Is styrofoam harmful as a heater? Isolation of toxic substances

landscaping 25.06.2019

modern building uses a wide variety of insulating materials, specifications and their qualities differ markedly. At the same time, many are primarily concerned about the environmental friendliness of the insulation, whether it is harmful to health. The increased interest in the safety of materials is due to the fact that various rumors and speculation about the release of toxic substances when using a particular type of insulation.

Styrofoam has low thermal conductivity and long term operation.

The harm of polystyrene is especially often mentioned when it comes to the release of various substances by heaters. Which is not surprising, because this material is quite in demand in the construction industry. It is for this reason that you should clearly understand each property of the foam and find out its effect on the human body, which we will do next.

Is Styrofoam Really Harmful?

To find out if there is harm from foam, you need to study its composition, manufacturing technology and properties. Separately, it is worth analyzing the scope, since the final value of the degree of harm to human health depends on it.

The use of foam as a layer of thermal insulation

The heat-shielding properties of the material are at a very decent level. Its structure with porosity makes it possible to significantly reduce thermal conductivity.

The plates perfectly retain their shape, which cannot be said about any of the materials in this price segment. Air is 90% of its composition, therefore the foam is not combustible and does not support combustion. It can ignite only when interacting with an open flame.

Lifetime foam boards over fifty years old. As evidenced by the quality certificate for products and instructions for use, attached to almost all products from this type of material.

Please note that this type of thermal insulation perfectly absorbs moisture, while losing its original properties. Therefore, it is recommended to protect it from the harmful effects of the surrounding climatic conditions.

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The harmfulness of polystyrene from the release of toxic substances

With strong heating or burning, the foam releases styrene, which is a substance of increased toxicity. When released into the atmosphere, the latter can affect the well-being of people. Therefore, the harm from polystyrene still really exists. But how serious is the matter, or in what quantities is styrene capable of causing damage to health? industrial enterprises in our country, products are produced, the styrene content of which varies in the region of 0.07-0.2%. At such a concentration, no doubt, toxicity under certain conditions will affect health.

Recognized world productions have achieved a reduction in toxin to a level of 0.01-0.05%, which is considered absolutely harmless.

One important nuance, which should be taken into account: styrene begins to penetrate outside only when heated to more than 40 degrees, and as already found out, the foam is non-combustible. If a fire does occur, there are many other materials in the room that can pollute the environment with toxins.

Solely for these reasons, the material should not be used as a heat-insulating layer of the roof. Especially if the roof is covered with a metal profile, and the house is located in a warm climate zone.

Therefore, it becomes quite logical that it is quite acceptable to insulate non-residential premises (loggias, balconies, corridors, attics) with foam. In a situation where the material begins to release harmful toxins, many other items will be found that can cause more harm (the same vinyl wallpapers or interior items made of plastic).

Please note: this type of insulation has been tasted by rodents, and they satisfy hunger well due to them, which indicates that the harmfulness of foam boards is not so great.

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Scope of use of foam insulation

Determining the level of harm from this material, it is important to find out where it is used. During the internal process of insulation, the foam is used for the most part for insulation entrance doors and plastic windows. In other situations resort to the use of more economical heat insulators. Therefore, the impact of styrene on a person is very negligible.

It is worth saying a few words about insulation wall surfaces from street rain. It is recommended to isolate the walls from the side of the street, otherwise condensation, fungus and mold will form in the space between the insulation and the partition. When erecting drywall partitions the question of whether or not the foam releases toxic styrene becomes completely unimportant. Because the material falls into such conditions under which its further operation is considered completely harmless from an environmental point of view.

As noted above, the only place where foam should be laid with high proportion fears, this is the roof space under the metal profile. However, taking into account all the requirements for creating a "pie" of thermal insulation (a layer of waterproofing is laid from the heated surface, and a vapor barrier film is laid from the side of the living room), it is also permissible to use foam plastic here.

More attention should be paid to protecting the insulation from getting wet, so that it does not completely lose its properties.

Are there studies on this issue and what do practitioners think?

Novice home builders, performing repairs with their own hands, often need advice from competent specialists. However, the opinions of recognized masters on this issue are far from unambiguous, and besides, they are not supported by reliable studies of scientists.

In practice, it was found that the location of the material and the impact on it from the outside cannot completely exclude the release health threatening human toxins. Only here is the percentage of such cases from total number The use of polystyrene is so small and impossible without the existence of accompanying conditions that it should not be taken seriously.

However, no one will undertake to dispute the fact that, with the high cost of other environmentally friendly insulation materials, when heated or burned, they emit hazardous substances.

So the question of the toxicity of polystyrene is relative and quite subjective.

At the same time, this building material is in bad standing with environmentalists and scientists. Some of it performance characteristics are indeed a cause for concern. Obviously, along with useful qualities, polystyrene or expanded polystyrene has a number of health hazards.

The most common use of styrene is in the production of foam ( sheet material) and the production of expanded polystyrene in granules (extruded mass).

Styrene appears as a colorless substance with a number of toxic characteristics. Upon contact with it in its pure form, a person is affected nervous system, the composition of the blood changes and the work of internal organs is disrupted.

All these negative factors not so obvious if the substance is incorporated into a polymer, such as foam. But in this case too, negative impact man is not safe! Under certain operating conditions, toxins begin to be released into the environment.

What do manufacturers and builders say?

Manufacturers unanimously talk about the safety of polymers produced using styrene. The insulation that has just come off the assembly line is absolutely neutral in terms of chemical characteristics: does not react at permissible operating temperatures, does not emit harmful compounds into the air.

Validates security and IRC - International building code. Polystyrene is ranked among the environmentally friendly, affordable and common heaters. In addition, this material is highly energy efficient - heat loss is minimal. In the US, polystyrene has been recognized as one of the best insulators for houses and apartments.

What scientists and environmentalists say

Laboratory studies have shown that styrene is the strongest poison, which is released into the air in abundance during the combustion of insulation. This is a highly flammable substance that only aggravates the situation in a fire. A high concentration of toxins and carcinogens in the air leads to rapid poisoning of humans and domestic animals. And in case of an overdose in a living organism, a lethal outcome is possible.

Another unpleasant moment is the gradual destruction during prolonged operation. Old polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene in granules begins to poison the air even at normal temperatures! This is the so-called reverse polymerization. Considering that it is not customary to replace the insulation with a new one for decades, this is a big ecological problem which has not been given due attention.

Important! Styrene cannot be 100% retained in the thermal insulation material - the degree of modern polymerization reaches a maximum of 97%. Everything that is not connected to the main structure freely escapes into the air.

For more than a decade now, scientists around the world have strongly recommended abandoning artificial materials when insulating houses. The main obstacle on this path is the high cost of environmentally friendly heat insulators. Polystyrene is still more affordable for the vast majority of buyers.

How to avoid problems?

If foam plastic is preferred as an affordable insulation, it should be remembered that it should be used for sheathing a house or apartment only on the outside of the walls.

The fact is that the concentration of carcinogens inside the premises will exceed the norm by about 10 times, which will necessarily affect the well-being of all residents. And the foam outside will only poison the environment, but the concentration of poisons in the air will be noticeably less due to the constant influx fresh air. This, of course, is a bad way out, but now most builders use it - the walls are insulated with foam plastic only from the street.

In order to preserve nature as much as possible, it must be taken into account that the following factors influence the process of gradual degradation of polymers:

  • infrared radiation - the insulation must be protected from direct sun rays;
  • access to water and oxygen - it is necessary to ensure the sealing of the insulating layer;
  • high temperatures (at +75, the release of toxins exceeds the norm by 150 times!).

There is an opinion that a certain amount of poison still seeps through the walls into the room.

Obvious building flaws

No matter how much manufacturers talk about the high performance of polystyrene, a close examination of it reveals a number of negative points.

One of the main advantages is low vapor permeability. However, when installing insulation, this leads to a violation of air exchange - in places with poor ventilation colonies of fungus and mold grow. It is noteworthy that excess moisture accumulates with any installation methods! As a result, mold spores contaminate the air that residents breathe. Regular ventilation can solve the problem. However, the windows cannot be left open for a long time during the cold season.

The children's body is especially affected by the presence of mold spores. They lead to disruption digestive system, migraines and allergic diseases(for example, asthma).

Another unpleasant moment is easy flammability. Styrofoam flashes instantly during fires, releasing thick and acrid smoke with toxins. And if insulation is used according to the principle of a ventilated facade, the flame covers the entire structure in a matter of minutes.

The only way to avoid this dangerous ignition is to use a spray-on polymer (polyurethane foam) or environmentally friendly mineral wool.

Positive points

Products made of polystyrene do not like the taste of rodents and insects - these are inedible materials that pests bypass.

The insulation is plastic, easy to cut, which greatly simplifies the entire installation process (it is enough to use an ordinary knife or a hacksaw). But at the same time it is quite durable and has a small weight.

It also wins in cost compared to other heat insulators. Using polystyrene is always more profitable from an economic point of view.

The insulation is not a source of radioactive substances. New products are not dangerous on contact - you can work with them without protective clothing, a respirator and goggles. Touching with bare hands and installation work do not cause irritation to the skin or respiratory tract.

Whether or not to choose such material for construction works, to decide the owners. But before making a final conclusion, one should once again analyze all the technical and Chemical properties insulation. And decide for yourself how dangerous such a neighborhood will be in a particular case. An unequivocal ban on the use of foam and similar polymers in the world has not yet been issued.

Insulation of the house helps to significantly reduce the cost of heating your home. Thermal insulation materials are in demand today, which means that competition between manufacturers is fierce and not always ethical. Expanded polystyrene is actively used for insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, roofs and foundations. Most manufacturers claim that it is their product that is of the highest quality, cheapest, safest and environmentally friendly. The buyer can only take the word of the seller.

Expanded polystyrene is harmful or not to human health

What kind of insulation to use so as not to turn your house into a time bomb? After all, any thermal insulation material, with the exception of moss or flax, which is used to insulate wooden log cabins, is a synthetic material, which means it contains toxic substances that are potentially dangerous and can harm human health. Special discussions among users cause such questions as “is expanded polystyrene harmful as a heater inside the room” and “does the harm of extruded polystyrene foam exceed the harm that comes from extruded polystyrene foam ()”?

Is the buyer doing the right thing by giving preference to such an easy-to-use, relatively cheap and popular polystyrene foam?

Is extruded polystyrene harmful to people?

We offer to figure out whether extruded polystyrene foam is harmful to human health? To do this, we break the composition of the material into components and consider the main of the dangerous components - styrene.

  • Styrene - 0.05%. This figure is ten times less than the permissible sanitary standards for residential premises in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the MPC of styrene in the EU countries is at the level of 0.002 mg/m3. But, do not forget that styrene tends to accumulate in the body. It demonstrates a cumulative effect (the concentration increases 600 times in 20 years). And styrene is released already at a temperature of 25 ° C.
  • The harm of expanded polystyrene when exposed to high temperatures is another important aspect. In this case, toxic substances are released: vapors of styrene, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and soot. The combustion temperature of styrene is 1100°C. At this temperature, even metal melts, which leads to the destruction of the building.
  • Time is another indicator. The period of decomposition of expanded polystyrene is more than a century. During intensive use (20-25 years), its harm to health increases. Indeed, during this time, about 60% of decomposed styrene is released.
  • Oxygen, upon interaction with which formaldehyde and benzaldehyde are formed.

Why is styrene harmful?

  • phenylethylene (styrene) accumulates in the liver and is not excreted from the body;
  • adversely affects the work of the heart;
  • exposure to styrene is critical for pregnant women, in particular for the fetus;
  • entails irritation of the mucous membranes, respiratory tract.

Where is it safe to use Styrofoam?

  1. in places where there are no potential sources of ignition;
  2. in non-residential premises;
  3. use for external insulation of the basement, foundation, insulation frame house polystyrene outside.

As you can see, insulation inside the house is unacceptable, and the expanded polystyrene installed under the slate will not do harm only if it is mounted in a non-residential attic with good ventilation.

Once again, when answering the question of whether polystyrene foam is harmful indoors, it is not styrene itself that is harmful, but its concentration. Expanded polystyrene is a completely safe decor, but is not recommended as a heater for residential premises.


Expanded polystyrene sellers have the right to refer to GOSTs and SNiPs when offering their goods, because these standards do not regulate the environmental aspect of the use of this heat-insulating material.

Polystyrene - artificial polymer material, which is a product of the polymerization of styrene. It is characterized by rigidity, brittleness, low density, high heat resistance, good frost resistance, excellent light transmission and dielectric properties.

Thanks to all these properties, as well as the relatively low cost, polystyrene has become very widespread. Where it is not used! Due to its dielectric properties, it is widely used in radio engineering (for the production of dielectric antennas, coaxial cable supports, etc.). Due to its good light transmission properties, it is used in the production of optical fiber cables, optical lenses, etc.

A very widespread product made from polystyrene, which is called "foam". For the production of foam plastic, styrene granules are heated and a special vapor-forming mixture is added to them. As a result of this, gas is released, the polystyrene mass begins to foam and grow like yeast dough. When solidified, the well-known foam plastic is obtained, in which almost all Appliances. It is also used as a thermo and, which is installed in walls, ceilings and even floors of houses and apartments. However, we are all more familiar domestic use polystyrene. Polystyrene can be used to create very thin films (up to 20 microns), so this material is widely used in packaging. They also make polystyrene disposable plates, spoons, cups, ballpoint pen cases, CD boxes, children's toys, cases household appliances and many many others.

In view of the fact that we have to live next to polystyrene and even eat from it, it is natural to ask how polystyrene can be harmful to humans. And, sadly, but polystyrene is harmful. It has been scientifically proven that under the influence of light, high temperature, oxygen, water, mechanical influences and other factors, polystyrene releases the highly toxic monomer "styrene" (the so-called "free styrene"). And the stronger these factors affect objects made of polystyrene, the more actively these objects release styrene. Over time, its concentration in the air increases, and the person begins to breathe poisoned air. At low concentrations and with a short exposure to the body, free styrene is harmless and cannot lead to anything bad. But if you inhale styrene vapors for years, then over time it begins to poison the body. Polystyrene has a serious impact on the liver, which takes the whole blow. Over time, this can even develop toxic hepatitis. In addition to the liver, the heart, lungs and other organs also suffer. And in the event of a fire, polystyrene becomes not only dangerous, but deadly, because. released during combustion chemical elements are the strongest poison. In addition, burning polystyrene creates a flame of very high temperature, which makes it much less likely to extinguish a fire in a timely manner. In order to give polystyrene additional properties (strength, elasticity, etc.), extraneous polymeric substances are often added to its composition, many of which pose a health hazard. It is not possible for a simple consumer to determine what exactly the manufacturer added to the composition of polystyrene and, accordingly, the degree of danger to humans. But do not panic! The concentration of poisonous styrene emitted by polystyrene is in most cases extremely low, and often it affects the body no more than the atmosphere polluted by automobile gases.

How to distinguish polystyrene from other types of plastics? You can tell by the markings. Sometimes a plastic product is labeled "PS", which means that it is made of polystyrene. But the easiest way to distinguish appearance. Polystyrene (if it is not foamed) is a transparent material. And for all products made of transparent plastic, it can be said with a 95 percent probability that they are made of polystyrene.

How to avoid harmful effects styrene on the body? The most reliable way is to refuse materials containing polystyrene. But to do this is almost impossible. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the amount of such materials in the house. Therefore, it is necessary, if possible, to use building elements and household items only from natural materials- ceramics, wood, metal, paper, etc. If foam plastic is used as a heater, then it must be isolated from contact with the room, for example, sewn up with drywall and hermetically glue or putty all joints. It is also useful to periodically air the room. And the more often the room will be ventilated, the better.

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