I have the right to know: Academic leave. Why do students take academic leave?

landscaping 21.10.2019

To obtain academic leave at university, reasons must be strong enough to do so. There may be several such reasons. More often, they go on academic leave due to pregnancy, to care for a small child, or for health reasons.

Academic leave is granted to the student on the following grounds:

In the case of an application for medical reasons - on the basis of a personal application of the student, as well as the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal medical and preventive healthcare institution at the place of constant observation of the student. The conclusion must be written or certified by the medical health center of the university. At the same time, without the consent of the student himself, the diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.

In case of application for other reasons - on the basis of a personal application of the student, as well as an appropriate document that confirms the basis for obtaining an academic leave, indicating the reason.

A student applying for a sabbatical must not have any outstanding subject matter. Otherwise, the request may simply be denied.

To receive academic leave for health reasons, you must obtain a special certificate in the form 095 / U. The same certificate is needed when applying for academic leave for pregnancy. A student who fails to complete such a document on time may be expelled for poor progress.

Another reason why a student may apply for an academic leave is the difficult financial situation of the family. A student can receive an extra year of deferment from studies by taking in the authorities social protection appropriate confirmation of the material condition. You can also get an academy due to the need to care for a sick relative.

Most often, academic leave is given for six months or a year. However, the mother of a minor child has the right to receive a deferment from studies for up to six years. True, if possible, you should try to finish your studies at the university as soon as possible. For the entire period of study at the university, a student can take no more than two academic holidays.

Many students want to go on sabbatical due to serious subject arrears. But almost no one can do it. Even if a student has a good reason to take an academic, they can simply be expelled for poor performance.

An application for an academic leave must be submitted to the rector, who can reject or approve it. To confirm valid reasons, various documents and certificates may be required from the student. Based decision the order of the rector is issued.

If a student has not started studying at the end of the academic leave within a month, he is expelled from the university.

In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 1206 of November 3, 1994, students who are on academic leave for medical reasons receive monthly compensation payments. Also, the university can pay students who are on academic leave, benefits at their own expense.

Students who are in the academy have the right to live in a hostel. The procedure for paying for tuition when granting academic leave to students who study with full compensation for tuition costs is determined by the terms of the contract.

A student cannot receive academic leave at the university due to disability. During the period of disability due to pregnancy and childbirth, in accordance with federal law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, students are granted leave with the wording "for pregnancy and childbirth" with the payment of the allowance established by this law. In these cases, full-time and part-time students are granted leave with the wording “due to family circumstances”.

So, in order to receive academic leave, the student must submit to the dean of the faculty a personal application completed in the prescribed form, as well as one of the following documents:

The conclusion of the clinical expert commission, certified by the medical health center of the university, or the conclusion of the medical health center of the university;

A document confirming the grounds for receiving an academic leave, indicating the reason why the student wishes to take an academic leave at the university.

The dean of the faculty endorses the application, and then submits it to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs for consideration. In case of a positive decision, the application with the resolution of the Vice-Rector is sent to the Human Resources Department and social work to prepare an order. After the order is issued, the general department of the university sends an extract from the order to the faculty.

Study the question

Academic leave is granted for a period of not more than 2 years an unlimited number of times. For the duration of its action, the student is released from classes.

It can be obtained by persons studying educational programs secondary vocational or higher education :

  • Students (cadets)
  • PhD students (adjuncts)
  • Residents
  • Trainee assistants
Sabbatical leave can be taken in any course, but freshman and graduate applications will be more scrutinized and less likely to be released.

If you receive a scholarship (you are studying on a budget form, you have no academic debt, and the session was passed without "satisfactory" grades), Payments will continue throughout the holiday. If you are studying on a contract basis, then please note that tuition fees are not charged during academic leave.

If you live in a hostel, then, when applying for an academic leave, the university reserves the right to provide a room to another student.

Fixing a place in a university

There are no provisions in the law of the Russian Federation according to which a person who has come out of vacation is guaranteed a return to the same form and basis of education. This is regulated only by local regulations. educational institution, and if the management of the university deems it necessary, the place can be given to another student.

The budget form of education is no exception. Despite the fact that the place should remain with the students for the period of the first academic leave, if the budget places in the university are reduced, this may indirectly affect the possibility of securing a place for a person.

Try to find out in advance the issue with your reinstatement in the dean's office.

There are two groups of reasons why you can take academic leave:

  • Unconditional (medical indications, urgent military service on conscription)
  • Conditional (family or other circumstances)
If the leave is taken for medical reasons, the student is entitled to a monthly compensation payment (50 rubles) throughout the academic leave.

To receive the payment in full, it is necessary to write an appropriate application addressed to the rector immediately along with the application for leave, but no later than 6 months from the date of the actual grant of the leave. (forgotten, did not have time, etc.). Otherwise, you will only be paid six months.

Collect Documents

To receive academic leave, you must write an application addressed to the rector of the educational institution.

It must indicate:

  • Full name, address and phone number of the student
  • Justifications for granting leave with a list of attached documents
  • Signature
Attach certificates and documents confirming the reason why you need leave with the application.

It can be :

  • Medical certificates 027/U and 095/U
  • Letter from the military office
  • Other documents (for example, a certificate of illness or death of a relative)
If the student cannot submit the application and documents on their own, it is necessary to clarify the rules for the transfer by other persons at the department. To do this, usually, you need a passport and a notarized power of attorney for the one who submits them.

Apply now

The application together with the documents must be submitted to the dean's office or administration (this needs to be clarified at the department of your faculty).

The university has 10 days to make a decision.

If a student wants to ask for medical leave, the university management can give a referral for a medical examination to confirm the data specified in the certificate. Usually the commission is held in a student clinic.

Exit from academic leave

Exit from academic leave is regulated by the local regulations of the educational institution. However, there is a standard course of action.

After the period of academic leave has come to an end, the student needs to be restored to the educational institution. To do this, you should again write an application addressed to the rector. Within a few days after that, an order to continue training will be issued.

If the leave was appointed for medical reasons, the conclusion of the medical commission should be attached to the application, which will talk about admission to classes.

If you want to recover ahead of schedule, the algorithm of actions will be the same.

Important: If you are late in applying for reinstatement by 15 days after the end of the vacation period, you may be expelled.

Extension of academic leave

Academic leave cannot be extended, but you can take a new one. To do this, you must again collect documents confirming the reason why you need to interrupt your studies, write an application and wait for a decision within 10 days.

When applying for a second and subsequent academic leave, remember that neither the deferment from the military draft nor the preservation of the budgetary place are no longer valid. This rule applies only to the first academic leave.

In order to get a second academic leave for medical reasons and not get into the army, you also need to get the conclusion of the draft board (you will either get a reprieve or a full exemption).

In case of pregnancy

In case of pregnancy, the application must be accompanied by:

  • Help 095/U
  • An extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic on registration
  • The conclusion of the medical commission
Please note that the law on academic leave does not contain a clause stipulating its provision for raising a child under 3 years old. However, you can take a vacation for 2 years for medical reasons (pregnancy) and immediately after it take another one, already for family reasons.

Important: students on vacation receive a monthly allowance until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

If you have academic debt

In most cases, if a student is in arrears, they will not be given leave. The university can meet halfway in case of medical and obviously objective reasons.

Each situation is individual and depends on the rules of the university. In some educational institutions, for example, they transfer to a lower course.

If vacation is taken after the semester has been paid

Usually, if the money for the semester is paid, they will not be returned, but they will be protected against future periods of study. This is regulated by local regulations of the educational institution.

If in the future the cost of the contract for training increases, the university has the right to demand an additional payment.

There are many reasons for students to stop studying. But there are not so many good reasons for a long-term exemption from classes. How to take an academic leave, in what cases it is granted and what documents need to be collected for this, should be clarified with the educational institution. "Akadem" is provided to students in two cases: for health reasons and for family reasons. You won’t be able to leave without good reasons - unsuccessful students are not given a vacation, they are simply expelled from the university.

Academic sick leave is granted for a period of one year, after this period the student returns and continues his studies from the moment of departure. You can “get sick” an unlimited number of times, but in this case, study will be delayed for indefinite time. For family reasons, "academician" is given once for the entire period of study, but in such cases it is a little easier to take academic leave. Family reasons include: pregnancy, child care, caring for a close relative, as well as the financial situation of the family. Each reason must be documented, otherwise the chances of such a delay will be zero.

The list of documents for granting academic leave in all universities is practically the same. An application is submitted to the rector, who decides to approve or reject it. But before submitting an application, it is necessary to pay off the debts on subjects, otherwise they can easily be refused. If the leave is issued for medical reasons, then the medical institution is obliged to issue a certificate of a certain form. The same certificate is issued to pregnant women. A certificate not issued on time is another reason for expelling a student from a university, so this issue should not be delayed.

The application for family reasons states the reason and attaches all Required documents. During the academic leave for pregnancy and childbirth, students are entitled to a benefit in the amount of a scholarship. To receive it, the application must indicate the request for his appointment. If there are financial problems in the family, a certificate of family composition and a certificate of income for the last six months is provided to the university. The confirmed income of each family member must be less than the subsistence level, in which case academic leave is provided without unnecessary red tape. In the case of caring for a relative, the university commission has the right to refuse to provide an “academy”, for example, if the student is not the only family member who can care for the patient.

Good advice on how to take academic leave will be given by students who have already gone through the registration procedure. They will tell you about all the pitfalls that are sure to meet on the way. Without a good reason, you should not even consider the issue of an “academy”, the deception will be revealed in any case and then expulsion from the university is coming. You should also not buy fake certificates, the most best option close tails and collect documents legally.

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Academic leave at the university: how to take (write an application) and for what reasons?

Many students are happy to take advantage of such an opportunity as going on academic leave. This is convenient in many cases, especially if the student is sure that he will be able to return to classes soon, but this moment he has some difficulty with it. Any university is required to provide academic leave, however, in each educational institution, different documents may be required to obtain the desired “vacation”. In addition, the final decision whether to let you go “on vacation” is up to the dean and the rector, therefore, in addition to submitting documents, you also have to go through a conversation with them.

The reasons for a student's desire to temporarily stop studying are very diverse, they include reasons such as:

  • unsatisfactory state of health;
  • pregnancy;
  • caring for small children.

However, the circumstances that prompted the student to take academic leave at the university may be different. The main thing is that the wishes of the student coincide with the requirements for those who wish to temporarily suspend their studies.

Grounds for granting academic leave

The grounds for granting academic leave may be the following circumstances:

  • in case of health problems that do not allow the student to continue studying for a certain period. AT this case the student must write an appropriate application and attach to it such documents as a certificate of illness, the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical institution at the place of residence of the student that the state of health of the latter is not compatible with the implementation of curricula;
  • in case of another reason for taking academic leave, not related to the state of health, the student must also submit an appropriate application on his own behalf and any other documents confirming his right to grant academic leave.

An important circumstance for the successful receipt of an academic leave is the absence of debts in subjects. Academic plan must be fully complied with at the time of application. This is important because if there are debts, the student may be denied his request, even if he has everything in order with the documents.

Special circumstances for going on academic leave

To receive academic leave for health reasons or because of pregnancy, a student is required to submit a certificate of sample 095/U. If you receive and present it late, there is a risk of expulsion for poor progress.

You can also get a deferment from education with the right to continue it due to the difficult financial condition of the family. The student must confirm the unenviable financial condition of his family by submitting a certificate from the social security authorities. Leave is also provided for the purpose of caring for sick or elderly relatives, a certificate of their presence and need for care must also be taken from the social security authorities.

A student can count on a maximum of two academic holidays for the entire period of study. The duration of each is usually from six months to a year, but maternity leave and further care for children can be up to six years. Students with these problems should try to graduate as soon as possible between academic holidays.

Many students try to take an academic "day off" in order to solve their problems with passing the exam. It is worth noting the perniciousness of such actions. Firstly, leaving school in itself does not exempt from the need to turn in the debt on subjects after returning from a break. Secondly, students with serious debts are very reluctant to give the right to go on academic leave. Therefore, rarely anyone manages to use it to successfully get rid of the need to pass the session. There are multiple cases of heavily indebted students being expelled when trying to take a leave of absence, even if they have good reason to do so.

Application for leave on academic leave

An application for permission to temporarily suspend studies is drawn up in the name of the rector and submitted to him. After consideration by the rector or his deputies of the application, a decision is made. If the result is positive, then a decree is issued sending the student on academic leave. On average, the review time can take from a week to a month - it all depends on the rector's employment. Therefore, you need to understand that leaving for such an unplanned day off is not carried out in haste.

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After the end of the vacation period, the student must begin classes within a month, if this does not happen, then he has the right to be expelled. When going on academic leave for medical reasons, students receive a small allowance from the state, and the university can also pay their allowance if they have the necessary funds and internal solution. Students on vacation have the right to live in a hostel. The important thing is that leaving for an academic "day off", as well as a delay from the army, are in no way connected with each other. That is, students who are not temporarily studying are also not subject to conscription for military service in the army and internal troops of the Russian Federation.

How to get academic leave at the university?

When studying at a higher educational institution, in exceptional cases, a student can apply for an academic leave (AO). For its provision, there are certain rules. They are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2782 dated November 5, 1998. It provides not only the definition of the concept of AO, but also the grounds and procedure for obtaining it.

Grounds for obtaining JSC

The reasons why a student wants to get an AO must be good enough. The decision is made by the rector educational institution, therefore, there must be strong justifications that are designed to convince the management of the need for a temporary suspension from studies.

The grounds for applying for administrative leave are:

  • medical indications (including pregnancy);
  • other exceptional cases.

The last reasons include:

  • family circumstances;
  • travel abroad for educational purposes;
  • natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, war, etc.);
  • passing an internship that is not provided for by the curriculum of the university.

Family circumstances

Family circumstances are the following situations:

  • Maternity leave (provided to care for a child whose age is not more than three years). At the same time, it is worth considering that if both parents, father and mother, are students, then they both can qualify to take the AO.
  • Caring for sick relatives in a situation where there are no other family members nearby.
  • Unforeseen financial difficulties.

It is also worth noting the delay from the army. If the academic leave at the university is taken for the first time, then the student has the right to receive a temporary suspension from study.

Documents for registration of academic leave for family reasons

Granting academic leave to students is impossible without the submission of relevant documents, which indicate the reason. The latter must be indicated in the application submitted to the dean's office by the student for consideration by the rector. In this case, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the difficult situation.

If the academic leave at the university is taken to care for a child, then the student must submit a copy of the birth certificate. If constant supervision is required for a close relative, a certificate from the relevant medical institution. It should indicate not only the diagnosis of the patient, but also the need daily care. Here it is also recommended to attach a certificate of family composition, according to which it will become clear that the student is the only person capable of looking after a relative.

Documents for registration of academic leave for other reasons

If an academic leave is taken at the university, the reasons for it are the deterioration of the financial situation and the inability to pay for tuition, then an appropriate document must be submitted. If the family income has sharply decreased (for example, due to job cuts), then you need to show a certificate of family income.

If a student takes academic leave at the university for long-term treatment of any disease, then this reason should be confirmed by a medical certificate from the clinical expert commission.

Education abroad must also be confirmed by relevant documents, due to which temporary interruption of studies is carried out.

If you decide to get an JSC, then you should carefully prepare all the documents. They must be well-formed and correctly state the essence of the issue. This is the main aspect of considering a request with a positive decision.

The nuances of academic leave

AO can be taken by both full-time and part-time students. After receiving a positive decision on the temporary interruption of studies, a certificate is issued with information about the courses attended, lectures, seminars passed, grades for exams and tests. Having on hand this document, the student can recover in another university for a similar specialty.

Registration of academic leave is impossible for a student if he has any debts for passing exams and tests. During the interruption of studies, the hostel is not provided, the scholarship is not awarded.

If a student is studying at a paid department, then no money is charged for academic leave. If a large amount was previously deposited, then it is transferred to the next course.

Academic leave lasts, as a rule, 12 months, but if necessary, can be extended. For the entire period of study, AO is provided to the student once.

Thus, it is possible for a student to issue an academic leave at the university, but for this it is necessary to correctly substantiate the reason for interrupting studies. You should also prepare the relevant documents.

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Is it possible to take academic leave without a reason

Obtaining a higher or average vocational education involves not only the acquisition of new knowledge, but also strict adherence to established requirements - attending lectures and extracurricular activities, preparing for certification at the end of the semester, etc. That is, a respectable student is usually busy from morning to evening 7 days a week.

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The onset of certain life circumstances requires a constant presence in a completely different place and for quite some time. long period time.

In accordance with Russian law, every student can take academic leave.

The need for registration may lurk in medical recommendations, in family circumstances. in the call to the ranks Russian army, in natural disasters etc.

The procedure for granting leave is established in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455, which entered into force in 2013.

Features of such exemption from the learning process

Clause 1 of order No. 455 states that after academic leave student can apply. trainee:

  • in a school, technical school, college or any other secondary professional institution;
  • at an institute, university, etc.

Academic leave is a period of time during which a student is released from studying, as well as passing tests and exams at a secondary or higher educational institution.

Among main reasons allocate:

  • deterioration in the financial condition of the family;
  • loss of parents
  • medical opinion;
  • caring for an infant or relative who has had a serious illness;
  • maternity leave;
  • participation in international competitions;
  • conscription into the ranks of the armed forces;
  • the onset of a natural disaster.

The current rules state that a student budget department an academician can apply only once during the course of study, and those who receive knowledge in accordance with a paid basis - an unlimited number of times, but not more than for 24 months.

During this period, the student does not make payments, and if he has already paid before he knew that he could not do without academic leave, then the amount is refundable or credited towards future academic semesters.

During the entire period of absence, the student may not attend classes or take exams. It is allowed to start studying not earlier than the academic year expires or in accordance with an application written in the name of the head of the educational institution.

The student is allowed to make up for lost time with individual plan learning .

Vacation registration involves the issuance of a certificate containing information about the disciplines attended. This document is required for enrollment in a similar educational institution in another city.

Scholarships are not awarded during academic leave. Accommodation in a student hostel is also not allowed. You can apply for registration from the 1st course, but the presence of debts can play a negative role.

Is it possible to apply without good reason?

The granting of academic leave requires good reasons.

Therefore, it is not permissible to issue it without good reason.

Health problems, pregnancy, family difficulties may allow the granting of this type of exemption from the educational process.

In an application addressed to the rector, the student must state the reason for his request, and attach as proof relevant document:

  • child's birth certificate. if leave is taken to care for him;
  • the conclusion of the medical commission, if we are talking about the need for long-term treatment - the medical certificate 095-y sets out the disease itself, and 027-y - information about its severity, as well as information about the required suspension from physical exercises;
  • certificate confirming serious illness relative, if the academy is dedicated to caring for him.

Only after all the necessary documents have been submitted to the educational institution and approved, the rector will sign an order indicating the start and end dates of the vacation, as well as its reason.

Official grounds

Good reasons are required to receive an academic break from studies. They can be different - pregnancy, caring for a baby or a seriously ill relative, etc.

Medical indications

Russian legislation does not provide for a strictly established list of diseases that are the basis for granting leave to a student. If conscription into the army can end with only 2 options - “fit” or “not fit”, then the registration of the academy or refusal to do so depends on the individual characteristics of the situation.

The most popular reason is the identification of a disease that requires long-term treatment.

Among the most common diseases for registration can be distinguished:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, the main complications of which are bleeding and perforation. Exacerbation of such a disease in without fail requires treatment in a hospital, as well as adherence to a strict diet and a certain daily routine.
  • Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis provokes malnutrition and bad habits. The course of the disease is accompanied severe pain, fever, weakness and aversion to food.
  • Acute pneumonia. Treatment can take place both in stationary and at home.
  • Bronchial asthma. Many patients who struggle with this disease from a young age achieve stable high-quality remission. But, from the onslaught of exams and tests, a stressful state often sets in, leading to an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Acute pyelonephritis or newly manifested chronic. This disease also gives the right to academic.

Family circumstances

The onset of certain family circumstances also requires an academic leave. To carry out the plan, it will be necessary to provide the administration with the relevant documents confirming the circumstances.

For example, it could be health certificate or referral of a close relative for surgery.

Temporary confirmation family insolvency. not allowing to pay for the next study period, a certificate from the social service can serve (if the student has not yet reached the age of 23, then the certificate should indicate the income level of his parents who make payments for studies).

If it is not possible to provide a paper indicating the occurrence of certain family circumstances, then the administration may provide the student with the right to exemption from studies in accordance with personal discretion.

Financial difficulties

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455, dated June 13, 2013, states that the provision of academic leave to a student who is unable to continue the development of an educational course due to medical recommendations, family and other circumstances is no more than 2 years .

Documents. confirming the occurrence of exceptional circumstances and the need to formalize an academic break in training, can serve as:

  • a summons signed by the military commissar and containing information about the time and place of sending to the military unit for service in the armed forces;
  • a certificate of the level of financial well-being in the family;
  • a paper stating that one of the close relatives needs constant care;
  • an invitation to work or study, including from a foreign organization;
  • a medical certificate issued by an institution that is part of the healthcare system;
  • paperwork proving what happened emergency or an event of a spontaneous nature, etc.

Granting academic leave is not possible if there are grounds for expelling a student.

Financial difficulties that have arisen may serve as a reason for granting a break in studies, and a certificate of confirmation may be a supporting document. financial condition family, about passing the official registration in the employment center as unemployed. document from the social service, etc.

This article will be useful for students at the university. In her will be discussed about academic leave: how to take it, when and about other nuances.

Studying in a higher and secondary vocational educational institution is milestone in the life of every person. Indeed, for many, it is the education received that will become a ticket to life. Despite this, different things happen in life and it is not always possible to finish your studies without interrupting it. In this case, academic leave comes to the rescue.

What is academic leave?

Surely many have heard about such a thing as "academic leave", however, not everyone knows what it is and how it can be used in principle.

  • academic leave or, as the common people say, an academic, is a certain period of time in which a student can legally not attend an educational institution
  • It is also important to say that in order to apply for this type of vacation, you need to have certain good reasons.

Which schools offer sabbatical leave?

Academic leave is not intended for all educational institutions, so, for example, there is no vacation at school, of course, we cannot talk about it.

Academic leave can be taken at a technical school, college and university

  • Such leave can be obtained by studying under the program secondary vocational education. That is, in technical schools and colleges academic leave is available for students
  • You can also get it by studying the program higher education. Such education is available in our institute, university and academy.

Who can use the right to academic leave?

Based on the above information, only those people who study at the relevant educational institutions - colleges, technical schools, universities, institutes and academies can exercise this right. In other words, all students of these institutions (students, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) can use this right if they have legitimate reasons

What should be the reasons for academic leave: a list

As has been repeatedly said, the reasons for such a leave must be valid and legitimate. For example, it is impossible to take such a vacation because of poor academic performance or simply because of the need to take a break from school. Moreover, all the stated reasons must always have evidence, that is, they must be confirmed by authorized institutions.

  • For medical reasons. This reason is perhaps the most common. After all, a person who has been diagnosed with a serious illness needs emergency and most often long-term treatment and, accordingly, he will not be able to study at this time. Legislation does not give a clear list of ailments, but it is logical to assume that they should be serious, for example, with a cold and sore throat, no one, of course, will give academic leave.
  • Family circumstances. Such reasons can also interrupt the educational process. This may be the illness of a relative and the need to take care of him, material problems, for example, the loss of a job by one of the parents and the inability to pay for education, child care.
  • Military service is also considered a good reason for taking this leave.
  • There may be other circumstances due to which a person cannot attend school. In this case, the management of the institution will independently decide whether the stated circumstance is valid.

Application for academic leave: sample

Many people, even knowing what an academician is and how to get it, do not know how to properly fill out their application, without which, of course, there will be no talk of any vacation.

It is actually very easy to write an application.

  1. On the standard sheet paper on the top right, indicate the position, surname and initials of the person in whose name you are making an application (head of the institution). You can also enter the name of the institution itself.
  2. Next, you write your data. You must indicate the number of the group in which you study, faculty, your surname and initials.
  3. Further, as usual, the word “Statement” is written in the center.
  4. Then the essence of the request is stated. Here you describe the basis on which you want to receive a vacation, its duration and list the list of supporting documents.
  5. Complete your application with the date of its writing and your personal signature.

This completes the writing of the application and you will only need to wait for a decision on it.

Academic leave for pregnancy and child care: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Pregnancy occurs at different periods of life and education is no exception. At the same time, the importance of pregnancy and caring for a newborn baby is much greater than education, so the law provides for the right of women to take academic leave in connection with such circumstances.

  • It is important to note that pregnancy is considered an unconditional circumstance for obtaining an academician, that is, in principle, you have no right to refuse to leave
  • This circumstance refers to medical indications, therefore, this is how it should be indicated in your application.
  • To confirm your grounds in this case, you must:
  • Take a certificate in the form 095 / U, as well as a supporting document stating that you are registered in the antenatal clinic
  • Further with these documents you need to contact the place of study. There you will be given a referral to pass a special commission.
  • With the decision of this commission, you need to go to the management again and write a statement, attaching the received document to it

As for child care: in principle, there is no such reason in the legislation regarding the grounds and procedure for granting academic leave. However, according to other laws, a woman has the right to care for a child until he reaches 3 years of age. Therefore, it is recommended to initially get an academician due to being in a special position, and then extend it for family reasons.

Academic leave for family reasons, caring for a sick relative: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Family circumstances are not unconditional reasons. That is, the educational institution will decide at its discretion whether to provide you with an academician or not. Despite this, family circumstances are often cited as reasons.

  • Caring for a sick relative, the need for a relative to undergo a complex operation, the need to take a relative for treatment, etc. - all this can be called family circumstances.

IMPORTANT: In order to receive an academic leave for this reason, in addition to the application, you must also provide supporting documents. This should be a document, a certificate that confirms the need for permanent or temporary care for a sick relative, the need to accompany him for treatment, etc.

  • Next, you write a statement, indicating family circumstances as the reason, while it will not be a mistake to specify which ones, and attach documentary evidence of the above to the application.

Academic leave for health reasons - how to indicate reasons for registration: a list of diseases

Most often, an academician is taken precisely because of serious illnesses that have arisen. You need to know that getting a vacation for health reasons is not so easy. To do this, it is necessary to collect all supporting documents, go through all the necessary procedures and then contact the management of the institution with these documents.

  • There is no clearly defined list of ailments that would make it possible to exercise the right to such a vacation.
  • However, in order to go on vacation for health reasons, the disease must be serious and last at least 1 month.
  • It could be ulcer, asthma, cancer-related diseases etc.

IMPORTANT: As evidence of the existence of the disease, it is necessary to take a certificate of the form 027/U, 095/U and obtain the conclusion of the clinical expert commission.

  • With these documents you need to contact the place of study, and you will also need to write a corresponding application. Illnesses are medical indications, so the application can refer to just such an unconditional circumstance.

Academic leave for military service: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

It would seem that there is no need to interrupt the educational process due to military service, because you can get an education and after that salute the Motherland. However, many guys think otherwise and take a sabbatical in order to serve.

  • Conscription service in the army is an unconditional circumstance. And this means that a person who, for this reason, wants to get a vacation, will definitely get it by collecting required documents and submitting an appropriate application.
  • In the application, military service must be indicated as the reason.
  • At the same time, as supporting documents, the guy must provide a summons from the military commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of military service.
  • An application for the need to receive a vacation must also be written to the leadership of the educational institution.

Academic leave for financial reasons: how to indicate the reasons when applying?

Unfortunately, financial hardship can happen to anyone. In this case, people very often are not able to pay for their studies. Financial problems are related to family circumstances, so this reason must be indicated in the application. It will not be a mistake that you specify exactly what circumstances force you to act in this way.

  • In order to get leave for this reason, you need to take a certificate of family income and write an application at the place of study
  • Now all you have to do is wait for a decision on your application.
  • It is important to remember that family circumstances are valid, but conditional reasons. Therefore, what will be the decision of the educational institution is not known in advance.

Is it possible to go on academic leave at the correspondence department, in college, graduate school, magistracy, for no reason, due to poor progress, with debts, in the first year?

Many on academic leave literally see their salvation. And in principle, this is true if we are talking about leave for health reasons, due to pregnancy and other truly valid reasons.

However, very often students want to go on academic leave simply because they want to relax or because of bad grades and the so-called "tails".

  • It is important to understand that this type of vacation is an opportunity to interrupt your studies for a certain time provided by law, according to good reasons. At the same time, it is assumed that a person takes such a vacation involuntarily and this does not depend on his desire.
  • Based on this, it is safe to say that it is impossible to take a vacation for no reason, just like that or because of poor progress. It is important to say that even if a person has these very weighty reasons, but at the same time there will be a bunch of “tails”, an academician may also not be given (with the exception of illness, pregnancy).
  • As for the college, then, of course, a student in such an institution has the right to such a vacation.
  • Studying at graduate and master's programs, it is also possible to take such a vacation, but again, only for justified reasons.
  • Regarding whether it is possible to go on academic leave in the 1st year, the following should be said. The law does not restrict students at what stage of their education they can exercise this right. After all, illness or pregnancy can happen at any of the courses. Nevertheless, the management very carefully checks all the reasons for a freshman student to receive an academic leave. Since many newly arrived students often use this opportunity in order to save themselves from expulsion, etc.
  • Correspondence education is no exception. Therefore, while studying in absentia, you can also arrange a vacation. This is due to the fact that a person who studies in this form of education can also get sick, get pregnant, etc.

What information is needed to apply for an academic leave?

In order to exercise your right to this type of vacation, it is necessary for any reason to collect certain documents. Help depending on the reason for the academic leave may differ:

  • For example, when applying for a vacation due to illness, you need to take a certificate in the form 027 / U and 095 / U, as well as undergo an examination and obtain an opinion from the clinical expert commission.
  • If we are talking about pregnancy, then it is imperative to provide a certificate stating that the woman is registered for pregnancy and an extract from her hospital card.

  • If the guy was going to take an academician and go to the army, then you need to provide a summons.
  • If we are talking about other reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, then we need a supporting document about his illness. In case of financial difficulties, you need to take a certificate of family income, etc.

Is it possible and how to extend academic leave?

Speaking correctly, academic leave is not extended, but re-issued, but the result is essentially the same.

  • Academia can be extended (reissued), but for this it will be necessary to completely repeat the procedure, which is provided for by law.
  • The student must write an appropriate application and document the reason why he cannot attend the educational institution again.
  • It is also important to mention a few points. As for maintaining a budget place and deferment from the army, this applies exclusively to the first vacation.
  • And yet, you need to understand that the reason for repeated academic leave must also be valid. The fact that you were previously given an academician does not guarantee that you will receive it the 2nd time.

How long and how many times can I take academic leave?

In accordance with the law, academic leave should be granted when necessary, that is, there is simply no clearly defined number of times.

  • However, here you should not forget that when considering a vacation application, which indicates conditional reasons, the management, at its own discretion, makes a decision. That is, if a person submits an application and the reason stated in it is not good for the leadership, then he will not receive an academician either the first or all subsequent times.
  • The maximum vacation can last no more than 2 years. However, based on the fact that it can be taken an unlimited number of times, its duration does not play a big role.

After such a break in studies, the student returns to the same course in which he studied before he went on vacation.

Academic leave at the full-time department at the university: do they pay a scholarship, pension, is there a deferment from the army?

Legislation clearly regulates the issue of scholarships and deferment from service. Based on this, we can say the following:

  • Academic leave is not the reason why the payment of scholarships (state social, academic) should be stopped
  • Therefore, the right to receive such cash kept for students
  • The deferral of service is maintained. But there is important point, it is saved only for the period of the first academic leave

Is it possible to get out of academic leave earlier?

There is an opportunity to go to classes earlier than the vacation ends, and this is provided for by the legislation of our country.

  • In order to go to school ahead of schedule, you need to write an appropriate application addressed to the management of the institution and submit it to the place of study.

  • In such a statement, it is necessary to indicate the reason why your study before the end of the academic leave became possible.
  • If you were on vacation due to an illness, then you can return to study earlier than the specified time only after passing a medical examination and receiving an appropriate conclusion.

Can there be a denial of academic leave and why?

Whether or not you receive a leave of absence depends on the reasons you state in your application and whether you can document them.

  • If we are talking about unconditional reasons, that is, one's own illness, pregnancy, military service, then academic leave is mandatory. You just need to collect the documents you already know
  • If we are talking about conditional reasons - family or other circumstances, then it all depends on whether the management of the educational institution considers such reasons valid and valid
  • From this it should be concluded that you can be denied academic leave. The reason for refusal may be an unexcused reason or the fact that it will not be properly confirmed
  • They can also refuse to leave because of “tails” and poor academic performance. However, this is a purely individual matter, sometimes in such cases students go to a meeting and are given an academic leave

Academic leave is the solution to many problems. This is really a "lifeline" for those people who want, but for good reasons, cannot continue their studies at the moment. You need to approach the issue of registration of an academician very seriously and responsibly, because whether you get it depends largely on you.

Video: How to get academic leave?

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