How chocolate potatoes are made. An economical recipe for chocolate potatoes - a cake from childhood

landscaping 14.09.2020

Cake "Potato" in the Soviet Union it was no less popular than lemon or custard cake. It was possible to buy a delicious cake "Potato" in every school cafeteria, buffets of enterprises, pastry shops and grocery stores. It was not expensive and therefore few people at that time thought about how and from what it is prepared in production, as well as how to cook the Potato cake at home. Although it should be mentioned here that some housewives still tried to cook it at home according to recipes from cookbooks, or recipes from friends, mothers or grandmothers.

I still remember the day when I made the Potato cake for the first time. Then I was in the seventh grade, and my sister and I decided to bake. It so happened that the biscuit cake did not rise as it should, and even, as luck would have it, it burned on the sides. Looking at the unsuccessful experiment, it became clear that it would not work to make a cake out of it. But the biscuit itself looked so unappetizing that I didn’t want to cut it into pieces and put it on the table for tea either.

Going through my head ideas about where it can be applied or what to turn into, I remembered about Recipe for potato cake. We passed the biscuit through a meat grinder. Raw condensed milk and cocoa powder were added to it. The mass was kneaded and formed cakes. Rolled in cocoa. Thus, an unsuccessful biscuit turned into a delicious Potato cake.

The history of the potato cake

There is some confusion with the history of the origin of the familiar and beloved Potato cake. Someone claims that the cake recipe was invented by Soviet chefs, others believe that the roots of the cake should be sought in other countries.

The classic recipe for the Potato cake was given in one of the cookbooks in 1950. According to the recipe, the cake was made from biscuit crumbs and butter cream, which included butter, sugar, milk, eggs, rum or cognac. That is, initially the Potato cake is white and white, not brown! Only on top the cake was breaded in cocoa. It is also interesting that the cake was round, and not the oval shape we are used to.

And the most, most interesting thing is that the cake was covered with white drops of cream, which should represent potato eyes. Now it becomes clear why the potato cake is decorated with butter cream on top.

So, from all this it follows that cake "Potato" according to GOST prepared from or from biscuit crumbs. In the culinary industry, cake trimmings or the culinary marriage of biscuits were used very efficiently and cost-effectively, that is, they went to the Potato cake or breadcrumbs. Biscuits in Soviet confectioneries for this cake, no one has ever specially baked. We owe the birth of this delicious dessert to the Soviet economy in production.


  • Shortbread cookies - 1 kg.,
  • Black cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons + cocoa for sprinkling,
  • Powdered sugar - 80 gr.,
  • Butter - 250 gr.,
  • Rum essence - a couple of drops,
  • Milk 2.5% fat - 0.5 cup

Cake "Potato" from cookies - recipe

Having prepared all of the above ingredients, you can start cooking the Potato cake. You can see in the photo that I used. It needs to be crushed. Previously, it was rubbed on a fine grater, but today it is more convenient to grind it into crumbs with a blender.

Pour the cookie crumbs into a bowl.

Add cocoa powder to it. For pastries and desserts, I use not simple, but dark cocoa. Even a small amount of such cocoa colors products in a deep dark brown color, and its aroma is more intense.

Mix cookie crumbs with cocoa powder.

Now you need to prepare a buttercream based on butter and powdered sugar. Cut butter at room temperature into cubes.

Pour powdered sugar into it.

Beat with a mixer until a cream of a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Transfer the butter cream to a bowl with, while leaving a little cream to decorate the Potato cake.

In order to knead plastic dough from cookies and cream, pour in milk. Add essence.

Stir the no-bake cookie dough with a spoon until it is smooth and pliable.

Properly prepared chocolate cookie dough is thick, but it will stick to your hands. In order to roll up the base of the Potato cake without any problems, it is recommended to moisten your hands with cold water. Pinch off a small amount of mass, roll a ball out of it. Twisting it with your palms, give it an oval shape.

Our cake "Potato" from cookies is almost ready. It remains to decorate it. Pour some dark cocoa into a bowl. Dip potatoes in it. Put the cookies on a plate.

Draw buttercream into the syringe. Squeeze out three flowers for each cake. You can use a teaspoon to put drops of cream on cakes.

That's all, cake "Potato" from cookies without condensed milk is ready. Before serving it to the table, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Cake "Potato" from cookies. A photo

You can also make Potato cake from cookies with condensed milk.


  • Cookies - 1.5 kg.,
  • Butter - 200 gr.,
  • Raw condensed milk - 200 ml.,
  • Cocoa - 70 gr.,
  • Rum or cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cake "Potato" from biscuits with condensed milk - recipe

Grind the liver in a blender. Heat the butter at room temperature until it becomes soft. Add cream to it in small portions and beat with a mixer. Leave some of the cream to decorate the Potato cake. Transfer the cream to a bowl with cookies, add cocoa powder and rum. Mix the mass. Form potatoes, roll them in cocoa and decorate with cream. Good appetite.

Step 1: prepare cookies.

First of all, pour ordinary running water into a deep saucepan, filling it halfway, and put it on a strong fire. In the meantime, break the cookies into pieces, put them in the bowl of a food processor or blender, grind at the highest speed into crumbs and pour it into a deep bowl.

Step 2: prepare chocolate and butter.

Then we take 1.5 bars of black or milk chocolate, remove the packaging from it, break the bars into small pieces, send them to a deep bowl and add softened butter there.

After some time, we place it on the surface of a pot of boiling water and reduce the heat to a small level. We arm ourselves with a wooden kitchen spatula and, stirring constantly, melt the chocolate and butter to a homogeneous liquid consistency. Then remove the resulting mixture from the water bath and set aside for a while to cool slightly.

Step 3: prepare milk and two types of sugar.

Now pour pasteurized milk into a small saucepan and pour in two types of sugar: regular and vanilla. Mix these ingredients with a tablespoon until smooth and put on medium heat. When the sugar grains dissolve, remove the saucepan from the stove.

Step 4: Prepare the chocolate mixture.

Next, pour the hot "sweet milk" into a bowl with crushed cookies. We also add cocoa powder, rum and chocolate-butter mixture. Thoroughly mix all the components of the dish to a homogeneous consistency and allow them to cool to room temperature. After that, we tighten the bowl with plastic cling film and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Step 5: Bring the dessert to full readiness.

After the required time has elapsed, we take it out, collect a tablespoon of the chocolate mixture, with clean hands form a ball or an oblong cone out of it and, if desired, roll the resulting product in coconut flakes, ground nuts, powdered sugar, cocoa powder or breadcrumbs.

We shift the cake to a large flat dish and sculpt the rest in the same way, as a result, we get about 20 medium or 40 small servings. After that, you can put chocolate potatoes on 20–30 minutes in the refrigerator to soak better, or start tasting.

Step 6: Serve Chocolate Potatoes.

Chocolate chips are served chilled. Cakes are served on a large flat dish or in portions on dessert plates. It is pleasant to savor them with hot, fresh, just brewed tea, coffee, cocoa or warm milk. Enjoy delicious and fragrant homemade sweets!
Bon Appetit!

Very often, ground nuts are added to the chocolate mixture;

Sometimes breadcrumbs are used instead of cookies;

If desired, the amount of cocoa can be increased one and a half times, and instead of melted chocolate, put about 100–150 milliliters of condensed milk;

If you are using not pasteurized milk, but fresh, only from under the cow, it is better to boil it before that!

Each person has such dishes that remind him of childhood. For many, chocolate potatoes can serve as such sweetness, which so often beckons with its appetizing appearance on the shelves in pastry shops. But the recipe for chocolate potatoes is very simple and this cake can be easily prepared at home.

How did the sweet potato come about?

Most likely, such a simple cake simply cannot have a special history of occurrence. And yet all over the world this cake is known as the "Runeberg Cake".

There is a story that the wife of a famous Finnish poet accidentally hosted guests one day, and there was nothing for tea in the house. Then the smart hostess mixed all the sweet ingredients available, namely, crushed crackers, flour, cookies, jam, added a little rum to this mixture. From the resulting kind of quick dough, the woman rolled up koloboks and served this dish for tea. There was no limit to the delight of the guests, and since then the cake began to gain popularity during tea drinking.

Economical Chocolate Potato Recipe

This cake can rightfully be called economical, because it is prepared from the most common ingredients that are available in every home.

So, to prepare the dish we need:

  • 500 g of any biscuits such as "For tea", "baked milk", "nut", etc.
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 150-200 ml milk
  • 3-4 tbsp sugar
  • 1-2 tbsp cocoa
  • 150 g butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cookies need to be detailed. This can be done with a meat grinder, blender, or just make even this with a fork or your hands. It all depends on the desired consistency of the cake itself.
2. Also chop the nuts.
3. Warm the milk over a fire in a saucepan and add cocoa to it. Mix very well so that no lumps form. Bring the milk chocolate mixture to a boil. To this add pieces of butter, let it melt completely.
4. Now you need to add chopped biscuits and nuts to the liquid from cocoa and butter. Mix everything well until a thick mass is formed, from which you can now make koloboks.
5. From the mass, form cakes in the form of a bun, ovals, or even in the form of sausages. Ready-made cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or chopped nuts. That's the whole secret of making such a delicious and familiar cake to many.

Cake cooking options

Sometimes adult guests can be surprised with the almost classic Runeberg cake, for which 1-2 tablespoons of rum or liquor should be added to the main ingredients. From this, the taste of the delicacy will acquire an unusual taste and a more persistent aroma.

The classic one also implies the use of crushed crackers, not cookies, in the recipe. In this case, you will have to take a little more sugar, because crackers are not as sweet as cookies.

You can safely include a wide variety of dried fruits in the composition of the ingredients, which it is advisable to chop before adding to the cake dough. These can be raisins, dried apricots, prunes, pieces of dried pineapple, cherries, etc.

For a sweeter treat, regular milk can be substituted. In this case, sugar should be excluded from the recipe, because then the cookies will be very sweet.

For running in cakes, you can use cocoa, as well as chocolate chips. Well, to make the cake even more chocolatey, you can also include chopped or grated chocolate in the ingredients. If it is possible to add melted chocolate to the “dough” itself, then the taste of the cake will also only benefit from this. In this case, it is only important to choose the right chocolate so that it does not roll into lumps during the melting process and does not release water. It depends solely on the quality of the chocolate. Also, then you can not add sugar to the dough.

Cream can be used to serve potato cake. Most often, a creamy or buttery color is used for these purposes, which is given different shades, and the cake is decorated like a small cake.

Taste, like happiness, is present in the simplest things. Remember this!
An interesting video on the topic: "An economical recipe for chocolate potatoes - a cake from childhood":

Potato cake is a funny dessert dish, in shape and color reminiscent of the popular and everyone's favorite vegetable - potatoes.

The traditional potato cake recipe is very simple., even the smallest sweet tooth can be involved in its preparation, because dessert does not need baking. In addition, the design of "Potatoes" in the form of balls and rolling them in cocoa will bring real pleasure to your baby.

There are many variations of this dish. Most of them have a biscuit base, nuts, butter and cocoa powder in the recipe. Many nationalities serve "potatoes" on Christmas holidays - for them it has become a kind of ritual, an unbreakable tradition.

The basic recipe for potato cake is very simple.. For the preparation of chocolate “hedgehogs”, I traditionally use crumbs, most often biscuit, but you can replace it with your favorite cookies, vanilla crackers or gingerbread.

The simplest scheme for home-made potato cake includes three elementary steps:

1. One kilogram of flour raw materials is carefully crushed into small crumbs. If desired, cocoa, nuts, coconut flakes, etc. can be added to the crumbs.

2. Knead the scattering with soft butter (about 50-60 gr.), Sugar and cream (200-250 ml) until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained.

3. Hands form oval or round cakes. Rolled in cocoa powder, ground nuts, cooled and consumed with hot tea or milk.

Cake potato - food preparation

Both biscuit and cookies, gingerbread or vanilla crackers can become raw materials for confectionery. You can safely use the unutilized remains of sweet homemade pastries. So, we have decided on the raw materials. Now it must be finely chopped into small crumbs. This is usually done manually or with the help of modern automated tools.

In order to “glue” the crumbs, we need a cream based on butter melted at room temperature. For taste, it is flavored with condensed milk, meringue, cream, powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and sour cream. And the very last step in the manufacture of cakes is the abundant rolling of finished products in cocoa powder. As a rule, it is pre-mixed with granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cake "potato" - the best recipes:

Recipe 1: Biscuit potato cake

The closest option to GOST is the preparation of a delicate delicacy. For a richer taste, add a little cognac or rum to the "potato", with one condition - if the dessert is prepared exclusively for adults.


For the biscuit:
- six eggs
- six tables. spoons of sugar
- 4 tablespoons of flour
- one st. spoonful of potato starch
- 30 gr. chopped walnuts
For the cake:
- 150 gr. drain. oils (cream)
- three tables. lies. sugar sand (cream)
- two eggs (cream)
- three tablespoons (tablespoons) of cognac / rum
- cocoa powder or chocolate fudge

Cooking method:

1. Making a biscuit. We mix the eggs with sand, put them in a water bath and constantly beat, bringing the mass to 50 C. Then remove from the bath and beat with a mixer until cooled to room temperature. Put the nuts, mix thoroughly (gently). Add cooked and sifted flour twice. We make soft dough. We spread it in a greased form and send it to the oven, where we will bake for about forty minutes at a temperature of 200 C. The biscuit is ready. Leave it in the form until cool.

2. Prepare buttercream. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar in a water bath, bringing the mass to 50 C. Next, beat the softened butter with a mixer. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The cream is ready.

3. Let's move on to cakes. We take the cooled biscuit out of the mold and pass it through a blender (meat grinder). In a container, mix the biscuit crumbs, butter cream and cognac / rum. Leave some of the cream for decoration. We divide the resulting mass into 10-12 parts, from which we form cakes. Mix powdered sugar with cocoa powder and roll the products. "Potato" can also be filled with ready-made chocolate fudge. We remove the dessert in the cold until chilled and eat with pleasure.

Recipe 2: Cookie potato cake

A lighter version of potatoes. There is no need for a biscuit, and you can take absolutely any cookie - purchased or baked at home according to a proprietary recipe.


- 300 gr. cookies
- 150 gr. butter
- 200 gr. thick condensed milk
- cocoa powder - about four tbsp. spoons with a slide
- 100 gr. walnuts
- a teaspoon of vanillin

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cookies into a homogeneous fine crumb. Mix condensed milk with softened butter. Do not beat, but simply mix with a fork or whisk.

2. Add vanillin, chopped nuts and cocoa powder to the mass. We stir. Next, combine the crumbs with cream and form cakes in the shape of potatoes.

3. Mix cocoa powder with granulated sugar and sprinkle on products. We put them in the refrigerator until chilled and serve with tea.

Recipe 3: Gingerbread potato cake

Incredibly delicious dessert turns out in the end! It will especially please the little sweet tooth, and it is prepared in a matter of minutes. For the experiment, add a handful of raisins to the cake, previously washed and aged in hot water (to swell).


- 200 gr. any nuts (roasted)
- 200 gr. any gingerbread without filling
- one jar of boiled potatoes
- 50-70 gr. dark chocolate
- a handful of dry raisins (soak in hot water for about 10 minutes)

Cooking method:

1. Grind the gingerbread into small crumbs. Grind nuts into powder. Mix them with gingerbread and grated chocolate.

2. We also send boiled condensed milk and raisins there. Mix thoroughly, form cakes in the traditional way. Let's chill and enjoy.

Recipe 4: Breadcrumbs potato cake

This, of course, is not about ordinary breadcrumbs, but about dessert vanilla croutons made from a long loaf.


- 100 gr. butter
- 100 gr. heavy cream or sour cream
- granulated sugar to taste
- three to four tablespoons of any fruit syrup
- 500 gr. vanilla croutons
- six st. spoons of cocoa
- about 1 glass of milk
- optional nuts

Cooking method:

1. Whip sour cream (heavy cream) with granulated sugar. The resulting foam is combined with melted butter. Here we add fruit syrup and two tablespoons of cocoa. We mix everything.

2. Grind crackers, nuts (if you add) too. Mix with cocoa. Pour in milk and stir until smooth. Let's leave it for 10 minutes. After that, the softened crackers are mixed with cream.

3. We make oval cakes, roll them in cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar, put them in the cold for at least an hour. We get and eat. It turned out very tasty.


Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 1 of crackers

Ingredients(for 20 pieces):

Vanilla crackers - 500 g
Condensed milk - 400 ml
Cocoa powder - 50 g
Butter - 200 g
Dark chocolate
70-80% cocoa - 100 g
Cognac - 30 ml
Candied citrus fruits (to taste) - 20 g

Cooking method:

1. First you need to grind the crackers into small crumbs. This can be done using a meat grinder or mill, the main thing is that there are no unground pieces left.

2. In a separate bowl, mix a can of condensed milk with cocoa powder. Cocoa you need to take 2 tablespoons with a slide. Grind until the lumps disappear, add the butter, cut into pieces and put on a small fire (until the butter melts)

3. Next, in a bowl, melt a bar of bitter chocolate in a water bath. To do this, pour hot water into the pan, put a bowl with broken chocolate into the water and put it on the fire so that the water constantly boils.

4. From the chocolate mass, add half to the chocolate-butter cream, i.e. 50 grams, and the rest will go to decoration.

5. At the end, mix two tablespoons of cognac into the chocolate cream (for flavor).

6. Now mix the cracker crumbs and chocolate cream.

7. The result is such a chocolate crumb. If the “dough” is dry, add some milk to it.

8. To form potatoes, it is better to first form sausages from the dough, cut them into identical pieces and roll them into balls or sticks.

9. You can put some stuffing inside, preferably something with a bright taste. As an option, candied citrus fruits (to taste).

10. For decoration, cut all the same candied citrus fruits into very thin stripes.

11. The chocolate remaining from the preparation of the dough is again heated to a liquid state. Coat each cake with chocolate on top and put two pieces of chopped candied fruit on top.

12. Now we are waiting for the chocolate to harden. The cakes taste best the next day, when they are well soaked.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 2 from shortbread cookies


100 g butter;
100 g of condensed milk;
2 tbsp. l. cognac or rum;
2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
1 glass of milk;
400 g shortbread or biscuit cookies.

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies in a blender or meat grinder into crumbs.

2. Grind butter with condensed milk, add rum.

3. Mix the crushed biscuits with the resulting mass and 1 tbsp. cocoa powder.

4. Blind cakes in the form of potatoes and refrigerate for an hour.

5. Sprinkle the finished cakes with the remaining cocoa powder.

Cake "Potato" - Recipe number 3 from cookies


200 ml milk
100 g butter
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons flour
1 egg
300 g cookie crumbs
2 tablespoons cocoa
50 g nuts (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Chop or grind nuts in a meat grinder, mix with crumbs.

2. Add cocoa.

3. Cooking custard

4. Pour sugar, flour and vanillin with a small amount of milk (mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps!)

5. Beat in the egg, mix. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and heat.

6. In a thin stream, pour the egg-milk mixture into hot milk, with constant stirring, over minimal heat!

7. Milk mixture thickens quickly! Add oil and stir until completely dissolved. Remove from fire.

8. Gradually pour the crumbs into the hot cream.

9. We form a cake.

10. Roll the finished cake in cocoa or Nesquik drink. Decorate as desired.

Cake "Potato" - Cookie recipe number 4


500 g cookie crumbs
200 g butter
200 g sugar
2-4 st. l. cocoa
150-200 ml milk
cinnamon - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies in a food processor.

2. Pour cocoa, sugar, vanillin and cinnamon to the liver, mix.

3. Melt the butter, pour over the cookies.

4. Warm the milk a little and pour it thinly into the liver.

5. Form a biscuit potato cake from the dough and refrigerate for several hours.

Cake "Potato" - Biscuit recipe number 5

Ingredients(for 10 servings):

For the biscuit:

3 eggs
90 g sugar
75 g flour
15 g starch

For cream:

125 g butter
65 g powdered sugar
50 g condensed milk
1 spoon of Baileys (you can cognac, rum)
cocoa powder

Cooking method:

1. Bake a biscuit: Separate the proteins from the yolks.

2. Beat the yolks with 2/3 of the sugar until white cream.

3. Beat the whites into a foam, add the remaining sugar and beat into a strong foam.

4. Mix whites with yolks. Add flour, starch and mix everything gently.

5. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

6. The finished biscuit should be cooled well, and then crushed into crumbs in a blender. Preparing the cream:

7. Whip the butter with powdered sugar into a cream. Attention! Powdered sugar should not be replaced with sugar, as the sugar will not dissolve.

8. Gradually add condensed milk and continue to beat.

9. Leave a little cream for decoration. Making a cake "Potato":

10. Put the biscuit crumbs in a bowl, cream, baileys on top and mix everything properly.

11. We form cakes (I had 9 pieces of medium size and one small), roll in cocoa powder and decorate with cream on top.

12. Put the potato cake in the refrigerator and after an hour or two you can already enjoy the wonderful taste of homemade Potatoes.

- A real “potato” cannot be imagined without a drop of good cognac, liquor or rum. We advise you to refrain from alcoholic additives if the dessert is prepared for children;

- Purchased "potato" according to GOST should be light inside. A dark color (chocolate or cocoa powder is added to the mass) may indicate the poor quality of the biscuit, on the basis of which the cakes are made. Manufacturers thus "paint over" the flaw.

Cake "potato" is a favorite delicacy of Soviet children along with eclairs, tubes and baskets. It was prepared from biscuit crumbs, and was served both in elite restaurants and in city canteens. At home, the "potato" made it possible to dispose of the remains of cake layers, dry cookies, crackers or gingerbread. The name of this world-famous cake was due to the visual resemblance to a potato tuber. To do this, the finished product was generously rolled in cocoa, and sprouts were painted on top with butter cream.

In our article, we will present several recipes for a potato cake without condensed milk from cookies, biscuit cakes or crackers. But first, let's dwell on the origin of this famous confectionery.

The history of the well-known cake

Like many other famous "potatoes" appeared due to pure chance. It happened in the 19th century in the house of the famous Finnish poet Johann Runeberg.

Once, unexpected but eminent guests came to the author's house. However, the owners did not have any treats, except for fragments of dry cookies. Then the poet's wife went to the trick. She crushed the rest of the biscuits in a mortar, added some sour cream, homemade jam and a few drops of liquor. From the available ingredients, Mrs. Runeberg kneaded a plastic "dough" and formed products out of it, reminiscent of the appearance of cakes known to everyone today. As a result, the guests were delighted and began to ask the hostess for a recipe for "potatoes".

Subsequently, it turned out experimentally that the most delicious cakes are obtained from biscuit crumbs with the addition of various confectionery creams flavored with rum or cognac. At home, to this day, dry cookies or gingerbread are used as the basis.

Cake "potato" without condensed milk: a classic recipe

According to GOST, this is prepared from biscuit crumbs with the addition of cream based on condensed milk and butter. Inside the cake remains light, and on the outside it crumbles in cocoa powder and turns brown.

According to the classic recipe, potato cake is prepared without condensed milk. You can do it in the following way:

  1. Dry shortbread cookies (250 g) are crushed in a blender into crumbs.
  2. Melted butter (100 g) and milk (50 ml) are added to the resulting mixture.
  3. Next, powdered sugar and cocoa (50 g each) are sifted into the dough.
  4. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a spoon. The result should be a fairly sticky homogeneous mass.
  5. With wet hands, products are formed and rolled in cocoa powder.

Cake "potato" without condensed milk from cookies according to the recipe in the classic version has a richer chocolate flavor. If desired, it can be decorated with "eyes" from protein cream on top. From this amount of ingredients, 10 potatoes are obtained.

Cake "potato" without condensed milk and milk

One of the advantages of such a confection is that it does not require an oven to prepare. It is prepared without baking, and before serving it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

The recipe for a cake "potato" without condensed milk from cookies consists in the following steps:

  1. Shortbread cookies (400 g) are folded into a dense plastic bag or into an office file.
  2. Using a rolling pin, the cookies in the bag are crushed to a crumb state.
  3. 100 g of melted butter, powdered sugar (50 g) and cocoa powder (40 g) are added to the sand mass.
  4. First, with a spoon, and then with hands, plastic dough is kneaded, from which products are subsequently formed that resemble potatoes in shape.
  5. Sprinkling for "potatoes" is being prepared from cocoa powder and sugar (40 g each).
  6. Cakes generously crumble in sprinkles.
  7. Products are laid out on a flat dish and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

How to make a cake "potato" without condensed milk with walnuts?

This recipe for the famous delicacy will be enjoyed by an adult company. In addition to walnuts, cognac is included in the dough for cakes. As a result, the products are very fragrant and juicy. And for children, you can prepare a separate portion without the addition of alcohol.

Cake "potato" from cookies without condensed milk according to the recipe with walnuts is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Scraps of biscuit cake (500 g) are ground in a blender or in a meat grinder. Part of the resulting crumb should be set aside (2 tablespoons).
  2. Peeled walnuts (100 g) are crushed in a similar way.
  3. Milk (1 cup) is heated on the stove. As soon as it boils, the pan should be removed from the heat. Pour sugar (1 cup) into milk and mix until completely dissolved. Butter (150 g) and cocoa powder (50 g) are added next. Stir the resulting mixture again.
  4. Combine the prepared crumbs, walnuts and chocolate mass by adding cognac (4 tablespoons) and vanilla (1 teaspoon).
  5. Form products from the resulting sticky mass. Roll the cakes in a mixture of cocoa powder and biscuit crumbs (2 tablespoons).
  6. Top of the product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cake "potato" with custard

For the preparation of such confectionery you will need eggs. Or rather, in order to cook on their basis a delicious custard according to the recipe below.

Cake "potato" without condensed milk is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a biscuit crumb. To do this, grind 300 g of cookies or trimmings from cakes in a blender.
  2. Similarly, grind a handful of walnuts into flour.
  3. Combine prepared crumbs, cocoa (2 tablespoons) and nuts.
  4. Pour sugar (50 g) and flour (2 teaspoons) into a small bowl. Pour the dry mixture with a small amount of milk (50 ml). Beat in 1 egg and mix until smooth, so that there are no lumps.
  5. Pour 150 ml of milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove. Pour in the egg mixture in a thin stream. Cook the cream over low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk. Once it thickens, remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Add butter to the custard, and then the prepared crumbs.
  7. Knead the dough and form a "potato". Roll products in cocoa.

Recipe for a cake without condensed milk with an egg

To prepare such a "potato" you will need inexpensive biscuit cookies, for example, "Zoological" or "Maria". Cakes are prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Cookies (400 g) are crushed into crumbs.
  2. Soft butter (200 g) is added to the prepared dry mixture.
  3. Cookies with butter are well rubbed with a fork.
  4. A raw egg, a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of vodka or cognac and cocoa (50 g) are added.
  5. Mix the dough thoroughly with a spoon or hands. As soon as it becomes sufficiently plastic, you can begin to form products.
  6. As in previous recipes, the "potato" cake made from biscuits without condensed milk is rolled in cocoa. Before serving, the product must be well cooled.

Delicious "potato" without butter and condensed milk

To prepare a delicacy familiar from childhood according to this recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients. The taste of the "potato" cake without condensed milk according to the recipe with the photo below is simply amazing.

For the preparation of confectionery, you will need dry biscuit crumbs. To make it, you need to grind dry cakes or cookies (300 g) with a rolling pin or in a blender. Cocoa (3 tbsp), sugar (½ tbsp) and the same amount of warmed milk are added to the prepared mixture. From the presented ingredients, a sticky mass is kneaded, from which cakes are formed. Before use, it is recommended to cool them well.

Cake "potato" from sweet crackers

We offer another way to prepare a delicacy known to everyone since childhood. Cake "potato" without condensed milk at home is prepared from sweet vanilla crackers. It turns out a very tasty and budget dessert.

First of all, it is necessary to grind crackers (300 g) into crumbs. To do this, it is recommended to use a meat grinder. Cocoa (4 tablespoons), floured walnuts (½ tablespoon), soft butter (150 g) and a tablespoon of rum are added to the dry mixture. Milk (1 tablespoon) is heated on the stove, after which sugar (200 g) is dissolved in it. Sweet liquid is added to the dough. From the resulting sticky mass, confectionery products are formed.

The following tips will help you prepare the famous potato cake:

  1. Before shaping the products, the dough based on cookies is recommended to be sent for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  2. If the mass is too sticky and wet, a little more crumb is added to it. Only after that you can make cakes.
  3. In addition to walnuts, chopped dried fruits and orange zest can be added to the dough.

Experiment and surprise your household with novelties, delicious cakes and various sweets.

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