The main features of the excitable type of character accentuation are. Description of the types of character accentuation according to the personal classification

Landscaping and planning 13.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Trying to independently assess the degree of their own or someone else's adequacy, people often wonder where the line lies between normal and pathological psyche and behavior. Various character accentuations are defined as the extreme degree of the clinical norm on the border with pathology.

In the second half of the last century, namely in 1968, the German psychiatrist K. Leonhard introduced the concept of "accentuation". He defined it as deviant from the norm, excessively enhanced individual personality traits.

Nine years later, in 1977, the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko suggested using the more precise and narrow term “character accentuation”. It was these two scientists (K. Leongrad and A. E. Lichko) who made an invaluable contribution to the science of psychology, having developed close, complementary concepts and classifications of accentuations.

Accentuation of character - excessive expression of certain traits.
Accentuation is a sign of disharmony and imbalance in the inner world of a person.

When some are too hypertrophied and pronounced, while others are suppressed, the person becomes vulnerable to certain psychogenic influences and has difficulty maintaining a normal lifestyle.

Excessive emphasis and sharpness of certain character traits is perceived by a person and his environment as a kind of psychological problem that interferes with life, and therefore is mistakenly classified as a mental disorder.

Differences between personality accentuation and personality disorder

  • Influence on a certain area of ​​life. Accentuation is manifested in specific stressful and crisis situations affecting one area of ​​life. Personality disorder affects all areas of a person's life.
  • Temporality. More often, accentuation of character is manifested in adolescents and occasionally in adulthood. Serious mental disorders develop and tend to increase in the later life of the individual.
  • The short duration of social maladaptation or its complete absence. Social maladaptation is a partial or complete loss by an individual of the ability to adapt to conditions. social environment. Accentuation, unlike a personality disorder, does not prevent a person from adapting to society and being a full-fledged member of it, or “unsettles” for a short time.
  • The accentuation of character can serve as an impetus for the formation of psychopathy only if the traumatic factors and impact are too strong and prolonged. Also this negative impact can provoke acute emotional reactions and nervousness.

Classification of accentuations according to Leonhard

The very first scientific classification accentuations, proposed by the German scientist K. Leonhard, is also considered a typology of characters. It is based on an assessment of the style of communication of the individual with the people around him.

Brief description of the twelve types of accentuations according to K. Leonhard:

  • Hyperthymic - active, sociable, initiative, irresponsible, conflict, irritable.
  • Distimny - serious, conscientious, fair, passive, slow, pessimistic.
  • Cycloid - a type that alternately manifests itself as hyperthymic and dysthymic.
  • Excitable - conscientious, caring, quarrelsome, domineering, irritable, short-tempered, instinct-oriented.
  • Stuck - purposeful, strong-willed, demanding, suspicious, touchy, vengeful, jealous.
  • Pedantic - non-conflict, neat, conscientious, reliable, boring, indecisive, formalist.
  • Anxious - friendly, executive, self-critical, fearful, timid, submissive.
  • Emotive - kind, compassionate, fair, tearful, overly vulnerable and soft-hearted.
  • Demonstrative - courteous, extraordinary, charismatic, self-confident, selfish, conceited, boastful, hypocritical, inclined to deceive.
  • Exalted - emotional, amorous, altruistic, fickle, changeable, prone to panic and exaggeration.
  • Extroverted - active, sociable, friendly, frivolous, short-sighted, subject to outside influences.
  • Introverted - restrained, principled, non-conflict, reasonable, little influenced from outside, closed, stubborn, rigid.

Classification of accentuations according to Lichko

The peculiarity of the classification of character accentuations according to A.E. Lichko is that the Soviet scientist built it on the basis of the results of observations of the deviant behavior of adolescents and young men. The theoretical basis for it was the work of K. Leonhard and the Soviet psychiatrist P. B. Gannushkin.

According to A. E. Lichko, character accentuations are most manifested at a young age, later they lose their sharpness, but can become aggravated under adverse circumstances.

A.E. Lichko worked with adolescents, but did not limit the scope of his concept strictly to this age period.

Classification of types of character accentuations according to A. E. Lichko:

  • Hyperthymic

These are hyperactive, mobile, sociable, funny people. Their mood, as a rule, is always upbeat. At the same time, they are restless, undisciplined, conflicted, easily but superficially carried away, too self-confident, prone to overestimate their abilities, boastful. Such people love restless companies, excitement and risk.

  • Cycloid

Hyperthymia in this case is observed for one to three weeks, and then is replaced by subdepression (shallow depression). The constant change of elated and depressed mood determined the name of this type of accentuation.

During periods of high mood, such a person is cheerful, proactive, sociable. When the mood changes, sadness, apathy, irritability, and the desire for loneliness appear. During periods of subdepression, the cycloid type reacts very sharply to criticism and minor annoyances.

  • Labile

This type of accentuation differs from the previous one by a sharp and often unpredictable change of mood. Any little thing can cause it. Being in a depressed state, such people seek the support of loved ones, do not isolate themselves, but resort to help, ask for it, need to be cheered up and entertained.

A labile personality is sensual and sensitive, the attitude of others is felt and understood by her very subtly. Such people are driven, sympathetic, kind, strongly and sincerely attached to loved ones and loved ones.

  • Asthenoneurotic

People of this type are disciplined and responsible, accurate, but they get tired too quickly, especially if they have to do difficult mental work or participate in a competition. Accentuation manifests itself as irritability, suspiciousness, capriciousness, hypochondria, emotional breakdowns when something does not go according to plan.

  • sensitive

These are very subtle, empathetic and vulnerable people, they acutely feel both joy and sadness, fear. Modest, shy in front of strangers, they are open and sociable with the closest people.

Unfortunately, these kind and sympathetic people are often insecure, suffer from low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. The sensitive type has a well-developed sense of duty, honor, increased moral requirements and zeal. They know how to be friends and love.

  • Psychasthenic

These are intellectually developed people, inclined to reason, philosophize, engage in introspection and reflection. Accuracy, calmness, prudence and reliability in their character are combined with indecision, fear of significant responsibility and high demands.

  • Schizoid

Introverted people living in their inner world, stable fantasies and interests. They prefer loneliness, are laconic, restrained, show indifference, are incomprehensible to others and do not understand the feelings of others themselves.

  • epileptoid

These are cruel, domineering, selfish and at the same time whiny people, their mood is almost always maliciously dreary. They are characterized by such character traits: jealousy, pettiness, scrupulousness, pedantry, formalism, punctuality, thoroughness, attentiveness.

  • hysterical

Accentuated, there is a tendency to theatricality, pathos, envy. Such people crave increased attention to their person, compliments, praise, delight and admiration, do not tolerate comparisons better side. They are active, sociable, initiative.

  • Unstable

These are frivolous, lazy and idle people, they, as a rule, do not have a craving for learning or labor activity They just want to relax and have fun, they don’t think about the future. The unstable type craves absolute freedom, does not tolerate self-control. Such people are prone to addictions, very talkative, open, helpful.

  • Conformal

These are opportunistic people who strive to think and act “like everyone else” and to please society. Such people are friendly and non-confrontational, but their thinking and behavior are rigid. A conformist can thoughtlessly obey an authoritative person or the majority, forgetting about humanity and morality.

In addition to eleven types of accentuation, A. E. Lichko singled out two of its degrees:

  1. Hidden accentuation is the usual variant of the norm, manifested in mental trauma, does not lead to maladaptation.
  2. Explicit accentuation is an extreme version of the norm; accentuated character traits are consistently manifested throughout life, even in the absence of mental trauma.

The classification of accentuations by A. E. Lichko remains relevant and popular in our time.

Summing up, we can say that character accentuation is a “highlight” that distinguishes an individual from a “normal” person and a “fly in the ointment” in his personality.

The study of individual differences, in particular character accentuations, belongs to a separate discipline - the field of this industry, the works of many scientists - Western and domestic - are devoted.

Rationale for research on character traits

Why it is necessary to study the types of accentuation of differences between individuals pursues two tasks. First, it is a research goal - to identify as much as possible more groups, develop specific advice for representatives of each of them. The more classes will be allocated, the more effective will be psychological recommendations for their representatives.

Secondly, it is necessary to know the types so that the person himself understands the features and causes of his behavior, and can, in accordance with this, correct it.

In this respect, everyday psychology is often not enough. For example, there is a common belief about the kindness of fat people. Conversely, a thin person is sometimes perceived as anxious, wary. Of course, such a division into categories may be partly true. Even Hippocrates did not escape such an error in classification, although already in the medical field: once an ancient doctor directly connected the disposition to apoplexy with fullness.

The Soviet psychologist A.E. Lichko, like the German psychiatrist K. Leonhard, used the concept of "accentuation" in their studies. When applied to a certain property, this term means that it is highlighted brighter than others, as if underlined. In other words, accentuation is the expression of a certain character trait. For a person with this or that quality, certain social situations will be very painful, while others will be easily tolerated. This article will consider the types of accentuation according to Lichko and Leonhard.

The psychology of difference is not strict discipline. Types of accentuation are always descriptive in nature, and are practically never found in their pure form. Each person can find himself in two or more types.

It should also be noted that the assignment of oneself to a certain category should not be aimless. Having fun with psychological tests, you need to ask yourself the question: "Why am I doing this?" If a person understands that he belongs to one or another group, he needs to develop for himself an appropriate strategy of compensation, self-help. To do this, you need to study the advice that psychologists give to representatives of different classes, and apply them in life.

Classification by A. E. Lichko

The Soviet psychologist studied the types of accentuation of adolescents. In total, he identified eleven groups. Features of the types of character accentuation in his theory have much in common with the classification of Karl Leonhard. Let's consider them in order.

Hyperthymic type

A high level of energy, the ability to quickly find contact with people, the desire for leadership - all this distinguishes the hyperthymic type of accentuation. Lichko considered hyperthymia common characteristic characteristic of adolescence. High emotional tone makes representatives of this category leaders in any company. They are not aggressive. They can come into conflict, but only if they encounter a sharp opposition to their activity. Therefore, it is better not to stand in their way, but, on the contrary, to encourage them to work.

Superficial interest - negative trait, which has a hyperthymic type of accentuation. Its representatives may have many abilities, but their interests are unstable.

Cycloid type

The main characteristic of this category is mood volatility. The elevated state is replaced by despondency, irritability. And this happens at intervals of two to three weeks.

labile type

The emotional tone of these adolescents, Lichko noted, cannot be defined as consistently low or high. Their mood is unstable, its change can occur very quickly. Within this category, two subtypes can also be distinguished: reactive-labile and emotionally labile. The former are prone to mood swings due to external factors. The state of others is more due to inner experiences.

Representatives of the labile type sometimes seem indifferent to others. But this is far from the case - the real problem for some of them can be the ability to correctly express their feelings. Having deep attachments to loved ones, they do not know how to communicate them.

Astheno-neurotic type

Those who belong to this category are the main visitors to medical institutions. Their main difference is the concentration of attention on the state of their body. As soon as they feel unwell, they may suspect a fatal illness in themselves - their suspiciousness reaches such proportions.

sensitive type

The main characteristic of adolescents in this category, Lichko noted, is hypersensitivity which is reflected in their behavior. People of the sensitive type are also distinguished by painful irritability. Their weak point is big companies. They always feel uncomfortable in them, try to carefully observe what is happening, and sometimes copy the behavior of others. Representatives of the sensitive type can attract the attention of the whole company, for example, go on some kind of trick. But they succeed poorly, and they again return to the previous state only with even more aggravated timidity.

The advantage of representatives of the sensitive type is diligence, responsibility, the ability to make and maintain deep friendships.

Psychasthenic type

Differs in indecision. Any everyday situation can become a source of painful uncertainty for a psychasthenic. They are distinguished by high intelligence and confidence in their conclusions. But the latter is rarely confirmed by deeds. Psychasthenics are prone to impulsive actions just at those moments when it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Schizoid type

Despite the fact that they are very vulnerable internally, schizoids have practically no ability to empathize - they are not sensitive to someone else's pain. Schizoid type accentuation has a positive side - good inventors come out of them. Most of those people who moved forward the progress of mankind were schizoids. Their main feature, which immediately catches the eye, is eccentricity. “Not of this world” - this can be safely said about schizoids.

epileptoid type

The most pedantic and meticulous type. It would seem that what is good in these qualities of character? But representatives of other types are difficult to imagine in some professions. For example, the best teachers of mathematics or physics are epileptoids. Their accuracy and attention to detail are undeniable advantages in teaching the exact sciences.

hysteroid type

For this category, all life is one huge stage. Some people may initially find it unpleasant to be in a society with a hysteroid. After all, their main quality is the constant desire to be in the spotlight. But for certain professions, belonging to this class (its counterpart in Leonhard's is a demonstrative type of accentuation) is an advantage. For example, great sellers, actors, singers come out of hysteroids.

Unstable type

Lichko's representatives of this category turned out to be the most irresponsible teenagers. These were those who did not have stable interests, practically did not think about their future. The unstable cannot concentrate on work for a long time, they are distinguished by a constant craving for idleness and entertainment.

Conformal type

A distinctive feature of conformists is the desire not to differ from the environment. Their credo is "to be like everyone else." A negative feature of this category is the tendency to betray in a difficult situation. A conforming person will not suffer from remorse - he will always find an excuse for his actions.

Types of character accentuation according to Leonhard

Karl Leonhard identified twelve. In many ways, his classification intersects with Lichko's theory, and some types are identical in them. Leonhard created three categories: the first was associated with character accentuations, the second - with temperament accentuations. The criterion for the selection of the third group is personal characteristics (focus on oneself or on the outside world).

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify the difference between temperament and character. People who are not familiar with psychology often confuse these concepts. But even some psychologists tend to believe that temperament and character are one and the same.

Temperament is the speed of a person's reaction to ongoing events. This quality is rather physiological property nervous system. Temperament includes emotionality, degree of response, balance. Character is a public education. Starting from birth, the people around leave their mark on the child. Such social interactions mold his personality.

So, he carried out a classification in accordance with the character, temperament and personality traits, and styles served as criteria for distinguishing categories. social interaction person.

Accentuations associated with temperament

  • Hyperthymic type. The main characteristics are mobility, sociability. In childhood, hyperthyms have a good memory and are easily trained. In adolescence, conflicts are possible, since the group does not always allow hyperthym to take a leading position. As adults, representatives of this category remain sociable and energetic. They are easy to find mutual language if you don't resist.
  • Dysthymic type. Gloominess, phlegm, inhibition of reactions are the main features of dysthymics. They are silent and seem to be incorrigible pessimists. The positive side of the dysthymic type is responsibility, a developed sense of justice.
  • Labile type. It, as in Lichko's classification, is distinguished by the ability to quickly change mood. Even a roughly spoken word can affect a representative of a labile type. Good mood can be spoiled even due to the fact that it rained.
  • exalted type. Representatives of this type are non-conflict, love society, attentive to others. The exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by amorousness, a tendency to elevated feelings, and sociability. These people are quickly affected by events. outside world- from the positive they are easily delighted, from the negative - they give in to panic. Many designers, musicians and artists have an exalted type of accentuation.

  • Anxious type. Main feature- a feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason. are quickly recognized by peers, and because of their indecision, they can become an object of ridicule. As adults, they remain no less suspicious than they were children. It is difficult for such people to insist on their own. However, the disturbing type of accentuation has its advantages - its representatives have a rich inner world, and are also always able to adequately assess their capabilities. Among other types, they perceive reality most clearly.
  • It is believed that representatives of this category “think” with feelings. Their main characteristics are kindness, responsibility, empathy, low conflict. People of the emotive type can feel relaxed only in the company of close people. They are soft-hearted, compassionate, and also appreciate the beauty of nature more than others. In communication with them, their feelings are always recognized. Main value for them - good relationship in the family and in the workplace. Representatives of the emotive type are very vulnerable to callousness and rude behavior.

Accentuations according to character traits

  • Stuck type. A person belonging to this category can carry certain feelings in himself for years. If these are negative emotions that have not been properly expressed, then they torment the stuck person for a long period of time. Striving for the goal - main characteristic this accentuation. The stuck type will get his way no matter what. Often, for this, he seeks to pick up good fellow travelers. Those who get stuck make good leaders in any activity. However, if their fate is not so rosy, they can become leaders of gangs. In addition, like the demonstrative, stuck type of accentuation, it needs to be recognized by society. However, this should be really well-deserved respect, glory, which has a basis.
  • Pedantic type. As with epileptoids in the Lichko classification, the main features of the representatives of this group are scrupulousness and attention to detail. Pedantic people are highly valued in the office environment for their responsibility and efficiency. Also, this accentuation is manifested in the concern for own health, the absence of bad habits. The reverse side of the coin for such people is the constant fear of making a mistake, perfectionism.

  • Excitable type. Impulsivity, irritability, the desire to satisfy the surging impulses immediately - this is what characterizes the excitable type of accentuation. People belonging to this group are usually endowed with a high level of conflict, which often prevents them from building full-fledged relationships. The advantage is that they live entirely in the present.
  • Demonstrative type. It is easy to determine, already starting at the age of two. Such kids, once having been in the spotlight, then try to win it at all costs. If this trend is supported by parents, then they almost always have an overestimated self-esteem that is not really supported by anything. Students of this type can be set as an example to others. Therefore, it is not always easy to recognize that their abilities in a certain area are hardly above average. On the other hand, a demonstrative type of accentuation is distinguished by artistry, good taste in clothes.

Types of accentuations in accordance with personality traits

  • introverted type. It is characterized by focusing on their experiences, avoiding social contacts. Reality is secondary to them. inner world. Introverts are responsible, unobtrusive, love solitude.
  • Extrovert type. Its representatives are self-confident people who love to be among people and receive energy from communication. They don't tend to focus on aspects inner life always act in accordance with what reality presents them.

Currently, Lichko's theory is more widely used among psychologists, since the scientist conducted his research on healthy people(teenagers). Leonhard's classification is more commonly used by psychiatrists. Despite the names presented in both classifications, these groups have nothing to do with mental disorders. The schizoid type of accentuation, for example, in no way means the presence of schizophrenia - all terms are conditional. Various types accentuations mean the severity of the trait within the normal range.

Types of character accentuation- these are multiple types of characters in which individual features have passed into a pathological state. Some accentuated character traits are often compensated to a sufficient degree, but in problematic or critical situations, an accentuated personality may show violations of adequate behavior. Character accentuations (this term originates from Latin (accentus), which means underlining) - are expressed in the form of “weak points” in the personality psyche and are characterized by selective vulnerability in relation to some influences with increased stability to other influences.

The concept of "accentuation" for the entire time of its existence has been presented in the development of several typologies. The first of these was developed by Karl Leonhard in 1968. The next classification became more widely known in 1977, which was developed by Andrei Evgenievich Lichko, based on the classification of P. B. Gannushkin, performed back in 1933.

Types of character accentuation can be directly manifested and can be hidden and revealed only in emergency situations, when behavior becomes the most natural.

Personalities of any type of character accentuation are more sensitive and malleable to environmental influences and, therefore, have a greater propensity for mental disorders than other individuals. If any problematic, anxious situation becomes too difficult for an accentuated person to experience, then the behavior of such an individual immediately changes dramatically and accentuated features dominate.

Leonhard's theory of character accentuation has received due attention because it has proven its usefulness. Only the specificity of this theory and the questionnaire attached to it to establish the type of character accentuation was that they were limited by the age of the subjects. The questionnaire was calculated only on the character of adults. That is, children or even adolescents are not able to answer a number of questions, because they do not have the necessary life experience and have not yet been in such situations to answer the questions posed. Consequently, this questionnaire could not truthfully determine the personality's character accentuation.

Understanding the need to determine the type of character accentuation in adolescents, psychiatrist Andrei Lichko took up this. Lichko modified Leonhard's questionnaire. He rewrote the descriptions for the types of character accentuation, changed some of the type names and introduced new ones.

Lichko expanded the description of the types of character accentuation, guided by information about the expression of accentuation in children and adolescents and changes in manifestations as the personality develops and grows up. Thus, he created a questionnaire on the types of accentuations of the character of adolescents.

A. Lichko reasoned that it would be more appropriate to study the types of accentuations of the character of adolescents, based on the fact that most accentuations are formed and manifest themselves precisely in this age period.

To better understand the types of character accentuation, examples should be given from familiar episodes and persons. Most people know the most popular cartoon characters or characters from fairy tales, they are deliberately portrayed as too emotional, active or vice versa passive. But the bottom line is that it is this expression of extreme variants of the norms of character that attracts to itself, such a person is interested, someone is imbued with sympathy for her, and someone is just waiting for what will happen to her next. In life, you can meet exactly the same "heroes", only in different circumstances.

Types of character accentuation examples. Alice from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is a representative of the cycloid type of character accentuation, she had alternations of high and low activity, mood swings; Carlson is a vivid example of a demonstrative type of character accentuation, he likes to brag, possesses, he is characterized by feigned behavior and a desire to be in the spotlight.

A stuck type of character accentuation is characteristic of superheroes who are in a state of constant struggle.

A hyperthymic type of character accentuation is observed in Masha (the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"), she is spontaneous, active, undisciplined and noisy.

Types of character accentuation according to Leonhard

Karl Leonhard was the founder of the term "accentuations" in . His theory of accentuated personalities was based on the idea of ​​the presence of main, expressive and additional personality traits. The main features, as usual, are much smaller, but they are very expressive and represent the whole personality. They are the core of the personality and are of decisive importance in its development of adaptation and mental health. A very strong expression of the main personality traits rebounds on the whole personality, and under problematic or unfavorable circumstances, they can become a destructive factor for the personality.

K. Leonhard believed that accentuated personality traits can first of all be observed with.

The accentuation of personality is determined by the style of communication. Leonhard created a concept in which he described the main types of character accentuations. It is important to remember that the characterization of character accentuation according to Leonhard describes only the types of adult behavior. Karl Leonhard described twelve types of accentuation. All of them, by their origin, have different localization.

The labile type of character accentuation is manifested in the rapid changeability of mood and everything. emotional state. Even when there are no obvious reasons for great joy or great sadness, a person switches between these strong emotions, changing his entire state. Such experiences are very deep, a person can lose his ability to work.

The asthenoneurotic type of character accentuation is expressed in the personality's tendency to. Such a person is often irritable, constantly complains about his condition, quickly gets tired. The irritation can be so strong that they can yell at someone for no reason, and then regret it. Their depends on the mood and the influx of hypochondria. If the state of health is good, then the person feels more self-confident.

The sensitive type of character accentuation is expressed in high, fearfulness, isolation. Sensitive individuals have a hard time making new contacts, but with those people they know well, they behave cheerfully and naturally. Often, because of their feelings of inferiority, they overcompensate. For example, if earlier a person was too shy, then, having matured, he begins to behave too liberated.

The psychasthenic type of character accentuation is manifested in a person's tendency to obsessive states; in childhood, they are subject to various phobias. They are characterized by anxiety, arising against the background of uncertainty and uncertainty about their future. Prone to introspection. They are always accompanied by some kind of rituals, the same type of obsessive movements, thanks to this they feel much calmer.

The schizoid type of character accentuation is manifested in the inconsistency of feelings, thoughts and emotions. The schizoid combines: isolation and talkativeness, coldness and sensitivity, inactivity and purposefulness, antipathy and attachment, and so on. Most bright features of this type - a low need for communication and avoidance of others. Not the ability to empathize and show attention are perceived as coldness of a person. Such people are more likely to share something intimate with a stranger than with a loved one.

The epileptoid type of character accentuation manifests itself in an angry-angry state. In such a state, the irritability and anger of a person accumulates and after a while splashes out with prolonged outbursts of anger. The epileptoid type of accentuation is characterized by inertia in various aspects of life - the emotional sphere, movements, life values and rules. Often such people are very jealous, mostly unfounded. They try to live for today's real day and what they have, they do not like to make plans, fantasize or dream. given to the epileptoid type of personality is very difficult.

The hysteroid type of character accentuation is characterized by increased egocentrism, a thirst for love, universal recognition and attention. Their behavior is demonstrative and feigned, in order to get attention. It would be better for them if they were hated or treated negatively than if they were treated indifferently or neutrally. They approve of any activity in their direction. For hysteroid personalities, the most terrible thing is the possibility of being unnoticed. Another important feature of this type of accentuation is suggestibility, aimed at emphasizing merits or admiration.

An unstable type of character accentuation is manifested in the inability to observe socially acceptable forms of behavior. From childhood, they have a reluctance to learn, it is difficult for them to concentrate on learning, complete tasks or obey their elders. As they get older, unstable personalities begin to experience difficulties in establishing relationships, especially difficulties in romantic relationships. They find it difficult to establish deep emotional bonds. They live in the present, one day without plans for the future and any desires or aspirations.

The conformal type of character accentuation is expressed in the desire to mix with others, not to differ. They easily, without hesitation, accept someone else's point of view, are guided by common goals, adjust their desires to the desires of others, without thinking about personal needs. They quickly become attached to their inner circle and try not to be different from others, if there are common hobbies, interests or ideas, they also immediately pick them up. In their professional life, they are uninitiated, trying to do their job without being active.

In addition to the types of character accentuation described, Lichko additionally identifies mixed accentuations, since accentuation in its pure form is not observed so often. Separate accentuations, which are the most expressive, are interconnected, while others cannot be simultaneously characteristic of one person.

The main types of accentuation include:
- Cyclothymic, which is characterized by the alternation (cyclicity) of periods of good and bad mood. Often these transitions are associated with a change in the situation, sometimes even with the weather, which makes the cyclothymic type related to the labile, unstable one.

Hyperthymic type, which is characterized by constantly high spirits, the desire for activity, increased excitability. People of this type tend to take on a large number of cases that they often do not complete, taking on new ones.

Associated with the predominance of low tone, bad mood. People of this type are characterized by a tendency to depression, they usually see everything in a dark light and their forecasts are the most pessimistic. Irritability and hypochondria make this type related to the asthenic type, which is also characterized by fatigue.

The schizoid type, which is characterized by emotional coldness, isolation from others. Often people of this type are closed, self-centered, not inclined to expand contacts; is common and high level intelligence, primarily in the field of abstract, logical thinking.

The epileptoid type, on the contrary, is characterized by concreteness, viscosity of thinking, often a low general intellectual level, as well as scrupulous pedantry. A tendency to an angry-dreary mood often manifests itself in attacks of aggressive behavior, conflict, sometimes even rage and cruelty, which makes this type similar to a stuck one.

The stuck (paranoid) type is characterized by increased suspicion and painful resentment, suspiciousness, especially in relations with others. Distrust of them and the desire for dominance lead to frequent conflicts, and vindictiveness, the persistence of negative emotional experiences - to cruelty and revenge.

The demonstrative (hysterical) type is characterized primarily by pronounced vanity, the desire for recognition, to attract attention at any cost. For this, deceit, fantasizing, pretense, and imaginary illnesses are sometimes used. Adventurism and the ability to repress unpleasant facts and memories into the unconscious are also very common in people of this type.

The psychasthenic type is characterized by high anxiety, indecision, suspiciousness associated with the constant search for diseases. There are frequent manifestations of introspection, a tendency to "self-discipline" and a mental return to unpleasant events, which leads to uncertainty, a decrease in claims. This heightened sense of one's own inferiority makes one given type with sensitive, which is also characterized by increased impressionability and timidity.

It should be noted that in its pure form, these types of accentuation are quite rare, usually a person has a “mixed” accentuation, with more or less pronounced forms of several types.

Combination individual qualities, which is completely unique for each person, in many respects his behavior, communication with other people and attitude towards himself. It represents the second level in the structure of individuality, that "integral individuality" (V. Merlin's term), which underlies the individual lifestyle, mediating the connection between psychodynamic individual traits and personality structure. The tasks of psychotherapy are largely connected precisely with helping a person in creating an individual style of activity and communication based on his integral disposition of psychodynamic features, which uses the positive aspects of his personality, compensating for the negative ones if possible.

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