Passing score of the exam at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Bauman University: faculties and specialties, address, passing score, photos and student reviews

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

MSTU im. Bauman is recognized as the largest technical university in Russia, and is highly rated abroad. In Europe, they also recognized and appreciated the highest quality of educational university programs, awarded the “European Quality” award, and deservedly recognized the level of training of graduates and teachers close to international standards. AT Russian Federation in terms of the number of awards, the university is in the first undeniable place. The Ministry of Education and Science recognized MSTU as the winner of the competition for innovative programs.

You can endlessly list all the recognized merits and distinctions of the University. Bauman, but it is better to learn more about the main topics for the applicant and answer exciting questions about admission, the competition, the availability of places on the budget. It is also desirable to know what the passing score is, what differences and changes have occurred compared to last year, what the selection committee pays attention to. We will try to cover all this in this article and give comprehensive information on all issues.

general information

The first technical university of the city of Moscow was located in a building that before the 1917 revolution belonged to the Imperial Technical School. Among the 29 countries initially, and today among the 48 countries that actively participate in the Bologna Process, MSTU occupies not the last place in the organization of a common European space for systems higher education. Also the University of Bauman is the chairman among 130 higher educational institutions and forming the Association of Technical Universities of Russia.

One of the many assessments was the assignment of the rating class "very high". The University is confidently in the top three among Moscow universities. Baumanka is one of four universities included in the international TOP-400. For a university that has been operating for more than 180 years, this is an excellent indicator of the intensity of development and compliance with all world innovations. The Russian model of education, introduced within the walls of MSTU and focusing on the combination of theory and practice, received a well-deserved medal at the World Exhibition of 1873.

In the 21st century, the University of Bauman actively maintains contact with more than 70 countries, accepting students for study, participates in exchange programs for graduate students, teachers, researchers, in joint research and methodological developments. Diploma of Moscow State Technical University Bauman is listed in more than 10 European countries.

Inside Information

At MSTU im. Bauman 19 faculties of full-time full-time education. In priority, the corresponding technical specialties, which is the basis of the direction of the university:

  • mechanical engineering;
  • Informatics;
  • laser technology;
  • radio electronics;
  • robotics;
  • fundamental science.

And this is a small part of the specialties that are taught here. Since 1989, after the general humanization of technical universities, applicants can enter the following faculties: biomedical technology, linguistics, jurisprudence, forensic science.

The university has a military department that trains officers for the Russian Ministry of Defense. This faculty produces real professionals in 32 military specialties, and practices military training one full day of study per week. The Faculty of Engineering Business fills the need for specialists who can solve the issues of implementing science-intensive products and technologies. The university has the only faculty of Biomedical Engineering in the country.

The Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems is divided into 4 departments, which helps to teach specialists in precision instrumentation in different areas. In more detail, applicants can get acquainted with all the departments and faculties, as well as new implemented training programs on the official website of the university.

What you need to know

In 2018-2019, the passing score did not fall below 150 and was not higher than 260 points. The highest passing score (259) belonged to the Faculty of Robotics in the competition for places on the budget, and the lowest - to the Department of Laser Technology (122) in the specialty "Optico-electronic devices for special purposes".

In each individual examination case, the average score in the subject should not be less than 75. Some faculties arrange additional exams, the results of which are then added to the results of the USE. A low budget availability rate is provided, only about 5,000.

On a university scale, this massive reduction in government spending allows for higher admissions of students with a more thorough knowledge of general education subjects. It should be noted that the score for passing to applied faculties is much lower than to technical specialties.


The cost of studying at MSTU. Bauman in 2019 varies, it can change from a minimum of 180,000 to a maximum of 240,000 thousand rubles. Due to the reduction of places on the budget and the distribution of the remaining between students of special purpose and students with handicapped you need to be prepared that the selection committee will offer training on a contract basis. By the way, the competition for a paid training option is also great.


MSTU has 10 dormitories located in different districts of Moscow. In the Izmailovsky campus, the road to the university will take about 45 minutes, there is a hostel and very close to the university, at the station. metro station "Baumanskaya", and in Ilyinsky. Hostels are provided only by a few of the many faculties.

Preliminary preparation

Of course, there are courses to prepare students for admission. Students can get to these courses both after graduation and 2-3 years before graduation. school curriculum. Courses are good decision for those who want to match the level of the university. The cost is small, but it provides the student with all the methodological literature, helping to understand and learn how to solve problems.

In addition to the Moscow location of MSTU, this prestigious university has branches in Kaluga and Dmitrov, so applicants who live in these cities, as well as in settlements located near these cities, it is more convenient to apply for admission to the branches of Bauman University.

From year to year, information on admission, on certain conditions of the competition, as well as on the passing scores of Baumanka, changes. Moreover, all numerical data tend to decrease, except for the price of contract training, which is growing by leaps and bounds and ranges from 180 thousand rubles or from 3 thousand dollars a year, and this is for specialties that are secondary.

As for the main specialties, for example, such as the specialty "power engineering", which is popular among applicants, probably because it is connected with oil and gas, here education costs from 280 thousand Russian rubles.

Over time, the approach to submitting information about the passing scores of Bauman University has also changed. If earlier in MSTU im. Bauman faculties, the passing scores were announced as the sum of three main or specialized subjects for the university in the Unified State Examination, now more and more often information about the passing scores is presented in the form of the average result of a single exam in these subjects.

Without a doubt, a well-known advertising manipulation is used here, which is often used to increase sales, when an intermediate, average value of the cost of a product is called. This can be seen by looking at how the Bauman University submits information, the passing score, for example, in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" or the sum of the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects in 273 points, is psychologically impressive perceived by applicants, in contrast to the average score, which only has indicator 91.

MSTU: passing scores 2017

As already noted in MSTU im. Bauman, the passing score decreases every year, which is connected, firstly, with a decrease in those wishing to study at this technical university due to the demographic situation - there are simply fewer applicants. Secondly, as a result of the state policy of post-Soviet times, there was a curtailment industrial production, therefore, the prestige of engineering specialties fell, as they say, below the plinth, so the state financed less and less budget places in technical universities.

As a result, less and less young people are interested in the profession of an engineer.

Although the situation, surprisingly, in connection with the sanctions and the subsequent forced import substitution, is gradually improving, it is not yet possible to talk about some kind of breakthrough in the form of government incentives for the training of modern engineering specialists trained by Baumanka.

However, judging by the fact that these sanctions are prolonged from time to time, as well as new trade restrictions are adopted by the West, in these conditions the state will be forced to stimulate the development of its own high-tech, both civilian and military industries. This will require training on state orders. And the leading role in providing high-quality engineering personnel will undoubtedly be played by MSTU.

Based on this very real development of events, those students who chose earlier and, applicants, who made the choice of Baumanka as an alma mater this year, and those who make it in subsequent years, will have good chances for professional career growth, although they are still quite large. The fact is that the diplomas of this university are in high demand not only in the Russian, but also in the international market of engineering personnel.

But back to the topic of our review. So, Baumanka passing scores in 2017 depend on the number of applications submitted for a particular specialty, which can be considered their rating, as well as the number of budget places. If we talk about specific numbers, then at Bauman University, the passing score in 2017 has a minimum USE score of 76.33, and the highest is 94.33 points.

MSTU im. Bauman: faculties, passing scores

According to the latest data provided by the university, it trains personnel in 146 engineering and economic specialties, both purely civilian and military and space. In addition, he has a military department, which, after graduation, allows graduates to receive officer ranks and urgent, as well as contract military service, to take positions corresponding to the rank.

It is impossible not to report such information that MSTU during its activity has produced more than 400 thousand engineering personnel for the country. Many of them became designers of rocket and aircraft engines, armaments and warheads of missiles. The level of Baumanka graduates involved in the development of missile navigation, which was successfully shown in their combat use against terrorist bases and concentrations in Syria from the waters of the seas.

As for the information on the 2017 admission campaign, at Bauman University, the faculties set the passing score on their own and the range of variation can be significant between different faculties. Sometimes the difference can reach almost 20 points, as shown in the above example of both the minimum and maximum values ​​required for Baumanka.

Perhaps you will be interested.

It's done!

The fruit of my, son, grandmother's efforts of 11 years was the admission of my son to the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman in the direction of "Power engineering" on the budget!!!

Brief note: we live in Ufa (Bashkiria), we entered in Moscow.

Simultaneously with this event, a meeting of the northerners was held, where I was the organizer (more on this in the next post), so I have not yet fully realized happiness ... here ... I gradually come to my senses and share (everyone shares what he has in excess))))).

I can, if anything, briefly tell you how to achieve admission to a prestigious university in the capital on a budget (upon request, but what if no one is interested).

We are a little worried about the hostel ... so far they are offering an option under an agreement with the Polytechnic University for 4500 rubles. and far from Baumanka ... but there is still a chance, suddenly someone refuses the hostel of Baumanka herself ... but these, of course, are trifles compared to the event itself))

This is such a happy, very, very news)

Thanks to those who will rejoice with us)

I am adding. Briefly about what we had (in terms of school education) and how we did it)

So. Lyrical digression.
The son studied in grades 1-3 at the super gymnasium (mathematics in two programs). Due to a coincidence of life circumstances, he had to move to another city (Ufa) and go to a regular school, where he studied until the 9th grade. The most ordinary school (although Veremeenko graduated from it, he once ran for the presidency of Bashkiria). From the first grade, the son was an excellent student. There was no competition in an ordinary school, he always had an "A" and for some reason (according to his son) they never asked homework. As a result, when it was time to think about the university and the choice of the Unified State Examination, we decided to transfer to a decent gymnasium in the 7th grade. But it was not there. The son wrote the entrance exams to this gymnasium for 2 and 3. That is, they did not take him. To say that I was upset is to say nothing. But we did not lay down our hands, we drew conclusions. We found a lyceum - the admission of students to universities beats all the records of Bashkiria, they have the most high scores USE for graduates. My son entered this lyceum for 2 years in a row. We started with training courses at this lyceum + studied with a tutor (a former teacher of this lyceum) and did not pass (even "calls" did not help).
We did not rest on this either ... We continued to study at school and study with a tutor in mathematics, and the next summer, lo and behold, our son entered! Grade 10-11 studied at the lyceum with a physics and mathematics bias.
At first, of course, he moved from the honors students to the three students ... but by the end of the 10th he pulled himself up to 4, and by the end of the 11th grade he went to 4 and 5.

While studying at the Lyceum, he constantly participated in all sorts of Olympiads and even managed to earn a certificate in the Aerospace Olympiad in Physics, which gives 100 USE points when entering certain universities.

In the 11th grade, the son attended the whole year 2 times a week additional electives in physics (in another school, his girlfriend used to study there, there is a strong physicist). For 3-4 months before the exam, I studied mathematics with a tutor (teacher at the Ufa University) 2 hours a week, systematized knowledge and filled in the gaps (of course, I should have done this earlier). I studied Russian with a tutor six months before the exam, mostly writing essays and arguments.

In Russian I scored 82 points, in physics I scored 84 points (at the same time, the certificate of the Olympiad worked, which gave 100 points .. there was a condition, score 65 points, then the certificate would work) and now my son relaxed in mathematics, because he realized that in physics the certificate worked))) and scored only 64 points (then I looked at the errors, I thought about filing an appeal, but ... there were such stupid mistakes ... like I didn’t calculate the number of PI, etc.).
In total, it turned out 246 points.

Since we know approximately where the son wants to work later (he studied the statistics of hiring with certain diplomas and in what areas, etc. + former lyceum graduates who graduated from Moscow and St. Petersburg universities periodically visit lyceum students and share their experience of admission and demand in the future + for a job with my sister in international company Baumanka was also required) ... then priority fell on Baumanka ... MIPT is also good, but far away, Dolgoprudny did not suit his son ..

So, with his 246 points, the son went to Baumanka, but in the most priority direction for him, he was not on the list of those recommended for enrollment, but in the reserve in 3rd place. That is, there was a chance that by August 4 someone would take the documents and the son would rise in the list, I did not hope for this at all ... but ... it happened that the son was included in the list recommended for enrollment ... and after three more of them with lower scores also made it to this list.

By the way, this year the passing score in Baumanka (as well as in any university) was lower, because part of the "cheating" was weeded out, there are already fewer stobalniks and bought ones.

Somehow like this..

P.S. The other day, my classmate from Sochi was interested in HOW we did in Moscow on the budget ... I briefly explained to her: the desire for knowledge from grade 1 to 11, tutors, a certain selection of educational institutions, constant work at home and parental control (in studies) and she said "is that all?". They just convince her that you can get to Moscow on the budget only for a bribe. No guys, no! Not only! We have no money for commerce and bribes! We have a lot of mother's irresistible desire for the best ...
What we wish you!

Them. N. E. Bauman, today is the largest university where highly qualified engineers are trained. It was at MSTU that the unique system preparing students for work at large technical enterprises, which has no analogues in the whole world.

The main principle that the university adheres to is aimed at the formation of personnel capable of serving high-tech and advanced scientific industries. We are talking about working with information and telecommunication systems, nanotechnologies, energy-saving materials, aerospace and living systems.

Why is Baumanka so popular?

Bauman University is a member of the famous Bologna process, the university diploma is valid even abroad. Employers all over the world willingly accept Baumanka graduates, as they have knowledge international standard. MSTU is a member of an international association that trains leading industrial managers in Europe.

MSTU graduates are also in demand for Russian market labor, a few years ago the university won the competition for the development of innovative education programs, so the graduates are aware of all the innovations in the technical field. The university has been awarded by the government of the Russian Federation for its huge contribution to Russian education.

Bauman University has two branches: Dmitrovsky and Kaluga. Each of them has representative offices of the MSTU faculty, so you can apply to these institutions too. At the same time, the graduate diploma will also include MSTU, which will increase the chances of looking for work abroad.

The main divisions of MSTU

Bauman University, whose faculties annually accept applications from several tens of thousands of applicants, continues to develop rapidly. Now there are 19 full-time faculties on the territory of the institution, each of which has a large number of departments.

Since MSTU is a technical university, the highest preference is given to the relevant specialties. On the this moment the following technical faculties are open here: engineering business and management, computer science and control systems, engineering technologies, radio electronics and laser technology, robotics and special engineering, fundamental sciences and power engineering.

Bauman University: faculties and specialties of the second order

MSTU also meets those applicants who are not too eager to work in production, offering them secondary specialties. At the moment, the university has the following faculties: biomedical technology, linguistics, social and humanitarian sciences, sports and recreation, jurisprudence, intellectual property and forensics.

Also, Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties require great dedication from students, has its own military institute, which is why students in this case there is nothing to fear that they may be called up for service in the middle of the school year. In addition, even if one of the university graduates wants to join the army, he will serve as an officer, not as a private.

Branch faculties of the university

Special attention deserves faculties that immediately prepare specialists for various industries: aerospace, instrument-making, optoelectronic instrumentation, radio engineering, rocket and space technology. Training is carried out within the framework of a special unit of the university - GUIMC (the head educational, research and methodological center), where persons with disabilities can study.

At the same time, students of these faculties will eventually receive specialties that are taught in the main departments of the university. A similar system operates with GUIMC. Thus, the university provides an opportunity to get an education for everyone, regardless of any restrictions.

MSTU and partners

The university is engaged in innovative developments in the technical field with the support of the largest research centers and educational institutions around the world. The Korean Institute of Science and Technology, the universities of Montreal and Illinois, the Beijing Institute of IT and many other universities of the world cooperate with Bauman University.

Exchange programs have been operating between MSTU and foreign partners for a long time. About two hundred students go to universities in Europe and the USA every year to get additional skills, while foreign students are also frequent guests of Baumanka. Foreigners most often cooperate with the Faculty of Linguistics, it is with the help of its teachers and students that specialists from different countries manage to establish common contact.

Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties are very popular all over the world, continues to expand. The university management believes that it is necessary to develop humanitarian and applied areas, in connection with this, it is planned to open several more auxiliary faculties and departments.

MSTU: passing score

Every year, information on admission to Bauman University (passing score, competition conditions and the number of budget places) changes. The passing score should be called the average indicator obtained as a result of adding up all the exams passed by the applicant and required for admission. This score can also be obtained by adding up all the results of the exam with the result of the internal exam.

In 2013, the passing score at Baumanka was 225 points, this year the situation has not changed. From year to year, the indicators decrease, the general average in subjects should be equal to 75, this is enough for admission. The university is quite sparing towards potential applicants, it is quite possible to enter the Moscow State Technical University.

Some faculties have the right to arrange additional tests, in addition to the exam, which are taken by applicants after school. It is recommended to clarify in advance the presence or absence of such exams in the admission committee of the university, which works from mid-May to the end of August. In April-May, Moscow State Technical University is also held, where each potential student can ask all his questions.

Faculties and their features

Bauman University, whose faculties have already graduated more than 400 thousand specialists, focuses on technical professions. As a rule, the passing score there is much higher than usual. For example, for admission to the specialty "Ground transport and technological means" you must have an average score of 250.

Among technical specialties the lowest passing score is now observed at the Faculty of Optoelectronic Instrumentation - 173. To enter there, you need to pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. The cost of education here is also lower than at other faculties - 180 thousand rubles a year. As for applied faculties, it is easier to enter there, the passing scores there are much lower than usual.

What the cost of studying?

Most universities are moving to commercial basis, Bauman University was no exception, the cost of education here can range from 180 to 240 thousand rubles per year. Education at the leading faculties of the university is more expensive, at applied ones - cheaper. The exact price, terms and methods of payment can be clarified in the selection committee.

At some faculties, there are also budget places, they are first of all provided to excellent students, target students, people with disabilities, and only then - to ordinary applicants. The number of state-funded places at MSTU is declining every year due to a lack of state funding.

There is an exception to the rule, it concerns the GUIMC, where people with disabilities study, who cannot acquire knowledge with ordinary students. In this center, education is free, the only thing required of the student is to diligently attend classes and cope with the load. The center employs psychologists who help students adapt to their studies.

Conditions for visitors

Not everyone can afford to rent an apartment in Moscow. And here Bauman University comes to the rescue, the dormitory of which can become a temporary home for a student. At the moment, MSTU has ten of its own dormitories, two of them were given to the needs of the faculties of power engineering and special engineering.

One of the dormitories (No. 3) is located on the territory of the village of Ilyinsky in the Moscow region. For teachers, graduate students and family students, a special room has been allocated (No. 13), located along Muranovskaya Street. The provision of a hostel for students is carried out on a competitive basis (according to the number of points scored in the USE). Students of nine faculties cannot count on receiving a hostel, the list of specialties can be clarified in the admission committee.

All students (including those from other cities) have the right to receive a free medical care in polyclinic No. 160, Moscow State Technical University. You must have your passport, student ID and medical policy with you in order to get a card and visit doctors as needed. All sick leave must be certified in this clinic.

How to proceed?

After receiving the certificate, you must immediately contact the admissions office of the university, since the acceptance of documents is carried out from June 20 to July 25. At the university, you will need to fill out an application, present a passport and a copy of it (if not, the admissions committee will do it in your presence).

Next, you need to present the original certificate or a copy of it (if you are applying to several universities or faculties at once), copies of diplomas from olympiads and other competitions (if any). If you have documents that allow you to receive certain benefits upon admission, you must also present them.

If you are applying, you will need to provide a copy of the agreement under which the university will teach you. Also, the admission committee should have six of your photos sized 3 x 4, you should bring a military ID or other documents that will help you with admission.

And it will require a lot of effort from you, because Bauman University, whose specialties are listed abroad, is becoming more and more popular every year. If possible, it is recommended to apply to several faculties at once, then you will have much more chances to enter MSTU.

How to prepare for admission?

Of course, preparation for must be done in advance, but if everything could not be done according to the standard scheme, you can go the other way. Another advantage that Bauman University offers is courses aimed at preparing future applicants. The main thing is to have time to sign up there on time and consistently attend classes.

These courses are paid, their cost will directly depend on what kind of education you have. If you have just graduated from school and started attending courses, you will have to pay 18,500 rubles for them, otherwise their cost will be 20 thousand rubles. You will be provided with all the necessary reference materials, as well as learn how to solve problems necessary for studying at MSTU.

Some applicants mistakenly believe that by attending additional courses, it will be possible to become familiar in front of the teachers, and after that they themselves will do everything to accept a newly minted student. This is fundamentally wrong, the student admission system is now 90% automated, and nothing depends on personal communication here.

To "Baumanka"

You can prepare in advance for admission, for this there is a school at Bauman University - lyceum No. 1581, it is advisable to transfer a child there until the 8th grade, then in three years it will be possible to prepare him qualitatively. The lyceum has been operating for almost 80 years, and during this time most of its students graduated from Moscow State Technical University and were able to realize themselves in many areas.

There is another school whose students can prepare for admission to Bauman University - Lyceum No. 1580, which has been operating for 25 years. recent years. There, preparations are being made for the Unified State Examination in mathematics, physics and computer science - the three main subjects necessary for studying at Baumanka.

What do they say about "Baumanka"?

The best tool to help you understand what Bauman University is is reviews. They can be read in additional sources, university students admit that studying at MSTU is quite a difficult matter, since you have to thoroughly understand in large numbers new material.

Bauman University, reviews of which are mostly positive, is constantly open to future applicants. You can ask your questions at any time by contacting the admission committee of the university, as well as by contacting the leadership of the faculty you are interested in.

How to get to Baumanka?

To submit documents, you need to know exactly where Bauman University is located, its address is simple - 2nd Baumanskaya Street, 5. Not far from the main building of MSTU there is a metro station, the name of which is consonant with the name of the university.

You can also get to the university by regular public transport. We are talking about tram routes No. 24, 37, 50; trolleybus route No. 24 and bus route No. 78. fixed-route taxis, whose services you can also use.

About "cherish" MADC Nikolaev ..
We thought that, as a highly specialized and relatively convenient location for us, it would be a priority for the auto business circle .. And they broke off .. The administration drove such "game" that I simply deleted it from the list for myself.

I don't know what you mean about "walking with a child" ..
He goes to class on his own.
And on DODs and "probing the situation" together. All the same, 13 years, from my point of view, is an insufficient age for a comprehensive assessment. (I have a 19-year-old eldest who still likes to use me as an advisory voice).

Well, he tells something .. Even with general restraint (he is taciturn), the picture still develops.
In general, the educational process assessment system has much in common, regardless of the level.

But we, as I understand it, are at different ends of Moscow and our children are interested in different areas. :)

MTKP MSTU named after N.E. Bauman - there is practically no information on the Internet, except for a fairly high passing score. We plan to get to the DOD in the spring.

CAIT No. 20 - next to us. Fairly mediocre reviews from those who go there. On the own experience experienced inconsistent administration, poor organization and neglect.

Shopping Mall No. 21 - we have the nearest building "On Verbnaya Street." Very good workshops. Modern equipment, competent masters. Well organized educational process. Strict control, feedback from parents. The administration is working on development and trying to improve and improve something, everything is very friendly and constructive. But the contingent of children is very so-so. This is an industrial zone, it is inconvenient to get there. The surrounding areas are also not the most prosperous.

Communication College No. 54. He goes there to work as an electrician. He likes classes. But according to what he says, in my opinion, the classes are organized in an average way. theory prevails. They tried to move on to practice, but the teachers could not cope with the “diversity” of the group and, as a result, they are guided by “the weakest”. There are questions about the organization of the program prof. education.. But in general, the son says that the level of students is higher (meaning educational and cultural). The college is also well equipped technically. I talked in the summer with representatives of the administration, everything was friendly, but in my opinion they were poorly informed in terms of technical features.

College of Railway and Urban Transport "No. 52. It is near us.
My kids even went to the computer there. graphics. There remains a very pessimistic feeling. That everything was so ossified there in the last century that it is not subject to swinging .. Teachers are weak, poorly understanding what they actually want (and as specialists, they can do nothing, but in terms of teaching, there are many questions). Weak administration (at least in the building on Rokossovsky). In short, so depressive feelings remained that we also crossed it out.

GBPOU OKG "Capital / Construction College No. 38 - she did not get there, but the reviews are very contradictory.

Educational Complex South-West" / Polytechnic College 39 - also conflicting information.

Today, the direction considered for further education is industrial electronics (installation, repair, maintenance). Programming obviously gave way to the "pieces of iron".
I also thought about robotics, etc. But his interest in this area somehow waned this year. Yes, and with the prospects of work is not very clear.
Therefore, electronics looks more suitable for the "foundation". And on top, you can impose anything you like at the present time ..

And I'm also looking for where I can continue Cisco classes. My son now goes to the first year group at the school 1505. But it is so arranged there that they conduct only annual programs for their 9th graders. That is, he is now in the 8th, he will pass this program of the first year, and he must look for where to spread to the next. year and need a good coach. We still have school 1360 nearby, but I don’t like the coach there. 12/17/2017 02:32:22 PM,

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