How to mix clay and sand for a kiln. Solutions for ovens: varieties, methods of kneading

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

The laying of the furnace is carried out with various compositions, but clay-based solutions are most often used. It is combined with ordinary or fireclay sand. The first is used for laying most of the structure, and the second is introduced into the composition of the combustion chamber. To prepare a high-quality clay oven mortar, it is necessary to properly prepare the components and choose the right proportions.

Sold in hardware stores or prepared with your own hands. When it is possible to get clay, the mixture is practically free. A solution of clay with sand is the main one, since it is used for laying almost the entire furnace. The exception is a chimney with a foundation, since the moisture resistance of the resulting mixture is rather low.

The sand-clay kiln mortar works well with fired clay bricks. It has medium strength, is resistant to fire, and, most importantly, does not allow gases to penetrate into the substance. Another advantage is the reusability. The solution has no expiration date. It can be diluted with water and reused.


The basis of the furnace solution, which, when independently "extracted", requires the correct determination of fat content. The usual wetting with water and kneading in the hand is not enough. A more thorough check is needed. It can be done in many ways, but among the simplest and most affordable is kneading 2-3 liters of clay with a paddle with ordinary water.

When the resulting mass almost completely sticks to the paddle, it means that the clay has a high fat content and needs to be artificially depleted by adding sand. If the clay remains in small clumps on the tool, it is ideal for mortar and does not require any “rework”.
This stage can be continued by directly mixing the masonry mixture, but the clay must first be cleaned. This also applies to sand, which must be washed.

Clay preparation

Properly selected clay should be pre-cleaned, which will significantly improve the quality of the material. It is enough to sift dry material through a sieve with cells of 2-3 mm. Further, it is subjected to soaking, stacking in layers of 15-20 cm, poured from above with water, and then mixed after a day, with the addition of a small amount of liquid. When another 24 hours have passed, the completely swollen mixture is thoroughly stirred again. It is this clay that is used for the further preparation of the furnace solution.

sand cleaning

Purchased bulk material is usually sold washed, but it also most often requires additional preparation. The presence of any foreign inclusions reduces the quality of the masonry mortar, and, therefore, affects the quality of the seams, which should not be allowed. It is enough to sift the sand purchased in the store through a fine sieve with cells from 1 to 1.5 mm, and the sand obtained independently will require additional washing under high water pressure.
On an industrial scale, sand is cleaned of organic components by heating to high temperatures, at which the bulk material dries perfectly. This can be done at home, but only when a special installation is made on their own, which is impractical for laying out one design.

How are the proportions chosen?

On one part of the clay put from 1 to 5 parts of washed purified sand, which implies that the exact amount is achieved experimentally. First, an experimental batch is made, and then, depending on the consistency obtained, either sand or clay is added. The ideal 1:1 ratio is only suitable when the clay is fully compliant, i.e. not greasy or depleted. Unfortunately, when it is mined by hand, it is quite difficult to find a similar one.
The correct clay-based kiln mortar must be plastic. He is obliged to easily slide off a smooth and absolutely clean trowel. The resulting mixture must be checked for adhesion quality. It is applied to a brick, which is pre-soaked. The mortar is laid in an even layer 5 mm thick, and then another brick is placed on top and pressed well. Half an hour later, check. It should show how well the two structural materials have bonded.

Refractory clay for fireclay bricks and mortar

A high-quality and good composition allows you to hold the lower brick when the structure is on weight, that is, in the air.

Checking the consistency of the solution

To check the correctness of the batch, it is necessary to lower a clean trowel moistened with water into it:

  • If the solution sticks to the surface of the tool, then the clay is too oily, and a small amount of sand must be added to the mixture.
  • When the mixture does not stick to the tool, the fat content is normal, but the plasticity is not enough. This indicator can be increased by adding clay with a high fat content.
  • The presence of protruding water in the solution after settling is evidence of a too lean mixture. The composition can be corrected by reducing the sand component by introducing greasy or ordinary clay.

Each time you change the mixture, you need to re-lower the tool until the ideal consistency is reached.

Clay-chamotte mortar

It is intended for a laying of a fire chamber. Differs from the usual increased degree of heat resistance. Able to withstand temperatures in the range of 1200-1300 degrees Celsius. For the mortar for the main masonry of the structure, this figure is two times lower, therefore it is not suitable for the combustion chamber, where the seams formed are exposed to extremely high temperatures.
Fireclay sand gives heat resistance to the composition. But, given that the base remains clay, this allows you to prepare a solution in large volumes. It is enough to add a little water to the prepared one, and you can use the pre-prepared mixture again if it has already become more viscous than necessary.

fireclay sand

Chamotte is called sintered clay completely devoid of moisture. Refractory sand is usually obtained by grinding fireclay bricks, that is, from battle. Bulk material is considered to be more resistant to fire than ordinary sand. It is recommended to add it to the mortar for laying the combustion chamber.
In addition, it perfectly interacts with the heat-resistant brick from which it was obtained, which allows you to create a particularly strong bond. Save on this component should not be. It is required in small quantities, but provides the highest possible service life, which is especially important for the combustion chamber.

Solution preparation

To lay out the furnace section of the furnace, clay of moderate fat content is used. It can be white, gray, fireclay. Too oily is “depleted” by adding fireclay or quartz sand. Mixing is done in a ratio of 1:1.
When the structure being erected does not have a high thermal load, the masonry can be done with a mortar without the addition of sand, using only refractory clay. A similar composition is suitable for firing a conventional hob, Russian or Dutch oven.
The use of two ingredients involves kneading in the usual way:

  • the clay is cleaned, soaked for two or three days and mixed well;
  • the next step is to add sand and bring the solution to a homogeneous consistency.

If necessary, add more sand. Usually, the proportions are taken such that refractory clay accounts for 30, and fireclay sand - 70%. For structures erected from refractory bricks, the mortar is prepared in a ratio of 3:1.

Solutions for ovens: varieties, methods of kneading

Gypsum-cement mixtures.

The positive qualities of cement and gypsum mortars are gypsum-cement mixtures that have short setting and hardening times and form a high-strength stone 3-4 hours after the mixture has been mixed.

The presence of cement clinker minerals contributes to increasing the strength of gypsum-cement stone during hardening in water conditions, which favorably distinguishes gypsum-cement mixtures from gypsum mortars.

The permeability of the gypsum-cement stone 4 hours after mixing does not exceed (5-9) 10 -3 µm 2 , and after 24 hours - 0.5 10 -3 µm 2 .

Gypsum-cement mortars are prepared by mixing gypsum and oil-well cement in dry form, followed by mixing the resulting mixture on a retarder solution or mixing a gypsum solution, mixed on a retarder solution, and oil-well cement solution.

Since gypsum-cement mortars have a short period of transition from a thixotropic coagulation structure to a strong condensation-crystallization structure, they can be recommended for sealing large-cavernous and highly fractured absorbing sections of the wellbore.

Clay-cement mortars are prepared from oil-well cement, bentonite and setting accelerators by mixing dry components with their subsequent mixing or adding bentonite to the cement mortar. The presence of clay particles in the mixture contributes to a more rapid growth of the structure.

Gel cements are obtained by mixing grouting cement on a clay solution with a density of 1.04-1.06 g/cm 3 . To obtain thick gel-cement mixtures, soda ash is added to the clay solution (2.5-3 kg per 1 m 3 of solution).

To isolate zones of intense absorption developed clay-cement grouting slurry with a high rate of water loss (TRVV) . Obtained by mixing a cement slurry of low density 1.35-1.45 g/cm 3 and a weighted clay slurry with a density of 1.18-1.2 g/cm 3 in a ratio of 1:2 (for more complex absorption zones 1:1). Inert fillers are added to cement slurries to increase the plugging ability. For the preparation of TRVV, it is desirable to use a clay solution that has not been treated with chemical reagents that reduce fluid loss. TRVV has a high viscosity and filtration index, as a result of which the filtrate goes into the reservoir, and the permeable near-wellbore zone is clogged with cement, clay particles and filler introduced into the solution. The plugging capacity of the TRVV will be proportional to the volume of filler in the mixture. TRVV is recommended for use in fractured rocks.

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Accordingly, it is impossible to lay a brick on a simple cement mortar. It is necessary to do combined: clay + sand + cement. But I don't know the proportions. Tell me please!

To lay a brick around the stove, you need to correctly calculate the proportions, if you are lucky and someone in your area has already done this, then you do not have to fool around!

First - we dig clay, see that black soil and roots do not fall. We dig at once as much as necessary from one place.

Second - we take about half a liter of clay and fill it with water to absorb it, leave it to swell for a day, then stir it well and sculpt a ball (flat cake), leave it for 2-3 days, in the sun, look at the result. If there are cracks, then you need to add sand, we look at the cracks how much:

If the cracks are small, then sand: 1 part sand to four clays, if the cracks are large, 1 part sand and 2 clays, if the clay cracked and crumbled when dried, then one to one.

Cement needs 1 part to 3 parts of sand, that is, cement is calculated by sand!

So an example: we found out that the clay is quite oily and cracks, but does not fall apart (middle option), which means that the composition of such clay is in half with sand and cement in sand it is important to measure not by weight, but by measured units, for example, liter cans!

We prepare measured clay, for example, 10 liter cans, moisten and leave to swell for a day, then half the volume from clay (sifted sand) 5 cans and a third of the sand we take cement - about 1.5 cans.

Sand and cement are thoroughly mixed in a dry state and poured a little bit, stirring into swollen clay (excess water that has not been absorbed from the clay is drained and added if necessary while stirring).

Previously, the solution was kneaded with feet in rubber boots, as it is very hard with hands.

The solution must be used freshly prepared, so it is better to knead as much as you can work out, and there will be nothing soaked clay, sand and cement, respectively, are also stored separately.

To prepare a clay solution, the clay must first be soaked in water for a day. Then, gradually adding water, bring to the consistency of sour cream. If you feel that the solution has turned out to be liquid, allow time for settling and then drain off excess water. Now it's the turn of the sand, add it in portions, mixing thoroughly. The composition of the clay solution: clay 1 part, sand 3-4 parts. But to increase its strength, cement grade M400 must be added to the solution. For 10 liters of the prepared solution, 1 kilogram of cement is added. First dissolve the cement in water, slowly pouring it in and stirring all the time, then combine with the clay mortar.

Use cement-clay mortar within an hour.

Cement-clay mortar can be of different brands, depending on which brand of cement is purchased, it will depend on how much clay and sand are added to the solution.

Solution brand M25: for 1 part of cement M400 or M300 take 0.7 clay and 8 parts of sand,

if cement M250, M200, M150, M100 - clay 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, respectively, sand 5, 5, 3.5, 2.

Solution brand M50: per part of cement M500 or M400 clay 0.7 parts and sand 7.5 and 6, respectively.

The proportions of the solution directly depend on the fat content of the clay, so it is necessary to experimentally test the strength of the solution by pre-production of several batches with recording the proportions, and then try them on impact, the composition that will be the strongest of all you should use.

He prepares like this:

  • part of the clay is poured with water (we add water by eye, since clay can have different humidity), mix the composition a little and leave it for a day so that the clay absorbs water ...
  • after a day of sludge, if there is a lot of water, then drain the excess, mix the remaining mixture so that a creamy mixture is obtained ...
  • then we filter the whole mixture through a sieve to exclude not soaked pieces ...
  • mix soaked clay with sand, sand should be taken in a proportion of 2 to 4 parts of clay (it is best to prepare 5 samples 1:2; 1:2.5; 1:3; 1:3.5; 1:4 )…
  • then it is necessary to mix the resulting solution with cement (preferably with a cement mortar prepared in advance) in a consistency of 100 kg of cement - 1 cu.

    meter of solution, so you have to measure the mixture in a container and calculate the proportion ...

For example, for plastering a stove, we prepare a mixture from one part of clay, one part of cement, two parts of sand and a small amount of asbestos, lime or gypsum (one tenth). But for the masonry itself, we use all the same components, but without the last three. Also, experts recommend adding another one hundred and fifty grams of salt (per bucket) to the resulting composition, which will increase the strength of the finished solution.

And you can, without thinking for a long time, buy a special ready-made clay or mixture in the store. It is called so: chamotte clay (ground), in large bags of twenty kilograms. Special composition for laying the furnace.

For a bath, you can use a lime-sand mortar. Proportions 1:2 - 1:3 (lime:sand).

The proportions of the clay-cement mortar are 1: 0.15-0.2: 3-5 (clay: cement: sand).

The quality of the furnace masonry, its tightness, heat resistance, and strength over the years depend on a properly mixed solution. Lack or excess of any component leads to its cracking, integrity violation, carbon monoxide leakage. For work, ceramic bricks are used, and it is the clay mortar for laying the furnace that is homogeneous with it in composition. It provides a single structural structure with the same physical properties of mortar and brick. That is why the clay solution is considered the best.

How to knead clay mortar?

The proportional composition of the binders determines the purpose of the mixture: masonry or finishing. They may not consist of one binder, but of two, for example, clay and cement. The filler stiffens the hardened mixture, and its slight excess does not harm the quality of the masonry. Even a small excess of binder (in this case, clay) reduces strength. That is why it is considered: the less it is in the solution, the higher its quality. However, it is better not to replace it with cement and lime, this is done only in cases where clay is not available.

The consistency of the mixture should be sufficiently plastic, viscous, but not liquid, and even more so - it should not crumble. The furnace body should not have thick masonry joints, the optimal thickness is 3-4 mm. Sand grain should not exceed 1 mm. However, the use of coarser sand is also allowed, but then its amount will change.

The exact proportions depend on the quality of the clay:

  • skinny requires a decrease in the volume of sand,
  • oily is diluted in a ratio of 1:2 (clay:sand).

So, the proportions for fine sand and high-quality clay are 1: 1. Mixing different additives will lead to their change in the direction of reduction.


Salt and cement are added at your discretion. The standard composition of the mortar for laying the furnace does not provide for their mixing. However, if it is decided to make a complex mixture, the following proportions are observed (per 10 kg of clay): salt 150 g, cement M400 1 kg. And also: clay 2 buckets, sand 2 buckets. This amount is enough for laying 100 bricks.

Sequence of work:

  • clay is poured into the trough, poured with a small amount of water and allowed to soak from 6 hours to 2 days;
  • regularly during this time it is stirred (you can wear rubber boots, trample clay); all you need is water 1/4 of the total volume of clay;
  • add sifted sand, mix with a shovel; if the mixture slowly slides off the shovel, this is its optimal consistency.

The determination of the plasticity of the finished mixture is carried out in the following way: a flagellum 1.5 cm thick and 20 cm long is molded. Connect it into a ring around a wooden blank with a diameter of 5 cm. The flagellum should evenly stretch. If it is torn, the ends of the gap should be sharp. The absence of cracks in the fold means that the mixture is too oily; if multiple breaks occur, the solution is lean. In the first case, sand is added, in the second - clay. It is necessary to achieve the formation of several small cracks at the bend.

Varieties of lime mortars for kilns

For a chimney, it is undesirable to use a clay mixture in the part that rises above the roof. Due to the formation of condensate, the clay cracks and collapses. In this case, the preparation of mortar for laying furnaces is carried out on the basis of lime paste. The same mixtures are used for laying the foundation for the furnace.

The composition of the solution:

  • sand 3 parts,
  • lime dough 1 part.

Lime dough is obtained by combining 3 parts of water and 1 part of quicklime. It has a plastic consistency, similar to softened oily clay. The density of a properly prepared lime paste is 1400 kg/m3. For laying furnace chimneys and foundations, it is bought ready-made in hardware stores.

Lime slaking is carried out in special factory workshops in lime-slaking machines. It is not recommended to make the dough on your own, as lime leads to burns of the skin and respiratory tract. To maintain health, it is necessary to apply strict security measures: wear gloves, goggles, a respirator, dust-proof clothing.

The fat content of the lime paste affects the amount of added sand. Too greasy will require up to 5 parts of sand to achieve a normal mortar consistency. Before connecting the components, the dough should be rubbed through a 1x1 cm sieve. Water is added to achieve the required consistency.

Strength can be improved by adding cement. The resulting lime-cement mixture with two binders and filler also has a high moisture resistance. The following proportions of the mortar for laying the furnace, foundation and chimney allow you to achieve its best quality:

  • cement 1 part,
  • sand 8-10 parts,
  • lime dough 2 parts.

The sequence of work is as follows: cement and sand are mixed separately. Lime dough is diluted to a viscous state with water. Then the mixed dry ingredients are added to it and mixed. For viscosity, water is again added in small portions.

Concrete and heat resistant concrete mixtures

Concrete mortar is also used for the furnace foundation and chimney above the roof. Its strength is not inferior to lime, hardening begins after 45 minutes. Before mixing, the components are sifted through a sieve. First, sand is poured into the container, cement is placed on top of it. Stir until smooth, then add water. It is important to achieve a viscous consistency, not thick and not too liquid.

For a monolithic firebox, a heat-resistant concrete mixture is used. Its composition is as follows:

  1. Portland cement M400 1 part,
  2. crushed brick 2 parts,
  3. sand 2 parts,
  4. fireclay sand 0.3 parts.

Strength increases if quartz sand is used instead of ordinary sand. Refractory concrete is characterized by large fractions (up to 10 cm) and high density. The following proportions are used as standard: 8 liters of water are taken for 20 kg of the mixture. Stirring is carried out mechanically, for example, in a special mixer.

You can also use a shovel, but then the quality will be lower, since it is impossible to manually achieve good uniformity. It is undesirable to increase the amount of water, as this will reduce the physical properties of the mixture. At the same time, mixing is continued even if there is confidence that there is not enough water. It is necessary to work with such a solution quickly due to its rapid solidification.

An important stage in the construction of a stove for a village house or bath is the preparation of a reliable masonry mortar.

Properly mixed mortar for laying the furnace affects the tightness, durability, heat resistance and safety of the finished structure.

A good mix for laying the stove is resistant to high temperatures, mechanical damage and cracking.

Features of the choice of material

The process of building modern furnaces is divided into several stages:

  1. The first stage is the arrangement of the furnace foundation with the help of a concrete composition;
  2. The second stage is the laying of a refractory brick oven using a clay-based masonry joint mass;
  3. The third stage is the lining of the furnace with a plaster composition.

The most important is the stage of direct masonry and the preparation of a reliable base, which must have high performance characteristics - heat resistance, adhesion, water resistance, strength and durability.

For the arrangement of modern furnaces, several options for masonry mortars are used: clay, lime and cement.

Masonry mortars are simple and complex. Simple ones consist of one type of binder and aggregate; complex mixtures include two or more binders and several aggregates. The binders are lime, clay and cement.

To prepare a mortar for masonry, you will need the following tools:

  • Mixer;
  • Mixing container;
  • Sieve;
  • Trowel;
  • Master OK;
  • Plastic spatula;
  • Construction thermometer;
  • Scales.

clay based

One of the cheapest and most affordable types of connecting kiln mixes. Clay mortar for laying furnaces is characterized by high fat content, which determines the degree of plasticity, heat resistance and strength of the finished material.

A solution for a natural clay oven is:

  • Bold - characterized by plasticity, strength, but the rapid appearance of cracks after drying;
  • Normal - quite plastic and resistant to cracking, gives a small percentage of shrinkage after drying. Able to withstand high temperatures up to 110 degrees;
  • Skinny - non-plastic and short-lived, susceptible to rapid delamination and crumbling.

A refractory clay mortar is prepared on the basis of three components: clay, sand and water. Such a composition is resistant to cracking and drying out, provides a reliable arrangement of a brick oven.

The quality of the clay determines the amount of sand needed to mix the mortar. For work, clay and purified water with a low content of impurities are used. For laying 100 bricks, on average, up to 20 liters of clean water are used.

To prepare the solution, quarry or river sand of fine fraction without additional impurities is used. Before use, it must be sieved through a fine-mesh sieve. If it contains gravel impurities, then it is recommended to use a sieve with a mesh size of up to 10 mm. For fine-grained material, a sieve with 2 mm cells is suitable.

Before adding other components, it is recommended to check the clay base for plasticity. How to make such a check? To do this, a small board should be lowered into the resulting mixture for laying the furnace and determine its thickness. It should be moderately thick and viscous. If there is excess liquid, then it is worth adding a little binder, stirring occasionally and testing the mixture for plasticity.

The optimal thickness of the connecting material is 2 mm, which indicates that the proportions of all components are correctly observed. The finished masonry mass is viscous and not very dense.

The appropriate density of the mortar for masonry depends on the ratio of the main components in it - clay and sand, respectively:

  • Fatty mass - 1:2;
  • Normal weight - 1:1;
  • Lean mass - 2: 1.

Methods for preparing clay composition

How to prepare a high-quality clay-based connective mass? There are several proven methods.

Method number 1

The required volume of clay is soaked for 24 hours, water is added to obtain a thick mass. The resulting material is carefully filtered, then sand is added to it and kneaded again. It is important to avoid the formation of clay puddles, which can be eliminated with a small portion of the binder component.

Method number 2

Fireclay sand and clay are combined in the container in equal proportions, purified water is added (1/4 of the volume of clay). All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Method number 3

The composition is kneaded on the basis of loams. This recipe provides for the preparation of 10 different versions of the solution, from which the best one is selected.

For the first: 10 volumes of loam, 1 volume of sand and 1 volume of cement, etc. in descending order of loam volume. Ten obtained bases are placed in different containers and left to dry for 5-6 days. At the end of the allotted time, the most qualitative composition of the mortar with a minimum degree of shrinkage and resistance to cracking is determined.

Method number 4

Sand and ¼ water are added to the clay. All components are mixed to obtain a thick viscous mass. To increase the strength in such a mixture, it is recommended to add rock salt or cement. On a bucket of the mixture - up to 250 g of salt and ¾ liter of cement. The salt is preliminarily dissolved in water, and the cement is diluted with water to a thick consistency, after which it is added to the finished base.

based on lime

For the construction of the foundation and the stove chimney, it is recommended to use a composition based on lime and cement.

A special dough obtained by mixing quicklime and water in a ratio of 3:1. Sifted sand is added to the finished dough through a fine mesh sieve in a ratio of 3:1 - for 3 volumes of sand 1 volume of dough. The finished mass is diluted with water until a thick mass is obtained.

A mixture for laying a lime-based stove is quite plastic and durable.

The fat content of the composition of lime is determined by the amount of sand. For an excessively oily mixture, 5 volumes of the sand component are required, for a normal mixture, no more than 3 volumes.

Strength and water resistance can be increased by adding cement. To prepare such a composition, it is necessary to use components in the following proportions (parts):

  • Cement - 1;
  • Sand - 10;
  • Lime dough - 2.

The preparation of the mortar has the following sequence of actions: the cement and sand components are combined in a separate container. The finished lime-based dough is diluted with purified water until a thick consistency is obtained. Bulk components are introduced into the diluted dough and mixed. To increase the viscosity, the composition is diluted with water.

Based on cement

What solution is needed for arranging the furnace foundation and laying the outer part of the chimney? The answer is simple - a composition based on cement, sand and water. In terms of strength, it is equal to the lime counterpart, but it takes much longer to harden.

The optimal composition of the finished mass is obtained in the following proportions - 3: 1 (for 3 volumes of sand, 1 volume of cement grade M 300 or 400). Before mixing, all components are sifted through a fine mesh sieve. Sifted sand is poured into a deep container, cement is added and mixed until a homogeneous mass. At the end, water is added.

The finished mixture must be brought to a thick and viscous consistency. Determining the appropriate density is quite simple - the composition must remain mobile, but at the same time not drain from the shovel when it is turned up to 45 degrees.

  • Cement (M 400) - 1;
  • Crushed stone or gravel - 2;
  • Fine-grained sand - 2;
  • Sand from fireclay - 0.4.

To increase the strength, you can use quartz chips. The refractory concrete mixture is coarse-grained, high-density and water-resistant.

For proper mixing, 25 kg of the finished mixture requires 10 liters of water. The best mixing method is mechanical with a concrete mixer. The finished composition hardens quickly, so it is recommended to use it immediately after preparation.

The construction of the furnace has its own distinctive features regarding the correct choice of composition and preparation of masonry mortar. Different compositions are used for different structural elements.

So that, for its masonry, you need to prepare an appropriate and, importantly, high-quality solution. It is a mixture that is formed by combining a binder, aggregate components and water.

When most often, a clay mortar is used, since it is most suitable for ceramic bricks in its composition. For the construction of the foundation of the chimney, a mixture with a different composition is required, for example, lime or concrete. They are more durable and do not crack from the gathering condensate.

The level of quality of the solution and the thickness of its seams directly depends condition and age of the stove. The most important requirement for it is that the solidified solution should not crack and crumble. For a good functioning of the stove, the seams must be thin. It is necessary to prepare the solution exclusively from clean and high-quality materials.

For the construction of the stove, you can use the following types of solutions:

  • Clay
  • Lime
  • cement

Clay solutions are characterized by their fat content. Their plasticity, resistance to high temperatures, strength and shrinkage depend on this.

Clay solutions can be:

  • fatty, which have good plasticity, but crack strongly when dried;
  • skinny, which have non-plastic and fragile properties, crumble when dried;
  • normal- they are plastic, almost do not crack when dried, give a slight shrinkage.

For reliable brickwork, a normal level of mortar plasticity is required, since it can withstand temperatures of 100 degrees.

To prepare the solution, we collect materials :

  • Clay
  • Sand

Preparation is carried out with clean, low-mineralized water that does not contain silt. If a lot of mineral salt is dissolved in the water, it is more likely that spots will appear on the surface of the plaster of the oven, which appear through more than one-time whitewash. In ancient times, kilns were traditionally used for laying rain water.

They clean the sand from gravel, grass, sifting it through a sieve. The sifted fine sand will provide thin masonry seam. The amount of sand required to mix the solution depends on the quality of the clay used.

The plasticity of clay can be determined in several ways, which will be described later in the article. We sift clay through a sieve so that it is homogeneous and free of debris.

Solution preparation options

Consider several ways to prepare a mortar for masonry.

First way

Soaking clay a day before laying, then add water, bringing it to the density of sour cream. We filter the solution, add sand and mix thoroughly. Puddles of liquid clay should not appear on the solution, and if they appear, then add sand and mix again.

Second way

We make mortar for laying bricks. We mix fireclay sand with refractory clay in equal proportions, then add water, which makes up a fourth of the clay, and carefully mix. This is a very easy method to do.

Third way

You can make a mortar for laying a furnace from loam. To get the correct ratio of components, we knead ten variants of the solution (each in a matchbox). The first option is ten parts of loam, one part of sand and cement; the second - loam nine parts, sand 2 parts, one part of cement, and so on until the tenth option - one part of loam, a tenth of sand, one part of cement. We fill the boxes with solutions and dry for a week. We then choose a solution that not cracked and has more clay. Such a solution dries quickly, when heated, it burns. Due to the sintering of the clay-sand mixture, ceramics are formed. This solution can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees. At the highest temperature it collapses. You can put fireboxes out of it, which will work on wood, peat.

Fourth way

If the clay is clean and has no stones, add fine sand and ¼ volume of water to it. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the clay and sand.

The clay solution must be creamy density, do not spread and slide off the shovel well. For strength, you can add salt or cement. Add 100 - 250 grams of salt to a bucket of mortar, and ¾ liter of cement. We dissolve the salt in water, and pour the cement with water until the density of sour cream, and then add it to the solution. A quality solution will provide good masonry adhesion and filling the irregularities of the brick, which will make the seam tight and gas-tight.

First way based on clay of different plasticity, which sits differently on a wooden surface. Pour ten liters of water into a bucket and add clay until a creamy solution is obtained, stirring it with a cleaned plank. If a thick layer of clay remains on it, then the solution too plastic. It is necessary to add sand at the rate of: one liter jar per bucket of mortar until it is of normal plasticity. The solution is considered to be of normal plasticity when a layer of clay of 2 millimeters remains on the board, and sticks to it in clots. If the plank is covered with a thin layer of 1 millimeter, then the solution is of low plasticity.

The second way is to mechanical test of the solution after drying. We clean the clay from large pieces and a jar with a capacity of 1 liter, measure out five even portions. We add sand to medium-plastic clay in proportions: we leave the first without sand, mix the second with ¼ cans, add ½ to the third, a whole can to the fourth, and 1.5 cans of sand to the fifth. We dilute each mixture with water so that the clay does not stick to the hands, but kneads well. Balls are molded from the resulting solutions, which then need to be crushed into cakes. These cakes should dry, the main thing is not to confuse which solution is which. Those with little sand will crack, and those with too much will crumble. The optimal composition is considered to be the one from which it turned out dense and not cracked cake.

For the third method, it is necessary, as for the second, cook balls. After they dry, two planed boards are taken. The ball lies on one of them, and the second is pressed down from above. Where is the optimal composition of the solution - it will begin to crack when compressed by 1/3 of the diameter. A greasy solution will crack at half the diameter, and a lean solution will almost crumble immediately.

Checking the quality of the solution

In order for the brickwork of the furnace to hold well, the mortar must be prepared with high quality in the optimal ratio of components. As mentioned above, the amount of sand depends on plasticity level of clay. In this regard, it should be determined how much sand needs to be added.

Five individual cans of oily clay must be mixed with sand in proportions: leave the first portion, add half a can of sand to the second, one can to the third, one and a half to the fourth, and two to the fifth. Mixing clay with sand, water is added to each portion. The solution should not stick to the fingers. Then from each type of solution rolls into five balls, with a diameter of three to five millimeters. It is necessary to take two balls of each mixture, make thin cakes out of them and leave to dry for 12 days in the room. From dried balls and cakes, we test in this way: we take balls and cakes, and from a height of one meter we throw them in turn. If, when falling, balls and cakes do not crack or break, then this quality solution. The main thing to remember is what kind of mixture each ball is made of.

You can check the clay solution with the help of harnesses made from it. We roll out the clay, make bundles with a diameter of about one and a half centimeters and a length of fifteen to twenty centimeters. Then we stretch the bundles and wind them on a wooden round stick, five centimeters in diameter. If the tourniquet breaks at the moment when the thickness decreases by fifteen to twenty percent of the original diameter, then it is made of good clay.

Clay mortar preparation: Video

For erection chimney and foundation stove clay mixture is not suitable. In the part of the chimney that is located above the roof, condensate collects. Because of it, clay can crack. When building a foundation, the clay mortar is not strong enough. It is best to use as a basis for such purposes. lime paste.

This dough is made by mixing water and quicklime in a ratio of 3:1. It is not recommended to make it yourself, as this may cause injury to the skin and respiratory tract. It is better to purchase ready-made lime dough at any hardware store.

To prepare the solution, it is necessary to sift the sand and rub the dough through a sieve. Then you need to mix one part of the dough with three parts of sand. Water is added to obtain the desired consistency.

To increase the strength of brickwork, lime-cement mortar can be used. For its preparation, we take one part of cement, two of lime dough, and ten of sand. First, mix the sand and cement. Dilute the dough with water to a state of viscosity. Then we add a mixture of sand and cement to lime milk and mix. If necessary, add water again in small portions.

For the construction of the chimney and the foundation for the furnace, cement mortar is also used. He is different high strength and fast curing. It is prepared by mixing sand and cement.

Initially, dry sand must be sifted so that it is clean and crumbly. Then we take sand and cement. The ratio depends on the brand of cement. We mix them well so that there are no cement lumps. Before use, add water to the mixture until the desired density is created. Solution should not slide off the shovel, but be mobile.

The cement mortar must be used within one hour because it quickly sets and becomes unusable.

When building a kiln, the quality of the brickwork mortar is very important. If cooked incorrectly, the oven may leak smoke, have poor draft, crack and fall apart. In this regard, in order for the heating device to successfully perform its direct function and not create problems, its construction should be carried out carefully and accurately.

Clay mortar, ideal for laying bricks, it is important to be able to cook correctly. The quality of the binder ingredients, the purity of the filler, and the hardness of the water matter here. A good mixture is actually not difficult to make on your own, if you strictly follow the proportions and follow the preparation procedure described below.

About solution

The clay-based composition is mainly used for the construction of stoves in a private house. Its properties allow the masonry to provide strength and durability.

In the bath, the base (and even more so the chimney) on this masonry mixture is unacceptable to build. Here it is much better to use the solution:

  • lime;
  • cement-sand.

Neither one nor the other is afraid of condensate, which usually forms on these elements of the furnace.

The main characteristic that you need to pay attention to when making a clay composition is fat content.

It depends on it as a result:

  • plastic;
  • degree of final shrinkage;
  • resistance to high temperature;
  • the strength of the entire masonry.

In total, experts distinguish three types of solution:

  • skinny is very fragile and has low plasticity - it often cracks when dried;
  • fatty - malleable, but after hardening it may begin to crumble;
  • normal - ideal for masonry.

The latter variety has the following properties:

  • does not give significant shrinkage;
  • withstands strong heat;
  • have excellent plasticity.

It is a pleasure to work with him. Using a normal solution, the oven can be easily folded even by a not very experienced master.

How to find out how plastic clay is

In principle, the test is not difficult at all. To do this, take a bucket of cool water and gradually begin to add clay to it. The main task is to get a consistency similar to that of ordinary store-bought sour cream.

Mix the solution not with a trowel, but with any suitable plank. When the result is achieved, it is pulled out of the bucket and inspected. If enough clay has stuck to it, then it means that it is quite oily and equally plastic.

  • pour the entire volume at once;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • check on the plank (the norm is 2 millimeters of the mixture on its surface);
  • add more aggregate as needed.

Making a solution

The preparation of a high-quality clay mixture in separate steps is as follows:

  • a day before the start of work, the clay is soaked in a small amount of water;
  • 24 hours later, they begin to mix it with a shovel, gradually adding water;
  • when the mixture becomes like sour cream, filter it;
  • then they begin to add sand in the proportion indicated above (a liter per bucket).

The fact that the process is completed is indicated by the absence of puddles on the surface of the solution. Otherwise, keep adding a little bit of the placeholder.

Another variant

This method is only suitable if you have absolutely clean clay, in which there are no foreign inclusions and pebbles. Here the procedure begins with the addition of the sieved aggregate. Then add water to a quarter of the total volume.

The composition is mixed until smooth (it is permissible to use a concrete mixer) - as a result, it should fall freely from the shovel blade, but not spread.

The last step is the addition of dry cement (750 grams per 10 liters) and salt (about 200 g).

Other options

In this case, you will need to stock up on fireclay sand and refractory clay. Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. After that, water is poured in an amount of 1/8 of the total volume of the solution. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it can be used for its intended purpose.

It is permissible to make a composition from loams. In this case, you will need to prepare 10 different options for testing in a small amount. The first one takes:

  • 10 parts loam;
  • 1 - cement;
  • 1 - sand.

The finished sample is thoroughly kneaded until smooth, adding clean water little by little. It is necessary that no lumps remain as a result.

The finished samples are placed in separate boxes and left for a week. When time passes, they are examined. The composition is suitable for the oven:

  • containing a maximum of clay;
  • not cracked.

It will quite calmly withstand heating up to 600 degrees, without deforming or crumbling.

Specificity of lime and cement mixture

As previously noted, chimneys and the foundation of the stove are constructed using other quick-drying and stronger solutions.

The universal composition is prepared as follows:

  • the sand is sifted;
  • mixed with cements of the 400th brand in a ratio of 3 to 1;
  • add water immediately before starting work.

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