Textiles in the interior: the best fabrics for home decoration. Textiles in the interior - the secrets of the art of decorating Woven interior

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Decorating rooms is not a science, but rather an expressive art. So why not add, say, a couple of strokes to our finished decor painting Eastern culture, by bright silks in textile items. Or harsh touches of Scandinavia, just by adding woolen plaids. Let's talk about textiles in the interior with photo examples of how it is used to make it even more beautiful.

Textiles have long ceased to be an element of necessity. This is an integral part of the interior, no less significant than furniture or accessories, thanks to textiles, you can recreate a certain mood in the room, add or reduce its volume, or place accents in a different way. For example, curtains and curtains can be placed not at all to protect from the sun. This is not only the first association with textile decoration, but also an excellent and more comfortable replacement for doors. Thanks to them, the interior becomes richer and more interesting.

Here is a good example of using textiles in .

To create a separate zone, you can use light curtains that can be draped at will, unlike screens and partitions that make the space heavier. All you need is a suitable cornice and fabrics that match the color. An interactive decorating technique like draping can be used to decorate niches, paintings, mirrors and more.

But do not dwell on the curtains and how they need to be selected is one of the few elements of textile decoration. Let's look at where else you can use such a characteristic thing as fabric.

For example, minimalists will say that warm and cozy kitchen possible without textiles. But is it really so? In essence, I will say, and I will be most of the time right, no. After all, how can you imagine a kitchen and table decor without a tablecloth, cloth napkins, coasters for plates and much more. These things have long ceased to be just a necessity for use. With the help of them, you can create a holiday mood if you cover a tablecloth embroidered from expensive fabric and painted napkins. Or, create a businesslike atmosphere with sober tones like black and brown.

Do you want to diversify the decor even more? Order upholstery or upholstery for upholstered seats, sofas and a bed in special salons. Today, such furniture is extremely easy to upgrade, if you only want to. You can provide fabric of any color, but do not forget that covers should not only be beautiful and bright, fit into the interior and the like, but also meet the main criteria, such as durability. You can make the modernization of furniture handicraft, that is, with your own hands. For example, attach a "skirt" of chiffon or organza to a bed or sofa. Perhaps the topics "" and "" will be of interest.

Also, it is worth remembering that cute and warm pillows, correctly matched in color, say, with curtains or curtains, can unite your poorly matched furniture. The more of them, the cozier and warmer it becomes in the room. This is the element of decor that easily transforms even the most demanding style.

From scraps and fragments of what is left of the upholstery, you can make another combining version of the interior. It's easy - make an original picture.

Textiles are able to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. With it, you can adjust the light and color scheme, brighten ceilings, make objects smaller or larger, as in other things, and the room itself. And remember, light colors expand the space, and dark colors narrow it.

Remember, the interior expresses only emptiness if there are no textiles in it. The fabric is the character of the room. The main thing is not to get too carried away. This can greatly spoil the impression of the interior.

Speaking about the interior, it is difficult to say what is its fundamental and important part. Someone lends great importance wall and floor decoration, someone - furniture, others - accessories. In fact, the interior is an indivisible totality in which every component is important. To achieve harmony in space, it is necessary to pay due attention to each element and its role in creating an overall balance. Design is like a microcosm in which everything is closely interconnected and exists according to its own exclusive patterns. Today we will discuss the role of textiles in the interior and talk about some features that are worth considering. Textiles are an integral part of residential buildings and apartments, office buildings, places of entertainment and recreation, and almost any room. It is difficult to imagine the absence of textiles when creating a decor, but be sure that where it is still not there, there can be no comfort.

The use of textiles in different styles

The presence of textiles in interior design has been known since time immemorial. Changes in shape and texture are preceded by new trends and fashion trends of a particular period of time. Undoubtedly, the most “magnificent time” in the world of textile decoration, and perhaps fashion and design in general, is the Baroque. In this riot of luxury, tapestries, lint-free carpets, natural and thick curtains, canopies, luxurious bed decorations with multiple ruffles, fringe, and tassels were used. Each element was distinguished by its majestic size as distinctive feature. You can probably talk about the style of Baroque decorations for hours, but we will focus on the most striking examples of its reflection in textiles, which will help to further emphasize, add or recreate this style.

At the sight of curtains running along the wall, almost from the ceiling to the floor, with drapery of expensive, massive fabric, there is no question about the style that the decorator resorted to. However, it is worth noting that if in that era the curtains were made of expensive dense fabric - brocade, satin or velvet with gold embroidery or appliqué, gold tassels and fringe; then at the present time the same form and massive expensive fabric are used, while embroidery, as a rule, is replaced by an ornament made of onyx, turtle, malachite, or other natural materials that emphasizes grandeur and luxury overall composition.

Natural and bright fabrics, intricate details or stripes, fringe, drapery are predominantly used in furniture upholstery. Skin, as a sign of bad taste, was excluded.

When decorating the bedrooms, the beds were decorated with canopies with bows and ruffles.

It is very important that the abundance of fabrics of different textures form a harmonious combination of the overall composition. To achieve this result, it is recommended to use one color scheme.

The Empire style, which originated in France, was also famous for its pomp. Rich decoration, executed in accordance with absolute symmetry and balance general view, containing elements of military symbols, is designed to emphasize the ideas of power and authority. The use of plain fabrics with gold embroidery gave a palatial atmosphere. Color palette selected in accordance with the colors of the flag of France - red, blue and white. The decoration of the bedroom was complemented by the use of canopies and silk, which covered the walls of the room.

Considering times closer to us, we will not see the predominance of decoration and luxury inherent in Baroque and Empire. For example, Art Nouveau embodied the idea of ​​​​transitioning from right angles and lines to “natural”, smoother and more curved ones. Often the ornaments of the plant world were taken as the basis. Asymmetry in the use of fabrics, the fabrics of which were often wrapped around a metal cornice, imitating waves, without a strict fastening structure, give an overall lightness and dynamics. Fabric curtains will add smoothness to the interior rectangular shape, collected with a decorative cord. Plain patterns are preferred for ornament. Calm, natural, natural colors that do not hurt the eyes with their brightness.

Pop art introduced the idea of ​​using the same fabric for both upholstery and drapes. Geometric shapes, bright catchy colors flowing from one interior element to another create a homogeneous cozy space. Furniture upholstery and curtains are preferably of the same texture and a single ornament. Preference is given to glossy and synthetic fabrics.

Currently, more and more designers are deciding on the use of space, giving preference to minimalism. Modest geometric shapes, in the absence of any decor, allow you to achieve the maximum functionality of the available area. Textile products are distinguished by the absence of all possible frills - brushes, ruffles. Lambrequins in the creation of this style are not permissible. To give comfort, you can use carpets with a uniform pile. Decor elements are made in uniform colors, without patterns and ornaments, forming a space for peace and relaxation.

Discussing the stylistic use of fabrics, it is also worth touching on high-tech, which stands out for its rigor, cold and limited use textiles. Preference is given to synthetic fabrics of silvery, cold tones. The decoration of the living room allows the presence of elements bright color. Bright orange or red can be easily found on furniture upholstery or blankets, synthetic and coarse-cut pillows. An element emphasizing the dynamics and contrast of the interior is bed linen, matched to the color of the walls, complementing the unity of style.

Knitted decorations, ethnic ornaments, natural colors and materials used to decorate the space are elements of the Scandinavian style that many people love. Light colors of natural tones, curtains made of thin cotton, tulle with splashes of color and linen roller blinds radiate lightness and simplicity, having to itself. Natural materials and pastel colors give the desired comfort and peace of mind.

Combination of textures and print

In addition to the fact that with the help of textiles you can easily add elements of another era to the present, dilute a boring interior or change the style, textiles can also help with accents in the interior. For example, make the ceilings visually higher, brighten the room, add volume to the space.

When combining texture and print in textiles, first of all, we need to look at what style we want to see ready-made version. If this is high-tech, then all materials should be synthetic, and coarse, dense, monophonic materials are suitable for upholstery or furniture. The curtains are light, silvery tones, without a print that would be out of place.

Choosing your favorite Scandinavian style, in addition to ethnic patterns and natural fabrics, knitted items, blankets or chair covers for ottomans will look good. Of course, whatever style you choose, you need to understand the importance of combining textiles with a common color solution space. With regards to the combination of prints of the entire room, it is necessary to ensure that it is in harmony in color or shape in order to avoid a general imbalance. The shape of the print implies the addition of a harmonious image, and not the exact repetition of existing elements. It should be understood that the print sharp corners will not go well with rounded lines and prints that have circles. If you are not tied to a particular style, then mixing textures always gives rise to an interesting image that conveys a personality that is right for you. Perhaps the most important rule is to trust your intuition and succumb to the will of choice, because in our time, with its transience and diversity, you need to try everything!

Speaking of techniques that can be used - working with curtains, volume and lighting. Here are the simplest effective methods to increase space and give volume to the room:

Curtains should be from the ceiling to the floor, and maybe a little bit on it;

Curtains should be of light fabric or tulle;

Curtains should be in small frequent assembly;

Curtains should be white or very light, pale shades and / or have vertical light thin stripes;

If you need to add not only volume, but also visually enlarge the windows, the curtains should not be assembled, but located on both sides of the window and executed in the same color as the walls. It is advisable to follow all the rules listed above.

Textiles must be suitable for a particular room. For example, using vertical stripes you can make the space wider, and with horizontal stripes make the window wider. When developing options for an approach to arranging a room, one should not forget that in addition to practical benefits, the solutions used can also be harmful and affect the final result. You should not abuse them in the interior, because satiety in this matter will bear the imprint of bad taste, adding only ripples in the eyes. Also, thick curtains of bright colors in a small room will significantly reduce the visual space, despite the rest of the elements in it. In any case, you should always think about the quality of the material, how durable, natural, waterproof it is, whether it is suitable for use in a given area.

Innovations in textile production

In the context of the use of textiles and its history, styles and their features, we will try to predict further dynamics, look into the future and its trends. Technological innovations do not stand still and bring new properties and applications to familiar things.

Preferred in this moment natural fabrics have acquired the properties not to fade, polymer coatings and impregnation make it possible not to let in light and moisture, expanding the scope of application in combination with the durability of the material. Europe, in particular Italy, is an innovator in the development of textiles and fabric production. The changing attitude towards design in a positive way is encouraging. The ongoing import substitution opens the way textile industries, providing the opportunity to keep up with the times and discover new directions. So, for example, Valentin Yudashkin plans to open a textile cluster in 2017, since, in his opinion, it is quite possible to make textiles in our country that can compete with Western models. We will be able to observe the implementation of these plans in the near future.

In interior design, every detail matters. It happens that the elements inner space designed to be complementary, redefine the style and overall impression of the interior. A modern interior is unthinkable without textiles. Textile interior design includes the design of window curtains, the selection of any other curtains, the upholstery of furniture with textiles, the choice of bedspreads, covers, pillows, carpets and many other accessories. It is these decorative elements that create warmth and comfort in the house, being the most emotional part of the interior.

Textiles and draperies are one of the most elegant ways to incorporate color, texture and pattern into monochrome interiors. Texture and material, decorative ornamentation of fabrics can be advantageously beaten in the design scheme.

Textile, like other decorative surfaces, sets a special mood and atmosphere in the interior, emphasizes style decision and logically completes the interior.

In professional studios, fabrics for interior design are presented in various style directions and have a pronounced note of individuality. The indisputable advantage of textile salons is high quality (fabrics of European production) and a wide variety of fabrics for every taste. A selection of textiles for curtains, upholstery, fabrics for covering walls is in harmony with a collection of furniture, wallpaper and carpets, this makes it possible for a thoughtful approach to home decoration.

Curtains play an important role in interior design, as this is one of the largest decorative elements that immediately catches the eye. There are several types of curtains in Kazan salons, let's look at the most popular of them.

Roman curtains. The principle of operation of Roman blinds is very simple: across the entire width of the canvas at regular intervals there are rings into which cords are threaded. When raising the curtain, lie down with soft horizontal folds like an accordion due to the rigid rails fixed from the inside, a weighting agent at the bottom of the curtain, it does not allow the curtains to develop freely. One of the advantages of Roman blinds - minimum costs fabric, only a straight canvas is required, due to which the texture, color and pattern of the fabric become the most significant.

Austrian curtain - curtain in the form of ruffles that create waves when the curtain is in the raised position. Austrian curtains are most often used in classic and stylized classics. modern interiors. Thick semicircular folds make out only the bottom, so the Austrian ones look lighter and more elegant, but not as strict as Roman blinds.

Japanese curtains (panels) are narrow (up to 1 m wide) rectangular canvases that are attached to a special cornice. Japanese panels it is emphatically concise and stylish option decoration of premises. They are actively used by designers not only in ethnic, but also in minimalist interiors. Japanese curtains are especially appropriate in combination with avant-garde furniture and accessories. Another name for Japanese curtains - panel curtains or screen.

French curtains they are a fabric gathered in beautiful horizontal folds, forming narrow vertical scallops along the entire length, and the curtain always remains assembled. The French curtain is distinguished by pomposity, underlined luxury. They can be used both in public and private interiors.

Classic - a style that does not lose its relevance and is not subject to fleeting fashion. Interiors in the classic style are characterized by discreet decor and expensive high-quality materials, such as silk. The interior, decorated in a classic style, is usually a room correct form radiating peace and solidity. Such an interior is not excessive, not overloaded with details, full of discreet dignity, taste and respectability.

Despite the wide variety of collections of textile products in stores, many are skeptical about the use of textiles in Everyday life considering it impractical. Let's try to debunk a few myths.

1. Textiles quickly get dirty and stains are not removed.

Reality: The fibers in quality textiles are tightly twisted to repel moisture and stains. And the dense weaving of the threads allows some hot pot holders to protect the hostess from hot dishes as much as possible - checked!

2. Textiles need special care and washing conditions.

Reality: if you follow the simple and affordable care rules indicated on the labels of each product, then the service life of your favorite textiles will pleasantly surprise you with its durability. And even the kids will not be able to damage its original appearance. In addition, thanks to the high quality raw materials used in the production of textiles, all products are made to last.

3.You will have to buy several sets.

What's true is true: home textile, like your wardrobe, there is a seasonality, so in any house there must be several sets in different colors.

Do not be afraid to experiment, especially since starting with textiles is the easiest way. Just by changing textiles from winter to spring, you have no idea what a big step you will take in updating your interior!

And if tablecloths seem like an old-fashioned solution to you, you can purchase table runners - this way the texture of the tree is visible, and the table turns out to be very elegant. In addition, in the arsenal of a good hostess there will certainly be a place for serving and staging napkins, a variety of towels of various shapes and densities, chair cushions, covers and much more! With such a wealth of choice, shopping for new clothes for your home will be a holiday!

The fashion for textiles is changeable: it is dictated by the fashion for a certain style in the interior. However, our mood is not subject to time. We are free to fill our home with a variety of bright and unique emotions and impressions, and faithful timeless textiles become our assistant.

When choosing textiles for the interior, think about what emotions you want to experience while at home. Any of your desires can be expressed in textiles of a certain color and texture, you just have to be creative.

Let's look at some fashionable interior design solutions with textiles.

Style "Return to the Roots" . This trend allows you to return to the bosom of nature, feel safe and have a good rest. main topic- simplicity and high quality materials with a touch of extravagance. The mood is peace and tranquility.

The aesthetics of the style is based on a combination of fabrics with an unusual structure: woven, slightly voluminous with simple and uncomplicated textures. The color scheme is represented by calm shades of gray-brown tones, gray umber, bronze, bamboo green, natural linen, warm beige and burnt earth, pottery clay.

Style "Private life". In the era of high technology, an abundance of information and an overabundance of communication, the topic of personal space becomes more important than ever. Emotion is security.

The self-sufficiency of this interior will be expressed in a combination of contrasting objects and materials: stylization of antiquity and modernity in textile textures. Using ornaments reminiscent of the Baroque era, velvet on silk, the color scheme is designed to create an enveloping mysterious atmosphere: lilac and pale lilac, wine, terracotta and beige, gray rose and blueberry.

Eco-luxe style. The theme of ecology does not lose its positions, but only receives a new development and expression. The requirements for the functionality of the interior are increasing every year. Eco-lux is a combination of the tranquility of nature with the energy of the metropolis, naturalness and innovation.

The trend offers soft, luminous, transparent materials made from natural and artificial threads. Light layers on fabrics, low-contrast embroidery - all this gives a feeling of warmth and naturalness. The color scheme is replete with shades of green and gray: silver moss, bleached green, pearl gray, gray-brown stone, brown reed.

Positive style. This style is very suitable for those who keep themselves in good shape and want to prolong or create a feeling of high spirits.

Versatility, functionality, richness of tone and simplicity at the same time - this is the nature of textiles in this direction. Combination of synthetic and environmentally friendly materials, blending of fabrics different forms and textures, graphic design and dynamism of texture.

Bright, explosive, vibrant, pure colors: blue, denim, yellow, deep green, orange. Interspersed ethnicity, stylization, for example, of Tatar national ornaments are welcome.

Patchwork, or patchwork. Recently, it has become very important to decorate the house with various crafts in the style of patchwork. Patchwork, or patchwork, is an ancient craft that our mothers and grandmothers were excellent at. It was believed that if the house has a patchwork fabric made by the hostess herself, then good luck and a profitable harvest will never leave the house.

In the style of patchwork (patchwork) you can make blankets, blankets, bedspreads, seat covers for chairs and armchairs - it will look very fashionable and elegant. If you make a frame in the patchwork style, then it will not only be unique decorative element, but also an unusual keeper of an old family photo.

It is also very convenient to use patchwork potholders and mittens for hot in the kitchen. Having patchwork in your home, be it a painting, a bedspread or a blanket, you create a unique original style in the interior of your home, fill it with warmth and extraordinary comfort.

Curtains on the window, towels and potholders - here standard set textiles that are found in every apartment. But you should not limit the use of fabrics only in these ways. It is unacceptable to miss alternative opportunities to transform the interior with the help of textiles. After all, such decor available to everyone looks unusually impressive.

1. Miniature but eye-catching curtains

Such curtains will be appropriate not only in the kitchen, but also in any room where the level of natural light is below average. Curtains decorate the interior, but do not block the way sunbeams.

2. Spectacular panels instead of paintings

From the remnants of fabrics that are in harmony with each other, you can make unusual panels. Just stretch the textile on cardboard or plank and the right size.

3. Cozy curtains in country style

Old scarves and pieces of fabric can be given new life, using them as unusual curtains. Just tie them to the cornice.

4. Fabric accent wall

accent wall, the design of which differs from other walls - great way revive the interior. The situation will become doubly original if you use a fabric stretched over a large frame for decoration.

5. Patchwork carpet

Even a child can sew a colorful carpet from the remnants of textiles that are in every home. Such a carpet will harmoniously fit into an eclectic interior.

6. Fabric decoupage on furniture

Decoupage with textiles - a simple but effective way to change old furniture. A fabric is applied to the primed surface and covered with a layer of PVA mixed with water. After drying, you need to apply several layers to the fabric acrylic lacquer.

7. Protection for open shelves

A lot of items standing in plain sight in open shelves create chaos in the interior. An easy way to organize the situation is to hang curtains that replace furniture facades.

8. Covers for many decorative pillows

Decorative pillows- an easy way to decorate the interior. In order for the pillows to form a single composition, put covers on them from harmonizing fabrics.

9. Cozy headboard

An unusual headboard for the bed will make the interior of the bedroom individual. Making a headboard with your own hands is easy.

10. Sleep under a canopy

Fabric canopy - classic way do sleeping place secluded and cozy. The canopy can be either translucent or made of dense fabric.

11. Unusual screen

The screen will help divide the living space into functional areas, as well as hide them from prying eyes.

12. Clothes for the lamp

The usual lampshade of an old lamp is easy to transform with the help of decoupage. To make the interior look cohesive, make a lampshade from the same fabric as the curtains.

13. Original ceiling finish

Curtains can be used for more than just window decoration. It is also a democratic way of zoning a room.

After the decor of the house with the help of textile elements is over, it's time to start arranging personal plot. Continuing the theme -

What fabrics can beautifully decorate the interior: best materials for textile interior design

In order to make a living space cozy, a good repair and even the most carefully selected furniture are not enough. Textiles are very important for the interior of the house, and it is better if they are natural fabrics (for example, silk, velvet, wool, linen or cotton). If you yourself are a skilled needlewoman, then it is enough to buy the material you like and use the fabric in interior decor, and if sewing is not your thing forte, then you can buy ready-made draperies.

For textiles decorative design The interior includes not only curtains, but also tablecloths, headboards, screens, pillows, bedspreads, furniture covers, napkins, towels, bed linen. Fabric in the interior of the house can also be covered with furniture facades and even walls.

The role of textiles in the interior and which fabrics are better

The role of textiles in the interior is very large.: with its help, you can both "revive" the situation, and "kill".

Fabrics in interior design- one of the most important components, one might say, is his clothes, finishing touch. It is enough to change only textiles to get a completely new design interior. If your mood and preferences often change, you want to bring something new into the interior - it is not necessary to make repairs every time. You are already armed with color information. Textile interior decor is the easiest thing to change in a house to remove negative colors as much as possible and add positive ones. It doesn't matter if the "bad" color, for example, is on the sofa upholstery. This is not a reason to change furniture or upholstery. The situation can be corrected by special furniture covers, which, if desired, can even be sewn on your own. If you know how to sew, be sure to sew yourself.

The main question that almost everyone has is: What fabrics are best for interior decoration? Literally before late XIX For centuries, people didn’t even have such questions - only natural ones.

Natural fabrics have always been and will be in price. Silk was first made in China, cotton in India, wool in the Middle East. Then artificial fibers appeared, and fabrics began to be made from them. Artificial fabrics, as a rule, are much cheaper than natural ones, but they look the same. Even very high-quality artificial fabric is an analogue of natural.

If you want ease of care, practicality and unpretentiousness - choose mixed fabrics. In them, natural fiber is intertwined with artificial, and the fabric becomes more durable, does not shrink, and is easier to iron. Ideally, if artificial impurities are not more than 30%. Then the fabric retains its natural look and at the same time does not present a surprise - shrinkage along the length (this is especially critical for curtains and tablecloths).

Tip: just a pair of silk pillows with lace or appliqué is enough to elevate the status of the interior. Intuitively, you can determine that a thing is expensive, by the amount of labor invested in it.

See how textiles are used in the interior in these photos:

Textile interior decor with silk

Silk in the interior- it is sophistication, coolness and lightness. Rather, it is typical classic style, art deco and, of course, oriental.

Silk- not only beautiful, but, for all its apparent tenderness, a very strong and durable material. Good expensive silk carpets practically do not know demolition, and you can safely walk on them even in heels. The same applies to any silk fabrics - whether they are used for curtains, bedspreads, for covering the head of a bed or walls.

Silk fabric can have a variety of appearance: and satin, and brocade, and velvet. Different types of silk fabrics are perfectly combined with each other and bring sophistication to the interior. For example, satin goes well with silk velvet and embroidery. If velvet is used in textile interior design, then it adds a chic touch to the living space. In addition, velvet, especially silk, drapes beautifully and is very pleasant to the touch.

Advice: when you want sophistication in the bedroom, silk bedding immediately comes to mind. Think why. Maybe we just want smoothness and silkiness? Satin (cotton fabric) gives the same effect, but unlike silk, this fabric is warm and warming. In the northern climate, sleeping on silk underwear is only comfortable in hot summers. In addition, satin in beauty and sophistication can be no worse than silk.

Textiles in interior decor: linen and cotton

Fabrics that give a completely different effect are linen and cotton. It's soft and cuddly eco-friendly materials which are perfectly combined with each other.

Refined simplicity- this is how you can characterize interiors with the use of linen and cotton, especially if small accents are used in the form of lace, napkins and pillows (as if the grandmother sewed them), which add the desired flavor.

This textile in the interior goes well with natural wood, covered with matte varnish or tinted in pastel colors.

Since these fabrics are good at sewing - they deform a little, do not slip, keep their shape - even a novice craftswoman can use them when decorating a house.

Cotton and linen textiles in interior design are used both woven and knitted. If we want naturalness and naturalness in the interior, we, of course, choose linen and cotton. These are durable and practical helpers. Thanks to a huge palette of colors and shades, linen fabrics can become an adornment for a nursery, a bedroom, and a cozy living room.

As you can see in the photo, these fabrics in the interior can be perfectly combined with silk and velvet:

There are stunning linen fabrics embroidered with velvet and silk thread. Such a fabric will always look advantageous in any interior and raise the space to more high level. However, connecting fabrics different type(for example, silk and linen), you should be aware of the possible deformation of products during washing. Dry cleaning is recommended for these items.

Wool in textile interior decoration

Wool- very gracious and warm material, especially if the decor items are knitted. They will certainly add comfort and softness to the house. Wool perfectly "gets used" to any interiors. She was always in the interior: carpets, blankets, bedspreads, pillows. It is not necessary to use textile interior decoration throughout the room. You can highlight cozy corners or soft spaces. This is especially true in winter, when a warm woolen blanket is an indispensable accessory.

Fur is perfectly "friends" with woolen decor. Such decorative fabric adds “weight”, “price” and status to the interior and always looks impressive. The skin on the floor can make "just" warm and cozy interior- chic and colorful.

Basic rules for using textiles in the interior

Below are the basic rules for using fabrics in textile interior design:

  1. If different fabrics are combined, it is important to remember that they can behave differently during washing. This applies primarily to shrinkage and staining. It is not always convenient and appropriate to wash fabrics before sewing them, especially if the fabric is expensive and you need a lot of it. An excellent solution for combined products is dry cleaning instead of washing, especially if the curtains are complex. It is better to pay for dry cleaning and get back a clean and ironed item than to throw it away after washing. Savings won't work.
  2. There should be a lot of textiles in interior design. Do not save on fabric footage when buying! It is beautiful when it is soundly draped, almost touches the floor or lies on the floor. The worst mistake is when the curtains are too short or when there is not enough drape!
  3. If you are using textiles for interior decoration, remember to place curtains around the window! In order for them to fit well, you need to take out the eaves by 20-30 centimeters beyond the dimensions of the window. It is also important to take into account the distance from the eaves to the ceiling so that the curtain does not seem too low and does not rest against the ceiling.
  4. The length of the brackets for the cornice is important so that the curtain hangs freely without touching the window sill or radiator: then the curtain will have a “kink”, and regardless of the beauty of the fabric, the impression will be spoiled. The distance between the rails of the eaves is also important so that there is enough room for drapery and the curtain hangs in the correct folds.
  5. Be sure to keep in mind that the fabrics are different in light: some are transparent, others are dense, opaque. If blocking out the morning light is important to you, it matters. As a last resort, for a fabric you like, but translucent, you can apply a blackout lining. Then you can use any fabric.
  6. Lined curtains look very nice. However, they require dry cleaning. If you will definitely wash the curtains yourself, at home, choose curtains without lining or both curtains and lining made of synthetic fibers.

Correct calculation of fabric for window decoration in the interior

When using textiles in the interior, the correct calculation of the fabric is necessary. The following is considered how not to make a mistake with the quantity when buying material for curtains.

Contrary to prejudice, making a fabric calculation for curtains is not so difficult. The main thing is to make correct measurements and, when calculating, do not forget to add fabric to the hem, take into account the pattern (rapport), if required, and drapery.

Calculate the amount of fabric you need according to the scheme below:

Cornice length = window width + 20-30 cm on each side. Fabric width = cornice length × 2.2. Fabric height = cornice height + 20 cm.

If you put the curtain on the floor = cornice height + 30–40 cm. If the ceilings are very high, the cornice can be mounted 20–30 cm above the window.

We check the fabric for the possibility of drapery (compliance)

To do this, take the fabric around the corner and hang it diagonally. If the fabric is laid in soft folds, it will behave the same way in the curtain. If we want to get a soft interior - this fabric is for us.

If the fabric does not drape, but breaks- it is suitable for curtains that need to keep their shape, for example, for "Roman", or if the curtains will hang in straight folds, and it is important for them to keep the shape that the designer will give. Or you just need to make a hard lambrequin. Very often, it is not the fabric that is bad, but it was used incorrectly.

The softer the fabric, the better it will drape. At the same time, soft fabric for a beautiful drapery on the window will require a little more. In the fabric calculation example above, we took an average factor of 2.2. For pliable fabrics, to make the curtain even more luxurious, you can apply a factor of 2.5. A curtain made of rigid fabrics, for example, for hanging on grommets (metal rings embedded in the fabric) will require less fabric: a factor of 1.7–2.0 can be applied. On strict curtains, vertical decors will look good, emphasizing the conciseness of the lines, for example, finishing the edge of the curtain with a fabric of a different color.

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