Analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin N. Writing on the work of "poor Liza" N.M.

Reservoirs 24.09.2019

MBOU "Shorkistrian School" of the Urmar district Chuvash Republic

MBOU "Urmar School them. Gorodova "Urmar district of the Chuvash Republic

Who is guilty?!

N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa")

    Ivanov I.M., Russian teacher and literature

MBOU "Shorkistrian School"

    Ivanova I.N., Teacher of Russian Language and Literature



Theme lesson: who is to blame?!

(lesson - reflection on the story

N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa")

And the peasants can love ...

N.M. Karamzin

Learn to maintain yourself!

Before the misfortune leads.

A.S. Pushkin.

"Poor Lisa" is an exemplary work,

dedicated to ne. external events,

a "sensual" soul.

E. Sketch

Type of lesson: Lesson - thinking (conversation with elements of text analysis).

Form of the lesson: Combined, using critical thinking technology.

Objectives lesson:

    Know the content of the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa", the role of the storytellor and nature in the narration, distinctive features of sentimentalism.

    To be able to analyze episodes, determine the power of love in the formation of the human soul, to understand the copyright position.

    Bring up the guys understanding the need for harmony of reason and love humane attitude To a person with the condemnation of immoral actions, the ability to produce his own opinion about the world around.


    Textbook of literature;

    Full text Tale N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa";

    Portrait of N.M.Karamzin;

    Illustration "Poor Lisa";

    Illustrations made by students to stories;

    Distinctive features of sentimentalism.

During the classes

    Solweig song sounds (in Russian) Edward Griega. Against the background of music, it is read by heart with an episode from the story (better if the student will be read).

Lisa was found by Pa Outdoor, and in such a position that could not describe the pen. "He, he kicked me out? Does he love another? I died!" - Here is her thoughts, her feelings! Cruel faint ripped them for a while. One good woman who went down the street "stopped over Lizosu, lying on the ground, and tried to bring her in memory. Unhappy discovered her eyes - I got up with the help of this kind woman - thanked her and went, he didn't know where." I can't live, - Thought Lisa - it's impossible! .. Oh, if the sky fell on me! If the Earth absorbed the poor! .. No! The sky does not fall; Earth does not hesitate! Mount to me! "She left the city and suddenly saw himself on the bank of a deep pond, under the shadows of the ancient oaks, which in a few weeks before the silent witnesses of her enthusiasm. This memoir shook her soul; The terrible heart effect was depicted on her face. But through She plunged into some thoughtfulness, looked around him, saw the daughter of his neighbor (a fifteen-year-old girl), walking on the road - I clicked her, took it out of the pocket of ten empires and, feeding her, said: "Saverny Annie, a kind of girlfriend! Take this money to Mother - they are not stolen - tell her that Lisa against her is to blame that I tales my love from her to one cruel person, - to E ... what to know his name? - Tell me what he changed me - ask her for forgive me - God will be her assistant, a kiss of her hand as I am now yours, say that poor Liza ordered to kiss her, say that I am .. . "Here she rushed into the water. Annie screamed, cried, but could not save her, ran to the village - people gathered and pulled out Lisa, but she was already dead .

    What happened to the poor Liza? Why did she decide to leave life? (Answers guys can be the most diverse, but the main one is the betrayal of a loved one).

    Why could this happen? Who is to blame for this? And what does the author think about this? Here are the main questions that we will try to find the answer today at the lesson.

    So, the topic of our lesson: "Who is to blame?" (Lesson-thinking on the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"). Let us turn to the story. What is the origin and upbringing of the main heroine? (Reads student)

Father Lizin was pretty promotional village, because he loved the work, smelling well the land and led a sober life. But soon, by death, his wife and daughter dinner. The lazy hand of the mercenary wuddly processed the field, and the bread stopped born well. They were forced to give their land in Vince, and for very little money. In addition, the poor widow, almost indiscriminately shedding tears about the death of her husband's husband - because the peasants can love themselves! - The day from the day I became weaker and could not work at all. One Lisa, - which remained after the Father Fifteen Years, - One Lisa, without sparing their tender youth, without a rare beauty of his, worked day and night - the canvas tails, knitted stockings, rode flowers, and in the summer he took berries - and sold them in Moscow. Sensitive, kind of old woman, seeing the tirelessness of his daughter, often pressed her to a slightly tagged heart, called God's delicate, feeding, and the old age and praying God so that he was awarded her for all that she was doing for the mother. "God gave me hands to work," Lisa said, "you fed me with my breast and walked me when I was a child; Now I came my turn to go for you. Stop only to be turned around, stop crying; Our tears will not revive the father. " But often a tender Lisa could not keep his own tears - ah! She remembered that she had a father and that he did not become, but to calm the mother tried to hone the sadness of his heart and seem tricky and fun. "On that light, the kind Lisa," the sore age answered, "I will stop crying in that light. There, they say, there will be all fun; I, right, I will be fun when I see your father. Only now I do not want to die - what will you be with you without me? Who leave you? No, God forbid you to attach you to the place! Maybe soon it will be reached good person. Then, blessing you, the cute children of my, I rub and calmly in the crude ground. "

Output: Lisa was a simple peasant, the formation did not have any, brought up in love, hard work and prudence.

    And who was her chosen one? (Reads student)

Now the reader should know that this young man, this ERAST was a rather rich nobleman, with a fairious mind and kind heart, kind of nature, but weak and windy. He led a scattered life, thought only about his pleasure, looking for him in secular fun, but he often did not find it: he missed and complained about his fate. The beauty of Lisa at the first meeting made the impression in his heart. He read the novels, idyllies, had a rather living imagination and often moved mentally in those days (former or not formerly), in which, if you believe the poems, all people were carelessly walked around the meadows, bathed in clean sources, kissed, as the thieves, rested under Roses and Mirates and in a happy idleness all days were held their own. It seemed to him that he found in Lisa what his heart was looking for a long time. "Natura calls me in his arms, to his pure joy," he thought and decided - at least for a while - leave a big light.

Output: Erast - a rich nobleman, has an excellent education, raised, like all young people of that time - no, there is no desire.

    Erast and Lisa are completely different. How could it happen that they loved each other? (Lisa turned 17 years old, a person at this age should not be alone, and the Estrest just wanted fresh sensations).

Well, they were together?

Yes! Because there were no obligations in front of each other.

How do problems start?

With a little lie, when Eraste asks Lisa to not tell anything to the mother. (Appeal to the text reads a student)

"How happy I am, and how the mother will be delighted when he learns that you love me!" - "Oh no, Lisa! She is not needed to say anything. " - "For what" - "old people are suspicious. She imagines something thin. " - "It is impossible to become." - "However, I ask you not to tell her about this not a word." "Good: it's necessary to obey you, although I would not want to hone anything from her."

Why does Eras ask about this liz?

Subconsciously he understands that he will never be with Liza, because they are too different.

What is distinguished by each other?

Origin. Attitude to life. Attitude towards nature. Attitude towards money. (Appeal to the text)

Erast kissed Lisa, said that her happiness is more expensive to him in the world, that by the death of her mother he will take her to himself and will live with her indenevantly, in the village and in the drechy forests, as in Paradise. - "However, you can not be my husband!" - said Lisa with a quiet sigh. - "Why" - "I am a peasant". - "You offend me. For your friend, the most important soul, sensitive, innocent soul, - and Lisa will always be closest to my heart. "

    Little lie creates a big betrayal.

The next step towards him, to betrayal:

Ah, Lisa, Lisa! Where is your guardian angel? Where is your innocence?

The error passed in one minute. Lisa did not understand his feelings, surprised and asked. Erast was silent - I was looking for words and did not find them. "Oh, I'm afraid," Lisa said, "I'm afraid of what happened to us!" It seemed to me that I was dying that my soul ... no, I don't know how to say this! .. Are you silent, ERAST? Sigh? .. my God! What?" - Meanwhile, lightning flashed and thunder rushed. Lisa all trembled. "EAST, ERAST! - she said. - I'm scared! I am afraid that the thunder does not kill me like a criminal! " Grozny noishes the storm, the rain raged from black clouds - it seemed that the nature was compiled about the lost lysine innocence. "Erast tried to calm the Lisa and spent her to the hut." Tears rolled out her eyes when she said goodbye to him. "Ah, ERAST! Suffers me that we will still be happy! " - "We will, Lisa, we will!" - he answered. - "Give God! I can not do not believe your words: After all, I love you! Only in my heart ... But full! Sorry! Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll see. "

The last words of Erast show that love is no longer. Erast achieved everything that wanted, and lost all interest in Lisa. These words are pronounced with a light disdain, as if he wants to get rid of her from her. Yes, and this is true.

Lisa was not already for ERAST SIM an angel of impatience, who had previously poured his imagination and admired the soul. Platonic love gave way to such feelings he could not be proud of and who were no longer new for him. Which belongs to Lisa, then she completely giving him, they only lived and breathed, in everything, as a lamb, which obeyed his will, and the pleasure he believed his happiness. She saw a change in him and often told him: "Before you have been more fun, we first have been fading and happier, and before I was not so afraid of losing your love!" "Sometimes, saying goodbye to her, he told her:" Tomorrow, Lisa, I can not see you with you: I met an important thing, "and every time I sought Lisa's words.

    Sold once again was already not difficult. He left rather not to war, but from Lisa, because nothing already connected Erast with his beloved "shepherd". He no longer loved her.

Do you need to condemn Erast for this? Of course yes.

    And you guys, what do you think, who is to blame in the tragedy? Lisa? ERAST? Or maybe love?

Yes, Lisa fell in love very sincerely, trusting, all the soul, how can love pure, brought up by the nature of the soul. For "and love the peasant women." She did not understand that there can be a lie and betrayal next to love, and surrendered all, without a rest. Lisa did not understand that in life it should be followed not only by the field of heart, but also reason, and cruelly paid for it. A.S. Pushkin warned: "Learn to rule yourself, inexperienced by the misfortune," but Lisa did not know, and the mind was silent.

Output: Lisa, of course, is to blame: it is impossible to love blindly, you need to be able to control your actions.

And what about ERAST? He came as always.

"I loved you and now I love, that is, I wish you all the good. This is a hundred rubles - take them, "he put her money in his pocket," let me kiss you for the last time - and come home. "

He looked off her, thereby made even more painful. Egoism Erast wins. It will win the low, familiar feelings for him. He loses interest in Lisa, deceives it, changes his oath. Erast does not withstand the test of love. This is confirmed by the author himself, the position of which is given openly: "I forget a man in Eraste - is ready to curse him," he says.

Output: Erast is doubly guilty: he deceived himself, and Lisa, betrayed love.

In a small volume of the work of Karamzin, love felt like a feeling capable of enriching the human soul, to experience and revive her; He made a harmony of reason and feelings in love; He promoted a humane attitude towards a person, piercing him for deviations from the laws of morality. From the final of the story, we learn that the Erast after the death of Lisa read himself a murderer, and that he often visits lysine the grave. Perhaps ERAST understood own errors And delusions. So Karamzin on the example of Erast's life convincingly shows what a major role is the feelings of love in the formation human personality.

    There is another character in the story that helps to figure out the senses of characters. Who is it? Yes, of course, nature. We can say that nature is alwaysnext to Liza.

Spring, morning, sun, valley, dawn, birds, quiet moon, thunderstorm, lightning, rain - everything takes part in her joys and sadness, everything speaks of harmonic relations established between Liza and Nature.

In the behavior of nature there are sympathy, pity for poor Lisa, but no curse, condemned ...

We see: Nature is included in all the main events of the story, so she is next to the heroes, sees them and appreciates them full, quite emotionally and at the same time fairly.

Karamzin argues the idea that nature is endowed with the mind and not to reckon with its estimates is impossible.

    Did you like the guys, this story? Than?

Answers can be the most diverse, but the teacher gradually leads to the thought that there are a number distinctive features:

    easily and quickly reads, as the language of the story gets closer with conversational;

    in the center of the narration - a sense of man;

    characters - simple, ignorant people;

    landscape - not background, and nature, perceived not mind, and heart;

    emotional perception of the surrounding world.

All this is the distinctive features of the new direction - sentimentalism, the founder of which N.M. Karamzin was in Russian literature.

Sentimentalism is manifested not only in the fact that people from the people become heroes, but that they are carriers positive qualities, moral purity. Those who are fenced by wealth and knowledge of labor, duties, quickly lose natural sensitivity, become rude and cruel. People who are accustomed to take care and think not only about themselves, retain and develop kindness of nature and sensitivity. This was the progressive character of sentimentalism. Turn to the third epigraph. "Poor Lisa" is an exemplary product dedicated to not external events, but a "sensual" soul. And indeed it is.


All heroes, the style of the story helps us to realize the author's position as humanistic. By creating your story, Karamzin connected the category "kind" and "beautiful" - moral and aesthetic.

The moral lessons of Karamzin are worthy of attention and today, especially since this is the lessons of a person, the "solid mind" of which, according to V. A. Zhukovsky, "Always mitigated was a gentle feeling."

The story is permeated with respect for man and raises humanity. She opens their own souls to readers, wakes up compassion and other noble feelings.

    Homework: Write an essay - reasoning on the topic: "Who is to blame for the death of Lisa" or "Is the other end of the story possible?"

"Poor Lisa" (1792) Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is much more complicated and much more interesting than it could seem at first acquaintance with her. And if then, as it should be, followed first of all over the fate of the heroes, then now focus on the figure of the storyteller and on how the story is built.

And for this we will make a little effort, try to imagine yourself readers end of XVIII The century, which in the hands of the fresh release of the Moscow Journal in 1792 with the next story of a very young, but fruit writer and publisher Nikolai Karamzin. We, readers of the late XVIII century, are accustomed to the fact that the "right" writers immediately introduce us to the course of the case, explain what they give preliminary evaluations to the characters: one is good, the other is not very, and the third and not at all.

And here we open the "poor Lisa":

"Maybe none of the surviving in Moscow knows so well the surroundings of the city of this, as I, because no one else happens in the field, no one wanders on foot, without a plan, without a goal - where you look - in the meadows and Groves, along the hills and plains. Any summer I find new pleasant places or in old new beauty.

Ho is just more pleasant for me, the place on which the gloomy, Gothic towers of SI ... Nova Monastery ... "

Strange. Instead of starting with heroes, the author begins with himself, with a story about his experiences. Instead of going to put the plot flywheel, it describes in detail the surrounding landscape near Simonov of the monastery ... and only reading in these descriptions, we are the people of the late XVIII century - we begin to understand what is the case.

After all, the landscape seems so simple, the same type. In fact, the "picture" is divided, it is smelled, as a photo image - to the "positive" and "negative". On the "positive" is captured by a fixed, unchanged, natural life of nature. It does not change the eyelids from the century, especially since year. And therefore, she gives a sensitive author. Feeling no longer rest. So it was customary to portray nature (or, as they said, "the sacrament of nature") in the gentle genre of idyll, dedicated to the story of the peaceful life of shepherds and shepherds away from noisy cities:

"... On the other side, the oak grove is visible, which is subject to numerous herds; There are young shepherds, sitting under the shadow of the tree, sing simple sad songs and reduce those summer days so for them are uniform. "

On the "negative" is shown movable, changing, terrible life stories. Traces of a rapid tense time are noticeable everywhere - and they remind the same sensitive author that the life of nature is not as calm, not so unchanged, as it seems. For a happy spring comes sad autumn; For youth - old age, for old age - death ...

"... often come to this place and almost always meet there in spring; There I come to the gloomy days of autumn to grieve along with nature. ... there, leaning on the ruins of sobric stones, I will listen to a deaf moan time, the vigoriously last absorbed ... all this updates the history of our Fatherland in my memory - the sad story of those times when the fierce Tatars and Lithuanians fire and the sword devastated the neighborhood of the Russian capital and When unhappy Moscow, as a defenseless widow, was expected from one of God to help in his disasters ... "

No wonder the narrator meets us on the border between Moscow and the rural suburb. He seems to be reminding the reader: in man, in a human person there is a natural, and unnatural beginning, it is combined and kind, and evil. And most importantly - modern manUnlike the people of the former, happier epochs, can not hide in the lap of nature from the raging history, can not retire once from the city to the village. The city is still nearby, and the vices that reign in it can sooner or later "thread" in peaceful rustic life. But for the city, a meeting with rural life will not pass to the end without a trace, he will not be able to exorcate the fortress walls once from the influence of simple and natural morals. In other words, in the current world there is nothing unshakable, all boundaries are easily shifted; This is concluded and evil, and good. And good - and evil.

For people of the Epoch of Globalism, such a thought is more than understandable and is familiar. Ho We try to get up to the point of view of people of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. And therefore amazed by the philosophical audacity of Karamzin. However, this seems to him: he wants to hit our reader imagination and his unheard of literary audacity. And immediately proceeds to the exercise of conceived.

Lisa's mother, a kind and simplest peasant, belongs to the rural world, the world of patriarchal feelings and ideas about life. She is not looking for riches, because it is convinced: "It is better to feed with their own or nothing to take anything." So in the story, the topic is imposed, which for Russian literature of that time was also completely new: theme of money. Moreover, the money is interested in the narrator not as such, they are for him - a symbol of unnatural relationships, based on the delegation of the heart, not on the confidence of people to each other, but on the benefit and disadvantage, on the calculation and sometimes deception. Of course, money is reigning not in the village, but in the city: but the trouble is that the dwelling of the poor Lisa is too close to the dangerous feature.

From now on, the topic of money will play a key role in building a story. Gusting Eraste, who suggested Lisa for the bouquet of the valley instead of 5 kopecks, the ruble itself, sincerely comes from the soul. HO The monetary form in which it is clothed initially indicates the urban "spoilness" is not bad in the general person. It does not occur to him that natural feelings are incompatible with cash payments, with money. And no wonder the narrator immediately notices, becoming an involuntary witness to this scene, which those who have started to stop and smile crookedly. They are ruined much more than Erast. For them, "money" gesture can mean only one thing: an attempt to buy love.

That is why Liza flatly refuses extra money and agrees to sell flowers only for the true price - 5 kopecks. And when she again comes to the city in the secret hope of meeting a stranger who has fallen in love, he answers passersby that her flowers are not soldiers and prefers to throw them into the river than giving money for money. And we, with you, as true connoisseurs of elegant literature of the late XVIII century, we understand that both the flowers, in turn, also turned into a symbol. In a symbol of purity, indisputability, that trembling love, which believes and on which Lisa hopes. Ho, unlike the ancient writers who read the ERAST (and on which the first readers of the "poor Lisa" were raised), Karamzinsky narrator looks at life with sadness. He would wish the sublime, clean love could overcome the estate abyss, but doubts whether it is possible.

And again we try to get up to the point of view of the first readers of Karamzin. They are accustomed to the fact that through the scene space for each hero has its own track. A positive hero moves in one direction, negative - in the other, and their ruts, as parallel straight, do not intersect. And the top of readers is invited to the story, the main characters of which are not simply devoid of unambiguous characteristics, but also able to move from their "track" to someone else's and back. Lisa, herself without noticing, a lot takes a lot of Erast. Erast - Liza.

He, forgetting everything in the world, is eager for only one: clean, immaculate love. Now he is slightly closer to his original, "natural" state, to his soul. Lisa, on the contrary, is now ready to forget to forget "his soul, rather than a nice ... friend!". Of course, Erast and Lisa remain true to themselves, their views, their habits. He is still trying to translate into money, including her own good feelings. By buying lysine work, he "wanted to always pay ten times more expensive ... Prices." It is still sincere, sensitive, touching. (By the way, the word "touching" itself was in its current meaning introduced into the Russian language exactly Karamzin.) Ho after Lisa responds to a passionate gust of Eraste and is given to him - also, by the way, the scene for those times unheard of, with all modest models Karamzin descriptions! - There is a fracture in the fate of heroes, and in their feelings. Inhabitable straight lines suddenly crossed and, after the intersection, were separated into different directions:

"... Finally, five days later she did not see him and was in the greatest concern; In the sixth, he came with a sad face ... "

The time that in the "natural" world cannot dominate, the power invades life. She in the literal sense of the word begins to count the days. And notice: the first meeting of heroes occurred in the city, on the "territory" of Eraste, where Lisa brought flowers - a symbol of natural, natural sensitivity. And she learns about the upcoming separation in the village, on his "territory", where the "Priestly Moscow Barin" ERAST brings money, a symbol of uni-innovative relations, contrary to the laws of "nature" of relations between people: "He forced her to take a few money from him" to Lisa Nobody sold flowers until the erast is in war.

It all started with money, everything ends with money. Lisa after some time goes to Moscow. He in order to sell, and in order to make purchases. (Karamzin is important this item.) She meets Erast, who turns out to be, instead of making military exploits in the army, lost the estate. And forced to marry rich widow. That is, he played for money, for the sake of money, and in the end - Love lost, changed "Nature". And the worst thing is that, parting - parting forever! "With the beloved Liza, he again suggests her money, as if trying to pay off his failed love:" Here are 100 rubles - take them, "he put money in his pocket. "Spend this girl from the courtyard."

Of course, the sentimental narrator does not want and cannot justify such an act of the hero. Ho much more important than others. The narrator describes the last minutes of Lisa, which, before you do away with you, says goodbye to the shadow of the ancient oaks, "witnesses of her delights." And as if in a passing, alive notes: the latter that Lisa did in this life, so it was sent through the daughter of the neighbor Anuntu 10 of the Mother's empires. That is, she voluntely or unwittingly repeated the "farewell gesture" of Erast, consciously or unconsciously obeyed his unnatural "urban" logic. The money seems to be called upon to redeem her subsidiary, they become the price of eternal separation with the mother ...

Russian literature of that era still did not know such complex art and moral decisions. However, Karamzin did not stop on this. Lose the plot of the story, directly concerning Lisa, he focused on the analysis of his own feelings. And it did not hide from readers, what to figure them out is not able! His storyteller can only suffer, reflecting on what happened, he does not condemn anyone: "Often I sit in thought, leaning at the container Lizin Prach; In the eyes of my pond flows. "

And the last phrase of the story, which we read after you learned about the death of the Erast himself, who spent the rest of the days of their sorrow, sounds and immediately boldly feel free: "Now, maybe they have already been repeated!" The narrator is not worse than his reader! - knows that suicide is considered the most scary sinThat suicides do not eat in the church and do not bury within the church fence that there is no way to heaves the souls of the suicide, and in hell it is impossible to "meet and reconcile". HO Scale of religious values \u200b\u200bof the narrator does not coincide with the church. It coincides with the scale of the values \u200b\u200bof sentimental culture, which allowed Goethe to justify the young verteter who committed suicide.

Yes, Lisa (like the Verter) arrived incorrectly, as ERAST was not good. Ho mainly for Karamzin in another: in the fact that both she and she, let it be in different extent, listened to the voice of his own heart, were sensitive, approaching the "sacrament of nature" (although then they were removed from him). So, the question of "ADE" or "RAE" is not worth it for them. Their souls will be connected in the sky. How? Where? The author does not know. Yes, he does not interest it. The main thing is that he, as any person, the confession of the heart, does not need a regulatory morality. He needs a friend - in sophisticated experiences, in sympathy, in compassion.

No wonder his story was not named "Lisa and Erast" (so would call his writer any "correct" writer of the previous generation), and "poor Lisa". Listen, think: in the title, the voice of the narrator itself is clearly, there is a sympathetic intonation.

And in a different way could not be. After all, "poor Lisa" not only tells about the unfortunate love of the peasant girl, but also in detail about the experiences of the author himself, telling this story to its readers.

An essay on the work of "poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin can be written beautiful. The history of tragic love has to this. In our article, we will present possible themes for the writings on this unwanted creation. But first briefly remember the plot.


The plot is simple and eternal as life itself: Unhappy orphan named Liza has lost her father early. She had an old woman in her hands. The girl early had to go to work. She sold flowers in the city, and incomes went to feed two women.

One day, Lisa saw on the street of a beautiful young man - Erast. She liked her, she, too. The young man even bought all the flowers from a young girl, saying that these hands should collect flowers only for him. Of course, a young man was an aristocrat, and Lisa - a peasant.

Then followed by a date. On one of them, Erast was seduced by Lisa, and then went to the war, where he fought not with the enemy, and strongly allowed his fortune in the wind. Of course, when he came from the war, the young man did not consider it necessary to notify the Lisa about this. Their meeting occurred by chance. The former lover told the girl that he had a marriage in a rich widow. Lisa could not bear the admission of Eras and drowned in a pond. This was the cause of Mother's death: she ran down and died. Such a sad story. And now let's think that from this plot can be learned when writing an essay on the work of "poor Liza" Karamzin.

Fate Lisa. Could a girl stay alive?

An interesting question is, isn't it? Lisa in Karamzin, perhaps, a character who cannot leave the author's plan in no way. Her fate is predicted. The device of psyche, the uneducation, expressed in the fantastic naivety of the girl, assumed such a junction.

Remember, because she dreamed of being lady. At that time it was practically impossible, and even moreover, the character of Eras did not mean battles for love, for he is a blessing man and a slightly accuracy. The only thing that interests him in life is a variety of pleasure (physical and spiritual). So, if you write an essay on the work of "poor Lisa", the answer is clear in this matter, although each author may judge in his own way.

Erast character. Did he actually suffer after Suicide Lisa?

What is the ERAST? How deep is it, thin, is formed? How much is he man (in the high sense of the word)? Karamzin writes in his work that if the ERAST was not so lazy, he was able to achieve a lot, but it was little interested in the conquest of vertices, he only wanted to enjoy.

Then the story with Liza happened. He used a girl at his lowland purposes and threw, without worrying about her feelings. Such an act perfectly characterizes the young nobleman, isn't it? By the way, it can become a separate topic, if a person decides to write an essay on the work of "poor Lisa", and it will sound like this: "Human Erast?"

Further, he went to fight for his homeland, but instead of protection, the debris played the cards and wipe his condition. Having come from the war, he did not decide cool to change his life, on the contrary, went along the path of the least resistance and married the old but rich widow. It seems that there is no place to fall further. And after all this, Karamzin wants to convince the reader in the fact that Erast suffered after Suicide Lisa? So it is believed that the work of Karamzin is the drama of two hearts, it would be interesting to answer the question - could there be an Erast suffering genuine or is it just a game? This is what problem is to resolve in the context of the work on the work of Karamzin's "poor Lisa".

The image of the old woman - Mother Liza

It is clear that Mom Lisa, to put it mildly, far from the most main characterBut it can also be explored. For example, transfer the events to a modern reality and think about how such a "old mother-mother" could look like.

If it is not too interested in the alleged author, and it is aimed at a more serious study, you can reflect on how the opportunity to get an education changed the thinking of women.

Here are two approximate topics for which you can write an essay on the work of "poor Lisa".

Werker Goethe and "Lisa" Karamzin

And the most curious topic for advanced schoolchildren: a comparison of the "suffering of a young verteter" and "poor Lisa" Karamzin. Interesting parallels can be detected. For example, it was the "Werker" inspired Karamzin to create his "West Answer". Goethe in his work there is even a story (she tells her Albert - the fiance of Charlotte) about the girl who left his beloved, and she rushed into the water.

Perhaps this is the image of the girl-drunkenness from the "Verter" served as a prototype for "poor Lisa". It may well be, given that the works came out with a difference for almost 20 years.

If there is no desire to scrupulously explore the text, you can consider the two images of tragic love, respectively, female and male in the context of the same topic.

By the way, it was the suicide of Lisa that was the end of the story, perhaps the "suffering of a young verte," made a story about the fate of the girl innovative for Russia. The surprise of the junction compared to the old novels is that the heroine cums the life of suicide. This circumstance put in one row Goethe and Karamzin in their countries. This was written about this, for example, V. V. Sipovsky in "Essays from the history of the Russian novel."

When a schoolboy thinks about how to write an essay, "poor Lisa" (the first national work) N. M. Karamzin immediately should pay attention to himself, based on the foregoing.

In conclusion, it remains only to say that you can choose a topic for essays from the proposed or invent your own. The main thing is to write thoughtfully and with the soul. If these two conditions are observed, then it is not worth worrying for their essay. Fertile soil for reflection gives "poor Lisa". Karamzin N. M. Only excellent writings wrote.

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1792 appeared for Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin significant. And it is not surprising, because at that time, from under his feather, a wonderful sentimental story called "poor Liza", which brought recognition and fame to the author. At that time, the writer was only twenty-five years, and he did the first steps on the literary field.

Describing the complex fate of the defenseless people, raising the problem of the inequalities of the poor and rich, Karamzin is trying to reach the consciousness of people and pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to live like that. The narrative writer leads from the first person.

The main characters of the story

Lisa - Simple Russian peasant, good girl, loving nature and enjoying every day - until they fell in love with a rich nobleman named Erast. Since then, in her life occurred cool turnthat subsequently led to a terrible tragedy.

ERAST - A rich nobleman, a frivolous young man with a good imagination, but windy. He thinks he loves Lisa, but at the prevailing circumstances throws it without thinking about the strong experiences of the girl caused by his betrayal. It becomes the cause of suicide Lisa.

Old Mother - Poor peasant woman, widow, who lost her husband and mourning it. A kind of simple believer woman, immeasisingly loving his daughter and wishing her happiness.

The magnificence of nature that the author contemplates

The surroundings of Moscow with its monasteries, church domes, bright green flowering meadows cause delight and lunizing. But not only. At the entrance to the monastery, the author's soul begins to overcome bitter memories, and the sad story of the Fatherland appears before his mental eyes. Moor all the time leaving the case that occurred with one girl, poor Liza, who ended in life tragically.

Start of history Lisa

Why is this hut located at the monastery wall, where the birch grove is noisy, has now empty? Why is there no windows, no doors, no roof? Why is everything so sad and gloomy? For these questions, the inquisitive reader can get an answer to learn what happened here thirty years ago, when those surrounding could hear the girl's ringing voice named Lisa. She lived with her mother in great poverty, because after the missing death of his father, the Earth fell into decay. In addition, desperate widow flew from grief, so doing homemade business accounted for one Lisa. Fortunately, the girl was distinguished by hardworking: working not to twist the hands, she was canvas, knit stockings, collected berries and rushed flowers. Having a good and loving heart, Lisa struggled to console the sick mother, but in the shower he was very worried about the death of the native man - her dad.

Nazable love Lisa

And then, two years later, he appeared - a young man, named Erast, who completely overwhelmed the feelings of a young girl who wants to love and be beloved. And life at first began to play bright colors.

They met when Lisa came to Moscow to trade in flowers. Unfamiliar buyer, seeing such beautiful girlHe began to sink her compliments and even, instead of five kopecks, offered the ruble for flowers.

But Lisa refused. She did not know that the young man would face her the next day under the window. "Hello, kind old woman," he turned to the mother of the girl. - Do you have fresh milk? " The stranger suggested that Lisa selling her work only to him, then there will be no need to undergo danger in the city, separating with Mom.
The old woman and Lisa happily agreed. Only one embarrassed the girl: He Barin, and she is a simple peasant.

Rich nobleman named Erast

Erast was a man with a kind heart, however, the author describes it as a windy, weak and frivolous. He lived only at his pleasure and did not care about anything. In addition, he was a young sentimental and very impressionable, having a rich imagination. Relations with Lisa were supposed to become a new milestone in his fate, a new interest that would diverge the idle and boring life.

Lisa saddled. Lavina's love flooded the girl, and where the previous carelessness is done. Now she often sighed and encouraged only when she saw Erast. And he suddenly ... confessed to her in love. The joy of Lisa was not the limit, she wanted to meet their meetings forever. "Do you always love me?" - asked the girl. And received the answer: "Always!". In joyful mood she came home. And in the impulse of the feelings began to admire the beauty of nature created by God. Mom supported daughter.

The image of an old woman

Mom Lisa is depicted by the author as a simple believing woman, loving God and admiring the beauty of his creation. "How is everything good at the Lord God! Sixth dozen live in the world, and still I can not look at the affairs of the Lord, I can not look at clear sky, similar to a high tent, and to the ground, which every year the new grass and new colors is covered. It is necessary that the king of the Heavenly loved the man very much when he was so well removed the local light for him, "she says. This poor woman remained widow, but still longing about his road untimely left her husband, who was more expensive for her in the world. After all, "the peasants also know how to love."

The love of daughter at the old woman is very strong. She, like any mother, wishes her only the best.

Lisa and Erast: Love is gaining power

Since then, they have seen every evening. Hugging, but did not allow themselves anything vicious. Erast communicated with Mom Lisa, who told the young man about her difficult life. But suddenly the trouble sank.

Bitter changes in fate

Lisa was supposed to say Erast that she was married to another - the son of a rich peasant. But he was very upset, again swore a girl in love - and finally, the feelings prevailed over common sense: at that moment the girl lost innocence. Since then, the dates for their other - ERAST began to treat her beloved no longer as immaculate. Meetings happened more and less often, and, finally, the young man said that he was going to war.

Last meeting with Liza

Erast before the road decided to say goodbye - and with his mother (who, by the way, did not know at all about him love relationship with daughter), and with Liza. Farewell was touching and bitter. After the Erast retired, Lisa "lost feelings and memory."

Betrayal Erast

Long was a girl in despair. Only one consoled her rolling soul: hope for a meeting. Once she went on business in Moscow and suddenly saw the carriage in which Erast was sitting. Lisa rushed to his beloved, but in response, only cold recognition was that he marries another.

Lisa rushes into the water

Such a shame, humiliation and betrayal, the girl could not withstand. No longer wanted to live. Suddenly, Lisa saw the acquaintance - a fifteen-year-old Anya, and, asking her to take money for Mom, the girl rushed into the water. They could not save her. The old woman, having learned about what happened with his beloved daughter, immediately died. Erast has greatly destructed what happened and will always straighten himself in the death of an innocent girl.

Class inequality - the reason for many problems in society

At that difficult time, the main role in choosing the bride or the bride was played by the environment. The lowest class - peasants - could not connect with rich nobles. Lisa clearly understands this at the first meetings when her heart trembles from love, but the mind says about the impossibility of such a union. "However, you can not be my husband," she says. And in despair adds: "I am a peasant." Still, the girl could not resist the gust of the stormy feelings to a person who loved with all his heart (although at times and regrets that her groom was not a shepherd). She either naively began to believe that later Erast would still take her to his wife, or simply before that time, she chose not to think about the consequences of this kind of romantic dates. Whatever it was, the reaction of Lisa to the fact that he, without anyone she cannot live, marries another, nobility from his circle, encourages her to desperate act - suicide. She took a step in the abyss, from which no longer exit. Youth and hope is destroyed. And Erast remained to live with the incessant feeling of guilt. So tragically ended the story "Poor Lisa". A reasonable reader will remove the lesson from her and makes the right conclusions.

"Poor Lisa" - summary Tale N.M. Karamzin

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Lisa has another way out

At first he seemed to her a serious and reliable person. Erast immediately expressed his sympathy for the girl and often began to come to her colors. Even with Mother Lisa, he was guided and kind. Gradually, the relationship of young people switched to a new level. They often saw each other, they communicated a lot. And when the son of a rich peasant from their village was launched to Lisa, East assured her that he would always be there and would not leave her, ignoring the fact that he was a rich nobleman, and she had a simple peasant girl. Lisa believed the Estrest and that evening was especially close to him.

After a while he said that he was forced to temporarily part, as he was called in the army. Lisa this circumstance was very upset, but she promised him rightly wait. The saddest thing is that he lied and instead of a good service, played the card and completely played. As a result, he had to be engaged with one elderly widow, which took to pay his debts. Having learned about it, Lisa decided to be drowned. Before that, she passed the money through the neighbor girl, the Mother of Money, reversed from the trade of flowers, asked to kiss her and ask for forgive the poor daughter. A poor woman did not stand such a blow and also died, and Erast and considered himself to the end of his life as a killer.

The story is incredibly sad, but this is the fate of poor Lisa. The tragedy of the story of Karamzin leaves no one indifferent. After all, it seems that everything had to work out otherwise. The image of the main character who donated for the sake of love, cut into memory for a long time. One thing is clear that she could not live with a stained reputation. Even more aggravated the situation of their memories of their happy love And the betrayal of Erast. Her act is conscious: it shows the full strength of her experiences and the tragedy of its position. Such a clean and sincere girl as Lisa such a way out of the current situation seemed only true.

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