Craft house from branches. New Year's crafts "House in the village Crafts in the kindergarten paper house

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Decorate your home with the help of a New Year's house for the New Year 2019, and even made with your own hands - what could be cuter and more charming? Moreover, this decor in Western culture considered traditional - many decorate doll houses their children in this style (often together with the kids) or they create them on purpose.

A lot can serve as the basis for such crafts, but the main thing is that in the end they convey the very essence of the holiday - a neat and thorough thematic decor, immersion in a snowy fairy tale and the sweet comfort of a home.

Well, let's try today to create such a Christmas house of our dreams in miniature. In addition, we have prepared for you master classes on several of its options at once, so that you can choose the one you like best.

Cardboard house

As the basis of such a house, both sheets of thick corrugated cardboard and old shoe or packing boxes can serve. And we will also need:

  • ornamental paper of a color suitable for walls (you can also take a self-adhesive film with some kind of traditional pattern for facades - masonry, log cabin, etc., remnants of wallpaper);
  • a bright-colored thin foam polystyrene rug or colored rubber sheet;
  • artificial frost in a can;
  • white fluffy felt or fur;
  • small toys, pieces of Christmas tree branches, pompoms, beads, bows, in a word, everything you would like to decorate a house with;
  • a button of a brilliant golden or chrome hue (on the leg - a door handle);
  • hot glue gun;
  • a pencil with a ruler;
  • scissors and cutter;
  • thin lace or the remains of white organza on the curtains.

If you are not using solid boxes, but just packing cardboard, you first need to embroider the old packaging, cut out the details of the boxes from which the house will consist, and glue them together. Now we glue the entire surface of the “facade” with craft paper, felt or self-adhesive film.

If the joints at the corners turned out to be sloppy, do not be upset, they can be corrected by cutting out strips from a rubber or polystyrene colored rug (the one from which we will make frames for doors and windows), and sticking them so that they close the corner, going into neighboring "walls".

Now we turn the boxes over so that they look down with a hole, and we assemble the roof from other pieces of cardboard. It's cool to make it, of course, for many slopes - but, here it is, how you can do it. We glue all the details of the roof together, cut out pieces of white felt or fur to size and glue them on top - it will be snow.

On the end (a cardboard box and a barrel of material should stick out) we glue a strip of white tape (with or without a pattern - at your discretion). It's great if she came with small pommies sewn on in advance (you can, for example, cut off the ends of an old scarf, if there is one). If not, pompoms can be sewn onto the braid in the process.

Finally, we glue the entire roof along the contour with Christmas-tree beads (or jewelry) and fasten some kind of decoration to the vaults.

Then we prepare the details of frames and doors. We cut out windows and doors from a thin rubber mat or polystyrene (red will look very impressive!) (it’s good to do it right away with the crossbars). We try them on the places on the boxes where they will be attached, mark them with a pencil and cut holes with a cutter, placing something inside the box to stop - so as not to bend.

Now you can stick doors and windows, not forgetting, first, to glue pieces of lace along the edge of the windows along the edge to fit the holes or organza - these are curtains.

We put the roof on the house, fixing it with glue at the points of contact, and decorate the house itself with the chosen decor. It's great if you managed to make a long spruce garland in miniature with beads - an imitation of balls and a similar wreath. All this is located in outer walls, doors and windows, and at the very end lightly spray the entire structure with frost from a can.

New Year's hut-log house from sticks

Using this technology, you can make houses from matches, orange sticks, even thin twigs of the same thickness, counting sticks or ice cream sticks, and even sweet straws (but, about it - later!). For them we take:

  • "building material" in large quantities;
  • hot glue gun or instant superglue;
  • wood varnish, azure or acrylic paint - depends on the design you choose;
  • cutter;
  • brush;
  • a piece of plywood or pieces of wood for the door (you can also connect the sticks of the walls vertically with glue, cutting them in shape, fastening for beauty with some detail in the form of loops);
  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • artificial frost, synthetic winterizer and anything for Christmas decoration.

So, for starters, let's decide whether we are making a log house according to the classics - “into a bowl” or without protrusions - “into a paw”. The second is simpler, but the first, of course, is more effective, so we will focus on this option. We will assemble the whole house at once - as if growing it on a stand.

But, first you need to prepare the "building material" - if you need to paint over, varnish, etc. It is very important that all sticks-twigs are exactly the same length. Ideally - and width, but if there are discrepancies somewhere up to two millimeters, then we can easily mask them with decor or artificial snow.

Now we glue the first stick to the stand. The second one is perpendicular to it, retreating 1-2 cm from the right edge, depending on the size of the house. The third is perpendicular to the second with a similar indent. The fourth is also exactly in relation to the third, and it turns out that with its side in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe indicated indent, it rests against the end of the first stick.

We put the next row on the contrary - shifting to the left on the same ledge. As a result, a kind of checkerboard is obtained, in which, through one crown, the details of the bowl stick out in each plane, and where the wall goes, there is a solid canvas.

After the first or second row, it is advisable to organize the door in the chosen place. To do this, cut off the sticks of this wall before gluing to the border where it passes (it is convenient to apply immediately along the way, mark, cut off, and then glue). And we put the next one on this crown with an indent, the width of a door (we measure the size of this stick in the same way).

When the door ends, just start putting sticks on the entire length of the wall. We reach the windows - the operation is repeated. If desired, jumpers can be immediately built into the windows. To do this, where the horizontal ones will pass, we simply don’t cut it, as before, under the window border, but put a whole stick along the entire length of the wall. Then we will glue the vertical one separately when the window is ready.

After that, glue the sticks to the size of the door and window frame beautifully along the end of the openings.

Thus, we pass the walls to the top until the roof slope begins. There we simply glue each subsequent crown only on two opposite walls in a row, gradually reducing the length of the stick until it comes to naught. Now we make the roof: we glue the sticks of the same length together to get a little more than the length of the side of the triangle of the wall.

We take another of the same stick and on both sides, at an angle of slope, glue the sides of the roof to it. After that, it is worth assembling the door and fitting it, and then sticking the roof on the walls and decorating the house with the chosen method.

Bonus: Hansel and Gretel Gingerbread House

If you are too lazy to mess around with pastries, but you still want to put a traditional gingerbread house as a sweet decoration for a New Year's house (yes, and treats, of course!), you can easily and quickly assemble one from improvised sweets. For him, stock up:

  • several packages of sweet straws (preferably thick);
  • melted caramel (you can just boil sugar syrup);
  • melted white chocolate or protein cream;
  • New Year's edible mastic decor, homemade or purchased;
  • granulated sugar or coconut flakes;
  • colored sprinkles with large peas or sticks;
  • dish.

So, for starters, let's assemble the walls separately, dipping each stick in caramel, not forgetting to leave gaps for doors and windows. Here, as in the previous case, we will not fool around with laying logs according to the classic log house - we will simply glue them together with rectangles. Don't forget two opposite walls make descents into a triangle under the vaults of the roof.

Now, placing the walls perpendicular to each other, we glue them with caramel between each other. Similarly, we make two canvas-slopes from sticks for the roof and connect them at a right angle. We cover our house with a roof, smearing the joints with caramel. Separately, we assemble a door from vertical sticks and ajar - a little at an angle, glue it to the edge of the door.

If you want to make jumpers for windows, we do with them in the same way as in the previous case - we build horizontal ones right away, and vertical ones - when the window is ready, in front of the roof.

Now it remains to decorate our house thematically. To do this, put melted white chocolate into a confectionery syringe or protein glaze and we cover the roof, mounds near the house - you can even make a snow-covered composition around with snowdrifts and a Christmas tree! And at the end we decorate everything with sprinkles, sprinkle with sugar and glue the same mastic decor on the caramel.

These are our wonderful craft houses for the New Year! And let them manage to create a truly festive mood in your own real home!


The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

All children dream of toy houses, which they clumsily try to build from what they have at hand. And sometimes parents do not even realize that there is material in the house from which you can make a wonderful house for children's games - this is ordinary cardboard. Without much effort, waste material can turn into a beautiful and comfortable home - a favorite place for children's games.

Decorating the house, children will develop their imagination. A toy house can be for them spaceship or the castle of the princess, involving them in amazing adventure. Tidying up their toy home, children learn how to clean up the house. Having retired to the house, they can organize a secret society or tell horror stories to each other.

Making a house out of cardboard with your own hands is not difficult. Children must be involved in the construction process. It's very interesting and exciting! Helping in construction, children will receive the first architectural knowledge and skills.

Materials and tools

Do-it-yourself cardboard house does not require large material investments. Materials and tools for construction can be found in the household of any family:

  • Carton boxes different sizes, glue gun.
  • Scissors, sharp knife, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, adhesive tape.
  • Acrylic or watercolor paints, gouache, glitter and various decorations.

Operating procedure

The sequence of building a cardboard house with your own hands can be different, depending on what kind of architectural structure you want to create. But the general algorithm can be described as follows:

  • Find a sketch or diagram on the Internet, print it out on a printer and start acting. If you experienced master, you can draw a sketch of the house yourself.
  • According to the scheme, cut out the parts and glue them in the desired sequence with adhesive tape.
  • Together, you can decorate your building with fun.

Helpful Hints

  • It will be great if your boxes include corrugated cardboard.
  • Cardboard cutting work should only be carried out by adults.
  • For the stability of the house, it is desirable to find cardboard pipes. You can ask for them at a store that sells goods in rolls. If you can't find it, make pipes out of cardboard. To do this, simply roll it up.
  • Try to make the door of the house open outward so that the children have more space for games.
  • Don't throw away small cardboard boxes. From them you can make a beautiful doll castle for a princess or a garage for cars.

There are many options for do-it-yourself cardboard houses. You yourself can come up with something interesting. We offer several workshops and original ideas for the manufacture of houses that you can easily build with your children.

DIY folding cardboard house - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, scissors, a sharp knife, tape.

Step one: cut off upper part large box, as shown in the diagram. Set aside the cut pieces. We glue the side seams of the box with tape.

Step two: turn the box over and connect its parts in the places indicated by the yellow arrow in the diagram. We make a roof from the cut off parts, connecting the parts with adhesive tape in the places indicated by the arrows. We attach the roof to the side parts.

Step three: cut the cardboard in the place indicated by the yellow dotted lines in the diagram. We connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows.

A comfortable and functional house is ready. It can be taken apart at any time, played with and put back together again.

Cardboard house with a door - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a sharp knife, adhesive tape, acrylic paints or gouache.

Operating procedure:

  • We cut out the roof and side parts of the house according to the scheme from cardboard.
  • We assemble the house and glue the junction of the side seams with tape.
  • We glue the roof and cut out the door on three sides, as shown in the figure.
  • The window can be cut or drawn.

DIY cardboard mill - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a knife, adhesive tape, a wooden stick, a screw, a rope, acrylic paints.

Operating procedure:

  • Fold the box as shown in the diagram. From the sides we cut out triangular gables, and on the roof we make holes for the window and pipe.
  • According to the pattern, we make a cardboard tube.
  • We screw a screw into the tip of a wooden stick and attach it to the roof with a rope.
  • According to the scheme, we make a screw and fasten it to a stick along with a screw so that it spins.
  • We cut out two triangular windows at the end and fasten the pipe.
  • We paint the mill with bright colors.

Do-it-yourself house for Barbie - master class

We will need: two small cardboard boxes, a knife, adhesive tape, glue, acrylic paints, colored paper.

Operating procedure:

  • We take two boxes, cut out two windows on the side and glue them together, as shown in the first picture.
  • We glue the shelves, the back wall and the roof, made of two pieces of cardboard.
  • Cut out beautiful windows, then paint the resulting house with paints or glue it with colored paper.

Cardboard cat house - master class

You can make a wonderful cat house for your pet out of cardboard with your own hands.

We will need: two not very large boxes, a knife, adhesive tape, glue.

Operating procedure:

  • We make two small houses according to the size of a cat according to the scheme given in the second lesson. Only one of the houses should be without a roof, there is no need to make doors.
  • We cut out the windows, as shown in the diagram and glue one house to another. We hope your kitty enjoys her new home.

Interesting DIY Cardboard House Ideas

  • Cottage with starry sky can be made from cardboard boxes with skillful hands.
  • Surprisingly beautiful doll houses are obtained from cardboard if they are pasted over with a bright cloth.
  • Unusual architectural cardboard structures are simply amazing.
  • A transforming dollhouse can be made from cardboard according to the attached scheme.

We hope that our lessons, ideas and tips will help you create wonderful toy houses. You will certainly get a joyful mood and indescribable emotions as a result of your creativity.

You will need:

White cardboard



Latex primer (optional)

Glue stick


Stationery knife

Decorations (tinsel, bells, balls).

1. To get started, download the template from THIS link or you can draw a house of similar size yourself.

2. Cut out all the details from paper and stick them to white cardboard using a glue stick or double-sided tape.

3. Cut out the pieces from the cardboard. Use a utility knife to cut out doors, windows, and other details.

4. Fold all the elements along the fold lines and glue everything together.

5. If desired, you can apply a primer to the paper house so that it does not deform.

6. Paint your house and after the paint has dried, start decorating it.

The house can be hung on the tree with a thread attached to the roof so that it hangs evenly, or you can simply place it on a flat surface to decorate the house.

Craft "House of paper tubes" do it yourself

You will need:

Thin paper (you can use plain paper)




1. Roll each sheet (or identical pieces of sheets) into a tube. It is better to use a pencil - it's easier to twist.

2. Draw windows and a door on paper or cardboard and cut it out.

3. Glue the tubes together as shown in the image (to make a hut).

4. Glue windows and a door to the hut.

5. Decorate the house to your liking.

Another option:

Do-it-yourself house of Santa Claus (master class)

You will need:

carton or



Stationery knife


Mounting foam and gun (optional).

1. Cook cardboard box and make a house out of it. You will need to cut into pieces and glue them.

2. Use a utility knife to cut out windows and a door. You can draw them in advance with a simple pencil.

3. Color the house or you can decorate it mounting foam. To do this, apply foam in strips so that each strip has a width of 1.5 cm. During drying, the foam will swell, so it is better to leave 3-4 mm between the strips.

4. After you have covered the house with foam, leave it for 30 minutes for the foam to dry.

We make a stand for the house.

From cardboard, cut out a rectangle that should be larger than the base of the house.

Glue the house to the stand and decorate the stand around the perimeter with foam.

* The use of foam is optional. To imitate snow, you can use cotton wool, which should be glued with PVA glue.

* Also can be cut out of paper or white cardboard snow slides, snowdrifts, a snowman or a Christmas tree and glue them to the base, bending the bottom and applying glue to it.

If you used foam, then after it dries, cut off the excess parts with a clerical knife and process with sandpaper.

Paint all the details you want.

Do-it-yourself cardboard house: gnome's dwelling

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls

White paper

colored paper

Black marker

Glue stick

Hot glue or PVA glue

sequins different colors(including white).

1. Cut one cardboard toilet paper cylinder in half, and the second and third so that you have two long and two short parts. So you will have houses of different sizes.

2. Cut white paper into strips 15 cm long and 2-3 cm wide more than the height of the cylinder that you will wrap with this strip.

3. Cut out windows and doors from colored paper. Use a marker pen to draw the door handles and window details.

4. Use a glue stick to glue the windows and doors to the white stripes.

5. Wrap the strips around the respective cylinders and secure them with glue. Bend the excess paper into the cylinder.

6. Make some cones out of colored paper different color, glue the ends of the cones, and glue the cones themselves with PVA glue to the house cylinders.

* You can add some glue to each roof of the house and sprinkle glitter on it to simulate fallen snow.

DIY paper house: paper New Year's village

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (cardboard from regular packaging)

Stationery knife




White acrylic paint and brush

LED garland.

1. Prepare cardboard and draw on it with a pencil several houses connected to each other. You can use a ruler. You will get a small village. Cut out a village from cardboard.

2. Bend the cut piece with an accordion along the lines that connect the houses. To make even folds, place a ruler on the fold line and fold the cardboard.

3. Draw and cut out a Christmas tree on cardboard. Trace the Christmas tree on the other piece of cardboard and cut out the second Christmas tree. Make a cut on one tree from the top to half, and on the other from the bottom to half, and connect both parts to get a 3-D tree.

4. Apply white paint on the roofs of houses and Christmas trees to simulate snow.

5. Put the village and Christmas tree on white fabric or felt and put a LED string next to it.

Do-it-yourself house (photo)

Paper or white cardstock that you can print on.

* You can draw a similar drawing yourself and cut it out.


Stationery knife

Glue stick

Battery operated candles.

1. Print and cut out the drawing of the house. Cut windows and doors with a utility knife.

2. To make the roof, cut a 15x9 cm rectangle. Bend in the middle.

3. Assemble and glue the house and glue the roof to it.

* You can make several houses to make a small village.

* You can also cut out Christmas trees from green cardboard.

4. Put a candle with batteries inside the house.

* You can decorate the house to taste. Use felt-tip pens, glitter with glue, cotton wool (snow), etc.

Do-it-yourself house from the box

You will need:

Box (from cereal, pasta, for example)




PVA glue

Clothespin or masking tape (if necessary).

1. Open the box completely and lay it out on the table.

2. Along the unfolded box, draw a straight line 2.5 cm below the middle.

3. Make cuts from the original fold lines of the box to the line you have drawn (see image). White dots indicate the places where you need to make cuts.

4. Cut off those parts of the box where the X character is written.

5. Turn the box over and apply glue to the small fold (see image).

6. Fold the box with the pattern inside and secure with glue.

7. Bend opposite narrow sides to form a roof. Each part needs to be bent in half (see image).

8. Cut the wide sides so that they can be glued to that part of the roof that was formed in step 7. You need to cut with a margin so that this margin can be bent and glued.

wooden house - interesting element decor and decoration for the children's room. If your little princess is growing up and her dolls simply need a chic apartment.

Wood is an eco-friendly material, and branches can be easily found in the park near the house, DIY crafts come out of them magnificent.

House of branches

Material selection

In a famous fairy tale, three little pigs built houses from different materials, they survived only stone. We are not afraid of the gray wolf, adopting the experience of Nuf - Nuf, we will build a house of branches with our own hands. First of all, we go to the forest or to the park, in search of wooden materials.

It is better to choose a clear autumn day for this.

Moss, pieces of bark are useful for decoration, pine needles, acorns, cones, take whatever you like, come in handy for decorating crafts.

If the weather was wet, everything will have to be thoroughly dried at home, wet blanks will not stick.

To build a hut with your own hands, the branches do not need to be cleaned, on the contrary, the more roughness and negligence, the more interesting and natural the craft will be. We carefully examine all the material and build a plan for the future home.

If your imagination is well developed and able to capture images, you can not draw a sketch. But a little sketch is worth doing.

We select suitable wooden branches and cut them according to the sketch. To avoid too large gaps in the craft, make notches on both sides, as on logs for building log cabins.

Construction works

Build Regular wooden house a hut with your own hands is easy, just fold the shelves alternately up and down. For structural strength, each row must be coated with glue, use ordinary PVA or a hot glue gun.

Don't forget to leave room for windows and doors. window frames and the door can also be made from glued branches or from a small piece of plywood.

MORE ABOUT: Christmas tree in origami technique

We make the frame for the roof from the same branches, but the coating can be the most diverse. Yellow fresh straw will shine brightly in the sun. Small twigs will ensure the unity of the composition, and colorful autumn leaves will create a festive mood.


Adjoining territory wooden house decorate with moss and other natural materials. Excellent mushrooms will come out of acorn caps. Coniferous bushes will create an entourage for crafts.

Or maybe you will get a real hut on chicken legs with a friendly hostess woman.

You can build a house with your own hands in another way. Use ancient weaving technology. This technique makes excellent round buildings for kikimora.

A curious effect is given by the chaotic gluing of knotty pieces onto the frame - the base.

House of ice cream sticks

To dial right amount wooden sticks, it is not at all necessary to collect them for a whole year or count a ton of goodies at once. Now this is a very popular material, you can buy them in a needlework store or in a supermarket in the department disposable tableware.

New wooden sticks do not need processing.

Such a wooden house for a doll is very easy to make with your own hands.

We lay out the sticks in a row and fasten them across with another stick smeared with glue. In this way, walls and ceilings and even a roof are created. It remains only to glue the blanks together. From the same shelves it is easy to make a staircase to the second floor and furniture for the doll.

Bright and unusual wooden crafts come out of painted sticks.

It is better to paint them before making the craft, so you can avoid unpainted places and mixing colors of individual elements. Choose waterproof paint odorless, take acrylic varnished.

From round ice cream sticks, real masterpieces are obtained, which are no different from the classic log construction. The only difference is the scale. We have to build two floors with a balcony and an entrance hall.

  1. For the base, take a piece of plywood of a suitable size. As a foundation, we use gypsum or foam.
  2. On the foundation, we begin to build a structure, starting from the floor. First of all, we build a frame and lay floor sticks on it. The finished floor should look like this:
  3. in each log we cut out a hollow, which will include the log of the previous row, and so on. From the same sticks we build a frame. It will help not only determine the shape of the future house, but also make the work more even.
  4. Don't forget doors and windows. We insert pre-prepared frame structures and decorate with curtains made with our own hands from a beautiful piece of fabric.
  5. Inside you can hold LED bulbs. Such a wooden lamp will appeal not only to children, but will also become a good gift for friend.

Craft: a house with your own hands. Seven houses made of branches, cardboard, paper, pumpkins, chestnuts, natural material.

Craft: a house with your own hands. We craft with children

You already know how to make a house for playing with children from cardboard from an article with a master class by Vera Higlod, and today in the article - houses from a variety of materials: boxes, clothespins, natural materials- chestnuts, pumpkins. All these houses were made by readers of the site "Rodnaya Path" together with the children and sent to our

In this article you will find the most different houses with a description of their manufacture:

- Baba Yaga's house, made with clothespins,

- Lesovichka's house made of waste material,

- a house decorated with chestnuts,

- craft forester's house made of natural and waste materials,

- do-it-yourself pumpkin house (two options),

- a house - a teremok of twigs.

Baba's house - Yagi do-it-yourself

This craft is made by children. middle group MGBOU d / s No. 75 "Fairy Tale" with an adult. Teacher - Tegaeva Olga Nikolaevna (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village).

You will need for the manufacture of the house - the hut of Baba - Yaga:

- moss (dry in advance),

- cones (dry at home to open),

- leaves (ironed with an iron, more about that in the article about the application),

- berries (dry).

- wooden clothespins, liquid nails glue.

How to make a house - the hut of Baba Yaga with your own hands.

Step 1. Clothespins need to be disassembled (pull out a metal spring) and glued into a house (liquid nails are used - quickly and reliably). This part of the work is done by an adult.

Step 2. Install a hut on a cardboard base, put or glue moss around it.

Step 3. Glue moss, leaves, berries on the roof of the hut.

Step 4. We paint the cones with spray paint - we get blue spruces.

Step 5. We make animals from plasticine and pine cones.

Do-it-yourself lumberjack's house

This house was sent to our competition by the Potapov family (Potapova Tatyana Valentinovna and Potapov Andrey, 4 years old, Irkutsk).

Making crafts will take several evenings. In this case, the child will not get tired and more

their interest will take part in all stages.

How this forest house is made with your own hands:

Step 1. To get started, we took a cookie box from a candy store. Pasted over with scraps of wallpaper in the "tone" of autumn, left to dry.

Step 2. From cones, an acorn, matches, they made the inhabitants of the forest - Lesovichka and his hedgehog friend.

Step 3. The Lesovichok settled in a house, for which a box of yogurt came in handy. And the logs on the house were made from dill sticks and fixed with double-sided tape. The roof was painted with gouache.

Step 4. The hedgehog settled near his friend under the stumps. Stumps are saw cuts from branches that dad helped to make.

Step 5. A path leads from the house to the pond. For the path, they painted semolina and glued it on PVA glue. Overlaid with pebbles - beans. The pond was made of colored paper, pebbles are the seeds from plums.

Step 6. From dry leaves, twigs, moss, dried flowers and mountain ash, they designed a forest and a clearing.

Do-it-yourself chestnut house "Hut on the edge"

This craft was made by Ryzhkina Svetlana Alexandrovna and Chesonis Daniil (6 years old), from the city of Bataysk, kindergarten "Rainbow".

We need to make this house:
- Cardboard box
— Colored paper
- Glue stick
- Glue gun
- Pen
- Scissors
- piece of wire
— Needles
– Foliage autumn trees different colors
- Berries
- dry twigs
- Chestnuts, about 2 kg.
- Scotch

How to make a house - a hut on the edge

Step 1. Making the base. We take an ordinary cardboard box, cut out a base measuring 40 x 40 cm, on which our hut will stand. We glue it with colored paper according to the color of any foliage used further.

Step 2. Making a house. From cardboard we make a house with a size of about 25 x 30 cm. We connect its sides with tape, fasten the bottom of the house to the base - the platform, using a thin flexible wire.

Step 3 We make windows, doors in the house. Cut out rectangles from white paper for two windows and a door. We painted curtains on the windows with a pen. Glue them to the house with glue. On the door of the house, using a glue gun, we glue thin branches of the same size and a handle.

Step 4 We glue the walls with chestnuts.

Step 5 We decorate the roof and the ground (the basis of the craft). Lastly, we glue the roof and the rest of the earth autumn leaves(or leaves cut out of paper). We alternate the leaves in color, to give variegation and volume.

Step 6. Decorate the composition needles and dried berries.

Craft "Forester's House" do-it-yourself

This craft was made by Bykova Maria Nikolaevna together with her son Roma (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny). Roman is 2 years 8 months old.

To make such a house, we need the following material:
- shoe box
- a box of kefir 0.5 liters,
- beans,
- plasticine,
- leaves,
- cones,
- spruce branches
- moss,
- pine needles
- leaves from larch.

How to make a forester's house with your own hands

Step 1. Making the base of the house. To do this, we coat the kefir box with plasticine on all sides. Put the beans on the plasticine. Let's make a window out of plasticine.

Step 2 We make the roof of the house. The roof is made from leaves. We also glue them on plasticine.

Step 3. Making a deer.

We take 2 cones. We connect them together so that we get the body and neck of the deer. Then we glue the head from plasticine to the neck, make eyes and a nose. Pine needles will make beautiful horns. Glue matches as legs and tail. The hooves were glued to plasticine to the box.

Step 4. Making a hedgehog.
We make a muzzle of a hedgehog, eyes and a nose. We stick the muzzle to the cone. Let's make needles from spruce branches. Glue them to the cone with plasticine.

Step 5. Assembling the craft.

When the main details are ready, we begin to draw up the craft. We attach spruce branches to plasticine to the box. We put up a house. We spread the moss and sprinkle with larch leaves. We put a hedgehog. The craft is ready.

Do-it-yourself pumpkin house: two options

The first version of the craft

This house was made by Khazipov Iskander (6 years old). Teacher - Khazipova Gulnaz Galimkhanovna, Kazan. (MADOU " Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type "of the Moskovsky district of Kazan)

Pumpkin House: Necessary Materials

Pumpkin, zucchini, rowan berries, blueberries, various sparkles, cones, dry branches, a knife, cloves, kitchen nozzles.

How to make a pumpkin house with your own hands with children

Step 1. Idea - we come up with what our pumpkin house will be like. Before you make a pumpkin house, decide how many houses will be in the composition. If everything is clear with one house, then multi-level compositions require some adjustments.

Step 2. The pumpkin should remove seeds and pulp using a knife (this is done by an adult).

Step 3 Now Mark the pumpkin with a marker in places where doors and windows will be located. Mark a window with a felt-tip pen.

Step 4. After that, proceed to cutting out details. Carved shutters and others decorative elements can be cut with curly kitchen attachments. It is not at all necessary to observe the accuracy and clarity of the lines (this will give the house a more gloomy look). Attach the prepared parts to the pumpkin with small carnations.

Step 5. It's time to do the roof of the house. We cut half of the zucchini and put it on top of the pumpkin and decorate with various sparkles. We spread red rowan berries on top of the pumpkin, and also put a cone (in the form of a pipe) on the roof.

Step 6 We make a composition. We put the pumpkin on the zucchini cut into rings and decorate with cones and dried blueberries.

The second option for making a pumpkin house

This pumpkin house was made for our contest by a family: Nabukhatnaya Lyubov, Nabukhatny Dmitry and their son Nabukhatny Igor (9 years old), Perm.

To make this pumpkin craft, you will need:

Natural materials:

- pumpkin,
- bark,
- cones,
- needles, leaves, grass,
- acorn hat
- pebbles
- moss,
- thin sticks.

decorative material:

- wooden button
- lace,
- key.

Super glue for fastening all parts.

How to make a pumpkin house

Step 1. Making a house. Having cut the bottom of the pumpkin, we cleaned out all the pulp from the inside. Cut out windows and doors. The roof was made from thin pine bark, gluing pieces on top of each other. It turned out very similar to a tiled roof. A solid piece of thick bark served as the door, the handle by the door is a hat from an acorn.
Step 2. Decorating the house. To make the house cozy, you need to decorate it. Lace curtains were glued to the windows. The flower boxes were glued from cardboard and decorated with scales of pine cones. Summer is over, the flowers have faded. Therefore, in the boxes now lie around the leaves and pine needles. To the window on the second floor stretch "vine whips", we made them from green swamp grass. The carved bottom of the pumpkin served as a decoration for the back wall of the house. With a button in the middle and rays, it reminded us of a windmill. The key at the door and the steps made of sticks completed this stage in the work.
Step 3. We populate the house. The house was installed in a low box. A piece of moss became a clearing in front of the house. The rest of the surface was sprinkled with small pebbles.
At the end of the work, we dreamed for a long time who could live in our house. Maybe a gnome, or a fairy with transparent wings, or a kind old sorceress. In the end, we decided that we ourselves are ready to live in fairy house. Too bad it's too small for our large family.

House - a house made of twigs with your own hands

This tower was made by Vera Pavlova (6 years old). Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna ( Perm region, Kungur MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6")

This tower is made of twigs folded like a real log house. The branches are glued to each other.

The straw on the roof is attached to the cardboard.

The gable of the roof is covered with pieces of pine bark.

The fence is woven from thin twigs of willow.

Teremok and fence posts attached to a piece of plywood with glue.

The Christmas tree on plasticine is neatly placed in a moss clearing.

Under the Christmas tree sits a Hedgehog who plays hide and seek with a Bunny. This is such a friendly company.

Do-it-yourself house-teremok for a mouse

This simple house according to the fairy tale "Teremok" was made by Veronika Maskaleva, 5 years old (Perm Territory, Kungur MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6". Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna).

Teremok is a zucchini and a pumpkin. A window is drawn on the roof with a felt-tip pen. Doors are cut out of colored paper and glued on with glue stick.

A fungus-teremok stands in a clearing of their soft moss. The ladder is made of wooden sticks, which are glued together for a moment.

A toy Violating Mouse ran to the tower. And she began to live in it.

We wish you success and creative inspiration! Until we meet again on the "Native Path". You will find all master classes of the project in the section .Get a NEW FREE AUDIO COURSE WITH THE GAME APP

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