How to create tools in Minecraft. The correct command "minecraft" to save things Minecraft 1.12 what is the command to save inventory

reservoirs 03.07.2020

Making a stick. It is sticks that are the main component for crafting. To create, you will need to collect wood from any tree in the Minecraft world. Now open your inventory and place wood in the crafting grid to create planks. Now that you have your planks, you can create sticks.

Making an axe. With an ax, you can cut down trees much faster than with your bare hands. To craft an ax you will need two sticks and three pieces of material (Wooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots or Diamonds).

Creating a pickaxe. The pickaxe is used for digging and collecting materials for other tools, construction, etc. To craft a pickaxe, you will need two sticks and three pieces of material (Wood Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots, or Diamonds). See step 1 to create sticks.

Creating a shovel. The shovel is used to pick up dirt, grass, sand, etc. more quickly. To create a shovel, you will need two sticks and one piece of material (Wooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots or Diamonds). See step 1 to create sticks.

Making a hoe. A hoe is needed for plowing the land, followed by planting seeds. To create a shovel, you will need two sticks and two pieces of material (Wooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots or Diamonds). See step 1 to create sticks.

The creation of the sword. Swords are used to kill monsters and break some blocks. To create a shovel, you will need one stick and two pieces of material (Wooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots or Diamonds). See step 1 to create sticks.

Making a bow. With a bow, you can attack monsters using arrows. To create a shovel, you will need three sticks and three pieces of string. To create sticks, see step 1. Thread can be obtained from spiders or their webs.

Creation of arrows. Arrows are used as projectiles for archery. To create four arrows, you will need one flint, one stick and one feather. Flint can be found by mining gravel, see step 1 for making sticks, and feathers can be obtained from slaughtered chickens. To create arrows, place the flint in the middle of the top row, place the stick just below it, and place the feather in the middle of the bottom row.

Creation of a flint. The tinderbox is used to light fires and create portals to the Nether. To create a fire starter, you will need flint and an iron ingot. Flint can be obtained from gravel, and iron ingots from iron ore.

Bucket creation. The bucket is used to carry lava, milk and water. To create it, you will need three iron ingots. Iron ingots are obtained by smelting iron ore.

Building a compass. The compass points to your spawn location. To create a compass, you will need four iron ingots and red dust. Both components will have to be mined.

Clock creation. The clock shows the time of day. To create them, you will need four gold ingots and red dust.

Exploring new territories in survival mode, Minecraft players face many dangerous situations. After death, all items from the inventory are lost.

If you do not find the place of death in five minutes, things will disappear forever. We have to look for ways to save things in Minecraft after death.

Console commands

An easy way is to use a cheat code. Enter a command in the chat window after pressing the "T" button. Algorithm of actions with disabled cheats:

  1. Press "Esc";
  2. Select the "Open for web" button;
  3. Then - "Using cheat codes."

Enter "/gamerule keepInventory true" in the box. The cheat is disabled by a similar command with the replacement of "true" with "false".

This option, how to save things after death in Minecraft, is the easiest and fastest. The disadvantage of the method is that the server administrator, when using the cheat, turns on the function of saving inventory for all users. An ordinary player will not be able to use the team on their own.

Third Party Mods

You can save inventory after death using third-party mods.

The ability to save things after death is provided by third-party mods. If there is such a modification on the server, any player can use it. Mods work for single player mode.

Popular modifications:

  • Not Enough Items - saves the inventory when the "Save" button is pressed. To load the saved things, just click "Load". Use the download carefully - the old inventory is removed. Modification gives all blocks and the ability to enchant them. The disadvantage of the mod is that the performance of the game decreases when using it.
  • Death Chest - creates a chest with lost loot at the point of death. If the user drowned or burned down, it will not be possible to return their belongings.
  • BaM's Grave Mod - Same as above. The only difference is that instead of a chest, there is a grave with the date of death and the player's nickname.

You can use the Rei's Minimap modification. She marks on the mini-map the coordinates of the player's place of death. You need to run to this point in five minutes.


Such software modules work in the background. Scavenger is one of them. After the death of the character, the inventory remains intact. Scavenger does not cause server conflicts. In multi-user mode, the administrator can set the function to himself.

The WorldGuard Keep Inventory Flags plugin allows you to save collected items on your own territory. Works only when installing the basic World Guard plugin. The disadvantage is that it is only used on servers.

Many players are wondering how to return to the place of death in Minecraft. This is not possible for single player. Some servers provide VIP users with the ability to teleport to the point of death with the "/back" command.


In single player mode, you can save loot through the console or modification. The rest of the solutions are "sharpened" for multiplayer. Installing mods reduces the performance and stability of the game. It's not worth risking data loss for the sake of saving in-game loot.

Before you is an exciting game, an integral part of the gameplay of which is the exploration of colorful worlds. While traveling through the territory of the universe, the hero will encounter hostile creatures and dangerous phenomena more than once. Therefore, all users will need a command to save things in Minecraft. After all, the result of such meetings is sometimes unpredictable: even the death of a character is not ruled out. In this case, the player is thrown back to a certain point on the map (spawn location), and all items in his inventory disappear.

It becomes doubly insulting when such an unpleasant situation occurs immediately after the discovery of a rare item, especially if it was preceded by a transition through a difficult location. Just to prevent these undesirable consequences of the death of the hero, the possibility of saving things is provided.

How to save things in Minecraft after death on the server?

So that after the character's death, his entire inventory does not disappear, it is enough to use a special command - "gamerule keepInventory true". It is not difficult to see that this code contains three parts, of which only the first is usually called a command. The second component is the so-called rule, and the third is its meaning.

If for some reason you want to disable the ability to save inventory, simply enter the same expression, changing the value of the rule to "false".

As for the use of "cheats" in general, this is one of those examples where the use of the code practically does not change the essence of the game. In other words, you still continue to visit unknown locations in search of various resources needed to craft any items, and fight enemies with the same varying success. It's just that in the event of a character's death, you won't have to remember where you found this or that thing and re-examine the previously studied places.

Minecraft command to save character items

There are two types of commands in Minecraft - basic and additional. If we talk about the single player mode, then the former can be activated all the time, and access to the latter is carried out depending on the specific condition: before starting the game, the “Enable cheats” option must be activated in the menu.

However, if during the creation of the world you did not pay attention to such a nuance, do not despair. The fact is that there is an alternative method of including additional commands. It is based on the capabilities of the menu item "Open for the web", where with the help of the sub-items "Using cheats", "Open the world for the network" changes take place.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have a functioning access to the Internet or any local network, and the effect of the actions taken will last until the moment you leave the world. Which, of course, will not prevent you from performing this procedure as needed, for example, every time after the next launch of the game.

To use certain commands, you need to register them in the console. You can open it by pressing the following keys:

  • "T" - by default, launches a chat window, which, in essence, is the console;
  • "/" - opens a similar window with the slash character already entered, which serves as the obligatory beginning of any command.

Since saving things is an additional command, it is necessary to somehow ensure the connection of cheats. We remind you that you should enter commands in the chat after the “/” symbol or, by pressing the key of the same name, go directly to the console, in which the required character is entered automatically.

When should you activate a team?

From all of the above, an obvious algorithm suggests itself, which implies using saving things when their loss will be most noticeable for you:

  • after obtaining rare items;
  • before passing a dangerous place;
  • as inventory fills up.

Strictly speaking, performing such simple actions as activating elementary code, given the benefits obtained with its help, is not capable of delivering any noticeable concern. Moreover, in the worst case, you will have to repeat them only when the world changes.


Now, after the death of a character, you will not worry about the loss of things, which will allow you to switch your attention to more interesting moments, which abound in the game. In Minecraft, the command to save things is quite easy to remember, and its value is very high! If you found this information useful, please share it with your friends and leave a comment. Thank you!


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How to make an ax in Minecraft

Ingredients: stick x2, planks, cobblestone, iron or gold ingots, diamonds (x3).

Axes are great for cutting down trees. Read how to privatize with an ax in Minecraft.

How to make a pickaxe

Ingredients: stick x2, planks, cobblestone, iron or gold ingots, diamonds (x3).

Needed to break stone and various types of ores.

How to make a shovel

Ingredients: stick x2, planks, cobblestone, iron or gold ingots, diamonds.

It is very convenient to dig tunnels in the ground.

How to put together a hoe

Ingredients: stick x2, planks, cobblestone, iron or gold ingots, diamonds (x2).

Thanks to her, we keep the land in order, and plant plants on the already plowed land.

How to craft a fire starter

Ingredients: iron ingots, flint.

Matches are not toys for children, but no one said anything about lighters: D. We set fire to everything and everything in its path.

Craft buckets

Ingredients: iron ingots x3.

The bucket can be filled with water, milk, lava. And pour it anywhere.

How to make a compass

Ingredients: iron ingots x4, red dust (known as redstone).

Determines where you spawn.

Mechanical clock in Minecraft

Ingredients: gold bars x4, redstone.

Shows day/night.

Craft fishing rods

Ingredients: Stick x3, Thread x2.

We catch fish.

Craft scissors

Ingredients: iron ingots x2.

Personally, I only used it for shearing sheep.

How to make a fireball

Ingredients: powder, fire powder, charcoal or charcoal.

The principle is the same as that of a lighter, and if applied from a dispenser, it will fly like a core and where it falls, everything will burn.

Minecraft is a game that offers you almost limitless possibilities. However, there are also commands that you can use to further expand the functionality, add some aspects not available in the original version, and so on. Commands are entered in the console. Moreover, there are standard combinations that work in any conditions, as well as special ones that can only be activated if you ticked the "Enable cheats" box when creating the world. The most interesting and powerful teams fall into the second category. Among them there is also the preservation of things. What is it and how to use it? This is what will be discussed next.

What does the command give?

To begin with, it’s worth figuring out what the Minecraft command can generally give you to save things, since from its name it’s not entirely clear what exactly it can offer you. It is worth starting from the very beginning - when you travel around the game world, there is a possibility that you will die, because various natural traps and frightening monsters are waiting for you everywhere. After death, you will respawn at the spawn point, but your inventory will be empty - all items will be lost. Naturally, no one likes this, and it is precisely to eliminate such situations that the Minecraft team exists to save things. After activating it, you can die in peace - all your things will be with you when you reappear at the spawn point. But what does this team look like? Unlike many simple combinations, this one is quite complex, so it needs to be taken apart piece by piece.


So, as you already understood, the Minecraft command for saving things is entered in the same way as everyone else - through the game console. Having opened it, you need to type the "/" icon - it is with it that any command begins. This is what distinguishes them from regular text messages. After that, you will need to enter the gamerule command - this is only the first part. So don't activate it right away. Because it won't lead to anything. With this command, you can set various game rules that apply to your world and gameplay. You just need to know the various codes that you need to enter after this command in order to achieve this or that effect. At this point, you only need to know what items are available to save.

Keep Inventory

With the first part of the team, everything is clear - it's time to move on to the second. If the first makes the system understand that some rule of the game world will be changed now, then the second specifies this change. for things are very diverse, but you need to choose one specific one - keepInventory. Connoisseurs of the English language already by the name can understand what it means. This command will keep things in your inventory after you die. But what else remains to be entered in this case to complete the command?

true and false

The last part of the command sets the state of the rule, which was specified in the previous part. If you write true, then the rule will be applied in your game world, and if you change this value to false, then it will not be applied. Thus, if you want your inventory items to remain with you after death, you need to open the console and enter the gamerule keepInventory true command. From now on in your world, the character will retain all of their belongings after death, until you decide to change the value from true to false. Now you know an effective way to save things, and it will become much easier and more fun for you to play. And it will give you a boost to further explore both the commands and the game rules you can apply with them.

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