Quick preparation of raspberries for the winter: easy and without cooking. Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam

The buildings 17.10.2019
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Raspberries occupy a prominent place among other berries - for their incomparable taste and aroma, thanks to their healing properties, raspberries have become one of the most popular horticultural crops. Each berry is good in its own way, but fresh in this row is one of the first. As well as processing for the winter, according to their palatability and flavor, medicinal effect, no other berry can be compared with raspberries in our area.

* Raspberries for jam need to be collected in sunny and dry weather. Otherwise, from the berries taken in the rain, the jam will turn out to be watery, and the berries will boil.

* Raspberry jam is boiled in several steps (with a break of 8-10 hours).
Jam is considered properly cooked if the shape of the berries has not changed, only their color has become darker and the aroma has been preserved.

* Raspberries are a delicacy for many insects, and especially for the so-called stink bug (one such bug can ruin kilograms of berries). In order to identify beetles in time, I keep the collected raspberries in salted water. To remove the larvae of the raspberry beetle, I immerse the raspberries for 10-15 minutes in salted water (1 liter of water, 20 g table salt). When the insects emerge, remove them with a spoon.


Raspberry punch

For cooking you need: half a glass of raspberry juice, a glass of cream, one third of a glass of powdered sugar.
whipping cream with powdered sugar, add raspberry juice, mix. I heat it up in an enameled bowl, but do not boil it. This drink is served hot.
It is good to give such a tasty and unusual punch to a child at night during a cold. Children who usually refuse medication take this healing drink with pleasure.

Raspberry soufflé

I rub through a sieve 200 g of cottage cheese. I knead 100 g of raspberries with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sugar. I mix cottage cheese, raspberries, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 50 g of walnuts. I oil the mold and bake the soufflé. Cool, pour over sour cream before use.

Raspberry ice cream mousse

For cooking you need: raspberries - 200 g, semolina - 1 tablespoon, cream - 200 g, sugar - 50 g.
My raspberries, I fall asleep with sugar. After extracting the juice, I wipe the berries through a sieve and cool the mass.
Pour semolina into the boiling cream in a thin stream, stirring at the same time so that lumps do not form. Cook for 5 minutes, then cool and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Then, without ceasing to beat, pour in the chilled pureed raspberries with sugar. Mousse refrigerate or freeze.

Raspberry cream with sour cream

Thoroughly grind 1 egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Grind 300 g of raspberries into a puree and mix with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Beat 100 g of sour cream. Mix it all up and put it into bowls. On top of the cream, you can decorate with a wreath of sour cream, putting in the middle along large berry. Before serving, the cream is kept in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jelly cups

Oranges need to be washed, cut out of them baskets and remove the pulp with a spoon. Prepare raspberry jelly (or any fruit jelly) and half-fill the baskets halfway with it. Let it harden, putting raspberries on top when hardened, and fill the baskets with the remaining jelly.
Jelly can also be made from the pulp of an orange taken out. For 2 oranges I take 2 tablespoons of sugar, 15 g of gelatin, 1.5 cups of water. Put the orange pulp in a saucepan hot water, pour sugar, bring to a boil, insist 10-15 minutes, filter. I put the soaked gelatin in the filtered syrup, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, cool it to 40-50 degrees, pour it into containers for solidification.


Raspberry syrup

For cooking you need: one part juice to 1.5 parts sugar.
I pick raspberries in dry weather, knead them. I fall asleep mashed berries with a small amount of sugar and leave for a day or two in warm room until first weak fermentation. I squeeze the mass through a double layer of gauze or leave it overnight in gauze for free draining (we use squeezes for compote). I add the rest of the sugar to the squeezed juice. Sometimes in a dry year in syrup from black raspberries Cumberland before cooking I add a little water.
I put the syrup on fire. As soon as it boils, I remove the syrup from the heat, remove the foam and pour it into prepared clean heated bottles or jars as completely as possible.
I cork the raspberry syrup with corks or lids (in their absence, the top is covered with plastic wrap).
Raspberry juice syrup can be stored for several years in dark room with vegetables without changing their properties.

Raspberries mashed with sugar

For cooking you need: 750 g raspberries, 250 g sugar, 150 ml water.
I sort out the raspberries, put them in enamelware and fill it with water. Bring to a boil over very low heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes. I remove the mass from the heat and, while it is hot, I rub it through a sieve. I add sugar to the puree and bring to a boil, but do not boil. I transfer it to hot jars and sterilize: jars of 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

Raspberry compote (first recipe)

For cooking you need: 700 g raspberries, 300 g water, 300 g sugar.
I boil water with sugar, cool and filter. I pour the washed berry with this syrup. I leave it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. I carefully drain the juice that has stood out, transfer the berries to dry jars. Bring the juice to a boil and pour over the berries. I sterilize: jars of 0.5 liters - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.

Raspberry compote (second recipe)

I pour 1 kg of raspberries with hot syrup (0.5 kg of sugar per 2.5 liters of water) for 6 hours. Then I drain the syrup, bring it to a boil and pour it over the berries laid out in jars. I pasteurize 0.5-liter cans - 10 minutes, liter -15 minutes and then roll up.

Raspberry jam

Ripe, fresh raspberries are sorted out, removing the stalks and impurities. I crush the berries, pass the resulting mass through a sieve to remove the seeds. I put the filtered mass in a basin, add 600 g of sugar for each kilogram of berries.
I cook jam from raspberries, first on moderate, and then on low heat, stirring constantly until tender. I remove the finished jam from the heat and pack it hot in jars.

Raspberry five-minute jam

I sprinkle 1 kg of raspberries with sugar (1 kg) and let stand for 3-5 hours until juice appears. I put the basin on the fire and bring the mass to a boil, stirring gently. I boil for 5 minutes and immediately pour into sterile jars, cork.

Raspberry jam

For cooking you need: 1 kg of raspberries, 1.5 kg of sugar.
Prepared raspberries pour 1 kg of sugar, put in a cold place. The next day, I separate the berries, pour the remaining sugar into the resulting juice. I heat it up to dissolve the sugar. I cool the syrup and combine with berries. Cook until cooked, cool and put in jars.

frozen raspberries

Raspberries are laid out in containers in one layer, sprinkled with sugar, frozen. I put the berries in plastic bags and hermetically pack them.
You can mash raspberries by mixing with a small amount of sugar, and put the containers with the mass in the freezer (the mass does not freeze even at a temperature of minus 18 degrees).

Raspberry jam

For cooking you need: 1 kg raspberries, 2 kg sugar.
Pour the prepared raspberries with sugar, rub with a wooden pestle or a tool made of of stainless steel. I lay out the mass in jars, cover with parchment paper, plastic lid. I store in a cool, dark place.
The most delicious jam is made from raspberry varieties R-1.

Raspberries in redcurrant jelly

For cooking you need: raspberries, red currants, granulated sugar are taken in equal amounts.
I sort out the raspberries and put them in clean jars. I wash the red currant, rub it through a sieve and mix it with granulated sugar. Dozhu mixture to a boil, pour raspberries packed in jars. I cover the jars with lids, pasteurize in boiling water for 10 minutes and immediately roll up the lids.

Raspberry jelly

For cooking you need: 1 kg, raspberries, 1.25 kg of sugar.
Pour raspberries with water (0.5 l) and boil for 15 minutes. Then I filter the broth through gauze, add sugar to it and cook, stirring, for 40-50 minutes (until a drop of juice on a cold plate spreads).
I pour hot jelly into jars or molds. You can use for jelly plastic jars of processed cheese such as "Yantar". In such jars, jelly is stored in a cool and dry place all winter, it is consumed as needed.
If the jelly is served on the table immediately after cooling, then I advise you to put gelatin pre-soaked in a small amount of water into the hot berry broth along with sugar. After boiling the mixture, it is poured into metal curly molds or vases and placed in a cold place.
When the jelly hardens, immerse the lower part of the mold in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove and turn over on a plate. On top of the jelly, you can put pieces of citrus fruits, or a beautiful sprig of currants, or cherries, or strawberries, etc.

Fig from raspberry

I pour 1 kg of raspberries in layers with sugar (500 g) and leave for 5 hours, after which I carefully transfer the berries to an enameled pan. Cook over low heat until the mass begins to separate well from the bottom and walls. Then I spread the mass on a plate moistened with cold water I level the surface with a knife or spoon. I dry the mass in the air, then cut it into pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar or sand (100 g). I put the figs in jars, store them in a cool place.

Raspberry wine

Ripe raspberries of the second grade, as well as fallen good and clean, are weighed; you don't need to wash them. I knead the raspberries with a stainless steel or wooden spoon, add water according to the weight of the berries. Then I add sugar - approximately 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries. This amount of sugar is necessary because of the large amount of vitamin "C" in the berries, otherwise the wine will be sour and spoil quickly. It is better to add sugar in two doses - pour the second half on the 4th-5th day of rapid fermentation.

I fill the bottle with the contents to 2/3 of the volume. I close the neck of the bottle with a rubber ball. In the ball you need to make a hole with a needle (to remove carbon dioxide).
7 days before setting the main amount of wort for fermentation, I recommend making a starter from fallen berries. Remember them and mix with a little sugar and water. Pour the fermented starter into a bottle with the main amount of wort.

I put the bottle with the wine being prepared in the twilight. After rapid fermentation, when the pulp stops moving into the bottles, I pour the wort into another bottle, pouring it to the very edge, and close the neck with a rubber ball. To make it easier to drain the wort, I pass it through a fine stainless steel sieve. If this is not the case, then you can filter it through three layers of gauze. It is not necessary to forcefully drain, let it drain by gravity.

A quiet ferment begins. When the wine is almost clarified, I drain it with a tube from the sediment, taste it and, if necessary, add sugar. Young raspberry wine should be quite sweet, it is slightly bitter.
I pour the wine into sterile, clean bottles as full as possible and close them tightly. I store the wine at a temperature of plus + 10-15 degrees until completely clarified.

After the onset of complete clarification, the wine is poured into clean bottles, filling them as completely as possible (to reduce oxidation processes). Such wine can already be consumed after the New Year, but it is still better - after 2-3 years of aging: then sugar is not felt in it, the drink acquires a unique taste and aroma. good wine. From storing more three years the taste of raspberry wine does not change.
To improve the taste and color of the wine during its preparation, I definitely add Cumberland black raspberries.

Raspberry liqueur

Well-ripened raspberries are not mine, I slightly knead them, transfer them to stainless steel or enameled dishes. I fall asleep with a small amount of fine granulated sugar so that the berries release juice. I keep warm for 2 days.
I shift the mass into a two-three-layer gauze and hang it to drain over any dish for the night. The mass can also be squeezed out with your hands, but then a lot of pulp will get into the juice (we cook compote from the remaining mass of raspberries).
I measure the drained juice by volume or weigh it. I buy good vodka; You need as much vodka as you get juice.
I measure sugar (I take sugar half the amount of juice), cook a thick sugar syrup with a minimum amount of water. The syrup boils for 1 minute; slightly cooling the syrup, pour it into the raspberry juice. Vodka can be poured immediately.
I pour the resulting drink into bottles, tightly closing them. It is advisable to keep the liquor in the dark in a cool place, keep until completely clarified. After 4-5 months, the light part of the liquor is drained from the thicker residue and stored separately from the sediment.
The resulting liquor is beauty and yummy! The sediment is also good, only cloudy (it includes the pulp from the berries).

Raspberry pour

Ripe raspberries are weighed and poured into a bottle, picking up a container of the size corresponding to the number of berries and sugar. I fill the raspberries with sugar, the amount of which is equal to the weight of the berries, I close the neck of the bottle with cotton wool. I put the container in a sunny warm place; the liqueur is infused for a long time, until cold weather. I separate the separated liquor from the sediment. I sprinkle the berries with sugar and put them in jars.

Raspberry tincture

I fill a bottle with ripe raspberries, fill them with good vodka and keep warm for 7-10 days. I separate the tincture from the berries, and again fill the bottle with fresh raspberries. I fill them with the tincture obtained from the first portion. In the second case, you can make a long exposure, and then I separate the berries from the tincture. In both the first and second cases, the separated berries are suitable for eating, only slightly bitter.
Thus, an excellent vitamin and healing raspberry tincture without sugar is obtained.

Nedyalkov Stefan Fedorovich (Novopolotsk, Republic of Belarus)
[email protected]

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Raspberry jam is one of my favorite jams. I have already published an article about and mentioned various jams that I have prepared before. Look, it's all delicious.

Of course you know that raspberry jam not only sweet, but also medicine. The best medicine These are raspberries cooked fresh, without cooking. Or with a minimum heat treatment. We mainly make raw raspberry preparations. Well, of course we cook 1-2 jars. With tea sometimes you want so much and it's so delicious.

How to cook raspberry jam. Step by step raspberry jam recipes

Here we will mainly consider jam, which is cooked a little and turns out to be very fragrant, tasty and healthy.


  1. Recipe for raspberry jam with sugar

We will need:

For 1 kg of raspberries - 1.5 kg of sugar.

If you take 1.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries, then you can store it at room temperature. But we always store raspberry jam in a cool place.


Today we will cook raspberries without boiling or grated raspberries with sugar. This method makes it possible to preserve all the vitamins. It is also very simple and fast way cooking. This jam is stored in the refrigerator.

1. Berries must be ripe and undamaged. Raspberries are red and purple. Wash the berries and let them dry. To do this, the berries can be carefully scattered in one layer on paper towels.

2. Pour sugar into the berries.

3. Mix everything well.

4. We crush raspberries with a plastic pusher, just like we crush potatoes. Mix sugar and raspberries well. We cover the dishes with raspberries with a lid and leave the mixture of sugar and raspberries to stand for 4-5 hours until the sugar dissolves. Periodically you need to mix the raspberries.

5. Everything, the jam is ready. Pour raspberry jam into sterilized jars.

6. Close with sterilized lids. We store it in the refrigerator.

We got the most fragrant raspberry jam, although we did not cook it, but prepared it in a different way. But everyone calls it jam.

I can’t believe that you resisted and didn’t immediately put it in a vase to try it.


Happy tea!

  1. Instant raspberry jam for the winter


  • Raspberries - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


1. We sort out raspberries to clear leaves and other debris.

2. In a large basin, with such an amount, it is the basin that is needed, pour 1-1.5 kg of sugar to cover the bottom. Spread raspberries over sugar. Sugar for raspberries, etc.

3. Thus, pour the whole berry.

4. We leave the berry covered with sugar to settle until the berry releases juice.

5. When the berry has given juice, put the basin on a strong fire.

6. When the raspberries boil, you need to remove the foam. Remove the foam carefully and of course immediately give it to the baby. I remember that my grandmother always gave it to me, and I always waited, well, when they would call for foam.

7. Bring the berry to a boil and cook the jam for 15-20 minutes.

8. After 20 minutes, pour a couple of spoons of jam onto a plate, draw a spoon in the middle, if the two sides of the jam do not connect, the jam is ready.

9. Quick-cooking raspberry jam is ready. We showed you how to cook a large number of jam. But in the same way, you can prepare 1-2 liter jars.

Pour it into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Happy tea!

  1. Frozen raspberry jelly

In this recipe, we will prepare a very interesting jelly. It prepares quickly. Nothing needs to be sterilized. It is very convenient to use.

The jam is alive. You need a lot less sugar. This jam has one drawback, if you cook a lot of it, then you need to have a lot of space in the freezer. Yes, we will have ice cream jam.

So, let's begin.

We will need:

  • Raspberries - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 g.


1. Pour the sorted and washed raspberries into a saucepan, in which we will cook jam and break it with a blender. As you already know, you can crush with a crush. But of course a blender is better.

2. Put the raspberries, broken to an even mass, on the stove, on a slow fire, without sugar. Bring the raspberries to a boil, stirring all the time and cook for another 10-12 minutes. We need the liquid to evaporate a little. As they say, to boil the jam.

If you don’t have a place where you can freeze and then store jam, then you can cook this jam in the same way, just take 1 kg of sugar. raspberries - 1-1.2 kg. And pour the hot jam into sterilized jars. But you need to store such jam in a cool place.

Well, or cook, as in the recipes above.

3. While we were talking, our jam is boiling and getting thicker.

4. Boiled for 12 minutes and only now add sugar. You can add even less sugar if you want to make a less sweet jam and if you only freeze the jam.

5. Bring the raspberries with sugar to a boil and let it boil for another 2-3 minutes. Make sure the sugar dissolves.

6. As usual, we check the jam by pouring the jam on a saucer and holding a spoon in the middle. Two separated strips of jam should not join themselves.

7. The jam is cooked. Look, it turned out beautiful, homogeneous, very fragrant.

8. Let the jam cool completely and pour it into plastic jars, such as ice cream cups.

9. Well, if there is very little space, you can pour the jam into a plastic bag, or better in a double bag. Freezer bags are available.

10. Such jam in jars is not frozen to a glassy state. It becomes very dense, but freely taken with a spoon.

We store this jam in the freezer. It goes very well with pancakes or just with tea. It has the taste and aroma of fresh berries.

I think it's raspberry jam - you'll love the jam. Try it. Very practical.

Happy tea!

What can be cooked from raspberries? Raspberry Recipes

Raspberries are one of the most useful and favorite berries. Their healing properties it does not lose even after heat treatment - raspberry jam is not in vain considered an "ambulance" for colds. A few spoons of raspberry jam and a cup of hot tea - and a cold has almost no chance to settle in your body for a long time. But we will talk about how to cook raspberry jam in the next article, and now we offer you delicious recipes for desserts and pastries with raspberries.

Raspberry Recipes

Raspberry with cream

This is the easiest dessert ever. For him, select the most ripe and juicy berries, it is desirable that they are whole. Raspberries do not need to be washed! Whip the cream with powdered sugar, put the raspberries on the bottom of the bowl and pour over the cream. The proportions are arbitrary - you can take a lot of berries, and use the cream only for decoration, or vice versa - decorate the dessert with raspberries.

Milkshake with raspberries

Ingredients: six bananas, 350 gr. raspberries, 900 ml. milk.

How to cook. Cool the milk well, keep the raspberries in the refrigerator, peel the bananas, cut into slices and put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. Bananas need to be frozen in order for the cocktail to have a thicker consistency. Then blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth, immediately pour into tall glasses and serve.

Raspberry dessert with oatmeal

Ingredients: 100 gr. raspberries, 250 ml. cream, 25 gr. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. honey and whiskey (alcohol can be omitted).

How to cook. Put the flakes in a dry frying pan without oil, put on a small fire and fry until golden color. Cool down. Mix honey and whiskey. Whip the cream until firm and carefully add the honey and whiskey mixture. Place in refrigerator. Mix with toasted cereal before serving. Put the raspberries on the bottom of the bowls, spread the cream on top and serve immediately.

Chocolate dessert with raspberries

Ingredients: 400 ml. hot chocolate, 500 gr. raspberries.

How to cook. Prepare hot chocolate according to your own recipe or choose one of the recipes on our website. Pour hot chocolate over raspberries, cool to room temperature and refrigerate. Serve the dessert well chilled.

Raspberry Baking Recipes

Jellied pie with raspberries

Ingredients for the test: 120 gr. cottage cheese, 1.5 cups flour, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 50 gr. margarine, 10 gr. baking powder, a quarter cup of milk, a pinch of salt, a bag of vanilla sugar.

For pouring: 2 cups raspberries, 200 gr. sour cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. starch, 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.

How to cook. Melt margarine and set aside. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, pour in margarine, milk, add flour, salt and vanilla sugar. knead soft dough. Put it in a mold, distribute along the bottom and sides.

For filling, beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and starch. Mix until smooth without lumps. Put the raspberries on the dough, carefully pour the filling. The cake is baked for 40 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cool the finished cake and only then get it out of the mold - the filling should become dense, otherwise the cake may fall apart.

Chocolate pie with raspberries and cottage cheese

Ingredients for the test: 120 gr. flour, 50 gr. chocolate, 100 gr. margarine, 80 gr. sugar, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. baking powder.

For the filling: 300 gr. cottage cheese, 30 gr. semolina, 70 gr. sugar, 2-3 tbsp. l. milk, fresh or frozen raspberries.

How to cook. Beat eggs and sugar, pour in milk, add pre-melted and chilled margarine. Gradually add flour and baking powder, knead a homogeneous dough. Add chocolate to it (you can chop with a knife or grate). If there is no chocolate, add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa along with the flour. Put the dough into a mold, put in an oven preheated to 170 degrees, bake the cake for 20 minutes.

While the cake is baking, mix cottage cheese with sugar and milk, add semolina. Remove the cake, put the curd mass on it, spread the raspberries on top and carefully press it into the curd. Put the cake in the oven, bake for another 20-25 minutes.

Charlotte with raspberries

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 eggs, 1.5 cups flour (maybe a little more), 0.5 tsp. soda (extinguish with vinegar), 300 gr. raspberries (maybe more).

How to cook. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. Gradually adding flour, knead a homogeneous dough. By consistency, it should turn out like thick sour cream. Add baking soda (don't forget to quench with vinegar). Carefully, trying not to damage the berries, mix the raspberries into the dough. Grease the form with oil, pour the dough. Charlotte is baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Check readiness with a wooden skewer - it should come out of a well-baked charlotte dry, without crumbs stuck to it. Cool the finished charlotte, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

For cocktails, smoothies, berry pies Frozen raspberries will work too. If you have collected good harvest, you can freeze some of the berries - in winter they will help you out a lot.

I think that in every house they try to stock up on raspberry jam for the winter. It helps with colds in winter and contains many useful substances.
Did you know that raspberries contain salicylic, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. As children, we often came damp and soaked through from a walk. Then mother changed us into dry clothes and gave us tea with raspberry jam. And then she made me wrap myself in a blanket and sweat a lot. And it often happened that the disease went away without ever starting.

Raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, C, E. It also contains a lot of trace elements potassium, calcium, iron. Therefore, raspberry jam is a must-have. It doesn't happen much. Plus, it's easy to do. And as you will learn from this article. There are many ways to cook this wonderful preparation, we will analyze the most delicious of them:

  • Raspberry Five Minute
  • Raspberry jam with whole berries
  • Raspberry jam with gelatin
  • Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Before making jam, the berry must be sorted out from the leaves and bugs. Raspberries are often inhabited by various bugs and spiders. There is little secret how to get rid of them. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. We put the berries in a colander or sieve. Immerse the dishes in the saline solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will be on the surface. After that, the raspberries should be washed thoroughly. Let lie down for 10 minutes in a colander to drain excess water.

Raspberry jam "five minutes" (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to quick cooking, many useful substances are retained in the berries.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take sugar and berries in equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms can vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking 5 minutes of raspberries:

1. The berry must be sorted out from leaves and bugs. After that, the raspberries should be thoroughly washed in salted water, as described above. Then rinse with plain water and drain in a colander. Let lie down for 10 minutes in a colander to drain excess water.

2. Now you need to choose the dishes in which we will cook our jam. The shape of the dishes should not be high and wide enough. The pelvis has such a shape, so it is considered the best option, for making jam. The shape for the dishes was chosen. Now let's define its material. Cooking utensils made of copper, stainless steel and brass are best suited for making jam.

3. Pour all the raspberries into the basin. It must be crushed with a crush and covered with sugar. Gently mix our ingredients. We leave our yummy for a couple of hours so that the sugar dissolves.

4. And at this time we will sterilize the jars. There are many ways: over steam, in the oven, in microwave oven etc. I sterilize in the microwave. Banks must be clean. Pour about 1.5 cm of water and send it to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 800-900.

5. We put the container with the future jam on the smallest fire. Stir constantly and bring to a boil. When jam is cooked, foam forms on its surface. Remove it carefully with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam may soon deteriorate. Let's boil our jam for 5 minutes.

6. We carefully pack the jam in our sterilized jars and tightly close the lid. I use small jars for any jam. So as not to keep it for a long time when you open the jar. Now our banks must be turned over and allowed to cool.

Five-minute jam from whole raspberries

An amazing jam can be made from whole raspberries. This berry does not have a dense skin. Therefore, in order for the berries to remain intact, it must be boiled in syrup, which is obtained from raspberry juice and sugar when it stands.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step procedure for making raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. We clean the berries from debris (leaves, bugs, larvae). Rinse them with water, put them in a colander.
2. Pour half the granulated sugar into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
3. Next, all the raspberries are sent to the basin.
4. Cover our raspberries with the remaining sugar.
5. Let's leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let the raspberries give juice. I usually do this at night. And in the morning I bring the work I started to the end.
6. In the morning I start sterilizing the jars, and then proceed to the jam itself.
7. We light the smallest fire and send the container to the stove. Mix very gently so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. We are waiting for the sugar to dissolve, we add a little fire. When the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir gently and remove the foam from the jam.
9. Pour the finished jam into jars. Close them carefully with a lid.

You can, by the way, use less sugar, for example, as in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (regular cooking)

Another very delicious recipe. The berries remain intact when cooked. From this it has more benefits and taste.

When you make jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. 1.5-2 kilograms will be enough, otherwise the berries can crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take products in a ratio of 1: 1

Step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam:

1. In this recipe, it is better to take the most best raspberries. That is, it should be clean, large, bought on the market from some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe we will not wash it.
2. We will put sugar and berries in layers in the jam container until the products run out.
3. We need everything to infuse for 5-6 hours. We do everything again at night. We remove the dishes with the future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Raspberries will give juice overnight. We need to drain it and bring it to a boil. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, we will sterilize our jars
6. We send raspberries, boil in juice for about 20 minutes. You do not need to mix the berries in this recipe. Therefore, we set the fire to the smallest.
7. Pour our jam into dry and hot jars. You can wrap it in something warm and let it cool completely. I use an old quilt. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooling time of the jam. Then it will turn out very beautiful and natural in color.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will appeal to lovers of jelly or jams. Due to the fact that it turns out thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberry 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 grams

Step-by-step recipe for making jam with gelatin:

1. In this recipe, let's start with gelatin. It must be diluted with warm water and allowed to swell. Instructions are always written on the package.
2. We sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. We select large and not crumpled berries. If the raspberries are clean, without dust, then you can not wash.
4. In a bowl, gently mix the berries and granulated sugar. Next, we fill our mass with water.
5. Send to the stove for half an hour. Cook on the smallest fire, stir so that the jam does not burn. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Raspberries can oxidize from metal.
6. We send gelatin to the container and citric acid. Cooking another 15 minutes.
7. We lay out the finished product in jars. Store in a dark cool place.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries in this way allows you to save all the original vitamins and minerals that are in it. After all, in this recipe it is not subjected to heat treatment. But there is also a small minus in this method - there is more sugar than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg
The amount of sugar used is 2 times more than raspberries.

Step by step cooking recipe:

1. Not only selected raspberries, but also crushed berries are suitable for this recipe. And so we clean the raspberries and turn them into porridge with the help of a wooden pusher.
2. Now add granulated sugar to the container. Mix everything very carefully. We need all the sugar to dissolve. Time is 20-24 hours. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.
3. When the sugar is completely dispersed in the total mass of jam, you can do the jars.
4. We lay out the finished raspberry mass in dry hot jars, but not to the very top. We leave empty 1-1.5 cm and pour granulated sugar. Screw on the lid tightly. You can use thick paper and string in the old fashioned way. We store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I talked about the methods and subtleties of making raspberry jam. Shared some secrets with you. I hope you find the “perfect” raspberry jam recipe for yourself too. And you will delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy delicacy.

This miracle berry is suitable for desserts, and for juice, and for wine, and even for soups. Few people know that the legendary Spanish gazpacho in one of the variations is made from raspberries. It is called "pink gazpacho" on restaurant menus. And in the XVII-XIX centuries, when the gingerbread business flourished in Russia, calling card Siberia became gingerbread on dry raspberries.

By the way, one of Old Testament types The Mother of God - the Burning Bush, which is special in Russian Orthodox iconography - is associated with raspberries. There is a tradition in the Old Testament that God appeared to Moses in a burning but not burning bush and called for the Israelites to be led out of Egypt. This sacred fireproof shrub in the Slavic translation of the Bible is called "kupina". And among some historians there is an opinion that Moses dealt with a plant that is called "holy raspberry" in the common people. Its flowers and fruits are fiery red, and could easily be mistaken for fire.

In our country, the season of garden and forest raspberries begins in July. It is better to prepare raspberries for the winter not only in the form of jam, but also freeze or dry. For freezing, choose the largest and densest berries - those that are at least a little sour will not work. Copies that have already lost their shape can be put into juice. To do this, pour them into a sieve and crush the berries so that the juice flows into the bowl. And to dry raspberries for the winter, you need to collect them slightly unripe. Berries do not wash, but only sort out. Arrange on parchment on a baking sheet and put in the oven for fifteen minutes at a temperature of 60-65 ° C.

Raspberries are wonderful not only solo, but also as an ingredient in other dishes. It pairs particularly well with turkey, dairy products like cream, sour cream, and fresh herbs like mint or green basil.

From berries and fruits, the best “friends” of raspberries are blueberries, lingonberries, apples, pears and bananas. But with strawberries and strawberries, which have a brighter taste, raspberries argue.

They like to use raspberries and confectioners. It pairs amazingly with chocolate and can be used to make a huge array of desserts – ice cream, sorbets, creams and sweet sauces.

For 7 persons: raspberries - 100 g, wheat flour - 100 g, bitter chocolate - 180 g, butter - 110 g, sugar - 260 g, eggs - 3 pcs., cream cheese - 250 g, soda, baking powder - a pinch, salt

Separate the white from the yolk of one egg. Mix cheese, sugar (60 g) and egg yolk. Set aside. Break the chocolate, chop the butter, add sugar (200 g) and put on water bath 10 minutes. Sift flour with salt, soda and baking powder. AT chocolate mass add eggs (2 pcs.) and protein. Combine with flour and knead the dough. Place half on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Top - cheese mass, the remaining chocolate dough and raspberries. Bake for 60 minutes at 160°C.

Calorie per serving 552 kcal

Time for preparing from 90 minutes

7 points

For 6 persons: raspberries - 250 g, chicken breasts - 6 pcs., sugar - 100 g, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l., balsamic vinegar - 5 tbsp. l., salt

Grind raspberries in a blender and rub through a sieve. Add sugar, salt to the puree, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour in soy sauce (1 tablespoon) and vinegar (3 tablespoons), mix. Grease the breast with a mixture of vinegar (2 tablespoons) and soy sauce(1 tablespoon), put in a bag and marinate in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Salt the breast and, together with the marinade, bake in the oven for 30-50 minutes. Remove, spread raspberry sauce on all sides and put in the oven for another 15 minutes, bake until golden brown. Serve drizzled with sauce.

Calorie per serving 285 kcal

Time for preparing from 130 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 6 persons: raspberries - 200 g, eggs (large) - 4 pcs., sugar - 1.5 cups, butter - 200 g, wheat flour - 1 cup, sour cream - 400 g, vanillin - a bag, vegetable oil

Cream butter with sugar (1 cup), adding eggs one at a time. Sift flour, add to the butter-egg mixture along with vanilla. Grease the waffle iron vegetable oil. Scoop out the batter with a spoon and cover. Quickly fold the finished waffles until they have cooled. Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar, fill the tubes. Serve with raspberries. Raspberries can also be added to sour cream. If you put cocoa in the dough, you get chocolate tubes.

Calorie per serving 595 kcal

Time for preparing from 40 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 4 points

For 2 persons: raspberries - 300 g, duck breasts - 2 pcs., shallots - 1 pc., garlic - 1 clove, dry red wine - 100 ml, sugar - 3 tbsp. l., wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tsp., vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

From the side of the skin on the fillet, make shallow cuts. Salt, pepper. Chop onion and garlic. Heat up the pan. Put the meat there skin side down and fry for 10 minutes. Then turn over and fry for another 10 minutes. Share. Fry the onion and garlic in the same pan. Add vinegar, wine, raspberries (200 g), sugar, cook for another 3 minutes. Strain through a sieve. Pour back into the pan, add raspberries (100 g) and oil. Heat until boiling and turn off. Cut the breast and serve with sauce.

Calorie per serving 510 kcal

Time for preparing from 40 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 4 persons: raspberries - 200 g, gelatin - 30 g, cream 20% - 300 ml, milk - 100 ml, sugar - 100 g

Pour gelatin with cold water (50 ml) and let it swell. Grind raspberries in a blender until puree. Then rub through a sieve. Pour milk and cream into a ladle, add sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil, pour into a bowl with gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved. Add berry puree and stir. Pour the liquid into bowls and let cool to room temperature. Then send to the refrigerator for complete solidification of the jelly (for 2-4 hours).

Calorie per serving 334 kcal

Time for preparing from 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 4 persons: raspberries - 300 g, ginger root - 30 g, lemons (or limes) - 1 pc., sugar, sparkling water - 1.5 l

Rinse raspberries, mash with a spoon. Peel the ginger root and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the lemon into 4 pieces. Pour carbonated water into the decanter (if desired, you can add a little sprite), add sugar to taste, stir so that it dissolves completely. Put the raspberries, grated ginger root, squeeze the juice from the chopped lemon, send the skins there too. Mix. Can be served over ice, garnished with mint.

Calorie per serving 101 kcal

Time for preparing from 15 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 2 points

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