How to make delicious apricot jam. Recipe for thick jam from pitted apricots and slices for the winter

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royal recipe apricot jam implies the presence of seeds or nuts. Most often, kernels are added to the syrup, but sometimes whole fruits are cooked.

Someone is afraid to cook it with bones, believing that the content of hydrocyanic acid in them will be harmful. But you don’t need to put all the kernels from a kilogram of fruit into syrup, 100 grams is enough. The most basic reason why they are added is the appearance of almond flavor in the jam.

But, it is important to remember that you need to store such a delicacy for no more than a year. And for inner peace that it will not become moldy, add a pinch of citric acid or the juice of half a lemon when cooking.

This jam is considered capricious because it can turn sour quickly if you add little sugar.

Therefore, in order to avoid this trouble, use at least 500 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of fruit and pour the finished treat only into a sterilized container.

By the way, since you love apricots, I suggest cooking from them.

But before moving on to a description of all the recipes, let's pay attention to the nuances that need to be taken into account before starting cooking.

  1. In order for the jam to be beautiful, fruits that do not have time to overripe and remain elastic are more suitable.
  2. To prevent foam from forming, add a little butter to the syrup.
  3. Prepare the jam in a container with thick walls and a bottom. This will prevent the sugar syrup from burning.
  4. When you take out the nucleoli, then remove the brown film from them, it is bitter in the jam.
  5. The brown film of the nucleolus gives the jam an almond flavor, but the syrup becomes bitter.
  6. You need to split only dry bones, otherwise you will break the grains.
  7. It is convenient to break the bones with a hammer or a garlic press if there is no special crusher for nuts.
  8. Standard proportions of apricot jam 1:1 (fruits to sugar). But it is very sweet, so it is permissible to take from 500 g of granulated sugar.
  9. When adding spices: cinnamon, cloves or currant leaves, you get a very fragrant syrup.
  10. If you are afraid that the jam will go moldy, then add 1 tsp to the syrup. citric acid per three kilograms of sugar.
  11. Before cooking, try the kernels, if they are bitter, then immediately replace them with pieces of almonds or walnuts.

Whole apricot jam looks very unusual when the stone is not removed, but remains inside. In cooking, it takes longer, because the whole fruit does not immediately release the juice. And to speed up this process, the skin on the fruit needs to be pierced with a toothpick or knife in several places. Also, through these holes, the pulp will be saturated with syrup, as a result of which the fruits will not wrinkle, but will remain bulk and elastic in jars.

Ratio per 1 kg of fruit take 1 kg of granulated sugar.

We wash the fruits, dry them. We take a toothpick and pierce each fruit in several places. Then we fall asleep with sugar and wait for the juice to stand out. Because Since we have whole fruits, the release of juice takes longer than when they are in pieces.

Then we put them on the fire, as soon as you see that the jam is boiling, we reduce the heat to moderate. Remove foam if possible.

Cook for 25 minutes, then remove the cauldron from the heat and cool completely.

Then cook again for 25 minutes on a moderate stove mode and roll it into a sterilized container.

Royal apricot jam with kernels

This jam is called royal or royal. The point is to stuff the fruit with a nut or a nucleolus from a stone. I will write about how to cook it with walnuts a little lower. And now let's start stuffing fruits one by one with white whole kernels.


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp

We take dense apricots, otherwise when pressing on them, porridge will remain in your hands.

Now you need to squeeze the bone out of the fruit. To do this, take a pencil or a sushi stick and press the blunt end into the apricot from the side where it was connected to the branch. When pressing on the pencil, the bone itself will begin to cut through the flesh with a sharp end and gently come out.

When we release all the fruits. Then we begin to dry the bones. It will not work to get a whole nucleolus out of raw ones, for some reason they always break. But from dry it is quite possible to do this.

We clean each grain from the brown peel, it gives bitterness to the jam. But if you like it, you can leave it as it is.

Then we insert the nucleoli back into the fruit through the hole formed when the seed was squeezed out.

We combine sugar and water. And wait for the syrup to boil. And immediately put the stuffed fruits into this hot mass. We leave the jam to cool for 10 hours so that the fruits absorb the sugar and release the juice.

Then we take out the fruit with a slotted spoon, and boil the syrup with the released juice again, removing the foam. And again we put apricots in it.

We leave the workpiece for 6 hours. And then we boil the whole mass on fire for 20 minutes and roll it into sterilized jars.

Royal recipe "Five Minute" with nuts

This version of jam is not at all cheap. Maybe that's why it's called "Royal". But I think that nevertheless it got its name for its unusual taste and laboriousness. After all, we need to cut each fruit and put a nut instead of a stone.

And we will cook it according to the “Five Minute” method. The point is that after boiling, the jam is cooked for exactly five minutes, then it cools down for 10-12 hours. Then it is boiled again for 5 minutes and cools down for about 10 hours. And so you need to do at least three times. If you want thick jam, then increase the number of five minutes until unnecessary moisture boils away, and the syrup acquires the desired consistency.


  • apricot - 2.5 kg,
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 500 - 600 ml of water,
  • 100 - 150 g of walnut kernels.

We cut the washed and dried fruits in the middle and take out the bone, and instead of it we put a piece of walnut in the middle.

When all the fruits are stuffed with nuts, we begin to prepare the syrup.

Pour 3 cups of water into a bowl for cooking jam, pour granulated sugar into it. Bring to a boil.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved, we lower our stuffed apricots into it.

For flavor, you can add a couple of cherry or currant leaves.

In this syrup, apricots are cooked for five minutes, then we remove the basin from the stove and cool the fruits for 10 hours. So that they are well fed with syrup and give their amber juice.

Then boil the jam again for five minutes, turn off the heat and remove the foam. We leave it to stand for another 7 hours.

Then boil the jam again for five minutes after boiling and pour this hot mass into jars. If you added leaves, then we take them out of the syrup before seaming.

We wrap all the jars with warm clothes or towels until natural gradual cooling.
Five half-liter jars come out of the indicated amount of ingredients.

Video recipe for thick jam with apricot slices

For those who have overripe fruits, I offer a video recipe in which they are mixed with elastic and boiled into a thick syrup. As a result, it turns out that beautiful bulk slices remain inside, and in the syrup you can catch apricot fibers.

Check out the butter tip if you don't want your jam to foam.

How to cook a treat in a slow cooker

The multicooker helps me out all the time. And making jam in it is a pleasure. Especially when you have a small amount of products. Or when you don't want to add heat from the stove to a hot summer day. In order not to go out into the street from the kitchen, as from a steam room.


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • half a lemon
  • 0.5 cups of water

We divide the washed apricot fruits into halves and remove the seeds. And from them we get the nucleoli.

Pour half a glass of water into the multicooker bowl.

Then we lay out all the halves with nucleoli and fall asleep with granulated sugar.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the multicooker bowl directly into the sugar.

We turn on the extinguishing mode for 30 minutes. Then we open the lid and do not close it any further so that the jam does not come out with foam through the top. We watch how sugar melts, apricots secrete juice.

So cook on this mode for another 30 minutes. Stirring every 10 minutes.

Then pour the mass into sterilized half-litres and close the lids. Please note that they must be boiled.

Of course, stuffing apricots with nuts or nucleoli is a painstaking task, but how tasty it will be to enjoy such a treat in winter! After all, you can get a whole sunny fruit. And pour syrup or.

Now it's time for apricots. Juicy, sweet, fragrant - it's just impossible not to eat at least a couple. The harvest this year turned out to be great and I want to save it. How can you prepare apricots for the winter? You can make compote. Dried apricots are also wonderfully eaten in winter. But most of all we love jam and apricot jam. This is one of my favorite treats. Usually, it is rare for a jar to survive until March. Already by the New Year, jam disappears from the shelves. 🙂 I want to offer you, my readers, a few recipes for apricot jam that you can cook at home. These recipes are tested by my family and the families of my friends.

Seedless apricot jam - a recipe for the winter

The simplest one can say classic recipe, apricot jam. The berries in this jam are whole and soaked in thick syrup. For its preparation, strong dense berries are suitable.

So, what you need for this yummy:

  • pitted apricot berries - 1 kg .;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to make pitted apricot jam for the winter recipe with photo:

1. Apricot berries are thoroughly washed. We take out the bones, dividing into berries into two halves. You can cut the slices in half if the apricots are large.

2. We put everything in a container for cooking jam and fill it with sugar.

3. Cover with a lid and leave until the apricot releases juice and the sugar has completely melted.

4. Now put the container with apricots on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam that appears during cooking. Cool the jam and put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. In total, you need to repeat the procedure three times.

4. After the third time, pour the jam into pre-prepared jars (we sterilize them) and close the lids.

5. That's it. Our wonderful apricot treat is ready.

Apricot jam in a bread maker

Wonderful apricot jam is obtained in a bread machine. In this recipe, you can even use soft and crumpled fruits. This jam recipe in a bread machine is wonderful in that everything can be put into this wonderful helper and forgotten about. certain time, then get the finished jam and enjoy its amazing taste and aroma. And this jam is very homogeneous and thick.

Jam products:

  • pitted apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons

Cooking apricot jam in a bread machine:

1. My apricots and remove the seeds from them. We cut into slices.

2. Put them in a bucket for a bread machine.

3. Fall asleep with sugar and pour lemon juice.

4. We install the bucket in the bread machine and select the "Jam" button in the "Menu". Now we press "Start".

5. We are waiting for a sound signal from our assistant and put the jam into prepared jars. We roll up the jars with lids.

6. In winter, we take out and enjoy a wonderful jam.

Apricot jam with kernels

I offer you a simple recipe for pitted apricot jam with nucleoli. Preparing such a jam is very simple, but the taste is awesome.

What you need for jam:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 gr.

How to cook pitted apricot jam for the winter:

1. Wash the apricot berries well and put them on a baking sheet to dry. Then we separate the pulp from the seeds. Put the halves of the bricot in a bowl for cooking with the centers up and lightly sprinkle with sugar.

2. So in rows and lay out all the apricots in the basin, sprinkling each row with sugar.

3. Leave for a few hours so that the aurikos release juice and the sugar melts.

4. Put the basin with apricots on the fire and bring to a boil. Then leave the jam to cool completely.

5. Once again put the dishes with berries on the fire and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. In total, we repeat this three times.

6. Do not forget to remove the foam during the boil. We do not mix the berries in the basin, but shake it, as with. This will keep our slices intact.

7. When we put the jam on the fire for the third time, then add the peeled apricot seeds to the basin. Mix carefully. We cook for another 10 minutes.

8. We spread the jam in pre-prepared jars and close the lids. Turn upside down and wrap with a warm blanket. Leave the jars to cool completely.

9. Enjoy a very tasty jam. Happy tea!

Thick apricot jam with orange

Jam according to this video recipe is thick, fragrant and very tasty. It is very easy to prepare it.

Apricot jam with whole berries in syrup

There is another great way to make apricot jam. The fruits are poured with syrup and therefore remain whole.

What is needed for jam:

  • pitted apricot fruits - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

How to cook apricot jam in syrup:

1. My apricot fruits and free from stones. We put the slices in a bowl of suitable size, taking into account the fact that the fruits will be filled with syrup.

2. Let's start preparing the syrup. Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water. We put it all on the fire and bring it to a boil.

3. As soon as the syrup boils - add citric acid. Stir and let the syrup simmer for another 10 minutes.

4. Remove the syrup from the fire and fill it with our apricots. You can press the berries a little on top so that they are completely covered with syrup. Cover with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes.

5. Drain the syrup from the berries and boil it for 10 minutes. Then again fill them with berries and leave for 20-30 minutes under the lid.

6. For the third time, drain the syrup and repeat the procedure from point 5.

7. Drain the syrup for the last time and set it on fire. While the syrup is boiling, put the apricot slices into pre-prepared jars.

8. Pour the boiled syrup into jars and close them with lids.

9. That's it. Our jam is ready.

We will prepare a truly luxurious apricot jam today from quite available products. Apricots, sugar and just a little citric acid will turn into a delicious treat as a result. Apricot jam slices are so fragrant - it seems that a piece of summer is hidden in one spoon. And how beautiful it is - a clear amber syrup and delicious fruit slices. Agree that apricot jam is one of the most delicious?

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for apricot jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. First of all, for this fragrant preparation, it is imperative to take incompletely ripened and dense fruits, because otherwise the slices will simply boil and turn into mashed potatoes. You can use such apricots to make apricot jam.

In addition, depending on the juiciness of the fruit, it may take different time. It is important not to rush and then your expectation will pay off with interest. The density of the apricot syrup itself can be easily adjusted by longer boiling with a soft ball test. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely cook the most delicious and fragrant apricot jam for your family!


Cooking step by step with photos:

Wash and dry the apricots, then cut each one in half along the pit. We don't need bones. I indicate the mass of apricots (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, pitted.

We put the apricot halves in a bowl and cover with layers of sugar. Gently shake the bowl so that the sugar evenly coats the slices. In this state, apricots with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, during which it is important not to interfere, but to slightly shake the contents. Thus, the slices will not be crushed, and the sugar will disperse faster. If you have the desire and time, you can cover the apricots with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning - I always do this. By the way, it is important to choose voluminous dishes, since in the process you will need to shake the contents a little. That is why I then transferred the apricots with sugar to a larger bowl.

When you see that most of sugar has dissolved and will turn into syrup, you can proceed to the next step in preparing apricot jam for the winter. We put the dishes on a quiet fire and let the granulated sugar with apricot juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid for this time. It is advisable not to mix the slices with sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the dishes from side to side. This is necessary so that the apricot halves retain their integrity.

Thus, bring the contents of the dishes to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and allow the apricot jam to cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush, so you can leave the delicacy to rest for at least 5, at least for 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the slices of apricots from the syrup. It's not very long, don't worry. We do this in order to boil the syrup a little. We put the dishes on medium heat and, stirring, cook for about 5-10 minutes, removing the foam. At the end, pour half a teaspoon of citric acid, which will help the syrup remain clear and not cloudy. A soft-soft ball serves as a test for the readiness of the syrup: if you drop quite a bit of syrup on a chilled saucer, the droplet does not spread, but keeps its shape.

After that, put in boiling syrup apricot slices and boil everything together for another 5 minutes after boiling again. Apricot jam slices are ready - we close it for the winter.

Pouring fragrant delicacy into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge of about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each hostess sterilizes dishes for blanks in her own way, but I prefer to do it in microwave oven- wash the jars in soda solution, rinse and pour into each cold water on 2 fingers. We steam the jars in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 jars of 0.5 liters at once, 7-9 minutes will suffice. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

This recipe was given to me by a friend. Before, I had no idea that walnuts can also be preserved for the winter along with apricots. This jam goes well with tea and a butter sandwich.

Walnuts in apricot jam are so delicious that I first choose all the nuts from the jar, and then proceed to eat the jam itself. Therefore, I select the components according to the principle "the more nuts, the better."

Here is a list of the minimum number of ingredients:

- 1 kg apricot (pitted)
- 300g shelled walnuts (or 1 kg unshelled)
- 600g sugar

I made jam for 8 kg of apricot. I give a photo of the ingredients "in miniature".

Cooking time: 4-5 hours (excluding breaks in cooking - 2-3 days)
Difficulty: medium

I remove the pits from the apricot. This time I was lucky - the bone was easily separated.

I sprinkle fruit with sugar.

I mix. I leave for a few hours so that the apricots release juice. This time I left it overnight.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. I let it sit for a few hours. Bring it back to a boil and simmer for a bit.

And for the third time I repeat this procedure. The fruits were slightly greenish, with dense pulp, so without much effort the apricot halves remained intact and did not boil.

I'm peeling required amount nuts.

Thus, I destroy all my last year's stocks of nuts, preparing the pantry for a new harvest.

I break very large pieces of kernels in half.

I bring the jam to a boil for the fourth time and pour in the kernels of the nuts.
I mix. This is the last brew.

Jam boils for 20 minutes along with nuts.

I pour hot into pre-sterilized jars and cork. The jam must still be infused so that the walnuts are well saturated with apricot syrup.

So you have to look forward to winter or look for another excuse to enjoy such an amazing dessert.

Apricot jam with kiwi

This is the most unusual recipe preparation of apricot jam, which has an original and very pleasant taste.

- 450 grams of kiwi,
- 1.3 kilograms of apricot,
- 130 grams of brandy,
- gelatin,
- A few tablespoons of citric acid,
- 1.6 kilograms of sugar,

Kiwi and apricots need to be peeled and pitted. Cut the apricots and kiwi into small pieces of the same size, after which the fruits need to be covered with sugar so that they are completely covered with it, add a little citric acid and put them on the fire to cook. Bring the mixture to a full boil and cook the jam for another ten minutes, stirring the jam all the time. Dissolve some gelatin in water and pour into jam, and bring to a boil once more. When the apricot jam is completely ready, it must be removed from the stove, add brandy, mix everything and arrange in pre-prepared jars.

The easiest to prepare apricot jam recipe which is given below, does not require special skills and knowledge.
To prepare it you will need:
- 1 kg of ripe and juicy apricots;
- 1.4 kg of granulated sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid;
- 0.5 l. water.

Fragrant apricots are thoroughly washed and punctured in several places with a wooden toothpick (or a wooden hairpin). Then the prepared fruits are sent for one minute in boiling water, after which they are quickly cooled. Apricots of small size can be cooked whole, large fruits - you will need to divide them in half along the groove in advance, removing the stone.

Apricots are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup and boiled in several stages: fruits with stones - in 3-4 doses at intervals, without stones - in 2 doses.
During cooking, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam, so that later the delicacy does not become candied and does not lose its taste.

Another popular recipe for apricot jam will require:

1 kg of ripe fruits;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Fragrant ripe apricots will need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly in running water, dry on a napkin, remove the bones from them and divide into parts along the groove. Then, on the bottom of the cooking utensils with wide and low sides, put the halves of the fruit upside down with cups, cover with sugar so that all the halves are filled with sugar. Next - lay another layer of apricots - and again cover with sugar. Do this until all the fruits are in the cooking pot. After finishing all the work, the dishes with apricots sprinkled with sugar must be left for a day.

Next, the container with apricots is sent to the fire and, gently stirring, dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. The jam is brought to a boil over low heat, constantly removing the foam that has come out. About half an hour before removing the jam from the heat, add citric acid to it and mix well.

Unusual apricot jam with ginger, almonds and carrots

For this beautiful, unusual and very tasty jam, you will need 100 grams of peeled and grated carrots, 600 grams of fresh apricots, a 5 cm piece of grated ginger, 400 grams of powdered sugar, juice from one lemon, 50 grams of chopped almonds.

Put the grated carrots in a saucepan and pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer until the carrots are soft. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pit and add to the boiled carrots. Cook everything together for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Add ginger, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Drop the almonds into the hot jam. Let it cool a little and put it in sterilized jars.

It is better to take ripe, but not overripe apricots for jam, so that the stone separates well, you can even slightly unripe ones. Recipe how to cook apricot jam with kernels. But not with the cores on which Munchausen flew, but with the cores from the seeds of the apricots themselves, one can say almost with almonds.
What we need for this:

3 kilograms of apricots;
2.5 kilograms of sugar;
1 medium orange;
1 lemon.
I washed the apricots
he drained the water through a colander and poured them out on a towel - so that the excess water would go away and the apricots would dry slightly.
I looked to see if there were any rotten ones among them - it doesn’t happen without it, I found a few pieces and threw them away. Then he cut each apricot, divided it into halves and took out the seeds.
Do not throw away the bones, we will need them later.
We put the prepared apricots in a bowl for jam. It is advisable to have it if you often cook jam, while the basin should be made of "stainless steel" or copper or brass, at worst - enameled.
Thoroughly wash the orange and lemon, with a brush, cut it into slices and, together with the peel and seeds (if any), pass through a meat grinder, this is how beautiful it turns out:
We add this citrus gruel to the apricots in a basin and cover everything with sugar. Shake the basin well so that the apricots are mixed with sugar. We leave it for a couple of hours so that the apricots let the juice go.
In order not to lose time, we will extract the kernels - we take a hammer in our hands and begin to prick apricot kernels, carefully, you need to try to make the nucleoli whole. Please note that the neighbors below may not like this activity. Here is a picture of my workplace.
apricot jam with kernels turns out to be especially tasty, with a “zest”.
And this is what the contents of the basin look like after two hours of languishing in sugar.
We put the basin on the fire, arm ourselves with a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring and a plate where we will collect the foam. Stirring occasionally, bring the apricots to a boil and make the fire very weak. We collect the foam released during boiling with a spoon or slotted spoon.
If you want to get a thick and dark jam - cook for 15-20 minutes from the start of boiling, if you like it more liquid and light - it will boil for 5-10 minutes and that's enough, remove from heat and let the jam “rest” for 8-12 hours.
After 8 hours, I again put the bowl on a weak fire, brought the jam to a boil. This time there is almost no foam, there is nothing to collect. But throughout the apartment there is such a pleasant smell - citruses with apricots. Do not forget to stir, let it gurgle from the beginning of boiling for the same time as the first time - and again to “rest” for 8-12 hours.
Until the third time delicious jam from apricots comes to a boil, prepare the container: half-liter jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. How to do it? Yes, very simple. I took just such a primitive grate, put it on the bottom of a deep pan.
He poured water so that it did not reach the top of the grate by 1 centimeter, brought it to a boil, put the jars upside down on the grate and covered the pan with a lid.
The steam released will sterilize the jars. In 15 minutes they are ready. We take out with a mitten, put on a towel. We simply boil the lids for jars in water for several minutes and cover the jars with them. There are other ways to sterilize.
After the jam boils for the third time, pour the kernels into it, stir, cook again for 5 to 15 minutes. To check the readiness of the jam, you can put a drop of the cooled syrup on the nail, if it does not spread, then it's ready. You can pour a little chilled jam on a plate in a thin layer, stretch a groove with a spoon, if the strip remains and does not swim with jam, then it's ready.
We pack hot jam in jars. We roll up the jars with lids and wrap them with towels or bedspreads until they cool completely. You can cook jam in one go, while the cooking time increases, the jam turns out to be lighter, but also more liquid. Choose your taste and color.

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