Project manager job responsibilities. Project manager: functions, job description, resume

landscaping 26.09.2019

Let's do a mini test:

  • You have an analytical mind and if you have a goal in front of you, you always see ways to solve it.
  • You know how to communicate with people, manage them, guide them, clearly set tasks and stimulate them to complete them.
  • You are collected, energetic, stress-resistant, able to work to tight deadlines and achieve success.

If you answered “yes” to all three, congratulations, you might make a good project manager.

What is a project manager?

This is a person-organizer, inspirer, generator of ideas, who clearly knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it.
All of us at the household or professional level have somehow been in the role of a project manager.

If we want to buy some thing, for example, a car, but we don’t have enough money for it, then we make a plan for our spending, develop a savings strategy and gradually move towards our goal.
If we need to organize a party, we think over the scenario, figure out how to entertain the guests, make up the menu.

The project manager does almost the same thing, but on a more global scale.
All his work lies in the ability to spin, organize, promote any business and successfully complete it.

What do project managers do?

The main thing on which the work of a project manager is based is the ability to coordinate the actions of people.
One person, no matter how brilliant he may be, will not be able to implement even a medium-capacity project alone. To launch a project, you definitely need people - a team.

And in order for the work to go smoothly, consistently, we need a leader who will take care of everything, organize, coordinate. All team members should be result oriented.
For example, the release of an online magazine is being organized. To begin with, the project manager must find:

  • Editor.
  • Copywriter.
  • Designer.
  • Programmer.

The task of the project manager is to start the magazine. To do this, the editor must define the concept of the issue, come up with headings, select materials, organize interviews, etc. A copywriter or copywriters must write content, a designer must select and draw a design, a layout designer must compose the material ...

The project manager should become a link that will unite the efforts of several people. He must ensure that everything is done on time, the implementation of the project goes without a hitch, stage by stage, and the specialists do not stand idle.

In addition, the project manager must make decisions in the course of work, answer questions that arise, and explain incomprehensible points. Therefore, it is not bad to understand writing texts, to know a lot about design, to have taste and flair, to select winning options and reject those that will not be popular.

This does not mean that the project manager has to do someone else's work. Not at all. Each member of the team performs its functions, and the leader only directs, understands various subtleties and is able to calmly, without nerves provide comfortable conditions for quick problem solving.

AT various projects Leadership functions may vary. Somewhere you will need to contact potential customers, negotiate, negotiate, set deadlines.
Most often, the project manager is responsible for the selection of people in the team for the implementation of the project, so communication skills, the ability to work with freelancers, write letters, answer questions, and so on are very important.

For each individual project, a certain set of qualities may be required, which is negotiated by the customer, who is looking for a project manager in his team.
Therefore, the more various knowledge and skills in your arsenal, the more valuable your work on the Internet will be.

Who needs project managers?

No company, firm in real life, and even more so, the Internet is not complete without a project manager. Someone should be able to put together all the small cogs, lubricate them, stimulate, start and make them work clearly, smoothly, according to a certain plan, in a certain rhythm.

Internet business for the most part just consists of constantly developing and implemented projects. Whether it is the creation of a website, the opening of an online store or the development of an information business. And in order for projects to become active, a person is needed who will be able to implement them.

Should I study to be a project manager?

If you have organizational skills, then you can try yourself as a project manager. However, get ready for the fact that not all your undertakings will be crowned with success.

Only a part of people with a well-developed instinct, a sharp mind, the ability to plan without special training can not make mistakes. And the vast majority hit bumps, act randomly, and achieve results, only
through a hard trial and error process.

Therefore, priority for those who already own the basics of management received basic knowledge and graduated from a specialized university. However, if you have all necessary qualities manager, it is not necessary to have a diploma behind him. It is enough just to learn what will help develop your natural qualities and skillfully apply them when working on the implementation of various projects.

Special training courses and trainings allow you to get the basics of doing business projects and successfully implement them in practice. The rest will come with experience.
You can get the necessary knowledge in 4-6 weeks.

Where do project managers find work?

Project managers are not born, and jobs of this kind are found on the Internet either on freelance exchanges or on specialized sites where job vacancies are posted.

In freelancing, you can often find quite voluminous work that one person obviously cannot handle. On such complex orders, you can practice and get your hand in organization and the ability to work in the same team with other people.
Especially if you already have the necessary knowledge, it will not be so difficult to do this.
And if you have people of different Internet specialties in your arsenal who are ready to join the project, you have the cards in hand.

In addition, if you are interested in this profession, many large Internet resources, especially developing and promising ones, always have a “Vacancies” section, where you can often find the profession of a project manager among other specialties.

Good project managers are valued, so finding a job isn't hard. It is harder to show oneself in a favorable light, to give everything, to be able to organize the work correctly and prove one's professionalism.

How much does a project manager earn?

The salary of a project manager depends on the complexity of the task. The more complex the project, the more money you can earn on it. But often wages, of course, will depend on the final result.

Project managers earn between $500 and $15,000 on average. The level of wages largely depends on the level of professionalism. Leading top managers are highly valued, so they are trusted to manage fairly complex projects and are worth their weight in gold.

What should a project manager be like?

If you have chosen the project manager path, be responsible. You must be responsible not only for yourself and your actions, but also for the work of the entire team. Whatever happens, you must be able to influence both the course of events and the human factor.

When setting goals for yourself, be sure to go to the result. Various obstacles, force majeure should not lead to discouragement: the whole team is watching you, so keep your face under any circumstances.

Since you work with people, your communication skills are designed to win people over. Know how to choose the right tone, always be friendly. Do not include "commander" where it is not needed. Equal, unbiased attitude
polite treatment, the ability to communicate will help to achieve the desired results without conflict.

You are the leader. Therefore, a fire must burn in you that leads people, attracts them and inspires them. Explain intelligibly and clearly to people where and why they are going, what awaits them at the exit - and they will follow you with pleasure.

Be flexible, enterprising, competent. Skillfully bypass all the pitfalls, maneuver, balance, set realistic deadlines. Do not demand the impossible from people. Just lead and show how to act. And the more calmly you behave, the more confidently your team will act.

And vice versa: if you are nervous, annoyed, choose a commanding style of work, get ready that your project may be on the verge of failure.
Know how to make quick and correct decisions. Those who delay to the last, make a lot of mistakes.

Work with the team as equals clearly explain the tasks, do not hide the necessary and useful information.
Choose a team of professionals or people with good potential. This will help to complete the project efficiently and on time.
Never assume that no one is better than you to cope with the tasks.

Do not interfere with the work of your colleagues, to endlessly indicate what they need to do, and after work they also “clean up their tails”. This is the wrong style and false tactics.
Be calm, balanced, competent. Constantly improve your professional level. Learn to understand those specialties with which you have to work during the implementation of the project.

Doesn't have to be a brilliant copywriter, designer, programmer and project manager all rolled into one. It is enough to have basic knowledge and skillfully apply it, to help the team better understand each other. Your simple, necessary words and explanations will do what multi-volume textbooks cannot do. After all, you are a leader, which means that you will always be able to set people on the same wavelength.

In the process of creating a project, regardless of the scale and direction, a team of professionals and like-minded people participates. To launch a coherent and efficient work only the professionalism of the participants is not enough. To form a team, manage its activities and motivate to achieve the goal, a project (Project Manager) is needed. What responsibilities are assigned to him, and what qualities should the person responsible for the implementation of the initiative have?

The success of an undertaking depends on who is its leading link. This requires a specialist who is able to control each part of the campaign and assemble it into a single whole. And this is only a small part of the duties. In addition to performing the function of a person who has been given a number of powers by the management, this person motivates the participants and is worthy of the processes taking place on different stages creating a business. This is the manager on whom the success of the future creation depends.

Initially, the concept of a project manager appeared in the field of Internet technologies, where developers needed managers. Although it is believed that the first time the concept of Project Manager was used in the US military, the first management tools were also created there. Now the profession of a project manager, which is so called in business circles, is named the most demanded in different areas activities:

  • sports
  • marketing companies
  • investment and financial companies
  • charities
  • and etc.

It may seem that this is such a universal soldier who knows and knows everything. In fact, this is not so. There are situations when the project manager has to do something on his own, or go deeper into the study of a particular issue. But this is necessary only in order to better understand what is happening and be able to calculate all the nuances and possible errors.

The project manager is primarily a leader who specializes in human resource and process management. In order for this concept not to become blurry, there must be bounding boxes.

Bringing an idea to life or achieving a goal requires the introduction of quite understandable constraints: cost, timing and content. Any overstepping will result in the failure of the entire project. In order for a product, adjusted to certain conditions, to also turn out to be of high quality, effective management will be required.

In simple terms, a project manager (PM) is an official who must implement the customer's idea within the agreed timeframe using available resources. To do this, the project manager must:

  • draw up a strategic plan
  • team members
  • set up practical work processes on the project
  • establish feedback between the main customer and performers
  • prevent or eliminate problems that arise in the process
  • control the quality of the task being performed

Sometimes the responsibility of management is assumed by the authors of the idea, mistakenly believing that they must personally control each step. But having completed a certain number of tasks on their own, they transfer it into the hands of the project manager, who is endowed with a number of powers and functional responsibilities.

Functional responsibilities of the PM in the development and implementation of the project

The general functions that the project manager must perform are divided into the performance of local tasks, defined by:

  • organizational form
  • type of tasks
  • scale of the organization
  • field of activity

They are also defined by clear ones, with which the project manager gets acquainted at the beginning of the implementation of the idea. All tasks that PM must perform within the framework of its goals can be divided into tactical and strategic ones.

Tactical functions are focused on solving daily issues, solving problems and helping to overcome obstacles that arise in the process. Strategic ones are in general coordination, development of a path to the goal and optimization of process control methods.

In terms of project stakeholders and communications, the project manager must achieve goals at three levels:

  • ideas and author
  • management and companies
  • company members

The job descriptions of the functional responsibilities of a project manager in most companies are determined by the following tasks:

  • coordination of project details with the author or customer
  • formation of working groups
  • project with the involvement of department heads to provide necessary information
  • resource management
  • management and control of deadlines
  • quality control of work performed
  • organization of work with external participants and partners
  • monitoring the occurrence of possible risks and developing a plan to prevent them
  • operational decision making
  • setting goals and objectives for department heads
  • requesting any information related to the topic from performers, team leaders and external participants
  • in communications of project participants
  • informing the management, the customer or the author about each stage and the final result
  • making suggestions to the management about the possibilities for improving the project
  • preparation and control of accompanying documentation: reports, estimates, commercial offers and etc.

Such a volume of assigned tasks is within the power of a person with extraordinary qualities. First of all, it is high efficiency, stress resistance and resourcefulness. If necessary, the project manager must be able to stop and assess the current situation, and not blindly continue to follow job descriptions.

Requirements for a candidate for the position of Project Manager

In business, there are companies in which the project manager has job descriptions that require specific education in the industry where the work takes place.

For example, in construction, a PM must have at least experience in construction company, and as a maximum - to have a higher technical education and experience in leadership positions. Regardless of the direction, when looking for a person for the position of a PM manager, they present a list of the following requirements for him:

  • higher education in the profile of the design industry
  • 1 year or more, depending on the severity of the tasks
  • drafting skills technical documentation and reporting
  • experience in leadership positions
  • communication skills
  • negotiation skills
  • processing skills a large number of information

In addition to the candidate, requirements are sometimes made regarding the specific direction of the goals set:

  • possession of a driver's license
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of organizing the process
  • fluency in English or another foreign language

Certain personal qualities will only strengthen and expand the potential PM candidate, namely:

  • responsibility
  • sociability
  • ability to think critically
  • ability
  • organization
  • performance
  • ability to persuade and motivate
  • Ability to communicate clearly and set goals

A Project Manager position with these characteristics is highly valued and well paid. The selection of such an employee by the company's management should be taken seriously, because. his dismissal can cause the firing of the performing team and failure.

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The project manager is considered to be the administrative head of the project team, providing operational, functional management of its work, as well as controlling all work within the framework of this project. Almost all companies in our time exist in conditions of increased competition. Therefore, a competent project manager is obliged to analyze the market, make development plans and anticipate changes in this area. Moreover, he must manage these changes by keeping the company's projects and resources up to par.

Role in business

In the field of business, working on a project can be safely considered a manifestation of art. It requires not only the skills of the employee, but also the expenditure of time and effort. The most demanded profession is a project manager in construction, both in housing and in production. Also, these employees are relevant for mechanical engineering, architecture and industrial production. Naturally, such leaders are also needed in other areas, but in these, their services are considered the most relevant.

If we take computer companies as an example, then representatives of this position should be responsible for the production of new products, the development of new technologies and the coordination of strategic programs. Banking and insurance organizations may also show interest in the position of "project manager". They use these specialists to introduce new technologies or standards into the company's system.

Demand for a position in modern times

Recently, Internet companies have been actively developing. For them, a specialist in this field plays the role of a controller of the launch of new sites of the organization or the head of the development of new Internet applications. In general, in many business areas there is a high demand for employees for the position of "project manager".
The duties of such employees may differ depending on the area of ​​employment of the company. Commercial and government projects Every year they need guidance, so tens of thousands of managers are attracted to the labor market. There is even a moment that now companies buy these specialists from each other, and they spend huge resources on this.


The project manager must monitor the accuracy of the implementation of the original plan and the safety of budget waste. And it does not matter what exactly he is entrusted with, launching a rocket or launching a new product on the market, these functions are common to all specialists in this position. Accordingly, it is from him that the head of project managers will ask if a failure occurs or the work fails. It is he who is responsible for everything, because the income and position of the company in the industry depends on the results of the manager's work. For example, if we are talking about a construction company, then for a delay in the delivery of a project, the company must pay penalties daily. And depending on how deplorable the situation will be and the big gap in the performance of his duties by the manager, he may be deprived of the bonus or completely taken away. Actually, these are the main functions of the project manager.


From a specialist who wants to get this position, good organizational skills are required, the ability not only to develop, but also to adhere to the original plan in the process of work, as well as the ability to simultaneously find solutions to many problems. A candidate for the position must be able to communicate correctly and confidently with people, have an analytical mindset and high stress resistance. main feature his character should be the ability to achieve results.

For different projects the representative of this position must have the relevant knowledge. In other words, for example, if you need a project manager whose duties are to supervise housing construction, then he must have an engineering degree. It will also be a very big plus for an employee if he studied the basics of business. Managers with a bachelor's degree or higher in business administration or finance perform best. Since success in financial plan throughout the organization, he must be able to evaluate the future results of his work at the enterprise level.

Who is eligible for the position

Project management is great for skilled professionals who are bored with routine work. The implementation of the project is the formulation of clear tasks, in most cases the pace of work is very high and intense. In this connection, when compiling his resume, the project manager must certainly indicate such qualities as the ability to work within a limited time frame, the ability to solve problems when resources are limited. After all, only purposeful specialists will be able to carry out activities that lead to the expected results.

Where can you learn a profession

You can get a certificate of a professional in this field at the Institute of Project Managers. To obtain this prestigious document, you need to have not only the appropriate education, but also experience, practice as a project manager. Learning and obtaining occurs through the passing of examination paper and testing for knowledge and performance. professional code. Many companies offer promotions or hiring only on the basis of a certificate. That is why in the summary, the project manager applying for the position must indicate the presence of this document. After all, with him, the applicant is much more likely to get a vacancy.


The project manager must carry out his duties in strict accordance with his own plan. For development, you need to use the methods of critical strategy. This is the principle of calculating successive iterations, derived from the already existing achievements of the company. Also, when developing a plan, it is worth highlighting all the stages that are necessary to complete certain works.

Planning programs

Each manager should be able to work with at least one computer program that allows you to plan actions based on this method. Moreover, it is worth noting that most programs are designed to calculate the plan in a particular industry. Therefore, before planning to get a job, a manager must learn to work with exactly the program that takes into account the needs of the area related to the company's activities.

Resource allocation is one of important works to be performed by the project manager. Job description assumes that he must accurately distribute the available materials for the quality and productive work of the project, capable of producing the expected results. Most computer programs aim to electronically calculate these data. This means that if, for example, it is necessary to calculate when the software will be developed, the manager must determine how many software engineers are needed for this and how long they can complete the project.
And in a situation where construction is coordinated and equipment for it is rented at an hourly rate, then the designer’s duties will include calculating data on how much and when the equipment should be on construction site. Moreover, he must calculate everything so that the rental costs are minimal, and the equipment brings maximum benefit for construction. That is, an experienced and qualified project manager is obliged to solve the tasks assigned to him using minimal cost all resources.


As far as career is concerned, project management most useful in the consulting business. The fact is that this direction allows a specialist not only to receive great experience work, but also opens up the opportunity to acquire knowledge in a wide variety of market segments. Most often, it is candidates with a similar track record that employers give their preference to.

In such companies, the invited professional, after he successfully completes the project, can be promoted to a higher position. But this does not always happen, so it is impossible to predict career growth. Thus, a top manager can be invited to a project in a serious company, but in a small company where you need to complete small project for the company, they can also hire a middle manager.

If we are talking about hiring in a non-consulting organization, then it is important in which company the applicant wants to get a job. There are differences between the duties of the executor of the project manager position, the job description in domestic and western firms is different. So, for example, for ours, full management of serious projects is more important, so they are looking for a specialist with a long work experience and certain skills. But their Western competitors often hire young people to supervise small projects.

At the initial stages of a career, positions of assistant managers are usually offered. They should be responsible for a specific segment of the project work. Few people are able to start their career with such a position as a project manager. And only when the specialist gains sufficient experience to complete project management, he is entrusted with more serious responsibilities. Only when the company is sure that this specialist will be able to coordinate the work of people on the project from the first stages to the last, he can get a promotion.

Project coordinator

To get a project manager position, you first need to work as a coordinator. This position involves assisting the manager in the performance of his duties. Basically, it consists in doing administrative functions i.e. documentation processing.

Project Planning Manager

The next position on the road to promotion to project manager is project planning manager. Most of his responsibilities include overseeing software, entering the necessary information into the system. This position is more technical, and there is little work in it as a manager.

Project Manager Assistant

This position is the last one before promotion. The duties of such a specialist include direct assistance to superiors. Basically, it involves specific tasks. Also, this employee must draw up reports on the work on the project and report to the authorities about everything that happens in production.

Project manager

Here the specialist can independently manage the project or lead a group of other managers who are his assistants. He is responsible for the project directly to the customers and senior management. Such a specialist does not contribute his own funds, but at the same time he is responsible for ensuring that the project is done efficiently, successfully and on time.

General manager

If a company is running several projects at the same time, then it needs a specialist for such a position. His responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of all company projects, coordinating the allocation of various resources, as well as calculating financial investments and deciding on the priority of work performed.


Because every company individual responsibilities and the responsibility of a specialist in the position of project manager, the salary mainly depends on the result of the completed project. Most often there is a specific rate (minimum - 20 thousand rubles), but if the project can be completed earlier and reduce costs, then in the end, upon completion of the work, the employee can count on a very solid bonus. As for the project manager, his average wage is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month + bonuses based on performance.


The success of any project, no matter the creation of a website, the preparation and launch of a new advertising campaign, etc. always depends on the success of the team making it. And what will this team be like, what kind of relations will it have, who will be responsible for what, etc. directly depends on the project manager.

But sometimes this position is so vaguely described that it is not completely clear what the person who is called by the two letters “PM” is still doing. Today Ekaterina Kuzmik, project manager at UaMaster, will try to explain the essence of her work.

Who is a project manager?

Referring to the PMBoK, the project manager is the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team and is responsible for achieving the project objectives.

In the market, the concept of who a Project Manager is is rather vague. Someone thinks that RM must have programming experience. For some, soft skills are more important.

It often happens that they try to combine the duties of an RM with those of a tech/team lead, QA, UX designer, BA, content manager, etc. Even though all positions have different tasks and functions. And if the RM will code / test / design in addition to its tasks, then this is not good for both the RM and the project.

Yes, there are different situations. Sometimes you need to roll up your sleeves and work with your hands. But this is the exception, not the rule. Yes, he can and sometimes even has to be interested in related areas that are related to the project. This will help him better understand the process itself, understand what nuances and risks can be in development, have a level of knowledge sufficient to communicate with the team and solve problems that arise during the project.

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The Project Manager is not a universal soldier, he is a person who specializes in his field, namely project management.

The task of the RM is to build the process of working on the project with the available resources within the allocated budget, certain deadlines and with the agreed quality.

Project manager competencies

  • Knowledge - what the manager knows about project management.
  • Execution - what the project manager is able to do or achieve by applying their knowledge of project management.
  • Personal qualities - how the project manager behaves during the execution of the project or related activities.

Once a lecturer in a project management course said:

“Whatever the company, the job of a project manager remains the same. Only the scenery changes. In any company, the PM will deal with the team, the customer, the project, his management. This is the person who needs the most. Sometimes a bore, sometimes a dictator, sometimes a democrat, sometimes a liberal. All these roles are applied depending on the situation and to solve certain problems.

What is project management

The application of knowledge, skills, tools and methods to meet the requirements of a project is project management.

If translated into human language, then the project manager is a person who can select for the project the right command, and for the command create normal conditions work without getting in the way.

It turns out that project management is everything that its leader / manager does to ensure that the project is completed on time, efficiently and within budget.

There are 47 processes in project management, grouped into 5 groups:

  • initiation - approval of the concept of the project and the decision to launch the project;
  • planning - determining the plan and preparing for the execution of the project;
  • performance - performance of work according to the project management plan;
  • monitoring and control - tracking, checking and reporting on the progress of the project in order to achieve goals;
  • closing - completion of work on the project, transfer of documentation.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Project Manager


  • work with requirements and prioritization;
  • demonstration of product functionality, versions, prototypes;
  • reporting;
  • regular communication and feedback;
  • control over deadlines and timely notification;
  • building trust, managing expectations.


  • formation and recruitment;
  • introduction to the course of business, training;
  • setting up a workflow (development, testing, working with requirements);
  • motivation and building effective interaction;
  • conflict resolution, elimination of interference in work;


  • drawing up a development and launch plan;
  • breakdown into components, tasks and subtasks;
  • appointment of performers;
  • performance monitoring and risk analysis;
  • quality control;
  • maintaining documentation and reporting;
  • version control;


  • drawing up a development and delivery plan;
  • recruitment, training, retention;
  • setting up a workflow;
  • profitability;
  • reporting;
  • meeting the business goals of the customer within the agreed time frame and building trusting relationships;

Each project is individual. What works on one may not work on another. Palm trees do not grow at the North Pole. And not because the palm trees are of poor quality or the North Pole is a bad place. Conditions are different.

To use some kind of methodology, a framework for the sake of the methodology/framework itself does not always give a result. You have to try and experiment. Also, you need to be able to stop and assess the current situation, and not go along the knurled road.

What is important to me as a RM

  • Listen and hear. This is a special skill. Sometimes we hear, but do not perceive what is said.
  • Be considerate of those with whom I work. You have to work with people for a long time.
  • Proactivity. The Project Manager is the person who needs the most. If RM needs to be kicked, then it's not RM, but a sloth.
  • Learn, learn, learn.
  • Don't wait for the right moment. He may not come. You just need to do your job. And yes, it's not easy.
  • Work on relationships with the client. It's not something that will build itself.
  • Respect your own and team work.

Project Manager- a specialist who develops and coordinates with the head of the department, curators of projects concepts, goals and main stages of projects. Our job description of a project manager spells out the duties of this specialist, including: organizing the implementation of projects in accordance with the work plan, participating in cost management Money on projects in accordance with cash flow budgets, maintaining project documentation.

Job description of a project manager

Surname I.O.________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. The project manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. Appointment to the position of a project manager and dismissal from it is carried out by order CEO organization on behalf of the HR manager.
1.3. The project manager reports directly to the project manager.
1.4. During the absence of the project manager, his duties are performed by another specialist appointed by order of the general director of the organization, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. The position of project manager is assigned to a person with a higher professional education with at least one year experience in a similar position.
1.6. The project manager must know:
- basics of publishing project activity;
- basics of the editorial and publishing process;
- local regulations of the organization.
1.7. The project manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- charter of the organization, rules of internal work schedule, other regulatory acts of the organization;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities project manager

The project manager does the following official duties:

2.1. Develops and coordinates with the project manager, project curators concepts, goals and main stages of projects.
2.2. Prepares plans for expenses, income, cash flow of projects.
2.3. Maintains project documentation.
2.4. Participates in the management of project cash expenditures in accordance with cash flow budgets.
2.5. Organizes the implementation of projects in accordance with the work plan.
2.6. Prepares and conducts project presentations.
2.7. Prepares and makes changes to projects.
2.8. Executes projects within the agreed time frame, within the allocated budget and with the required level of quality.
2.9. Coordinates the work of project team members.
2.10. Controls the quality of work on projects.
2.11. Adjusts the schedule and budget of projects and coordinates changes with project curators.
2.12. Initiates meetings and scheduling as projects progress.
2.13. Forms and coordinates interim and final reports on projects with the project manager and submits interim and final reports to project curators.

3. Rights of the project manager

The project manager has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive information necessary for the performance of official duties from the heads and employees of the company's divisions in the required time.
3.2. Engage specialists from the relevant departments of the company to determine the planned and actual costs of the project.
3.3. Make proposals for adjusting the schedule within the agreed stages of the project.
3.4. Initiate and participate in meetings on project implementation issues.
3.5. To get acquainted with orders, orders regulating the activities of the project department.
3.6. Require management to assist in the performance of the duties provided for in this job description.

4. Responsibility of the project manager

The project manager is responsible for:

4.1. Poor-quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. infliction material damage within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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