doors

The surfaces of plastic and wooden doors are similar in texture. At the same time, wooden doors are often painted, and plastic ones are laminated, so abrasive powders can scratch them. To launder such doors you can use:

– a soft damp cloth;

– a solution that will help remove greasy stains on the door: 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water;

– wooden surfaces painted with oil paint are also best washed with water and ammonia. The dirtier the doors and windows, the more concentrated the solution should be: for example, 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 glass of water. Usually it is enough to pour 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water;

– soap solution for severe dirt: shavings of laundry soap dissolved in warm water;

- facilities household chemicals: “Silit” for bathrooms, “Domestos”, “Shumanit”, “Profit”;

– solvents in small quantities, such as acetone and white spirit (do not use for painted surfaces);

– baking soda solution: moisten a soft cloth and wipe the door (be careful, the smooth laminated surface may be scratched);

– glass cleaner based on ammonia is excellent will remove fingerprints from the surface of a plastic or painted wooden door.

Important When using any of the listed means, remember that a napkin soaked in the solution should not be kept on the surface of the door for more than 5 minutes. 1-2 minutes after treatment, wipe with a damp cloth.

Task 3: wash off greasy stains on the interior door

WITH greasy stains on the interior door household chemicals for washing dishes, as well as hand-prepared solutions based on table vinegar, ammonia, citric acid. Solvents (acetone, white spirit) are effective, but should be used with caution on painted surfaces.

Preparation of cleaning solutions:

– Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. a spoonful of baking soda and 1 tbsp. spoon of washing powder, mix, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Time-tested: these components dissolve dirt and grease well. Make sure that the soda and powder are well dissolved, otherwise the grains may scratch the surface of the interior door. - A solution based on ammonia can clean not only windows, but also interior doors. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.

– Vinegar is diluted as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Comfortable pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle and thus spray it onto the surface. After treatment, be sure to wash off any remaining solution with a soft cloth moistened with clean water.

Creativity is the real solution!

In conclusion, I would like to express an idea on how to transform interior wooden or plastic doors cheap and beautiful: SELF-ADHESIVE! This self-adhesive film can be purchased at a hardware store or wallpaper boutique. The assortment is huge: any colors, styles and textures. Purely done or flowered - the choice is yours. This creative solution, by the way, is suitable for window sills and old shabby furniture.

Greetings, readers of my blog.

Stains from water and grease, the appearance of abrasions on the surface - all these are the reasons for the loss of the presentable appearance of interior doors. Mostly stains appear around door handles and also at the bottom door leaf at the point of contact with the legs. The problem of dirty doors becomes especially urgent with the appearance of children or pets.

If the surface of the canvas is partially contaminated, then remove stains on doors won't be difficult. If the defects affect the entire surface, then you will have to resort to more radical methods.

Every normal housewife strives to maintain order and cleanliness in the house. But some surfaces are very sensitive to cleaning and in order not to make mistakes you should follow my recommendations:

  • for the manufacture of interior doors, wood is used directly or indirectly, which is high humidity. Even for simple cleaning, you should not use a very damp cloth, as this can lead to swelling of the fabric.
  • To remove grease stains from the door, you should not use aggressive agents such as acetone, solvent, or alcohol.
  • To remove stains, use a soft sponge for washing dishes, not wire brushes. The damaged surface of MDF or laminated doors cannot be restored - you will have to change the canvas.

Secrets for removing stains from doors

Different door materials provide different variants to remove stains from them. But there are several universal methods bring back the beauty of the door:

  • in order to remove brilliant green from the door, use acetic acid
  • Marks from a felt-tip pen can be washed off with white spirit or glass washing liquid.
  • Some types of stains can be washed off well with vodka mixed with sunflower oil.
  • Chocolate or juice stains can be easily washed off with a baby wipe
  • The varnish stain can be washed off with a cotton pad slightly moistened with acetone.
  • Coffee stains can be easily removed with ammonia.

As you can see folk ways There are a lot of solutions for removing stains from doors, but there are also professional detergents: Profoam 2000, Sif - paste, Mister Chister, Adrilan, Pronto and many others.

Types of stains and methods for removing them from doors
Type of spot Traditional removal method Professional product
MoldDry the door, scrape off the mold with a scraper and treat with
EggMix baking soda and soap, add hot water and apply to the stain.
Old dried spots Make a mixture of salt and vegetable oil, apply to the stain and wait for it to dry. Then carefully scrape off
FingerprintsWet wipes or rag Furniture cleaners
Scotch tape marksNail polish remover Sticker Remover
Marks from a ballpoint pen Profoam 2000
PlasticineScrape off the remains and wipe with a weak solution of alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 9.
Glue or resinResin is removed by heating with a hairdryer Solvent for glue
Varnish Nail polish remover
Urine Laundry soap
JamSoap + vinegar solution
Wine, chocolate or juice stains Wet wipe
Pencil marks Excellent removal with wd-40 Profoam 2000
Felt penGlass cleaning liquid, you can try to erase marks with an eraser Profoam 2000
ZelenkaEasily washed off with acetic acid
Bloodtwo tablespoons table salt+ dishwashing liquid
Oily stainsAcetic acid + water, wet wipes Various cleaning products

How to clean doors - video

How to remove stains from MDF doors

For the most part, MDF doors with a veneer surface immediately after repair I strongly recommend that you open them with polish. This will protect the surface from the appearance of greasy marks and stains. But if the problem has already appeared, then it needs to be solved.

I will share with you the method that my mother advised me. It has been used since the days of the USSR, when Mister Muscle had never even been heard of :)

To restore the original appearance of MDF doors you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Potatoes - 1 pc.
  2. Dry rag
  3. A little baby powder

The procedure for removing grease stains from a door:

  1. Cut the potatoes in half and rub the stain until the juice appears
  2. Leave the stain for 10 minutes
  3. After the potato juice dries, starch will remain in place of the stain. Remove it with a dry cloth.
  4. If, after cleaning, white stains remain on the spot, then apply baby talc to them and wipe them thoroughly with a dry cloth.

With the help of this folk method can be deleted grease stain.

You can remove dirt from fiberboard doors with dishwashing detergent. To do this, take water into a small container and dilute the product in it. Apply foam to the stained area with a sponge and carefully wipe off the stain. We wash off the remaining foam and wipe the door with a clean rag.

Doors with laminated surface - cleaning methods

Thanks to protective coating Made from laminated film, such doors are easier to clean than others.

Methods for removing greasy stains from doors with a laminated surface:

  • Using laundry soap

First, prepare the solution. To do this we need a bar of 72% laundry soap and warm water. We cut the soap into small pieces and prepare a solution.

Lathering up foam sponge dirty places.

Now we wash off the soap stains and wipe thoroughly, leaving no streaks on the door.


The entire procedure must be done as quickly as possible short time to prevent water from soaking into the door. Otherwise, the door will swell and the laminated coating will peel off.

  • Using alcohol


Don't even think about using pure alcohol!

To begin removing the stain, prepare an alcohol solution. It is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 9, where 1 part is alcohol and 9 parts are water. Wet a cloth in the prepared mixture and apply it to the stain. We wait five minutes and remove the remains with a dry paper towel.

How to remove grease stains from doors - video

Removing stains on wooden doors

Unfortunately, stains that appear on solid wooden doors require removal from the hinges of the door leaf for their subsequent removal.

Place the removed door on a flat surface, having first unscrewed it door handles And .

Using a solvent, remove the old varnish from the door. Due to the fact that the solvent has a pungent odor, it is better to carry out work outdoors.

After removing the varnish, the wooden door must be sanded using a grinding machine or sandpaper. It is better to use paper with a grain size of 180/220.

Then you need to remove any remaining dust from the door. It is more convenient to use a soft, large brush.

The final stage is coating the door with a new layer of varnish.

Removing grease stains from painted MDF doors

For the most part, all painted MDF doors are covered with a layer of varnish. Therefore, the use of abrasive materials and aggressive stain removal agents is unacceptable. Damage to the top varnish layer will lead to fading and loss of integrity of the protective layer.

There are two ways to clean painted doors:

  1. As in the case of laminated chipboard doors, we will use 72% laundry soap. It is necessary to wash the area of ​​contamination with a strong soap solution, then thoroughly rinse off the remaining solution and wipe dry with a paper towel.
  2. If the first method does not help, then let's try the second. For this we will need baking soda and mouthwash. By mixing them we get a “hellish mixture” that must be applied to the stain. Wait a couple of minutes and wash off the remaining stain with water. Wipe the surface dry.


In order to restore the former shine to the lacquered surface of the door, simply wipe the area where the stain was removed with vegetable oil.

There are four ways to wash stains from chipboard panels:

  • Citric acid

Prepare a solution - 200 ml cold water add two tablespoons of acid. Mix thoroughly and wash off the stain with the resulting mixture. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth.

  • Using a solvent

A cotton pad should be moistened with solvent and carefully rinse off the greasy stain. After removal, the surface is also wiped with a clean towel.

  • Detergent

Three tablespoons detergent add to half a glass of water. Mix and apply the resulting foam to the stain. Wait 3 - 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Wipe dry with a clean rag.

  • Baking soda

Mix three tablespoons of baking soda per glass of water. The resulting solution washes off the stain. Then the surface is wiped dry.


Well, that's all, friends.

On this page of my blog, I shared with you my experience - how to remove stains on a door.

if you have interesting ways, then share with them in the comments.

Good luck to everyone!

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