Cipollino Adventures. The script of the play in the preparatory group of the kindergarten based on the work of J.

Landscaping and planning 24.09.2019

tatyana krokhina
Scenario autumn holiday"The Adventures of Cipollino or Vegetable Stories"



To the music "LEAF - LEAF FALL» children enter the room.



1. Looked today holiday in every home

Because it wanders autumn outside the window.

looked in autumn holiday in kindergarten,

To please both adults and children.

2. Passed, a fun summer flew by

And the sun brings little heat.

Fall has come, the foliage turned yellow,

It's time to say goodbye to summer.

3. On the gilded road

Autumn is generous.

Covered with maple leaves

She carries a chest.

4. A chest with her dowry

Full of solar gifts.

There are a lot of lingonberries in it,

Ripe apples and mushrooms.

5. The leaves are spinning in the yard,

The wind picks them up.

And early in the morning in the blue

Flocks of birds are circling.

6. Jambs fly away

flocks of gray cranes,

To a warm land, where there are no snowstorms,

Hurry to fly away.


7. Autumn diluted paint on the edge,

I quietly brushed through the leaves with a brush,

The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,

in purple autumn only green oak.

8. The sun is tired, you warmly sparingly,

Yellow and scarlet sheets are spinning.

In the rustle, but in the rustle of our autumn garden,

Heaps of motley lie on the paths (M. Pozharova)

(to children) Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

Children: autumn

Children sing a song "Sad Rain"

(children sit in their seats)

(music plays)


Dear guys, today I invite you to go to a fabulous horticultural country.

Horticultural country, everyone says it is on the map.

In her various vegetables live, and more adventure will be here!

Disturbing music sounds, children run into the hall - vegetables and cooks

Vegetables: Save us, save us, hide us, Senor-Tomato is chasing us!

HOST: Wait, wait, who are you?

cooks: We are little cooks!



Kingdom vegetables and fruit for many years was ruled by the evil and cruel Prince Lemon and the storm of all the poor, Senor Tomato. In their domain he built himself small house Pumpkin. He dreamed about it for so long!


PUMPKIN: (sings) I built myself a house, I live well in it,

It is spacious and light! It's cozy and warm!

I'm not afraid of cold, rain autumn and wind!


LEMON: I am Prince Lemon, here in my country law:

Can't sing or have fun

You can't go where you want to live!


I'm not a turnip, not a carrot,

Small garden.

I have blood under my skin

Very noble.

I am a chilled tomato

With satin skin

And start arguing with me

Vegetables are dangerous.

I am the great Pomodoro-lord and seigneur!

I put things in order in the fields and beds,

Whoever disobeys me will go to prison!


What is this house? Who settled in it?

PUMPKIN: (looking out the window, timidly)

I've been saving bricks all my life and built a house for myself.

LEMON: How dare you, or did you want to go to prison?

Have you forgotten my law? Get out of here!


LEMON: Laws must be observed,

And this house I order to break!

TOMATO: Wait, Prince, why break it? Here dog Mastino can sleep!

(CALLING DOG): Mastino, Mastino!


MASTINO: I will live in this house! Woof! Woof!

I will serve you faithfully! Woof! Woof! Woof!



HOST: And the Pumpkin went upset along the road, and Bean and Radish met him

BEAN: Hello, Pumpkin, my friend,

Why are you crying all of a sudden?

PUMPKIN: Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

They kicked me out of the house!

REDISCHKA: We are going to visit Grusha, he has a huge house.

Everyone on holiday he called, haven't you heard about it?

PUMPKIN: He called all his friends, I know, to his harvest festival.

BEAN: Together we will quickly go to holiday let's get there!

PUMPKIN: Well, what about Prince Lemon? Terrible for him law:

(MIKE) You can't sing or have fun.

You can't where you want to live

BEAN: He is at holiday will not come, will not get into the house of Grusha!

Glorious holiday everyone is celebrating the harvest!

REDISCHKA: Run? Let's run. Let's not be late!

HOST: Bean, Radish and Pumpkin ran to Pear's house, and at that time he was having fun with his friends.

Countess Cherries appear to the music.


1. Oh, what a wonderful hall!

Who invited guests here?

2. Well, we were not invited,

So they forgot about Cherries.

3. We are the cutest in the world

All blush and riper.

4. Go around the whole world -

There are no better berries in the world.

They came to you and are very glad,

Admire the outfits! (Show dresses.)

You are beautiful, we do not argue

But let me remind you:

All the guys in our hall

Both elegant and tidy.

Admire us -

All the guys are just class.

CHILDREN'S NOISE ORCHESTRA "In the garden, in the garden"

PUMPKIN: Hello, Pear, I have a problem-

Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon kicked me out of the house!

PEAR: Don't be sad, there are so many around vegetables,

And that means you have a lot of friends!

PUMPKIN: It's good to have friends

I forgot my sorrows


We are on holiday let's sing a song together!

BEAN: A cloud crawled in the sky,

The cloud started crying.

Well, we all have fun, And we are not afraid of the rain!


CIPOLLINO: Here I am, my friends,

Did you miss me?

REDISCHKA: Cipollino, Pumpkin needs help!

CIPOLLINO: What happened to Pumpkin?

What a grief happened?

PUMPKIN: I've been saving bricks all my life

And built a house for himself.

Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

They kicked me out of the house!

CIPOLLINO: We will all go to Lemon now

And we'll sort it out quickly.

(Everyone goes to LEMON and TOMATO)


1. Why are you offend vegetables?

Are you kicked out of your homes?

2. All of you are tired of being afraid!

And how can Pumpkin stay without a home?

3. We want in small beds

There was more kindness and order!

TOMATO: How dare you yell at me, at Senor Tomato himself?

LEMON: Hey, Lemons, put him in a dungeon, immediately!

CIPOLLINO: Ah well! (Takes off the onion cap from his head)

Now I will slowly undress, and you will shed tears!


ALL TOGETHER): Forgive us, we won't do it again!

CIPOLLINO: Well, how can we forgive them? (children answer)

Of course we will! After all, we are all generous gifts autumn and should only be beneficial.

Let's all be friendly and fun!


Scenario written on the basis of Internet materials

Svetlana Cherkes

Dear guests!

Our autumn holiday will be unusual.

We will get with you to the fabulous kingdom of vegetables and fruits.

01. "Italian song". Tchaikovsky


This kingdom was ruled by the cruel Prince Lemon and his assistant Signor Tomato. Once, in the prince's domain, little Pumpkin built a house for herself.

Listen and see what came of it.

Music sounds, Kuma Tykovka builds a house of bricks and sings.

Pumpkin If you take a brick, there is little use in it.

Because you can't build a house out of it.

If you put a couple of bricks next to each other,

There will be only two walls - it is inconvenient to live.

We will build a house for our friends.

We will be comfortable in it - together more fun!

Our friendship for centuries, anyone will tell you,

There will be a holiday anywhere - all my friends are with me!

Pumpkin Well, here it is! Finally! Now I have my own house!

Pumpkin Thanks, friends! I wouldn't have made it without you! I would never have collected so many bricks!

Music is playing, children are dancing.

Khachaturian "Market Square"

Khachaturian "Exit of the tomato"

Though two Countess Cherries look from above

On me, on a fat man, I'm not superfluous with them.

I am Senior Tomato, I am red and magnificent,

And I have been serving for a long time with the landowners of the Cherries.

I'm a sleek tomato with satin skin

And it is dangerous for vegetables to enter into an argument with me!

Khachaturian procession of lemon

I am Prince Lemon!

Here in the kingdom is my law:

Can't sing or have fun

You can't go where you want to live.

What kind of house is on the way here?

I can't get through!

Pumpkin I've been saving bricks all my life. And she made a house for herself.

Lemon How dare you? Do you want to go to the dungeon? Security, throw out the Pumpkin, and demolish the house!

Cipollino, runs up and steps on Prince Lemon's leg.

Lemon Ai-ai-ai! Catch the robber!

Capture the criminal! Arrest immediately!


(Plainingly) Your Majesty, I beg you, do not persecute my son! I stepped on your foot!

Lemon Ah, that's how! Arrest him too!

Oh, you robber! Rebel! You built a house on the land of Countess Cherries! Go away!

But, your grace! Count Vishenka himself gave me permission.

Tomato Shut up! I'm confiscating this house! An evil dog will live in it!


Hello! I'm Cipollino!

I know the cure for sorrow

and from illnesses and from various boredoms.

Hello! I'm Cipollino!

I am a mischievous boy, I am cheerful - a bow.

Of course I can save my father,

Don't be afraid, I won't run away!

Radish, Pear, Beans are suitable for him.

Chipollino! Senor Tomato wants to destroy Pumpkin's house!

Chipollino Run to the rescue

Pumpkin sighs and wipes his eyes with a handkerchief.

Radishes, Pear, Beans and Cipollino appear.

Bean Señor Tomato has already been fooled once, I think he will certainly want to take revenge!

I also think that the Pomodoro will not give up so easily! Something must be done.

Radish House urgently needs to be hidden. Let's hide it in the forest

Pumpkin Exactly! My godmother Blueberry lives in the forest. She will definitely help us. He will tell you how best to hide and follow my house.

Cipollino Then it's decided! Let's go to the forest!

Go to Aunt Blueberry


Hello Aunt Blueberry. This is Kuma Pumpkin's house. That terrible Señor Tomato wants to take him away! Could you help us hide him and keep an eye on him.

Pear Please, you always treated Kuma Pumpkin well.

Good. Just look, don't tell anyone where you hid it!

Pumpkin Thanks Kuma Blueberry! (Everyone leaves).

End of act 1

2 action.

Kingdom of Countess Cherries.

Countess Cherries and Señor Tomato enter.

Dance of the Seigneur of the Tomato and the Countess of Cherries

Tomato Your Excellencies!

Yes! Senor Tomato!

Tomato A gang of robbers is operating in the area of ​​the castle! Valuable property stolen.

Cherries AAAA! It's horrible!

Tomato Ma'am, control yourself! I've already arrested the hard-core rioters. It remains to arrest the main rebel - Chipollino!

Cherries We must immediately lock the gate! Count Cherry! Count Cherry!

Count Cherry comes out.

Well, where are you going! (fixes his clothes)

I hope you didn't touch the flowers in the flower beds. Anyone who touches and picks flowers will be left without sweets!

I didn't touch the flowers.

Cherry 1 And you, of course, did not crush the grass on the lawn. The one who rumples the grass will have to write two thousand times: “I am an ill-mannered boy!

Cherry I did not crush the grass. I looked at the goldfish in the pool.

Cherry 2 Learn lessons!

Cherry I already learned everything.

Cherry 1 Learn new! Read!

Cherry 2 Put the book back!

Cherries What an obnoxious boy!

Exeunt Countess Cherries. Cherry is reading a book.

Cherry (Walks forward, backward) The shortest distance from one point to another is a straight line.

Cipollino, Radish and Beans appear

Radish And we know you. You are Count Cherry.

Cherry Yes. And I don't have the honor of knowing you, but it will be my pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Chipollino We are children from the town. This is Radish, and this is Bean

Cherry Then I know you too!

Cipollino Where from?

Cherry From Senior Tomato. He scolded you so much that I immediately realized that you were very good boy!

Radish Well, what did I say! Count Cherry is a very good boy!


Cherry, I know you can help us. We need to get the key to the basement. My father and my friends are locked up there!

Cherry Yes! Difficult task! The key is always carried by Senor Tomato. He even at night does not part with him. But I'll try. If Senor Tomato arrested these people, then it is very good people! He can't stand them!

Señor Tomato comes out. 17. Khachaturian Exit Tomato

Tomato Count Cherry! What do I see! You are dealing with a criminal and a rebel!

Cherry My friends, run! He won't do anything to me, and you won't do anything!

Cipollino Do not be angry, do not be angry, Senor Tomato! From anger, they say, vitamins disappear!

Everyone runs away except Pomodoro.

Pomodoro I'll lie down to rest, I'm tired of fighting criminals all day.

Senor Tomato sits on a chair. Cherry appears, puts his hand in the pocket of Senor Tomato and takes out the key and slowly leaves. Chipollino and Radish approach him on tiptoe.


I knew, Cherry, that you can rely on! Now we have the key and we can free our friends.

They join hands and go "in single file" on tiptoe.

Senor Tomato wakes up and runs around the stage clutching his head.

Tomato All the criminals escaped. To catch! Arrest the most important rebel Chipollino!

Prince Lemon comes out

Lemon Now gather all the inhabitants in the square! I'll make a statement!

All the heroes take the stage

Recently, the revenues of our state have decreased. After the tax on air was introduced, you began to breathe less! It's outrageous! In addition, malicious rebels have appeared among you! Senor Tomato, announce the list, please!

For ordinary rain - one hundred lire, for heavy rain - two hundred lire, with thunder and lightning - three hundred lire! In addition, for arbitrariness and confusion, and in order to avoid further unrest, Pumpkin's house must be destroyed!


Why should we listen to you?

Lemon Because I'm in charge here!


And I say that you are not in charge! Both you and Tomato are bad, evil people! You are torturing all the inhabitants of our city! That's why we kick you out of our city!

Tomato Step on Tomato and Lemon, they get scared and run away screaming. Everyone shouts "Hurrah!". Pumpkin's house is being rolled onto the stage.

Music sounds. All performers enter the stage and stand in a semicircle. Heroes take the stage

Radishes are happy with everything in this fairy tale

happy ending

Not! Wait!

And the Countess

The Prince and the Tomato

How can we be with them from now on?

Honor or shame?

Lemon Forgive us friends

After all, without us, it's impossible

Tomato We played all the roles for you

But the secret is

That we didn't become bad

We know what's what.

Pumpkin Fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 SCENARIO of the performance based on the fairy tale by G. Rodari "THE ADVENTURES OF CIPOLLINO" Hero Text Sound The curtain opens. There are two baskets on the stage, a screen, a wattle fence. Residents of the city come to him in turn. They sing a song and dance. We will build a house, we will live together. With friends together there is nothing to grieve! It is more fun to live with a cheerful song, And the sun will shine brighter for us. Track 1 We are like one family in this house. Friends forever you and you and me! It will be easier for us to solve problems. The song of friendship will always help you! A friend will help you in any trouble. When a friend is next to you! Market on stage. Everyone is shouting, interrupting each other, with baskets. Buy grapes! Pears! Apples and tomatoes! And I say buy Cipollo! (everyone stops) don't you know what Cipollo is? I'll tell you now. (everyone cries) and rightly so, where there are onions, there are tears. (Chorus) Where's the onion?! Chipollino song Track 2 Chipollino Lemon - I'm cheerful I grew up in Italy, where oranges and lemons and olives, figs and so on ripen. But under the blue sky I was born with an onion, which means I am the grandson of Uncle Cipollone. The father of the kids has a bunch of Noisy family Cipolletto, Cipollotta, Cipolluccia, Cipolloccia and obedient me La, la, la, la. Why are there so many people here? What a riot in the city! What are you, your majesty! These are not riots! The people have gathered here to greet you! But if you wish, I will drive them away immediately. Track 3 1

2 Lemon Lemon Cipollino Lemons No way!!! Let's welcome!!! Even stronger. Let them push with all their might! Hey! You! Hail his Lemon Prince's sourness! Let's, let's!!! Stronger!!! Come on, everyone lean on, push, push, create a crowd! The people hold on to the rope, begin to push, push. He stands in front, he cannot withstand the onslaught and steps on the Prince of Lemon's foot. The prince jumps on one leg and screams. Ah ah ah!!! This is an attack!!! Catch the robber!!! Catch the criminal!!! Arrest immediately!!! Shut up!!! The run begins. Everyone scatters in different directions. Lemons appear on the stage, three lemons: they walk and sing, with a rake on their shoulders) hides behind baskets and wattle fences, running from one to another 3,4,5 comb the forest, 1,2,3 look around. 1st: This Chippolone wanted to encroach on the Prince of Lemon himself. 2nd: He was sentenced to life imprisonment. 3rd: Metezhnik! 3,4,5 comb the forest, 1,2,3 look around. (they leave) Farewell father (Knot on a stick) We all grew up in the beds, we are very poor, that's why we have jackets and pants in patches. Goodbye, goodbye, hello friends. (leaves) Track 4 all All Residents of the city come to him in turn and bring new bricks. While there is bustle on the stage, Pumpkin's house rolls out onto the stage. If you take one brick, there is little use in it. Track 5 Because you can't build a house out of it. If you put a couple of bricks side by side, It will be only two walls that are inconvenient to live in. That would be a lot to put, about five pieces, That would be a glorious house! But where to get them! Dance with bricks. Track 6 Well, here it is! Finally! Now I have my own house! Congratulations Kum! Thanks friends! I wouldn't have made it without you! Blackout. Everyone leaves. Kum is in the house. The Senor appears with tomatoes. I'm a senior Track 7 I'm red and magnificent And now I serve with the countess. Oh, you robber! Rebel! You built this luxurious palace in the land of Countess Cherries!! Go away! But, your grace! The count himself allowed me to be silent! I'm confiscating this house! An evil dog will live in it! Appears, Pear, Grape,. Because of baskets and wattle. My respect sir! 2

3 Who are you? Why not at work? (sneezes and leaves) I'm a student. Student. What are you studying? Grapes Grapes Caterpillar Grapes Caterpillar I study rascals. Where are they, show me at least one. shows in the mirror. There he is! Do you recognize? What is it - it's me. I'll pull your hair! Grabs the onion cap and immediately starts Track 7 crying. Everyone is laughing. You will pay dearly for these tears! And you, and, and everyone else!!! I warned you!!! (sneezes and runs away) Everyone runs away. Blackout. Master Vinograd also remains at the forefront. My father is still in prison, and I still haven't figured out how to help him. I'm sure you'll come up with something soon! And we will all help you! In the meantime, help me in the shoe shop. Now one Senora Caterpillar will come! Well, trouble with her! The caterpillar appears. Track 8 Good afternoon, dear lady, would you like to order new shoes? Hello Master Grape! Why, God bless you, how can I order so many shoes! Right! Well, I'll put you out of your worries soon. I was told about a miraculous transformation. One butterfly will help me. I wish you a successful transformation. Butterfly grapes are beautiful. Goodbye! Grape Goodbye! Master Grapes and leave. Dance of the Roses. Track 9 Number "transformation" Track 10 The caterpillar and the flowers leave. Comes running. Screaming. Appears.! Quicker! There, the Señor and his tomatoes are going to confiscate Pumpkin's house! Let's run to help! Everyone runs away. Blackout. Pumpkin's house is being rolled out again. On the stage are Tykovka and Professor Grusha and. sighs and wipes his eyes with a handkerchief. Grapes appear, and. 3

4 Pear Blueberry and M S Song Track 11 Our dream For the song to sound and the sun to shine for us For hopes to come true, friends smile for us For this music to fly around the world here Let people everywhere be free all Our dream I also think that it won’t just give up ! But then calm! The main thing is peace! The house needs to be hidden. How can you hide it like that?! Yes, very easy! If it had been a palace, of course, we would not have been able to hide it. But the house is so small that you can take it away on a Bean cart. You want to hide my house. Don't worry! Nothing will happen to your house! Where are we taking him? Why not hide it in the forest? Exactly! Blueberries live in the forest. She will definitely help us: she will look after my house. Then it's decided! Let's go to the forest! They roll the house off the stage. Blackout. Flowers and butterflies appear: they dance and sing a song. Dance of flowers and butterflies. Track 12 Hello, Aunt Blueberry. This is Kuma Pumpkin's house. This terrible Senor wants to take it away! Would you mind Track 12 helping us hide it and keep an eye on it. You are welcome! OK. Just look, don't tell anyone where you hid it! Everyone leaves. Blackout. The scenery is changing garden. We take out two trees. The Countess and Señor appear. Tango Countess Cherries. Track 13 Your Excellencies! Your excellencies! What happened, Senor! A gang of robbers is operating in the castle area! Valuable property stolen. AAAA! It's horrible! Madams, control yourself! I have already arrested the vicious rebels Master Grape, Professor Pear, Bean and Kuma Gourd! It remains to arrest the most important rebel!!! We are here, Your Excellencies! Lock the gate immediately! Madam! Madam! I hear you, Your Excellencies! Bring Count Cherry immediately! Exit the Countess and the Seigneur. 4

5 Strawberry Count! Graph! Appears. Cherry Dance Count, you need to urgently go to the Countesses m. Your aunts are not in a good mood today, there will be trouble! They sent your mentor, Madame Petrushka, after you! Nothing, I'm used to it. Madam appears. What are you doing here, Count? Nothing, ma'am. I just walked. I hope you didn't touch the flowers in the flower beds. Anyone who touches and picks flowers will be left without sweets! I didn't touch the flowers. And you, of course, did not crush the grass on the lawn. He didn't do anything wrong, madam. I'm a gardener! I would immediately reprimand him. Do not interfere in the educational process! This is my method. I am a simple person, but it seems to me that there are other methods. I didn't cut the grass. I looked at the goldfish in the pool. Bad luck for those boys who break away from their studies to stare at the fish in the pool. This is where all misery begins. One fish is followed by another, followed by a third, fourth, fifth. Then these boys stare at spiders, cats, all other animals, and, of course, they forget to do their homework! But someone has to teach the lessons. (sighing) I won't do it again. Countesses appear with a book. Well, where are you going! Learn lessons! I have already learned everything. Learn new! Read! They give the book to Cherry. The shortest distance from one point to another is the straight line The Countess and Madame leave. reads a book, tries to teach. Appear, and Strawberry. The shortest distance from one point to another is a straight line Correct! And we know you. You are Count. Yes. And I don't have the honor of knowing you, but it will be my pleasure to make your acquaintance. Why don't you come closer? Unfortunately I am not allowed. Suddenly there will be children from the town. So we are children from the town, and you are already talking to us! Then I will gladly come to you! This - and this! Track 14 Track 15 (background) Track 16 (background) 5

6 Strawberry Shortcake Then I know you too! From where?! From Senora a. He scolded you so much that I immediately realized that you are a very good boy! Well, what did I say! Count Cherry is a very good boy! Samba Radishes, Strawberries and Chereshenki. Track 17Samba, I know you can help us. We need to get the key to the basement. My father and my friends are locked up there! Yes! Difficult task! The Señor always carries the key with him. He doesn't part with him even at night. But I'll try. If the Señor arrested these people, then they are very good people! He can't stand them! Senor appears. Track 18 Earl!!! What do I see!!! You are dealing with a criminal and a rebel!!! My friends, run! He won't do anything to me, and you won't do anything! starts chasing Chipoliino and Radish. Don't be angry, don't be angry, Señor! From anger, they say, vitamins disappear!!! and run away. Everyone except Cherry leaves. The count clutches his forehead and falls on the bench, as if in a swoon. The Countess appears!! Do not touch! Where? Call Strawberry! He looks like he has a fever! Urgently call a doctor! Oh! Again unexpected expenses! Detective Marconi appears with a dog. Track 19 Strawberry and. Sneaking. on the other side Track 20, key in hand. There, on tiptoe, go (background) Radish. Lemon Lemon I knew I could rely on you! You weren't sick, were you? I tried to divert their attention, but I was very bored without you. They join hands and go "in single file" on tiptoe to the opposite wings. At this time, the scenery changes. "Prison". Get out soon!!! Everyone joins hands and sneaks in single file to the opposite backstage. Kuma suddenly sneezes. Lemon watchman wakes up. Hey! Stop! Where are you going! They show him “Shh!” (whispers) Then I'm with you. If the Señor doesn't kill me, the Lemon Prince will. Everyone leaves in single file and on tiptoe. Blackout. The Señor and Prince Lemon appear. 6

7 Lemon Arrest the most important rebel immediately! I'm sure it's his doing! And find all the other criminals! Take a squad of your best tomatoes! I listen, your sourness! chiki! To me! Dance of the Tomatoes fun exercise Track 21 chiki leave. The Countess and Madame appear. Oh my God! Your tomatoes will ruin our entire park! What a terrible life! We are leaving immediately! Where is the Count?! I can't find it anywhere! It's horrible! We'll have to go without it! Strawberry! Better pack your things! leave. walks in the garden and talks to himself. For an ordinary rain one hundred lire, for a torrential rain two hundred lire, with thunder and lightning three hundred lire!!! Why should we listen to you? Track 22 Chipolino Because I'm in charge here! Who said that?! I said! And I say that you are not in charge! And you, bad senor, evil person! You are torturing all the inhabitants of our city! That's why we kick you out of our city!!! Nothing will work for you! I have a squad of lemons and tomatoes! And we have familiar Caterpillars! Who?!!! Caterpillars. And they love tomatoes and lemons! move back, the city dwellers step on the tomato. He run away. Everyone shouts "Hurrah!!!". Everyone dances and sings a song. We will build a house, we will live together. With friends together there is nothing to grieve! It is more fun to live with a cheerful song, And the sun will shine brighter for us. We are like a family in this house. Friends forever you and you and me! It will be easier for us to solve problems. The song of friendship will always help you! A friend will help you in any trouble. When a friend is next to you! Track 23 7

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MARCH 8 IN THE YOUNGER GROUP Purpose: the formation of gender, family affiliation; education of love and respect for the mother. Tasks: 1. Formation in children of such qualities as kindness, care, love. 2.Shaping

Knowledge Day in Kindergarten Description: Mass holiday in kindergarten, dedicated to the day Knowledge (September 1) with the participation of the Dwarf Molchko. This scenario assumes minimal preparation for this holiday.

Children: " Goodnight visiting the guys” March 8 matinee for children 3-4 years old. In March, the sun shines brighter for both children and adults. Whose holiday are we celebrating with you today? Mom! Moms dear, dear Happiness we

2017 One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya is already waiting at the gate. And I already know how to count! boasted

One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate. And I already know how to count! Petya boasted.

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How Kolobok went to school. Scenario of a puppet show based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" for older preschoolers on the Day of Knowledge. Characters: leading. Dolls; Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox Leading.

Moscow 2013 ENTERTAINERS Valya and I are entertainers. We are always playing some games. Once we read the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". And then they started playing. At first we ran around the room, jumped and shouted: We

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in kindergarten is the second younger group. Children enter the hall to the music. Host: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday Joyful, bright and tender holiday. Holiday

Host: And who can be friends with whom? Children: Boy with girl, boy with boy, girl with girl. Leading: Children and adults, people from different parts of the world can be friends. People from different countries can be friends.

MBDOU "Cherlak kindergarten 2" Entertainment scenario based on the fairy tale "Kurochka-Ryaba" for younger children preschool age Prepared by: music director Sycheva Oksana Aleksandrovna Cherlak 2016

"September 1 - Knowledge Day" Holiday idea: To develop children's cognitive interest in school, books. Develop emotional intelligence in children. Build friendly relationships between

var started_auto_pad = 182054653; var begun_block_id = 202708512; There is a chair in the middle of the room. Sobs and sobs come from behind the door. Enter the room Hello guys! Unfortunately, today we

Amirdzhanyan Ruzanna Vaagnovna, music director, GBOU School 1454 "Timiryazevsky Education Center", Preschool Department "Dmitrovskoe 29"; Leonova Nadezhda Borisovna, teacher, GBOU School 1454

Piglet. I'm a cheerful Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, I'm a friend! And he came to the holiday to you, To congratulate your mothers. Hello guys! Spring has come to our forest, the sun warms. The spring holiday has come

Birthday in kindergarten holiday script for children middle group Why do we have fun? What is our holiday here? Birthday! Birthday! Our birthday! What is a birthday? This is

A DREAM ABOUT THE HEN RIABA Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman Every evening before going to bed, grandfather told Gosha a fairy tale. Usually new. But sometimes the grandson wanted to hear a fairy tale that he already knew. Today was just such a case.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kochetovsky Kindergarten Matinee "In the meadow near Spring", dedicated to the holiday of March 8 Educator: Akimova T.I. 2015 Presenter: Happy March 8,

Holiday March 8 in the group "Fidgets" - Why has everything changed? Why did everything sparkle? Laughed and sang? Well, tell me, what's the matter? - It's so easy to understand. Spring has come to us again! - Hello,

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Educational Establishment "Novopolotsk State General Educational high school 2" DEDICATION TO MUSICIANS SCENARIO OF AN OPEN EVENT IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CERTIFICATION AT THE WEEK OF MUSIC: Music teacher of the II category Kozlova T.N.

Structural unit "Northern Kindergarten "Vasilyok" MBOU "Northern Secondary School" Scenario of a matinee for children of the second junior group "Little Red Riding Hood" (for the holiday of March 8) Prepared by: teacher of the first

MATTE dedicated to the Day of MARCH 8 (for older groups) Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle near the central wall. Boy1: Today in the bright hall we congratulate everyone on Women's Day Let it be

Scenario of a matinee for the 2nd junior group FOR MARCH 8 WITH CLOWNESS TOFFEE. Leading. Today we are as comfortable as at home. See how many faces there are in the hall of acquaintances! Moms came to us, we are glad to see you all! And

WINNER of the III International Competition in the nomination "Master of Preschool Education"//master of Preschool Education Vafina Tatyana Vasilievna music director of MADOU "Kindergarten 250" Russia,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Center for the Development of the Child Kindergarten 540" Traffic Light "of the city of Nevinnomyssk Scenario of joint entertainment of parents with children of secondary preschool

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "TsRR-kindergarten 49" Makhachkala Morning March 8 Senior group Prepared by: music teacher Kurbanova N.E. To the music, the children enter the hall.

Nadezhda Shcherbakova Ralph and Falabella There lived a rabbit in the world. His name was Ralph. But it was an unusual rabbit. The largest in the world. So big and clumsy that he couldn't even run and jump like other rabbits,

1 (Exit - Dance) Agitation brigade of the UID “A good city at dawn smiles at the sun Before mom, before dad Wakes up in the morning. The bells will ring for us And without delay We are in a hurry to school As if on a date.

Masha and the Bear based on a Russian folk tale A musical screen saver sounds. The Storyteller comes out. Storyteller. Children are very fond of fairy tales And they have no time to be bored. The time has come to tell our tale.

Scenario of the festive concert for March 8 "From the bottom of my heart" The course of the holiday. Children under fanfare enter the hall, the presenters leave behind them. Presenter 1: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, a holiday

Demina Liya Alekseevna, musical director Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Family (Children, parents, educators enter the hall with the song "Inseparable Friends") Host: Today there are so many of us in the hall

MDOU DS s. Pushanina Entertainment according to traffic rules for children of primary preschool age “How the cat got acquainted with the rules traffic» uneven-age group 1 Educator Soynova O.M. with. Pushanino summer 2016

Scenario of summer entertainment in DOU "Friendship" Presenter: Hello guys! Today I brought you together to play and have fun! Guys, who wants to have fun with me, let them clap their hands

KGKSKOU SKSHI 8 species 11 Vanino village SCENARIO OF THE HOLIDAY "Tsvetik - Semitsvetik" (BIRTHDAY DAY) Prepared and conducted by educators: Konstantinova T.A. Smirnova G.A. Lysenko E.G. 2015 projected on the screen

Scenario of the play-musical "Lady-Nature". Characters: 1. Lady nature - Shvets Valeriya. 2. Butterfly doll - Daria Matveychuk. 3. Hedgehog-doll Kovalenko Olga. 4. Bunny-doll Lesnikova Diana. 5. Man-doll-Kolesnikov

Municipal Autonomous preschool kindergarten of a general developmental type 29 "Golden Key" Theatrical performance on the topic: " healthy image life "Musical director: Yartseva I.E.

Municipal state educational institution "Secondary school 3" DRAFT lesson "Schools of the future first grader" on the topic "The concept of vowels and consonants" teacher of the highest category:

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 “Little Red Riding Hood visiting the children” second junior group Purpose: To create a festive mood for children, to evoke an emotional response to the festive action. Objectives: Develop emotional

We are growing green onion and green cucumbers, Leader. Let's start our holiday. What is it called? Let's say it all together: we meet Children (in chorus): a holiday of colors! 1 student. And at ten years old, and at seven,

Scenario of the holiday on MARCH 8 senior group (Children enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle) Spring does not begin with flowers, There are many reasons for this. It begins with warm words, With a sparkle in the eyes and with smiles.

GOODBYE, KINDERGARTEN! Graduation to school in the Dandelion group 2017 - Well, that's all, the hour has come that we all have been waiting for. We gathered for the last time in a cozy bright hall. - Kindergarten gave us warmth

Graduation party“Goodbye, nurseries” for children 2-3 years old Children enter to the music “Top, top stomps the baby”, sit on the chairs. Vedas. Early in the morning, parents came to us in the nursery, So the holiday began,

March 8 - fairy tale scenario for children 6-7 years old Characters: Adults: Leading Old Woman Shapoklyak Children: Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood Wise Owl Lark Crocodile Gena Cheburashka Fairy Prince March 8... On this

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 63" Nakhodka ecological fairy tale in the preparatory group "How Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood saved nature" Educator:


Theme of the event: "The forest asks for help" (theatrical ecological fairy tale) Objectives: to show children the need to save forests; introduce the environmental rules of behavior in the forest; teach carefully

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a combined type 160 of the city district of Samara New Year's scenario musical fairy tale"Yolka" (for children of senior preschool

Structural unit implementing general educational programs of preschool education (kindergarten) state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary general education

HOLIDAY according to traffic rules "The road to the city" Presenter: Hello guys. We are glad to see you in this beautiful hall. Our teams have gathered for sports holiday. But in order to get to the stadium, we need

Happy Mother's Day!!! Our moms are the best in the world! - I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do? God answered: - I will give you an angel who will always be with you. He will explain everything to you. -

"The sun is visiting mothers and children." The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the second junior group. The hall is festively decorated with the theme of March 8, in the corner there is a house for staging. Slide 1. "Mom's holiday" + music.

Children enter the hall to the music and perform the song “Together it is fun to walk” (music by M. Plyatskovsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky). Host: Hello adults! Hello children! We are very happy to meet today!

1 May the sun, peace, love and children be a great joy to you! Live in peace and harmony Until your golden wedding! Let the sun shine only for you, Flowers grow for you, The whole world and the sun at your feet - Family

"CHUBASTIK" Once upon a time there was Chubastic. He was with the head of a dog, with clumsy eyes and, as it were, assembled from parts of different animals. It was the size of the Serpent Gorynych. Chubastic's skin color was scarlet-pink-orange-gray-brown-crimson.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 14 Matinee scenario for children senior group Compiled and conducted by music director Terekhova N.M. 2016 2017 y.y. "Story

Staged by Olesya Emelyanova with the use of poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

Performance duration: 1 hour 20 minutes; number of actors: from 20 to 50.


Cipollone (father of Cipollino)
Brothers and sisters Cipollino (in any quantity)
Commander Limonchikov
First Lemon Soldier
Second Lemon Soldier
Lemon Soldiers (any quantity)
Villagers (various fruits and vegetables in any quantity)
Prince Lemon
Kum Pumpkin
Village boys (any quantity)
Signor Tomato
Kuma Pumpkin
Lawyer Polka Dots
Master Grape
Professor Grusha
Dog Mastino
Count Cherry
Countess Cherry the Elder
Countess Cherry the Younger
Baron Orange
Duke Mandarin
Mr Carrot
Countess Cherry's servants (any number)
Prince Garnet
Princess Garnet
Count Banana
Viscount Grapefruit
Sultan Figs
Beggars (any quantity)
Prisoners (any number)

Twilight before dawn. In the foreground is the road. On the second - the houses of the villagers. In the middle is the house of the Cipollino family. A garden bed in front of the house. Rooster crows. Music sounds. The sun is rising. It becomes light. The windows of the houses open, residents come out of them and begin to sing and dance.

Villagers (sing)

Italy! Italy!
Wonderful amazing land!
For vegetables in Italy
And fruits are heaven!

Here the red sun shines
Here the warm rain is pouring
Here everyone is kind and happy
Everything around here sings.

Italy! Italy!
Forests, gardens, fields!
Italy! Italy!
Magic land!

Flowers bloom here
On every bed there is a treasure,
And pour juice
Watermelon and grapes.

In Italy! in Italy
Miracles are everywhere!
Italy! Italy!
You are the beauty of the whole earth!

The villagers go home. Only Chipollino and Radish remain. Radish comes up to Cipollino from behind, closes his eyes with her hands and meows loudly like a cat, barely holding back her laughter.


Doesn't even look close!
There are no cats here!
Stop joking, Radish!
I know it's you!

Radish laughs and removes her hands. Cipollino turns to her.

Radish (kindly)

With Good morning, Cipollino!

Radish kisses Cipollino on the cheek. Cipollino pulls away and hurriedly wipes his cheek.

Cipollino (embarrassed and pretending to be angry)

What are you doing? It is forbidden
Kissing for no reason!

Yes, if we are friends!

Radish kisses Cipollino on the other cheek. He jumps back like crazy again. Radish laughs.

Cipollino (to himself with annoyance)

Well, there was no worries!
We'll be laughed to death
If anyone sees.

Cipollino takes Radish a few steps away, and he hurriedly moves away from her.

Cipollino (radish)

You stay here, I'll stand here!
And don't you dare come close!

Radish (fun)

OK OK! Well!
I won't kiss.

Cipollino heads towards his house.

Radish (after Cipollino)

Hey, where did you go?


Help dad and mom!
I'm the eldest son in the family!
What we grow ourselves
That will be on the table.

The old man Cipollone comes out of the house to the music with a watering can, followed by his large family, also with watering cans and other garden equipment. Cipollino runs to his father and takes a watering can. The Cipollone family is heading towards the garden.

Cipollone (singing)

Nothing and never
It doesn't come easily.
If you're lazy all day
Only trouble grows.

Children of Cipollone (sing)

We get up early in the morning
Let's sing a song together
Together it is easier for us to work,
We get tired less together.

Cipollone (singing)

I am the richest in the world -
My family is great.
Without children in the world
You cannot be happy.

Children of Cipollone (sing)

A friend for the arc we are important.
We are united and friendly.
And as long as we're together
We are not afraid of misfortune.

The Cipollino family embraces. Bells ring out in the distance. Commander Limonchikov and several lemon soldiers come on stage with a marching step. They are marching.

Lemons (sing)

Unquestioningly, precisely and immediately
We are following the prince's orders.
If he sends us to death,
We say: Hail our Prince Lemon!

Commander Limonchikov (in command tone)

Left! Right! Left! Right!
At-two! At-two! At-two! Stop!

Commander Limonchikov abruptly stops near the garden where the Chipollino family works. The lemon soldiers bump into each other and almost fall. Commander Limonchikov consults the map.

Commander Limonchikov

We are in place! Good God!
What kind of spirit is so thick?

Commander Limonchikov covers his nose with a glove and looks around in displeasure.

Commander Limonchikov (shouting at Cipollone)

Hey you poor bastard!
What does it smell like here? Respond!

Commander Limonchikov stamps his foot.

Cipollone (good-naturedly)

Bow, your honor!
Don't be mad!

Cipollino (defiantly)

Honest poverty smells like that,
There is no shame in this at all.

Commander Limonchikov

What a brazen absurdity!
(to one of the lemon soldiers)
Hey! Bring the spirits here!

The Lemon Soldier runs off and returns with a giant perfume sprayer.

Commander Limonchikov (pointing to the Cipollone family)

Breathe these alive!

The soldier begins to spray perfume on the Cipollone family.

Commander Limonchikov (Soldier-lemon angrily)

Not so! From all sides!
Will be here very soon
Our ruler Prince Lemon.
He doesn't owe this crap
Breathe in with your royal nose.
To our prince's delight
Everything should be fragrant.

Lemon soldiers diligently spray the Cipollino family with perfume.

Commander Limonchikov (singing)

Princes are not like ordinary mortals,
Princes are not like everyone else at all -
Proud tread and tender skin,
Their flesh is poured with special juice.

Princes do not tolerate negligence,
Princes are more capricious than little children.
Princes demand respect for themselves,
No respect for ordinary people.

Give them everything in the highest class -
Castles, carriages, outfits and food.
If you don't please, they will cut off your head immediately.
But it's an honor to die for them.

The Cipollone family sneezes.

Commander Limonchikov (sniffing)

Now it's all covered up!
Spirit does not spoil anything!

The Herald runs out and blows loudly into the trumpet. Curious villagers run out of the houses and line up in a crowd along the road. Old Cipollone is in the front row. A lemon soldier runs along the line and sprays everyone with perfume.

Herald (shouting)

Prince Lemon has arrived with his entourage!
Say hello to him!

The sound of trumpets, drumming and the ringing of bells is heard. Several Lemon Soldiers carry the Lemon Prince out on a stretcher. The villagers wave their hands to him, shout "Hurrah!" and throw flowers to him.

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who is the most yellow in the world?
Who is the most sung in the world?
Who is more beautiful and rounder
Princes of all and kings?

Villagers (sing)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who owns all the land?
Who owns everything around?
Who dare not sit down
None of the dirty flies?

Villagers (sing)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who lives in a green palace,
Wears a brocade dress
Saving millions in the bank
Eating kalachi for breakfast?

Villagers (sing)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

The enthusiastic crowd presses on the old Cipollone, he barely holds back her onslaught.

Cipollone (shouting)

Stop it! Prectate!
Don't push, please!
Step back a little!

Prince Lemon, hearing the screams, stops.

Prince Lemon (angrily)

What is that noise?
How dare you, wicked one,
Disturb my subjects
See me?

Commander Limonchikov runs up to Cipollone and points his saber at him.

Commander Limonchikov (terribly)

Thinking of threatening the prince?

Commander Limonchikov takes out a spyglass and points it at Chipollone.

Prince Lemon (with suspicion)

It is immediately clear that the rebel!
(to lemon soldiers)
Guard! Live to take it!

Lemon soldiers grab Cipollone.

Commander Limonchikov (reports to Prince Lemon)

He was captured and rendered harmless!

Cipollone (bewildered)

I didn't do anything!

Commander Limonchikov (strictly)

That's what you'll be responsible for!
We don't need rebellion!
I see where you're going!

Prince Lemon

Put him in jail
So let's say for two hundred years,
Or better yet, five hundred!

First Lemon Soldier

As you please your honor!

Lemon soldiers roll a cart with a cage and lock old Cipollone in it.

Prince Lemon (yells angrily at the porters)

What are we standing? Let's go ahead!

The music is playing again. The procession of the Prince of Lemon continues. The cheering crowd runs after him.

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who makes laws?
Who is judging everyone?
Who knows better than anyone else?
Who is the most important of all the others here?

Villagers (sing)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

The procession leaves. Only members of the Chipolone family, Radish and two lemon soldiers remain, guarding the cage with the arrested.

Cipollino (sadly)

Poor Papa Chepollone!

Cipollino brothers and sisters are crying. Cipollone holds out his hands to them through the bars. The lemon soldier draws his saber and prevents them from approaching the wagon with the prisoner.

Hey criminals! Be silent!
Once the laws have been broken
So feel free to answer!

Cipollone (ingratiatingly)

There is no commander here.
Let me say goodbye, your honor!
I know under your uniform
There is a human heart.

First Lemon Soldier (changed anger to mercy)

Okay, so be it, goodbye,
Just don't pull too hard.
Gotta get back to the city
The path to prison is not close.

The lemon soldiers move a couple of steps away from the cage. The Cipollone family rushes to the father of the family.

Cipollino (horrified)

But there are only killers
And the robbers are sitting!


No, son, they are with the prince.
They eat from gilded dishes.
And in prison there are good people
A lot, trust me.


They'll take you, so what
Shall we do now?

Cipollone (consolatory)

My brother, uncle Cipollo,
Take care of you
Listen, go to school
Every day, not every other day!

The Cipollone family cries and hugs again. Lemon soldiers are watching them.

Second Lemon Soldier (angrily)

We're just wasting time!

First Lemon Soldier (strict)

Stop squeezing tears!
It's time!

Lemon soldiers take the cart by the shafts and take the cage with Cipollone off the stage.

Cipollino (shouts after)

Father! I am you
I will definitely save!

Brothers and sisters Cipollino dejectedly go home. Only Radish and Cipollino remain.

How will you save?


Don't know.
Only one thing I know
I don't wish at all
So that the father was in prison!
I'll pick up a bag now
And I'll go away from here.

I'm with you!


Get off, girl!

Radish (persistently)

I want to help you!
I am your friend! And with a friend
Easier is the hardest way.


Okay, so be it, girlfriend,
Just don't be a burden to me!

Radish claps her hands happily. Cipollino runs home, returns with a knapsack and they, together with Radish, hit the road. While Chipollino and Radish are walking and singing, the scenery is changing on the stage. The village disappears.

Cipollino and Radish (sing)

You can't be sad and frowning
When your friends are with you!
Life is more fun with friends!
There is no greater happiness than being friends!

There is nothing stronger than friendship
It has miracles and magic.
With her, everything is possible and easy,
And all the bad things are far away.

Neither on earth nor in a star
Friends will not leave us in trouble,
They will come to our aid
And they will never betray.

And I am your friend, and you are my friend.
With friends, the world around is brighter.
And it's full of sunshine
As long as we have each other!

Radish and Cipollino are spinning, holding hands, and then they laugh and run away. Kuma Pumpkin's tiny house appears on the scene. Kum Gourd himself sits inside. Nearby is a wattle fence. A little further a few trees - a forest. A flock of village boys comes running. They dance around the house and tease.

Village children (sing)

Look at this house!
A dwarf wouldn't live in it either.
Not in the village, not in one
This one below
There is no roof
And there is no longer a chorus.

"Like an old pumpkin
Right hand in the kitchen
Left hand in the bedroom.
If legs
On the threshold
The nose is in the attic window! ”*

Cipollino and Radish arrive. They get a little further away. One of the tomboys climbs onto the roof.

Kum Pumpkin (pleasantly)

Be careful, kids!
Don't destroy my house!
Here's some candy for you, little rascals,
And go home!

Kum Pumpkin hands out candy to the boys. They quickly pick them up and run away. Kum Pumpkin notices Cipollino and Radish and hands them candy through the window.

Kum Pumpkin (good-naturedly)

Well, what are you worth?
How are the wattle shovels?
Don't be shy, come on
Eat up, kids!

Cipollino and Radish come up and take candy each.

Kum Pumpkin (good-naturedly)

I see you are not local.

Radish (tired)

Yes, we've had a long journey.

Kum Pumpkin (contritely)

It's a pity that my house is single,
Don't push you in here
To rest a little.


Nothing, we'll sit
Here in the shade at the threshold.

We don't want to embarrass you.


I'm just curious
Why is your house so small.
After all, it is obvious to anyone
That you are too cramped in it.
Don't turn around on your own
Do not invite friends over.
And they laugh at the house
Vegetables from all around.

Kum Pumpkin (sings)

Let the rich have big mansions,
I'm not offended by my fate,
Every brick of this house
I recognize among thousands of others.

I've never been wasteful
I saved up for my house for many years -
I bought this brick instead of bread,
I bought this one instead of new boots.

I drank water instead of tea with jam
And saved what he could.
This brick is for my birthday
Replaced my birthday cake.

Let the house come out small, but still
It is my first home in my life.
And because he is a hundred times more expensive to me
The most spacious luxurious mansion.

There is a loud clatter of hooves. A carriage drawn by cucumbers with the coat of arms of the Countess Cherry leaves on the stage. Señor Tomato rides in a carriage.

Senior Tomato (singing)

“I am Signor Tomato.
I am beautiful and magnificent.
And I have been serving for a long time
The landowners have Cherries.

Even though they look down
Two Countess Cherries
On me, on the fat man, -
I am not superfluous!

Every year I am from the tenants -
beets and lettuce,
From beans and cucumbers
I need rent.

I go to the poor man's pumpkins
And rich melons.
I take the first penny myself,
I'm taking two to the countesses.

And in our estate
Strict Orders:
The one who has no money
Get out of the garden!

Every hour I grow
pouring juice,
Because on duty
I'm high!

I am not a turnip, not a carrot -
Small garden.
I have blood under my skin
Very noble.

I am a chilled tomato
With satin skin
And start arguing with me
Vegetables are dangerous!”*

Senor Tomato notices Kuma Pumpkin's house.

Senior Tomato

Whoa! Stand!

The carriage stops. Senor Tomato comes out of it.

Senior Tomato (Godfather Pumpkin is menacing)

Oh you rebel!
Rebel! Robber! Aphid!
You bandit don't know something
Whose land is everywhere here?
What are you planning to do here!
Here you go, dirty people!
How dare you build a house
In the land of orphan countesses?

Kum Pumpkin (timidly)

I have permission.
Count Cherry gave it to me.

Kum Pumpkin gives Senior Tomato an old paper.

Senor Tomato (in anger)

How dare you lie, you swindler!
Here's the bum! Here's the kick!

Senor Tomato tears the paper into pieces and scatters them.

Senor Tomato (indignantly)

Our count is thirty years old, no less,
Lies underground in a coffin.
You rob poor women
To whom everything belongs!
So get out quick!
Otherwise, you won't be happy!

Kum Pumpkin

Senior Tomato

Well, don't argue!
Hey Peas! Advocate!

Lawyer Peas come running.

Lawyer Polka Dots (obsequiously bowing)

All I am yours always and now!

Senior Tomato

Explain to him that he...

Senor Tomato pokes a finger at Kuma Pumpkin.

Senior Tomato

If the house does not leave,
Will be executed immediately!

Lawyer Polka Dots (obsequiously)

Yes! You are absolutely right!
(To Kumu Pumpkin rudely)
And I will give you advice:
Get away, swindler!

Kum Pumpkin

I'll go to court!

Lawyer Pea (slyly)

Think yourself:

Lawyer Polka dots hit his forehead with his fist.

Lawyer Polka Dots (singing)

Truth doesn't matter in court.
The law is placed above the law.
But the law doesn't matter
If you have a million in your soul.

You can do whatever you want.
The one who is rich will always be right.
You will kill on your nose,
The poor in our country have no rights.

If you are poor, do not dare to be indignant,
Never argue with a rich man.
It makes no sense for the poor to go to court,
The rich always win.

Senior Tomato (To Kumu Pumpkin smugly)

You go to court, and you are a dead man!

Cipollino (impudently to Senor Tomato)

Threatens! Look what!
He is not here, but you are a robber!

Senior Tomato (pointing to Cipollino)

Who else is this?

Cipollino (sings and dances)

I am a cheerful Cipollino -
Young green onion.
To all enemies my tongue is long
Gives a lot of pain.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

I walk around the world
But it's not just that
I call for an answer
Evil nasty bullies.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

Those who hurt the weak
Picking off the poor
Will know from me soon
The taste of kicks and cuffs.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

Scoundrels completely
I don't regret, I don't regret.
Right here stands a scammer
I'll show it to you.

Cipollino takes out a mirror and shows it to Senor Tomato.

Senor Tomato (clenching his fists)

Oh, you little scoundrel!
How dare you tease me!

Senor Tomato grabs Cipollino by the feathers, pulls out one and starts rubbing his eyes, and then bursts into tears.

Senor Tomato (in a panic)

It stings! It stings!

Cipollino (mockingly)

Cipollino gives a kick to Senor Tomato, he flies off to his carriage and gets into it.

Senior Tomato (tearfully)

I'll be back, villains!
I'll show you!

Cipollino (mockingly)

Excellent idea!
I'll give you an extra.

Polka Dot Lawyer helps Señor Tomato into the carriage and they drive off.


I can't stand injustice
And I can't stand cruelty.
Wait your rottenness
I'll cut you into a salad!

Cipollino shakes his fist at the carriage. Master Grape, Leek, Bean and Kuma Pumpkin come out from behind the wattle fence.

Master Grape (slapping Cipollino on the shoulder)

You are brave, little one.


I still haven't seen
To sob and cry
Cavalier is our Tomato.

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

In vain you are so with him, Cipollino.
He will come with the soldiers.
I will have to leave the house.

Whistle sounds and bells ring.

Master Grape

Happiness awaits, trouble does not wait!

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

Hurry, for God's sake
Hide! Hide, don't
He will put you in jail
Like everyone else, no way!

Everyone, except Kuma Pumpkin, hides behind the wattle fence. Senior Tomato comes running with a detachment of lemon soldiers.

Senior Tomato (Godfather Pumpkin is menacing)

Where is the rebel Cipollino?

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

Senor Tomato (with annoyance)

Gone? Where?

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

I don't know!

Senior Tomato (with annoyance to the lemon soldiers)

Lost, as always!
(Kuma Pumpkin)
Well, what are you sitting here,
Like an earl or a baron?
Don't expect mercy!
Your house has been confiscated! Out!
(to lemon soldiers)
Drive out the bad guy!

Soldiers-lemons with difficulty pull Kuma Pumpkin out of the house.

lemon soldier

Hey! Well, get out!

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

Where will I live?

Senior Tomato

Don't know!
Nowhere to live, sit in jail!
Mastino will live here!

Senor Tomato whistles. Dog Mastino comes running barking and sits near the booth. Senor Tomato ties the dog to the house with a long rope.

Senior Tomato (smugly)

He is a fierce loyal dog.
He will catch Cipollino!

Dog Mastino (briefly and obsequiously)

Yes! Certainly! No problem!

Senor Tomato (rubbing his hands)

I'll deal with him, and from now on
Everything will be as I wanted!
(Dog Mastino)
Watch out! And I to the countesses
I'll report on the progress!

Señor Tomato and the Lemon Soldiers leave. Dog Mastino climbs into the booth.

Lemon Soldiers (sing)

Bravely lemons walk around the world,
There are no better soldiers in the world than lemons.
Prince Lemon is true as one.
Everyone who rises, we will win in an instant!

Chipollino and Radish come out from behind the wattle fence.

Dog Mastino (looking at Cipollino with suspicion)

Boy tell me honestly
Are you Cipollino?


Dog Mastino


I don't know.

Dog Mastino (dreamy)

If only I could get on the trail.

Kum Pumpkin is trying to approach his house Dog Mastino growls menacingly at him.

Kum Pumpkin (with a sigh)

Driven from home!
How little I lived in it!

Kum Pumpkin sits on the ground and covers his face with his hands.

Radish (comforting)

Do not worry.


We are your house
We will definitely return!

Cipollino whistles. The boys come running. They all confer together and giggle, glancing in the direction of Mastino the Dog.

Country boys (sing)

Fly away clouds!
Fly away, clouds!
We don't need rain yet
We will not teach the dog.

Sun! Sun!
Sparkle in the sky!
Sun! Sun!
Bake it hot!

Warm us with your warmth,
A hundred ovens are no worse.
Hurry on the tracks
Dry puddles!

Sun! Sun!
Sparkle in the sky!
Sun! Sun!
Bake it hot!

The sand is sizzling
Like coals in an oven.
It's good to go to the woods
Swim in the river.

Sun! Sun!
Sparkle in the sky!
Sun! Sun!
Bake it hot!

The boys laugh and run away. Dog Mastino, tormented by thirst, sticks out his tongue and breathes heavily.

Dog Mastino (to himself)

Drink hunting very, very much!
How hot! No more strength!
For one sip of water
I would bite off my tail!
I feel miserable.
But, since I am entrusted with the post,
I will guard right
As an honest dog should.
Service is a vocation and a dog's happiness.
Service illuminates my whole life.
If I serve, then I mean something.
I give myself to the service of everything!

Loyalty and honesty are dog nature.
The boss is an unearthly deity for us.
If he orders, then I'm in the fire and in the water
I'll jump, following his orders.

For his sake, I'm ready to bite,
There is stale bread forget about family
After all, there is no stray dog ​​more unfortunate,
It makes no sense for her to live on earth.

Cipollino and Radish peek out from behind the wattle fence.

Cipollino (radish)

He chose such hosts,
What will not be happy now.

One who serves the rascals
Guilty with them!

Cipollino takes out a large bottle with the inscription "Sleeping pills", approaches the Dog Mastino and pretends to drink, plugging the neck with his finger.

Cipollino (feigning pleasure)

How cool! So glad!

Dog Mastino

Hey boy!


What, señor?

Dog Mastino

Come get me some lemonade!
There is an inn here.


I can not! I'm very busy!

Dog Mastino


Can't you see I'm drinking water!

Cipollino again pretends to drink from a bottle.

Cipollino (Dog Mastino)

I'll share with you if you want?
Here, take my bottle!

Cipollino hands the bottle to Dog Mastino. Dog Mastino grabs a bottle and drinks greedily.

Dog Mastino

What happened? What?
Help! Guard!
What have you done to me?

Dog Mastino drops the bottle, falls and falls asleep with a loud snore. Cipollino pokes the Dog Mastino with his foot, checking whether he is sleeping soundly.


Come out! He fell asleep!

Radish, Kuma Pumpkin, Kuma Pumpkin, Leek, Bean and Master Grape come out from behind the wattle fence.


Hide the house!
After all, in the nearest forest
You can take it in a wheelbarrow!
Does anyone have a car here?


I can get a wheelbarrow!


So bring her here!

Bean runs away and returns with a wheelbarrow.


We must act faster.
We load the house and let's go!

Cipollino unties the sleeping Dog Mastino from the house and ties the end of the rope to the wattle fence. Kuma Pumpkin's house is being loaded onto a wheelbarrow.

Kum Pumpkin (worrying)

Be careful! Do not hurry!


We will go ahead of you into the forest
And shelter for the house
We'll find better.

Cipollino takes Radish by the hand and they run off into the woods. The rest slowly roll a wheelbarrow with a house and sing.

Kuma Pumpkin, Bean, Master Grape, Kuma Pumpkin and Leek (sing)

Nothing that we are poor
We are friendly and we are honest.
We are not ashamed that in patches
Our jackets and pants.

In our kingdom, power
Every day feasts to its heart's content,
To live in luxurious chambers,
Everyone is ready to be robbed.

Only we are more than them
We do not want to obey.
Together we can cope
Let's uphold justice!

Together we are a hundred times stronger
Together we are a hundred times smarter.
We won't let the villains
Good offend people!

Whistles and bells ring out. Senior Tomato comes running with a detachment of Lemons.

Senor Tomato (terribly)

Are you going far?

Senor Tomato kicks the sleeping Dog Mastino.

Senior Tomato (Psu Mastino)

Why are you drowsy?

Dog Mastino (mumbles through sleep)

I am not sleeping! I am waking up!

The dog Mastino hardly rises to his feet, shakes his head, falls again and falls asleep with a loud snore.

Senior Tomato (shouts at Dog Mastino)

You're fired!
(to lemon soldiers)
Them to jail!

Lemon soldiers start chasing Kuma Pumpkin, Kuma Pumpkin, Master Grape and Bean to the music. They catch everyone and take them off the stage, tying them with a rope. The house is also being taken away. The procession is led by Señor Tomato.

Senior Tomato (singing)

Lemon Soldiers (sing)

He will be, he will be
Arrested and executed!
He will be, he will be
Arrested and executed!

Senior Tomato (singing)

Who breaks the laws
Who can't afford to be proud
That gruel will taste
And he can't eat cake.

Lemon Soldiers (sing)

He will be, he will be
Arrested and executed!
He will be, he will be
Arrested and executed!

As soon as the arrested are taken away, Chipollino and Radish come running.

Cipollino (with annoyance)

We spent a whole hour in the forest.

Radish (raises hands)

I don't have them here or there.


Where are they?

Cipollino pushes the sleeping dog to the side. Dog Mastino wakes up and shakes his head.

Dog Mastino (yawning)

They took him to jail.
They'll be locked up there until they die.

Cipollino (scratching at the back of the head)

Yes, not an easy task.
Get them out of trouble!

Chipollino ... Oh!

Radish is frightened that she said the name of her friend in front of the dog and covers her mouth with her palm.

Dog Mastino (astonished)

So it means
Chippolino is that you?

Cipollino (smugly)

Dog Mastino (indignantly)

Because of your tricks
Am I out of service?


The dog Mastino starts chasing Chipollino barking. Chipollino moves away from the wattle fence. The rope is stretched and does not allow Dog Mastino to approach.

Cipollino (mockingly)

You could find a better deal
I would chase a cat!

Cipollino and Radish run away. Dog Mastino overturns the wattle fence and runs after them, dragging the wattle fence behind him. Professor Grusha appears on the scene. He puts his coin collecting hat on the ground and starts playing the violin. After some time, Chipollino and Radish come running.


Phew! We ran great!

Your heart will jump out now!

Cipollino (looking around)

This bastard is filthy
Finally left us!

He is incredibly stupid!


Yes, we had fun!

Cipollino approaches Professor Grusha.

Cipollino (To Professor Grusha)

You don't know by chance
How to get to the prison?

Professor Grusha

How not to know? Of course I know.
In our unjust age,
At least once, there happens
Every honest person!
I myself, I will not hide from you,
I sit there very often.
Follow me friends
I'll show you the way!

Professor Pear picks up his hat and walks along with Cipollino and Radish.

Professor Pear (singing)

Today he is not in prison
Neither robber nor bandit.
But one day justice
Evil and greed will win.

From criminals people
He cleans his garden.
Get him into trouble
The one who drinks the blood of the people.

We will return to them the debt of kicks,
Zubotychin, cuffs,
And then the country will not
No masters, no poor.

We will live happily
Help everyone and make friends
And, like a bad dream, let's forget
How to serve criminals.

A prison appears on the scene with a barred window and a door guarded by a Lemon Soldier.

Professor Grusha

Here is the prison.


But there are guards here!

And the bars on the window!

Professor Grusha

I will play the violin
I will, trust me.

Professor Pear, Cipollino and Radish confer in a whisper. The radish hides behind the corner of the prison. Professor Grusha starts playing a cheerful melody on the violin.

Professor Pear (singing)

There lived a general
General, general.
He gave the order to dance.
That's the general!

Hey soldier, dance!
Dance! Dance!
Dance with all your heart!
Have fun dancing!

Let everyone dance on the parade ground
On the platform, on the platform

Hey soldier, dance!
Dance! Dance!
Dance with all your heart!
Have fun dancing!

The lemon soldier begins to dance to the music. Cipollino removes a bunch of keys from his belt and enters the prison. Radish peeks around the corner.

Radish (shouting)

Help! Help!
Kill! Guard!
There's a robber here with a big knife!
He pierced right through me!

The Lemon Soldier draws his saber, blows his whistle, and runs to help Radish. Radish herself runs out from the other side of the building.

Cipollino, hurry up!
He's about to be back!

Prisoners run out of the prison doors, and, leaning on Cipollino, Cipollone in prison uniform comes out with difficulty.


I can't run away!

Cipollone sits down on the ground.

Professor Pear (shaking his head)

Yes, your father is very bad.

Lemon Soldier comes running, sees open door prison and blows the whistle.

Radish (in a panic)

What to do?

Cipollone (Cipollino and Radish)

You run!

Professor Grusha

I will delay the chase.

Cipollino and Radish run away. Senior Tomato comes running to the whistle with lemon soldiers.

Senior Tomato (screams and stomps feet)

Grab everyone! What are you worth?

Senior Tomato kicks the nearest Lemon Soldier. Lemon soldiers give chase, blowing their whistles. Professor Grusha tries to block their way, but they knock him down.

Senior Tomato (grabs Professor Grusha by the breasts)

Professor Grusha

I won't tell!

Senor Tomato growls and shakes Professor Pear.

Professor Grusha (sarcastically)

You are so angry!

Senor Tomato (stomping feet)

Hush! Be silent! Robber! Ham!
(to the lemon soldiers, showing on Chipollone and Professor Pear)
Throw these two in the dungeon
To the rest of the rebels!

Two lemon soldiers grab Cipollone and Professor Pear, tie them up and drag them to prison.

Professor Grusha (shouts to the lemon soldiers)

Bloodsuckers and leeches!
There will not be enough fetters to tie everyone!

Senior Tomato (to lemon soldiers)

Not here! To the castle dungeon!
They won't run away from there!
There are dangerous rebels
I hold, and the key is with me!

Senor Tomato shows a big key. Two lemon soldiers take Professor Pear and Cipollone on the march. Senor Tomato leaves with them. Radish and Cipollino emerge from around the corner of the prison.

Radish (indignantly)

What a terrible person!
He himself must live in prison!
I despise him so!
He is a bugger! He is a burr!


But now we know
How to free friends!
We need to get into the castle
Steal the key and save everyone!

Radish hugs Cipollino and kisses him on the cheek.

You are smart and brave!


Ugh! Radish, stop it!

Cipollino breaks out.


I'm not up to all sorts of nonsense,
And especially now.
We're getting ready to attack
We don't have much time!

Cipollino takes Radish by the hand and pulls her along. Instead of a prison, a garden fence, a fountain and the Countess Cherry's castle appear on the stage. Signs are posted everywhere: "No entry!" "Exit forbidden!" “It is forbidden to touch the flowers!” "It is forbidden to talk to the fish!" "It's forbidden to litter!" "Don't tear the leaves!" Chipollino and Radish appear behind the bars of the fence.

This house is so big!


I know such people
The more spacious their mansions,
The soul they callous.

Count Cherry comes out of the castle with a big book under his arm. Radish and Cipollino hide and quietly watch him. Count Cherry walks in the garden and stumbles upon notes everywhere.

Count Cherry (singing)

Being a little count is not very fun.
Everywhere there are only solid "no".
And the heart wants to dream of the unrealizable -
About games, fun and true friends.

I live all my life in this castle, like in a cage.
I can't leave him for a moment
You can't pick a leaf from a branch in the park,
You can't take your eyes off the books for a moment.

How I want to become an ordinary boy -
Play pranks and drive the ball with the guys.
But this is too much for the title of count,
But my aunts do not understand this.

You can not crush the grass, dip your hands in water,
And you can't even talk to the fish.
I'd give anything for a minute of freedom
For the right, like a bird, to soar freely.

Radish (quietly Cipollino)

Oh, what a sad boy!

Cipollino (radish)

He is about our age.
That's luck so luck.
(to Count Cherry)

Cipollino waves his hand to Count Cherry.

Count Cherry (timidly)

Are you this to me?


Cipollino squeezes through the bars of the fence.

Count Cherry (horrified)

You... You are here!

Cipollino (carefree)

And what is it?

Count Cherry (pointing to note)

You can't come in here!


You are so small, by God!

Count Cherry

But the note...


Cipollino tears the note into pieces and scatters them.


She's gone, look!

Count Cherry (pointing to note)

But littering is prohibited!

Cipollino rips off the note "Littering is prohibited!" and hands it to Count Cherry.


On here! Break it yourself!

Count Cherry uncertainly tears the note in half.


Everything is now allowed!

Chipollino and Count Cherry rip off the notes hanging in the garden and tear them to shreds.

Cipollino (singing)

invent prohibitions
Anyone who is not lazy can.
But I'll tell you a secret
All prohibitions are rubbish.

If they interfere with fun,
If they interfere with making friends,
If they interfere with being happy,
It is better to forget about these bans.

Count Cherry (enthusiastically)

You are an incredible boy!
You are the hero of my dreams!


We are friends! And that means
We must go to you!

Count Cherry

But we don't even know each other.
I am Count Cherry.


And I -

Chipollino and Count Cherry shake hands.

Count Cherry

That, which
Tomatoes in three streams
Did you make me cry?


Yes, he is the best!

Count Cherry

I'm so happy!
Only you bypass all the rules
Mog climbed into my garden!
You are the bravest in the world!
I'm happy that we are friends!

Count Cherry hugs Cipollino.


I'm actually here on business.
I need your help.
Can you have a Pomodoro Key?
Can I get it from the dungeon?

Count Cherry (frightened)

Do you want me to become a thief
Those criminals fit
What languish in the dungeon?
I can't, sorry!


Only here, in fact,
They are not criminals!
There my father Cipollone -
Good honest man.
There Kum Pumpkin, which is from home
Kicked out for nothing and all
Other people, too
Not guilty of anything.

Count Cherry

Oh! It can't be!
If so, we will save them!
You just have to hurry
Tomorrow morning I heard
The prince threatens to execute them all,
And today there will be a ball.


Here on it is a Tomato
We will cheat with you.
Let him burst in shame!
We'll play a trick on him!
I am a cheerful Cipollino -
Young green onion.
To all enemies my tongue is long
Gives a lot of pain.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

I walk around the world
But it's not just that
I call for an answer
Evil nasty bullies.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

Count Cherry claps his hands. Senor Tomato comes running.

Senor Tomato (indignantly)

What else is this?

Senor Tomato blows the whistle.

Senor Tomato (shouting)

The rebels are here! Enemies!
I'll arrange for you now!

Count Cherry (shouting)

Cipollino, friend, run!

Senor Tomato chases Cipollino to the music. Count Cherry faints. For some time, Senor Tomato blows a whistle, then grabs a broom and chases Cipollino through the park. Then Cipollino squeezes through the bars and runs away. Senor Tomato grabs the bars and shakes them in impotent rage. Countess Cherries come running to the noise.

Countess Cherry the Elder

What's that noise?

Countess Cherry the Younger

What happened here?

Countess Cherry the Elder (pointing to Count Cherry)

Why is he here?

Senior Tomato (bowing to Countess Cherries)

Your Highness! Your Grace!
A bandit climbed into the garden!

Countess Cherries (in chorus)

Countess Cherry faints in the arms of Señor Tomato.

Senior Tomato (holding both countesses with difficulty)

Yes, what is it!
All to me! Hurry over here!

The servants come running.

Senior Tomato

Take them to rest!

Servants carry off Countess Cherry and Count Cherry. Strawberry is walking past with a bundle.

Senior Tomato (strawberry strictly)

Strawberry! Where are you going?

strawberry (showing knot)

I wanted to take it to jail.

Senior Tomato (angrily)

Look, I found a place to go!
What are you doing idle?
Lively sweep everything here!

Senor Tomato hands Strawberry a broom.

Senior Tomato

Soon Prince Lemon will arrive,
And everywhere is a complete mess!

Senor Tomato leaves. Strawberry sweeps up scattered pieces of paper. Servants decorate the garden for a ball.

Strawberry (with a sigh)

Why in the world
Is it always supposed to be like this?
Why are there always villains
And rich and famous
And the good ones have
Only patched pants?

Good people, honest people
It's time to be in charge.
If I were a princess
That would be kind to everyone:

Feed the hungry
Built houses for everyone
If everyone in the country were free,
How free I am.

I would be the kindest
I would love people.
I would turn my castle
To a wonderful school for children.

Senor Tomato arrives.

Senior Tomato (strawberry strictly)

What are these conversations?
You still booty here to me!
(stomping feet)
All loafers and thieves!
Everyone should be in jail!

Bells ring out. Two soldier-lemons come with a marching step.

Senior Tomato (to lemon soldiers)

Where is the criminal Cipollino?
Did you catch him?

Lemon Soldiers (in chorus)

Senior Tomato (threatening the lemon soldiers with his fist)

Wu! Brainless cretins!
Lost track again?

First Lemon Soldier

Search for more like this
Indefatigable little boy!

Senior Tomato

Let Carrot come here.
He'll catch the bastard!

The detective Mr. Carrot comes running with a barking dog on a leash (a toy dog ​​on a wire leash).

Mr Carrot

The best detective in the whole world
Arrived and waiting for orders!

Senior Tomato

We urgently need to deactivate...

Mr. Carrot wrings Senor Tomato's hands and lays him down on the ground.

Senior Tomato

Not me! Here's an idiot!

Mr. Carrot releases Senor Tomato.

Mr Carrot

But who?

Senior Tomato (with hatred)

He is the leader of the rebels!
With your own long tongue
Inciting the poor!
Just be careful.
He is dangerous! He is cunning!

Mr Carrot

It's not hard for me to catch him.
It will be done, sir!
In detective science
I have been very successful.
I think deductively
I solved hundreds of cases.

I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking
I'll find it, I won't miss it!

I am an extra-class detective.
Middle of the night and middle of the day
Dangerous criminals
Don't hide from me!

I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking
I'll find it, I won't miss it!

I work tirelessly
I will not deceive hope -
I'll get it from under the ground
And shake off the cloud.

I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking
I'll find it, I won't miss it!

Give me a task
And know ahead
I'm a pro, that means
The criminal will not leave!

I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking
I'll find it, I won't miss it!

Mr. Carrot runs after his barking dog.

Senior Tomato (smugly rubbing hands)

Now everything is in order.

Senor Tomato slaps the Lemon Soldier.

Senior Tomato (yelling at Lemon Soldier)

Away gone! Why did you stand here
Like a scarecrow in the garden!

Lemon Soldiers leave.

Senior Tomato (solemnly)

And now the ball will begin!

Senor Tomato claps his hands. Multi-colored light bulbs are lit in the garden, music is playing. Countess Cherry and Count Cherry come out into the garden.

Butler (announces)

Grace Countess Cherry!

Senior Tomato (kissing the hands of Countess Cherries)

You are beautiful!

Countess Cherry the Younger (fanning fan)

You always,
Old flatterer, you tell us so.

Countess Cherry Senior (coquettishly)

Lying without a shred of shame!

Senior Tomato (obsequiously bowing to Countess Cherries)

You are more beautiful in the sky of the sun,
All the most beautiful señorina!

Countess Cherry the Elder

Your flattery will be credited to you!

Butler (announces)

The Duke of Mandarin has arrived!

Duke Mandarin enters the garden.

Countess Cherry the Elder

How was your trip?

Duke Mandarin (capriciously)

I'm exhausted! I'm tired!
Oh, in vain I, unfortunate,
I decided to visit your ball!

Duke Mandarin takes an offended pose and waits for a reaction.

Countess Cherry the Younger

Do not be sad, dear friend,
Maybe comfort you
Is this ring precious?
It's such a big diamond!

Countess Cherry the Younger takes off her ring and presents it to Duke Mandarin. Duke Mandarin puts on the ring and admires it on his hand.

Duke Mandarin (capriciously)

But I still suffer!
I've come a long way!

Countess Cherry the Younger (contritely)

What to do?

Duke Mandarin

Donate something!
Don't stop being stingy!

Duke Mandarin holds out his hand. Countess Cherry the Younger gives him some more rings and a brooch.

Countess Cherry the Elder (through her teeth)

Countess Cherry the Younger (sarcastically)

Yes, your husband
A hundred times the worst relatives!
He eats a lot, and besides
Drinks three barrels in half a day!

Countess Cherry the Elder

Butler (announces)

Baron Orange
The carriage has arrived!

Loudly sniffing, comes the fat Baron Orange.

Baron Orange (breathing heavily)

I'm glad to see you cousins!
Well, where is our supper?
So hungry on the road
I'm on my feet.

Countess Cherry the Elder (rings the bell)

Bring the legs of lamb
And a bucket of champagne!

Servants bring a large tray of food. Baron Orange pounces on the treat. Countess Cherry Senior puts food on his plate.

Senior Tomato (to Countess Cherry the Younger)

I heard he went broke.

Countess Cherry the Younger

It can not be! How so?

Senior Tomato

Vryzg ate and drank.
Ate all the cats and dogs
All trees eaten with roots!

Countess Cherry the Younger

It's just chaos!
I'm afraid of what will happen to us.
If only he didn't eat us all.

Guests enter the garden, announced by the Butler.

Butler (announces)

Prince Granat has arrived with his wife!
Count Banana! Viscount Grapefruit!
And Sultan Ingir is a guest from the south,
A very important fruit!

Countess Cherry the Elder

We heartily welcome all of you!

Countess Cherry the Younger

Come on, gentlemen!
Here's a chocolate fountain
And any food tastes good!

Servants with trays begin to offer food and drinks to guests. Beggars appear outside the castle fence. They put their hands through the bars.

Beggars (mournfully)

Lord, give to the poor!
We haven't eaten in days!
Share food with us!
With kindness, bread tastes better.

You walk in silk, we are barefoot and naked.
You live in castles, and we live under the bridge.
You have every day a magnificent holiday cheerful,
We have an empty stomach every day.

You save money, you save things
Cook more than you can eat.
And we are all poorer, every day we eat less.
But if you have a heart in your chest,

You help us! You show us
At least a little of your kindness.
At least give us a callous crust,
Pour at least a mug of plain water.

Serve the hungry! Give to the unfortunate!
Give to the crippled, the blind and the lame!
We live a terrible homeless life,
Not at all the way you all live.

Countess Cherry the Elder (beggar)

Get out of here!

Countess Cherry the Younger (indignantly)

What a brazen, impertinent rabble!

Senior Tomato

Well now they'll forget
How to climb into someone else's garden!

Senor Tomato blows the whistle. Lemon soldiers with clubs come running and start beating the beggars. At this time, Cipollino and Radish quietly sneak into the garden. Count Cherry and Strawberry immediately run up to them.

Count Cherry (happily)

You come! I was so afraid
Almost got sick!


All right, the plan worked!
Let's do things now!

Chipollino, Redika and Strawberry are hiding behind the castle. Music is playing, guests are dancing. Only Baron Orange continues to eat greedily, and Senior Tomato stands aside along with the servants. Radish comes out from behind the castle in a magnificent ball gown and approaches Senior Tomato.

Radish (jemianno)

I see you are bored too
Like me, because this ball
The rest of the balls are no better -
Dancing, and then a scandal!
But I look at you and my heart
Beats a bird in a cage. Ouch!
You must be a noble duke?
Dance with me!

Radish and Senior Tomato are dancing. The radish draws him to the fountain away from the rest of the guests.

Radish (flattering)

What a become! What manners!
What an imperious proud look!
The rest of all gentlemen
You are a hundred times more beautiful!

Snior Tomato (embarrassed)

Radish (putting a finger to Senor Pomodoro's lips as a sign of silence)

Not! Do not speak!
Words are out of place here.
Well, spin around! Circle!

Radish and Senor Tomato are whirling around a lot. Senor Tomato becomes ill.

Snior Tomato (frightened)

Oh! Head spinning!
Everything is floating! Double vision!

Strawberry runs up with a glass.


Drink some water, sir!

Senor Tomato drinks sleeping pills from a glass, falls and falls asleep. Count Cherry and Cipollino grab him under the armpits and drag him away from the dancers.


May you sleep soundly
Hateful Tomato!

It was a cool idea
Hold a tomato!

Strawberry picks Senor Tomato's pockets.

Strawberry (joyfully)

Here is the key!

Strawberry takes out the key to the dungeon from Senor Tomato's pocket.


Let's run faster!
We must save the prisoners!

Cipollino tries to run to the dungeon.

Count Cherry

Stop! Security at the door!

Cipollino (slaps himself on the forehead)

I didn't study. Here you goon!
But it's too early to despair!
I came up with a new plan!

Cipollino, Count Cherry, Radish and Strawberry are whispering. Cipollino and Strawberry run away.

Count Cherry (Radish)

You, Radish, this dress
Must be worn every day.
I'm not a fan of dancing
But let me invite
You to the dance, signorina!

Count Cherry bows gallantly and makes an inviting gesture.

Count Cherry

Come on, I'm not kidding!

Radish (taking his hand away from Count Cherry)

No, I love Cipollino!
I just want to dance with him!

The radish is gone. Mr. Carrot comes running and the dog sniffs everything around.

Mr Carrot

This is strange... Very strange!

Mr. Carrot unceremoniously pushes the dancing guests aside.

Mr. Carrot (away)

Don't interfere, gentlemen!

Countess Cherry the Younger (indignantly)

Who else is this? Security!

Lemon soldiers come running.

Countess Cherry the Elder (indignantly)

Who let him in here?

Mr Carrot

Quiet! I follow the trail
One rebel!

Mr Carrot

And he's hiding somewhere here
But I don't know where yet.

Countess Cherry the Younger

So look for it! Search!

Mr. Carrot looks suspiciously at the guests.

Mr Carrot

I'm sure it's him!

Mr. Carrot rips the wig off Countess Garnet, who squeals and slaps him.

Mr Carrot

Recognized! Sorry!

Butler (announces)

Prince Lemon has arrived at the castle.

The sound of trumpets, drumming and the ringing of bells is heard. Several Lemon Soldiers carry the Lemon Prince out on a stretcher.

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who is the most yellow in the world?
Who is the most sung in the world?
Who is more beautiful and rounder
Princes of all and kings?

Everyone (sing in unison)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who owns all the land?
Who owns everything around?
Who dare not sit down
None of the dirty flies?

Everyone (sing in unison)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

The stretcher is lowered. Prince Lemon leaves them. Everyone present bows low to him.

Countess Cherry the Elder

Prince Lemon! What a joy!

Countess Cherry the Younger

Your visit is a great honor!

The servant with a bow offers the Prince of Lemon drinks. He tries and spits out.

Prince Lemon

Lemonade! That's disgusting!
Is there anything sweeter?

Countess Cherry the Elder

We are in honor of your arrival
Baked a huge cake!

Countess Cherry Senior rings the bell.

Countess Cherry the Younger (singing)

Bring it in quickly!

To the music and applause of the guests, the servants roll a huge multi-tiered cake. Cipollino jumps out of the cake.


What didn't you expect? And here I am!
(sings and dances)
I am a cheerful Cipollino -
Young green onion.
To all enemies my tongue is long
Gives a lot of pain.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

I walk around the world
But it's not just that
I call for an answer
Evil nasty bullies.

Chipo-chipo-chipollino -
He speaks the truth to his face.
Hates scoundrels!

Prince Lemon (angry)

What are you standing for? Arrest!

Commander Limonchikov blows his whistle. More lemon soldiers come running. The soldiers are chasing Cipollino, and he is teasing and running away to the music. The guests flee in horror. At the most inopportune moment of the chase, Senor Tomato wakes up and grabs Chipollino by the leg. Cipollino falls. Everyone is trying to grab it. It turns out to be a dump.

Senior Tomato (triumphantly)

BUT! Got it, finally!

Prince Lemon

Put him in shackles,
So that the impudent one does not escape!

Lemon soldiers shackle Cipollino.

Prince Lemon (bloodthirsty)

Tomorrow is a strong rope
Teach him a lesson!
Thought you were the smartest?
(To Senor Tomato)
Put him in jail!

Senor Tomato rummages through his pockets looking for the key.

Senior Tomato (frightened)

The keys to the prison are gone!

Commander Limonchikov (To Senor Tomato)

Where were you looking?

Commander Lemonchikov and several soldiers run away and return, dragging the coughing old Cipollone.

Commander Limonchikov (reporting)

All the criminals have fled.
Only this one didn't.

Prince Lemon (to Commander Limonchikov)

Lock it in a cage with an iron one!
Not a single one escaped!

Lemon soldiers roll a cart with a cage, lock Cipollino and Cipollone in it and take it away under heavy escort. Soldiers line up. Senor Tomato falls on his knees before Prince Lemon, who kicks him in anger.

Prince Lemon (To Senor Tomato)

What a useless fool!
(To Countess Cherries)
What a stupid ball!

Prince Lemon leaves with all the guests. The entire park has been destroyed. Only Countess Cherry and Count Cherry remained.

Countess Cherry the Younger (in a panic)

What are we to do, sister?

Countess Cherry the Elder (resolutely)

Pack your suitcases!
We are going abroad soon!
Paradise on the Riviera!

Countess Cherry the Younger (ringing the bell)


Countess Cherry the Elder (Zemlyanichka)

Hurry up
Bring us our luggage!
And led to file in the alley
Our road crew!

Strawberry runs away and returns with two huge suitcases. The carriage arrives. Countess Cherry the Younger grabs Count Cherry by the hand and drags him to the carriage. Strawberry is loading suitcases.

Countess Cherry the Younger (to Count Cherry)

You, nephew, are coming with us,
Maybe even forever!

Count Cherry resists.

Countess Cherry the Younger

No, aunties! I'm with you
I won't go anywhere!
Let go!

Countess Cherry the Younger

Yes, you are delirious!

Count Cherry

My friends live here!

Countess Cherry the Elder (categorically)

No friends! You will go!
That's what your family says!

Countess Cherries push Count Cherry into the carriage and sit down themselves.

Countess Cherry the Elder

Let's go! Let's go!

The carriage is leaving. Count Cherry remains.

Strawberry (to Count Cherry)

I'm so glad,
That you stayed with me!

Strawberry hugs Count Cherry.

Count Cherry

And I'm glad! But you need a friend
Help us out of trouble.

Count Cherry and Strawberry, holding hands, run away. It's getting dark. Lemon soldiers take out a cart with a cage with Cipollino and Cipollone behind the shafts. A whole platoon of soldiers guards them. During the song, the garden and castle decorations are removed from the stage. The soldiers set up the gallows and the platform on which the throne for the Prince of Lemon is set, and roll the cannon.

Cipollino (singing)

Today or tomorrow
Executioners will execute us
But the truth is impossible
Lock up in a dungeon.

Let the bars be strong
And the locks are locked
But the thoughts of man
Free and easy.

You can take it from a bird
flight altitude,
But the heart can't
forget your dream

About a world where there will be no
No prisons, no fetters
Where all people are happy
Where there are no poor

Where everyone is friends with everyone
And help everyone
About a world where you don't need
Sad at all.

Chipolone coughs.


You, my boy, are the bravest of all.
I'm proud of you now!


The only thing I regret
That you, father, did not save.

Cipollino embraces Cipollone. Commander Lemonchikov comes up to the cage and knocks on the bars.

Commander Limonchikov (angrily)

Hey there! Well, be quiet!
Stop talking!
I hear at least one word
I order you to beat me with sticks!

It's dawning. The Herald enters the square and trumpets. There is a crowd of people around.

Herald (announces)

Listen, people of the capital!
Hurry! Coming soon here
The execution of the villains will take place!

Cipollino (defiantly)

Yes, you are the villain!
Serve a greedy tyrant
Not to his people!
Shame on you! A shame!

Commander Limonchikov (orders the lemon soldiers)

Shut up his mouth!

Cipollino resists.

Cipollino (shouts to the lemon soldiers)

Lemon soldiers shut Cipollino's mouth. The herald trumpets.

Herald (announces)

Prince Lemon has arrived with his entourage!
Say hello to him!

The sound of trumpets, drumming and the ringing of bells is heard. Several Lemon Soldiers carry the Lemon Prince out on a stretcher. Behind the stretcher are the guests from the ball and Señor Tomato. The people of the city stand in silence.

Prince Lemon (singing)

Who is the most yellow in the world?
Who is the most sung in the world?
Who is more beautiful and rounder
Princes of all and kings?

Guests from the ball, Senor Tomato and lemon soldiers (sing)

It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!
It is he! It is he!
Our ruler Prince Lemon!

Prince Lemon steps off the stretcher and sits down in a chair on the dais. The suite is located around.

Prince Lemon

I'm sad! I am sad!
My shameless people
You passed the taxes to the treasury
Less than last year!
We need it before it's too late
Something to do with this!
How I introduced the air tax
You began to breathe less.
So I introduced a new tax:
A hundred lire for direct rain,
Two hundred lire for thunderstorm rain,
Three hundred lire for snow in winter.

The people begin to murmur.

Prince Lemon (shouting)

Everyone be silent! Is the command clear to you?
I have already signed it.

Prince Lemon is waving a scroll.

Prince Lemon

Who doesn't agree with this
Will be executed immediately.

The crowd falls silent and backs away.

Prince Lemon

I am the master of everything!
Let it be a lesson to you
Execution of these two scoundrels!

Prince Lemon points to Cipollino and Cipollone. Drum roll is heard. Lemon soldiers pull Cipollino and Cipollone out of the cage and lead them to the gallows. Radish comes out of the crowd.

Radish (Prince Lemon)

Get into the loop yourself!

Strawberry, Count Cherry, Master Grape, Pumpkin, Leek, Professor Pear and a whole crowd of former prisoners come running. They take Cipollino and Cipollone from the soldiers.

Master Grape

We will not allow them to be executed!

The crowd cheers in approval.

Prince Lemon (angry)

Did you think of raising a riot?
Have you forgotten who I am?
(to Commander Limonchikov)
Shoot everyone with a cannon!

The Lemon Soldiers point their cannon at the rioters. Cipollino is untied and the gag is removed from his mouth.

Cipollino (to lemon soldiers)

What are you doing, soldiers?
Aren't you ashamed
Fiends to serve the damned,
Shoot at us for them?
You are also from the people!
You are robbed and oppressed
To please your wallets
Your disrespectful work!

There is a thunderclap. It's starting to rain. Cipollino looks to the sky.

Cipollino (mockingly)

A cloud for millions
Torrential rain with thunder!

Commander Limonchikov

I don't want to serve Lemon!

Commander Limonchikov takes off his cap with a bell and throws it on the ground. Lemon soldiers do the same.

lemon soldiers

Down with the oppressors!

It starts to rain. Thunder rumbles, lightning flashes. Lemon soldiers and a crowd shouting "Hurrah!" pounce on the Lemon Prince and his retinue and drive them away. The rain stops. The sun is shining bright again.

Victorious People (singing)

We chased away all the villains
We drove out all the gentlemen.
And no one dares now
Offend ordinary people.

We are no longer afraid of them.
We know for sure, here
Counts, dukes and princes
Will never return.

These evil gentlemen
Will never return
Won't come back, won't come back
Won't come back, won't come back
Won't come back, won't come back
Will never return!

Clouds scattered in the sky.
Thunder rumbled in the sky.
Life has become much better
And filled with goodness.

Everywhere joy and fun
Everyone started dancing together,
And faster than the carousel
The world has turned for us.

We are all happy now
Everyone started dancing together,
And faster than the carousel
And faster than the carousel
And faster than the carousel
The world has turned for us.

The sun shines on us smiles
Today from every face
'Cause now the kids are playing
In magnificent castles and palaces.

Let it ring like a bell
Carefree children's laughter
Louder, louder, louder, louder
Louder than all bird songs.

Let it sound from the windows of all
Carefree childish laughter.

Voiced, voiced, voiced, voiced,
Voiced, voiced, voiced, voiced,
Carefree childish laughter.

Cipollino, Radish, Strawberry and Count Cherry come forward.


What are we going to do now?


How to do what? Will live!

Help good people!

Count Cherry

And, of course, make friends!

Friends join hands.


Just don't forget
Evil wants to regain power,
And don't be offended
Our glorious country!

Cipollino (shaking his fist)

Let them try, we are alive
Greed with them will bring down and arrogance!
I swear as long as we live
Their feet won't be here!

Vegetables and fruits (sing)

Italy! Italy!
Wonderful amazing land!
For vegetables in Italy
And fruits are heaven!

Here the red sun shines
Here the warm rain is pouring
Here everyone is kind and happy
Everything around here sings.

Italy! Italy!
Forests, gardens, fields!
Italy! Italy!
Magic land!

Flowers bloom here
On every bed there is a treasure,
And pour juice
Watermelon and grapes.

In Italy! in Italy
Miracles are everywhere!
Italy! Italy!
You are the beauty of the whole earth!

* - poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Choreographic pictures based on Karen Khachaturian's ballet "Cipollino".



  • Signor Tomato
  • Countess Cherries


  • Cipollino and his friends chipollata
  • Count Cherry
  • Pumpkin
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Lemon and his lemon guards

Painting 1

The boy Cherry sits in the center of the hall at the piano. He is learning scales. He's bored. He is sad. I want to run and have fun with my friends. But the strict Countess Cherries make sure that the boy studies and unquestioningly obeys the etiquette of the title of count.

(Aria of Countess Cherry and Count Cherry.)

1st Countess.

Here is the note to, here is the note si,

Look carefully here

Be exemplary and obedient!

2nd Countess.

Here is the note D, here is the note G,

You are not peas or beans.

You are a count - and don't forget that!

Count Cherry.

Etudes, scales - I teach everything!

And I want to go outside!

This is how it goes day after day.


Here is the note la

You can't go outside.

Count Cherry.

My friends play there!

(Dance of Countesses and Count Cherries.)


That's how it is day by day

And the weeks go by.

Balls and tricks

I'm so fed up.

Oh, break free

For the garden, for the vegetable gardens,

Where are the children's will,

Where are the games, round dances ...

Picture 2

In the hall, dancing, enter the inhabitants of the town (vegetables and fruits). They surround Cherry and introduce him to a common round dance. Countess Cherries break out of the circle, run out of the hall in indignation.

Scene 3

Pumpkin appears. He pushes his house into the center of the hall. It is cardboard and very old. Pumpkin tries to fold it, but it doesn't work. The house is falling apart. The pumpkin is sad.

Aria Pumpkins.

I only dream of one thing

Build your own house

For me to have a place to rest

After all, tomorrow again on a long journey.

I work hard - day after day,

But my wallet is empty

I only dream of one thing

Build your own house.

(He speaks). Oh, if I were like a gnome,

I would build not a house, but a house,

For now, for now,

Like an old pumpkin

Right hand in the kitchen

Left hand in the bedroom.

If the feet are on the threshold,

Nose in the attic window!

Scene 4

Signor Tomato enters the hall into the square. He notices a house with a Pumpkin. Terribly angry. (Aria sounds). Orders Lemon and his guards to arrest Pumpkin and destroy the house. (Chorus of guards.) The pumpkin is taken away. It remains Signor Tomato.

Aria Signora Tomato.

I am Signor Tomato,

I am fulfilling the contract.

And I have been serving with Cherries for a long time!

I grow every day

I pick up the beauty

That is why he is smart and magnificent.

I'm not a turnip, not a carrot,

I've got blood under my skin

I have noble blood under my skin.

I am a sleek Tomato,

Don't argue with me

Trifle wow!

(Sings) He won't stand here

It's time to remove all this, and immediately!

I am Signor Tomato,

I fulfill the contract

What the hostess ordered -


Signor Tomato,

Well, who is he a hindrance to?

My house -

The last joy in life!

Signor Tomato.

He won't stand here

It's time to remove all of this!

Vegetables(from behind the scenes).

Hush, hush, hush

What happened here?

These are the lemon guards coming.

Hush, hush, hush

If they suddenly hear

We can't get along

We can just a-res-that-wat!

Lemon guards.

We are Lemon guards

We are always dissatisfied

We always walk in formation

Yes, drumming.

We overtake anyone

We kick anyone out!

We overtake anyone

We're going to the dungeon!

At this time, Cipollino and his friends were spying on everything that was happening on the square.

Scene 5

Cipollino runs into the hall and deliberately steps on Signor Tomato's leg. He is angry, trying to catch Cipollino, but he deftly slips out of the hands of Signor Tomato.

Friends chuckle at Pomodoro, he is forced to leave (dance).

Scene 6

Cipollino persuades his friends to help rescue the Pumpkin and build him new house.


Hurry, hurry friends!

We can't slow down.

Gotta help Pumpkin

Gotta save a friend!

Scene 7

A house is being built (dance). When the house is ready, the friends bring Pumpkin and show him his new home. Pumpkin thanks his friends.

Scene 8

An angry Signor Tomato, Lemon and his guards run into the hall. They want to destroy Pumpkin's house. But the inhabitants of the city, together with Chipollino, stand up for defense.


And then all together they drive Signor Tomato, Lemon and his guards out of the city.

How great, how great

When we are all together!

How joyful, how joyful

This song is being sung.

We defeated the lemon

And we hoisted the banner!

And the days when Lemon reigned

Will pass like a bad dream!

How great, how great

When we are always together!

How joyful, how joyful

This song is being sung!

Let in the park where Lemon reigned,

The children are playing now.

Now one law for all:

Happy to be in the world!

The script of the musical uses poems by Gianni Rodari translated by Samuil Marshak.

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