Fallout 4 id of all wiki items. ID Items

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In a world that has survived a nuclear war, it is very difficult to find the necessary resources. So in post-apocalyptic Boston, players will have to face a shortage of one or another material, and in order to find it, they will have to travel through the wasteland of Fallout 4. Aluminum is not such a rare resource, but it is necessary to create and improve most types of weapons or armor, and is also indispensable in building settlements. So you will spend more than one game hour looking for him. In this guide, we will tell you where to find the material needed to complete Fallout 4.

Where is aluminum?

The wasteland will provide many opportunities for the extraction of this resource to its researchers. The easiest, but not very profitable way to get aluminum is to buy it in merchant stores. A batch of this resource in the amount of 50 pieces can be purchased from the merchant Arturo Rodriguez, who you can find in the markets of Diamond City. Be sure to stock up on caps before going to him, because this purchase will cost you a lot.

Another merchant who will gladly sell you a 25 piece aluminum shipment is Rufus Rubins. You can find it in the Good Neighbor location. In addition, junk containing this resource can be bought from any wandering merchant that can be found anywhere in the wasteland.

But since merchants don't update their wares often, buying finished aluminum will be a pretty rare event that won't meet your needs for this material. In addition, this is a rather costly undertaking that requires a large number of caps.

Dismantling of rubbish

It is much more profitable to buy any trash containing this valuable resource of the Fallout 4 game. Aluminum can be extracted from such things:

  • Cap on the refrigerant circuit (2).
  • Tray (1).
  • Regular alarm clock and "Alarm Master" (2).
  • Tool tray (3).
  • Cake mold (3).
  • Sidelight (2).
  • Carlyle typewriter (2).
  • Industrial oiler (2).

In brackets of this list is the amount of aluminum that you will extract from one item. This rubbish can not only be bought. A huge amount of all these things are scattered throughout the Fallout 4 wasteland. Aluminum can be found if you are not lazy and visit places especially rich in this resource.

Where to look for material?

There are several areas in the game where you should go for this material. First of all, you can find a lot of junk in the vicinity of the Good Neighbor location, one of the most popular in the Fallout 4 game. You can also find aluminum in large quantities within the Korvega machine assembly shop. This place is located in the south of the town of Lexington. Keep in mind that inside you will find a fight with raiders and wild ghouls. So the resource will not be so easy to get. For a trip to this location, you can take about a hundred cans, which give two parts of aluminum when parsed. In addition, there are quite a few other useful things in this area.

"Fish" place

To thoroughly get hold of aluminum, it is worth visiting the Mehkra fish factory. Before you go to this location, put on and stock up on weapons, because here you will face unfriendly synths. It will also be useful to free up space in your inventory and take with you any partner who will not only help in battle, but also take on part of the load. This will make it very easy for you to get through this. Aluminum is in abundance here.

Having reached the place, do not rush to go inside - on the roof of the building you can get a good carbine with an optical sight. It is not necessary to search the upper floors of the location, there are few useful things in them. We are interested in the basement of the building, because it is here that there are large deposits of trash containing aluminum. But it will not be easy to take it, as the synths will attack without stopping. So before you collect things, it is better to clear the location. A trip to the fish factory will bring you about a hundred aluminum cans and 84 trays, and this is a pretty impressive catch that will provide you with this resource for a long time. In addition, on the corpse of one of the enemies you will find an excellent rocket launcher with increased damage against enemies with full health.

Fallout 4 code for aluminum

Of course, most players do not like to use cheating methods of obtaining a particular resource in the game. After all, whatever one may say, it is rather unfair. But there are situations in which such methods cannot be dispensed with. For example, you have explored the entire wasteland up and down and taken out everything you can from the locations, but the lack of aluminum continues to spoil your game. In this case, you can get rid of the "resource hunger" with the help of a cheat on this material. To do this, you need to activate the console line.

You can do this with the "~" key. Now in the window that opens, you need to register the command: player.additem (code) (quantity). Parentheses are ignored when entering. Aluminum ID - 0006907A. If you need to get 50 pieces of this resource, then enter into the command line: player.additem 0006907A 50, after which we exit the console and check the inventory in which you will find a new batch of this resource. In such a simple way, you can get rid of the lack of any material, the main thing is to know the item code and enter it into the console.

Only here you will find almost all the id items for the fallout 4 game.

A huge selection of different items, such as building materials, weapons, ammo, food, armor for the hero and the dog.

How to find the id of any Fallout item


Let's start with items that the player often uses during the game.

Construction Materials

The following items act as building components for building settlements and fortifying them. In addition, they are indispensable when modifying weapons.






Wonder Glue


optical fiber



nuclear material


Insulating tape



If you need not components, but entire batches of building materials, then the id of the batches of materials will help:


Metal Party (100)

Metal Party (50)

Acid Party (25)

Glue Party (50)

Glue Party (25)

Aluminum Lot (50)

BatchAluminum (25)

Security Fiber Party (25)

Antiseptic batch (25)

Asbestos batch (25)

Ceramics Party (25)

Circuit Party (25)

Scheme Party (50)

Fabric lot (25)

Concrete batch (50)

Copper batch (25)

Cork lot (25)

Crystal Party (25)

Fertilizer batch (25)

Fiberglass batch (25)

Fiber Optic Lot (25)

Party gears (25)

Glass party (25)

Gold lot (25)

Lead Party (25)

Leather Party (25)

Shipment of nuclear materials (25)

Butter Party (25)

Plastic Lot (25)

Rubber lot (25)

Bolt batch (25)

Silver lot (25)

Spring batch (25)

Tree Party (50)

Tree Party (100)


Weapons and ammunition

Any weapon and infinite ammo can also be obtained using their id and console. Tired of looking for a gun in the vast expanses of the Commonwealth? Or ran out of ammo for your favorite minigun? Console to help you!


super hammer

Gatling laser

Optical carbine Gauss

Short Combat Shotgun

submachine gun


Short injection carabiner

Gamma gun


ammo for minigun

Cryo cartridges

5 mm ammo

Gamma Gun Ammo

Cartridges .308 caliber

Plasma charge

5.56 mm ammo

nuclear battery

Cartridges .44 caliber

10 mm ammo

Shotgun ammo

Cartridges .45 caliber

Cartridges .38 caliber


Flamethrower Fuel

Cartridges for an extraterrestrial pistol (Alien blaster)

Mini nuke

2 mm electromagnetic cartridges

railway nail

Plasma cartridges

cryogenic charge

nuclear battery

Cartridges .50 caliber

Molotov cocktail

Synth relay grenade - teleports one synth to you

Artillery smoke bomb - indicates a place for an artillery strike

Rotary Beacon - Summons the Rotary Wing

Unique weapon

When playing Fallout 4, you can find several copies of unique weapons. Not something that has randomly generated properties and drops from legendary opponents, but an integral and developer-created means of destroying enemies. In order not to search for a deadly arsenal for a long and painful time, see the list below:

power armor

There are five types of power armor in Fallout 4. Let's list it in order of increasing power: raider power armor, T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01. Where to find each of the sets and how to get the desired costume, we told in power armor location guide. The codes below will make it much easier, but less interesting:


Power Armor Frame

Raider Power Armor

Left hand

Right hand

Right leg

Left leg


T-45 Left Hand

T-45 Right Arm

T-45 Right leg

T-45 Left leg

T-45 Torso

T-51 Left Hand

T-51 Right Arm

T-51 Right leg

T-51 Left leg

T-51 Torso

T-60 Left Hand

T-60 Right Hand

T-60 Right leg

T-60 Left leg

T-60 Torso

X-01 Left Hand

X-01 Right Hand

X-01 Right leg

X-01 Left leg

X-01 Trunk

Dog armor

Among the companions that can accompany the main character throughout the game, there is a dog named Psina. Like all other companions, she can also be dressed in armor. Where to find a complete set of protection for the Dog we have already told in the guide at the link. In order not to look for a costume for a dog, remember the id of its elements below:

baby dolls

There are twenty figurines in Fallout 4 that give your character the opportunity not only to increase the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L., but also to raise other equally interesting characteristics. you can read detailed guide to finding baby dolls, or just get them using the table below.

Legendary Armor IDs

The higher the difficulty level on which you go through Fallout 4, the more likely you are to meet legendary enemies (you will see an asterisk next to their name). After searching the body of such an enemy, you can remove the legendary weapon from him, or the legendary armor, which has special properties.

These properties are shown in the table below and can be attached to any other armor using console commands. Open the console and type the command mod ID(by clicking on an item). To remove the property from the armor, type rmodID, also by clicking on an item.

Property name


1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence



1 Strength and +1 Stamina


1 Dexterity and +1 Perception


Ghoul damage reduced by 15%


Bog and insect damage reduced by 15%

Anti mutant

Super mutant damage reduced by 15%


Animal damage reduced by 15%


Robot damage reduced by 15%


Human damage reduced by 15%


Fall damage reduced by 50% (does not stack)

Completely prevents fall damage

Irradiation increases the rate of recovery of AP


Makes it easier to pick locks


Reduces damage taken by 15% while stationary


25 poison protection


Damage taken while blocking or haste reduced by 15%


Slows down time in combat if health drops below 20%


Enemies have a harder time detecting you while you are still.


The lower the health, the higher the damage resistance (up to +35)

Increases the speed of recovery of AP


Increases movement speed by 10%

Improved VATS

Reduces the cost of actions in VATS by 10%.


Item durability quadrupled


Gives a 10% chance to automatically disarm an enemy with melee attacks

A light weight

Reduced weight of this armor element


Returns 10% damage to melee attacking enemy

Legendary Weapon IDs

Similar to the unique armor mods described above, Fallout 4 weapons can also have a legendary mod. It is important to remember that weapons with a legendary property cannot be disassembled into materials, and the legendary property is not lost. when modifying weapons.

You will find the description and codes in the table below, and they are added to the gun through the console, similar to armor: mod ID for dressing and rmod ID to remove the property.

Property name



Chance to daze target on hit


20% chance on hit to damage target's leg


On a critical hit, the target becomes enraged and attacks nearby enemies.


Increased damage with each subsequent attack on the same target


25% damage and limb damage


Sets an enemy on fire, dealing 15 fire damage to them.


Adds Poison Damage over 10 seconds (3 damage/sec)


10 additional cold damage and the ability to freeze the enemy on a critical hit

Increase damage by 25%

Saturated with plasma

10 extra energy damage


50 additional radioactive damage

Targets take 25 extra bleeding damage


Deals 50% more damage to limbs


Increase damage to Ghouls by 50%


Increased damage against insects and swamps by 50%

Mutant Fighter

Increase damage against super mutants by 50%


Increased damage to animals (not insects) by 50%


Increase damage to people by 50%


Double damage to targets with full health


Increase damage to mechanisms by 50%


Bonus energy damage based on wearer's damage resistance


Reduce damage while standing still by 15%


Reduces damage taken by 15% while blocking or sprinting

drug addict

Additional damage that increases depending on the number of addictions the hero has.

Increased damage at night (from 18-00 to 6-00)


Bonus damage depending on the amount of health the hero has (the less health, the more damage)


If the character has not yet joined the battle, the accuracy of the shot in VATS increases and the cost of AP increases

Increases character's movement speed by 75% while aiming


Critical hits with this weapon restore the hero's AP


Reduced AP consumption by 25%

VATS compliant

Increases accuracy in VATS and reduces AP cost by 25%.

VATS compliant

Reduces AP cost by 40%


Possibility of automatic shooting


Shooting without reloading


The projectile explodes on impact and deals 15 damage in an area


The weapon fires two charges instead of one, and the ammo consumption does not change


Ignores 30% of the target's resistance to damage and energy


Increase rate of fire by 25%, speed up reloading by 15%


Doubled the amount of critical damage and 15% faster filling of the critical strike gauge when hit in VATS

We really hope that this guide helped you make the game in Fallout 4 a little more interesting. If you need character ids, then stay with us - we will publish them soon.

The aluminum component is a vital element in Fallout 4, for those players who are actively building their settlement in the game, or actively modifying weapons and armor pieces. It is for such players that the question very often arises, where to get more aluminum? In this article we will try to answer this question.

The most common way to obtain aluminum is to dismantle junk, or items that contain this component, in a workshop. We will talk about what kind of trash contains aluminum in the next section, and in this we will talk about where to go to find aluminum in the form of objects or trash.

Any location contains junk from which you can extract the component you need, just in some locations there is a lot of this junk, in some it is not enough. Most aluminum can be found in the following 3 locations:

  • Location “Fish factory “Makhkra”” – at this plant, aluminum is in the form of such items as:
    • aluminum tray (there are just a lot of them, we collect everything);
    • aluminum can;
    • etc.
  • Surroundings of the location “Good Neighborliness” - if you walk around these places, you can find a lot of rubbish that contains aluminum, and most importantly it is safe;

  • Location “Corvega Machine Assembly Shop” - in this location you can find a lot of trash that contains aluminum, in total there will be more than 100 units, but you can also find quite a few problems here, because this plant is a haven for a large gang of raiders.

It is interesting: aluminum can also be obtained using cheat codes, its id=0006907a.

What junk contains aluminum?

As mentioned above, aluminum can be obtained from various trash by dismantling it in the workshop of your settlement, which trash contains aluminum, see this table:

Name Aluminum content item id
Applicator 1 00166b2c
Wrench (institute) 1 00166b32
Otoscope 1 0013ff44
Tool tray 3 00059ad8
Coffee jar 2 00020194 (00020191)
Transmitter 2 000ede2a
Galvanocauter 1 00166b2d
Sidelight 2 0007e941
Tripod 1 000ec8b3
Typewriter "Carlisle" 2 001c88e7
Emergency Pulsator 2 0014198e
Dictaphone 1 0013ff87
Industrial oiler 2 001ab5ee
Shiny tin 1 000f15bb
toy rocket 1 00059b2a
Tweezers 1 0013ff41
Sensor 1 00166b31
Alarm 2 00059b27
Injector 1 00166b2e
Tray 1 0019dff3
aluminum can 2 0001f908
Cap on the refrigerant circuit 2 000e1ff0
triple tool 1 00166b34
Alarm clock "Budilomaster" 2 001c9e92
small butter dish 1 001ab5ed
lunch tray 3 00059b2c
Cake mold 3 0001a333
Disabled emergency transmitter 2 0014198e
aluminum canister 2 00176054

Where can I buy aluminum from?

In order to get aluminum, it is not necessary to go on dangerous raids, you can just go to a merchant and buy the component you need. There are 2 merchants in the Commonwealth who have aluminum in sufficient quantities, these are:

  • Merchant Rufus Rubins - this merchant can be found in the Good Neighbor location, he is usually located in the lobby of the local Rexford Hotel, Rufus has lots of aluminum for sale in 50 pieces;
  • Merchant Arturo Rodriguez - You can find him in the Diamond City location, he keeps the Commonwealth Weapons shop there, in addition to weapons, he also sells aluminum in batches of 25 units.

It is interesting: if you didn't find Rufus at the hotel, then head to the Third Rail bar, he will definitely be there.

As you can see from this article, finding aluminum in Fallout 4 is not difficult, and there are several ways to do this. If you know where else aluminum can be mined, then write to us in the comments, we will definitely add this information to the article.

In Fallout 4, each item has its own ID number, which uniquely identifies it. With the help of codes, you can control these items through the game console.

Below is a list of IDs for essentials, building materials, food, weapons and ammo, Fallout 4, etc.

To add the desired item from the list below to your inventory, open the console with the ~ key and enter the command player.additem ID X - instead of ID, specify the number of the item you need (list below), instead of X, specify the required quantity. For example, code player.additem 000000f 1000 will add 1000 caps to your inventory.

You can not only add things to your inventory, but also put them in front of you. Yes, code player.placeatme 000000f 1000 scatters a thousand caps in front of the player (you are tormented to collect them).

The legendary armor and weapon properties at the end of this article are added by other teams - the codes for them are given there. We have published a complete list of the main game codes here:. In this article, we will focus only on the identifiers of game items. There is also a separate article about perks and increasing the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character: .

To make it easier for you to navigate the codes, below is a list with links to the corresponding groups of items:

Let's start with items that the player often uses during the game.


Construction Materials

The following items act as building components for building settlements and fortifying them. In addition, they are indispensable for.

ID Subject
0006907a aluminum
0006907c Copper
0006907b Wiring
0006907d Crystal
000731a3 Wood
00106d98 Rubber
106d99 Concrete
000731a4 Steel
000aec5d Bone
0006907E Gears
00059B25 Wonder Glue
000aec5f Textile
001bf72e Glue
00069087 optical fiber
0006907f Plastic
000AEC5E Ceramics
000AEC63 Lead
000AEC5C Asbestos
000AEC62 Gold
000AEC64 Leather
000AEC60 Cork
001BF732 Oil
001BF72D Acid
00069082 Spring
00069086 nuclear material
001bf72f antiseptic
00069085 Glass
00069081 Bolt
0004D1F2 Insulating tape
00059b1e Turpentine
000AEC61 Fiberglass
000AEC66 Silver

If you need not components, but entire batches of building materials, then the id of the batches of materials will help:

ID Subject
001EC131 Metal Party (100)
001EC132 Metal Party (50)
001EC133 Acid Party (25)
001EC134 Glue Party (50)
001EC135 Glue Party (25)
001EC136 Aluminum Lot (50)
001EC137 BatchAluminum (25)
001EC138 Security Fiber Party (25)
001EC139 Antiseptic batch (25)
001EC13A Asbestos batch (25)
001EC13B Ceramics Party (25)
001EC13C Circuit Party (25)
001EC13D Scheme Party (50)
001EC13E Fabric lot (25)
001EC13F Concrete batch (50)
001EC140 Copper batch (25)
001EC141 Cork lot (25)
001EC142 Crystal Party (25)
001EC143 Fertilizer batch (25)
001EC144 Fiberglass batch (25)
001EC145 Fiber Optic Lot (25)
001EC146 Party gears (25)
001EC147 Glass party (25)
001EC148 Gold lot (25)
001EC149 Lead Party (25)
001EC14A Leather Party (25)
001EC14B Shipment of nuclear materials (25)
001EC14C Butter Party (25)
001EC14D Plastic Lot (25)
001EC14E Rubber lot (25)
001EC14F Bolt batch (25)
001EC150 Silver lot (25)
001EC151 Spring batch (25)
001EC152 Tree Party (50)
001EC153 Tree Party (100)


Weapons and ammunition

Any weapon and infinite ammo can also be obtained using their id and console. Tired of looking for a gun in the vast expanses of the Commonwealth? Or ran out of ammo for your favorite minigun? Console to help you!

ID Subject
00069088 super hammer
0001f669 Minigun
000E27BC Gatling laser
000D1EB0 Optical carbine Gauss
0014831С Short Combat Shotgun
0015В044 submachine gun
0003F6F8 Launcher
000BD56F fat man
0014D09E Short injection carabiner
000DDB7С Gamma gun
0001f66c ammo for minigun
0018ABE2 Cryo cartridges
0001F66C 5 mm ammo
000DF279 Gamma Gun Ammo
0001F66B Cartridges .308 caliber
0001DBB7 Plasma charge
0001F278 5.56 mm ammo
000C1897 nuclear battery
0009221C Cartridges .44 caliber
0001F276 10 mm ammo
0001F673 Shotgun ammo
0001F66A Cartridges .45 caliber
0004CE87 Cartridges .38 caliber
000FD11C Cannonball
000CAC78 Flamethrower Fuel
001025AA Cartridges for an extraterrestrial pistol (Alien blaster)
0010E689 Mini nuke
0018ABDF 2 mm electromagnetic cartridges
000FE269 railway nail
0001DBB7 Plasma cartridges
0018ABE2 cryogenic charge
000C1897 nuclear battery
0001f279 Cartridges .50 caliber
000CABA3 Rocket
000E5750 Molotov cocktail
000589F2 Synth relay grenade - teleports one synth to you
0012E2CA Artillery smoke bomb - indicates a place for an artillery strike
00056917 Rotary Beacon - Summons a vertibird

Unique weapon

When playing Fallout 4, you can find several copies of unique weapons. Not something that has randomly generated properties and drops from legendary opponents, but an integral and developer-created means of destroying enemies. In order not to search for a deadly arsenal for a long and painful time, see the list below:

power armor

There are five types of power armor in Fallout 4. Let's list it in order of increasing power: raider power armor, T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01. Where to find each of the sets and how to get the desired costume, we told in. The codes below will make it much easier, but less interesting:

ID Subject
0002079e Power Armor Frame
Raider Power Armor
00140C52 Left hand
00140C53 Right hand
00140C54 Helmet
00140C55 Right leg
00140C56 Left leg
00140C57 torso
00154ABD T-45 Left Hand
00154ABE T-45 Right Arm
00154ABF T-45 Helmet
00154AC0 T-45 Right leg
00154AC1 T-45 Left leg
00154AC2 T-45 Torso
00140C4C T-51 Left Hand
00140C4D T-51 Right Arm
00140C4E T-51 Helmet
00140C4F T-51 Right leg
00140C50 T-51 Left leg
00140C51 T-51 Torso
00140C3D T-60 Left Hand
00140C45 T-60 Right Hand
00140C4A T-60 Helmet
00140C3F T-60 Right leg
00140C49 T-60 Left leg
00140С42 T-60 Torso
00154AC3 X-01 Left Hand
00154AC4 X-01 Right Hand
00154AC5 X-01 Helmet
00154AC7 X-01 Right leg
00154AC6 X-01 Left leg
00154AC8 X-01 Trunk

Dog armor

You will find the description and codes in the table below, and they are added to the gun through the console, similar to armor: mod ID for dressing and rmod ID to remove the property.

Property name ID Bonus
stunning 001e81ab Chance to daze target on hit
crippling 001f1048 20% chance on hit to damage target's leg
Furious 001f6ad4 On a critical hit, the target becomes enraged and attacks nearby enemies.
Furious 001ef481 Increased damage with each subsequent attack on the same target
Aggressive 001f7b8a +25% damage and damage to limbs
Incendiary 001e7173 Sets an enemy on fire, dealing 15 fire damage to them.
sorcerer's 001f31b9 Adds Poison Damage over 10 seconds (3 damage/sec)
Chilling 001f5479 10 additional cold damage and the ability to freeze the enemy on a critical hit
Powerful 001cc2ab Increase damage by 25%
Saturated with plasma 001f9b4d 10 extra energy damage
Irradiated 001cc469 50 additional radioactive damage
hurting 001e7c20 Targets take 25 extra bleeding damage
crippling 001e6d6b Deals 50% more damage to limbs
anti-radiation 001e6847 Increase damage to Ghouls by 50%
disastrous 001f81eb Increased damage against insects and swamps by 50%
Mutant Fighter 001e6848 Increase damage against super mutants by 50%
hunting 001e6845 Increased damage to animals (not insects) by 50%
murderous 001e6846 Increase damage to people by 50%
provocative 001f04b8 Double damage to targets with full health
Repair 001f81ec Increase damage to mechanisms by 50%
berserker 001ef5d7 Bonus energy damage based on wearer's damage resistance
Protective 001f5995 Reduce damage while standing still by 15%
Cavalry 001f57e2 Reduces damage taken by 15% while blocking or sprinting
drug addict 001eb99a Additional damage that increases depending on the number of addictions the hero has.
Night 001e8174 Increased damage at night (from 18-00 to 6-00)
bloodied 001ec036 Bonus damage depending on the amount of health the hero has (the less health, the more damage)
Pathfinder 001f04bd If the character has not yet joined the battle, the accuracy of the shot in VATS increases and the cost of AP increases
dexterous 001ebabd Increases character's movement speed by 75% while aiming
tireless 001ed37e Critical hits with this weapon restore the hero's AP
Lightning 001f1026 Reduced AP consumption by 25%
VATS compliant 001cc2aa Increases accuracy in VATS and reduces AP cost by 25%.
VATS compliant 002056f0 Reduces AP cost by 40%
Automatic 000a4739 Possibility of automatic shooting
Infinite 001cc2ac Shooting without reloading
explosive 001e73bd The projectile explodes on impact and deals 15 damage in an area
Double-charged 001cc2ad The weapon fires two charges instead of one, and the ammo consumption does not change
Penetrating 001f4426 Ignores 30% of the target's resistance to damage and energy
Swift 001ec56d Increase rate of fire by 25%, speed up reloading by 15%
Happy 001cc2a6 Doubled the amount of critical damage and 15% faster filling of the critical strike gauge when hit in VATS

We really hope that this guide helped you make the game in Fallout 4 a little more interesting. If you need character ids, then stay with us - we will publish them soon. As for partners, then.

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AT Fallout 4 like in all games Bethesda, there are IDs by which you can get what you need. In our guide, we will show you a list of IDs: items, weapons, building materials, armor, etc. in Fallout 4.

The list we are looking for:

  • Essentials
  • Construction Materials
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Power Armor

List of Essentials

ID List of Essentials:

List of building materials

ID List of building materials:

ID Construction Materials
000C1897nuclear battery
00059B25Wonder Glue
00069087 optical fiber
00069082 Spring
00069086 nuclear component
00069085 Glass
00069081 Bolt
0004D1F2Insulating tape
00059B02pre-war money

Food List

ID Food List

List of weapons

ID List of weapons and ammunition:

ID Weapon
00069088 super hammer
000E27BCGatling laser
000D1EB0Gauss Optical Carabiner
0014831СShort Combat Shotgun
0015В044submachine gun
000BD56FRocket launcher "Fat Man"
0014D09EShort injection carabiner
000DDB7СGamma gun
0001f66cammo for minigun
0018ABE2Cryo cartridges
0001F66C5 mm ammo
000DF279Gamma Gun Ammo
0001F66B308 caliber ammo
0001DBB7Plasma charge
0001F2785.56 caliber ammo
000C1897nuclear battery
0009221C44 caliber ammo
0001F27610 mm ammo
0001F673Shotgun ammo
0001F66A45 caliber ammo
0004CE8738 gauge ammo
000CAC78Flamethrower Fuel
001025AAAlien blaster ammo
000DF279Gamma ammo
0018ABDF2 mm electromagnetic cartridges
000FE269railway nail
0001DBB7Plasma cartridges
0018ABE2cryogenic charge
000C1897nuclear battery
00075FE4Nuclear block (power for armor)
0001f27950 gauge ammo
000E5750Molotov Cola
000589F2Synth Relay Grenade
0012E2CAArtillery smoke bomb
00056917 rotorcraft flare

List of legendary and unique weapons

ID List of legendary and unique weapons:

List of normal and power armor

ID List of normal and power armor:

ID Armor
00140C3DT-60 Left Hand
00140C45T-60 Right Hand
00140C4AT-60 Helmet
00140C3FT-60 Right leg
00140C49T-60 Left leg
00140С42T-60 Part of the chest
00154AC3X-01 Left Hand
00154AC4X-01 Right Hand
00154AC5X-01 Helmet
00154AC7X-01 Right leg
00154AC6X-01 Left leg
00154AC8X-01 Part of chest
Raider Power Armor
00140C52Left hand
00140C53Right hand
00140C55Right leg
00140C56Left leg
00140C57Part of the chest
00154ABDT-45 Left Hand
00154ABET-45 Right Arm
00154ABFT-45 Helmet
00154AC0T-45 Right leg
00154AC1T-45 Left leg
00154AC2T-45 Part of the chest
00140C4CT-51 Left Hand
00140C4DT-51 Right Arm
00140C4ET-51 Helmet
00140C4FT-51 Right leg
00140C50T-51 Left leg
00140C51T-51 Part of the chest
000DED29Silver Cloak Suit

List of armor and clothes for the dog

ID List of armor and clothes for the dog:

List of bandanas

ID List Bandanas:

List of Bobbleheads Vault Boy

ID List of Bobbleheads Vault Boy:

Party List with Resources

ID List of parties with resources to build settlements:

ID Supply of Resources
001EC131Metal Party (100)
001EC132Metal Party (50)
001EC133Acid Party (25)
001EC134Glue Party (50)
001EC135Glue Party (25)
001EC136Aluminum Lot (50)
001EC137Batch Aluminum (25)
001EC138Security Fiber Party (25)
001EC139Antiseptic Party (25)
001EC13AAsbest Party (25)
001EC13BParty Pottery (25)
001EC13CScheme Party (25)
001EC13DScheme Party (50)
001EC13EParty Cloth (25)
001EC13FConcrete Party (50)
001EC140Party Copper (25)
001EC141Party Caps (25)
001EC142Crystal Party (25)
001EC143Fertilizer Batch (25)
001EC144Fiberglass Lot (25)
001EC145Fiber Optic Lot (25)
001EC146Gear Party (25)
001EC147Party Glass (25)
001EC148Party Gold (25)
001EC149Lead Party (25)
001EC14ASkin Party (25)
001EC14BNuclear Materials Party (25)
001EC14CButter Party (25)
001EC14DPlastic Lot (25)
001EC14ERubber Party (25)
001EC14FBolt Party (25)
001EC150Party Silver (25)
001EC151Party Springs (25)
001EC152Tree Party (50)
001EC153Tree Party (100)

The lists will be updated as information becomes available.

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