Basic principles of modern marketing. Purpose, essence, functions and basic principles of marketing

garden equipment 26.09.2019
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Since it is applied in a single market. The basic principle of marketing is a two-pronged, complementary approach to the market, on the one hand, it is a thorough and comprehensive study of it (needs and demand, targeting of the services offered), and on the other hand, an active influence on the market and existing demand, on the formation of needs and consumer preferences. The main tasks of insurance marketing are the study of objectively existing insurance needs, the formation of demand through explanatory and advertising activities, as well as the development of forms, industries and types of insurance that meet these needs.

Basic principles of marketing. The main principle of marketing is the orientation of production to the real requirements and wishes of consumers. It is based on other principles that determine the content of marketing activities in the enterprise.

The basic principle of marketing is to produce only what consumers demand, and therefore, to sell only what is bought, and not what we can and want to produce.

Experience convinces us that it is impossible to use the experience accumulated by others one by one. The basic principle of marketing -d- achievement optimal result in terms of profitability - adjusted by the need to take into account social policy, the requirements of environmental protection, ecology, etc. One of the basics of marketing - to introduce only a competitive product to the market - does not always correspond with the need to produce low-margin products for children, the elderly, etc.

SALES OF GOODS - the activities of manufacturers and intermediaries for the sale of manufactured goods to the consumer. The producer can carry out marketing activities independently or entrust it to an intermediary (see Commission trade). The success of sales activities depends, as a first approximation, on the correspondence of the supply of goods to effective demand. However, for a particular enterprise, this success is largely due to the correct organization of promoting its products to the market. The system of organization of production and marketing based on the maximum market effect is called marketing. The main principles of marketing are focusing on a specific practical result of production and marketing activities; maximum consideration of the state of the market and its development trends; orientation on the long-term result of production and marketing activities, including the development of qualitatively new products;

The basic principles of marketing are applicable in almost all areas of commercial activity (for example, banking, insurance, tourism) and non-commercial practices (health, education, politics, etc.) - At the same time, the development of specific marketing activities requires a differential approach that takes into account the specific features of that or another industry.

Since goods and services intended for sale must satisfy the needs of buyers, the main principle of marketing is to focus on consumer demand. It is widely believed that marketing strategy involves the first

The main thing in marketing is a dual and complementary approach. On the one hand, it is that all the activities of the company, including the formation of its production programs, scientific and technical research, capital investments, financial resources and labor, as well as sales programs, maintenance programs, etc., must be based on deep and reliable knowledge of consumer demand and its changes. It is necessary to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production towards their provision. On the other hand, it is important to actively influence the market and existing demand, the formation of needs and consumer preferences. The main principle of marketing is the orientation of the final results of production to the requirements and wishes of consumers.

The basic principle of marketing is a general focus, that is, the orientation of the final results of production to the real requirements and wishes of consumers.

The basic principles of marketing stem from the essence of its concept and are as follows.

The basic principles of marketing do not include the following

Today's Russian entrepreneur has not yet mastered the basic principle of consumer-owner marketing.

The basic principle of marketing is universal focus, i.e. orientation of the final results of production to the real requirements and wishes of consumers. A number of other principles flow from this fundamental principle.

The basic principle of marketing is that an organization can only be successful if it is attentive to the needs and desires of its customers. Not all companies strictly adhere to the principle that "the customer is always right", but many strive to meet the needs of customers. As far as nonprofits go, client independence is something that goes against their mission.

Many firms use the services of traveling salesmen, and many assign them a dominant role in their marketing mixes. The high cost of this type of activity requires the establishment of an effective sales management process, which consists of six stages. Setting tasks for the company's sales apparatus. Selecting the basic principles of the operation of the sales apparatus, its organizational structure, size and remuneration system for sales personnel. Attracting and selecting sales agents. assessment of the effectiveness of their work.

Most firms have now accepted in principle all the new rights won by consumers. Objections can arise only about a number of specific provisions of the law as not conducive to resolving the problems that consumers have in the best way. But in any case, firms recognize the rights of consumers to information and protection. In this section, we look at examples of creative and responsible business responses to changes in the marketing environment. First in in general terms Let's outline the concept of enlightened marketing, and then focus on the moral principles of marketing. Enlightened marketing requires the firm to conduct marketing activities in such a way that they contribute to the most favorable prospective functioning of the marketing system as a whole. Enlightened marketing encompasses five basic principles.

The same. those who have chosen a commercial bank, an insurance company, a mutual and investment fund as a field of activity, i.e. there is an organization - a financial intermediary, should not only understand the laws of the functioning of financial markets, but also be able to identify and predict factors affecting interest rates , values ​​of stock indexes . Since financial intermediaries actively intervene in these processes, it is necessary to have skills in using various financial instruments, for example, mortgage loans, certificates of deposit, etc. financial management. most relevant in modern conditions is the profession of a financial manager of an enterprise, who, in addition to the vital activity of financial markets and the basic principles of the work of financial intermediaries, is obliged to understand the intricacies of managing corporate finances. His arsenal of knowledge should include accounting and analysis, marketing, computer science and computer systems, taxation and legislative regulation.

The factors that determine export markets are more complex than those that determine domestic markets. Although the methods of estimation and forecasting are basically the same, when studying certain countries they need to be considered separately. The range of such a study depends on the degree of the project's intended export orientation. Thus, the range of export studies is between estimates of the country's past imports of products similar to those of the project and general forecasts for the future and detailed forecasting of future demand in relation to a specific external market. The latter, however, is rarely undertaken when export prospects justify such costly research. More detailed description procedures for commercial analysis, or rather, analysis of the market and the concept of marketing from the point of view of the project developer is presented in chapter 3. Besides, in last years on the Russian market appeared big number educational and monographic literature on marketing, which can be used to familiarize yourself with the principles of marketing.

The main reason people fail at Network Marketing is because they misunderstand it. They do not understand its basic principles and therefore cannot use them in their behavior.

Often the desire to give customers exactly what they want leads to additional costs. In today's challenging competitive environment, most companies seek solutions to customer problems that are not related to at great expense. Therefore, many of the recommendations for improving the competitiveness of the company, which come from marketing services, one way or another are associated with additional costs. The work of the Travelworld transport agency was based on the principles of quality service to its customers. The head of the company knew that competitors often forced customers to stand in queues during peak periods when it was vacation time. He understood that it was unacceptable to lose clients during the period of their mass influx, since vacation expenses from year to year constitute one of the most significant items in the family budget and the vacation period brings the company the highest income. In order to avoid queues, the head of the company decided to hire additional staff. He proceeded from the basic principles of marketing and agreed to additional costs.

A more perfect form of marketing, according to most authors writing on this topic, begins to acquire in the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. There is documentary evidence that at this time (around 1690) one of the members of the Mitsui trading company opened a store in Tokyo that can be called the first department store. It was the first to use some of the basic principles of marketing - systematization and grouping of information about the demand for certain goods for buyers - taking orders for the production of those goods that are used high demand search for funds for their production, sale with a guarantee period and a refund for the goods without any conditions in the event that the goods for some reason do not suit the buyer, a sharp increase in the range of goods, etc. It should be noted that Mitsui pursued a policy that at least 250 years anticipated the policy of the largest trading firms.

The final chapter of the book introduces us to how marketing is perceived by American society. Speaking about the criticism of marketing by the public, the author analyzes in detail the content of the main claims against firms and their impact on individual consumers, other entrepreneurs and society as a whole. F. Kotler is not inclined, as they say, to brush aside reproaches from the threshold, but he is far from having all the shortcomings

The principles of marketing are the fundamental postulates on which this science rests. Knowing them, you will be able to properly build your work and achieve maximum profit.

What is marketing

Marketing can be considered by scientists and economists from several positions. So, some experts define it as a kind of action aimed at organizing commodity and monetary exchange between subjects. Also, marketing can be considered as a process that starts with an idea and ends with its implementation and receiving a certain amount of profit. So, we can say that the goal of marketing is to find the optimal balance between supply and demand, as well as the organization of production in accordance with these parameters.

Basic concepts

It is impossible to know the essence and principles of marketing without understanding its basic concepts and components, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • exchange - a process during which the subjects transfer certain values ​​to each other;
  • Demand is the need for a certain amount of goods that consumers are able to purchase on this moment;
  • a product is an object or action that satisfies the needs of the buyer;
  • a transaction is an exchange of material values, which implies the participation of funds;
  • the market is the basic concept that implies the environment in which the buyer meets the seller;
  • market segment - a group of consumers that has similar requests, needs, characteristics and solvency.

Basic Marketing Principles

In order to understand all the intricacies of marketing, for a start it is worth understanding its main positions. Only thanks to them you will be able to understand how the market functions and how its subjects interact with each other. Thus, the principles of marketing can be formulated as follows:

  • the first and most important is that strategy and tactics must interact and work in the same direction;
  • it is necessary to produce products in strict accordance with market conditions, as well as the structure of customer needs;
  • the range of manufactured goods should be strictly justified from the point of view of economic feasibility;
  • the level of technical development must be continuously improved in accordance with the growing needs;
  • it is necessary to enter the market with this or that product at the very moment when there is an opportunity to get the greatest profit.

Marketing organization

In enterprises, the work of the marketing department can be organized in completely different ways. But the fundamental rules remain the same. The principles of marketing organization can be described as follows:

  • consistency implies that marketing is a link in the overall structure, and not some separate service;
  • planning, as well as adjusting production programs, should be carried out continuously as necessary, caused by changes in the external and internal environment;
  • the plan of marketing activities should be multivariate and provide for various possibilities for the development of events;
  • during the development of a marketing strategy should be used various methods and approaches.

By following these principles of marketing, you guarantee your company success and superiority over competitors. It is impossible to effectively conduct practical activities without first familiarizing yourself with the theory. Fundamental knowledge is the key to the success of an enterprise.

Principles and functions of marketing

If the principles form the basis of marketing and are mandatory, then the functions make it possible to understand what role the company performs. this service. So, the following can be distinguished:

  • the analytical function implies a continuous study of the situation both inside the organization and outside it;
  • the productive function lies in the fact that the development and release of a new product begins only on the basis of the results of a comprehensive study of the market situation;
  • the sales function implies the search for optimal markets for the sale of products, as well as the shortest and most profitable ways to deliver them to their destination;
  • the function of management and control means that at all stages of marketing research, as well as production and marketing of products, continuous supervision by higher management should be carried out, according to the results of which the activity will be adjusted and directed in the right direction.

How marketing is managed

The principles of marketing management can be formulated as follows:

  • The principle of mutual benefit lies in the fact that the interests of all participants in the commodity-exchange transaction must be observed to the same extent, but if this is not possible, then a compromise must be found. It is worth remembering that all market participants are equal and can put forward their own conditions.
  • The principle of strategic orientation states that all marketing research and production processes should be directed to the long term with the development of a detailed tactical plan in parallel. Also, this marketing program must be fully consistent with the overall goals of the enterprise.
  • The principle of individualization of demand is manifested in the fact that for different groups consumers should be offered different products aimed at meeting the needs of a particular group. This concept also relates to market segmentation. This allows you to diversify the range of manufactured products or concentrate on the production of goods for a separate (target) consumer group.
  • The principle of marketing integration is that in their activities firms should use all available mechanisms to research markets and promote their products.
  • The principle of benchmarking is to constantly compare your company with the leaders in a particular industry. This is done in order to compare the main indicators and take measures to achieve the established level. It is allowed to adopt some of the mechanisms and methods used in their marketing activities from leading enterprises.

What is marketing research

Marketing research is a purposeful action to collect and analyze information to develop an enterprise strategy and tactics. During this process, the principles of marketing must be strictly observed.

Marketing research is carried out in several stages:

  • setting goals and defining tasks to achieve them;
  • development and clear detailing of the plan in accordance with which research activities will be carried out;
  • implementation of the activity plan, which is manifested in the collection and analysis of information;
  • preparation of reports on results.

Qualitatively conducted research is the key to the success of the enterprise.

The main principles of modern marketing are:

Production of products based on accurate knowledge of the needs of the buyer, the market situation and the real capabilities of the company;

Effective Solution consumer problems;

The company's focus on long-term commercial success;

Active influence on the formation of market needs.

The concept of modern marketing assumes as a starting point the needs (requests, interests, desires, problems) of specific consumers, and not only current (what the consumer wants at the moment in a particular market), but also prospective (what the consumer will want), but also potential (what the consumer might want). At the same time, the company does not focus on obtaining momentary, even high, profits, but relies on long-term commercial prospects.

At the heart of the activities of manufacturers working on the basis of marketing principles is the motto: to produce only what the market requires, the buyer. The essence of marketing is as follows: you should produce only what will certainly find a market, and not try to impose on the buyer "inconsistent" products previously with the market.

From the essence of marketing follow the basic principles - the rules of action, covering both the cognitive (market study) and operational (market penetration) aspects of the activities of an organization, enterprise, firm, which include:

1. Focus on achieving the final practical result of production and marketing activities. The effective sale of goods on the market in the planned quantities means mastering a certain share of it in accordance with the long-term goal set by the enterprise.

2. Concentration of research, production and marketing efforts in the decisive areas of marketing activity.

3. The focus of the enterprise is not on a momentary, but on a long-term result marketing work. It requires special attention to predictive research, the development of market novelty products based on their results, providing highly profitable economic activity.

4. Application in unity and interconnection of the strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers with simultaneous targeted impact on them.

5. Produce what the consumer needs;

6. Enter the market not with the offer of goods and services, but with the means of solving consumer problems;

7. Organize the production of goods after researching the needs and demand;

8. Concentrate efforts on achieving the final result of the production and export activities of the company;

9. Use the program-target method and A complex approach to achieve the set goals;

10. Apply the tactics and strategy of actively adapting the production of goods to the requirements of the market with simultaneous targeted impact on it in order to cover all the links in the chain of promotion of goods to the consumer with marketing;

The philosophy of marketing is quite elementary - the company must produce such a product for which demand is provided in advance and which will lead the company to the intended level of profitability and maximum profit.

The consumer makes his own specific requirements for each product: the required quality, quantity, delivery time, technical characteristics, etc. As a result, competition increases, which forces manufacturers to purposefully set tasks for scientific and technical developments, determine production technology, improve sales service, and much more. other.

Marketing activity is just focused on identifying and accounting market demand and organization of production and marketing activities of the company.

The task of marketing activities- reflect and constantly strengthen trends towards improving production in order to increase the efficiency of the company by defining specific current and long-term goals, ways to achieve them, as well as determining the product range, its quality, production structure and the level of possible profit.

Marketing as modern philosophy business is based on four basic principles

1 Consumer Orientation - a strategy for promoting a product to the market, according to which the product produced or sold must meet the interests and tastes of consumers.

2Market segmentation involves the identification of a specific group of consumers (market segment), to meet the needs of which through goods and services the activity of the enterprise should be oriented

3 Deep market research principle includes determining the market capacity, consumer qualities of goods, pricing approaches, effective distribution channels, sales promotion methods, etc. Taking into account the results of such research in the activities of the enterprise determines the commercial success of its product on the market.

4 Targeting Marketing - this is an early result, provided by innovations in production and marketing activities, namely: the creation of new products, technologies, the improvement of forms and methods of entering new markets, sales promotion, distribution channels.

When developing plans for the marketing activities of the enterprise, marketers must constantly use the above principles, make adjustments and changes in the strategies and tactics of the marketing activities of enterprises.

§1.3. Marketing functions and their characteristics

Marketing Functions- the main directions, the rules of the company, reflecting the essence of the marketing approach to business organization.

Marketing Features:

1. Analytical function;

2. Production function;

3. Sales function;

4. Formative function;

5. The function of command and control.

Analytic function- study and evaluation of the external and internal environment of the company.

The analytical function of marketing, sometimes called research, is the foundation of all marketing activities of the enterprise. And this is understandable, since without a deep knowledge of the state and prospects for the development of the external environment, without an analysis of the internal environment of an enterprise, it is practically impossible to engage in economic and commercial activities, purposefully manage the enterprise itself and change controlled factors of the external environment in the interests of the enterprise.

production function- organization of production of new goods, organization of supply, production quality management.

The product-production function of marketing is the creation of new products that would best meet the requirements of consumers. Marketing influences production by trying to make it flexible enough to produce competitive goods that meet technical and economic parameters and at relatively low cost.

Sales function- organization of a distribution system, organization of a service, organization of a demand generation system and sales promotion, formation of a commodity and pricing policy. This function of marketing includes everything that happens to goods in the time interval after their production and before consumption. The product distribution system provides the enterprise (and the consumer) with the creation of such conditions that the product is where it is needed, at the time it is needed, in the quantities in which it is in demand, and of the quality (preserve during transportation) for which the consumer counts.

Formative function– formation of demand, sales promotion.

Command and control function- is an organization of strategic and operational planning and control, information support for management, a communicative function. The function of management and control implies the establishment of the maximum possible regularity and proportionality in the activities of the enterprise, especially within the framework of its long-term strategic goals. At the same time, the main managerial task of the enterprise's management is to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk in economic activity and ensure the concentration of resources in the selected priority areas.

Marketing functions can be presented as a cyclic process - the sequential implementation of activities to marketing analysis, production, marketing and analysis of the results.

Now the marketing management function is being replaced by a holistic management concept and marketing presentation by an integrated system. The transition to an integrated marketing system means subordination to the tasks of maximizing the company's benefits from meeting the needs of customers at all stages of the product life cycle, all aspects of the company's activities.

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Marketing is a market concept for managing the production and marketing activities of an enterprise, aimed at studying the market and specific consumer needs.

Marketing is a process that consists in predicting the needs of potential buyers and satisfying these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services, etc.

The main types of marketing activities include:

Research (consumer, product, market)

R&D (coordinated with marketing activities);


Price policy;


Sales activities (work with the staff of the distribution network, training, control, organization of special sales systems, measures to optimize sales in the field, etc.);

Development of a system for distributing goods to sales outlets;

International operations;

After-sales service.

The principles of marketing are the fundamental provisions, circumstances, requirements that underlie marketing and reveal its essence and purpose. The essence of marketing is that the production of goods and services must be oriented to the consumer, to demand, to the constant coordination of production capabilities with market requirements.

In accordance with the essence of marketing, the following basic principles are distinguished:

Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making business decisions.

Consumers often do not know exactly what they want. They only want to solve their problems in the best possible way. Therefore, one of the main tasks of marketing is to understand what consumers want.

Creation of conditions for the maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand, based not on momentary benefits, but on a long-term perspective.

The modern concept of marketing is that all the activities of the enterprise (scientific and technical, production, in the field of capital investments, marketing, Maintenance etc.) was based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing something for which there is really a consumer demand. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and volume required by the consumer. When implementing the concept of marketing, the center for making economic decisions is shifted from the production links of enterprises to the links that feel the pulse of the market. The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policies of enterprises. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and business conditions, the question of the need, prospects, and profitability of the production of a particular product is resolved.

Impact on the market, on the buyer with the help of all available funds primarily advertising.

West German marketer Günther von Brieskorn in one of his lectures, characterizing the content and principles of marketing, argues something like this. The market is the sea. On the waves of the market there are consumers whose behavior on the market characterizes the vector of their needs. He is susceptible frequent changes. The market is our boss (boss) and, going to it (going to see the boss), you need to prepare well. The consumer is our king, any requirements of which we must unconditionally fulfill.

The general concept of marketing can be characterized as follows: from the producer to the consumer there is a general flow of money necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise and in order to satisfy future needs even more efficiently than at the moment. And the task of marketing is precisely to ensure that the manufacturer and consumer during the meeting on the market most fully realize their goals and needs.

Thus, marketing is the process of coordinating the capabilities of the company and the needs of consumers. The result of this process is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy their needs, and the receipt of the profit necessary for the company to exist and better satisfy the needs of consumers in the future.

The principles of marketing that determine its technology and management of marketing activities.

The essence of marketing as a philosophy is concentrated in its principles. The fundamental principle of marketing puts the focus not on the needs and ambitions of the producer of goods and services, but on the requests and needs of the consumer. But this very nice declaration could not have come true if the rest of the principles of marketing, which determine its technology and management of marketing activities, were not aimed at its implementation, implementation. Let's single out the most established of them.

Concentration of the institution's resources on the production of such goods and services that are really needed by consumers in the market segments chosen by the institution.

Understanding the quality of goods and services as a measure of meeting the need for them. Therefore, unnecessary goods (services) cannot be of high quality. Moreover, any qualitative difference of a given service from another is significant not in itself, but depending on the significance of the need that the measured property, the characteristic of the service, is aimed at satisfying.

Consideration of needs not in a narrow, but in broad sense, incl. beyond the traditional, known ways of satisfying them. More broadly, this principle is illustrated by the well-known phrase in marketing: "The consumer does not need a drill bit, but a well."

Orientation to reduce the total costs of the consumer and take them into account in pricing, i.e. dominance of the consumption price over the selling price.

Preference for methods that are not reactive, but of a predictive and actively demand-forming type.

Dominance of long-term market orientation, in decisive directions.

Continuity of collection and processing of information about market conditions and its reactions.

Usage various options forecasts, estimates and decisions on a multifactorial basis.

Complexity, interconnection of specific problems, as well as methods and tools for their solution.

The optimal combination of centralized and decentralized management methods - the center management decisions carried as close to the consumer as possible.

Situational management - decision-making not only on time, but also as new problems arise, new problems are discovered, the situation changes.

Among the above principles, at least three intersecting sets and groups can be distinguished. The first group (No. 1-5) reveals the philosophy of marketing in relation to the needs of customers. The second group (No. 5-9) reveals an approach to the selection and formation of a market, marketing strategy. The third group (No. 8-11) shows how to be guided by the implementation of the strategy, i.e. in tactics.

The subjects of marketing - people and organizations - do not exist on the market on their own, but only due to the processes of exchanging material, energy, information and other resources with each other, with the environment external to them, i.e. are open systems. Recently, not only foreign, but also domestic researchers have begun to pay close attention to this.

The Real Basis of Open Systems Marketing ( open marketing) - this is what all participants in the transaction have in common in the understanding of the act of exchange (agreement, contract, transaction). In this sense, much depends on the partners' knowledge of each other and their understanding of each of their own values, goals, acceptable means to achieve them, and even the terminology used. Ultimately, such a common understanding implies concern for the mutual (multiple) benefits of the transaction for all partners. This acts as a guarantee of the stability of the market position and the receipt of new profits, the growth of the welfare of partners. Such guarantees are especially important for long-term investments in industries with a long production cycle.

Each new act of exchange, new agreement, contract, made in line with open marketing, should bring profit and / or other additional benefits not only to the participants in the act of exchange, but also to society as a whole, at least to much wider layers, groups than themselves participants in the transaction. Marketing goal-setting thus includes a socially significant external effect- externalities that arise in cases where a decision or transaction affects the interests, contributes to the satisfaction of the needs of outsiders (for this transaction) people, social strata or groups.

V closed systems the stability of their existence and self-development are due to the presence of internal competition with simultaneous isolation from external competitors. V open systems, especially in those tending to active information exchange, to long-term and large investments, to the need to reduce the level of risk, competition is limited in its capabilities, positive effect and is inevitably supplemented by both coexistence (potential competition) and mutually beneficial interaction of competing systems.

The principle of marketing is focusing on customer satisfaction. Studying the basics of marketing, first of all, it is necessary to define the essence of marketing and its role in the economy.

Marketing is based on product development, market research, communications, distribution, pricing, and service deployment.

According to the definition of the American scientist Philip Kotler, marketing is an activity aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of society through exchange. The principle underlying marketing is that the activities of the enterprise should be oriented towards the ultimate goal - customer satisfaction.

The need for a marketing approach in the activities of any enterprise is indisputable. Consider the main stages of its development in order to better understand the essence modern processes exchange of products and services.

Marketing of the past and the beginning of this century can be called a distribution system. At all times there have been steps taken to promote products, but at the center of the marketing activity has been the belief that expanding demand will absorb the manufactured products. It was believed that the key to the success of any enterprise is the efficient production and sale of products for more low prices than competitors. Marketing "oriented to production" was passive. Some enterprises presented products on the market that were practically not in demand, since when choosing a product for production, they proceeded from the capabilities of the enterprise, not taking into account the real needs of the market.

The main task of most enterprises former USSR was the implementation of the production plan. Few people thought about how much the manufactured product satisfies the needs of the client. This was especially noticeable in the pharmaceutical business. Many probably remember half-empty pharmacies and often the absence of the most necessary medicines. The consumer in this situation remained, as it were, on the sidelines, was an insignificant detail in a production-oriented system.

The strategy of the leading foreign pharmaceutical manufacturing companies is consumer orientation. Today, many domestic companies are striving for this form of management, despite the fact that it is very difficult in our developing market. Among such manufacturing companies are Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa, Kievmedpreparat, Concern Stirol, Hemoplast and others.

In my time economic problems associated with the restructuring of our society, led to new policy in the field of economics - sales orientation. Manufactured products must be sold, and if there is no sufficient demand, then it must be created. To this end, they began to widely use advertising, means of promoting products and labeling.

For most leaders of domestic enterprises today, a sales orientation is a guide to action, and marketing is associated with a sales policy, which is also embodied in organizational structure. The marketing departments at these enterprises are traditionally involved in sales and advertising. Insufficient attention is paid to the study of consumer demand.

It is not difficult to characterize the consumer demand of a particular society in a particular period. However, demand is a variable indicator, it depends on pricing policy and income level. A person chooses the product, the combination of qualities of which provides him with the greatest satisfaction of his needs, taking into account purchasing power.

The market is in negative demand if most of consumers are not satisfied with the quality of the product and even agree to certain costs - just not to buy it. The task of marketing is to analyze the situation and decide whether the marketing program can change the negative attitude of the consumer towards a particular product by lowering prices and more actively stimulating sales.

With latent demand, consumers may feel the need for goods or services that are not on the market. In this case, it is necessary to estimate the size of the potential market in order to create goods and services that can satisfy the demand.

An example of a decrease or complete absence of demand is a situation in which the target consumers are not interested in the product. The task of the marketer in this case is to present the obvious advantages of the product, based on the natural needs and interests of the person.

Sooner or later, any enterprise is faced with a problem when a particular type of product is not in sufficient demand from buyers. In the field of pharmacy, for example, the demand for medications manufactured in pharmacies according to an extemporaneous recipe.

There is such a thing as irregular demand, which is seasonal. For example, drugs used to treat colds are in great demand in autumn-winter period, and anti-allergic drugs - in spring and summer.

Full demand is said to be when an enterprise is satisfied with its trade turnover. The goal of marketing in this case is to maintain the existing level of demand, despite changing consumer preferences and increasing competition.

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