Who has the right to install fire doors. Does the license for the installation of fire doors need a license? Who has the right to get permission? How to get a license

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Most recently, fire doors were a mandatory attribute in production rooms. To date, they are increasingly found in ordinary homes. However, it is not enough to just bring and install it on your own. In order for the fire-fighting door to perform its functions as effectively, it is necessary to entrust it to the installation of their work to the professionals. Only qualified specialists can install door box, closer and make sealed mounting seams. When choosing an organization offering similar services, special attention Note the MES license for installation fire doors.

MOE license for mounting fire doors is official documentissued by legal systems engaged in systems fire protection. It is issued for the period five years the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Note that in some cases that are enshrined by legislative acts, this period can be reduced.

The main purpose of licensing the installation of fire doors is the strict selection of IP and companies planning to deal with service fire safety. A number of special requirements are set in front of the legal entities, which will eventually lead to each of them their obligations.

Camera licenses for the installation of fire doors must comply with the following criteria:

  • the personnel composition of the organization must have appropriate training (there must be employees with higher and secondary education in the field of fire safety);
  • the organization should establish a system of liability insurance in case of harm to third parties caused by unqualified service;
  • it is necessary to provide a list of licensed types of work performed;
  • a document confirming the payment of state duty should be provided.

It is also desirable that each employee has been concluded. labor contract with the organization. Under certain circumstances, this can play an important role.

In order to fully deal with the procedure for obtaining a fire license to install PD, first, we will have to deal with the law.

To date, there are three main documents in the field of licensing activities for the installation of fire doors, namely:

FZ № 99 dated 04.05.2011

"On licensing certain types of activities" (hereinafter in the text we will use the reduction - "FZ No. 99").

In the Federal Law No. 99 speaks of general requirementsThe licensing of certain types of goods and services, as well as which types of goods and services are subject to mandatory licensing. Also, the law provides a list of documents necessary to submit an application for license.

According to paragraph 15, Part 1, Article 12, FZ No. 99, installation activities (installation), repair and those. Maintenance of fire doors (including gates, hatches, curtains, screens and curtains) are subject to compulsory licensing.

Strictly speaking, in the Federal Law No. 99, it is not said specifically about, it said "Installation activities, maintenance and repairing funds to ensure fire safety of buildings and structures. "

But here to find out what specific types of activity are meant, we need to contact the next document.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 1225

"On licensing of installation activities, maintenance and repair of funds for the fire safety of buildings and structures" (hereinafter referred to as "PP of the Russian Federation").

As follows from the name, the document establishes the procedure for licensing installation, repair and technical activities. Maintenance of various equipment in the field of fire safety, including fire-fighting doors.

In the application this documentA concrete list of works and services of the components of the components of the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment of buildings and structures are given, namely, paragraph 8 of the PP of the Russian Federation states - "Installation, maintenance and repair of fillings of openings in fireproof obstacles."

Accordingly, under the "fillings of openings in fire barriers" are understood by fire doors, gates, hatches.

Among other licensed activities, to ensure the fire safety of the Government listed in the decree can be allocated as follows:

Repair, installation and maintenance activities:

  • fire extinguishing systems;
  • fire and fire alarm systems;
  • firewater supply systems;
  • smoke removal systems and air ventilation;
  • warning and evacuation systems for fire (fire alarm);
  • photoluminescent evacuation systems;
  • fire curtains and curtains;
  • primary fire extinguishing means;

As well as work on:

  • flames for materials, products and structures;
  • installation, repair, heat insulation and cleaning of furnaces, fireplaces, other heat generating plants and chimneys.

In addition, PP of the Russian Federation lists the requirements for the applicant (applicant) to obtain a license. Also in PP of the Russian Federation, a list of a number of documents necessary for obtaining a license to install fire doors is given.

More detailed information About documents necessary for submitting an application for license and on the procedure for obtaining a license is contained in the following regulatory act.

Order of the EMERCOM of Russia of 05/28/2012 No. 291

"On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry Russian Federation By Affairs civil Defense, emergency situations and eliminating the effects of natural disasters to provide a state service for licensing installation activities, maintenance and repair of fire safety buildings and structures "(hereinafter referred to as the" order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations ").

The document describes in detail the procedure for providing a state-owned licensing of fire doors. And also gives full list Documents required for obtaining a license.

It is worth noting that the above list of documents in the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in fact, completely duplicates Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 99, where this entire list is already indicated.

The procedure for obtaining a fire license MES

Now that we dealt with regulatory acts (FZ No. 99, PP of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), it is possible to proceed to the requirements and documents that must be submitted to the applicant (applicant) to receive the above license.

Requirements for the applicant

According to PP of the Russian Federation, licensed requirements include:

  1. The presence of the applicant (applicant) to receive a license necessary to perform the work of equipment and tools, other technical means (including measuring instruments and equipment).
    Clarify - regulations do not give a specific list necessary equipment and tools for installing fire fittings. Therefore, under the "equipment and the tool" is meant, as a rule, standard equipment and tools for certain works in the field of fire safety.
    For example, to install fire doors, it will be a drill / perforator, level / plumb, nail-cutter, screwdriver, roulette, etc.;
  2. Availability in the state of the applicant to receive a license of qualified workers;
  3. Requirements for employees:
    • Workers should have an employment contract with a license applicant;
    • Availability from workers vocational education in the profile type of work and services;
    • The minimum work experience (experience) by profile at half the company employees should be at least 3 years;
  4. In the event that the fire license to install fire doors is presented individual entrepreneur (IP), the following requirements are presented:
    • The presence of profile professional education at the IP;
    • Minimal experience in profile - 3 years;
  5. Employees of the applicant or IP should improve the qualifications of the profile type of activity at least 1 time in 5 years.

National tax

To date, amounts to 6,000 rubles.

Required documents

The applicant (applicant) to receive a license must be provided to the licensing authority (MES) package of the following documents (copies of their):

Copies certified by notary:

  • Certificate OGRN;
  • Certificate INN;
  • Articles of association;
  • The constituent agreement of the organization (if there is such);
  • Extract from the register;
  • Rental contracts for premises and equipment owned by the organization;

Copies of the following documents:

  • Help from state bodies. Statistics;
  • Decision / protocol for creating an organization and the election of his head;
  • Documents on education (diplomas, certificates, etc.) of the head of the organization and all its employees;
  • Labor books of the head and all employees of the organization;
  • Passport of the company's head;
  • Payment document on payment of state duty;
  • Details of the organization are completely (including banking).

Term of the license

It is 45 business days, or 2 calendar months - it is just such a period of registering in the EMERCOM order.

To clarify a fuller package of documents to the applicant (applicant) to obtain a license to install fire doors, it is necessary to contact the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations. Or to an organization / company specializing in assistance in issuing such licenses.

The main purpose of refractory door structures - Protection against the spread of fire. In the structures of increased danger, they must be installed on the whole range of evacuation paths. Installation is possible only if there is a license for installing fire doors. When contacting a specialized firm, you need to check availability necessary documentspermitting this species Activities.

When the question is raised, whether the license is necessary for the installation of fire doors, the answer is definitely positive. Without licensing a fix, installation cannot be installed.

Fire structures should ensure reliable protection of human lives and material property. These presented the following requirements:

  • the presence of a refractory surface;
  • resistance to the ignition of the aggregate;
  • defence from carbon monoxide and smoke;
  • noise insulation;
  • unobstructed opening.

Compliance with all conditions will avoid negative consequences in emergency situations.

Installation of DPM should be carried out by a license. Only if there is permission to install, the door will be delivered in accordance with the requirements. Violation of the rules of installation will entail the unreliability of the entire design.

To get permission, the firm must have:

  • staff of professional staff;
  • specialized equipment.

If the company offering his services does not have a special permission, then it is not necessary to conclude a contract with them. Implementation of doors without relevant documents is prosecuted.

Who has the right to get permission? How to get a license?

According to legal acts, for the passage of the licensing procedure, the applicant must comply with certain requirements:

  1. The presence of tools for mounting. Mostly it is a basic set: screwdrivers, perforator, roulette, level, nail-holder, screwdriver.
  2. Qualified personnel with extensive experience;
  3. Labor contracts with personnel;
  4. Passing by assembly training features of the DMM installation;
  5. Labor experience should be 3 years.

When contacting the authorities, an individual entrepreneur who wants to work independently must have:

  • profile finished education;
  • labor experience more than 3 years.

IN obligatory Persons engaged in the installation of flame retardant doors must confirm the qualifications every 5 years.

In order to access the installation of fire doors, the MES license is needed. The executing authority checks the integrity and sample matching required parameters:

  • stability to deformities;
  • creating a barrier to penetrate fire into a protected zone;
  • lack of holes over the entire design area;
  • reliable fixation of the canvas in the box;
  • the permissible heating of the doors and accessories;
  • the ability to easily open the lock.

If the doors respond to all parameters, then for their installation you need to check the correspondence of GOST 31173 from 2003. The following technical conditions must be performed:

  1. The diameter of the anchors for fixing the structure is at least 0.1 cm. The permissible gap between them is not more than 70 cm.
  2. Installation is carried out strictly by level. The maximum allowed deviation is 0.015 cm. When the profiles are arranged at different angles, the general deviation should be no more than 0.03 cm.
  3. The door frame is installed symmetrically vertically located in the center of the opening. A deviation of the door to the side is allowed, where the loops will be located, by 3 mm.
  4. Seams are filled mounting foam For tightness.

When performing all conditions and collects the necessary documentation, installation activities can be carried out.

Documents for licensing

In order to submit an application form to obtain permission, the applicant must prepare documents. These include:

  • certificate INN;
  • state registration number (OGRN);
  • the constituent contract of the company (if available);
  • extract from registry legal entities;
  • charter of the company;
  • the prisoner lease agreement and the occupied area.

In addition, you need to prepare copies:

  • certificates from state statistics;
  • decisions on the formation of the organization;
  • protocol on the appointment of a governing person;
  • educational diplomas of employees;
  • receipts on payment of state duty;
  • labor books;
  • document certifying the identity of the person;
  • bank details of the company.

Term of the license

The application is seen within 2 months. After 45 working days, a license is issued or a failure comes. Do not give permission can for reasons:

  • the information specified in the application is unreliable;
  • the company does not meet the necessary requirements;
  • deprivation of a license for similar activities in the past.

To clarify the list of required documents at the time of filing, the applicant must turn directly to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The procedure can be entrusted to the company that provides services for obtaining permits.

Responsibility Installers of doors

After mounting the door fire typeShe should take tehnadzor and fire safety inspector. In order not to arise, the customer should control the entire process.

The performer must provide before starting work:

  • passport installed design;
  • certificate of compliance with all the requirements of fire safety;
  • mounting license.

When passing the object you need to check for the following items:

  • closer;
  • flame retardant sealing foam, which has a characteristic pink color;
  • schild S. complete information About DMM.

The correct installation of the door is checked by a number of actions:

  1. Treat the door and let go. It should close smoothly due to the closer. If cotton is present, the design will quickly fail.
  2. Check the availability of gaps between door blast and box. It should be noted that the sealer should sit tightly in the grooves.
  3. View the door to the quality of painting. If there are lumens, corrosion may begin in their place.
  4. The tape expanding under the influence of high temperatures should be well cleaned throughout the perimeter.

After the verification was made, the act and the object is put into operation.

Can licenses deprive?

According to FZ No.99 from 2011, permission is issued indefinitely. If the Contractor violates the licensing agency, the executive body annuls or suspends the current license.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is monitoring the work of companies engaged in installing fire doors. Periodic checks are conducted for control. The first exit is scheduled in a year, and then once every 3 years. During the raid is checked:

  • compliance with the license requirements;
  • documentation;
  • the presence of the necessary toolkit.

In addition, there are a number of reasons for unscheduled control:

  1. In violation, the deadline for correcting shortcomings was given and it comes to an end.
  2. The Ministry of Emergency Situations received the information of private or legal entities about the improper execution of the license instructions.
  3. The expiration of the suspension of activities.
  4. Statement of the licensee to eliminate shortcomings.
  5. Government order.

If violations are revealed, and the company has not corrected them on a designated period, by the court decision, the Contractor deprives the license. If the entrepreneur completes the installation of fire doors, he is obliged to notify the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On request, the license document is canceled.

The installation of refractory structures will protect the property and secure the life of people. Turning to the company with a license to install DPM, it guarantees reliability and compliance with the requirements fire safety. Strict control of the state for the actions of licensees will allow customers to be convinced of the professionalism of the company's employees.

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