What can be made from battle residues. Related bread, reptile bread

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The bread on Rus was always treated with reverence and reverence, and no one would need to throw off the dried loaf. "Bread is the whole head," our ancestors said, eating all the bread to the last crumb, and only the wealthy citizens could be touched by fresh, and the poor could be content with yesterday's buns. Interestingly, in ancient Greece, the bread was specially dried, because dishes from stale bread were used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, and modern nutritionists recommend to eat only that baking, which was prepared at least eight hours ago. Sad, almost 30 kilograms of bakery products thrown on average for its lives, since we are not taught, what to do with stale bread.

How to revive a worn bread?

The dried bread did not necessarily deteriorate - just the moisture came out of it, as it happens with bread prepared in the toaster. There are effective ways to return freshness and softness to the stalewind:

  • Hold the bread chopped into pieces in a double boiler or on a water bath for 5-15 minutes.
  • Wrap the bread in a wet towel and put the oven in heated to 150 degrees.
  • Storm baking in the microwave in the cellophane package for 10-30 seconds.
  • Mix the pieces of bread with water or milk, put on a warm dry frying pan and close the lid.

What to cook from a worm bread?

A stale bread does not lose any vitamins or a nutritional value, so it can be prepared from it a variety of dishes - soups, side dishes, desserts and drinks, many of which will surprise you ease of preparation and original taste.

  • The easiest way to how to use a stale bread is to make crackers - ordinary, salted and garlic, which are customary to add to soups and salads.
  • From the dried and ground bread, breadcrumbs can be prepared, enriching their sea salt and spicy herbs. If you add crumbs into meat and fish cutlets, you can get new shades of taste and save on mince.
  • Delicious croutons for breakfast are cut from cut to the slices of a stalking base, which are preparing in five minutes: the bread needs to be dipped into a mixture of eggs whipped with eggs and fry on cream oil.
  • From the dried bread crusts make amazing, the recipes of which are presented in abundance on the Internet.

Gourmet bread from bread

  • Fritters made of belly bread with apples - a simple and original dessert that can be prepared between the case. For this cube, the white bread is swollen in milk, mixed with eggs, flour and grated apples, and then pancakes are baked from the dough and served with sour cream.
  • Preparing the same as the usual version of the charlotte, but with the addition of scrambled in milk slices of bread. On this principle, any cakes and casserokes with bread are being prepared in which fruits, berries, carrots, pumpkins and other vegetables can be added.
  • Bread soup is distinguished by a bright unforgettable taste, and many gourmets do not wait for bread, and they dry him yourself to enjoy a delicacy. Bread crops are poured with boiling water, half an hour are insisted, wipe through sieve and boil with sugar, dried, raisins, prunes with cinnamon adding, and a cold cream soup is supplied.
  • Bread pizza is distinguished by a pleasant taste if the bread is pre-mixed with water or milk, and then use as base.
  • Among the dishes from black worm bread is the most popular meat bread, which is a beef mince, mixed with rye crumbs, eggs, onions, thyme and tomato paste.

If you do not attract the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking dishes from a stale bread, you can periodically feed his birds or put pieces of bread in the refrigerator to vegetables and fruits to keep their freshness. Many hostesses mix bread crumbs with the ground when planting plants to feed and retain moisture, and someone makes out of the broken bowlish hair mask. You can come up with your recipe for the use of stale bread, so as not to throw out this valuable product and do not replenish the sad statistics, because, according to our great-grandfathers, "Kalach comes, and the bread never" ...

It's believed that first bread It appeared when Kashitz from grains or flour and water accidentally hit the fire. So it was or not, but the bread still takes an honorable place in many cultures.

Throw away bread around the world is considered a bad admission, and no reason, because it is very nourishing product. Even if it is not quite fresh, but not spoiled, there are several ways to use it in food.

Fast pizza

Cut the bread with squares, spread tightly on the tray. Lubricate tomato paste or ketchup with mayonnaise, lay out your favorite stuffing and sprinkle with cheese. In just 15 minutes you can enjoy a hot fragrant pizza!

Scrambled eggs

Cut the mealky by strokes. Fry on the preheated butter. You can add tomatoes, onions and other vegetables, greens, sausages or spice sausage. Fill eggs. Such breakfast will give you a charge of energy, moreover, it is very tasty.

Garlic croutons

Cut thinly black bread, warm the creamy oil, cut or fry with spices, salt and missed through the press garlic. Easy to cook, well goes with beer, you can offer children as an alternative to shopping chips!

Cold bread soup

A stale black bread cut into pieces. Boost water, salt, cool. Fill bread. Finely cut the green onions and dill, make a spoonful of vegetable oil, pour a pinch of citric acid. Mix everything. Here is such a lazy soup turned out!

From bread you can cook and drink


Cut the slices of stalking black bread, dried at room temperature. Put in the dishes, which is not oxidized, and fill 5 liters of boiling water. Cool up to 35 degrees, enter the yeast. Close tight and put in a warm place. Two days later, strain through the gauze. Add 1 stack. Sugar and 0.5 stack. Izyum, insist for another 12 hours. Boil into the bottles, closely block and store in a cold place. Very saves in the heat!

And from white bread, desserts are obtained

Milk turbine

Cut your crusts. Cut cubes. Spread on the counterness and send to a heated to maximum oven for 5-7 minutes. Fill with milk (ideally pair, but can be cold or hot), add jam or honey to taste.

Carrot casserole

Soak into the milk chopped stale bread. Squeeze. Sattail carrots, sprinkle with sugar. Take the egg. Mix all up to homogeneity and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Instead of carrots, you can take an apple or dried fruits.


Machine for an hour a stale bread in milk. Peretrate egg yolks with sugar. Take the raspberry. Mix all the ingredients. Wake up proteins and gently enter. Lubricate the oil shape for baking, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and distribute the resulting mass. Cook on a water bath 40-50 minutes. Prepared dessert put on the dish, sprinkle with sugar powder or sprinkle with fruit syrup, jam, chocolate.

Dessert with whipped cream

Sattail on the grater a stale white bread. Melt the butter and fry it. Beat cream with sugar powder in a magnificent mass. Spread bread in the vases, cover whipped cream and pour jam.

Enjoy new dishes and share with friends!

What to cook from the baton (10 recipes)

What to cook from the baton (10 recipes)

It often happens that fresh bread has already been purchased, and the old one was never eaten. Of course, you don't want to throw away the old bread, and in this case the recipes will be useful on the topic that you can cook from the bottom of the tasty and original to the whole family.

Crokeley from Baton


5 pieces. Apple
Sugar sand - 1 stack.
1 table. lies. Growing. Oil
Fresh egg - 1 pc.
2 table. lies. milk
Sugar powder for sprinkling
Honey - 2 table.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse apples, clean from seeds and cut into small cubes. Skip them together with sugar and honey to half-year. At the end, add 1 table to the apple fill. lies. Cream oil and mix well.

2. Baton Cut the slices with a thickness of 2 cm, then each piece can be cutting in pressure. Eggs scatter with milk and dip each slice of baton into this mixture.

3. Walls and donyshko deep shape for baking. Lubricate with oil. Then carefully lay out the bottom and the walls of the shape of the slices of the baton. After that, pour out cooked apples and close them from above the remaining halves of the slices of the baton. Pour the charlotte of that egg-milk mixture, which remained and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180c.

Charlotter from the bault with apples is best served to the table together with milk or sour cream, sprinkled with sugar powder.

Stuffed Baton

This dish is prepared very quickly and does not require special costs. And the most important plus stuffed baton is something that can be infinitely experimenting with fillings, each time getting a new dish. Starting can be done both satisfying, meat, and sweet, fruit-berry. In our recipe we will offer you an option of filling with minced meat, mushrooms and vegetables.


baton - 1 pc.
1 carrot
Bulb - 1 pc.
Solid cheese - 300 gr.
100 ml of cream or milk
Marinated mushrooms - 150 gr.
Sausage smoked - 300 gr.
Minced meat - 170 gr.
1 boiled egg
Spike, salt, pepper
Green Parsushki
Growing. butter

Cooking process:

1. Slices and onions Very finely babble, pickled mushrooms, carrots and sausage. Cut into small cubes. Pour oil into the pan and fry meat minced meat, then add sausage, mushrooms, spickens, onions, carrots and put everything together for a few more minutes.

2. Bread meakish Pick out from cream and add an egg, greens, pepper, salt and fried foods into it. Mix the mass well and fill it with a Baton.

3. Preheat the oven to 180s, on a lubricated oil bastard to put the babbled baton. Bake it in the oven for 25 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and leave for a few minutes in the furnace. Until the cheese is melted and does not turn into a ruddy crust.

Stuffed Baton is ready! To the table it can be served with the greens of salad and fresh cucumbers. You can also use your filling recipe.

Snack "Sausage in Baton"

A simple snack-sandwich and salad at the same time.

List of ingredients

baton - 1 pc
Carrot small - 1 pc
Potato - 1 pc
Onions - 1/3 pcs
Sausages - 3 pcs
Cottage cheese - 250 g
Green peas - 3 tbsp. Spoons
Mayonnaise - 70-100 g
Egg - 2 pcs
Salt, spices - to taste

Cooking method

Boil potatoes, carrots in "uniform", boil eggs. Cut from the baton one of the pumps.

First cut the ball of the baton with a knife and clean the fork. Cut from the hill cap too.

It is advisable to leave the crumb inside on 1 -1.5 cm.

Potatoes, carrots, sausages and eggs cut by pieces of 1 cm thick and extruded through the mesh, so that they were the same and neat. Onions finely cut. Broykish folded. One sausage leave the whole.

Mix the crumb and all the ingredients except sausage, and mix well, salt.

Plightly stuff the baton and the lid. In the center to sell the rolling hole and insert the sausage into it.

Attach a lid to the bar, wrap in foil and refrigerator for 2 hours.

Fish nests

List of ingredients

  • fish fillet - 500 g
  • baton or baguette - 1 pc
  • onions - 200 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • solid cheese - 150 g
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method

Fish finely cut. Grate the cheese on a shallow grater.

Onions finely cut. Mix fish and onions salt and pepper.

Baton cut into pieces with a thickness of 2 cm.

Slices of baton to impregnate with milk, squeeze a bit.

Shape lubricate with oil, lay out pieces. In each piece to make a deepening, just to take the ball with your hands.

Put fish with onions in the deepening. Lubricate mayonnaise. Put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Then sprinkle with cheese and put into the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Croutons with an egg in the microwave

Croutons with egg and mushrooms cooked in microwave


200 g Baton cut slices
1 egg whipping with 100ml milk, salt
I lower the slices in the egg-milk mixture, take them out of it, and put in the microwave to bake at full power, 2-3 minutes
Mushrooms are suitable any: fresh, dry or canned. Fresh torture immediately, dry - first soak, and then fry, canned - rinse and fry
Several fresh mushrooms (champignons, oil, white), washed and chopped, fridge on 1st. A spoonful of butter, we add a finely chopped small onion, and when she roasted a little, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of flour, season with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and all cars for a few minutes
We put the mushroom minister, sprinkled with grated solid cheese (it will be needed about 100g), and put in the microwave to full power, 5-6 minutes

The simplest "lazy" pizza

We will need:

500 g of ham (although any other sausage is suitable),
1 Little bulb (better, if it is the Yalta bow - he is piquant),
More cheese (gram 200), and solid.
2-3 pieces of large tomatoes.
Sauce with spices to taste. In the role of spices can be provencing herbs or hops-sunnels, for example. And how the sauce often use ketchup, in some cases interfering with mayonnaise.

White sauce is also a good alternative. In principle, this is all.

You can still add something else to taste or replace some ingredients by others.

What to do with Baton?
So there are several options here. Baton pizza may look different. Some people "remove" the ¼ top of the bread, and then cut out almost the whole thing. Others are cut by its large pieces. Honestly, the last option is more convenient. Because when then, after cooking the dish, it has to cut it into uniform pieces, the filling falls apart. That is why the pizza from the baton turns out a much more "comfortable" if the bread cut into pieces and already cut the born.

So, after the Baton is prepared, you can do the easiest part of the preparation. That is, filling. So that the pizza is delicious, it is necessary to take into account several nuances.
First - if you want to add mushrooms to the dish, then they must be prepared in advance. Fry in a skillet. The fact is that in the process of temperature processing (i.e., when heating or roasting), the mushrooms are distinguished by rich juice. It is necessary to drain the resulting liquid and put ready and sliced \u200b\u200binto the loaf. "Dry", so to speak. Because if the mushrooms begin to highlight juice in pizza, it will turn out to be wet and will not succumb. By the way, the same applies to meat. If instead of sausage you want to put pieces of beef, chicken or pork - they must be fasten, because they will remain raw in bread. It is also desirable to prepare and sauce. All ingredients mix and preferably add spices. You can even slaughter it so that the taste is revealed. And then, when all the filling will be laid in the Baton, and on top of spice will not be superfluous. This will add fragrance and piquancy.

Baton pizza in a pan, recipe-minute

There is another way to cook this dish. Pizza from the baton in a pan - this is what we are talking about. Also easy, quick and tasty.

We need:
5 pieces of baton,
2 eggs,
solid cheese
sausage (preferably smoked),
Ketchup - this will be enough.

The skillet will need to be lubricated with vegetable oil, and the bread should be put in such a way that it closes everything completely completely. Then - to fry pieces on each side. After - beat two eggs and pour them on top. Cut the sausage with slices and lay out on pieces. After - to pour everything with ketchup from above. And finally, graze cheese and sprinkle almost the finished dish. Then it is necessary to cover the frying pan with the lid and wait. It is necessary that the cheese is melted, and completely. Ideal if a smooth rosy "film" from cheese is formed on top. It turns out very tasty. Here it is necessary to ensure that the Baton is not burned below. In this regard, the oven is more convenient - there heat is distributed evenly. In general, the recipes mass. But each of them - in its original and tasty. So it is better to try each and decide what is better.

Draisani "from a stale baton

Easy, fast and tasty! And most importantly, the ingredients will be found at any hostess - the fact that it is just a pity to throw out -)

We need:

half of a worn baton
Milk or water
2 eggs
2 tbsp. flour spoons
100-150 g cheese (grate)
Sausage (cut)
Garlic, salt, spices - to taste,
Oil for frying.

Bread break into pieces, pour milk (water). As it grinds - slightly press and add all other ingredients. Mix and fry. Draisians are extremely tasty.

Bath meat pie

We need:
Baton - 1 pc
Farm - 300 -400 gr.
Bow 3-4 pcs.
Spices, garlic
Tomato - 1-2 pcs.
Cheese - 100 gr.

For Omelet:
3 eggs
100 ml. milk

Baton pieces cut into a cube. Forms to lubricate, lay out the pieces of the baton and put in the oven (until golden color).
Meat (minced) fry with onions. Add spices, little garlic.
Tomatoes cut, grate cheese.
Then the pieces of the baton are poured with omelet, laying on top of stuffing, tomatoes, a little mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese.
We bake in a preheated oven until readiness.

Recipe Baton with Stuffing

We need:
Baton - 1 pc
Solid cheese - 100 g.
Ham - 150 g
Egg - 1 pc
Tomato - 1 pc
Mayonnaise - 50 g.
Creamy oil - 50 g.
Red sweet pepper - 1 pc
Salt, pepper - to taste

Baton cut into two halves, remove the flesh. Boil egg to readiness and cut into small cubes. Sweet pepper straw, grate cheese on a grater, ham cut with plates. Greens smallly chop. We put all the ingredients on the base of the baton, in any sequence, salt and pepper to taste, lubricate mayonnaise, the last layer sprinkle with cheese. Before folding together, two halves put inside the pieces of butter. Halves close, sprinkle with cheese top.
Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 15 min.

Baton cupcakes with sausage

We need:
Ballery Baton or White Bread - 150 g
Ham or sausage - 100 g
Egg - 5 pcs.
Young zucchini, small, with palm.
Green (Parsley, Dill) Salt to taste.

Ballery Baton, Ham, Zucchini and Washing Greenery Put in the Bowl of the Combine and grind not very much. Well, when sausage comes across small pieces. The sausage can be cut.
Eggs, pinch a pinch of a good whisper to a homogeneous mass, mix with bread.
Molds for cakes to lubricate with oil, pour egg mix.
Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 °

Often buying bread more than required, few mistresses know how to use the remaining pieces. Few people know all the variety of dishes that can be prepared from them

Folk wisdom reads: "Bread in the house - Mr., in work - Friend, on the road - Comrade"

And if notice a piece in negligence -

In the dirt roadside, in the foot of dust,

The very first heart movement -

Raise and save this miracle of the earth.

And again about the bread

Has long been in the Urals and Siberia freshly baked bread frozen, And as needed, he was warmed by Karavai in the Russian oven. Bread again became soft, ruddy, with an appetizing crispy crust.
It turns out that the bread is faster than the whole taste at a temperature of +2 degrees. It is such a temperature on the top shelf of the refrigerator, where the bread keeps most of us.
For long storage of bread is best suitable for the temperature of -25 degrees. And as needed to put a frozen bread of minutes for ten in the oven, but in a tightly closed saucepan, and get fragrant hot bread. And if you do not want to mess around with heating, simply, without removing the plastic bag, put bread on the table, and after two hours it will be ready for use. You can freeze bread by cutting it into pieces. Then when untoing, you will take so many breads of bread as you need.

From a stalking bread, you can always press crackers, which can then be used with broth, soup, etc. Store such in pure linen bags, and You can always use them for breading, cooking jelly, casserole and kvass.


Of the freshest, the bread is easy to prepare various croutons: with spices, pepper, cheese, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, etc. In a word from those products that is at hand. These are such crinas can be served to transparent broth: wheat bread (sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes), moistened in a mixture of whipped milk and eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese and fry on a rawly shoe.

In many countries of the world, delicious nutritional products are known from bread, called the method of their preparation - casserole. In addition to bread, baked eggs include eggs, mushrooms, cheese, various meat and fish products, cereals, sweets, fruits, raisins, nuts, etc.

Charlotte Charlotte?

Particularly cooked fruit casseroles are called charlotters. The dish is brought to Russia in the 19th century. Initially, he was prepared from bread, crackers and apples, they later began to do with cherries, apricots, pears and even pineapples.
They believe that the charlotte was invented by the court culinary culinary in Paris in the 18th century and called it named his beloved Charlotte. Now this is a dish of loved not only in France, but also in many other countries.

Wheat scarlet with apples

On 200 g of wheat bread - 2 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 4 medium apples, half a cup of sugar sand, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tbsp. l. Bread superstars, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, lemon zest to taste

Classic Charlotte

60 g of softened butter or margarine
12 pieces of stale white bread
1/2 h. L. Ground cinnamon
675 ml of milk
70 g Sakhara
1/2 h. L. Vanilla Essence
1/4 h. L. Sololi.
4 eggs

Heat oven to 170 degrees. Lubricate a square square glass form. Tool slices of slices. Put 4 pieces of bread into one layer so that they are slightly overlapped one another. Sprinkle 1/4 hours. Spoons of cinnamon, repeat the same, making another 2 layers. In a small bowl, a wedge or fork mix the remaining ingredients. Pour this mixture of slices of bread and let stand for 10 minutes. Pake 55-60 minutes until the knife comes out of the quarrel dry. Welcome on the grid of 30 minutes. Serve on the table warm or put in the refrigerator to file later cold. Istonik

Charpeck of apples with black bread.

Apples (better acid varieties, for example Antonovskiy) - 3 pieces, sand sugar - 100 g, cinnamon, carnation and vanillin to taste, almond nuts (I took the hazelnut, because almond was not) -20 g, dry white wine - 20 g, black rubbed bread - 1 cup (I took 2 glasses, it seemed to me that a glass was small), vegetable oil - 20 g, zest 0.5 lemon, orange peels - 20 g. Continuation of see

Cake "Minute"

350 g of wheat suchers, 300 g of milk, 4 tbsp. l. The soluble (or ground) coffee (or cocoa), 2 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 50 g of walnut cores.

In boiled milk pour coffee, strain. Half of ground superstars pour 1 tbsp. Hot milk with coffee. Eggs to be confused with sugar, breed the remaining milk and peel on a small heat before thickening. Oil to beat, gradually adding an egg-milk mixture. Cream is divided in half, one piece mix with prepared breadcrumbs and lay out on the dish.
The remaining cream decorate the cake, sprinkle with shredded nuts and put in a fridge for frozen by 2-3 hours.

Rye bread

Option 1: 75 g of a stale rye bread, 5 0g jam from blackberry, 20 g of sugar, 60 g of cream, cinnamon, vanilla essence.
Sattail on a shallow grater dry rye bread, mix cinnamon with half sugar. Beat the cream with the gradual addition of sugar and vanilla essence before the formation of a stable lush mass. On a flat dish, lay out the bread, jam and whipped cream, the last layer of bread decorate whipped cream. Serve with milk.
Option 2:

Pie "Nochka"

300 g of a stale rye bread, 100 g of sugar, 80 g of butter, 2 eggs, 20 g cocoa, 200 g sour cream, vanilla.

Loose bread mix with gripped oil. Add yolks, sugar, cocoa, sour cream, vanilla. Mix and add whipped egg whites. Stay in a lubricated oil and rubbed the shape and bake. Read more

Breadless salad, but delicious

Products: 250 g of black bread of any variety, 1 bunch of green onions, 5 eggs, mayonnaise, 1-2 garlic slices at will, vegetable oil for frying

Instructions: Bread cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil from all sides to the state of the grenc. Stay in a bowl. Cool Welded boiled eggs chopped, green onions cut into rings. Mix bread cubes, eggs and onions. You can add grated garlic. All fill with mayonnaise. Immediately serve until softening crackers. Instead of bread, you can take 4-5 packs of crackers (3 crusts, etc.)

Tarts with fish, cheese and tomatoes.

Tartinki is a view of hot snacks on bread that serves hot. Usually, when cooking, fish, vegetable, meat, meat and other foods are fitted on a toasted bread and 5 ... 10 minutes warm in the oven.

Bread 50, butter butter 10, boiled fish or salted mackerel fillet50, or Fish roll 50, Tomatoes Fresh 35, Cheese 20.

Only forged only on one side, thin slices of bread are sliced \u200b\u200bwith boiled or better salted fish, the top decorate tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese.
Bake in the oven until the cheese is melted.

Tartinki "In Italian

You will need 4 servings: a stale wheat or rye bread - 300g, tomatoes - 250g, cheese - 100g, butter butter or margarine - 50g, olives - 70g, greens.

Preparation of this dish: Bread cut into slices thick in 1 cm and fry. Top to put tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 5-10 minutes on a small fire.

Decorate with slices of olives or olives and greens.

Serve as a hot snack.

Rotterdam slices

What do you need:
wheat bread - 4 slice
ham - 4 slice
gaduda Cheese or Kostroma - 4 Slice
creamy oil - 40 g
mustard ready - 1 h. spoon
tomatoes - 2 pcs.
parsley and dill chopped - 2 tbsp. Spoons
pepper red ground to taste

What to do:
1. Bread slices Fry on the oils of the oil, lubricate them with mustard, then remaining oil, put on every sliced \u200b\u200bof ham, cheese and tomato, pepper.
2. Bake 8-10 minutes at 200 ° C. As soon as the cheese starts to melt, sandwiches are ready.
3. When feeding, sprinkle sandwiches with greens.

Greens piquant with Suluguni cheese, eggs and parsley

200 g of boots, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wheat flour, 1/2 cup grated cheese Suluguni, salt and green parsley to taste.


Eggs mix with flour and milk, add grated Suluguni cheese, slightly small green parsley, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
Sliced \u200b\u200bbug sliced \u200b\u200bmoistened in a liquid dough and bake in a strongly preheated oven to golden color.
These croutons are well served on the garnish to the meat.

Mushroom snack on bread


wheat bread - 5 slices, mushrooms - 1 kg, butter - 3 tbsp. Spoons, white wine - 3 tbsp. Spoons

sour cream - 2 glasses, solid grated cheese - 1 cup, salt - 1 1/2 h. spoons, pepper black ground to taste, greens

Cooking method:

Mushrooms are finely cutting and roasting on the oil. Then pour the wine, add sour cream, cheese, spray, pepper and carry mushrooms until sauce thickening. Slices of bread fry, put the mushroom mass on them, make the greenery.

Snack from eggs and worm bread

Ingredients used in the recipe:
- Wheat bread (chunk, stale) - 2 pcs.
- Egg - 2 pcs.
- Milk - 1 cup
- Carrot - 1 pc.
- Onion onion - 1 pc.
- Salt.

Preparation Instructions:
A stale wheat bread chopped into small cubes, rubbing carrots on a large grater, screaming onions. Egg with milk, pour into the prepared mixture, salt and bring to a boil. You can feed snack to the table both hot and cold.

Omelet with bread, cheese and apples in English

It is necessary: \u200b\u200b200 g of the pokybush bread of wheat worm, 200 ml of milk, 6 eggs, 240 g of cheese, 600 g of apples.

Bishk bread Soak in milk, add whipped eggs, sliced \u200b\u200bapples and grated cheese. Lay out the mass so that the slices of apples were inside an omelet. Bake. This dish can be prepared without apples, adding 80 g of butter and salt.

"Bread soup in Russian"

300 g of stale rye bread, 50 g of butter or margarine, 1 steep egg, parsley greens, salt.

Dry bread crusts fry on oil along with finely chopped greens and finely chopped onions. Put the mixture into a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil and stirring, add a broken egg. After 2-3 minutes soup is ready.

Pea soup with crackers

* 1 cup (250 ml) dry pea dry
* 1 big bulbs
* 2 small carrots
* 1 piece (about 10 cm) of green stem-row
* 2 cube seasoning "Pipar's crumb"
* 1/2 h. L. Ground Dry Paparika
* 4 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil
* 6 black pepper peppers
* 4 pepper peas
* 1/2 h. L. Dry thyme
* At the tip of h. l. Ground black pepper
* black or white bread without a crust
* Fresh greens
* Sol

Recipes of bread soup

Wheat bread - 200 g, broth - 1 l, parsley green and parsnips - 10 g, garlic, salt to taste.

Sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pieces of bread to put in a pan, add the crushed green parsley, parsnapka, pour hot meat broth and cook until the bread is dilated. Soup refuel with a salt garlic. More recipes

How to cook fondue

For the first time, fondue appeared in the Swiss Alps.
Leaving the herds in the mountains, pastures, the shepherds took with them only bread, cheese and wine. Some one of them once guessed to warm up in a wineball wine, melt into it a dried piece of cheese and to dip in this mixture a stale bread - the classic cheese fondue was born. The principle of cooking this dish not much changed - bread, cheese and wine plus bowler and alcohol. Continuation of see

Classic cheese fondue "Naused"

Portions: 4.
150 g of Cheese "Gruyer"
150g Emmental Cheese
150 ml of wine "nonsense" (can be replaced with other white dry wine)
20 ml of cherry vodka
1 tsp. Potato or corn starch
2 cloves garlic
1 baguette or stale grain bread

Hot fish sandwiches

What do you need:
baton - 4 Slice
mackerel canned in oil - 230 g
boiled egg - 2 pcs.
solid cheese - 40 g
onion - 1/2 Head
mayonnaise - 2 pt spoons
garlic - 2 teeth
green Parsushki
pepper black ground, salt to taste

What to do:

1. Canned fish grinding, add finely chopped eggs, half of the cloud cheese, finely chopped garlic, onions and greens. All fuel mayonnaise and mix.
2. Lay out the mass on the slices of the baton, sprinkle the remaining cheese and bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 2-3 minutes.
3. Make greens.

Canape with chicken meat

Required products:
wheat bread - 300 g
chicken (boiled fillet) - 220 g
butter cream - 100 g
meat jelly - 1 cup
green dill
salt to taste

Recipe preparation method:
Bread cut into thin plastics. Round outdoor cut slices and fry them on 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter.

The remaining oil is disturbing with mustard and spread to each slice of bread.

Chicken fillet finely barely, salt, fuel mayonnaise and put on the middle of each crown.

The boiled language is finely babbled and put on the edge of the crunch by a border.

Finished canapes glaze jelly and cool.

Serve by placing greens.

Salted crackers

Black bread cut slices of arbitrary size with a thickness of ~ 1 cm. Pretty salt on both sides (but in moderation :). Heat olive or vegetable oil in a pan and vegetable oil and gently lay out the cooked pieces of bread. The layer of oil in a frying pan should be a height of ~ 2-3 mm.
As soon as on the one hand, the bread will be twisted, turn it over it to another. Twisted on both sides of bread is ready for immediate use.

Potato hedgehogs

On 4 hedgehog
2 boiled eggs, 4 pieces of bread, 4 cheese slice, 4 ~ 6 pt spoons potato mashed potatoes, 0.5 ~ 1 h Spoon starch

From bread cut the basis for hedgehogs in the form of a drop - the sharp end will be the nose of the hedgehog.
On the bread to put a slice of cheese and having toolate eggs.
In the cooled potato mashed potatoes (better to use yesterday) to interfere with starch. If you wish, you can also add dried or finely chopped fresh herbs.
From the puree to form cakes and cover the eggs, giving the appearance of hedgehogs with extended spouts. Paste 3 pepper peas at eye and nose.
Bread trimming dried in the oven and crowded (skip through the meat grinder).
Hedgehogs to cut into bread crumbs, leaving free frills.
Stay on the tray and put in a hot oven by 5 ~ 7 minutes. Read more

Bread casserole with cheese


7 ~ 8 white bread slices (no less than 3 cm thick), 200 ~ 250g cheese, ~ 3/4 glasses of milk, 6 eggs, 1/4 h salt spoons, butter

Tomato sauce

500g ripe tomatoes, 1 ~ 2 bulbs, 0.5 ~ 1 h salt spoon, 1/4 ~ 1/2 h Spoons of black pepper, if desired - 1 garlic clove, green onion, basil.

For tomato sauce, the onions are finely cut, tomatoes to quote boiling water, clean the skin and cut largely.
Onions fry on the vegetable oil until soft (prevent burning).
Put tomatoes and stew on low heat, while tomatoes do not turn into a thick mass (from 5 to 15 minutes, in dependencies from the variety and ripeness of tomatoes).
Ready sauce beat in a blender or wipe through a sieve.
Continuation of see

Casserole "Fish friend".

Washing or Salaka Shaped 130, Wheat Bread 100, Bow 20, Egg 2/3, Water 20, Solid 10 Cheese, Fat, Salt.

The separated fish is passed through the meat grinder, then mixed with grated bread, egg yolks, onions, salt, fat, whipped proteins, add some water or milk.
The mixture is placed in a greased shape, topped with grated cheese and baked.

Meatballs with tomatoes

Preparation speed:
1,5 hour

What do you need:
2 Lukovitsy
4 cloves garlic
1 kg of meakty beef without bones
200 g of white worm bread
1 cup of milk
1 tsp. Kumin.
1 tsp. Timyan
1 bundle of dill
2 laurel sheets
400 g of canned tomatoes in their own juice
20 Cherry Tomatoes.
salt to taste
6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


Do not hurry to get rid of dried bread. In many countries, bread is a vital product, and throw it away - a bad admission. Especially in our, post-and prescript time, many European peoples of Owl and seek help for the experience of our great-grandmothers.

Of course, in order to implement it, the loaf of bread should initially be very good, with a superbly twisted crust, do not crumble and, if you cut a thick piece from it and put it, he will not fall.

One of is that it is incorrectly aging. The crumbling crust and cotton flesh remain unchanged until all the bread is covered with mold.

Try to make breadcrumbs from white bread, and you will just get dust that disappears in the mouth, as if it was blown away.

Dish from stale bread in different countries

Good bread, however, disappointing rarely. And this enjoys a huge number of recipes existing about the stock in each culinary culture. A stale bread everywhere comes to the yard.

For example - . No summer do without panzanellas.(salad from Tuscan bread and tomatoes) and soup (rustic soup from the same ingredients). And in the winter season, the remaining halves of stale bread often turn into a cavalous cream soaked.

The French toast is another favorite delicacy: toasted bread, smeared with fresh strawberries, washed with sugar, or orange jam, or croutons in the egg - perfectly suitable for weekly picnics within the house during the cold months of the year.

Yummy from bread residues

Bread is a central product for cooking residual dishes. This spontaneous and not requiring a long-term part of the culinary art is often the world delicious food and unexpectedly successful combinations, constituting the basis of many soups on the ambulance, baking, salads or casserole: it is sufficiently satisfying the appetite and quite democratic, which allows you to mix it with Thousands of other things.

Therefore, even if it is one movement of the kitchen combine and it will turn the wrong crust in the crumbs, which can then be freezed and used to panic fish meter or for cooking surprisingly spicy bread sauce.

In short, bread is the whole head, even if he is no longer so fresh as yesterday.

Toast a la france

Cut your crust from one or two pieces of bread, soak them in a whipped egg (Ideally, it should be soaked for 20 minutes), fry in butter before the formation of a rummy crust, then sprinkle with sugar. Breakfast, worthy of the principles of royal blood, ready - and no croissants you will need.

However, if the classic does not suit you, the usual loaf can be turned into something completely new.

Banana bread

I love casserole from bread with butter and do not get tired every time you think of something new on this topic. This recipe is very suitable for gloomy days of this year, when so little fresh, fruits grown in the garden.

150 g of unsalted butter, softened, about 450g two- or three-day white bread, 3 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk, 100 g of powdered sugar (or vanilla sugar), 300 ml of solid milk, 200 ml of oily cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract , a little ground nutmeg, 2 large or 3 small bananas, peeled and sliced, 200 g of milk chocolate, sliced, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking: Lightly lubricate the oil a large heat-resistant dish. Cut the bread with slices about 1 cm thick, cut and throw off your crusts, lubricate a slightly oil on both sides and cut into squares or triangles.

In the bowl, sculpt the eggs, egg yolk and sugar powder before the formation of light and foamy consistency, then add milk, cream, vanilla extract and a little ground nutmeg. Put a third pieces of bread on the bottom of the dish and put on top 1/2 bananas and chocolate. Repeat, then cover the second layer of bananas and chocolate with the remaining pieces of bread.

Fill the custard mixture and sprinkle with a ground nutmeg. Cover the lid and cool at least one hour to give it to soak. Heat oven to 180c. Remove the lid and sprinkle sugarpuds casserole.

Put the dish on the tray and then in the oven. Pour boiling water from the kettle in the baking sheet so that the water level reached the middle of the sides of the dish. Bake 40-45 minutes, then remove the dish of the battle and serve in 10 minutes.

Migas (crumbs)

This delightful Spanish dish is often served as part of the tapas (a variety of snacks). You can also serve it with eggs, or with greens as warm lettuce.

It will take on four portions as snacks (tapas) : 250 g of good bread with a large texture, such as rye, one or two-day limitations. 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic, peeled, but left completely, about 75 g chorizo \u200b\u200bsausages, sliced \u200b\u200bcrescent, thickness of about 3 mm, 2 bacon slice, chopped on large pieces, single lemon juice, sea salt and fresh black pepper, 1 bundle of fresh parsley.

Cooking: Cut your crusts from bread and throw them away, then cut the loaf on the cubes of about 2 cm. (If the bread is very stiven, sprinkle with water to moisten it, cover it with a lid and leave for an hour). Heat the oil in a large pan on medium fire. Add garlic cloves and roast, often turning over for a few minutes until they get a golden shade. Add chorizo \u200b\u200band bacon and fry a few minutes before the formation of a crisp. Remove Chorizo, bacon and garlic from a frying pan, leaving in it most of the fat.

Add bread cubes. Mix well so that the fat completely covered them, and then roast for 5 minutes, constantly stirring, before the formation of a golden crust. Put back chorizo, bacon and garlic in the pan and mix everything. Season the lemon juice, salt and pepper, if necessary, (Chorizo \u200b\u200band Bacon themselves give the dish salty taste).

Serve immediately, decolates parsley.

Meat bread

Perhaps the name will seem too simple, and associations are too everyday and toporic ... But there is a reason why this economical dish resist the test of time - it is incredibly tasty.

It will take for eight portions: 30 g of butter, 2 bulbs, peeled and finely chopped, 1 bay leaf, 2 teaspoons of chopped thyme, 1 carrot, sliced, 1 celery, sliced, 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped, 1 kg of grinding beef grinder (not Too lean), 300 g of chopped pork, 3 eggs, slightly whipped, 70 g of breadnings of coarse grinding, 200 ml of tomato ketchup, 1 tablespoon of worstershire sauce, 4 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, ½ teaspoon of ground cumin, ½ teaspoon of Cayen pepper, a little ground nutmeg, salt and fresh black pepper to taste.

Cooking: Heat oven to 180c. Put the parchment on the baking sheet or the baking shape and slightly lubricate it with vegetable oil.

Preheat butter in a frying pan on medium fire. Fry the onions with a laurel sheet and thyme for about 15 minutes until the bow becomes soft and transparent. Add carrots and celery, prepare for five minutes, then add garlic and prepare a few more minutes. Remove from the fire and give a vegetable mix completely cool.

Remove the bay leaf. In a big bowl, mix beef and pork stuffing, eggs, breadcrumbs, half of the ketchup, worstshire sauce, parsley, cumin, pepper, nutmeg and chilled vegetables. Care all season and thoroughly mix your hands. Calm a piece, fry until ready, then try and add seasonings if necessary.

Put the mixture into the center of the baking form and wet hands, form in an oval with a height of about 5 cm. Top with the remaining ketchup. Bake for 1-1.5 hours (time will depend on the form of your bread), while the dish does not harden and can not succumb. Leave it to cool about 10 minutes before cutting. The next day you can cut it and make delightful sandwiches, adding more ketchup!

According to Guardian.co.uk.

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