How to grind boards with a grinder. How to grind wood, methods, necessary tools

Landscaping and planning 04.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Belt sander

Many of us have experienced repair work in the garden, at home, in the garage, when wood had to be sanded in order to renew the facade of the garden house, to sand the wooden floor, walls. Let's consider in more detail, How can wood be sanded?

There are several tools with which you can do this:
- surface grinder
- belt sander

Bulgarian(UShM). If you are the owner of this tool, you will need petal grinding wheels for grinding.

There are different diameters

Made from pieces sandpaper attached to a rigid base.
Circles come in different grain sizes, from fine to very large. If you want to peel off old paint, use a coarse grit wheel (#40). To remove a small layer of wood, you need grain #60 or #80 (considered medium). To smoothen the wood, you will need a fine grit sanding wheel (#120).
The diameter of the circle can also be different, from a small 115mm to 180mm for an average grinder. It is very convenient to grind logs in this way.

Drill. There are also special grinding wheels for it, which have a pin in the center for clamping into a chuck. There are no large diameter circles for a drill (up to 125mm). Circles have different grain sizes.
There are several types of circles for a drill: Velcro (hard), for them there are special circles made of sandpaper on a sticky basis, it is very easy and quick to take off and put on (suitable for a drill and a grinder). Rubber-backed (flexible - only for drills), allowing you to cut a piece of any sandpaper that is clamped onto a screw, this method is cheaper than buying factory velcro. Yes, and a flexible disk sometimes allows you to crawl into a hard-to-reach place.

Wood sanding discs. Rigid, rubber, petal.

This method is not suitable for large volumes of work due to the small size of the circles, and grinding with a drill is not very convenient.

Surface grinder.

Surface grinder

The principle of its operation is as follows: sandpaper is attached to the base, when turned on, the base begins to move back and forth very quickly, thereby grinding the surface. You can cut any piece of skin, any grain size, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made factory one. Noticeably more productive than a drill, but you will grind very large surfaces for a long time.

Manually. If you do not have a special tool, then it is quite possible to sand the wood with your hands. Only a sanding block is required,

Sanding block

sandpaper is attached to it from below, then you can get to work. The performance depends only on you, although the power tool will turn out much faster. But if the amount of work is small, then why not, you can do it by hand. For example, peeling off old paint from a window or door can cause rust from metal.

Sanding a wooden floor is used to obtain a perfectly flat surface of parquet or plank flooring. Moreover, this technology is used for both old and new flooring. In the first case, renovation or renewal is carried out, in the second - alignment and preparation for finishing with protective agents: varnish, oil, wax.

Any wooden floor is assembled from many elements. In the process of laying new parquet slabs or large-format lamellas, it is very difficult to achieve a perfectly even surface. The most common occurrence is drops, minor defects, scratches, areas with sapwood.

Almost the same set of problems is found in the old flooring, which has been in operation for more than one year. Polishing a wooden floor is called upon to eliminate all these shortcomings, the essence of which is the polishing of wood and the preparation of its surface for varnish, oil, wax or any other decorative and protective agent.

Thus, the goals of grinding:

  1. floor leveling;
  2. Elimination of surface defects;
  3. Removal of old paintwork, dirt.

Renovation of an old wooden floor.

Sanding a wood floor correctly is not an easy task. To do this, use a series hand tools or electrical units. But the secret to good work is to gradually reduce the grit size of the sanding head. That is, first of all, rough processing is carried out with a sandpaper with a grain of 40-60 units, then fine - 100-120, 140-180 units. Compliance with this simple rule will achieve excellent results even in difficult cases. For example, if the wooden deck has multiple surface damage or differences between the planks of more than 3 mm.

sanding the floor no need in the following cases:

How to sand wood floors

The processing of a new wood coating and the restoration of an old one begins with the question: which tool to choose? Focus on two basic conditions - the scope of work and financial capabilities.

Masters perform grinding in two ways:

To grind a wooden floor by hand, you will need:

With manual, as well as machine grinding, it is advisable not to forget about personal protection - a respirator mask and protective goggles.

For fast and high-quality preparation of wooden floors, the machine method is most often used. In this case, the following types of electrical equipment are used:

  • Belt or drum type grinder.

This is a complex unit for pre-sanding and rough grinding of boards or small-format parquet slabs. Abrasive grit - from 40 to 80 units. The difference between the tape and drum apparatus is small. For the first, an abrasive skin cutting belt is used, which moves between two moving rollers. The second uses a piece of sanding tape glued to a certain size of the drum, which is mounted on a cylindrical shaft.

It should be noted that grinders of this category are produced in a rich assortment: professional and standard, with a single-phase connection for 220 V or three-phase for 380 V, with an integrated dust bag or an adapter for connecting a construction vacuum cleaner, etc. The cost varies widely: household appliances can be purchased on average for 3,000 - 50,000 rubles, the price of professional ones reaches 600,000 rubles.

A single-disk with a mono nozzle made of sandpaper or a three-disk, equipped with 3 abrasive wheels with a grain size of 100 to 340 units is produced.

This type of product is designed for the finest, literally jewelry finish grinding of wood and cork surfaces. It is also used for intermediate leveling of varnish. Single-disk devices are simpler, but three-disk devices are interesting in that each element rotates around its own axis, and all three revolve around one common center.

Professional units are also equipped with a system of floating sanding attachments, which, combined with multidirectional rotation, allows you to work out the surface to a mirror-like smoothness and evenness. The price of grinding machines is from 20,000 to 220,000 rubles.

  • Surface grinding single-disk machine of the "boot" type.

Designed for sanding wooden surfaces in hard-to-reach places, such as under radiators or on stairs, in corners or along walls. Abrasive grain size modulus – from 40 to 320 units. Both household and professional devices are equipped with convenient rotary handles, the ability to connect vacuum cleaners or dust collectors. The price starts from 9,000 rubles.

Surface grinders "boot".

  • Angle grinders.

Includes grinders, vibration and eccentric (orbital) polishers. In the same group can be attributed small tape units of a household type. Recommended for rough and fine processing of wooden surfaces. Convenient for working in hard-to-reach places and on small areas. Some products are equipped with a motor speed or power controller, as well as a kind of adapter for connecting a vacuum cleaner or dust collector.

The cheapest are vibrators. Their cost varies from 1000 to 35000 rubles. Bulgarians can be purchased for household, semi-professional and professional at prices ranging from 1,500 to 70,000 rubles. Orbital machines will cost a little more - from 3,000 to 90,000 rubles.

In a good way, in addition to the above units, you need to purchase or rent in advance construction vacuum cleaner and buy a whole set of accessories. Including abrasive wheels, tapes or nozzles of various grits (preferably from 40 to 240 units), scissors, etc.

What is the best grinder to choose? There is no exact answer to this question, but it is worth paying attention to the main parameters:

Purpose and product class

Household products are lightweight, low price and compact size. But they are intended for a one-time or rare work. Power - no more than 1 kW. In addition, the width or diameter of the useful surface rarely exceeds 15 cm. It is difficult for an inexperienced master to work evenly over large areas with them - you need a good eye and a steady hand.

The professional series are large-sized and heavy devices with a working width of up to 30 cm or a diameter of up to 60 cm. There is good thermal protection, a special kit for quick change of nozzles, as well as various tread elements - RCDs, limiters, speed switches, rotary ergonomic handles, etc. The average power consumption of a grinder is about 2-2.5 kW.

Grinder for the pros.

Build quality

Pay attention not only to the ease of use, but also to the quality of the details. The machine must have a flat surface, without chips, coating sags, streaks, the gaps between the parts are minimal. Be sure to check the strength and reliability of fasteners.

Availability of additional devices

Including dust collectors or adapters for connecting a vacuum cleaner, soft start and engine speed control functions, overheating protection, etc.

All other criteria are selected by the buyer independently. We recommend choosing products from well-known manufacturers such as Lagler, Stanley, Bosch, Aeg, etc. They not only provide warranty and post-warranty service, but also have a wide network of dealer and service centers in Russia and the CIS countries.


Sanding is not that easy. This is a rather complex and time-consuming complex, including six main stages.

Coating preparation

New decking should be checked for defects such as loose knots, loose planks, protruding nails, chips, gaps that are too wide. Old parquet checked for integrity, damage and fixation strength. To eliminate the shortcomings, parquet glue and putty masses are most often used (special liquids or PVA glue mixed with fine sawdust). It is better not to use elastic grouts and sealants, as they do not gain sufficient strength and “clog” the abrasive nozzle.

In order not to damage the drum or disk of the machine, all steel elements must be “drowned” in the floor by at least 3 mm. Damaged planks must be replaced with new ones, and not glued - fixed with glue and hardware. Dust and debris are removed damp cloth or construction vacuum cleaner.

Primary grinding

Rough grinding.

First of all, a drum or belt type machine is used as the most productive and efficient. This stage is most often called sanding or rough grinding of the surface, since an abrasive material with a grain size of 40 or 60 units is used. Bumps, scratches, old paintwork, dirt, etc. are removed.

Professional devices allow you to adjust the clamping force of the abrasive. This is very convenient, because it ensures a uniform fit of the nozzle to the surface, which means more quality work. A tape or a glued strip is installed on the base, carefully fixed and deep processing is carried out:

  • When decking - along the fibers from wall to wall. Transverse movement with such laying is allowed only when the machine is turned at vertical enclosing structures;
  • On the parquet "herringbone" - diagonally, with a uniform advance over the entire surface;
  • When laying braid, shield or palace parquet (multidirectional installation) - crosswise without highlighting individual sections;
  • On the artistic parquet - a circular movement, twisted in a spiral

The grinding process is quite dusty, so drafts are an undesirable phenomenon. Therefore, in the working room, be sure to close the windows and entrance doors.

The master must periodically check the condition of the abrasive nozzle and, if necessary, replace the worn part with a new one. This is a kind of preventive measure against strips and individual uncultivated areas.

At the end of the main work, it is necessary to process corners and other hard-to-reach places. For rough grinding of the floor with a grinder, an orbital machine or a “boot”, you will need circular nozzles of the same grain size - 40 or 60 units.

fine grinding

The final leveling stage is carried out by surface grinders with one or three disc machines. At the same time, all minor irregularities, dents, cracks and other defects on the floor boards are finally eliminated. For effective work different grain sizes are used - 60, 80, 100 and 120. In some cases, even abrasive discs with a fineness modulus of 180 or 240 are used.

The work is carried out again along the fibers. Nozzles should be replaced with new ones as they wear out. Corners, steps and other difficult areas are processed with an angle grinder or "boot" with circles of the same grain size. At the end of the work, the surface must be vacuumed again or wiped with a damp soft cloth. Fine wood suspension and dust must be removed completely.

Filling gaps and smallest defects

After leveling the surface, you can start filling. For this, pastes are used. ready-made formulations on wood or special putty liquids. Professionals prefer the latter, since when mixed with sawdust from the processed plank floor, a mass of an identical shade is obtained, which perfectly fills all the voids, while being quite elastic and not cracking over time. The mixture is applied with a stainless spatula, which allows you to fill the pores, while cutting off the "raised" small wood fibers.

Finishing grinding

Before processing with varnish, oil or wax, it is necessary to polish the surface again. The work is carried out after the putty has dried and polymerized. It is implemented using a surface grinder and angle grinder with abrasive nozzles with a grain size of 120-160 units. The direction of movement is the same - along the fibers. After treatment, the floor must be thoroughly vacuumed again.

As a result, everything superfluous is completely removed from the surface and the floor becomes perfectly smooth.

Priming and topcoating

Even after applying the putty mass, it is advisable to prime the floor or treat it with impregnations with a fungicidal, bioprotective or tinting effect. If a ready-made colored putty was used, be prepared for the fact that the surface will be of different colors. Putty liquids mixed with fine wood dust from parquet do not have this drawback.

After the primer dries, the first coat of varnish, oil or wax is applied. Then an intermediate fine grinding of the floor or polishing (in oil or wax) is carried out using orbital or surface grinders with nozzles with a grain size of more than 140 units. Before applying the final layer of varnish or oil-wax mixture, the surface must be vacuumed again or wiped with a damp cloth.

Thus, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort on polishing a wooden floor, not to mention finances. But it is this technology that allows you to get a beautiful and remarkably even floor without the slightest flaw in a few days.

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When working with wood, in addition to simple sawing and trimming operations, there are quite complex procedures. finishing. They include grinding.

Before grinding, if possible, planing is carried out. At this stage of processing, burrs are removed, the surface becomes even. When planing using a thickness gauge (a machine that allows you to obtain workpieces of the same thickness and width), a semi-finished product of the specified parameters is obtained.

High-quality finishing is carried out on solid woods, which are used to manufacture high quality products. Birch, oak, ash, maple, walnut, apple, cherry and others have a dense structure. Such material can even be difficult to cut with a conventional hacksaw. But in furniture production they are used to make a wide variety of furniture and interior items.

Even traditional pine, spruce and aspen also require a quality finish by sanding. For example, when leveling floorboards with a hand or electric tool, achieve a single plane. Difficult and inefficient work, but without it it is impossible to achieve good quality.

What is grinding

In cutting theory, when defining a tool for performing the process itself, a cutter is considered. It has cutting edges. They are introduced into the body of the processed material. The sharpening angles determine the features of the entry of the cutter into the material, as well as the formation of chips.

When it comes to the grinding method of processing, then there is the work of not one cutter, but several at once. Often their number is measured in thousands. The more small cutters are simultaneously involved in the work, the higher the quality of the machined surface. Abrasive grains act as cutters - these are grains of sand that have a fairly high hardness, glued to paper or fabric.

To classify grinding tools introduced the concept of the number of grains 1 square centimeter. For example, the designation P36 implies that there are 36 grains per square cm on average. If the abrasive is designated P200, then, accordingly, there are an average of 200 grains on each sq. cm.

When a part is to be roughed out and a fairly thick layer needs to be removed, abrasive materials with a small number of grains are used. With an increase in the quality of the treated surface, the size of the grains themselves decreases, and their number increases.

Attention! When using abrasives with a high number of grains, fast clogging is observed. To increase the duration of use, it is recommended to shake off the sandpaper regularly. Then it will have to be replaced less often.Before starting finishing works carry out an audit of the abrasive material. Estimate the amount of sandpaper available.

Coarse grinding is also performed using hard brushes. They are made from spring wire. With the help of such a tool, brushing is performed (artificial aging of a tree).

For sanding logs, plastic bristles are used instead of wire. It is made from a rigid fishing line with a diameter of 3.0 ... 4.5 mm. To increase productivity, such brushes are made on disks.

Hand pads for sanding wood

When processing any board, you can rub sandpaper over the surface. There will be some result. Only the hand will get tired pretty quickly, and the abrasive will heat up, it will become inconvenient to hold it.

For fixing, many use a regular bar. They are wrapped with a piece of sandpaper. This is enough to do the simplest work. However, real craftsmen make more convenient devices(Fig. 1).

The block for grinding is made in the following sequence.

Rice. 1 Wedge-mounted sanding pad

A simpler block can be made using two self-tapping screws and two stationery clothespins for paper (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Sanding block with self-tapping screws and stationery clothespins

Rice. 3 Sanding pad for machining concave surfaces with large radii

When working with wood, sometimes you have to process not only planes. Often to give original form saw through curved grooves or give complex shape. In order to grind the surface in this case too, the pads are made with a curved working surface (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Sanding pad for machining concave surfaces with small radii

If it becomes necessary to obtain a strict angle, then use the corner block (Fig. 5). It has only one work surface. The other surface serves to maintain the exact angle. More often they are made for processing at a right angle (90 °), but you can make a similar grinding fixture at any desired angle.

Rice. 5 Sanding angle block

Mechanized wood sanding

Handwork is appreciated. But when using the simplest means of mechanization, wood processing is faster. The greatest distribution for grinding different materials received elastic supports for an electric drill (Fig. 6) and an angle grinder (Fig. 7) with Velcro. A little later, manufacturers of supports began to implement a similar universal support (Fig. 8).

Rice. 7 Elastic support with Velcro for an angle grinder (grinder)

Important! When using such a support on a grinder, do not press it strongly against the surface to be treated. The speed of the working body is high, it is possible to burn wood

Rice. 8 Universal elastic support with Velcro for electric drill or angle grinder

When working with such means of mechanization, safety regulations must be strictly observed.

  1. A lot of wood dust is formed, so a respirator and goggles will protect the organs of vision and breathing.
  2. Gloves with a rubber working surface will protect the hands of the worker.
  3. It is advisable to wear an apron, then it is easier to shake the dust out of the clothes.

To work with an elastic support, special grinding wheels are produced (Fig. 9). They are placed and removed in one motion.

Rice. 9 Replacement abrasive wheels for power tools

Vibration grinders

For processing large areas of a wooden surface, it is convenient to use a vibration grinder (Fig. 10). She has a vibrator that causes the sole to make small reciprocating movements relative to the body. A strip of abrasive skin is attached to the sole. She grinds the surface, under the sole of the tool.

Rice. 10 Orbital sander

The performance of such small electrical machines pretty high. For an hour of work, you can finish several square meters of surface. The only drawback is that they need to be stopped after 5 ... 7 minutes of operation. It is necessary to cool the vibrator. It doesn't have fans.

Sandpaper of different roughness can be attached to the sole. Manufacturers recommend using a fabric-based abrasive. Then it lasts longer.

Surface grinding machines

The most productive are surface grinders. They use an abrasive skin glued into a tape (Fig. 11). All such tools are equipped with a small bag for collecting wood dust. During operation, more than 80% of the generated dust accumulates inside this bag.

Rice. 11 Belt sander

Manufacturers recommend intermittent operation: 5 ... 7 minutes to grind, and then give the tool a break. Even the presence of a fan inside does not allow for effective cooling of the device. After a three-minute break, you can continue to work.

Manufacturers supply the tool with accessories that can be used to fix the grinder in space (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12 Installing the belt sander on the table

Craftsmen for belt grinders make special underframes, with the help of which the scope of devices is significantly expanded (Fig. 13). With the help of such options, it becomes possible to grind the ends of products with high quality. The underframe itself is fixed at any angle, which will allow for high-quality processing.

Rice. 13 Underframe for belt sander

The industry produces stationary belt grinders (Fig. 14). They are called grinders. With the help of such devices, it becomes possible to grind products, resting them on a special support table. A grinder is similar to a belt sander in many ways. In fact, this is a stationary machine where you can carry out quite complex wood finishing operations.

Rice. 14 Grinder

Flap sanding tools

Another large class are special petal ones. They are made in radial (Fig. 15) and end (Fig. 16) versions. They are quite comfortable to work with. The surface of a tree is easily and quickly processed by such a tool.

These abrasive drums and discs are mounted on drills and grinders. Craftsmen adapt them to specialized woodworking machines.

Video: High-quality wood grinding

Wood has many useful qualities and aesthetic properties, and thanks to them it is the most popular material in the construction and decoration of houses.

In the production of wooden, finishing panels, it is not always possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface, on the boards there are almost invisible (but clearly visible after painting) waves from the machine, in the case of a wooden floor, there are drops at the joints.

All these errors are easily corrected by grinding, the medium abrasive will smooth them out, and the finer one will finally remove them. And in this article we will analyze which tool is best to use for effective solution different tasks.

Wood pre-sanding tools

Belt sander (LShM) with which it is good to do rough grinding on molded products. By the way, the larger the lower part of the machine on which the tape runs, the smoother the grinding will be, and also pay attention to the speed, which is too low for inexpensive models will not achieve the standard.

Photo 1. Belt sander (LSHM)

Straight grinder (PShM) or vibrating is a great option for fine workmanship. Reciprocating movements of the soleplate with abrasive plate quickly remove upper layer tree. For corners, you will need its variety - a delto-grinding tool with a sole in the form of an iron.

Photo 2. Straight grinder (PShM)

Eccentric (orbital) grinder (EShM)- an option even better than PShM. Thanks to the reciprocating movements and the offset of the center of rotation, it allows you to perform processing at a very high level. Circles for it can be purchased from 80 to 320 units, i.e. This tool allows you to complete all the steps yourself.

Photo 3. Eccentric (orbital) grinder

Angle grinder (angle grinder) using a grinder, you can remove a fairly large layer of wood or old paint(for example, during restoration). Also for this type of tool there is a great variety of nozzles (brush, disk, petal). And this means that even the most inaccessible places can be sanded, for example, between two chamfers of imitation timber.

Photo 4. Angle grinder (angle grinder)

Grinding and calibrating machine. It is used in production for preliminary grinding. The pressure iron allows you to remove a fixed layer of wood, open the pores. Not suitable for intermediate work.

Photo 5. Grinding and calibrating machine

abrasive bar, sandpaper of different grain sizes on the pads, metal wool - all this is indispensable for various chamfers, roundings, hard-to-reach places and corners. And with the help of these simple things, you can easily perform intermediate grinding, shake off the raised pile from the plate.

Photo 6. Abrasive stone for grinding

Rules to follow

Before starting work, it is necessary to evaluate the material, which must be dry (no more than 14%), the high humidity of the material will certainly affect the quality of grinding.

If during the inspection you find cobweb-shaped cracks, traces of a milling cutter, and irregularities, then you should take an abrasive from sixty to eighty units and, in the process, also grind with one hundred and twentieth, one hundred and fiftieth grains. This is the standard when a fine grain removes traces of a large one. Those. the best result can be achieved by using two or even three tapes of different grain sizes.

Specialists always perform these operations if wood with a thickness of 16 mm or more, and thinner material, for example, lining 13 mm thick, are ground only with a medium-sized abrasive (120-150), otherwise the thickness can be greatly reduced and after processing the paintwork material, bending and torsion can be obtained. It is worth knowing that soft woods, which are easy to process, need to be sanded very carefully, because. any pressing will leave a mark, a dent that will appear after painting.

Grinding wheels, belts, sandpaper must be changed during operation, because. their wear will drastically degrade the quality of work. If visible stripes remain on the surface, then it is worth taking a rag and removing dust from the surface as often as possible. When using LSHM and ESHM, do not hold the tool in one place. These machines require a lot of work. Otherwise, "failures" on the face of the board are guaranteed to you.

A little secret from practice: to evenly sand the surface, take a regular pencil and apply strokes. With proper treatment, they will completely disappear.

We hope that our advice will help you choose the right tools for grinding and produce it with high quality. Remember that 70% of the success of painting depends on pre-treatment. Almost all troubles can be avoided at this stage, but at this stage they can be laid.

On the farm, you often have to grind something, clean off the old paintwork. Most of all work with wood. Few manufacturers sell perfect products. Except a carpenter. And if there are perfectly processed boards, then their price is such that you involuntarily want to grind them yourself. Even taking into account the fact that the work is boring and uninteresting. Therefore, a wood grinder is one of the tools that should be in the home arsenal.

Types, purpose, features of work

There is different types grinders that perform one type of work, but with different results. There is a tool for rough (preliminary), medium (intermediate) and fine (finish) grinding. Part of the tool can even perform.

To choose a wood sander, you first need to decide what type of work you need it for. For rough grinding - smoothing out irregularities, differences in height - one type is suitable, for finishing grinding - bringing to the ideal - another type. Moreover, both tasks can be solved using different types of equipment.

angle grinder

The well-known grinder can also be used for grinding wood. With the function of rough grinding, it copes well. Of all the possible tools, this one is the most productive. If you need to quickly level large wooden surfaces - grinding the floor, walls, log cabins - this is work for the angle grinder. Minus - the surface is very uneven, it takes a long time to level all the pits and humps. If it still “passes” on a log house, then for any carpentry work the result is unsatisfactory. If only it is possible to purchase another tool, it is not worth using an angle grinder for grinding wood.

For wood, red emery circles are used - this is a special abrasive

For grinders there are special nozzles for grinding wood. The best option- petal or plate-shaped circles with sandpaper of different grain sizes. When they are installed, the working plane is below the protective cover, it is safe to work, you can move in any direction. It is necessary to carefully handle places with protruding heads of nails and self-tapping screws. We lower the tool from above, carefully move it. A sharp movement easily breaks the grinding wheel, so be careful.

By changing the grain size of the grinding wheels used, it is possible to carry out coarse and medium (intermediate) grinding. The work will take less time than if any other wood sander is used. But it may take more time to bring to a flat surface, since, with a lack of experience, there will be more flaws.

When sanding wood, the sandpaper is clogged, the speed of work is reduced. In addition to slowing down, there is another sign - the smell of burnt wood. It is not necessary to immediately change the disk, you can restore its performance. To do this, grind the metal for several seconds. Everything stuck - resin, wood fibers, dust - burns out, the surface is cleaned, the processing speed increases again. This trick, by the way, can be used with other grinders.

If you often have to clean and change circles, a Velcro nozzle is installed on the grinder. Replacing the sandpaper is much easier and faster - peeled off / stuck - a matter of seconds. But working with a nozzle is more dangerous. Due to its height, the grinding area is above the level of the protective cover; it does not fulfill its functions. During the start, it happens that an unreliably fixed circle or even the nozzle itself flies off. They have a small weight, injuries are not serious, but it's still an injury. An angle grinder with a smooth start helps to reduce risks, but all the same, you need to work with gloves, protective clothing with tightly buttoned sleeves, boots that cover your legs, and goggles.

Belt sander

It is called so due to the fact that the sandpaper has the form of a tape, continuously moving with the help of rollers. Therefore, such a wood grinder is also called "endless".

A wood belt sander is designed for rough and intermediate surface leveling. By setting sandpaper with a finer grit, you can achieve a medium finish. This is enough for joinery that does not go under painting. To bring it to perfect condition, you need a different type of wood grinder. Moreover, to eliminate long longitudinal scratches, you will have to carry out stepped grinding, changing the grain size several times - the scratches remain deep.

A belt sander is good if you need to remove the old coating - paint varnish

What is the advantage of a wood belt sander? It has good performance. The tape on it is installed in such a way that it turns out to be sanded close to the wall with one side. What are its shortcomings? Due to the design, not all points can be "reached". For example, corners, shaped recesses, grooves and other small parts. It is not always possible to “crawl” between two parts (when processing railings, for example). Another drawback is that most of the belt grinders have a solid mass, it is difficult to work with them on weight, sanding vertical surfaces. But on a horizontal plane - they are the most productive.

The following disadvantages are high level noise, not the biggest sanding spot. It is so noisy that it is extremely uncomfortable to work without headphones. Why a small spot of polishing, because in appearance it is quite large? Even with a large belt width, it only sands in the center - the front and back part is not used due to the fact that it is raised to feed the rollers.

There is a belt sander for wood features in the work. To reduce the depth of the furrows that it leaves, it must be driven along the fibers. Then finishing polishing takes less time. And one more thing - if you gape in the process of work and leave the machine in one place for a long time, a solid “pit” is formed. Despite this, it is the most productive wood sander that is often used.

Orbital (eccentric)

The orbital sander for wood has a round sole with Velcro, on which sandpaper discs are attached. The discs are the same as for the grinder, so they are interchangeable. There are holes in the sole of the machine to remove dust. Dust is collected in a bag, a cassette-type container, almost all models allow you to connect a construction vacuum cleaner.

The work of an eccentric wood sander is based on the simultaneous rotation and movement back and forth (reciprocating movements). This achieves enough good speed for intermediate and finishing wood. When working with a grinder of this type, the platform moves in a spiral or orbit. Therefore, this tool is also called orbital sanders.

Eccentric sanders are good for processing curved or profiled surfaces - the machine is small in weight, it makes little noise, it is easy to control, the angle of the disk can reach recesses, cutouts, etc. With all this, it also handles large planes at a good pace. When using coarse grit sandpaper, it can be used for both coarse and intermediate sanding. The speed is less than that of the tape, but also quite acceptable. There are such machines with different radius of movement (eccentricity) - from 3 to 8 mm. By selecting this parameter, the main purpose is determined (more on this below).

The disadvantages of this type of machine are the impossibility of processing in the corners. The round platform is simply not included. Also - there is an area of ​​uncertain grinding along the edges - it will not be possible to grind close to a wall or a vertical surface.


The sole of a vibratory grinder can be rectangular or triangular. During operation, it makes circular movements with a small amplitude - it vibrates, which gave the name to this type of equipment. This wood grinder is used for fine finishing - for varnishing or painting, but it has low productivity.

Vibratory wood sander with a rectangular surface allows you to process large areas, but with its help it is not possible to grind wood near vertical planes and walls - it starts to beat against an obstacle. Triangular in this regard is more suitable for working in corners and hard-to-reach places, but you still can’t bring it tightly to the wall.

Another disadvantage of vibrators is the so-called "lambs". If a grain of sand or other solid fragment gets under the surface, it leaves small circles on the wood - “lambs”. It is difficult to remove these traces. You have to use sandpaper of progressively smaller grit, gradually removing scratches. But if in the process something gets under the sole again, the process repeats again. Therefore, before work, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and a plyos is usually connected - for quick and timely removal of foreign fragments.


Strictly speaking, this is not a grinder, but you can grind with it. Moreover, those places that are not available for other types of machines are corners (even sharp ones), places directly at vertical walls. For grinding, a triangular platform of a special shape is installed on the tool, on which sandpaper on a self-adhesive basis is fixed.

During operation, the platform moves in a horizontal plane with a very small amplitude - the vertices of the triangle deviate by about 1.7 ° (this is an average of 2.5 mm). Due to this small movement, polishing occurs. Such a machine can be sanded in corners and close to vertical surfaces. Moreover, you can remove not only wood, but also smeared and dried glue. In general, an oscillation machine is used for finishing grinding in hard-to-reach places - due to low productivity and a grinding spot, it is unrealistic to process more or less large surfaces with it.

What type of grinder to choose

Summing up, we can say that for housework and construction, ideally, two grinders are needed - for rough and fine finishing. The most commonly used pair is tape + eccentric. If you are planning to start making furniture, then you cannot do without an oscillatory one.

If you do not like the result of the belt sander, you can purchase two orbital sanders with different eccentricities. For rough grinding, a tool with an eccentricity of 6-8 mm is suitable, for finishing grinding and even polishing - 2-4 mm. The only downside to this solution is that good eccentric sanders are expensive.

If the budget is limited, and the farm has a grinder (angle grinder), rough grinding can be done with it, and for intermediate or finishing, use orbital or vibration. Just keep in mind that vibration is the least productive, albeit the cheapest. If possible, buy an orbital one - it is more versatile and gives better results.

Technical Selection Criteria

Any tool is divided into classes that differ in working resource (and price). So a wood grinder can be household or professional. Household are designed for short continuous work with interruptions. Basically, it is recommended to work no more than 3 hours a day, periodically taking breaks of 15 minutes.

Professional models are designed to work for 8-12 hours, breaks are rarely needed or not needed at all. The working resource of such a tool is many times greater. For this, durable and reliable (read - expensive) materials are used. In addition, the productivity of such equipment is much higher, as a rule, there are a greater number of adjustments.

When choosing, the first thing to decide is what class your car should be. I must say that some manufacturers have a good household class, and some also have semi-professional lines. This is an intermediate class, as a rule, for private use it is optimal in terms of price / quality combination. Some models are used even by professionals.

General selection options

Although wood grinders differ, there are some common points that you need to pay attention to when choosing. Here they are:

These are the general points that you need to pay attention to. Now about what is important for different types of grinders.


When choosing belt grinding you need to look at the following settings:

You also need to pay attention to how convenient it is to change the tape. There are also models that allow you to quickly change the brushes. Sometimes spare brushes are even included.

Popular models of belt grinders

ManufacturerModelPowerTape dimensions (width/length)Belt speedThe weightPrice
InterskolLShM-76/900900 W76 mm / 533 mm250 m/min3.2 kg55-90 $
Makita9911 650 W76 mm / 457 mm270 m/min2.6 kg100-150$
BoschPBS 75AE750 W75 mm / 533 mm350 m/min3.5 kg120-160$
InterskolLShM-100/1200E1200 W100 mm / 610 mm400 m/min5.6 kg100-150$
Makita9404 1010 W100 mm / 610 mm440 m/min4.7 kg200-270$

Eccentric (orbital)

In addition to all the general parameters described, there are some nuances in choosing an eccentric wood sanding machine:

The selected model still needs to be tested in the store. To do this, install a disc of sandpaper on the platform and turn on the tool. Vibration should not be felt at all. This means that it is well balanced and will work comfortably.

Popular Random Orbital Sanders

ManufacturerModelPowerDisc speedPlatform Oscillation FrequencyDisk sizePlatform travel (eccentricity)Price
MakitaBO5031300 W12000 rpm24000 counts/min125 mm2.8mm90-120 $
MakitaBO5041300 W12000 rpm24000 counts/min125 mm3 mm100-200$
MetaboSXE450 TurboTec350 W13100 rpm8500 rpm150 mm6.2 mm185-220$
BoschGEX 150 AC340 W12000 rpm24000 counts/min150 mm4 mm175-220$
BoschGEX 125-1AE Box250 W12000 rpm24000 counts/min125 mm2.5 mm70-90$


First of all, you need to choose the shape of the sole. It can be rectangular (most often), square or ironing. The sandpaper fastening system is clamping here, just a piece of sandpaper is pulled right size and secured with clips. For normal operation of dust removal in stretched paper, holes must be made in the right places (holes in the platform). It is best to connect a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, since the presence of dust under the platform leads to the appearance a large number scratches. That is, instead of grinding, we get a damaged part. This is an important point.

What to look for:

The vibration grinder is used only for finishing grinding and is characterized by low productivity. Only paper with fine grain can be placed on it. Rough processing should be carried out with another tool.

Popular models of vibratory grinders

ManufacturerModelPowerPlatform Oscillation FrequencyTape (sole) dimensionsPlatform strokePrice
InterskolPShM-115/300E300 W10500 counts/min230x115mm 35-50$
MakitaBO3711190 W22000 counts/min228x93mm2 mm60-75$
MakitaBO3700180 W20000 counts/min230x93 mm2 mm50-60$
BoschPSS 200AC200 W24000 counts/min230x93 mm2 mm50-70$
HitachiSV12V300 W20000 counts/min228x114mm2.4 mm100-130$

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