Mgtu them Bauman passing score on the budget. Bauman University: faculties and specialties, address, passing score, photos and student reviews

Engineering systems 11.10.2019

In addition to the Moscow location of MSTU, this prestigious university has branches in Kaluga and Dmitrov, so applicants who live in these cities, as well as in settlements located near these cities, it is more convenient to apply for admission to the branches of Bauman University.

From year to year, information on admission, on certain conditions of the competition, as well as on the passing scores of Baumanka, changes. Moreover, all numerical data tend to decrease, except for the price of contract training, which is growing by leaps and bounds and ranges from 180 thousand rubles or from 3 thousand dollars a year, and this is for specialties that are secondary.

As for the main specialties, for example, such as the specialty "power engineering", which is popular among applicants, probably because it is connected with oil and gas, here education costs from 280 thousand Russian rubles.

Over time, the approach to submitting information about the passing scores of Bauman University has also changed. If earlier in MSTU im. Bauman faculties, the passing scores were announced as the sum of three main or specialized subjects for the university in the Unified State Examination, now more and more often information about the passing scores is presented in the form of the average result of a single exam in these subjects.

Without a doubt, a well-known advertising manipulation is used here, which is often used to increase sales, when an intermediate, average value of the cost of a product is called. This can be seen by looking at how the Bauman University submits information, the passing score, for example, in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" or the sum of the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects in 273 points, is psychologically impressive perceived by applicants, in contrast to the average score, which only has indicator 91.

MSTU: passing scores 2017

As already noted in MSTU im. Bauman, the passing score decreases every year, which is connected, firstly, with a decrease in those wishing to study at this technical university due to the demographic situation - there are simply fewer applicants. Secondly, as a result of the state policy of post-Soviet times, there was a curtailment industrial production, therefore, the prestige of engineering specialties fell, as they say, below the plinth, so the state financed less and less budget places in technical universities.

As a result, less and less young people are interested in the profession of an engineer.

Although the situation, surprisingly, in connection with the sanctions and the subsequent forced import substitution, is gradually improving, it is not yet possible to talk about some kind of breakthrough in the form of government incentives for the training of modern engineering specialists trained by Baumanka.

However, judging by the fact that these sanctions are prolonged from time to time, as well as new trade restrictions are adopted by the West, in these conditions the state will be forced to stimulate the development of its own high-tech, both civilian and military industries. This will require training on state orders. And the leading role in providing high-quality engineering personnel will undoubtedly be played by MSTU.

Based on this very real development of events, those students who chose earlier and, applicants, who made the choice of Baumanka as an alma mater this year, and those who make it in subsequent years, will have good chances for professional career growth, although they are still quite large. The fact is that the diplomas of this university are in high demand not only in the Russian, but also in the international market of engineering personnel.

But back to the topic of our review. So, Baumanka passing scores in 2017 depend on the number of applications submitted for a particular specialty, which can be considered their rating, as well as the number of budget places. If we talk about specific numbers, then at Bauman University, the passing score in 2017 has a minimum USE score of 76.33, and the highest is 94.33 points.

MSTU im. Bauman: faculties, passing scores

According to the latest data provided by the university, it trains personnel in 146 engineering and economic specialties, both purely civilian and military and space. In addition, he has a military department, which, after graduation, allows graduates to receive officer ranks and urgent, as well as contract military service, to take positions corresponding to the rank.

It is impossible not to report such information that MSTU during its activity has produced more than 400 thousand engineering personnel for the country. Many of them became designers of rocket and aircraft engines, armaments and warheads of missiles. The level of Baumanka graduates involved in the development of missile navigation, which was successfully shown in their combat use against terrorist bases and concentrations in Syria from the waters of the seas.

As for the information on the 2017 admission campaign, at Bauman University, the faculties set the passing score on their own and the range of variation can be significant between different faculties. Sometimes the difference can reach almost 20 points, as shown in the above example of both the minimum and maximum values ​​required for Baumanka.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, Bauman University began its development, which trains specialists in the field of high-tech branches of science. Therefore, everyone who wants to devote their lives to just such a field of activity chooses this particular university for education. So we invite you to learn about the rules for admission to MSTU. Bauman in 2017.

Features of admission in 2017

If you dream of becoming a student of this university, then you should study the admission rules in detail. Since this process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, read all the rules in advance and start preparing now. In order to make it easier for you to understand this huge flow of information, we suggest paying attention to some features.

First, MSTU im. Bauman offers its applicants, in addition to the standard form of submitting documents by mail or on their own, to use the system of remote Internet preparation of electronic data. Thus, you can independently, without leaving your home, form your own applicant dossier. To do this, you will need access to the Internet. The main advantage of this dossier is that you can later submit it by mail to the admissions office.

In addition, it is worth paying attention that in order to become a student, you will have to pass several tests. These include the following:

  1. tests set directly by the university;
  2. interview.

As for the USE, only the results for the period from 2013 to 2017 will be taken into account. The tests of the university will be held by some applicants for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The test form in the form of an interview is provided for those who want to receive a second one on a paid basis. higher education or a master's degree.

It should be noted that applicants will have to not only pass some entrance exams, but also score the necessary passing scores for them. Thus, the minimum scores for applicants, both on the budget and on a paid basis, are set on a hundred-point scale. At the same time, each subject has its own minimum, so that these indicators can be the same at the same faculty. So, thirty-six is ​​the number of points that applicants need to score for the Russian language exam. A similar indicator is set for such a subject as physics. A relatively smaller limit is set for mathematics - thirty-six. Social studies - will become the test, the minimum for which is the largest in comparison with other entrance exams - forty-two. But the smallest score - twenty-two - will need to be scored for foreign language. All applicants should remember that if you score less for one or another subject than indicated above, then you will not be able to continue participating in the introductory campaign.

If you plan to enroll in a master's program at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, then you should know that in this case, the minimum scores for the tests are also set. Their main difference is that the same limit of twenty-seven points is set for all tests for the master's degree.

A very important issue for applicants upon admission is the timing of the introductory campaign. After all, their non-compliance can lead to unpleasant consequences for the incoming. Therefore, read this information in advance and rationally calculate your time upon admission.

Everyone who wants to enter the first year will be able to apply from June 20, but this process will end at different times.

  • July 10 is the last day for submission of documents for persons who are eligible for admission based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university itself.
  • 26 July - deadline submission of documents for those who entered according to all other admission rules;
  • August 29 is the last day to submit documents for those applicants who plan to study on a paid basis.

Their terms are set for those wishing to become masters. So, the submission of documents will begin on July 1, and end on August 29.

Benefits for admission to MSTU. Bauman

Every year, some categories of citizens have additional rights upon admission. Therefore, 2017 will not be an exception, so we will pay attention to this issue.

First, it is worth noting that some citizens will have, in comparison with others, a preferential right to enroll. In total, about thirteen categories of such citizens have been identified, and these include orphans, children of the fallen Heroes of the USSR, war invalids.

Secondly, every year a ten percent quota is provided, which is called a special one. All citizens who are eligible for it will have the opportunity to study at this university at the expense of budgetary allocations. Such citizens include those who have the status of disabled people of the first and second groups, orphans and others. At the same time, the main condition for obtaining this quota is the successful passing of all entrance exams.

Tuition fees for 2017-2018

Many applicants who plan to receive education on a paid basis are interested in the question of prices for the next academic year. We immediately note that this information is not yet available, so we will have to be guided by the indicators of previous years.

The first thing worth noting is that regardless of what qualifications the applicants planned to receive last year, they had to pay no more than three hundred rubles per year of study. Perhaps this year the maximum will rise, but still slightly. At the bachelor's degree, the most expensive specialty compared to other specialties is nanoengineering. Obtaining knowledge in this area costs 266,700 rubles. But the cheapest were immediately several specialties, including economics and sociology. The cost of training in this case is 196,560 rubles. As for the specialty, the maximum and minimum prices are similar to those already indicated, but for other specialties. Maximum - for special life support systems, nuclear reactors and materials, and others. Minimum for forensic examination. As always, becoming a master is a little more expensive. So, the maximum is set at 294,525 rubles (technical physics), and the minimum is 223,860 rubles (management). By the way, you still have to remember the features of the terms of payment for tuition. So, legal entities are required to pay the entire amount at one time, but for individuals exceptions are established - two equal payments per year.

And once again, we remind you that these figures are not final, so follow this information on the university website.

For many applicants, it will be interesting to know that the university traditionally spends days every year open doors. They are specially organized so that everyone can ask questions of interest regarding the features of the introductory campaign, as well as preparation for the tests. For example, in April 2016, counseling centers worked at the university, but what concerns their work next year is still unknown. Therefore, if it is important for you to find out this information, then follow all the updates on the university website.

We hope you have learned all the information you are interested in about the features of the entrance campaign to this university. But if you are considering other options for admission, then we suggest that you visit the website and familiarize yourself with the admission campaigns to other universities or academies, for example

A graduate of this university: University graduate in 2013. Faculty of MT Department of MT3 - Technology of mechanical engineering, specialist - training 6 years

I studied before the introduction of the Unified State Examination and bachelors, so I can’t say for sure about the current situation, however:

Advantages of the university
1. Name. Baumanka, Ept. When I told everyone where I study / that I graduated - everyone's mouths opened. Only one guy I know turned out to be cooler - he studied to be a pilot))

2. Base in technical faculties (with rare exceptions, as discussed below). Many teachers give good knowledge. At least qualitative thinking can be formed.

3. PS7 is a fairly profitable specialty. But I was not at PS7)((

There were more cons for me:
1. Too much load. He lived in the region - he went to study for 2.5 hours from door to door. Total 5 hours left on the road. I wanted to learn, so I understood and did everything myself. I was asked so much that I slept 3 hours a day. And so the first 3 courses. At 4, the nerves could not stand it and I sent everything to hell - it turns out this is physiologically conditioned. The result - triples on coursework in the diploma. Damn, even according to the curriculum, count the hours - it turns out that you will not have free time at all per day. And this is in your best young years. Brad dog. It may be easier for Muscovites, but I am not a Muscovite, and I can’t say anything about this.

2. Dibile schedule. There are only 2 main buildings, dofiga faculties, there are apparently few teachers, so the class schedule is wildest. There is no lunch break - hello gastritis (you'll be lucky if the teacher lets you go). Classes can be delivered at any time without regard for convenience. Our second year was just fine - Monday - until 19.00, Tuesday - by 8.30, Wednesday - until 21.30, Thursday - by 8.30, Friday - until 19.00, Saturday - by 8.30. And estimate that I have 2 hours to go one way. Arrived - sleep 5 hours and go back. And still have to do it! Rave. These people, apparently, believe that students are made of iron and it is not necessary to monitor their health. There has never been such a dull rhythm of life.

3. Outdated material base and lack of normal practice. On MT, sure. You will graduate from this faculty and you will not be able to do anything. Because there are no new machine tools, no CNC, no practice anywhere, because there are no new factories. The result - you will be taught the technologies of the 70th year. Come to work, and they will send you, or arrange an intern for 10 thousand salaries, until you learn something normal. Are your 6 years of brain-fuck then the same brain-fuck with work and not very big salary? I think no.

Summary of studies:
In the last year I became interested in vocals - I turned out to have an operatic voice. And damn, I still can't finish my studies as an academic singer. Because when I got out of the Bauman I had chronic gastritis and tonsillitis (permanent incessant sore throat) - thanks for this to the idiots who make the schedule and prescribe academic plan. While I was treating / understanding what was going on, a lot of time and money was spent on treatment (100 thousand for a sanatorium in Estonia, then another 100 thousand a year for LoRa). For the first two years, he barely sang, barely got to work, barely walked - it was so bad. Thanks Bauman. Physical form became much worse - I went in for volleyball before the university - as soon as I started studying there - I immediately noticed how the jump falls. Well, everything ended with chronic diseases, as I wrote above. And I'm only to blame for the fact that I really wanted to study! Well fire. Further - a normal job that can be combined with further study, I could not find. After graduation, you are on your way to the factory for 20 thousand salaries 5 days a week from 8 to 17.00. It is difficult to study, there is no money. Any serious company will require from you English, which is taught there mediocrely, knowledge of 3D programs, CNC, etc. What you do not know, because they do not teach. You will have to somehow study at the factory (if there is one), but time is not rubber. There is no work with a free schedule at all (except for students to draw drawings, which is not serious). In short - you can forget about providing yourself with another second education (for a fee, the fee is now 400 k) - you will have to earn more seriously your specialty after graduating from a university for more than one year. Maybe by the age of 27-30 you will become a specialist. And what's that? That's right - it's bullshit. Not without reason the best student of our group (almost a legend of the flow)) does not work in his specialty and only one person from the group works in his specialty - his dad is the chief designer at the plant.

Bottom line - I regret that I studied at this university. I got a bunch of health problems, I didn’t get a decent specialty. Is that the military department of the army slanted.

It's done!

The fruit of my, son, grandmother's efforts of 11 years was the admission of my son to the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman in the direction of "Power engineering" on the budget!!!

Brief note: we live in Ufa (Bashkiria), we entered in Moscow.

Simultaneously with this event, a meeting of the northerners was held, where I was the organizer (more on this in the next post), so I have not yet fully realized happiness ... here ... I gradually come to my senses and share (everyone shares what he has in excess))))).

I can, if anything, briefly tell you how to achieve admission to a prestigious university in the capital on a budget (upon request, but what if no one is interested).

We are a little worried about the hostel ... so far they are offering an option under an agreement with the Polytechnic University for 4500 rubles. and far from Baumanka ... but there is still a chance, suddenly someone refuses the hostel of Baumanka herself ... but these, of course, are trifles compared to the event itself))

This is such a happy, very, very news)

Thanks to those who will rejoice with us)

I am adding. Briefly about what we had (in terms of school education) and how we did it)

So. Lyrical digression.
The son studied in grades 1-3 at the super gymnasium (mathematics in two programs). Due to a coincidence of life circumstances, he had to move to another city (Ufa) and go to a regular school, where he studied until the 9th grade. The most ordinary school (although Veremeenko graduated from it, he once ran for the presidency of Bashkiria). From the first grade, the son was an excellent student. There was no competition in an ordinary school, he always had an "A" and for some reason (according to his son) they never asked homework. As a result, when it was time to think about the university and the choice of the Unified State Examination, we decided to transfer to a decent gymnasium in the 7th grade. But it was not there. The son wrote the entrance exams to this gymnasium for 2 and 3. That is, they did not take him. To say that I was upset is to say nothing. But we did not lay down our hands, we drew conclusions. We found a lyceum - the admission of students to universities beats all the records of Bashkiria, they have the most high scores USE for graduates. My son entered this lyceum for 2 years in a row. We started with training courses at this lyceum + studied with a tutor (a former teacher of this lyceum) and did not pass (even "calls" did not help).
We did not rest on this either ... We continued to study at school and study with a tutor in mathematics, and the next summer, lo and behold, our son entered! Grade 10-11 studied at the lyceum with a physics and mathematics bias.
At first, of course, he moved from the honors students to the three students ... but by the end of the 10th he pulled himself up to 4, and by the end of the 11th grade he went to 4 and 5.

While studying at the Lyceum, he constantly participated in all sorts of Olympiads and even managed to earn a certificate in the Aerospace Olympiad in Physics, which gives 100 USE points when entering certain universities.

In the 11th grade, the son attended the whole year 2 times a week additional electives in physics (in another school, his girlfriend used to study there, there is a strong physicist). For 3-4 months before the exam, I studied mathematics with a tutor (teacher at the Ufa University) 2 hours a week, systematized knowledge and filled in the gaps (of course, I should have done this earlier). I studied Russian with a tutor six months before the exam, mostly writing essays and arguments.

In Russian I scored 82 points, in physics I scored 84 points (at the same time, the certificate of the Olympiad worked, which gave 100 points .. there was a condition, score 65 points, then the certificate would work) and now my son relaxed in mathematics, because he realized that in physics the certificate worked))) and scored only 64 points (then I looked at the errors, I thought about filing an appeal, but ... there were such stupid mistakes ... like I didn’t calculate the number of PI, etc.).
In total, it turned out 246 points.

Since we know approximately where the son wants to work later (he studied the statistics of hiring with certain diplomas and in what areas, etc. + former lyceum graduates who graduated from Moscow and St. Petersburg universities periodically visit lyceum students and share their experience of admission and demand in the future + for a job with my sister in international company Baumanka was also required) ... then priority fell on Baumanka ... MIPT is also good, but far away, Dolgoprudny did not suit his son ..

So, with his 246 points, the son went to Baumanka, but in the most priority direction for him, he was not on the list of those recommended for enrollment, but in the reserve in 3rd place. That is, there was a chance that by August 4 someone would take the documents and the son would rise in the list, I did not hope for this at all ... but ... it happened that the son was included in the list recommended for enrollment ... and after three more of them with lower scores also made it to this list.

By the way, this year the passing score in Baumanka (as well as in any university) was lower, because part of the "cheating" was weeded out, there are already fewer stobalniks and bought ones.

Somehow like this..

P.S. The other day, my classmate from Sochi was interested in HOW we did in Moscow on a budget ... I briefly explained to her: the desire for knowledge from grade 1 to 11, tutors, a certain selection educational institutions, constant work at home and parental control (in studies), and she said "and that's all ???". They just convince her that you can get to Moscow on the budget only for a bribe. No guys, no! Not only! We have no money for commerce and bribes! We have a lot of mother's irresistible desire for the best ...
What we wish you!

If a person does not go to Baumanka on a budget, what would you paternally advise him to do?

Advice is limited. There is a procedure for admission to universities. Until July 25, you need to submit documents, select specialties and indicate whether you want to participate in the competition for the budget, for paid places, or both.

After the 25th, nothing can be replayed, you can only withdraw. And the fact that I do not pass and now I want to study at another faculty is, excuse me, unacceptable. And you can’t want to pay after you didn’t go to the budget - this is prohibited by law.

There is a maximum number of students, which is determined by the license and certificate of accreditation of the university - the so-called licensed capacity. And we can't take more first-year students - figuratively speaking, there won't be enough chairs for them.

We have 90 percent of students studying on a budget, because the Ministry of Education gives us a large admission plan, which practically coincides with our capacity. Therefore, we have only about 10 percent of paying students - we cannot take more, with all our desire.

From the point of view of the economics of the university, paid and free students cost about the same amount. We cannot take from students on a paid form less money than we are allocated for state employees. There are no delays in funding, what difference does it make to us - to receive money from the Ministry of Education or from a student?

At what faculties of MSTU are applicants ready to study even for money?

Most of all paid students are at the faculties of computer science and control systems, laser electronics, biomedical technology, engineering business and management.

If we talk about the specialties that completed the recruitment for the first wave, then these are applied mechanics (passing score 267), automation technological processes and production (checkpoint 284), refrigeration and cryogenic equipment and life support systems (checkpoint 276), mechatronics and robotics (checkpoint 272), high-tech plasma power plants (passing score 260).

Informatics did not get here, because there is a large set, and as a result, a couple of people did not bring the originals, and the places went to the second wave.

So, if a person did not pass the points in Baumanka, maybe it makes sense to go to study for free where the passing score is lower?

But this is the question! If a person wants to get a high-quality engineering and technical education, then he pays us. A decent graduate in an engineering position immediately receives in the range of 45-50 thousand. Less - he will not even bend down, because he understands that he is in demand.

After a cheap education, the prospects are worse?

Also not a fact. The quality of education is related to starting conditions and passing scores in a completely non-linear way. For example, a person deliberately chose an institute worse, but closer to home. But on the other hand, every day he has two additional hours of free time, which he can spend on reading books.

Our most titled living physicist - Nobel Laureate Academician Zhores Alferov. But he first entered the modest Minsk Polytechnic University, and eventually graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, which was also not the first choice for those who were looking for a first-class technical education in those years.

It's just that those who get to the top are people with a spark of God. For them, education is just a start.

Do you yourself have the feeling that the payers in Baumanka are losers?

No, and never have been. With us, it usually happens like this: a person goes on a budget for a less popular specialty, but wants to study in a more popular and promising one in his opinion. So he goes there for a fee.

What should a paying student do to pay less for their studies?

Discounts for tuition on a contract are prohibited by law today. I don't know how Vyshka does it at home.

And the transfer from a paid form to a budget is a common practice. We transfer 10-15 people to each session. The translation condition is good studies. Students accumulate points during the semester, then they are converted into grades. In order to transfer to the budget, you need to pass one session for 4 and 5, the next - perfectly. And, of course, it is necessary that there are budget places in his specialty. And they usually are.

What will happen to paid education in our country?

One way: selection of a group of leading universities and their support at the very high level plus a strict demand from universities for the quality of training. It is impossible to engage in frank sale of diplomas, such universities need to be beaten, and there are tools for this.

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