Budget universities with a low passing score. Admission to the university at the budget department

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

Don't be discouraged if your passing score isn't too high. A successfully passed EPGE / OGE will help to enter the budget (or, in general, at least just to enter). And a certain number of points will even help to enter the budget!

Where is it realistic / unrealistic to enter on the budget?

The average USE score of those admitted to the budget will vary greatly depending on which university they enter.

As a rule, the highest passing scores for the Unified State Examination / OGE for admission to the budget are in the most prestigious universities in the country: St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University, MGIMO, HSE, etc. To get here, you will have to score at least 90 points.

But applicants with a passing score of 80 may well qualify for a place in almost any other university. True, the minimum USE score for admission to the budget in each case needs to be found out separately, because it can depend not only on the university itself, but also on the specialty you are applying for.

From 60 to 80 - these are the points needed for admission to the budget in public educational institutions that are not related to the top, but nevertheless provide very high level education for their students.

Another point that is important to pay attention to when raising the question of whether it is difficult to enter the budget is which city you are going to enter. Of course, the larger the city, the greater the competition. And this means that the requirements for the number (sum) of USE scores for admission to the budget will be higher than for less popular cities.

Is it difficult to enter the budget: requirements for different specialties

Choosing a university is not everything. To enter the budget, it is important to take into account not only the passing scores in a particular university, but also in a particular specialty.
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And now, so that you can navigate and accurately calculate what chances you have to enter the budget, let's look at the main areas and begin to soberly evaluate own forces not to waste time.

The “coolest” specialties: from 75 points

So, here are the specialties and directions, without scoring at least 75 points, you can consider that you didn’t enter (what to do - we’ll say later):

  • Foreign languages;
  • International relationships;
  • Oriental and African studies;
  • Linguistics.

Typically, the average score in these areas can vary between 80-82 points.

A little less (75-80 points) will be needed for other equally popular destinations:

  • Philology,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Political science,
  • Economy,
  • Literary creativity,
  • art theory,
  • Journalism,
  • Advertising and PR.

Directions of average "coolness": 70-75 points

What to do to enter the budget for specialties related to medicine, philosophy, nuclear physics or public services? You will have to score from 70 to 75 points.

Here is a list of areas that require an average of this number of points:

  • healthcare,
  • Nuclear physics,
  • Municipal and state administration,
  • Information security and business informatics,
  • Publishing,
  • Story,
  • Design,
  • Cultural studies and philosophy.

Standard directions: 65-70 points

If you are often tormented by the thought “I’m afraid not to enter the budget!” - relax! There are always specialties that are easy to enter, and then it is not difficult to study. Another thing is that you can’t build a special career later, but this is already the tenth thing.

So, here are the most massive areas, for admission to which you will have to score 65-70 points:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Management and personnel management,
  • Tourism, service, hospitality (service sector in general),
  • Psychology,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biotechnology,
  • Sociology,
  • religious studies,
  • Librarianship and archives.

Availability of exact sciences: 60-65 points

What are the chances of getting into the budget? Much more if you are a "techie" mindset, not a humanist

Construction, engineering, geology and other exact sciences (natural sciences and physical and mathematical) require a great mind, but, oddly enough, less passing score.

Here you can easily enter the budget in one of the following areas:

  • Biology and Ecology,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics,
  • Construction,
  • Geodesy, geology, geography,
  • Space technology and aviation,
  • Computing and Informatics,
  • Automation and control,
  • Energy,
  • Oil and gas business,
  • Radio and electrical engineering.

Easier than simple: up to 60 points

If you failed to score more than 60 points, do not be discouraged - the areas of technology, transport and Agriculture and the following areas:

  • railway transport,
  • water transport management,
  • light industry and technology,
  • food industry and technology,
  • Materials Science,
  • engineering,
  • soil science,
  • printing and packaging,
  • agriculture and fisheries.

Why get upset? In these areas, you (unlike many others) will be able to get real practical skills close to production. And despite the fact that such specialties do not shine with prestige, young specialists from such universities are always in demand and will always get a job, unlike newly minted philologists and art historians.

And the most NOT in demand among young people are the following specialties:

  • metallurgy,
  • forestry,
  • marine technology.

To become a state employee of these specialties, 52-55 points will be enough.

In any case, you will first have to find out the number of required passing points so as not to waste time and enter where you can go, taking into account the points you have scored. This can be done by analyzing the last year's situation. Usually this information doesn't change much over the course of a couple of years, so based on last year's entries, you'll get a pretty clear picture of what's in store for you.

You can find out the number of passing points from previous years on the websites of selected educational institutions. Usually everywhere there is an item "Admission Committee", where the average statistical data is published.

However, even a low passing score does not prevent you from striving to recruit more points. So try to be smart about it. And so that nothing distracts you from your preparation (with a tutor, from lessons, self-study), contact us - you will be freed from the need to complete an urgent test, write an essay or even take an exam at school!

And as a bonus - a short video with tips from an experienced person:

What to do if it was not possible to enter the budget, and the cost of studying at a paid department is too high? For many, this situation is tantamount to the end of the world, years of diligent study seem like wasted time, and the future looks foggy and unpromising. In fact, there is a way out, and there is more than one!

What to do if you did not enter the university on a budget

If you didn’t manage to enter the budgetary department, and you couldn’t manage contract training financially, but the diploma of this particular university is the goal of your life, try one of the following options:

1. Find out about the benefits that this school has. There is a chance to be enrolled in grant education for disabled people of groups I and II, as well as some other categories of citizens. Full list can be found in the admissions office of the university.

2. Do not give up hope to break into the second stream. As a result of the fact that some applicants refuse to enter, if there is a shortfall, the lists of students under the law can be formed before September 1. Usually the names of the last state employees from the second wave become known on August 6th.

3. Keep heading for the correspondence department of the same university. Applicants who did not get points, but successfully passed the exam, can be transferred to an alternative department of the desired faculty by transfer. The opportunity to work, become independent faster and gain experience in the chosen field is worth a lot!

Did not go to college - what to do

If you still failed to become a student of the institute, there are several ways out:

1. Spend this year preparing and retake the exam for the next year. It is possible to retake any subject, both compulsory and non-compulsory, and then choose the best result obtained over 2 years. There is nothing strange or shameful that graduates of past years strive to improve their results. The only thing to do is to register for the exam and prepare well in one of several ways:

  • Self-preparation requires determination, methodical and everyday practice.
  • Group courses to prepare for the exam are not cheap, but much cheaper than studying at a paid department. Moreover, you can choose exactly those items that cause great difficulties.
  • Classes with a tutor are even more expensive, but they also promise more serious preparation, especially if you find a teacher who knows the intricacies of the exam.

2. Treasure education does not have to be higher education. For example, studying at a college involves specialized training and continuing education at a university. After graduating from many colleges, you can easily find yourself in the second or third year of a partner university. They enter college on the basis of a certificate of nine years of education.

3. Take advantage unique opportunity do something new. For example, learn a complex graphics program or create your own website, take courses in photography or bartending. There are many opportunities to work in a free schedule and have a good income. If you are a man, serve in the army. Without military training, it is impossible to get a job in law enforcement agencies and a number of departments, so why deprive yourself of many opportunities?

You should not assume that your chances of fulfilling yourself are less than those of anyone else. There are many ways and each has its own way!

Perhaps you will be interested.

Most graduates and their parents are faced with the question of how to enter a good university on a budget? In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The main thing is to have desire, perseverance and patience, the matter must be approached with responsibility.

When the school bell is just around the corner, state exams and a high school diploma are just around the corner, you start to think about your future. There are options to go to work own business, or first get a higher or special education. Many parents rely on the second option. Therefore, everyone diligently begins to look for a suitable one. First of all, you need to decide how to enter a university: on a budgetary basis or on a contract basis (for a fee). The second option is not for everyone.

Choose a specialty

First of all, you need to make a choice educational institution and specialty of interest. Naturally, everyone wants to get, for example, a lawyer, programmer, economist. But there is usually a lot of competition for these faculties. You can consider this option, how to enter the budget for a specialty of interest: for example, enter the faculty of engineering programming, and in the process of learning, transfer to the faculty that you originally wanted, or defend a diploma at a department that is close in subject matter. That is, you can get the necessary knowledge at an adjacent faculty, where they give a similar course of lectures and, often, the same professors teach. The competition for such faculties is usually less, and there are more chances to enter the budget. Moreover, in our time, the main thing is not to have a higher education, but to have a certain specialty.

Training courses

If this option does not suit you, there is another proven method of how to enter the budget. He does not give a 100% guarantee, but the chances increase significantly.

Many are surprised, who do you want and do not go to preparatory courses? This question has a very logical basis. The fact is that almost every higher educational institution offers applicants to listen to a course of lectures, which tells about the admission process, what documents are needed, what subjects should be paid more attention to. At the preparatory courses, very often, together with the applicants, questions that were on the exams of previous years are considered. Usually, the tasks in the tickets are very similar, and sometimes they even coincide, only the wording changes. Why don't you have a hint? In addition, it is desirable to remember the lecturer on the positive side. Ask questions on the topic, teachers really appreciate it, because it is you who show interest in learning the material. Often, lecturers from preparatory courses are appointed members of the selection committee.

Entry exams

It actually depends on the result whether you will be a student of this educational institution. “You are not the first - you are not the last” - remember this rule. All people with higher education had to go through this procedure, and believe me, there were no victims yet. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not be afraid. Of course, you can use cheat sheets and the help of the audience when passing the exam, but this is a dangerous and thankless task. If the examiner catches you doing this, you can forget about higher education. Many people are afraid of oral exams, but, according to the author of the article, they are much easier to pass. If the examiner sees that you are a capable student, he may ask a leading question.

Olympics and competitions

If the student has decided in advance on the future specialty, it will not hurt him to participate in thematic olympiads and competitions in the profile subject. Having diplomas and certificates of honor, the question of how to enter the budget is simplified, since it is clear that the applicant has long been interested in and strives to obtain a certain specialty, and also has a good knowledge base.

The wonderful time of the year like spring is just around the corner. Leaves will blossom, giving the city a bright green color, and even in the very air changes will be felt. Change will come to thousands of young people who will soon leave the walls of their schools. For all the years of training, the guys become so dear that the sadness of memories of school years inevitable.

However, this is followed by a no less wonderful time - students. The transition from the status of a schoolboy to the title of a student is an important life step in the life of every person. He determines the future. Having made a mistake in choosing a profession or a university, you can later regret it all your life. Therefore, this difficult choice must be approached thoroughly, carefully weighing all the pros and cons, thinking through everything in advance.

The largest number of students can boast of the capital of our vast Motherland - Moscow. Applicants come here not only from Moscow itself, which is huge, but also from all over Russia, and even from near and far abroad. And there are also cases when guests from distant Western countries come to study. So, for example, a popular Hollywood actor, being an American by birth, did not find in Western countries worthy and came to Moscow to study at the Moscow Art Theater, which he graduated from, having proven himself from the best side.

Before every young person, the question arises of where to enter in Moscow. The question is good. After all, the number of universities in Moscow has great amount both public and private. Their number in total, perhaps, will go over a hundred, and it will be difficult to cover them all. However, it is possible to mention

Moscow State University

Well, you can start the story, perhaps, with the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (hereinafter - Moscow State University). One of the oldest higher educational institutions not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It was founded back in the eighteenth century on the initiative of the great Russian public and scientific figures Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov.

Since its founding, the university has been constantly developing. And obviously not going to slow down. For almost three hundred years, there has been constant development. New faculties and departments are being opened here, the number of students is increasing, and various scientific and public projects are being carried out. Getting into MSU is not easy. After all, a big competition weeds out the majority of applicants. The passing score for the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was 323 points. But the highest passing score for the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" is 456 points.

Universities of the capital

And here, a puzzled person, may wonder: "And also, where to do in Moscow?". Lots of options. These are different specialized universities with a specific focus - humanitarian, technical, agricultural, aviation, road, pedagogical, economic, design and many others. The choice of places where it is easier to enter in Moscow is huge. The main thing is not to relax yourself and show perseverance and perseverance in preparing for the entrance exams. Another important factor in choosing a profession that I would like to highlight is admission from the second year.

That is, you should not be upset if you didn’t manage to enter the desired profession the first time and go where it’s easier. Millions of people are ruining their lives with such a hasty decision, tormenting their souls with a profession other than theirs. Try to prepare more thoroughly and enter the second year, because you have a choice - a lost year or lost life. The average is, of course, a lot. However, there is nothing overwhelming and supernatural in overcoming it.


But back to prestigious universities. special attention deserves the Moscow State Institute international relations(hereinafter MGIMO).

The educational institution is famous for its level of training of highly qualified specialists in social and economic specialties. The stamp of MGIMO on the diploma of higher education is calling card. It testifies to the professionalism of a specialist in his field. Entering this university is naturally difficult, and studying in it is even more difficult, but as the Russian proverb says, “The root of learning is bitter and its fruit is sweet.”

After graduating from this educational institution, all your efforts will be rewarded with a vengeance. But the average passing score is very high - for most specialties you need to have at least 90. But for the specialty "International Journalism" it is necessary for the candidate to have at least 100.75 points. And the cost of paid education is 510 thousand rubles. per year or more.

University. I. M. Sechenov and other medical

This is by no means the end of the list of places to do in Moscow. This is just where he starts. Many, one way or another, want to connect their lives with medical activities, and for this Moscow provides many chances.

Probably the most prestigious medical university in Moscow is the Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov. It trains prestigious specialists. There are many other prestigious medical schools, such as: Medico-stomatological them. A. I. Evdokimova, Medical them. N. I. Pirogov, medicine and biotechnology.

Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin, RGUP and RPA of the Ministry of Justice

Many applicants dream of connecting their lives with legal activities and legal practice and are going to enter law schools in Moscow. State, with budget places, although limited, they are still available, and the chance to enter them is quite realistic. Special mention deserves the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (hereinafter - MSLA). This is a prestigious law school. It provides quality education in the legal field. A remarkable fact is that the branches of this educational institution are located not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia, in cities such as Orenburg, Vologda and Kirov. Speaking of law schools, one should not forget about the All-Russian state university of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice). Deserves special attention (RGUP). He is engaged in the training and retraining of personnel for the judicial system.

Military universities

A huge number of military universities can also be added to the list of places where to enter in Moscow. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense can serve as a place for a worthy career start Russian Federation. This is a very prestigious establishment. In addition to many military specialties, here you can also acquire professions related to legal, economic and humanitarian activities.

But it should be remembered that serving the Motherland is a great responsibility, choosing which one must take care of one's honor and reputation. After all, they will determine the well-being of life for a long time.

I. M. Gubkin University

Now let's talk about another best university in Moscow. Today, a promising industry is mining. Those who have a desire to connect their lives with this activity can enter I. M. Gubkin. Specialists who are graduates of this university work at prestigious enterprises.

A small conclusion

As you can see, there are a huge number of places where you can apply. There are universities where it is easier to enter in Moscow, there are those that are much more difficult.

However, when choosing a specialty, it is important to remember that when choosing a job, you choose your destiny. And that it should be conscious and deliberate. Of course, it is worth listening to the advice of loved ones. However, you do not need to rely only on them. You need to choose your own path, take responsibility for it and reap the rewards. Do what you love and love what you do.

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