Blooming palm tree. Pritchardia – Pritchardia

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Hamedorea(Chamaedorea, bamboo palm) includes over a hundred species woody plants small in size and belongs to the Palm family (Palmaceae, Arecaceae, Palmae). Some miniature and slow growing species of chamedorea have been successfully adapted for indoor cultivation. These bushy ornamental foliage plants have gained wide popularity among indoor plant enthusiasts due to their graceful feathery leaves and the ability to grow lush thickets formed from groups of low palms with thin trunks. Below you will find detailed advice for the care of domestic palm trees, as well as photos of species adapted to indoor conditions. A fairly simple care for chamedorea at home allows even a novice grower to grow an unpretentious and, most importantly, a real palm tree indoors without any problems. Caring for a bamboo palm is just as easy as our popular dracaena Marginata or homemade yucca, which look very similar to palm trees, but are not part of the Palm family.

- photo: Hamedorea palm leaves

The most adapted to growing at home include the graceful Hamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans). This unpretentious indoor palm tree is really very graceful and elegant! Each thin trunk of this type of chamedorea grows up to two meters in height and is decorated with light green pinnate leaves of a lanceolate shape. Some craftsmen create amazing compositions in glass vessels, where tiny palm seedlings are adjacent to crafts in the form of flowers made from satin ribbons (for example, flowers collected from kanzashi petals), corrugated paper, multi-colored napkins, foamiran, polymer clay and other improvised materials. Adult Hamedorea graceful organically fits into the composition with such exotic plants like homemade calathea or guzmania with bright bracts, which also love high level humidity. Some indoor plant lovers, when forming a floristic composition, place elegans palm along with unpretentious ficus benjamin, bright anthurium or spathiphyllum, blooming kalanchoe, crassula money tree or zamioculkis dollar tree. Together with thickets of palm elegans, you can place several lush home chlorophytums and zygocactus dekabrist with bright colors.

- photo: Chamedorea palm blossoms

The first flowering period of chamedorea can occur 3-4 years after planting. Female single flowers orange color have a very pleasant smell, tiny male flowers yellowish color are collected in loose panicle inflorescences and outwardly resemble beadwork in the form of tree branchesdecorating homemade topiary. If several palm trees of Hamedorea graceful are placed in a pot at once, they can bloom repeatedly, several times a year.


Location and lighting.

Hamedorea - shade plant. It is not advisable to place a bamboo palm pot next to a window on the south side of the room. The best option- in front of a window on the east or west side, on a floor stand or in a tub, away from direct sunlight. On sunny spring or summer days - partial shade during the daytime. Rotate the palm plant pot 180° once every one and a half weeks so that the stems do not stretch to one side and the symmetry of the plant is not broken.

Temperature regime.

Tropical Hamedorea graceful loves warmth, but normal room temperature is quite suitable for the normal development of an elegant palm tree. Optimal temperature regime: 17-29°C. However, sudden and frequent temperature changes during the day, as well as a long-term decrease in the temperature of the substrate in the pot below 15 ° C, can provoke rotting of the root system, followed by plant disease.

Air humidity.

The high humidity around the chamedorea throughout the year is the key to successful home palm cultivation. If the air in the room is constantly dry, then the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow and the tips of the leaf blade dry and turn brown. On hot summer days and during the heating season, place a wide open container of water next to the bamboo palm tree. The pot with the plant itself can be placed on a pallet with expanded clay, which is regularly moistened. In spring and summer, regularly spray the palm with settled water. Spraying in winter period can provoke the defeat of home chamedorea fungal diseases.


Hamedorea loves wet air, but a strong waterlogging of the soil for the plant is detrimental. In spring- summer period water the palm tree with warm settled water evenly, avoiding stagnation at the level of the root system (in this case, you will feel an unpleasant rotten smell coming from the soil). Adjust the watering regime in the fall so that the earth ball dries slightly between waterings. In winter, it is permissible to dry the substrate four centimeters deep before the next watering. With a strong waterlogging of the soil, the leaves turn yellow, the base of the stem darkens, brown spots appear a little higher.

Earth mix and top dressing.

You can make your own soil mix. To do this, mix equal parts peat, soddy soil, humus and perlite. Before making a soil mixture, carefully sterilize the soddy soil and humus (for example, in the microwave, filling clean cloth bags with the substrate).

Top dressing must be applied to the soil in spring and summer, once a month. For palm nutrition, it is desirable to use special slow-release mineral fertilizers in granules.


Transplant the young palm annually into a larger pot. An adult plant (3-4 years old) is transplanted when root system completely fills the pot - about once every three years. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, keeping the entire earthen room. Small long roots that form a felt layer should preferably be cut with a sharp knife during transplantation.

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Remove shapeless, yellowed, shriveled leaves on the palm tree annually. To do this, use a small pruner (garden shears), after wiping the tool with isopropyl alcohol. Trim the leaves as close as possible to the stem of the chamedorea. Treat the cut site with a fungicide immediately after pruning.

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Hamedorea graceful is propagated by seeds and dividing the bush. Growing from seeds is a rather painstaking task. At home, it is best to choose the seating method - dividing the bush of an adult plant.

Reproduction by dividing the bush. It is advisable to plant delenki in May. During the procedure, we extract mature plant from the pot and destroy the earthen lump with a directed stream of warm water. Each individual stem with leaves (or several stems) is planted in separate containers. Water the seedlings regularly. The rooting period is approximately 4-6 weeks. Then we transfer the palms into new pots.

- Photo


Palm flower is a very popular means of decorating any room. He "came" to us from tropical regions and was adapted for care and cultivation at home. The name indicates that the flower, which looks like a palm tree, has a complete resemblance to its counterpart in the natural environment. Having such a plant in your room, you will feel like you are in a tropical paradise. In order for a flower to please you with its appearance, you need to know the rules for caring for it.

general description

First you need to understand that a flower that looks like a palm tree can grow quite tall. V natural conditions the tree can reach fifteen meters in height with a two-meter crown in diameter. As for that, he will not see such growth. But still, this parameter must be taken into account when choosing a type. If the size of the room does not allow, then you should not choose a large one. Speaking about the features of care, it is worth mentioning main problem this plant - drafts. It is they who can cause flower disease and even lead to death. Other factors have an impact depending on the type of plant.

Types of "palms"

The names of flowers - "palms" are very different. But behind each of them lies a special appearance and growing conditions. Consider in a nutshell some of the most popular varieties:

  1. Brachea. It is very popular among the population due to its unpretentious nature and beautiful lush crown. Saturated green color leaves takes you straight to the tropics. It grows quickly and adapts to light frosts.
  2. Butia. With its external beauty, the flower has a very capricious character. The plant does not like dry land, too wet soil. Needs constant irrigation and requires careful maintenance.
  3. Washingtonia. lover sunlight. It has a large crown and requires a lot of space. Does not tolerate stagnant water.
  4. Giophorba. A medium sized plant that requires light, warmth and constant watering.
  5. Hamedorea. Undemanding variety. The second name of the flower is the reed palm.
  6. Karyota. A small plant that can bloom every year. big leaves attract the eye with their unusual shape.
  7. Goveya. Unpretentious nature and beautiful appearance makes it very attractive for flora lovers.
  8. A beautiful crown with feathery leaves will decorate any room.

Features of care

Palm flower requires proper care. Do not underestimate the importance of your attention to the plant. Even the most unpretentious species require basic care. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the advice of experts. So, indoor flower"Palm", whose name reflects its appearance, needs the following activities:

  • Temperature regime. The average indicators at which he will be comfortable range from sixteen to twenty-two degrees. Some species can tolerate even lower temperatures: up to 8 ºC.
  • Irrigation mode. You need to water the palm tree as much as the soil requires. The earth must not be allowed to dry out. In spring and summer we water more often, in winter - less often. Constant irrigation helps to maintain the necessary humidity. Daily spraying is not necessary. It is enough to do this twice a week during the hot period. In winter, once a month is enough. Washing the leaves with a soft sponge is also allowed. The water must be settled.
  • Lighting mode. By its nature, the flower loves the light, but at the same time it does not like direct sunlight. This leads to burns of the foliage and harms the plant. Make sure that the place is well lit, but there should be no draft. No kind of palm tree can tolerate it.
  • Priming. It is recommended to purchase one that suits your type of palm tree. If you want to make the mixture yourself, then the ratio should be as follows: leaf earth, humus, sand - 2: 1: 0.2.

Transplant and reproduction

The palm flower, the care of which is described here, also needs to be transplanted. While the plant is young, the procedure should be carried out annually. Then every three years. When transplanting to the ground, you need to add sod and shavings (three kilograms per 1 m 3 of the total mass of the soil). Pay close attention to the process, as it is very important not to damage the root system. Inspect it and remove any rotten or dry parts.

Take such pots for planting so that they are tall enough. The palm must be stable. After you have transplanted the flower, cover the top of the soil with moss so that the earth does not dry out. The plant reproduces both by seeds and shoots. Manipulation is very easy. Seeds should be sown in a pot with sand and sawdust. Take care of drainage. Each type of palm tree has its own seed germination period. It varies from nine days to six months.

top dressing

The palm flower, like other plants, needs timely nourishment. It is recommended to purchase a tool intended for this and act in accordance with the instructions. In winter, you need to feed once every twenty days, and in summer - once every ten days. After the procedure, it is necessary to loosen the earth to give oxygen free access to the root system.

Possible problems

The home flower "palm tree" may have some problems that you need to be aware of:

  • Leaves are starting to turn yellow rare watering plants, the soil is dry.
  • The appearance of brown tips on the leaves is a lack of humidity in the air, weak watering, the plant touches something cold, a draft.
  • Dark spots on the surface of the leaves - the use of water that has not settled, too frequent watering and stagnant water in the pot.
  • The leaves have acquired a dark brownish tint - either this is the natural death of old foliage, or too frequent watering.


Like all plants, the palm flower is periodically attacked by pests. Among the most frequent guests:

  1. Shield: the leaves begin to dry, brown spots appear, the foliage begins to fall off.
  2. Spider mite: the appearance of cobwebs on the plant, the fall of the foliage.
  3. deformation of the leaves, followed by falling off, leads to the death of the entire plant.

All pests must be dealt with equally. First you need to carefully wipe the leaves with a soap solution using a soft sponge. Make sure that all traces of the presence of the pest have disappeared. Then you need to spray the flower with a product consisting of 0.15% actellik. It must be diluted in the ratio: two grams per liter of water. Summing up all that has been said, I would like to note that the features of care and sometimes capricious nature do not affect the love of flower growers for such luxurious plant, like a room "palm tree".

The genus Hamedorea belongs to the Palm family and has over a hundred species, the main distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is Central and South America.

This culture is a tree-like plant with spreading feathery foliage, and its flowering has no ornamental value. Not many species are grown in culture.

Types and varieties of hamedorea

Or elegance has the appearance of a bush with several small trunks that reach 1.5 m in height, the foliage is long, narrow, matte. The flowers are yellow with a pleasant smell.

Bushy species, growing up to 5 m, and sometimes even higher. The foliage is solitary, without stipules, placed on long petioles. It begins to bloom 3 years after planting, the color of the petals is pale orange.

The variety is very similar to graceful chamedorea, but has brighter and more fragrant flowers.

This species has a fairly strong tillering, due to which it has many shoots and foliage. Likes bright light unlike relatives.

This culture is more like coconut tree than chamedorea. It has wide leathery foliage with a gray tint. It can also be recognized by one trunk, when most other members of the genus usually have several. The height of the trunk is about 2 m. It loves shade and aging only becomes more attractive.

In general, the appearance of this species is similar to other palm trees, but has a small height - up to 1 m. The flowers of a light yellow hue look like balls.

Hamedorea home care

How exotic plant hamedorea requires knowledge of the features of caring for it. When buying a flower in a pot, make sure that it is clean from pests, and there are no cobwebs and plaque on the foliage.

You can grow this palm in almost any light - it will feel good both in strong light and in the shade, as long as the light is diffused, since the direct rays of the sun cause burns.

During the summer, the growing temperature should be around 22-26°C. In winter, the thermometer level should be lowered to 13-15°C. But remember that sudden changes in temperature are harmful to this crop, so it must be protected from drafts.

The date palm is also a member of the Palm family, is grown when cared for at home and also needs to comply with all maintenance rules. You will find recommendations for growing and caring for this indoor palm tree in this article.

Hamedorea watering

During active growth, the plant must be constantly watered. The hotter the room, the more often watering is needed. At the same time, they are guided by the drying of the upper layer of the soil - when it dries up, watering is carried out, it is impossible to allow strong drying or complete drying.

Also harmful is the stagnation of water in the roots, as it causes rotting, so it is better to forget to water once than to overfill. It is necessary to water the flower with soft settled warm water, with a temperature not lower than room temperature. In winter, watering should be no more than once every 7 days.

Hamedorea loves very much high humidity air. It needs to be sprayed a couple of times a day, and when it is possible to wash it under a warm shower.

Soil for chamedorea

This culture loves heavy soils with a slightly acidic reaction. The substrate for it can be made from hardwood and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:3:1:1.

You can also buy special soil for palm trees and mix it with charcoal. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from broken bricks or expanded clay should be placed.

Hamedorea transplant

It is difficult to find accurate information about transplants. Different flower growers disagree from "repot when the need arises" to "do not repot". This palm grows best in a tight pot, so it can be transplanted annually while it is young.

When the transplant becomes difficult, it will be enough to replace the top ball of soil, and the transplant can be carried out when the roots completely fill the tub and climb through the drainage holes.

Fertilizer for chamedorea

During the growing season, namely from spring to October, chamedorea is fertilized. Once every 15 days, liquid fertilizer is applied for palm trees in full concentration, or for decorative leafy plants with half the norm.

Hamedorea is often valued because it can bloom in room conditions, although in general its flowering is not highly decorative. It is worth noting that flowering usually begins 3 years after planting.

It happens that young or weak individuals stop growing after flowering due to exhaustion, but, as a rule, everything returns to normal after the next feeding.

Can Hamedorea be cut?

Since this palm tree has only one point of growth, it cannot be cut off, otherwise it will stop growing and, when they fall lower leaves, will die.

Hamedorea growing from seeds

Hamedorea can be propagated by seeds, offspring and, as it is not surprising for a palm tree, by dividing the bush.

Problem seed propagation is that it is a dioecious plant and pollination is a big problem. Yes, and achieve seedlings if available seed material also not easy.

The seeds are deepened by 1 cm and germinated in a greenhouse at 26-27°C. It is very important that high temperature and humidity are always maintained, otherwise the material may not germinate. Usually shoots appear a month and a half after planting.

Reproduction of chamedorea at home

When the palm tree has developed enough root system, it will begin to sprout offspring, which can be separated from the parent when they have their roots.

The division of the bush is resorted to during the transplantation of large and strong individuals that have grown greatly. When grown indoors, chamedorea very rarely grows to a state that is acceptable for division.

But in stores they often sell several copies planted in one pot, and not one palm tree. If so, then when the plant acclimates, you can carefully divide it into several parts and plant it.

Chamedorea disease

If you violate the rules for caring for hamedorea, a number of problems can arise.

  • Dry leaf tips indicate too dry air.
  • Yellowing on the leaves appears when placed in direct sunlight or when watered with hard water.
  • At root rot the plant begins to wilt, wither and die. In this case, cut rotten roots and transplant into new soil, not forgetting drainage, it is also important to ration watering.
  • Darkening and brown spots on the foliage formed from excess moisture or from too low temperatures, it can also occur due to watering with hard water.
  • At low temperature foliage turns black and droops .
  • lower leaves with aging themselves start to wither and fall . There is nothing wrong with this, and when they lose their decorative appearance, they can be cut off.

Hamedorea pests

Shchitovka can be determined by brown growths on foliage . It is difficult to remove them, but simply spraying with preparations will help little, so you need to moisten a cloth with insecticide and tear off the shields by hand.

Mealybug leaves behind a white cottony coating. The pest can be collected manually, but this will only help at the initial stage, and in the future you will have to resort to chemicals.

Among the insecticides, Actellik can be distinguished, which copes well with all of the above pests. It is only worth noting that when mass defeat may need to be re-treated after a week.

Varieties of sago palms

Varieties of fan palms

Tips for caring for indoor palm trees

Often, indoor palm trees are used in interior design, which are the most different types and sizes. This is a very refined and elegant plant, which, with proper competent care, will delight with its amazing appearance for a very long time.

  • Money tree: home care
  • Ficus Benjamin: home care, photo

Indoor palms are unpretentious, their cultivation does not require any special conditions. Ornamental palms love coolness and humidity and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Their main feature- in leaves, narrow and long, and the width depends on the particular species.

Popular types of indoor palms

There are many varieties of palm trees, but not all of them can live indoors. Still, this is an exotic plant, and although it is picky in care, you should not buy the first one that comes across. Consider the ten most popular types of indoor palms.

  • Date palm. The most famous of all varieties, because it is best suited for growing at home. But it tends to grow up to large sizes, so you need to take care of a spacious room in advance.

  • North American palm. Another name for the plant is washingtonia filiferous". Distinguished from other species by the leafy "beard" that appears on mature palms. Growing, the leaves dry up, but do not fall off, they cannot be cut off, they themselves fall.

  • howea palm. This species has feathery leaves that tolerate low light well. At the same time, they do not turn yellow and do not dry out, and even with very dry air, the leaves remain green. Howea is resistant to pests, but grows very slowly.

  • palm rapis. Another unpretentious variety with longitudinal striped leaves. Rapis tolerates drought well, but without sunlight becomes moody. However, being under sunbeams does not love.

  • mexican palm. This species is also called hamedorea". Grows slowly, likes comfortable average temperature without cold and bright light. At home, it can adapt to dry air, but is often affected by spider mites.

  • asian palm. Also known as " caryota". This variety, having an eastern "nationality", loves the sun very much and does not tolerate excessively dry air, losing color intensity. It has very interesting leaves.

  • Spanish palm. Also called " cryosophila". Very effective look, perfect for home growing. It perfectly tolerates the lack of humidity and lighting, but it is very difficult to find it on sale - it is such a rare variety.

  • Chinese palm. Or " liviston". A slightly capricious plant requiring good lighting. With a lack of moisture, the tips of the Chinese palm leaves dry up. One of the few species that grows fast enough without requiring special care.

  • cat palm. Other name - " calathea". A very popular houseplant with lush, wide leaves that look like green cascades. Not capricious in care, but prefers distilled and ordinary water frequent spraying during the summer season.

  • parasol palm. very original in its own way appearance a plant whose leaves resemble a Chinese umbrella, which looks very impressive. She needs frequent spraying with the addition of alcohol - so that the palm roots do not rot.

Varieties of bamboo palms

One of the most popular indoor plants is the bamboo palm, there are more than a hundred species of it. grows up not less than a meter high, fan-shaped leaves grouped in bunches. It may have one or several trunks. Of the variety, four types of bamboo palms grown in homes can be distinguished.

  • Hamedorea graceful. It is not a capricious plant at all, even a beginner can cope with its cultivation. It grows well, prefers dark corners, unpretentious care. On feathery leaves are small pale yellow fragrant flowers.

  • Hamedorea single color. Also not a picky flower that loves to grow in the shade. Very similar to the previous species, with the only exception: its leaves are thinner and elongated.

  • Hamedorea high. The largest variety of bamboo palms, can grow up to five meters in height. Differs in very long branches which densely cover narrow green leaves. Several stems can be placed in one pot at once.

  • Chamedorea Ernest-August. The smallest type of bamboo palm, but it looks very impressive: large broad leaves with a glossy surface and bright orange flowers. It is very popular with lovers of indoor plants.

Good to know: in a house with a lack of moisture, the bamboo palm begins to dry out gradually, the leaves turn yellow, and frequent watering can lead to rotting of the plant's roots.

Varieties of sago palms

This species is known to flower growers under the name "cicus". Sago palms are very interesting view: the trunk resembles fish scales, and at the very top is a large bunch of green pinnate leaves. There are few species of cicada, more than 15 species, but four of them are most common as an apartment plant.

  • Cycas drooping. Or turned away. The most popular variety with a crown of emerald green leaves. The plant is low, the trunk grows from 30 to 50 cm.

  • Cycas curled. Or snail. The leaves are pinnate, the stems can reach a height of up to two meters. The shape of the leaf of this type of sago palm resembles a pigeon feather.

  • Cycas Siamese. It has one feature: its leaves are painted with a white-bluish color.

  • Cycas Rumpha. The leaves of this species are distinguished by a deep rich emerald color.

It is important to know: if ugly spots appear on the leaves of the sago palm, it means that the temperature in the room is constantly fluctuating, or the plant does not have enough top dressing.

Varieties of fan palms

There are many varieties of fan palms, and all of them are united by the main feature: unusual shape leaves. Each sheet is a plate, dissected in the form of rays into many parts. Among the most popular, you can include five species that are preferred for growing in apartments.

  • Liviston. This plant is very fond of humid air, frequent watering with warm water and does not tolerate drought. At home, it can grow up to two meters, brings two or three new stems with leaves a year, reaches maturity at the age of five.

  • Washingtonia. unpretentious plant loves bright places and Fresh air. Does not tolerate the lack of moisture, but for her better development regular spraying is required. It is sensitive to transplantation, so it is better not to abuse it.

  • Trachycarpus. Cold-resistant variety that prefers abundant watering and outdoor recreation. Propagated by seeds and grows well in drainage soil. Transplantation is carried out after the pot is completely filled with the roots of the plant.

  • Hamerops. In apartment conditions, this species feels great at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​degrees, provided that the room is regularly ventilated (even in winter). He likes watering with soft water, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and moderate lighting.

  • Sabal. Quite a rare variety, which is not so easy to find on sale. This fan palm is unusually beautiful, but very capricious: when overflowing or lack of top dressing, the leaves quickly turn yellow and dry, which can lead to plant disease.

Good to know: after each watering of the palm tree, it is imperative to pour water out of the pan after some time to prevent the root system of the plant from rotting.

  • In the room where the palm tree is located, hang a tulle curtain on the window - this will provide the necessary diffused light, since the plant does not like dark corners and brightness.
  • Palm trees do not tolerate drafts, especially in winter. Therefore, ventilate carefully.
  • Do not let the ground near the palm tree be dry, it must be constantly moistened.
  • Palm trees suffer greatly from dry air and need regular spraying.
  • A palm tree needs a tall pot, drainage, and compost soil to grow well.
  • The palm tree is transplanted only in the spring. A young plant needs a transplant once a year, an adult - once every two or three years, the old palm tree is not transplanted.
  • For a warm room better fit date palm, for cool - fan.

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