How to grow a coconut tree at home. How to grow a coconut tree from a coconut

garden equipment 25.05.2019
garden equipment

Coconut palm- a tropical plant belonging to the Palm family, the only species of the genus Coconut. The homeland of this plant is not precisely established, it is suggested that it is Central America or Malaysia. All varieties are divided into two groups: dwarf and tall. Coconut got its name because of the resemblance to the muzzle of a monkey: translated from Portuguese, coco means "monkey".

Coconut palm is a tropical plant belonging to the Palm family, the only species of the genus Coconut.

The fruits of this plant, breaking away from the tree, are able to travel by sea for several months. The current brings them to new coasts, where they germinate and inhabit the coastal areas of tropical islands. The coconut palm grows not only in the hot tropics: some gardeners know how to grow a coconut at home.

Coconut fruit

Coconuts are sold peeled and dried in the sun. Green fruits do not tolerate long-term storage and transportation. When buying, shake the coconut to check for the presence of liquid in it. If the splash is inaudible, then the coconut is stale. Dry walnuts can be stored at a temperature not exceeding +5 °C. The opened fruit is stored no more than 2 days. For longer storage, the pulp can be frozen or dried.

The fruits are usually harvested with a ladder, as the coconuts grow on top of the palm tree. Monkeys are specially trained to help people get the fruits of this tree. They unscrew the coconuts and drop them down. Coconuts grow in groups of 15-20. For full maturation, they need 8–10 months, and this tree gives the first harvest at 7–9 years. 120 fruits per year is the average yield of this species.

Coconut fruit is usually called a nut, although botanically it is a drupe, which consists of several layers. What does a coconut look like?

  • exocarp - outer shell;
  • coir - fibrous shell;
  • endocarp - inner hard shell.

The flesh of the coconut is its seed. This layer is filled with endosperm - a translucent emulsion white color, which thickens and hardens as it matures.

Raw material from coconut tree

Coconut palm is used in many industries, all parts of it are used:

  1. Coconut water has antipyretic properties, quickly replenishes fluid reserves in the body. Coconut milk is used for sore throats. it effective remedy prevention of atherosclerosis. Coconut has a positive effect on the human reproductive system, supports immunity, improves brain function, and normalizes the state of the nervous system.
  2. Coconut flakes are made from the pulp, which is used for making confectionery. Coconut oil is also obtained from the pulp. It is added to shampoos, balms, hair masks, creams and lotions. From coconut oil get margarine, make candles, soap.
  3. Coconut shell is used as a substrate. The remains of the peel are crushed and processed, obtaining ready-made nutritious organic material. This soil has a high nutritional value.
  4. The wood is used to make furniture and flooring. The Pacific Islanders use the leaves as roofing for their huts.
  5. Coconut fibers (coir) are used for the manufacture of ropes, brushes, carpets, as fillers for orthopedic mattresses. The high price of these products is due to the complex technological process their manufacture. The fibers are impregnated with latex to obtain a monolithic block that holds its shape and does not crumble.

Coconut fibers are used as fillers for orthopedic mattresses, as well as for the manufacture of carpets, ropes, brushes.

Coconut fiber has the following beneficial properties:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to resist the formation of rot, the appearance of insects and microorganisms;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability.

Growing palm trees at home

Coconut grown at home will not bear fruit, but serve as an ornamental plant.

  1. It makes no sense to germinate a nut bought in a store, because the endocarp, which is necessary for reproduction, is removed from them. Only unprocessed fruit will sprout.
  2. Soak it for 2-3 days to swell and soak the fibrous layer. This is an imitation of a sea voyage after falling from a palm tree. Under natural conditions, coconut grows at high temperatures during the wet season.
  3. The main condition for growing is a tropical climate. The plant is very fond of moisture, heat and sun, but direct contact sun rays plant should be protected.
  4. Use a shallow pot that is 1.5–2 times the size of the fruit in diameter. A quarter of the tank should be occupied by drainage.
  5. The fruit is not buried completely, leaving a third on the surface. It can be planted both horizontally and vertically. When placed vertically, the side with which the fruit was attached to the palm remains at the bottom.
  6. The soil must be kept moist at all times, but standing water is unacceptable.
  7. For coconut palms, the optimum temperature is from 22 to 30 ° C without direct sunlight. The lower threshold is 13–15 °С.

Germination of coconut takes a lot of time - from 2 to 6 months. However, then the coconut palm will quickly grow. As the palm grows, it must be transplanted into a larger pot. When the plant becomes large and transplanting becomes difficult, you can replace upper layer soil with organic fertilizers.

The leaves of the plant need regular spraying or the installation of a tray filled with expanded clay with water. This will increase the humidity in the air.

Origin: coastal, tropical regions South America.

In room culture, it is grown as an ornamental leafy plant.

Does not bloom at home.

Common species: Weddel coconut (Cocos weddeliana), walnut-bearing coconut (Cocos nucifera).

Buying a coconut tree

We buy a plant only if:

If there are no signs of disease on it (spots, spots, bad smell, signs of decay);

If there are no pests on the plant, on the pot (including from its lower part);

If there is no damage to the trunk and growth buds.

A sign of a well-developed plant is the roots protruding from the pot.


Optimum lighting - diffused sunlight. Coconut tolerates partial shade. Direct sunlight is allowed with one restriction: in the period from May to July from 11-00 to 15-00 it is necessary to shade.

With excessive lighting, the sheet begins to curl, on the sheet plate appear sunburn. Young palm trees (up to 5-6 years old) are highly sensitive to direct sunlight, under their influence the leaves quickly turn yellow and die. From six years of age and older, the coconut palm is less sensitive to direct sunlight: the leaf will brighten, but will not die.

In order for the plant to maintain symmetry, every two weeks, it is recommended to rotate it around its axis by 180 degrees.

The appearance of yellow or brown spots on the leaf plate in summer time, speaks of excessive lighting.


The coconut tree is very sensitive to cold.

The optimal (average annual) temperature for the development of the coconut palm is 26-28 0 C. When the air temperature drops below 16-18 0 C for more than 2 weeks, the development of the plant stops.

A short-term decrease in temperature to 0 0 С is permissible.


Optimum humidity is high (80-90%).

At a humidity of 50% (normal summer room humidity), the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. Also, it is unacceptable to put a coconut in a draft or in the path of a cold air flow from an air conditioner - otherwise, you will forget what a beautiful crown is.


In the period from April to August, the frequency of watering is without drying the earthen coma.

AT winter time- with light drying of the earthy coma.

A common cause of coconut death is - over watering at an early stage.

The soil

The coconut palm prefers well-drained, sandy soils with a pH of 5.5 to 8.0.

Coconut is prone to rotting at an early stage, so the potting mix should be able to drain water quickly.

With properly composed soil, water, after watering, flows out of the pot through the drainage hole in a matter of seconds. If this happens within a few minutes, then such soil is not suitable for growing coconut.

The following materials are used for soil drainage: pebbles, pumice, very coarse sand, coarse perlite, wood chips (from 2 cm in size), granite and coarse peat.

Materials that reduce drainage soil mixture: clay soil, fine sand (fraction less than 3 mm) or any other substrate consisting of fine solid particles.

The composition of the soil mixture: 1 part sod land+ 1 part humus + 1 part perlite + 1 part leaf ground+ 1 part peat + 1 part tree bark.

If it is problematic to make the right mixture, use clean coarse sand for planting (this is the native environment for coconut). In this case, it is necessary to responsibly approach the quality of dressings, because. in sand nutrients no.


For top dressing, it is better to use granular, slow-release fertilizers. In this case, they are brought in in the spring - once a season.

As top dressing, you can also use soluble mineral fertilizers or solutions of organic fertilizers in the recommended concentration. Most best option- application of specialized fertilizers for palm trees. The frequency of feeding in this variant is once every three weeks. They are held from April to August.

Coconut Transplant

Coconut is a fast growing palm tree. In room culture, its life expectancy is 5-6 years.

The optimal period for transplantation is April.

Coconut transplantation must be carried out with the preservation of an earthy coma when the roots fill the entire pot. Coconut is transplanted every year into a container bigger size(by 10-15%). When transplanting, part of the roots that form the felt layer is cut off with a sharp knife so that the plant fits in a new pot.

When working with a palm tree, it is unacceptable to damage the trunk. If this already happened, then the wound must be treated with garden pitch. Remember - damage to the apical bud is tantamount to the death of the coconut.


Mealybug, spider mite, scale insects and false shields. See the Pests section for pest control methods.


1) Yellowing of the lower part of the crown, gradually spreading to the entire crown, indicates infection with phytoplasma diseases. There is no treatment - the plant is disposed of.

2) Black root rot (Thielaviopsis basicola), Pytium rot (Helminthosporium, Pythium, Fusarium), leaf spot.

3) Pink rot.

Weakened plants are susceptible to the disease.

Symptoms: the disease affects the leaf plate, the leaf may rot from the base, young shoots are stunted - damaged by rot. Sometimes the trunk can also rot. Pinkish spore masses can be observed along with a thick brown liquid.

Ways to fight. Treatment of the plant with fungicides containing methyl thiophanate and mancozeb, the treatment interval is a week. The plant is processed until complete recovery.

Physiological problems of development of the coconut palm

1) Chlorosis of young leaves. The reason is a lack of nutrients.

A high pH of the medium can cause manganese and iron deficiencies, and can lead to interveinal chlorosis of young leaves. When the situation worsens, chlorotic tissues turn into necrotic spots.

Action to be taken: Maintain soil pH below 7. Foliar application of appropriate substances will correct the problem. The result, as a rule, will not be fast.

2) Growth arrest.

Symptoms - weak or absent growth, leaf chlorosis, especially the lower ones. Soil temperature control at 25-27 0 C. The main growth of coconut palm roots stops at 16-17 0 C, root activity slows down, so that nutrient absorption is reduced. This decrease in absorption may not be uniform, which is why some micronutrient deficiencies occur in cold weather.

3) Magnesium deficiency.

Symptoms - chlorosis lower leaves, which first develops along the edge of the sheet, eventually progresses to the entire surface of the leaf plate. This is a fairly common deficiency.

Method of elimination: when compiling the soil mixture, add dolomite flour; the situation can also be corrected by the introduction of microfertilizer (magnesium sulfate) in the form of root or foliar top dressing.

4) Edge burn of leaves.

Symptoms - burnt edges of the leaf plate. Coconut is sensitive to waterlogged or poorly aerated soils. Edge burn of the leaf usually occurs in relatively short time after root damage begins. It is necessary to change the soil substrate (complete or partial), in parallel watering is reduced.

5) Copper toxicity.

Symptoms are elliptical spots on leaf feathers that look a bit like fungal leaf spots.

Avoid using fungicides containing copper. The concentration of copper used in mixed microfertilizers is not considered a potential problem when used at recommended rates.

6) Fluorine toxicity.

Symptoms: the tips of the feathers die off, turn brown.

Avoid known sources of fluoride, especially superphosphate, which is used in many potting mix recipes.

pruning coconut

Cut off dead and broken leaves.

Do not cut: leaves that have partially changed their color to yellow or brown. The reason is that a palm tree draws nutrients from dying leaves.

When pruning, do not damage the trunk of a palm tree. Damage to the apical bud leads to the death of the coconut. If during transplantation the earthen ball collapsed and the roots were exposed, then half of the leaves must be removed to reduce evaporation.

During the year, never delete more leaves than they grow in a year.

Coconut is characterized by drying of the tips or edges of the leaf plate. The death of parts of the leaf is usually associated with extreme heat or lack of watering. The brown tips of the leaves must also be trimmed.

Coconut propagation

Coconut fruit 10-30 cm long, covered with a hard shell, may be ovoid, angular or spherical in shape. On a surface hard shell there are pores. When germinating through the pores of the shell, the stem and root system come out.

The coconut germ, which is inside the fruit, quickly loses its germination capacity, especially when it dries out.

For reproduction we use a fresh green, unripe fruit. Ripened fruits germinate worse. Coconut seeds do not have a dormant period. When choosing a fruit for germination, shake it. A fruit capable of sprouting, when shaken, will make a splashing sound of liquid. Before planting, soak it in water for a day (water temperature is not lower than +25 0 С).

For planting, we use a container whose diameter is 1.5-2 times greater than the length of the fruit. The volume of the container should be equal to five to six volumes of the fruit, the depth of the pot should be about 40 cm.

1) ¾ fill the container with soil mixture. The composition of the soil mixture: 1 part of rotted manure + 1 part of leafy soil + 1 part of perlite.

2) We put the fruit on a hard surface to find the equilibrium position. Keeping the resulting position, we transfer it to the pot and put it on the substrate.

3) Half the height of the fruit is covered with a substrate. Watering.

Germination conditions:

  • soil temperature 27 - 35 0 С;
  • humidity 100%;
  • lighting - bright diffused light;
  • the soil mixture should not dry out.

Germination period is 3 to 6 months.


In order to make our home more comfortable, we grow different plants and take good care of them. But each plant is different and requires special care. Often, lovers of large green flowerpots acquire a coconut palm, but not everyone knows the features of its care. After all, if this is done correctly, it grows big, beautiful and pleases its owners.

The origin of the coconut palm is considered to be Malaysia. Inhabited in the tropics, it can grow up to 20-30 m. If the palm tree is grown in apartment conditions, then its height reaches no more than 5 m. Flowering and fruits can only be in tropical conditions, where it fully grows and ripens.

You can grow your own coconut tree at home. This is done with the help of a nut, the fruit of a coconut, which should be in a greenhouse or other warm place at a temperature of about 30 degrees. It is necessary to keep it until it sprouts, after that, place it in a pot of earth. As a rule, the germination process lasts about 6 months. When a palm tree grows several centimeters, it is important to provide optimal conditions for her growth:

  • you need to grow it at a temperature of 23-26 degrees because the coconut tree loves warmth very much. In winter, the temperature should not be below 17 degrees, because the plant may die;
  • the substrate for the coconut palm should be soft and consist of half peat and humus. It is very important when planting a nut in the ground not to completely immerse it in the soil, only its lower part should be in the ground;
  • the palm tree should be placed in a bright place, but at the same time protect it from sunlight. Also, if possible, it can be additionally illuminated with special devices. This plant responds quite well to light;
  • special attention should be paid to the humidity where the palm tree is located. Since she mainly lives in the tropics, she needs humidified air (about 70-80%). Therefore, if possible, spray it with water at least every other day. Make sure that water does not fall on the nut, otherwise the plant will begin to rot and disappear;
  • since the coconut takes a very long time to grow, it need to be fed. For this, it is best to use only organic fertilizers. This should be done no more than once a month. For older plants, it is advisable to start top dressing in the spring and do this throughout the summer. In winter, it is recommended to leave the coconut at rest, as the process of its growth itself decreases.

After you managed to grow your own coconut at home, it is now important to properly care for it so that it is beautiful and healthy. One of important points there is irrigation. To determine if a palm needs water, try the top of the substrate - it should always be slightly damp. But in winter period it is best to reduce watering, while allowing the top ball of earth to be slightly dry. It is unacceptable that there is water in the pot, its stagnation can lead to various diseases of the palm tree.

A transplant should be every year in order for the plant to grow well. Like for everyone indoor plants this is best done in the spring, this is the best period in order to adapt to new ground. But when the palm reaches the age of about 3-4 years, it can no longer be touched. During this time, she becomes strong enough and needs rest in order to actively grow. Also, when transplanting, it is important to ensure good drainage for the palm tree. To do this, you can use sand, pebbles or granite.

Coconut palm, which is grown at home, is characterized by the appearance of dry and yellow leaves. It is recommended to cut them off immediately, because they can interfere with growth. healthy leaves. Pruning must be done very carefully so as not to damage the nut or the stem of the plant.

Stick to the terms proper care behind the coconut palm is very important, because its future fate depends on it. Given that the palm tree is exotic plant, then it can be difficult to grow it in normal conditions. Often the cause of her death is various diseases that appear when her care is violated, for example:
  • the appearance of various insect pests;
  • appearance different kind rot, which mainly affects the fruit of the palm tree - the nut;
  • fungal diseases on the leaves;
  • lack of vitamin microelements, which lead to a violation of the production of photosynthesis. A significant indicator is the change in color of palm leaves, which become a pale yellow hue.
Video on how to properly care for a palm tree - nut-bearing coconut (in Latin "Cocos Nucifera"):

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Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs - "supplier" delicious pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then drizzle with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. emerald needles various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Country rising sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

The coconut tree does not grow in our climate, but you can try planting it in a pot. It perfectly complements the interior of any room.

The coconut tree grows in hot climates.

Growing a tree requires knowledge, which must be relied upon when choosing a fruit and planting it.

natural habitat

The coconut tree grows in tropical countries. The homeland of the tree is Malaysia, but it can be found in some coastal regions of Africa, North and South America (Brazil), etc.

The peculiarity of the tree is its fruits. Many nuts have kernels inside, but this plant has coconut water inside the fruit, which tastes good and is very healthy.

What does a palm tree look like?

  • height 14 m;
  • wide hairy trunk;
  • rosette crown;
  • the leaves resemble a bird's feather;
  • small flowers.

How coconuts grow: fruits form groups of 15-20 pieces. Inside them is coconut water, which tastes good. Coconut is a drupe with a diameter and length of up to 30 cm. The outer peel is thin and consists of fibers that hide a hard shell. The seed is white in color and has a hard structure.

Coconuts are the fruit of the palm tree

Varieties of coconut

The coconut palm is the only species of the genus Cocos. In the natural climate, you can find several varieties:

  • dwarf;
  • medium;
  • tall.

You can also meet ornamental plants small in size, but their fruits are unsuitable for consumption. They are distinguished depending on the color of the nut: brown, yellow or orange.

Fruits of different varieties differ not only in color, but in shape and size. AT natural environment a palm tree can reach a height of about 30 m, and at home no more than 6 m.

If you decide to get a tree at home, then it is better to choose varieties of small sizes, because they are tall in room conditions live no more than 7 years.

How to plant a coconut

How to Grow a Coconut: There is only one way, and that is with seeds. For planting, unpeeled mature fruits that have not been processed are selected. They should have enough juice.

How to plant a coconut:

  1. Soak the walnut in water for a few days. This will create natural conditions for its growth.
  2. The optimum temperature is 30 °C. The humidity must be high enough.
  3. When the nut germinates, it is moved to a tub with nutrient soil. Only half of the nut is buried in the soil, and the second part with the sprout should be located on the same level with the ground.
  4. The composition of the soil coconut palm is not demanding. In its natural environment, it grows even on the sand. To obtain good tree, the soil should be light and loose. If desired, humus or peat can be added to the soil. The diameter of the container for planting should be twice as large as the nut.

The tree grows slowly, but at proper fit and care can speed up this process. This is a tropical plant that is not adapted to our conditions.

Coconut should be germinated before planting

Coconut tree care

Lighting is the main condition for growing coconut. But this does not mean at all that it should be constantly under direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will dry out and fall off. You need to choose a place where there is enough light, but there is no direct sunlight. A shaded balcony is good. You can use LED lamps.

The air temperature in the room should not fall below 15 °C. If this happens, the tree will die. The humidity for this tropical plant should be 75%.

spend the winter wet cleaning in the room where the plant is located. Place a container of water next to it, spray regularly. Water should only fall on the leaves, a wet nut will begin to rot. The palm tree needs regular watering.

If a coconut tree young, then watered every day. An adult palm requires less water. The first five years, the coconut should be replanted regularly, and after this period, humus should be applied to the soil.

A young coconut should be watered every day.


Coconut palm at home grows very slowly, fertilizers are applied to speed up the process. Can be used as organic top dressing, and inorganic. You can use bulk and liquid products.

Start top dressing in the spring and finish in the fall. In winter, it is stopped, the number of waterings is reduced in order to be at rest and go into growth in the spring.

If the coconut tree was originally planted in vitamin-rich soil, no fertilizer is applied for the first few years.

coconut tree pests

Improper care and planting lead to diseases or pests. If we plant a plant incorrectly or water it more than it should be, then we provoke problems.

These insects often attack the coconut palm:

  • scab;
  • mite;
  • mealybugs;
  • thrips;
  • false shields.

You can fight them with tools that are sold in gardening stores or make them yourself.

Prevention should be carried out, the rules of planting and care should be followed, the soil should be regularly treated with copper sulphate, and the leaves of the plant with soapy water.

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