Schizoid personality disorder: is it dangerous. Schizoid type

garden equipment 12.10.2019
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People with a schizoid type of character are always significantly different from those around them, and have special signs that manifest themselves in many directions. The manifestation of the schizoid personality type is facilitated by injuries received before the birth of the child. No matter what kind of injury it is, in any case it means that the child is in danger.

The most common trauma is when the mother does not want to give birth to this child and is going to have an abortion. Other relatives who insist on termination of pregnancy (father, grandparents, friends, etc.) and do not want the birth of a child can also participate in this. From such rejection comes anger and energy of rejection of the child, and the child, even in the womb, already perfectly understands what is happening. And in order to save himself and save his life, he seems to break into small pieces, subsequently, lines of blocking appear between all organs, which interrupt the single connection of all organs.

In this state, the child shows minimal signs of life, which allows others to calm down, and they no longer perceive this child as a threat to their well-being. In principle, this is what the child achieved. Breaking himself into pieces, he saves his life. But as an adult, this person begins to experience the most innate feelings for the person who did not want his life. This person will experience the same negative feelings for his mother. Even if the mother did not intend to take the child's life, but was subject to severe stress, this also contributes to the development of a schizoid personality type.

The next traumas for the development of this type of personality are childbirth, and the moment of separation of the child from the mother. When a child is taken away from his mother immediately after birth, he is left alone with this unfamiliar and vast world, and at that moment he feels abandoned.

I want to note that the parent does not need to feel guilty about what happened. If you have read my article types of human personality, then you probably remember that the child also took an active part in shaping his personality and the experience that he had to go through.

When a child of the schizoid type grows up, it cannot be said that he experiences any fear. However, in reality this is not the case. This person is constantly haunted by fears, and some of them are unaccountable. The biggest fear of the schizoid is that he has no right to exist and horror if he feels that he is threatened with destruction. This person is deprived of a sense of security and it seems to him that he is a stranger everywhere. And all these emotions, taken together, cause a strong feeling of anger in him.

Each personality type has its own means of protection. The schizoid has three. The first type of protection is care. Perhaps you often saw this when talking with a person, you felt that he was not here, although he pretends to be listening, but this is not the case at this moment, he seems to be far from you. If you yourself belong to this type of personality, you probably noticed when you get bored and not interested, you experience slight tension, then a fog appears in your head and you find yourself in no one knows where, and at this moment you do not hear the voice of the interlocutor and his image as would blur.

The second type of defense of the schizoid is "Beyond himself." Other people think that this person is strange. He is not of this world. And the third defense - "Needles" If you believe the words of clairvoyants, then the aura of this person looks like the bristles of a hedgehog. It is difficult to talk with this person, since these needles really prick at the energy level, causing discomfort and it becomes clear to the other that they do not want to communicate with him.

It is important to understand here that there are no bad or good defenses, they just are. And if you are a schizoid type, then while you think that the world is dangerous, you will defend yourself. The only thing you can do is to realize that you have them, it is important to see them. And when you begin to understand that the world is not so bad, then your defensive reactions will disappear by themselves.

A schizoid person has a narrow, elongated body, although there are schizoids and full ones. Looking at this man, it seems that he is not foldable and clumsy, it seems that each part of him lives on its own. But, the way it is, he once split himself in order to survive. This person has weak joints, red and tense, as there are blocks in his joints that look like holes in the aura. The schizoid does not accept physical reality and any actions are unacceptable for him, therefore, when it is worth doing something, he opens these holes and releases energy. He has powerlessness and unwillingness to do anything, he is looking for any excuse, on a subconscious level, not to do what he does not like.

The left and right sides of the schizoid are unbalanced, as there is no balance. His head is tilted slightly to the side. And all because at the base of the skull there is the most important energy block, from which energy flows very strongly. That is why the schizoid often experiences headaches.

The schizoid personality type cannot make eye contact because it avoids making eye contact with the other person. The schizoid usually has a long, thin and tight neck, small shoulders in which there is no strength. It even happens that he has one shoulder more, the other less, and all because there is more energy in one half than in the other. The schizoid has too Long hands and legs that he can't control. In addition, these people often have cold hands and feet.

The schizoid personality type has a tightly compressed chest. From here, various girdle pains can occur. And women of this type cannot have large breasts. Tension also arises around the abdomen, and therefore the schizoid, no matter how hard he tries to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, it will be difficult for him to achieve any result. No matter what this person does, his stomach will still be flabby, loose and weak. And if you want to put your tummy in order, then take care of cleansing the third chakra and your schizoid character.

The schizoid can have a curved spine and that's it, because he is often absent from his own body. To mitigate many of the negative aspects of the schizoid personality, this person needs to practice meditation often - this is the only remedy that can help you.

In the presence of a schizoid personality type, a person is drawn to talk on high spiritual topics, even if the schizoid is silent. He likes to talk about the cosmos, about love and about the spiritual, but if you ask something specific, he will not be able to answer you. If you agree with the schizoid about business meeting then don't be surprised if he doesn't come. Just during a conversation, he may step back and not hear you.

If danger arises in his life, he seems to disappear, he simply does not exist. That is, physically he is here, but he himself is not here. It is also difficult to catch him if he thinks that he simply does not need to be in a certain place. You can look for him all you want, but on a subconscious level, he will do everything possible to avoid this meeting. You can call him, or come to visit, and at this time he can go about his business. But it's not his fault. This is how his protective forces work, which protect him from danger, as well as so that he does not experience his fears again and again.

The schizoid personality type occurs in people suffering from such an eccentric schizophrenia spectrum disorder as schizoid personality disorder. This means that the behavior and mannerisms of such a person are always very different from the behavior of the people around them.

Although schizoid personality disorder is classified by psychiatrists as part of the schizophrenic spectrum of mental illness, however, unlike schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder, people with this disorder generally do not experience psychosis.


A person of the schizoid type is always taken out of the context of social relations. The schizoid typical person has great difficulty in expressing any of his emotions, or does so in a very limited range. This is especially evident when interacting with other people. Some people with this mental disorder also have cognitive impairment (their thinking is schizoid), perceptual distortions, as well as pronounced originality of behavior in Everyday life(the so-called schizoid-hysteroid personality type).

A person with this disorder does not desire intimacy with other people. He tends to avoid any close relationship, usually not able to experience love. The schizoid typical personality prefers to spend time alone with his thoughts, rather than communicate with others or be in a group of people. AT normal conditions a person with a schizoid personality type is perceived as a typical "loner".

In addition, the typical schizoid personality has particular difficulty expressing his anger, even in response to direct provocations. This forms an erroneous opinion among others that such people are cold and insensitive. Often their life seems to be an outside aimless existence. Usually the schizoid typical personality pursues specific life goals that are incomprehensible to other people. Such people often react passively to adverse situations, it is difficult for them to give an adequate assessment and determine the significance major events in their life.

Insufficient social skills and a lack of desire for sexual experiences lead people with this disorder to have very few friends and rarely marry. It is very difficult for them to work for hire or engage in intensive work, especially if they labor activity involves constant interpersonal interaction. But the schizoid typical personality perfectly manifests itself in conditions of social isolation and where remarkable intelligence is required. The examples of many famous scientists, such as Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, clearly convince us of this.

The schizoid typical personality is formed on the basis of an eccentric pattern of inner experience and behavior that goes against the cultural norms of humanity. As a rule, signs of eccentric behavior are observed in such people in two or more of the following areas: cognition, managing people, interpersonal interaction, managing their emotions. Their picture of the world is not flexible enough, and schizoid character traits appear in a wide range of personal and social situations.

The schizoid typical personality is stable in its manifestations throughout life, and the first signs of a schizoid personality disorder usually appear as early as adolescence or adolescence. The schizoid type of character is more common among men than among women. Its prevalence in the general population ranges from 3.1 to 4.9 percent.


Researchers still don't know for sure what causes schizoid personality disorder. Different theories name different reasons for the development of a schizoid personality.

A person's personality is the combination of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that makes each person unique. These features are manifested in our attitude to outside world and how we see ourselves. Any personality is formed in childhood due to the interaction of heredity and environmental factors.

Under normal personal development children learn over time to accurately interpret social demands and respond to them appropriately. What goes wrong in schizoid children is not exactly known, but it is possible that some factors cause certain problems. personal formation. Features of the functioning of the brain and genetics also play an important role.

Most specialists adhere to the biopsychosocial model of causation. In their opinion, the reasons due to which a person develops a schizoid typical personality is a combination of such factors: biological, genetic, social (for example, the interaction of a child with family and other children) and psychological (character and temperament, skills to confront stressful situations). This suggests that not a single factor can be considered the leading one - the formation of one or another personality type is very important. complex process influenced by all of the above factors. However, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of transmission of the disease from parents to children.

Who is at risk? The schizoid personality type is often observed in members of the same family. You may be at risk if you have or have had relatives with schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, or any other personality disorder.

Childhood experiences also play a significant role in the development of this disease. Such factors include:

  • emotional and physical abuse;
  • neglect;
  • psychological trauma or constant stress;
  • emotional coldness of parents.


Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by distancing social relations and a limited range of expression of emotions in interpersonal contacts. These personality traits appear from early childhood and come in many variations. Typically, the schizoid personality type includes four (or more) of the following:

Because this personality disorder relies on resilient behavior patterns, it is most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is quite difficult to diagnose in childhood or adolescence because the child or adolescent is constantly developing. If this does happen, the above symptoms should be observed in the child for at least one year.

However, early symptoms of schizoid personality disorder such as increased interest in individual activities or high level social anxiety, in adolescence is already clearly visible. The child may be a school outcast, or fall behind in his own way. social development from his peers, which is why he often becomes the subject of bullying or ridicule.

As with most other personality disorders, the manifestations of the schizoid personality type become more intense with age, so the most pronounced symptoms of this mental disorder appear at the age of 40-50 years.


Schizoid personality disorder is diagnosed by mental health professionals such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Ordinary therapists do not have sufficient skills and tools for psychological diagnosis.

Unfortunately, many people with schizoid personality disorder do not seek treatment. Typically, people with personality disorders do not seek treatment until their illness begins to have a significant impact on their lives.

The diagnosis of a schizoid personality type is made only by a specialist (psychotherapist or psychiatrist), while he relies on anamnesis and symptoms. It is he who decides whether your symptoms meet the criteria for schizoid personality disorder. In addition, there are a number of specific medical tests (MMPI, TAT, Rorschach test) that make the diagnosis even more accurate.


People with this disorder are often at high risk of developing anxiety or depression. They also have poor social skills and do not have meaningful relationships with people. Without treatment, people with this disorder become increasingly uncomfortable in social situations, leading to even greater isolation.

Therapy for schizoid personality disorder usually involves long-term psychotherapy with a specialist who has sufficient experience in treating this personality disorder. Some types of psychotherapy have proven to be very effective in the treatment of schizoid personality disorder.

Psychological counseling helps the patient to form the "right" relationship. Often used in conjunction with social skills training to make the person feel more comfortable in social situations.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps to deal with eccentric and socially undesirable behavior. A person is taught how to act in social situations, how to respond to explicit and hidden social signals. CBT also teaches you to recognize unusual or harmful thoughts so that you can reformulate them later.

The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary "dome of comfort", being in which gives peace and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships are usually poor or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, a close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any sphere of life is associated with loneliness and unwillingness to change, compete, and ambitiously achieve something. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but only in adulthood. This personality type is not subject to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on overwhelming, difficult activities that an ordinary person would refuse.

Examples of "schizoids" among prominent figures

If we consider the statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, which are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, then we can conclude that a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. Gender separation in identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities is not particularly observed, but, according to some reports, the ratio tends to be 2: 1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

Surprisingly often among famous figures there are those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers- Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many others.

The schizoid type of character is not always the prerequisite for the disease

Any person has inherent traits that determine the schizoid type of character. Thanks to them, an individual can manifest himself as an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid type of character, as the predominant trait of a person, can result in the fact that he will be more devoted to theory than to emotional aspects. real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid personalities, sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of such behavior is the futility of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious departure from transferring the idea to commercial area. An interesting feature carries a schizoid personality type. She expresses her steadfastness about her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment of his birth and, as they say, to gray hair. The schizoid personality type is subject to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if the deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the emergence of everything that exists, etc.

How does the schizoid position himself in his youth?

At a later age, people with a schizoid personality type can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time, a complete inability to solve elementary problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the drug treatment of the disorder, an ineffective result can be noted. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but are treated for other diseases, in particular, alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type was diagnosed - what to do in this case, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient must get to know and try to survive. Also may be offered role-playing games within the framework of social life, the essence of which is to instill generally accepted social behavior that is acceptable in certain situations.

Causes of disorder in schizoids

A pronounced personality disorder of the schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. The period of development of the disorder of this type very lengthy.

There is no genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder. Even, for example, at work, the patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, others may not be aware of his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or mild emotion in relation to the events taking place around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. The almost complete absence of the need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from trusted sources, for example, is presented from the words of honored scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the way to the relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnostics by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysterical personality type.

II. Hystero-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. It's on my own existing types personality.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be crossing different types the personalities of one and the second parent in their child, but only on the condition of clearly defined initial types that have equal force and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type takes the primary position, and not the hysteroid type, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about the separation of the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual's need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of the schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of the need for society, is already a feature of the hysterical personality type.

If you are a schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell's personality questionnaire, which is able to conduct both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received extensive demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if any,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes personality with 16 factors that allow predicting behavioral actions in projection on real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in a group, capturing various areas applications: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics according to R. Cattell's method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows high precision to diagnose the individual features of a particular personality, which are called "constitutional factors", according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is the limited time. The technique allows to identify emotional, intellectual, communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist final result in the form of a psychographic personality profile.

This professional program finds application in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

The practical significance of the results of diagnostics according to the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern method of psychodiagnostics, which is no less important and popular than the R. Cattell questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants, based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the methodology will help track and identify employees involved in professional activity, which does not correspond to them in terms of the psychographic profile of the person, which will subsequently lead to an increase in productivity and minimization of risks. Programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, the level of intellectual and vocational training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

The areas of application can be various types of psychological counseling, career guidance, career selection, harmonization of relationships in teams, and much more.

The name "schizoid" spread thanks to E. Kretschmer (1921). Other names for this type of character: "strange and eccentric" (Kraepelin E., 1915), "pathologically closed", "autistic psychopaths" (Asperger H., 1944), etc. - are used much less frequently.

The most significant features of this type are isolation, isolation from the environment, inability or unwillingness to establish contacts, and a decrease in the need for communication. A combination of contradictory traits in personality and behavior - coldness and refined sensitivity, stubbornness and pliability, alertness and gullibility, apathetic inactivity and assertive determination, unsociableness and unexpected importunity, shyness and tactlessness, excessive attachments and unmotivated antipathies, rational reasoning and illogical actions, wealth inner peace and its colorlessness external manifestations- all this led to talk about the lack of "internal unity". H. Asperger (1944) drew attention to the lack of intuition as main feature this type of character. Intuition here should be understood primarily as the use of unconscious past experience.

Schizoid traits are revealed at an earlier age than the character traits of all other types. It is no coincidence that the schizoid type of character is described in detail in the works and manuals on child psychiatry.

From the first childhood, a child who likes to play alone, does not reach out to peers, avoids noisy amusements, prefers to stay among adults, sometimes for a long time silently listening to their conversations, strikes. To this may be added some childish restraint in the manifestation of feelings, which is perceived as coldness.

Adolescence is the most difficult for schizoid psychopathy. It seems to us an erroneous judgment about the well-being of adolescence in schizoids, built on anamnesis collected from adults and even from elderly people suffering from schizoid psychopathy (Mazaeva N.A., 1974). We must keep in mind the low accuracy of the anamnesis as a method for a retrospective assessment of one's own behavior, an involuntary desire to embellish one's youth in elderly people. Dynamic observations show that with the onset of puberty, schizoid features intensify (Natalevich E.S., Maltseva M.M., 1979).

With the onset of puberty, all character traits come out with particular brightness. Closure, isolation from peers are striking. Sometimes spiritual loneliness does not even burden a schizoid teenager who lives in his own world with his interests and hobbies unusual for others, treating with condescending disdain or obvious hostility to everything that fills the life of other teenagers. But more often than not, schizoid teenagers themselves suffer from their loneliness, inability to communicate, and the inability to find a friend to their liking.

Unsuccessful attempts to establish friendly relations, mimosa-like sensitivity at the moments of their search, rapid exhaustion in contact (“I don’t know what to talk about”) often prompts such adolescents to even more withdraw into themselves.

The lack of intuition is manifested by the lack of a “direct sense of reality” (Gannushkin P. B., 1933), the inability to penetrate other people's experiences, guess the desires of others, feel a hostile attitude towards oneself or, conversely, sympathy and disposition, catch the moment when it is not necessary to impose your presence and when, on the contrary, you need to listen, sympathize, not leave the interlocutor with himself. One of the schizoid teenagers said about this: "I never know if they love me or hate me, unless they tell me about it directly!"

To the lack of intuition, one should add a closely related inability to empathize - the inability to share the joy and sadness of another, to understand resentment, to feel someone else's excitement and anxiety. Sometimes this feature is referred to as a weakness of emotional resonance.

A lack of intuition and an inability to empathize are probably responsible for what is called the coldness of schizoids. Their actions may seem cruel, but they are associated with the inability to "feel into" the suffering of others, and not with the desire to receive sadistic pleasure, as in epileptoids.

To all these shortcomings, one can add another inability to convince others in one's own words.

The inner world of the schizoid is almost always closed from prying eyes. Only sometimes, and before a select few, the curtain suddenly rises, but never to the end, and just as suddenly can fall again. The schizoid is more likely to reveal himself to people unfamiliar, even random, but somehow impressing his whimsical choice. But he can forever remain a hidden, incomprehensible thing in himself for those close to him or those who have known him for many years. The wealth of the inner world is far from characteristic of all schizoid adolescents and, of course, is associated with a certain intellect or talent. Therefore, not every one of the schizoids can serve as an illustration of the words of E. Kretschmer (1921) about the similarity of their "devoid of decorations to Roman villas, the shutters of which are closed from the bright sun, but in the twilight of which luxurious feasts are celebrated." However, in all cases, the inner world of schizoids is filled with hobbies and fantasies.

Schizoid teenagers fantasize about themselves and for themselves. They do not like to talk about their dreams and dreams in front of others. They are also not inclined to mix everyday life with the beauties of their inventions. Schizoid fantasies either serve to console their pride or are erotic in nature. They can clearly play the role of psychological protection - in difficult situations for the schizoid, his tendency to fantasize increases.

The inaccessibility of the inner world and restraint in the manifestation of feelings make many actions of schizoid adolescents incomprehensible and unexpected for others, because everything that preceded them - the entire course of experiences and motives - remained hidden. Some antics really bear the stamp of eccentricity, but, unlike hysteroids, they do not at all represent a performance played out in order to attract everyone's attention. The reaction of emancipation often manifests itself in a very peculiar way. A schizoid teenager can endure petty care in everyday life for a long time, obey the established routine of life, but react with violent protest at the slightest attempt to invade without permission into the world of his interests, fantasies, hobbies. At the same time, the reaction of emancipation can easily turn into social nonconformity - indignation at the existing rules and regulations, ridicule at common ideals, interests, malice about the "lack of freedom." Judgments of this kind can be hatched for a long time and secretly and, unexpectedly for others, be realized in public speeches or decisive actions. Often the direct criticism of others without considering its consequences for oneself is striking. When examining with the help of PDO, both low conformity and a strong emancipation reaction are often manifested.

The grouping reaction is outwardly expressed rather weakly. As a rule, schizoid teenagers stand apart from peer groups. Their isolation makes it difficult to join the group, and their stubbornness to the general influence, general atmosphere, their non-conformity does not allow either to merge with the group or to submit to it. Once in a teenage group, often by accident, they always remain in it in a special position. Sometimes they are ridiculed and even brutally persecuted by other teenagers, but sometimes thanks to their independence, cold restraint, unexpected ability to stand up for themselves, they inspire respect and force them to keep their distance. But success in a peer group may be one of the innermost desires of a schizoid teenager. In his fantasies, he creates similar groups, where he takes the position of leader and favorite, where he feels free and easy and receives those emotional contacts that he lacks in real life.

Hobbies in schizoid adolescents usually appear brighter than any other behavioral reactions of this age. Hobbies are often distinguished by strength, stability and unusualness. Most often you have to meet intellectual and aesthetic hobbies. Most schizoid adolescents love to read, they devour books avidly, they prefer reading to other entertainments. The choice for reading can be strictly selective - only a certain genre of literature, only a certain era in history, a certain trend in philosophy, etc. Yu. A. Skrotsky (1980) noted a predilection for the study of biographies. In general, in intellectual and aesthetic hobbies, the whimsicalness of the choice of subject is striking. Modern teenagers had to meet a passion for Sanskrit, Chinese characters, copying the portals of cathedrals and churches, the genealogy of the royal house of the Romanovs, comparing the constitutions of different states and different times, etc. All this is never done for show, but only for themselves. Hobbies are shared with a few if they meet sincere interest and understanding of the interlocutor. Often hobbies hide, fearing misunderstanding and ridicule. At a lower level of intelligence, the matter can be reduced to less refined, but no less strange hobbies. The collections of schizoid adolescents, sometimes unique, sometimes striking in their worthlessness, are also more poignant for the goals of sophisticated intellectual or aesthetic needs than for mere hoarding. One teenager, for example, collected doublets from postcards with reproductions of paintings by famous artists and postage stamps depicting the same paintings.

In second place are hobbies of the manual-bodily type. Clumsiness, awkwardness, inharmonious motor skills, often attributed to schizoids, are far from always encountered, and a persistent desire for bodily improvement can smooth out these shortcomings. Systematic gymnastics, swimming, cycling, yoga exercises are usually combined with a lack of interest in collective sports games. The place of hobbies can be occupied by single hours of walking or cycling. Some schizoids are good at fine manual skills: applied arts, playing musical instruments - all this can also be a subject of hobbies.

The reactions associated with the emerging sexual desire, at first glance, may not appear at all. External "asexuality", demonstrative contempt for questions of sexual life is often combined with stubborn masturbation and rich erotic fantasies. These fantasies feed on random information and easily include perverse components. Painfully sensitive in company, incapable of flirting and courtship, and unable to achieve sexual intimacy in a situation where it is possible, schizoid adolescents may unexpectedly find sexual activity in the most gross and unnatural forms - to watch for hours to peep someone's naked genitals, exhibition in front of babies, masturbate under other people's windows, from where they are being watched, get in touch with random people you meet, make phone calls to strangers "once". Schizoid teenagers hide their sex life and sexual fantasies deeply. Even when their actions are revealed, they try not to reveal their motives and experiences.

Alcoholization among schizoid adolescents is quite rare. Most of them do not like alcoholic drinks. Intoxication does not cause them pronounced euphoria. They easily resist the persuasion of comrades, the drinking atmosphere of companies. However, some of them find that small doses of alcohol, without causing euphoria, can facilitate the establishment of contacts, eliminate difficulties and feelings of unnaturalness in communication. Then a special kind of mental dependence is easily formed - the desire to regularly use small doses of alcoholic beverages, often strong, in order to "overcome shyness" and facilitate contacts. The use of alcohol as a similar "communicative dope" can be carried out both with friends and alone. For example, a 15-year-old schizoid teenager secretly kept a bottle of cognac in his bed and took a drink every morning to "feel free at school."

No less a threat than alcohol to schizoid adolescents are other intoxicating substances. Some of them, especially the volatile ones, "pour water into the mill" of schizoid fantasies, making them more sensual and colorful.

Suicidal behavior is not characteristic of schizoids - schizoidness, apparently, does not have a similar way of solving life's difficulties. Demonstrative suicide attempts (Ledenev B. A., 1981) occur with a mixed schizoid-hysteroid type. On mental trauma, conflict situations, situations where unbearable demands are made on a schizoid personality, the reaction is manifested by an even greater withdrawal into oneself, into one's inner world of deeply hidden fantasies. Another manifestation of a similar reaction of a schizoid teenager may be an increased concentration on any hobby, moreover, in an environment that seems completely unsuitable for this to others. For example, a 17-year-old teenager, caring for a mother dying of cancer and literally not leaving her bed, immediately studied by her self-tutor Italian language. The same reaction to difficulties can be revealed by unexpected, pretentious, sometimes cruel actions. Acute affective reactions in schizoid adolescents are most often of an impunity (escape from an affective situation) or an extrapunitive type.

Delinquency with a schizoid type of character is rare, while schizoid features clearly appear in the delinquent behavior itself. Examining homeless teenagers of the 1920s, N. I. Ozeretsky (1932) noted that schizoids prefer to steal alone, choose a thieves' "profession" that requires skillful skills (for example, stealing money from inside pockets or the ability to get into an apartment through a window ). Schizoid teenagers, not being prone to group delinquency, may commit serious offenses "in the name of the group", wanting "the group to recognize its own." Sexual offenses are also committed alone (exhibitionism, sexual abuse of minors, sexual aggression). Thefts can be of a special nature (in the name of "restoring justice", embezzlement unique items to replenish the missing in the collected collection, etc.). Sometimes delinquent behavior and serious offenses are preceded by taking a small dose of alcohol as a "dope", but there is no real alcohol intoxication.

According to the observation of our colleague A. A. Vdovichenko, schizoid adolescents prone to delinquency came to the attention of the police much later than delinquent adolescents with other types of character accentuation. They acted alone, knew how to hide their actions, did not look for accomplices, and thought over their actions well. They preferred to commit thefts with the help of master keys made with their own hands, skillful sawing of door locks, and similar “techniques”.

Self-esteem of schizoids is distinguished by the recognition of what is associated with isolation, loneliness, difficulty in contacts, misunderstanding on the part of others. The attitude to other problems is estimated much worse.

Schizoids often do not notice or do not attach any importance to the inconsistencies of their behavior. They like to emphasize their independence and independence.

Somatic signs that since the time of E. Kretschmer (1921) have been considered characteristic of schizoids (asthenic physique, flabby muscles, stooped figure, long legs and high pelvis, poorly developed genitals, angular movements) in modern adolescents can not always be seen. Acceleration of development and associated endocrine shifts could distort these traits, causing, for example, excessive fullness or early and strong sexual development.

Since the description of schizoid psychopathy, attention has been drawn to its similarity with some forms of schizophrenia, in particular with its sluggish form and with a picture of a defect after a schizophrenic attack. This gave some authors reason to doubt the existence of schizoid psychopathy as a constitutional anomaly of character, and to interpret everything that was described under its name as a defect after an attack of schizophrenia that went unnoticed or happened in early childhood, or as "latent" schizophrenia. As a result, in the past decades there was a period when schizoid psychopathy almost ceased to be diagnosed and its pronounced cases began to be considered as sluggish schizophrenia, and schizoid accentuations with good social adaptation served as a reason for suspicion of "latent schizophrenia". Since the second half of the 70s, the situation has changed, and the schizoid type of character as a variant of a constitutional anomaly has again been recognized.

Adolescence creates particular difficulties for the differential diagnosis of schizoid psychopathy and sluggish schizophrenia. Pubertal exacerbation of schizoid psychopathy can be mistaken for a process that has begun or for a new “fur coat”, and, conversely, the onset of schizophrenia can be masked by adolescent behavioral disorders. This problem is discussed in more detail in Chap. VII.

With psychopathy, all the main signs of schizoidness: isolation, isolation from people, lack of intuition and empathy, withdrawal into the world of fantasies and hobbies - reach the extreme. However, with a moderate degree of schizoid psychopathy, the possibility of satisfactory adaptation is often found, but within strictly limited limits. Under these conditions, significant progress can even be achieved in a narrow area (for example, in the field of certain exact sciences, applied arts, playing chess, etc.), but at the same time, surprising unsuitability can be revealed in everyday life. In severe psychopathy, maladaptation sometimes manifests itself in the desire to completely isolate oneself from people and live only in one's own fantasy world.

Vladimir B., 14 years old. The only son from a friendly intelligent family. Closed from childhood, did not like noisy games, in kindergarten he always played alone away from the children or carefully watched how other children played. I went to school reluctantly, in the first months of study tics appeared. Once I got used to the class and the teacher, the tics went away. Studied satisfactorily. He had one comrade, but there was no close friendship. From the first grades of school he lived with hobbies. He collected a large collection of butterflies, then made crossbows, toy boats with motors, a steam engine. He asked his father, an engineer by profession, about the arrangement of various machines. He liked to think about the possibilities of different inventions.

At the age of 12, his parents sent him to a pioneer camp. A few days later he escaped from there. For three days alone he walked home through the woods to the city (“there was no money for the train”). He ate berries, spent the night alone in the forest, went around the villages, fearing that they would look for him and return him back. In the camp, the educators considered the escape unreasonable - there were no quarrels or punishments, he ran away after being told to go to the bathhouse to wash. At the age of 14 he was transferred to another school. I ended up in a class dominated by a company of hooligans. He ran away from home to an empty dacha that belonged to their relatives; hid there for several days. When he was naive, he did not explain the reasons for the escape to anyone, kept silent, closed himself. He was sent for examination to a teenage psychiatric clinic.

During the conversation, at first he was restrained and laconic, but then he willingly talked about his hobbies. He discovered a good knowledge of technology, confirmed that he dreams of becoming an inventor of new machines. But he assessed his crafts very critically, he himself called them "children's toys." Then, on his own initiative, he spoke very emotionally about the reason for his escapes. It was always tinder, but meeting new guys, I felt calmer among adults. In the camp he was unsettled. Since childhood, he was embarrassed to undress in front of strangers - that's why he ran away from the bath (he had never been to public baths before, and did not know that they wash naked there in the presence of others). He was threatened with punishment and that he would be washed by force. Then he decided to run away. The second escape was caused by the fact that hooligans mocked him at school: they tried to undress him in the toilet, molested him with sexual claims, threatened to beat him. I didn’t tell anyone about it - I was ashamed that I couldn’t stand up for myself. I stopped going to classes: they didn’t know about it at home, I spent hours of lessons on the street or in the cinema. When absenteeism was discovered, the principal of the school threatened to send him to a boarding school. He was frightened and ran away from the house to hide in the country. The attitude towards parents is warm, especially attached to the father. He confessed that he loves to fantasize "about himself" on the topics of inventions or about what it is "shameful to talk about." In the clinic, he made friends with a calm, reserved boy, who was also fond of technology.

On neurological examination - slight asymmetry of facial innervation and tendon reflexes. On the EEG - no significant deviations. Physical development - by age, but sexual - with a pronounced acceleration (corresponds to the age of 16-17 years).

Survey using PDO. On a scale of objective assessment - diagnosed with a pronounced schizoid type. There are signs that call for the possibility of an emerging psychopathy. Conformity and reaction of emancipation are moderate. A pronounced negative attitude towards alcoholization was noted. According to the scale of subjective assessment, self-esteem is satisfactory - schizoid and melancholic features appeared, "hyperthymic and cycloid features" are reliably rejected (self-esteem indicates not only schizoidness, but also a possible subdepressive state).

Diagnosis. Moderate schizoid psychopathy.

Follow-up after 1 year. Was transferred to another school. He studies satisfactorily, but with interest and success he is engaged only in physics and algebra. Remains closed, has no friends, no more escapes.

The schizoid type of psychopathy in male adolescents is the most frequent after the epileptoid type - 19% (see Table 3). At the same time, the cases of "pure" schizoids in the majority were regarded as psychopathy of a severe or pronounced degree. In moderate cases, social maladjustment was partial - a breakdown occurred either at home with well-being at the place of study or work, or at school or at work with satisfactory adaptation in the family.

Schizoid accentuations usually do not lead to social maladaptation, severe behavioral disorders, or neurotic disorders. Therefore, these teenagers rarely come under the supervision of a psychiatrist. So, in the general population of male adolescents (see Table 3), schizoid accentuation was found in 9%, and among those admitted to a psychiatric hospital with non-psychotic disorders - in 7%.

Hidden schizoid accentuation can be detected if the situation makes demands that are unbearable for this type of character - for example, to quickly establish a wide range of informal and quite emotional contacts. Schizoids also break down when they persistently and unceremoniously “climb into the soul”.

Andrey A., 18 years old. In childhood, in school years, while studying at a pedagogical school, he did not reveal any noticeable features of character. He was moderately sociable, had friends, did not shy away from companies, participated in social work. After graduating from college, he was sent to work, but not as a teacher, as he expected, but as a senior pioneer leader in a country boarding school. I immediately discovered that this job, which required great sociability, the ability to lead, turned out to be not for him. I was burdened by her, could not find contact with the students. One of the senior teachers, who aroused his dislike, sought to patronize her, claimed the role of a spiritual mentor. He began to shun him, and then other teachers, withdrew, withdrew into himself, became unsociable, even avoided meeting with his former friends, so as not to "talk about himself and his work." After work, he wandered around alone for hours, dreaming of an interesting life. I would like to be away from people - to get on desert island or serve as a forester in a secluded place, at the same time he understood the futility of these desires. He opened his experiences only once to a random fellow traveler, who, it is not clear what he liked. Soon he was offered to replace the sick teacher. In a few days he changed, established contacts with both students and teachers, began to willingly take part in social events, and renewed friendship with his former comrades.

Follow-up after 6 years. Continues teaching work, copes well with it. Purchases the correspondence department of the Pedagogical Institute.

Even E. Kretschmer (1921), describing the schizoid type, singled out its expansive and sensitive variants. The latter, as indicated, is more correctly considered as a special type, belonging to a wide group of asthenic psychopathy and accentuations, since isolation here is secondary, compensatory. Nevertheless, among schizoids there are both sthenic and asthenic personalities. The variety of schizoid manifestations can be so great that the number of variants described could turn out to be double-digit. Therefore, it seems appropriate to state a combination of schizoidness with features of other types - sensitive, psychasthenic, epileptoid, hysterical, unstable. The main basis of character, its core always remains schizoid.

Schizoid psychopathy seems to be one of the most endogenously conditioned. The shortcomings of education in the development of the schizoid character traits themselves are of auxiliary importance. It is believed that dominant hyperprotection can aggravate schizoid traits, but more often it is observed that improper upbringing causes a layering of traits of a different type on the schizoid core: with conniving hyperprotection - hysteroid, with dominance around cruel relationships - epileptoid, with hypoprotection that has given the teenager to the power of asocial companies , - unstable.

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