Sagittarius prediction for autumn, the year of the rooster.

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Date of birth: from 23.11 to 21.12

Female zodiac horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius, woman

Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius woman

If the previous year was not very successful for the Sagittarius ladies, then 2017 will provide them with bright prospects. The path to wealth, universal recognition and love will be open. The main thing is to choose the right track!


Astrologers tend to believe that Sagittarians do not know how to fully devote themselves to work. Of course, because they have, in addition to professional activity, there are so many interesting things! This is a loved one, and friends, and an exciting hobby. But in the year of the Rooster everything will change. Work will be your second passion. This will greatly increase your chances of success. The authority in the team will increase, and the authorities will notice your zeal and focus on results.


The family idyll in the year of the Rooster can only be broken by the fact that you will rush to extremes. Your spouse and children will try to please you in everything. However, sometimes you will still be unhappy with their behavior. Realize that no one is perfect, including you. Do not find fault with your relatives over trifles. Understanding and patience are the key to a favorable atmosphere in your family nest.


Sagittarius women who cannot find a worthy candidate for the role of a spouse will continue to search in 2017. Astrologers explain this by the fact that you make excessive demands on men. You need to change something in yourself and your attitude towards others. Review your moral values, listen to the advice of people you trust. Perhaps after that everything will resolve itself, you will be able to find the perfect man for you and establish a strong relationship with him.


Due to the fact that in 2017 you will be active at work, your financial situation will begin to improve, and business success will multiply. However, some unpleasant surprises can still take place. This is due to competitors who will want to appropriate your work for themselves. The stars do not recommend to lose heart. We must go forward! As for the enemies, they can be easily neutralized by making public their evil intentions.


Women of this sign are energetic and passionate natures. Nature endowed them good health and creative thinking. However, these ladies, carried away by creativity or work, may not notice that their body has failed. Especially it concerns nervous system. Stress and any experiences are taboo for Sagittarius. At the slightest discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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The horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius woman will help many of the fair sex to understand and understand that. what to expect and how to set yourself up correctly. As a rule, horoscopes help to understand what is worth and what is not worth doing, what priorities and life directions are best to pay attention to in order to succeed.

What awaits Sagittarius women?

This year will not be easy, so from the very first day you need to set yourself up for a hard fight, as there will be changes in almost every area. For many, it will be a turning point, because the rest of the future will depend on most decisions. life path and the outcome of the case. That is why astrologers advise and recommend to treat everything with caution and discretion, and in no case make hasty decisions. For example, you can try your hand at a new business, and if you try, it will certainly be successful and profitable.

Astrologers say that this year will bring all the results of how you worked and worked in the previous one. In other words, it is time to collect the fruits, but which one depends only on you. If you carefully study the astrological forecast and horoscope, you can easily make individual plan and life position for this year.

Love horoscope.

This period will be very eventful and successful on the personal front. You are waiting for new acquaintances, hobbies, novels, dates. In other words, feelings and emotions will simply overwhelm you, from this you will only smell and shine, and others will envy and admire you.

If you have not yet met your beloved, then do not rush to be upset, because most likely this year you will meet that one and only one that you have been waiting for all these years. The most important thing in a relationship is to decide for yourself exactly what you expect from them - either it will be just a romance and passion, or, on the contrary, a serious relationship that must necessarily develop into marriage.

If you have a lover or spouse, then this year will be ideal for strengthening all relationships, even despite the fact that you constantly quarrel and make up. You yourself will not notice how your loved one will start caring for you again, the main thing is to push him a little. But at the same time, you should carefully monitor what you say and how you act, since a careless movement or an unsuccessful joke can cause serious conflict and contention between you.

Money horoscope for women Sagittarius.

At the very beginning of the year, women will experience minor financial difficulties, which are very easy to fix if you spend money wisely and carefully consider and calculate your entire budget. It is worth noting that after a while, of course, if you take the initiative at work, your work will be well paid. If you dream of taking a leadership position or climbing up the career ladder and at the same time spent a lot of effort, then your efforts will not be in vain, since most likely your abilities and skills will be appreciated. The main thing is to be confident and assertive, and always go to the end in achieving goals.

Career horoscope.

Work this year will completely absorb Sagittarius women. Although, this will not be strongly felt at the beginning of the year, but in the summer months, women will feel for themselves that the changes are growing with greater power and strength, which will also require additional energy and costs from them. By the way, this period will not last too long, so you should pull yourself together and stand with dignity, because, in the fall, you can collect the successful fruits of your work.

If you want to really reach the heights, then it's time to take a risk and at the same time not be afraid to try yourself and your strengths in something new and unusual for you. If you overcome fear, then you will have great success and good luck ahead of you.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius women.

Despite the fact that the year will be successful, but at the same time very difficult, it is very strong, first of all, it will affect the well-being and health of a woman. Women are facing very serious problems. Therefore, it is better not to wait until you are diagnosed with a serious disease, but, on the contrary, to engage in diagnostics and its prevention. How to understand it? It's simple, it's best to get tested at the beginning of the year. If there are any violations or deviations from the norm, address them. But, most importantly, try to pay as much attention as possible to your beloved, that is, to relax.

For the third year in a row, the heart of Sagittarius is squeezed by the planet Saturn. You could feel over the years how various circumstances put pressure on you, do not allow you to unfold your aspirations to express your individuality. Everywhere you meet borders, through which it is not easy to get through. Patience! The year 2017 is still in the hands of Saturn. Saturn also wants to teach you something. Endurance, discipline, modesty, finally. In 2017 you will be able to find mutual language with the demands of this planet. The ruler of your sign, Jupiter, is about to usher in a time of miraculous transformations. Fantasies will become reality, long-cherished plans will come true, aspirations will achieve their goals. Drop all doubts and move forward. You will be surprised by your success!

Physically strong Sagittarians in 2017 will be ready to show their will, protect the weak, and, well, invent something on the go. Over the past two years, representatives of the sign could reduce weight, but this year the decrease will stop (at the end of the year) and fullness can ennoble. The cheeks are rounded, the look will become better. Smiling right and left, Sagittarius will begin to collect guests with jokes and jokes. A sense of humor will always be in place. Ears on top. His magnificent abilities will not go unnoticed. Brilliant insights will happen only to a few, while the rest are destined to penetrate the secrets of the Universe as neophytes. A poetic gift will break through like a green leaf. He can fall in love 100 times. The mind will carefully hide. At the same time, remember everything to the smallest detail.

Sagittarians are optimists by nature, and in 2017 they will be able to inspire and cheer up any whiner. He has no time to grieve with you, because there are so many interesting things in the world, and life flies so fast!

Friends will be especially needed. It doesn't matter how you interact with them. Will it be a warm company in the evening or participation in a specific project. We'll have to fork out for all sorts of secular parties. But it's worth it! Rotating in friendly circles, you will gain even more acquaintances and connections. They will continue in the future. Some of the new acquaintances will provide you with an invaluable service, very significant for you. Your investment will eventually pay off, and friends will help out in difficult times. The more friends will surround you in 2017, the fuller life will be, the more successful your career and the more significant income. Communicate more often, go to visit and invite people to your place. At the end of the year, you will realize that you received even more than you gave away.

From February to the second decade of November, Sagittarius will repeatedly meet with disappointments. They will feel that everything in life is somehow going wrong. Household affairs ─ through a stump-deck. Dissatisfaction with oneself will visit the representatives of the sign more than once. At the end of autumn, they will begin to worry more about the state of their wallet and property issues. For the most part far-fetched, because it is possible to solve them without panic.

It is possible that your partners will need your help, and primarily material. Get ready to pay your bills.

Basically it will be an auspicious year if you follow the signs of the stars. For example, to maintain conservatism, visit elderly relatives with whom it is easy to find a common language. Moreover, it is not a fact that they will need you more than you need them.

That's what Sagittarius will rise up against, so it's against the monotony. New social values will attract them. The symbolism will turn into something real. The eagle crows. After all, the Rooster rules the yard!

The danger of the year may lie in the fact that Sagittarius will neglect some minor trifles, something so taken for granted, which has become so familiar and accessible. However, such an oversight can cost the loss of a wallet, property, and even health. Don't turn up your nose! Don't be so presumptuous, check receipts without leaving the cash register! Don't let strangers peek into your documents, don't get hooked!

There will be new opportunities in life to spread your wings. Would like to fly to external world and feel connected to it. From this, self-awareness will expand and pride in one's steps will increase. You can learn new reactions to external stimuli. A special aspect of the spiritual life will suddenly open up to you in 2017.

Successes and failures will follow. The knowledge gained this year will certainly be in demand many years from now.

Have time to invest in goals, things, projects that are important to you. It will be promising. In 2017, you will have to finally decide on the question ─ career or business? What is more important - home, family or work? We advise you to choose a career, then family problems will be solved by themselves. Money will have to be invested in children, whether you like it or not. Accidents related to water and electricity can occur in the house. There is something wrong with you for a long time.

Career horoscope

In 2017, Sagittarius will discover his teaching vocation. If he goes to be a teacher, he will succeed in this profession. He will enjoy honor and respect, while not imposing his opinion.

Domineering and energetic, with firm intentions, Sagittarians will undoubtedly achieve their goals in 2017. Their ambitions will be satisfied, rewards will be received. The rays of glory are very close. Sagittarius will attract her like a magnet. Surrounding people will increasingly begin to notice a bright halo around the head of Sagittarius. This is a symbol of increased reputation. Ornithologists or physiologists, people who subtly feel the rhythms of nature, will achieve recognition.

Offended and humiliated can seek protection from Sagittarius. And he will fight for what is right. In life, the struggle for an idea can be very clearly manifested. Sagittarians are even ready to make a sacrifice and will stop at nothing, the instinct of self-preservation will become dull. Before us will emerge the image of a new hero. Perhaps he will even be awarded. Posthumously.

Strange swings in fate can occur. Adventurers and pranksters will not be able to get the crowd or get into the boss's chair. Direct increased self-esteem to take career heights. Play on musical instruments and write poetry. Everything will work out.

love horoscope

Loyalty is not a Sagittarius strong point. Its vast horizons simply do not allow it to anchor firmly. But people are ready to forgive Sagittarius, even being deceived by him, especially women. And when Sagittarius again appears at your doorstep with his radiant smile, you are ready to immediately embrace him. Just. For pretty eyes.

Some Sagittarians will begin to lead a very strange lifestyle. They will choose loneliness and take a special position. They will not want to obey the rules of society, and society will not accept such cynics either. The beam will not be seen in the eye. At myself. Own mistakes don't hesitate to admit it. Sexual promiscuity will lead to a venereologist. Feelings and passions can, after all, be defeated by willpower and prudence.

Family Sagittarius feels like a breadwinner in the family. The partner feels good thanks to the property obtained by Sagittarius. The couples will have a lot in common. This will give rise to stability and reliability in relationships. Sagittarius has a lot of people in the house - both friends and subordinates. There may be quarrels in the family and ... a child. Adult children will fly out of the family nest.

Single people don't get married. It will be easy for them to get to know each other, but you need to earn money for the wedding. Although earnings will depend on diligence.

By 2017, Sagittarians have already accumulated sufficient life experience on the topic of love, creativity, and children. Prepare a cradle for newborns and clear the way to it!


Fear for one's health will overcome Sagittarius in 2017. Especially those born in the third decade of the month. Sagittarians will try to laugh off their illnesses, which will be of an unexpected nature. There will be no time to get sick, because you have to earn money! Sports have always been in the price, and this year you can just run in gym escaping from disease.

In the second decade of October, Sagittarians will feel a weakening of support in many ways. Some will decide to undergo a health rehabilitation course in closed institutions. Diseases can become fatal, especially venereal ones.

Roll up your sleeves! Horoscope for Sagittarius men

Unemployed Sagittarius men will take a desperate step and do what they love, so they can earn money, perhaps it will be a job in a taxi or a part-time job. working specialty. In any case, men will leave the dependence of domestic life and will finally find their true self. Confidence will increase. You also want to build muscle. Everything is great. Men get what they want by rolling up their sleeves.

Beware of rudeness and rudeness, they will cause wounds and damage in 2017. Don't bother in vain. Stupid enterprise will be characteristic of Sagittarius. Relationship problems will come up. Long-distance roads can become beautiful and terrible, for someone else. Sagittarius will not fail to drink, and smoke, and something else. An immoral lifestyle will not adorn Sagittarius. Control yourself!

All in the name of the family! Horoscope for Sagittarius women

The main sphere of application of forces will be in Sagittarius in their own home. Although they have had grievances in the past, they try to look their best. Children will require attention and care. Women will be ready for change if they actively participate. They will have new hopes and plans involving their own wallet. will demonstrate their best qualities, sacrifice and emotionality, a tendency to embrace the wider possibilities of this world.

Eastern horoscope

At the behest of the Buddha, the years were ruled by different animals. 2017 will be the year of the Fire Rooster. What did the owner of the period prepare for Sagittarius this time, depending on the year of his birth?

  • Sagittarius Rat(years of birth 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) ─ year of fulfillment of desires and achievement of goals;
  • Sagittarius Ox(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) ─ year of home changes, change of residence;
  • Sagittarius-Tiger(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) ─ stress, inheritance, hopes for a successful outcome;
  • Sagittarius Cat(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) ─ love and friendship, wedding and holidays;
  • Sagittarius Dragon(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) ─ friends and subordinates will lead to success, trust those who serve you;
  • Sagittarius-Snake(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) ─ their own and other people's children delight, hobbies flourish;
  • Sagittarius Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) ─ change of residence, partnership, long-distance travel;
  • Sagittarius Goat(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) ─ new acquaintances, trips, friends;
  • Sagittarius Monkey(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) ─ will experience an increase in income;
  • Sagittarius Rooster(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) ─ fulfillment of desires, recognition in society;
  • Sagittarius-Dog(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) ─ plans pregnancy (everything will work out), puts documents in order;
  • Sagittarius Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) ─ hopes for friends and the success of his enterprises.

Horoscope 2017 believes in successful plans Sagittarius and provides all the opportunities for this!

The Fire Rooster will be filled with tenderness and romance for Sagittarius. In this regard, work issues and other everyday problems will go into the background. Creation home comfort, interesting interior can capture so much that some Sagittarius will even think about changing their profession or getting a special education.

2017 is a great period for learning and developing personal skills. The development of talents, following the set goals, the team principle of work are relevant throughout the year.

The horoscope points to a large number of opportunity for positive change in your life. Travel will be good. Moreover, even business trips will be fun and easy to carry. The attention of the opposite sex can be pursued everywhere, which, of course, flatters the representatives of this zodiac sign.

In the year of the Rooster, there is a surge in marriage proposals for single Sagittarius.

In the second half of the year, a slight deterioration in the financial or career situation is possible. These temporary phenomena will pass quickly, so it is worth continuing to act according to the plan. Stars are not advised to get involved in other people's showdowns, wanting to act as an arbitrator. In such a situation, there is a risk of being extreme.

In the year of the Rooster, one should not miss the opportunity to acquire useful connections. At first, it may seem that such acquaintances only take time. In fact, at the end of the year, a tempting offer may come from such new friends. The stars even indicate long journeys.

Sagittarius love horoscope

The desire to love and be loved will become very acute and will be noted by others. Speaking, listening, telling are important skills for those who strive for harmonious relationships. And this applies to communication with a partner, and with children. However, the simple-minded and open Sagittarius will not interfere with a balanced approach to everything that they utter. An awkwardly spoken word or an incorrectly chosen phrase can become a cause for conflict.

Dating will be easier than usual. But they should not be abused, especially for those who have marital status. In pursuit of the desire to please opposite sex representatives of this sign are even capable of striving for external transformations. Just do not take loans to surprise your partner with an unusual surprise. Although the thought of giving a soul mate a trip to the Cote d'Azur will visit many Sagittarians.

The love horoscope guarantees that even the lonely representatives of this zodiac constellation will find their happiness in the spring. You will want to endlessly dissolve in it, but you need to control yourself. The fact is that in the fall a lot of attention will have to be paid to the older generation of the family, so you will need to quickly mobilize.

If suddenly someone from the turbulent past decides to return to the life of friendly Sagittarius, this attempt should be stopped. You don't step into the same river twice. In addition, it may hinder the development of existing relationships.

Money horoscope for the Year of the Rooster

Money has never been the main goal in the life of these Sagittarians. Therefore, the accumulated funds are easily spent for the benefit of other people or for the soul. The year of the Fire Rooster is no exception. It is very important that the acquisition is associated with positive emotions. And in no case should you resort to borrowing.

In the last quarter of the year, you cannot agree to investment proposals or participation in financial projects.

The cash flow can go to those who invest in the first half of 2017 in their own development. This will be connected either with obtaining a new position, or with the receipt of interesting orders. Those who are associated with manual labor or works in the field of cosmetology, hairdressing services.

In relations with colleagues, everything will be smooth, because Sagittarians really like to be friends with others. With the leadership, familiar relations will be superfluous. During the spring period, the authorities will be looking at candidates for a new position. Therefore, it is worth showing your best qualities here, and hiding a small natural feeling of laziness away.

The horoscope describes the possibilities for receiving job offers abroad. You can safely agree to them, because this will change in better side and other areas of life. The work of Sagittarius will be rewarded at its true worth in the form of an additional bonus or an increase in wages.

Sagittarius Health in the Year of the Rooster

People born during this period often suffer from lung diseases, which can worsen in the spring. If this is accompanied by a bad habit of smoking, then the most favorable time will come to get rid of it.

Those who can boast of their health should remember that the best remedy from diseases - prevention. That is why it is worth including regular workouts, exercises, jogging in your schedule. Vitamin support should be organized in March-April. And by autumn you need to recharge with solar energy. Heaped worries will quickly spend the resources received during the rest. Spa treatments or swimming in the pool will help to cope with stress. Even those who dislike these types of activities should consider them as an alternative to sedatives and pills.

For those involved in active sports, the stars recommend careful training and performances in June-July, as there is a high risk of injury.

Sagittarius health can strengthen and diet food. But vegetarianism will not do any good, because it will not compensate for energy costs.

lovers of strong alcoholic beverages in autumn period at risk of getting sick gastrointestinal tract. Even ulcers can manifest themselves. If there is any doubt about this, then better in summer undergo a preventive examination. Alcohol, of course, will have to be abandoned.

Sagittarius woman and her 2017

Despite the fact that the year of the Rooster brings many opportunities for a woman of this sign, she will not take advantage of everything. Especially often refusals will sound about new job, because Sagittarius ladies are not typical careerists. The stars ask you to carefully consider the proposals that will come in the spring. They carry a strong financial appeal.

In the same period, single women will be lucky to find a casual acquaintance, which will subsequently lead to an improvement in their financial situation. Perhaps this will be due to the patronage of a partner in personal relationships, perhaps with a different development of events.

need cash these ladies definitely won't. But the constant feeling that they lack warmth and romance can lead to unnecessary stress and melancholy. Instead of taking sedatives, the horoscope recommends switching attention to creativity. If there are no revealed talents, it is even useful to observe the implementation of other people's artistic ideas. Galleries, art salons, theaters can be excellent therapy.

Family women will pay more attention not to their spouse, but to children. And this is not entirely true. In order to have harmony with loved ones, you should create a new family tradition or go on a trip together. Even leaving for barbecues in summer period can significantly strengthen family ties.

October will be full of emotional events. A sensitive Sagittarius woman must learn not to take everything “to heart” in order to maintain inner peace.

If a lady is employed in the field of IT technologies or science, in November-December there is an opportunity to win a large grant or become a participant in a large project.

Horoscope for the year of the Rooster for the Sagittarius man

The most correct thing, according to the stars, is to master new skills and knowledge or get an education abroad. Even internships abroad by July can change the living space.

There will be less time for friendly gatherings or going to clubs. This will be a little burdensome for Sagittarians, because communication is their main need. In fact, this is of great benefit: the money saved at leisure can be spent on summer rest, and family Sagittarius - on the needs of children.

Lonely Sagittarius should be more attentive to acquaintances that will occur outside the city of residence. Especially in March-April 2017. The horoscope indicates the possibility of getting a partner for a long time.

Those who already have a family should consider having children. The year is going very well in this regard. Holidays with grandchildren can also be a useful means of strengthening family ties.

Flirting from colleagues should be stopped immediately, because it will damage the reputation, and may also affect the psychological well-being of the second half.

Those who own own business, should find a good substitute for themselves, because next year there will be rapid growth. The Sagittarius man will not be able to control all work processes alone. Throughout 2017, the men of this sign will be accompanied by the feeling that this is a very calm and harmonious time. And this is a good sign.

Life is waiting for you to move forward, achievements and discoveries. You already have everything you need. It remains to choose one of the desires and proceed to its implementation. You don't even know what you are capable of.

Forecast for Sagittarius by season


Maybe try something out of the ordinary?
For example, go on a trip in a new company or change your image. This is the time for your experiments.


All spring will have to return to old affairs, relationships. Yes, it will be difficult and not always pleasant. The past will become your present again. Correct mistakes and move on.


June chores can take you by surprise. Do not boil, try to solve problems as they come. And go on dates more often, now is the best time for this.


The rungs of the ladder of your life now lead upward. It's time to take charge and make a change. The feeling of flight and inner freedom will push you to new transformations.

happy day kaleidoscope

The best thing happens today - remember this and try to learn a lesson from any event, meeting, conversation. Fate takes you under its wing.

✓ Love: in plain sight

This area of ​​life requires special forces, you decide, and enthusiastically begin to change yourself and, to a greater extent, your partner. Beware, your ideas are too extreme for him. Right now you are the most risk-averse, but all is well within reasonable limits. in winter close person is unlikely to support you, in late spring he is more prone to experimentation.

In the summer you can even decide to double play. Alas, this will not inspire you. In addition, now any affair can become public. Try to breathe life into old relationships, or the union may fall apart.

In the autumn you will be visited by a romantic mood. Become the initiator of dates, romantic meetings. Your imagination is enough to charm the most impregnable admirer. It will not be easy for you to translate friendships into love ones, but at the end of the year you can finally hear the long-awaited recognition.

✓ Family: one team

You will feel like one team, family relationships will become softer, more trusting. True, sometimes you will feel pressure and increased guardianship of relatives, and this will become a burden on you. Be that as it may, resolve issues as gently as possible, in no case do not swear. Now home is more impressionable and vulnerable.

In general, this good year for any household chores, home improvement. You will not want to leave somewhere for a long time, it will always pull you back to your native places. This is the best time to study family traditions, a kind of karma. If you are going, choose the end of summer or the end of autumn for this.

✓ Friendship: gain trust

Amazing time. The people who pestered and annoyed you will literally dissolve, disappear from your life. Those with whom you wanted to part, but you lacked the spirit, will disappear from view.

Spring is the best time to make new connections. In the summer, you will have to prove your right to friendship, win someone's trust. Perhaps one of your close friends will demand too much from you. Do not forget about yourself and your desires. No matter how close your relationship is, try not to share information that you want to keep secret.

✓ Health: more active, even more active!

It will take a lot of time to sort yourself out. This year, long-standing sores will make themselves felt, at times a breakdown will be felt. It's time to change established habits and the whole way of life. Start transforming gradually.

In the spring, the tone will be reduced, so drastic changes are useless. Engage in breathing exercises, active walking. Be sure to be active in the summer free time. It's time for you to accumulate internal energy, activation of the body's defenses.

August is a traumatic time. This month, do not get involved in extreme sports and generally take care of yourself. In autumn and winter, do not relax, now physical activity should be mandatory. Just like taking vitamins (start taking them no later than November, then the effect will be more noticeable).

✓ Finance/Career: Become a leader

Changes in social status, career are likely. At the end of spring, you may be offered a new position, or you yourself decide to change activities. True, material promises may not come true.

And if in the first half of the year financial receipts are stable, then in the fall there may be interruptions. But for responsible and hardworking people, this is a great period, you can even save up a very impressive amount (if such a task is worth it).

In the fall, competitors will become more active, but circumstances will develop in such a way that you will beat them in no time. The main thing here is not to be conceited and to be on the alert. Because at the end of the year, a controversial situation will arise again. How you resolve it will determine your financial future. At work, try to organize people around you, gather like-minded people.

Forecast for women

The Sagittarius woman will show a fighting character, earn
a decent amount and find his calling.

You, like a director, will begin to contribute, change the storyline, introduce new actors. What happens - drama, comedy, or maybe a love story? Choose yourself.

Already at the beginning of the year it will be clear how events will develop. In the spring, a little slippage in business will help you concentrate and focus on the most important thing. Let everything be decided with a delay, this time is given to you to eliminate errors.

Do not be lazy and be careful, then in the summer you will get the first results. Extra money will appear, and you can be happy to spend it on yourself. At the end of autumn, you will be offered to become a participant in the business that you have long dreamed of. Get actively involved in work.

Born from 23 to 30 November

Carelessness is unacceptable. Do not let anything take its course, but make tough demands only on yourself. Now it is easy to go too far and quarrel with everyone.

In the middle of the year you can significantly improve your financial situation. And in winter you need to think about rest. It will be better if you plan everything in advance.

Born from 1 to 12 December

There are potholes on your road, but an extra shake is not bad at all now. This will only help you become more aware of your intentions. Be careful at the beginning of autumn, you will not be surrounded very much honest people. The beginning of winter will show how prudent you are. It will take all your experience to solve an important issue.

Born from 13 to 21 December

Any activity, activity and enthusiasm is welcome. Encourage yourself, encourage and inspire. True, in the first half of the year there may be a lack of confidence, lack of support. Let this time be a period of preparation. In the summer, circumstances will be in your favor. Even tasks that seemed incredibly difficult will be resolved. unexpected event will show what you are worth, and will help determine your future plans.

Forecast for men

The Sagittarius man will masterfully prove that there are no unsolvable problems and will find his soul mate.

You are well aware of the measure of your responsibility and do not want to be responsible for others. This will offend someone, and you will have to resolve the conflict, prove the right to your opinion. Winter will pass in such worries.

In the spring, tension will subside. But as soon as you decide to take care of your personal life, a lot of small things and affairs will pile up. And work, worries, commotion will begin again. When you are completely immersed in business and even forget about the most necessary (yes, there will be such a moment), the person you dreamed about will suddenly appear next to you. Fate itself brought him to you, you will understand that. Do not worry, total employment will not interfere with the development of feelings.

At the end of the year, a gap will appear, there will be almost no problems left. And you can plunge headlong into the ocean of tender feelings and passionate passion.

Born from 23 to 30 November

What you sow now will bear good fruit. Therefore, do not save energy, give your best. At the beginning of spring, you will have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Summer will be more calm, although a little exciting. If you hurry up, you will take part in an unusual and incredibly exciting project. Impressions from this will be enough for a whole year.

Born from 1 to 12 December

Heavenly luck is on your side, but earthly luck depends entirely on the effort you put in. Do not feel sorry for yourself, fight with circumstances and inner fears. At the end of spring there will be an opportunity to test yourself and your ideas in practice. You are capable of much, show it! At the end of the year, a real surprise for you will be a meeting with a sweet and touching person.

Born from 13 to 21 December

Know your worth and do not exchange for things and people that are not worth your attention. Let there be little free time, arrange small holidays for yourself. In autumn, an active business life will be replaced by an equally active personal life. There will be many dates, loves. But the true deep feeling will come a little later. Feel free to wait for it.

Forecast for Sagittarians born in the year ...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Rely on your desires and do not look back at others. Someone is always trying to confuse you. Let someone your dreams seem unrealistic. Everything will come in due time, your job is to continue to work and believe in yourself.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Finally, you can do what you like. Things bring satisfaction, communication develops successfully. If there were also enough finances, then one could consider himself an absolutely happy person.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

You shuffle lovers like cards in a deck. Changing impressions is not bad at all, but don't get carried away! If you want to find your person, be able to stop in time, otherwise by the end of the year all opportunities will simply disappear.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

There will be people who are ready to help you in everything. So do not get lost and take on the most difficult things. Use every opportunity to earn extra money. Now the main thing is to prove yourself so that in the future you will be contacted again.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

All attention is on the family. If it is not there yet, and equip the space. Family ties are your main support this year. Give more and spend on others, not on yourself.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

How you start the year is how you end it. Start as soon as possible. Do not put off anything, not only for tomorrow, but even for the evening of the current day. Everything you do now will feed you for years to come.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You are rushing forward, hurry up. Be careful, you can slip. We will have to reckon with the circumstances and significantly slow down the speed. It's for the best. Look around, your love is walking somewhere very close.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Find the courage to face the truth. Abandon desired, but obviously failed projects. Better go on vacation somewhere far away from home. This is a year of fantastic travels and bright events.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

You'll find new area applications for their talents. There will be a lot of great deals. Away with conventions! Be simple and close your eyes to the minor shortcomings of your neighbors. This is the year of cooperation and friendship.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Look at everything with irony. Play with fate, be smart and original. There will be time for yourself, and for work, and for your family. The main thing is not to spray and not grab onto everything at once. Time is now working for you.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Self-development and self-knowledge - devote the coming year to this. Now you can learn more about yourself than in your entire life. There will be many provocative situations, your task is to leave a favorable impression of yourself.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

All year you will be concerned about your reputation. Start tricking to impress. Your tricks are useless, the deception will quickly be revealed. Be honest and open, especially with those you love. This is best recommendation and the right path to the goal.

Children's horoscope

Do you love surprises? Regardless of your answer, they will become the norm for you. The baby is now unpredictable. The only area of ​​life where mutual understanding is guaranteed to you is travel. Communication with his peers will open your eyes to many things and help you get closer.

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