Amber apricot jam. Apricot jam “Favorite”: the most delicious recipe

Landscape design and planning 17.10.2019
Landscape design and planning

Since childhood, many people have known the taste of their favorite homemade delicacy made from fruits - jam. It can be made from different fruits. Below we will talk about how to cook apricot jam for the winter.

Classic recipe

If you strictly follow the technology specified in the recipe, you get excellent and very tasty apricot jam in slices for the winter.

In order to prepare the classic in a very tasty and sweet syrup, you need to take sugar and ripe hard fruits in equal proportions. Apricots should be thoroughly dried and pitted, cutting each fruit into two halves. All the slices need to be placed in one large pan with the centers up in small parts, periodically sprinkling them with sugar until the ingredients run out. After the manipulations have been carried out, the pan with the contents must be left for some time until the fruit releases its juice. Alternatively, you can leave them covered in the refrigerator overnight.

After the fruits have acquired the required condition, they need to be put on the fire to boil until the aged syrup boils. After this, remove the pan from the stove, let it cool and repeat the procedure twice more. After all the steps, it’s time to put the finished jam into small jars and seal with metal lids.

Jam with seeds

Despite the fact that the technology of many recipes for apricot jam for the winter requires the removal of seeds from the fruit, you can go against the system and prepare it with them.

To create such an original delicacy, you need to take fruits and sugar in equal proportions and, cutting the fruits in half, remove the seeds from them. Next, having placed the fruits with their centers up, they should be carefully sprinkled with sugar and left for a couple of hours in a cold place so that they release a little juice. After the specified time has elapsed, place the pan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil over low heat. As soon as this happens, you need to remove the resulting foam, remove the container from the stove and leave it for 6-8 hours (some wait the whole night and continue cooking in the morning).

After the time specified in the recipe has passed, the jam must be boiled again so that the contents are simply warmed up. Now it’s time to start preparing the seeds. They need to be broken, the kernels removed and the skin removed from each one. As soon as the jam becomes hot, it should be removed from the heat, cooled and cooked again, but this time with the seeds. At this stage, the jam should be cooked for no more than 7 minutes. After this, the dessert needs to be poured into sterilized jars and sealed with metal lids. This homemade apricot jam will certainly please all guests. It can also be prepared not as a winter preparation, but as a seasonal delicacy - it will also be delicious.

Thick aromatic jam

Don’t know how to make apricot jam for the winter? It couldn't be easier! It can be made not only from whole fruits, but also in the form of jam.

To do this you need to take:

  • 1 kg ripe apricots;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

Practical part

The fruits need to be washed, wiped dry with a towel and, after removing the seeds, put them in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Immediately place the container on the stove and wait for the contents to boil.

After this happens, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking at lower power for 20 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally. At this stage, you will notice how the fruit gradually takes on a porridge-like shape. As soon as the jam begins to reach a state of homogeneity, you should add cinnamon to taste to the pan, stir well, let it cook until the end and, after placing it in jars, roll it under the lid.

Jam "Kyiv"

This apricot jam for the winter is very easy to prepare. In addition, it looks very beautiful, since the jar contains only whole fruits.

To prepare it, you need to wash 1 kg of ripe, dense apricots, wipe them dry with a towel and pierce each fruit in several places with a toothpick. After this, you need to start preparing syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and a couple of glasses of water. After it is ready, you should pour it over the apricots and leave it to steep in a cool place for a day. To prepare such jam, it is very important to choose good fruits, without damage. This way they will retain their original appearance.

After 24 hours, the syrup must be drained from the fruit and boiled thoroughly over the fire. After this, the procedure must be repeated. Pour sweet syrup over the apricots again and leave again for the same period. As soon as a day has passed, the fruits along with the syrup must be put on the stove, boiled and, poured into jars, rolled up under the lids.

Five-minute jam

This recipe describes how to make five-minute apricot jam for the winter. When cooking using this technology, you won’t have to stand at the stove for hours waiting for the contents to boil, and you won’t have to wait a while for it to infuse and become saturated. In addition, the fruits retain great amount useful substances, since no heat treatment is performed on them.

To prepare tasty and healthy jam, you need to put 1 kg of peeled apricots in a blender. After this, you need to boil a couple of oranges and one lemon for some time. This is done in order to eliminate the inherent bitterness from the fruit. After this, you need to remove all the seeds from them and cut them into small pieces, and then add them to the apricots. All ingredients must be ground until smooth, preferably twice. The jam is almost ready - now you need to add 3 kg of sugar to it. After thorough mixing, pour into jars and roll up under an iron lid.

Apricot slice jam

To prepare such apricot jam in slices for the winter, it is advisable to choose dense fruits. You can even use slightly unripe ones.

To prepare it, you need to wash and pit 1 kg of apricots, dividing each fruit into two halves. In a separate bowl, prepare syrup from 700 g of granulated sugar and 1.5 liters of purified water. Having brought it to a boil, it is worth pouring it over the fruits, which were previously placed in a sterilized jar (it is advisable to use a liter jar, since with a smaller volume the fruit may lose its shape). After this, the containers should be covered with a lid and left to sterilize for 20 minutes, after which they can be rolled up using a machine.

Apricot jam with cherry leaves

The original technology of how to cook apricot jam for the winter is presented in this section. The recipe for making such a delicacy is very simple and does not require any culinary tricks. Any housewife can please her guests and her household with a ready-made dessert.

To prepare aromatic jam, you need to take 1 kg of apricots of the juiciest variety. They are best suited for this type of jam. You need to remove the seeds from them and place the fruit in the pan. Add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar there and leave to infuse for 40 minutes. After this time, the fruits must be mixed so that the sugar is distributed evenly and, placing the pan over low heat, bring everything to a boil. In this state, the fruits need to be boiled for 5 minutes and, after setting aside for a couple of hours, cool slightly.

After such manipulations, all steps must be repeated, but with 5-7 cherry leaves, which can be placed directly with the twig. In this composition, the ingredients should be cooked over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring without stopping, but without destroying the structure of the apricots. After the allotted time will pass, you need to take out the leaves and put the jam in the jars, rolling up the lids.

Apricot jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for apricot jam in a slow cooker for the winter is very simple and even an inexperienced housewife can prepare such a delicacy.

To do this, you need to take ripe and, preferably, large apricots (600 g), peel them from the seeds. Place fruit and 300 g of sugar in the slow cooker. You need to add there Fresh Juice, extracted from half a lemon. For an hour, the ingredients should be cooked in the “Stew” mode, covered, stirring occasionally. After such simple procedures The jam is ready. It can be placed in sterilized jars and rolled under the lids.

Jam in the oven

Apricot jam for the winter with extraordinary taste qualities can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, you need to take 3 kg of ripe, but not very soft fruits, wash them thoroughly, dry them and remove the seeds. After this, you need to add 1 kg of granulated sugar to them and leave for a while so that the juice comes out. To speed up this process, you can leave the container with fruit in a warm place. After this, the basin with apricots must be sent to the oven, which should first be preheated to a temperature of 180 o C.

During the heat treatment, the contents of the container must be stirred periodically. How long does it take to cook apricot jam for the winter, prepared according to this recipe? Everything is simple - to a state of homogeneous density. As soon as a thick mass forms in the basin, the jam is ready. After reaching the required state, the dessert should be placed in jars and, covered with metal lids, sent to a cold place to wait for winter.

Spicy apricot jam for the winter

The recipe for this dessert is a little unusual. Indeed, in addition to fruits and sugar, among its ingredients you can find a certain amount of spices. The end result is an excellent delicacy that will certainly become a favorite for all family members.

In order to make this truly delicious dessert, you need to take 1 kg of ripe pitted apricots and, putting them in a saucepan, lightly crush until the juice appears. After this, the fruit must be put on fire to produce them. heat treatment, bringing to a boil.

Squeeze the juice out of one ripe lemon. One pectin must be dissolved in it. After this, lemon juice with pectin, as well as 1 kg of sugar and a certain set of spices, which should include a couple of cinnamon sticks, as well as 5 cardamom and clove seeds, should be added to a saucepan with boiling apricots. In this composition, the ingredients need to be mixed well and wait until they boil again. As soon as this happens, the fire should be immediately reduced to a minimum and the container of jam should be kept on low heat for 10 minutes, then put into jars. Delicious and spicy apricot jam is ready for the winter.

Apricot jam for the winter (with gelatin)

To prepare such a dessert, 0.5 kg of apricots must be washed, pitted and half the fruits placed in a container. inside up. Sprinkle them on top with 0.5 cups of sugar and a pack of dry gelatin (15 g). In this composition, under the lid, the ingredients should be left for exactly one day. As soon as the allotted time has passed, the pan with the contents should be placed on low heat and add about 0.5 cups of purified water and very little citric acid(1/4 tsp).

Apricots should be brought to a boil and cooked for 5-6 minutes, without turning up the heat. Once everything is done, the fruit and syrup should be transferred to sterilized jars and rolled up under metal lids. This is how easy it is to prepare apricot jam with gelatin for the winter.

It is always not only charmingly tasty, but also very presentable. In this article we will present four recipes for making delicious jam from these wonderful sunny fruits. Choose a recipe that suits you, prepare jam for the winter and enjoy its taste.

How to make pitted apricot jam

To ensure that the jam turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time, let me remind you of simple rules:

  • for jam, select intact fruits of medium ripeness, not very soft, then the apricots will not boil over (unless, of course, you are preparing apricot jam);
  • if you are preparing jam from whole fruits without seeds, it is convenient to remove the seeds using wooden stick for food or a pencil - on the side opposite the stalk, pierce the apricot with a stick and push the seed into the hole;
  • it is very convenient to cook apricot jam in slices by simply cutting the apricot in half and removing the pit;
  • sterilize your jam jars thoroughly if you don’t want all your work to go down the drain;
  • cook the jam over low heat;
  • apricots will remain intact if the jam is cooked in several stages;
  • The jam will not be sugared if you add a little citric acid or lemon juice at the very end. Read more:


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 grams
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp.


  1. In order to brew real amber thick jam from apricots, we stock up on patience and time. Since we are going to cook without seeds, we need to take apricots whose pits can be easily separated.
  2. We select dense, ripe and strong fruits. Wash them thoroughly and carefully, place them on a towel and let them dry.
  3. You can cook it with whole fruits or cut them into slices, depending on the recipe. Today we will cook in halves, so we cut the fruit in half and remove the pit. Place the prepared slices in a bowl.
  4. In another container, cook the syrup. Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add sugar and dissolve, stirring continuously. When the sugar has dissolved, add heat and bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it over the apricots. Leave to soak for 12 hours.
  5. Once the apricots and syrup have cooled, pour the syrup back into the bowl. Bring it to a boil again, pour in the fruits and leave for 12 hours.
  6. Thus, we poured the syrup three times, and it was time to boil it completely. Place the cooled apricots on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. While boiling, stir with extreme caution so as not to mash the fruits. You can “deep” the fruits a little into the syrup with a spoon or shake the basin.
  7. After the jam has boiled, set the bowl aside until it cools completely, after which we bring it to a boil again. We perform this procedure 2-3 times until the syrup thickens to the desired thickness. And the fruits in the finished syrup are distributed evenly and become transparent. In the last cooking, do not forget to add a little citric acid or lemon juice, this will save you from sugaring.
  8. What a beauty! Each slice, like a piece of amber, pleases beautiful view and amazing taste.
  9. Pour the finished jam into prepared sterilized jars and seal with boiled screw caps. Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket until they cool completely. Store in a cool, dark place.
  10. If you don’t have that much time for cooking, you can reduce it. After three pours of boiling syrup, put them on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 30-40 minutes, then pour into jars.

Pitless apricot jam with kernels - royal recipe

Preparing a recipe with whole fruits stuffed inside with kernels or nuts is considered the height of skill and virtuosity of the housewife. Tart taste, pleasant aroma and kernels, which, no matter how much you add, always seem to be in short supply, and which are always eaten first.


  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • kernels or nuts - 300 gr.
  • water - 2 - 3 tbsp.
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.


  1. We choose fruits that are ripe but firm. Wash well and dry.
  2. Next, remove the bone using a wooden skewer. We place a skewer at the place where the stalk is attached, press on the seed and push it out on the other side, trying to do less damage to the integrity and pulp of the fruit.
  3. Next, prepare the bones. Prick them with a hammer so that the kernels remain intact.
  4. To clean the kernels from the brown film, you need to pour boiling water over them for 2-3 minutes; the films are easily removed.
  5. When I don’t get enough kernels or if they are bitter, I replace them with almonds.
  6. You can use any nuts as a “filling”: walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews.
  7. We start the fruits. Next, we put whole pitted apricots, stuffed inside with kernels, into a basin in which we will cook them.
  8. In another container, cook the syrup. Pour water, add sugar and citric acid, dissolve, stirring continuously. When the sugar has dissolved, add heat and bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it over the apricots so that all the fruits are covered with syrup.
  9. Leave to soak for 12 hours. During this time, they will soften and become saturated with syrup, and the seeds will give off their taste and aroma.
  10. Preserving the shape of the fruit depends on the cooking method. It must be carried out in stages so that the sugar penetrates into the fruit gradually.
  11. Then we repeat the process twice. When preparing jam, there is no need to stir it, as the fruit may be damaged. You can “deep” the fruits a little into the syrup with a spoon or shake the basin.
  12. Foam that will appear on the surface in large quantities, you need to remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  13. When the syrup becomes thick and viscous enough, and the fruits are translucent, the jam can be considered ready.
  14. Pour boiling water into sterilized jars and seal. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Store in a cool, dark place.

You can store such jam for no more than a year, because the seeds begin to produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning

In our country, this apricot dessert only lasts until the New Year.

Despite the simple recipe, it turns out very tasty and healthy, since thanks to minimal heat treatment, apricots retain a maximum of vitamins.


  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg


  1. Wash the fruits and dry them. Cut into two halves along the groove and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the fruit halves in the bowl in which we will cook the jam and cover with sugar.
  3. Leave overnight. The apricots gave juice in which they will be cooked.
  4. Place the bowl over low heat and stir gently with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Pour boiling water into prepared sterilized jars, right up to the neck and roll up the lids.
  5. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Store in a dark and cool cellar for no more than 1 year.

Recipe for apricot and orange jam minced


  • 4 kg apricots
  • 1 kg oranges
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Wash apricots, remove pits.
  2. Wash the oranges, peel them, cut them into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. Pass the apricots and oranges through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the resulting mass and mix well. Cook for 30 - 40 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat. At the end add citric acid.
  4. Place the finished hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Apricot jam without seeds


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 5 g citric acid

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Wash the apricots thoroughly. For this recipe you need to take small, not quite ripened apricots.
  2. Having opened the apricot a little, remove the pit, but so that the apricot does not wrinkle or break at the groove. You get almost whole fruits, but only without seeds.
  3. Place almost whole fruits in a jam bowl and cover with water. Pour in enough water to barely cover the apricots:
  • Add sugar and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat. Let it brew for 3 - 4 hours.
  • Then put the fruits back on low heat. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, add citric acid.
  1. Transfer all prepared contents into jars and close. Wrap the jars to create additional warmth; after a few days, move the jars to a cooler room.


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 1 - 1.2 kg sugar
  • 11/2 cups water
  • 3 - 4 g citric acid

Preparing the recipe:

  1. We select not quite ripe apricots of small-fruited varieties, wash them thoroughly and prick them several times with a sharpened wooden stick.
  2. Place in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and immediately cool in cold water.
  3. The fruits prepared in this way should be poured with hot syrup, brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for 4 - 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave for several hours to cool. Repeat this 2 more times and cook until done.
  4. Before finishing cooking, add citric acid.
  5. Roll into jars and turn upside down.


  • 1 kg apricot
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • black currant

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Wash ripe and whole apricots and carefully remove the pit without damaging the fruit so that it remains intact.
  2. Place 2 black currants in the middle of the apricot fruit.
  3. Carefully place all the filled fruits into a saucepan, pour in sugar syrup, bring to a boil and leave for 8 - 10 hours.
  4. Then put it back on the fire and boil, stirring, for 10 - 15 minutes.
  5. Repeat this 3-4 times.
  6. Transfer hot into clean, heated jars. Roll up.

Apricot jam with apricot kernels (nuts) inside the fruit - without cooking


  • 1 kg apricot
  • 1 kg sugar

Preparing the recipe:

  1. For the recipe you only need a large, dense, ripe apricot with a sweet pit.
  2. Wash the apricots and remove the pits. To do this, we wrap our fingers around the fruit and push out the seed with a pencil or stick so carefully so as not to damage the fruit itself and it remains intact.
  3. We break the seeds, take out the nuts and taste them - they should be sweet. Then we put the nuts back into the fruit.
  4. From sugar, with a small amount of water (just so that the sugar does not burn), syrup is boiled and pour hot over the prepared fruits with nuts. Let it cool, do not cook the apricots.
  5. Then drain the syrup, boil and pour over the apricots. Let it cool again. We don't cook.
  6. We repeat this procedure 3-4 times.
  7. When hot, place into clean jars and seal.

Apricot confiture from peeled pitted fruits


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 11/2 cups water

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Boil sugar syrup, filter and cool.
  2. Place washed and prepared apricots in boiling water for 3 to 3 minutes. Then peel the fruit, cut in half and remove the seeds.
  3. Place the apricots in the cold syrup and place over low heat. Skim off the foam periodically.
  4. As soon as the confiture boils, remove it from the heat and place it in a cool place for 10 - 12 hours.
  5. After this, over low heat, bring the contents to a boil again and remove from heat again and put in a cold place for 10 - 12 hours.
  6. We repeat this operation 2 - 3 times until cooked (the fruits do not float in the finished confiture).
  7. Pack into jars while hot, but roll up after cooling.

Apricot jam - “Wonderful” jam made from apricot pieces


  • 1 kg apricot
  • 500 g sugar

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Jam can be made from fruits of different ripeness.
  2. Place firm apricots in boiling water for 2 - 4 minutes. Then remove the skin, cut the fruit into halves, and remove the seeds.
  3. Remove the pits from the soft apricots, place them in a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of water, cover with a lid and heat over low heat until softened. Then knead the fruits thoroughly, add sugar and continue heating while stirring.
  4. Cut hard fruits, peeled, into small pieces and pour into hot puree. Cook until done.
  5. We pack hot into clean jars and immediately roll up.

Thick seedless apricot jam - a recipe for the winter

I personally like thick jam better, it even seems that the aroma of such jam is more intense. In principle, the thickness of any jam depends on the duration of cooking. The longer we cook, the thicker the jam. In this recipe the proportion of sugar is approximately 1:1. We do not cut the apricots in half; they will be whole, just without the pit.

To ensure apricots retain their shape, choose firm, elastic fruits


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water - 180 ml


  1. We wash the apricots and dry them a little. Remove the bone using a regular pencil. To do this, pierce the apricot with a pencil from the side opposite to the stalk, pry up the pit and push it through the stalk.
  2. Cook sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into the pan, add sugar to the water and, stirring constantly, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the apricots into the syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  3. Leave the jam to cool for 12 hours.
  4. Bring the jam to a boil again and cool again for 12 hours. We repeat this 1-2 more times.
  5. The longer the jam cooks, the thicker it becomes.
  6. Place the jam in sterilized jars. Look, it looks like sunshine in a jar.

Apricot jam slices - recipe with photo

A very similar jam with syrup and cooking in several stages, only we cut the apricots in half. This recipe requires minimal cooking, so useful material must be preserved.


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water - 250 ml
  • citric acid - a pinch or 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

For this jam, try to choose firm, not overripe apricots so that they do not fall apart during cooking.


  1. Using a knife or hands, divide each apricot in half and remove the pit.
  2. Prepare the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan and pour cold water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir the sugar constantly, otherwise it will burn to the bottom of the pan. Pour boiling syrup over the apricots, cover with a lid or cling film and leave for a day.
  3. After a day, pour the syrup into a separate pan, during which time it becomes a beautiful amber color. Place on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the apricots again and leave for another day.
  4. We repeat this procedure again (day 3), pour hot syrup again and leave again for a day.
  5. On the 4th day, we no longer drain the syrup, but boil all the jam for about 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add a pinch of citric acid or lemon juice.
  6. Place the hot jam into clean, sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

Now it has become popular to make jam with walnuts - it is healthy, tasty, and beautiful.


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • walnuts- 150 gr.
  • water - 1.5 cups


  1. We will cook the apricots in slices, so we divide each apricot into two halves. It’s more convenient for me to do this with a knife, although I’ve seen how deftly some housewives separate each fruit with their hands. Remove the bone.
  2. Pour sugar into a basin or pan, add water, bring to a boil, cook the syrup a little until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add apricots and walnuts to the syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Leave the jam overnight so that all ingredients are well saturated with syrup.
  4. The jam will be more delicious if the walnuts are pre-roasted.
  5. Put the jam on low heat again, and after boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Place the finished jam into sterilized jars.

When we add sour gooseberries to sweet apricots and bananas, we get a wonderful vitamin jam. I hope you like this option, try it.


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • gooseberries - 5 kg
  • bananas - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2.5 kg


  1. First we prepare the gooseberries. To do this, we wash it and clean it from the stalks and tails. Grind the gooseberries using a blender until smooth. You can, if you want, leave part of the gooseberries whole, it will be even more beautiful.
  2. We also wash the apricots and cut them in half. And cut the apricot halves into cubes. We don't need the seeds, we remove them.
  3. Peel the bananas and mash the banana pulp with a fork, or you can use a mixer.
  4. Place all the ingredients in a cooking pan, add sugar and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat. Be sure to remove the foam.
  5. Cool the jam to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning you need to boil it again for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars. This jam is stored in a cool place.

Pitless apricot jam for the winter with cognac - a royal recipe

Original and simple royal recipe apricot jam will certainly warm you up in winter, and at the same time lift your spirits.


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • brandy - 100 ml
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • cinnamon - 1/3 tsp.
  • water - 200 ml


  1. First prepare the syrup from 200 ml of water, add sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Divide the apricots into 2 parts, remove the pit and immerse the slices in boiling syrup. Cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring constantly.
  3. After this, cool the jam to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. The next day, bring the jam to a boil again, pour in brandy, add ground cinnamon and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. The jam should thicken during this time.
  5. Before the end of cooking, squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  6. Place into prepared jars. I don’t risk putting jam into jars without sterilization - it’s a waste of work, and I recommend that you don’t be lazy and sterilize the jars and lids.
  7. After adding the jam, the jars should be turned over.

Delicious apricot and coconut jam

Well, one more original recipe with coconut flakes. I’ll admit right away that I haven’t prepared it myself, but I’m planning to. This is a very original recipe. Coconut and vanilla give this jam a unique aroma, and curry probably adds Ayurvedic notes.


  • apricots - 1.5 kg
  • sugar for jam with pectin - 500 gr.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs. or citric acid - 1/2 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar, or better yet a vanilla pod - 1/2 tsp.
  • water - 200 ml
  • coconut flakes - 4 tbsp. l.
  • curry powder - 1 tsp.


  1. Cut the apricots into pieces and place them in a saucepan.
  2. Add vanillin. If you have vanilla, cut the pod in half and scoop out the pulp.
  3. Pour sugar into the apricots, add citric acid or lemon juice.
  4. Bring the apricots to a boil over low heat, stir continuously and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Add the coconut and curry powder to the pan and bring to the boil again.
  6. That's all. All that remains is to put it in jars.

Recipe for apricot jam without cooking - 2 ways

You will need:

  • How many apricots will fit into 700 gr. jar
  • Sugar
  • For the syrup:
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

Method number 1

  1. Remove pits from apricots, being careful not to separate them completely.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar to each
  3. Place apricots in a sterilized jar
  4. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan
  5. Place on the fire and cook, stirring continuously until the syrup becomes clear.
  6. Pour boiling syrup over apricots in a jar, cover with a sterilized lid

Method number 2

  1. Halve apricots, remove pits
  2. Place a layer of apricot halves in a sterilized jar.
  3. Add sugar and continue alternating layer by layer until the jar is full.
  4. Cover the jar with a sterilized lid
  5. Place a towel on the bottom of a large container, place the jars, fill with water
  6. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, sterilize the jars for 30-35 minutes
  7. Screw the lids tightly, turn the jars over, cover with a warm cloth and let cool completely. Read more:

Apricot jam with kernels - a simple recipe for the winter

This apricot jam recipe is perfect for those who don’t want to spend too much time fiddling with preparations. In addition, you won’t need to throw away the seeds, because, yes, they will also be used! This will be strange to many.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. We choose fruits that are plump but ripe. Cut the apricots in half, remove the core, but! We don’t throw away the kernels! They will need to be cleaned.
  2. Place the peeled and washed fruits in a saucepan and add sugar. Next, cover with a lid and let it brew.
  3. As soon as the juice appears, put the pan on low heat.
  4. After boiling, cook our future sunshine for another 5 minutes, skimming off the foam along the way.
  5. After cooling completely, carefully remove the apricots. This is necessary so that the fruits do not overcook and remain elastic.
  6. Now let’s move on to the syrup: let it boil, then cook for another 15 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam. Place the apricots back and wait for them to boil, then cook for another 2 minutes. When we turn off the heat, add the washed and pre-dried kernels and mix.

The jam is completely ready, now you can put it into jars. Bon appetit!

Pitted apricot jam - recipe with lemon

The next recipe for apricot jam will be with lemon. Oh, how good it is to open a jar of tender, viscous, sunny jam in winter. Remember how you closed it, how you cooked it, remember those sunny days... By the way, such a delicacy will not only be tasty, but also healthy due to its citrus content!


  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 1 kg of juicy apricots;
  • one lemon;
  • 200 ml water.


  1. First of all, prepare the apricots. They need to be washed, cleaned, and the seeds removed.
  2. Then we transfer the fruits into a saucepan and cover them with sugar and put them in a cold place for 8 hours.
  3. It is best to prepare in the evening, then the apricots will produce syrup overnight. And in the morning you can start cooking.
  4. The resulting juice is poured into the cooking basin. We put sugar and water in it. Then mix this whole sweet mass thoroughly. Heat and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Make sure the syrup simmers very low.
  6. Afterwards we insist on pouring for another quarter of an hour. Pour the apricots cut into halves with this mixture and send them to a cool place for 6 hours.
  7. Then heat the jam and cook it for about 5 minutes, skimming off the foam at the same time.
  8. Let our almost finished jam cool. Cut the lemon into neat slices and add to the lemon-apricot mixture. Bring it to a boil again.

Now you can put the dessert in sterile jars, turn them upside down and wrap them up. After complete cooling, you can transfer it to storage. Bon appetit!

Apricot jam (quick)

Apricot jam

Quick apricot jam is my favorite. Apricots do not have time to boil too much and become saturated with sugar during 15 minutes of cooking.

They become tender, pliable and freeze in thick apricot syrup with pieces of freshness and summer! And this is not an image; apricots in jam are actually perceived as fresh, with a characteristic sourness and pleasant bitterness. In winter, when there are not enough vitamins, this juicy jam is just right, I ate it and, it seems, my health immediately increased!

There is little sugar in the recipe, the cooking period is short, so you need to store this apricot jam in the basement, cellar or refrigerator. If this is not possible, then for storage at room temperature you can cook ordinary apricot jam with the proportions of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit, just add the juice and zest of 1 lemon (it will be tastier with this amount of sugar). Cook it as usual until the syrup thickens (30-40 minutes).

Apricot jam proportions

  • Apricots – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 300 g (500 is possible).


How to cook apricot jam (quickly)

  • Rinse the apricots, halve them and discard the pits. Add sugar and let stand until the apricots release their juice. If you don’t have time, you can heat a bowl of jam over low heat, stirring constantly, the juice will quickly flow.
  • Once it boils, cook for 15 minutes. Stir, skim off foam.
  • Pack the jam into jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

You can also add the zest and juice of 1 lemon (per 1 kg of fruit) to this jam. It will be very tasty. In Greece, citrus fruits are added to almost all jams. This gives sweets a new taste and aroma, very pleasantly highlighting and revealing the taste of many fruits. Lemon tastes better than orange as an additive to jam.

I cooked the pitted apricots right away, without waiting for the juice to release. Apricot foams are very tasty!

Apricot, although a southern fruit, is now not uncommon on the shelves of our stores. Apricot reminds me of a little sun that I want to leave in the house for a long time. And there is such an opportunity for this - to cook delicious and fragrant apricot jam for the winter. A jar of this amber jam will surely bring you closer to warm summer days. And preparing apricot jam is as easy as shelling pears, and the pleasure is unspeakable. I really like pitted apricot jam, so we’ll dedicate this article to it today. But if you want to make apricot jam with pits, I recommend looking at the recipes of my wonderful colleague Vladimir.

To ensure that the jam turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time, let me remind you of simple rules:

  • for jam, select intact fruits of medium ripeness, not very soft, then the apricots will not boil over (unless, of course, you are preparing apricot jam);
  • if you are preparing jam from whole seedless fruits, it is convenient to remove the seed using a wooden chopstick or pencil - on the side opposite the stalk, pierce the apricot with a stick and push the seed into the hole;
  • it is very convenient to cook apricot jam in slices by simply cutting the apricot in half and removing the pit;
  • sterilize your jam jars thoroughly if you don’t want all your work to go down the drain;
  • cook the jam over low heat;
  • apricots will remain intact if the jam is cooked in several stages;
  • The jam will not be sugared if you add a little citric acid or lemon juice at the very end.

Pitted apricot jam - recipes for the winter:

Jam - five minutes from pitted apricots

Five-minute jam is the healthiest, since almost all the beneficial substances are preserved due to the short heat treatment.

So, let's cook it together, and it's very simple to prepare. Just don’t forget that the jam takes five minutes, and especially with a small amount of sugar, be sure to put it in sterilized jars and store it in a cool place. I give the proportions for 1 kg of apricots (pitted).


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1/2 kg
  1. Wash the apricots and let them dry a little. Cut each fruit in half or even into 4 parts and place in a pan or basin.

2. Sprinkle sugar on top and leave for 4-5 hours. Apricots with sugar will give juice.

3. Place the dishes on low heat and heat. The sugar should slowly dissolve, and we carefully stir the apricots from bottom to top with a wooden spoon. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes.

4. Place in sterilized jars and secure with sterilized lids. We turn the jars over and wrap them with something warm on top.

Thick seedless apricot jam - a recipe for the winter

I personally like thick jam better, it even seems that the aroma of such jam is more intense. In principle, the thickness of any jam depends on the duration of cooking. The longer we cook, the thicker the jam. In this recipe the proportion of sugar is approximately 1:1. We do not cut the apricots in half; they will be whole, just without the pit.

To ensure apricots retain their shape, choose firm, elastic fruits


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water - 180 ml
  1. We wash the apricots and dry them a little. Remove the bone using a regular pencil. To do this, pierce the apricot with a pencil from the side opposite to the stalk, pry up the pit and push it through the stalk.

2. Cook sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into the pan, add sugar to the water and, stirring constantly, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the apricots into the syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam.

3. Leave the jam to cool for 12 hours.

4. Bring the jam to a boil again and cool again for 12 hours. We repeat this 1-2 more times.

The longer the jam cooks, the thicker it becomes.

5. Place the jam in sterilized jars. Look, it looks like sunshine in a jar.

Apricot jam in slices - recipe with photo

A very similar jam with syrup and cooking in several stages, only we cut the apricots in half. This recipe requires minimal cooking, so the nutrients should be preserved.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water – 250 ml
  • citric acid - a pinch or 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

For this jam, try to choose firm, not overripe apricots so that they do not fall apart during cooking.

  1. Using a knife or hands, divide each apricot in half and remove the pit.

2. Prepare the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan and fill with cold water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir the sugar constantly, otherwise it will burn to the bottom of the pan. Pour boiling syrup over the apricots, cover with a lid or cling film and leave for a day.

3. After a day, pour the syrup into a separate pan, during which time it becomes a beautiful amber color. Place on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the apricots again and leave for another day.

4. We repeat this procedure again (day 3), pour hot syrup again and leave again for a day.

5. On the 4th day, we no longer drain the syrup, but boil all the jam for about 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add a pinch of citric acid or lemon juice.

6. Place the hot jam into clean, sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

Recipe for apricot jam with walnuts

Now it has become popular to make jam with walnuts - it’s healthy, tasty, and beautiful. In previous recipes we cooked, but there we had to stuff each berry with walnuts. It’s easier with apricots - just add walnuts during the cooking process.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • walnuts - 150 gr.
  • water - 1.5 cups
  1. We will cook the apricots in slices, so we divide each apricot into two halves. It’s more convenient for me to do this with a knife, although I’ve seen how deftly some housewives separate each fruit with their hands. Remove the bone.

2. Pour sugar into a basin or pan, add water, bring to a boil, cook the syrup a little until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Pour apricots and walnuts into the syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Leave the jam overnight so that all ingredients are well saturated with syrup.

The jam will be more delicious if the walnuts are pre-roasted.

4. Put the jam on low heat again, and after boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.

5. Place the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Apricot jam with kernels - recipe with photos for the winter

There is an opinion that the kernels of apricot kernels contain dangerous hydrocyanic acid. But I agree with those who claim that the amount of it in the nucleoli is negligible and does not in any way harm health. Even as a child I loved to split apricot kernels and eat kernels. And the jam with kernels turns out very tasty and original.

Apricot, gooseberry and banana jam

When we add sour gooseberries to sweet apricots and bananas, we get a wonderful vitamin jam. I hope you like this option, try it.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • gooseberries – 5 kg
  • bananas - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2.5 kg
  1. First we prepare the gooseberries. To do this, we wash it and clean it from the stalks and tails. Grind the gooseberries using a blender until smooth. You can, if you want, leave part of the gooseberries whole, it will be even more beautiful.
  2. We also wash the apricots and cut them in half. And cut the apricot halves into cubes. We don't need the seeds, we remove them.
  3. Peel the bananas and mash the banana pulp with a fork, or you can use a mixer.
  4. Place all the ingredients in a cooking pan, add sugar and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat. Be sure to remove the foam.
  5. Cool the jam to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning you need to boil it again for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars. This jam is stored in a cool place.

Pitless apricot jam for the winter with cognac - a royal recipe

An original and simply royal recipe for apricot jam will surely warm you up in winter, and at the same time lift your spirits.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • brandy - 100 ml
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • cinnamon - 1/3 tsp.
  • water - 200 ml
  1. First prepare the syrup from 200 ml of water, add sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Divide the apricots into 2 parts, remove the pit and immerse the slices in boiling syrup. Cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring constantly.
  3. After this, cool the jam to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. The next day, bring the jam to a boil again, pour in brandy, add ground cinnamon and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. The jam should thicken during this time.
  5. Before the end of cooking, squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  6. Place into prepared jars. I don’t risk putting jam into jars without sterilization - it’s a waste of work, and I recommend that you don’t be lazy and sterilize the jars and lids.
  7. After adding the jam, the jars should be turned over.

Delicious apricot and coconut jam

Well, another original recipe with coconut flakes. I’ll admit right away that I haven’t prepared it myself, but I’m planning to. This is a very original recipe. Coconut and vanilla give this jam a unique aroma, and curry probably adds Ayurvedic notes.


  • apricots - 1.5 kg
  • sugar for jam with pectin - 500 gr.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs. or citric acid - 1/2 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar, or better yet a vanilla pod - 1/2 tsp.
  • water - 200 ml
  • coconut flakes - 4 tbsp. l.
  • curry powder - 1 tsp.
  1. Cut the apricots into pieces and place them in a saucepan.
  2. Add vanillin. If you have vanilla, cut the pod in half and scoop out the pulp.
  3. Pour sugar into the apricots, add citric acid or lemon juice.
  4. Bring the apricots to a boil over low heat, stir continuously and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Add the coconut and curry powder to the pan and bring to the boil again.
  6. That's all. All that remains is to put it in jars.

Recipe for apricot jam with orange

And finally, let's combine two suns in a jar - an apricot and an orange. Both fruits are reminiscent of the sun, and the citrus pairs well with the neutral flavor of apricot.

I really hope that using these recipes you will prepare delicious apricot jam that will delight and warm you in winter, replenish your body with vitamins, carotene and simply lift your spirits.

Today we will prepare truly luxurious apricot jam from quite available products. Apricots, sugar and just a little citric acid result in a delicious treat. Apricot jam slices are so fragrant - it seems that a piece of summer is hidden in one spoon. And how beautiful it is - transparent amber syrup and delicious fruit slices. Do you agree that apricot jam is one of the most delicious?

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for apricot jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. First of all, for this aromatic preparation, you must definitely take fruits that are not fully ripened and dense, since otherwise the slices will simply boil and turn into puree. You can use such apricots to make apricot jam.

In addition, depending on the juiciness of the fruit, it may take different time. It is important to take your time and then your wait will pay off with interest. The thickness of the apricot syrup itself can be easily adjusted by boiling it for a longer time and testing it into a soft ball. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely prepare the most delicious and fragrant apricot jam for your family!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Wash and dry the apricots, then cut each one in half along the pit. We don't need the bones themselves. I indicate the mass of apricots (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, without seeds.

Place the apricot halves in a bowl and cover with granulated sugar in layers. Gently shake the bowl so that the sugar evenly covers the slices. In this state, the apricots and sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, during which it is important not to stir, but to lightly shake the contents. This way the slices will not get crushed, and the sugar will dissipate faster. If you have the desire and time, you can cover the apricots with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning - this is what I always do. By the way, it is important to choose bulky dishes, since during the process you will need to shake the contents a little. That’s why I then transferred the apricots and sugar to a larger bowl.

When you see that most of sugar has dissolved and turned into syrup, you can move on to the next stage of preparing apricot jam for the winter. Place the dishes on low heat and let the granulated sugar and apricot juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid during this time. It is advisable not to mix the slices with sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the bowl from side to side. This is necessary so that the apricot halves retain their integrity.

Thus, bring the contents of the dish to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the apricot jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the apricot slices from the syrup. It won't be very long, don't worry. We do this in order to boil the syrup a little. Place the dishes on medium heat and, stirring, cook for about 5-10 minutes, skimming off the foam. At the end, add half a teaspoon of citric acid, which will help the syrup remain clear and not cloudy. A test for the readiness of the syrup is a soft, soft ball: if you drop just a little syrup onto a chilled saucer, the drop does not spread, but holds its shape.

After this, put the apricot slices into the boiling syrup and boil everything together for another 5 minutes after boiling again. The apricot jam is ready in slices - close it for the winter.

Spilling aromatic delicacy into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge by about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each housewife sterilizes cooking utensils in her own way, but I prefer to do it in microwave oven- wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour into each cold water for 2 fingers. Steam the jars in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 0.5 liter jars at once, 7-9 minutes will be enough. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

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