Eclipse calendar of the 20th century. When were the solar eclipses? Total solar eclipses (years)

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A week later over the northern part the globe another total solar eclipse will pass. The inhabitants of Helsinki, Berlin, Kyiv, Moscow and other equally glorious cities of eastern, northern and central Europe will be able to contemplate only a partial hiding of the sun, while the starving children of Africa will again get nothing at all. In order not to be so offended by this natural injustice, we decided to study the calendar of total solar eclipses for the next 10 years in the world and find out which of our neighbors on the planet, and most importantly, when, will have a chance to see this marvelous wonder with our own eyes. According to statistics, for every 237 solar eclipses in a hundred years, only a quarter is total. In addition to the full ones, you should also pay attention to the ring-shaped ones - they differ from their more desirable counterparts only in that the shadow of the Moon cannot completely cover the Sun with it, because it passes too far from the Earth (together they pull a third of all eclipses in a hundred years) . Stock up on plane tickets before they're sold out!

In a week, another total solar eclipse will sweep over the northern part of the globe. The inhabitants of Helsinki, Berlin, Kyiv, Moscow and other equally glorious cities of eastern, northern and central Europe will be able to contemplate only a partial hiding of the sun, while the starving children of Africa will again get nothing at all. In order not to be so offended by this natural injustice, we decided to study the calendar of total solar eclipses for the next 10 years in the world and find out which of our neighbors on the planet, and most importantly, when, will have a chance to see this marvelous wonder with our own eyes. According to statistics, for every 237 solar eclipses in a hundred years, only a quarter is total. In addition to the full ones, you should also pay attention to the ring-shaped ones - they differ from their more desirable counterparts only in that the shadow of the Moon cannot completely cover the Sun with it, because it passes too far from the Earth (together they pull a third of all eclipses in a hundred years) . Stock up on plane tickets before they're sold out!

Total solar eclipse calendar from 2015 to 2025
the date Complete Duration Private
March 20, 2015 North Atlantic, North Pole, Faroe Islands, Svalbard 09:46:47 2 min 47 s Greenland, Europe, central Asia, western Russia
March 9, 2016 Indonesia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia 01:58:19 4 min 09 s northwest Australia, Alaska, Southeast Asia, Hawaii, Korean Peninsula, East Russia, Pacific Ocean, Japan
August 21, 2017 part of the USA (Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina) 18:26:40 2 min 40 s British Isles, Hawaii, Greenland, Iceland, Portugal, Caribbean Sea, Northern South America, North America, Chukchi Peninsula, Central America
July 2, 2019 center of Argentina and Chile, about. Tuamotu 19:24:08 4 min 33 s Galapagos Islands, ca. Easter, Polynesia, southern Central America, South America
December 14, 2020 south of Chile and Argentina, Kiribati, Polynesia 16:14:39 2 min 10 s Antarctic Peninsula, central and southern South America, southwestern Africa, Ellsworth Land, western Dronning Maud Land
December 4, 2021 Antarctica 07:34:38 1 min 54 s South Africa, South Atlantic
April 8, 2024 Eastern Canada, Mexico, central US 18:18:29 4 min 28 s North America, Central America

When you buy tickets, pay attention to the duration of the full phase in the table - flying to the ends of the Earth for 38 seconds is somehow dull, when you can look at 3, 5 and even 7 minutes of natural madness.

Calendar of annular solar eclipses from 2015 to 2025
the date annular Maximum phase time (UTC) Duration Private
September 1, 2016 Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Central Africa, 09:08:02 3 min 6 s Africa, Indian Ocean
February 26, 2017 Angola, southwestern Katanga province, southern Chile and Argentina 14:54:33 0 min 44 s south of South America, Antarctica, South and West Africa
June 21, 2020 Democratic Republic of the Congo, northern India, Yemen, southern China, New Delhi, Oman, southern Pakistan, Sudan, Taiwan, Tibet, Ethiopia, Eritrea 06:41:15 0 min 38 s Western Australia, Asia, Africa, SE Europe, Cape York, Western Melanesia, Northern Territory, Middle East
June 10, 2021 Greenland, northern Canada, Russia 10:43:07 3 min 51 s Europe, Asia, north North America
October 4, 2023 Brazil, Colombia, US West, Central America 18:00:41 5 min 17 s North America, Central America, South America
October 2, 2024 south of Chile, south of Argentina 18:46:13 7 min 25 s Pacific Ocean, southern South America
Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon. It occurs because the Moon enters the shadow cast by the Earth from the Sun. However, not every full moon is accompanied by an eclipse. An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up in a row. The Earth illuminated by the Sun casts a shadow into space that has a cone shape in length. Usually the Moon is above or below the earth's shadow and remains quite visible. But with some eclipses, it just falls into the shadow. In this case, the eclipse is visible only from that half of the earth's surface that faces the moon, that is, on which the night lasts. The opposite part of the Earth at this moment is turned towards the Sun, that is, it is daytime, and the lunar eclipse is not visible there. Often we cannot observe a lunar eclipse due to clouds.
In those cases when the Moon plunges into the earth's shadow only partially, an incomplete, or partial, eclipse occurs, and when it is entirely - a complete one. However, during a total eclipse, the Moon is rarely completely hidden, most often it only turns dark red. There are also penumbral eclipses. They occur when the Moon enters space near the cone of the Earth's shadow, which is surrounded by penumbra. Hence the name.
For centuries, ancient people observed the Moon and tried to systematize the onset of eclipses. It was not an easy task: there were years when there were three lunar eclipses, and it happened that not a single one. In the end, the mystery was solved: in 6585.3 days, 28 lunar eclipses. In the next 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours (the same number of days), all eclipses repeat according to the same schedule. So they learned to predict eclipses through "repetition", in Greek saros. Saros allows you to calculate eclipses for 300 years ahead.

Solar eclipse

Even more interesting solar eclipse. The reason for it lies in our space satellite.

The sun is a star, that is, a “self-luminous” body, unlike the planets, which only reflect its rays. Sometimes the Moon gets in the way of its rays and, like a screen, hides from us for a while daylight. A solar eclipse can only occur at a new moon, but also not at any, but only when the Moon is (when viewed from the Earth) neither above nor below the Sun, but just in the path of its rays.
A solar eclipse is essentially the same phenomenon as the occultation of the stars by the Moon (that is, the Moon moves between the stars and blocks them from us as it passes by). The moon is small compared to the sun heavenly body. But it is very close to us, so it can cover the big Sun, which is much further away. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun and 400 times closer to it, so their disks appear to be the same size in the sky.
In the event of a solar eclipse, not all observers see the phenomenon in the same way. In the place where the cone of the moon's shadow touches the Earth, the eclipse is total. For observers outside the cone of the lunar shadow, it is only partial (the scientific name is private), and some see the closure of the lower part of the solar disk, and some see the upper one.
The dimensions of the moon are such that a total solar eclipse can last no longer than 6 minutes. The farther from the Earth the Moon, the shorter full eclipse, since the apparent size of the lunar disk is smaller. If during a solar eclipse the moon is at greatest distance from the Earth, then it can no longer completely cover the disk of the Sun. In this case, a narrow light ring remains around the dark disk of the Moon. Scientists call this an annular eclipse of the Sun.
The entire process of the eclipse, from the first visible "touch" of the Moon's disk to the Sun's disk to complete convergence, takes about 2.5 hours. When the Sun is completely covered by the Moon, the illumination on Earth changes, becomes akin to night light, and a silvery crown shines in the sky around the black disk of the Moon - the so-called solar corona.
Although in general on Earth solar eclipses are observed more often than lunar ones, in some particular area total eclipses occur extremely rarely: on average, once every 300 years. In our time, solar eclipses are calculated with great accuracy for thousands of years ago and hundreds of years ahead.

Eclipses and astrology

AT individual astrology eclipses are still considered a negative factor that tends to have a bad effect on the fate and health of a person. But the degree of this influence is largely corrected by the indicators of each individual individual horoscope: the most Negative influence Eclipses can affect people born on the day of the eclipse and those people in whose horoscopes the eclipse point affects the most important indicators - it falls into the places where the Moon, the Sun or at the time of birth. In this case, the eclipse point connects with one of the main elements of the horoscope, which in reality may not be very favorable for the health and life spheres of the owner of the horoscope.
The strength of the influence of eclipses depends on which celestial house of the horoscope this conjunction occurs, which houses of the individual horoscope are ruled by the Sun or Moon, and what aspects (harmonious or negative) other planets and elements of the birth horoscope form to the point of eclipse. Birth on the day of an eclipse is a sign of fatality. But this does not mean that misfortunes will haunt a person all his life, it’s just that people born in an eclipse have a lower level of freedom, it’s more difficult for them to change something in their life, it’s kind of programmed for them. A person born in an eclipse is subject to the so-called Saros cycle, i.e. the similarity of life events can be traced with a period equal to this cycle - 18.5 years.

Cases that will nevertheless be started may be called back even after 18 years. However, if you are sure of success and your thoughts are pure before people and before God, and also if general characteristics the day of replacement is favorable, you can act, but remember that sooner or later you will have to answer for all the deeds and even thoughts associated with the day of the eclipse. A lunar eclipse may have an echo within three months, but the full impact of eclipses ends within 18.5 years, moreover most of the luminary was closed, the more powerful and longer the impact.

eclipses have a strong impact on all people, even those in whose horoscope eclipses are not accentuated in any way. Naturally, the current eclipse will have a stronger effect on people born on an eclipse, as well as on people whose horoscope is affected in one way or another by the eclipse points. An eclipse always has a special meaning if the degree of the current eclipse affects a planet or other important element birth horoscope. If the eclipse coincides with an important point in the horoscope, we can expect changes and important events. Even if the events that have come may not seem significant at first, their importance will certainly manifest itself over time. even a break in relations, adverse circumstances in business, deterioration in health. If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope turn out to be in favorable aspects with an eclipse degree, then there will be changes or important events, but they will not cause strong shocks, rather they will turn out to be beneficial to the person.

How to behave during eclipses

Moon- a luminary that is very close to us. The Sun gives energy (masculine), and the Moon absorbs (feminine). When two luminaries are at the same point during an eclipse, their energies have a strong impact on a person. There is a powerful load on the regulatory system in the body. Especially bad with health on the day of the eclipse for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients. People who are currently undergoing treatment will also feel bad. Even doctors say that on the day of the eclipse it is better not to engage in activity - actions will be inadequate and more likely to make mistakes. They advise to sit out this day. To avoid discomfort with health, it is recommended to take a contrast shower on this day. In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allais, observing the movements of the pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse, he began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allais effect, but they could not systematize it. Today, new research by the Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirms this phenomenon, but cannot yet explain it. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He said that during eclipses, time is transformed. The consequences of an eclipse in the form powerful earthquake or other natural disaster is very likely during the week before or after any eclipse. In addition, instability in the economy is possible for several weeks after the eclipse. In any case, eclipses bring changes in society. During a lunar eclipse the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are highly vulnerable. The number of mental disorders in people is increasing. This is due to the disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon according to the discovery of Tony Neider (Nader Raja Rama). The hormonal cycles of the body can be disrupted, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, the work of the physiological correspondence of the Sun - the thalamus is more disturbed, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases will also increase, since the Sun controls the heart. The perception of "I", pure consciousness - clouded. The consequence of this may be increased tension, radical and aggressive tendencies in the world, as well as the unsatisfied ego of politicians or heads of state.

Here is the eclipse calendar for 2018-2022 (with additional information on the visibility of the total lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019 in the territory former USSR) . For each year, there is a separate table with the date, Moscow time, type of solar or lunar eclipse, degree and sign of the zodiac in which the eclipse will take place, as well as regions where this phenomenon can be observed.

Eclipses are not uncommon, they happen every year. Solar eclipse occurs on the new moon, when the moon comes between the sun and the earth, partially or completely blocking the sunlight.

Moon eclipse occurs on a full moon when the earth is between the sun and the moon, and the earth casts a shadow on the moon.

The influence of eclipses

Solar eclipses affect more physical health, lunar - on emotions and mental state.

People who are sensitive, emotionally unstable, as well as those who have cardiovascular diseases, are recommended to reduce business activity and relax more on days near eclipses.

Also, eclipses have a greater effect on those people in whose horoscopes important points are affected by an eclipse.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2018

There were 5 eclipses in 2018 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
31.01.18 16:30 total lunar eclipse 11°37"04" a lion Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, western North America. The eclipse can be observed in most of the territory of Russia *
16.02.18 0:05 Partial solar eclipse 27°07"50" Aquarius Private: Antarctica, southern South America
13.07.18 5:48 Partial solar eclipse 20°41"14" Crayfish Private: south australia
27.07.18 23:20 total lunar eclipse 4°44"53" Aquarius South America,
11.08.18 12:58 Partial solar eclipse 18°41"42" a lion Private: northern Europe, northeast Asia. The eclipse is visible in most of Russia, except for the South-West (Smolensk, Tula, Tambov, Saratov and to the south), Chukotka and Kamchatka. In Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine - not visible. In Moscow, the maximum phase of the eclipse occurs at 12:36 Moscow time.

Total lunar eclipse January 31, 2018. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR *

Lunar eclipse January 31 in one form or another can be observed throughout the territory of the former USSR. Fully all its phases will be visible in the eastern and central parts of the Russian Federation - in the Far East and almost in the entire Siberian Federal District. For observers in these regions, in order to find out the maximum phase of a total lunar eclipse, it is enough to replace Moscow time in the table with the time of their time zone. So in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok the culmination of the eclipse will take place at 23:30, the beginning of the partial eclipse at 21:48, and the beginning of the total eclipse at 22:50. Below is the time beginning of private phase, beginning of total lunar eclipse when the moon goes completely into the shadow of the earth and maximum eclipse phase in major cities in the region.

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  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 23:48-00:52-01:30;
  • Magadan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 22:48-23:52-00:30;
  • Birobidzhan, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk: 21:48-22:52-23:30;
  • Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Yakutsk: 20:48-21:52-22:30;
  • Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude: 19:48-20:52-21:30;
  • Abakan, Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaisk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Kyzyl, Novosibirsk Norilsk, Tomsk: 18:48-19:51-20:30;
  • Omsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan): 17:48-18:52-19:30;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk: 16:48-17:52-18:30;

To the west it will be impossible to fully observe the beginning of the eclipse - its partial phase before the total eclipse, since in these regions the Moon has not yet had time to rise by the beginning of the eclipse. And the farther to the southwest, the greater part of the eclipse will be hidden from the gaze of the observer under the horizon line. For this group of settlements, we will indicate the start time of the total eclipse, its largest phase, and the end time with the transition to a partial eclipse, when the Moon looks out of the shadow.

  • Almaty, Astana, Karaganda ( Kazakhstan), Bishkek, Osh ( Kyrgyzstan): 18:52-19:30-20:08;
  • Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Ufa, Chelyabinsk; Dushanbe ( Tajikistan- the whole territory), Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan ( Uzbekistan): 17:52-18:30-19:08;
  • Arkhangelsk, Murmansk: 15:52-16:30-17:08;

Even further to the west there is a band in which a total lunar eclipse is visible, i.e. the disk of the moon will be completely closed, but the beginning of the full phase cannot be observed and the moon is at the very horizon line. During the eclipse, the Moon rises higher and the visibility of the final phases of the eclipse will be better. In brackets after the name of the city, the time of moonrise is indicated, and at the end of each group of cities in different time zones, the end of the full phase.

  • Orenburg (18:01): 19:08;
  • Astrakhan(17:48), Samara (17:17), Saratov (17:40), Togliatti (17:18), Ulyanovsk (17:20), Baku (17:56, Azerbaijan): 18:08;
  • Moscow(16:59), Volgograd (16:56), Vologda (16:32), Nizhny Novgorod (16:29): 17:08;

And finally, the area where the eclipse is only visible as a partial eclipse at moonrise. In parentheses behind the title locality Sunrise time is local time.

  • Velikiy Novgorod(17:12), Krasnodar (17:30), Rostov-on-Don (17:21), Pskov (17:28), St. Petersburg(17:08). In Kaliningrad, the eclipse will be visible only as a partial penumbra - after moonrise at 17:16 local time - Russia;
  • Kyiv(16:49), Dnipro (16:36), Donetsk (17:26), Zhytomyr (16:58), Zaporozhye (16:38), Nikolaev (16:54), Odessa (17:01), Kharkiv ( 16:27), in Lviv, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Ternopil and Uzhgorod the eclipse will be visible only as a partial penumbral - Ukraine;
  • Tallinn (16:35, Estonia), Riga (16:51, Latvia), Vilnius (16:55, Lithuania), Chisinau (17:07, Moldova), Tbilisi (18:14, Georgia, Yerevan (18:19, Armenia);
  • Minsk(17:49), Brest (18:13), Vitebsk (17:33), Gomel (17:38), Grodno (18:06), Mogilev (17:38) — Belarus;

If your residence is in an unspecified location, then simply select the closest of the listed cities and do not forget about the time zones!

Total lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

Total lunar eclipse July 27/28 can be observed on most of the land of our planet, except for North and Central America, as well as the northern and northeastern regions of the Russian Federation.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2019

There will be 5 eclipses in 2019 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
6.01.19 4:28 Partial solar eclipse 15°25"02" Capricorn Northeast Asia, North Pacific. The eclipse will be visible in the Far East of Russia (except for the northern and northwestern regions) *
21.01.19 8:16 total lunar eclipse 0°51"34" a lion Central Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa ** . Read more below.
2.07.19 22:16 total solar eclipse 10°37"34" Crayfish Private: south pacific, south america
Full: South Pacific, Chile, Argentina
17.07.19 0:38 Partial lunar eclipse 24°04"09" Capricorn
26.12.19 8:13 Annular solar eclipse 4°06"52" Capricorn Private: Asia, Australia
Ring: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Kalimantan

Partial solar eclipse January 6, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the Russian Federation *

Solar eclipse on January 6 in Russia it will be possible to observe only in the Far East. Below are the times (local!) the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase and end of eclipse in major cities. At the end, the value of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed in hundredths of unity, is highlighted in green. The closer the number is to one, the more the Moon covers the disk of the Sun.

  • Blagoveshchensk: 08:40-09:58-11:23 ☀️ 0.56
  • Vladivostok: 09:38-10:57-12:24 🌞 0,49
  • Irkutsk: 09:11 (with sunrise)-09:16-09:48 🌞 0.28
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur: 09:48-11:12-12:42 ☀️ 0.61
  • Magadan: 11:11-12:37-14:04 ☀️ 0.70
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 12:17-13:48-15:18 ☀️ 0.66
  • Ussuriysk:09:39-10:58-12:25 🌞 0,50
  • Khabarovsk: 09:44-11:07-12:37 ☀️ 0.58
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 10:50-12:18-13:52 ☀️ 0.59
  • Yakutsk: 09:40 (with sunrise)-10:14-11:36 ☀️ 0.66

Total lunar eclipse January 21, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR **

This eclipse will be the only total lunar eclipse in 2019. It is noteworthy that it will happen during the so-called. supermoon - when the full (or new) moon in its elliptical motion around the earth is at the point closest to it. In addition, the "supermoon" during the eclipse will become "bloody" - when passing through the penumbra of the Earth, the lunar disk will acquire a brownish tint. In Europe, however, it will be very difficult to observe the eclipse, since the Moon will be located low above the horizon, and the further east, the lower.

Lunar eclipse January 21 can be observed in most of the territory of the former USSR, with the exception of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and eastern Kazakhstan. In Russia, the eclipse will not be visible at all in the southern part of Siberia and Far East. The largest cities that will be bypassed by this eclipse: Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok. The table below shows the local times of the beginning of the full phase, the maximum and the end of the full phase, when the Moon looks out from behind the shadow of the Earth. Cities in which the eclipse is visible as partial or penumbral are not included in the table.

City Beginning of the full phase eclipse maximum End of full phase
Arkhangelsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Vilnius 06:41 07:12 07:43
Volgograd 08:41 08:39 08:51 (sunset)
Voronezh 07:41 08:12 08:25 (with sunset)
Dnieper 06:41 07:12 07:29 (sunset)
Donetsk 07:41 08:12 08:16 (sunset)
Kazan 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Kyiv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Kishinev 06:41 07:12 07:43
Lviv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Minsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Moscow 07:41 08:12 08:43
Murmansk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Nizhny Novgorod 07:41 08:12 08:29 (sunset)
Permian 09:41 09:39 09:49 (sunset)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 17:41 (with sunrise) 17:46 17:43
Riga 06:41 07:12 07:43
Rostov-on-Don 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Samara 08:41 08:39 08:47 (with sunset)
St. Petersburg 07:41 08:12 08:43
Tallinn 06:41 07:12 07:43

Eclipses. Calendar for 2020

There will be 6 eclipses in 2020 - 2 solar and 4 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
10.01.20 22:21 Penumbral lunar eclipse 20°00"13" Crayfish Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
5.06.20 22:12 Penumbral lunar eclipse 15°34"03" Sagittarius Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
21.06.20 9:41 Annular solar eclipse 0°21"23" Crayfish Private: Africa, southwestern Europe, Asia
Ring: central Africa, South Asia, Pacific Ocean
5.07.20 7:44 Penumbral lunar eclipse 13°37"48" Capricorn North and South America, Africa
30.11.20 12:30 Penumbral lunar eclipse 8°38"01" Twins Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, North and South America
14.12.20 19:17 total solar eclipse 23°08"15" Sagittarius Private: Pacific Ocean, southern South America, Antarctica
Full: south pacific, chile, argentina, south Atlantic Ocean

Eclipses. Calendar for 2021

There will be 4 eclipses in 2021 - 2 solar and 2 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
26.05.21 14:14 total lunar eclipse 5°25"46" Sagittarius East Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, North and South America
10.06.21 13:53 Annular solar eclipse 19°47"06" Twins Private: northern North America, Europe, Asia
Ring: northern Canada, Greenland, Russia
19.11.21 11:57 Partial lunar eclipse 27°14"28" Taurus North and South America, East Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean
4.12.21 10:42 total solar eclipse 12°22"02" Sagittarius Private: Antarctica, South Africa, South Atlantic
Full: Antarctic

Eclipses. Calendar for 2022

There will be 4 eclipses in 2022 - 2 solar and 2 lunar.

Imagine such a picture. An ordinary day: the sun is at its zenith, it shines brightly, warming passers-by, hurrying about their business. At first, they do not notice how a flaw appears on the star's disk. But it increases, covering the star partially, and then completely. Now it is impossible to ignore an incomprehensible phenomenon: a black disk is shown in the sky, along the edges of which a small rim glows. The night falls, the stars appear. But a few minutes pass and everything returns to normal - the sun shines again, gradually freeing itself from a dark spot ...

It is clear that in ancient times our ancestors were afraid of such inexplicable phenomena. If they were frightened by a simple thunderstorm or earth vibrations, then what to say about the disappearance of the sun in the middle of a snow-white day. Solar eclipse they interpreted as anger higher powers. People in ancient times believed that in this way the Gods warn humanity about an imminent terrible catastrophe. Even now in the 21st century, when scientists have fully explored the mechanism of a natural phenomenon, we are still waiting for it with trepidation and experience, linking the disappearance of the sun with something terrible and mystical.

At any time when there were solar eclipses, doctors advised people to stay at home, rest, not solve fundamental issues. Indeed, on such days, an increase in anxiety, feelings of fear, depression or excitement was seen. Hypertensive patients have high blood pressure, people with problems of cardio-vascular system also feel bad. A person's nerves can be shattered, he falls into a state of stupor. Skeptics say that all this is from self-hypnosis. But the opposite version testifies to something else: when there were solar eclipses, gravitational pressure on the Earth was observed. As a result, weather-dependent and emotional people felt it.

The mechanism of a natural phenomenon

The solar eclipse model is easy to describe for incompetent people. It starts from the right side of the star. The moon, which becomes one line with him, gradually closes his outlines. At first, only a dark horn appears, then it expands, growing into a huge black disk.

In these seconds around the Sun you can observe the radiance, the so-called corona. This is the outer atmospheric layer, which is invisible on ordinary days due to its relatively low brightness against the background of the daytime sky. Almost every time this diadem is different: it changes depending on solar activity. A pinkish ring appears above the horizon. It is formed as follows: light from other zones penetrates into the area darkened by the Moon, where not a total, but only a partial eclipse is observed.

Fascinating is the fact that the size of the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun. At the same time, it is 400 times closer to the Earth than it is. Even cynics find some mysticism and mystery in this.


You can’t do without it, because everything inexplicable and mysterious for our ancestors immediately acquired legends and tales. When there were solar eclipses, the learned minds of that time took up the pen to describe this stunning and at the same time awesome beauty. The pagans said that during a natural phenomenon, the battle of the Gods takes place. The Vietnamese believed that the Moon and the Sun were two sister goddesses who took turns looking after people. Their husband was a bear, who periodically demanded the fulfillment of marital duty from the virgins. He followed them, and when he caught up, solar and lunar eclipses occurred in the sky.

The ancient Germans claimed that the heavenly bodies were eaten by a wolf. And to scare him away, on the days of eclipses, they made a lot of noise. The Egyptians believed that the daily journey of the god Ra is interrupted when the serpent Apep breaks out of the underworld and swallows the boat. The deity fights the monster and invariably wins. And the redskins in Colombia and Mexico were inclined to believe that the eclipse was the sorcery of evil demons. From their charms, the luminaries fell ill. All these versions are fascinating today when we study the culture of the old peoples. Mythology gives us a clear idea of ​​the way of life of ancient people, their beliefs and beliefs.

The most famous solar eclipses

Historians have seen that a total solar eclipse has always warned of tipping points. The most famous, of course, is that which marked the death of Christ. It is clear that they crucified him on Friday afternoon. At this time, from 6 to 9 pm, the sun completely disappeared and the deepest darkness fell. This phenomenon in the gospel was described by Mark, Luke and Matthew. It was the beginning of a new life for mankind, which until now is trying to atone for its sin.

At the same time, the very first eclipse that occurred in the human age occurred in China. It happened in 2134 BC. Previously, people had not encountered anything like this, so the sudden disappearance of the sun resulted in a strong panic in the country right up to the riots. AT Kievan Rus also a natural phenomenon predicted an unsuccessful campaign for Prince Igor. It appeared when the prince crossed the Donets River. Ignoring the evil symbol, he was captured and killed.

Another famous eclipse occurred in 1919 and completely changed the understanding of physics, while confirming Einstein's theory of relativity. The sun was out for only 6 minutes. During this short time, the English astrologer Arthur Eddington proved that bodies with strong gravity can bend time, space and light.

Solar eclipses in the history of Russia

They also influenced events in our country. For example, the birth of Karl Marx, the man who indirectly changed the course of the history of the state, was also accompanied by a solar eclipse. Years later, historians drew a parallel: a recognizable politician and philosopher was born on May 5, 1818 in the German town of Trier. That's when the sun completely disappeared from the sky. In Germany itself, this phenomenon went unnoticed, but it was well seen by the inhabitants of Russia, especially St. Petersburg. In this, scientists see a certain mysticism, since it was in Russia that the revolutionary ideas of Marx were tested in practice, and Peter became center of three revolutions.

The solar eclipse in Russia in 1945 became a symbol of the victory over fascism and the triumphal parade that took place on June 24. By the way, a natural phenomenon was also observed on the eve of the tests nuclear bomb and the death of Princess Diana. All these events affected humanity, forcing them to rethink their lives, and also greatly influenced many important events in Russian and world history.

What to expect in 2015

Astrologers predict a strong solar eclipse that will occur in the last time in the Faroe Islands. On March 20, 2015, the solar disk will completely disappear from the view of people. It will only be possible to observe this beauty either in the Faroe Islands or in the Svalbard archipelago. This is about sushi. From the sea, the eclipse will be visible from the Atlantic Ocean and from Arctic ice. Some partial phases will fall within the visibility zone of Europeans, inhabitants of the northern Arctic and Western Russia. In our country, the best way to watch the disappearance of the sun will be in Murmansk at 13.18 local time.

Whenever there were solar eclipses, astrologers warned people not to look at them. naked eye. Otherwise, you can burn the retina. If you are going to see this amazing phenomenon next time, do not forget about basic precautions. Then your memories will remain truly colorful and such that they are remembered for a lifetime.

The first version is left only for history!!! As a simpler one, let's first consider a lunar eclipse.

2.2.A Dates of lunar eclipses

official point of view

Lunar eclipses always occur on a full moon when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up. The Earth illuminated by the Sun casts a shadow into space. In length, the shadow has the form of a cone stretched a million kilometers; across it is round, and at a distance of 360 thousand kilometers from the Earth, its diameter is 2.5 times larger than the moon. When the Moon completely enters the vast expanse of the shadow, a total eclipse phase sets in, sometimes lasting more than an hour and a half, until the edge of our satellite again appears in the light.

If the plane of the Moon's orbit coincided with the plane of the Earth's orbit (the plane of the ecliptic), then the eclipses of the Moon would be repeated every full moon, i.e. regularly every 29.5 days. But the monthly path of the Moon is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic by 5°, and the Moon only crosses the "circle of eclipses" twice a month at two "risky" points. These points are called the nodes of the lunar orbit. Therefore, in order for a lunar eclipse to occur, two independent conditions must coincide: there must be a full moon and the Moon at this time must be at the node of its orbit or somewhere nearby.

For 6585.3 days, 29 lunar eclipses always occur throughout the Earth. In the next 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours (and this is the named number of days), all eclipses will repeat according to the same schedule. It remains only to add 6585.3 days to the day of each eclipse. So the Babylonian and Egyptian astronomers learned to predict eclipses through "repetition." In Greek it is saros. Saros allows you to calculate eclipses for 300 years ahead.
But, interestingly, the star maps of the Astronet astronomical site ( show a repetition of the position of the Moon with a period of 18 years 11 days and 35 minutes (not 8 hours) - I compared 2010 and 1992.

So, having previously noted that an eclipse occurs on average one and a half times a year, let's try to estimate its dates.


1. The moon rotates around the Earth's axis at a slight angle relative to the equator

  • The inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic is 5°08"43"
  • The inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic varies from 5°17" to 4°59".
2. The average radius of the lunar orbit is 384,400 km
3. The average diameter of the moon is 3476 km
4. The average diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km
5. The average diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000,000 km (109 Earth diameters)
6. The average radius of the earth's orbit is 149,600,000 km
7. The length of the earth's shadow is 1,382,000 km


The axis of the Earth has a constant inclination and orientation to the pole of the starry sky. Therefore, the maximum tilt of the axis to the Sun falls on June 22 (on the left in the figure), when the Earth's axis coincides with the plane of the Line (this is how we will call the Earth-Sun line and the plane perpendicular to the ecliptic along this axis), and the maximum tilt from the Sun is on December 22 ( on right). In addition, there are 2 dates when the axis is perpendicular to the Line: September 23 and March 20 (equinox days).

An eclipse is possible only when the node of the Moon (the point of intersection of the orbit and the ecliptic, and the Moon is inclined to the ecliptic by 5 °) coincides with the Line (of course, in the region of the coincidence point), or, the line of nodes coincides with the Line.

The diameter of the Earth's shadow in the orbit of the Moon is calculated by their ratio:
D/12740=(1382000-384400)/1382000=997600/1382000=0.7219 and D=9196.

For the eclipse to begin, the center of the Moon must be at a distance from the Line D / 2 + Rl = 4600 + 1740 = 6340 km.

The Moon crosses the shadow at 12680 km in 12680/61.32 km/min = 200 minutes, which corresponds to the eclipse table (maximum = 236 minutes) and indicates the correctness of the shadow estimate.

The maximum deviation of the Moon from the Line is 33,635 km (the orbit of the Moon is 384400 x tg5°=0.0875). The minimum is 0 at the node.

There is also penumbra, its diameter is estimated at 16,300 km.

If the Moon rotated uniformly around the Earth's axis of rotation, then on June 22 the line of nodes (the lines connecting the two nodes of the orbit fixed in this moment) would be perpendicular to the Line, and on September 23 the line of nodes would coincide with the Line. Let's consider this theoretical option.

So, the maximum deviation in the plane of the Line is reached on June 22 and December 22.

The further motion of the Moon can be interpreted as a uniform decrease in the deviation from maximum to zero (only for qualitative assessment) for three months. It turns out about 370 km per day.

Those. an eclipse is not possible if the distance (in days) to the Line is greater than (4600+1740=6340)/370=17 days.

For a total eclipse, these ranges decrease: (4600-1740=2860)/370=8 days.

The figure shows two shadows: July 22 and September 23. The shadow somewhere on August 1 will be located to the left between these shadows, and the Moon above the shadow will be at a distance of 16,000 km, i.e. 8000 km above the shadow. An eclipse is absolutely impossible.

Consider another way of solving - through a line of nodes. Its direction in the figure coincides with the vertical shadow for June 22 and with the horizontal shadow for September 23. Otherwise, in 90 days the angle between the line of nodes and the Line changes from 90° to 0°, i.e. one degree per day.

A total lunar eclipse is sure to occur if the angle is less than 9°30"; if the angle is greater than 12°15", then a total eclipse is impossible.

Well, these data are somewhat different from those already received, but since they are officially published, we will take them on faith.

floornoe 08 Martha -01 April 11 September -5 October not on schedule
2001 January 9 - 2 months
2003 16th of May
November 9
+1.5 months
+1 month
2004 May 4th
28 of October
+1 month
+3 weeks
2007 March 4 / -4 days August 28 -2 weeks
2008 February 21 -2 weeks
2010 21 December +2.5 months
did not have 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009
It turns out that in 10 years of the new century there were 9 total eclipses and only one almost fell into the desired range (a degree per day is not an entirely accurate estimate, since the orbit is not circular, but elliptical). Moreover, the dates are very different from each other (a spread of two months, which is more than the canonical range of 24 days), which allows us to conclude that the chosen central dates of March 20 and September 23 are incorrect. But why should they be wrong: the tilt of the Earth's axis does not change, the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic changes by 5%, which can be neglected in our rough estimate (this is an extra day in the range)? The equinoxes also coincide regularly from year to year.

And the saros is to blame for this: the line of nodes is constantly shifting (precessing) - turning at an angle of 20 ° per year. For 18 years, the rotation passes 360° (the precession period is 18.60 years), so the eclipses are repeated from saros to saros after 18 years 11 days and 8 hours. Therefore, the dates of eclipses are constantly shifting.

But what does the rotation of the line of nodes mean if the angle of inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic (i.e., the plane of the orbit) is constant? This is the precession of the plane of the orbit relative to an axis perpendicular to the ecliptic - otherwise the inclination will change (a gyroscope, one might say). And what is the mechanism of this precession? How does the ecliptic (an imaginary plane) affect the motion of the Moon, but the rotation of the Earth around its axis (tilted by 23° to the ecliptic) does not? This is mysticism, not mechanics.

Is there something I don't know? Does the Sun affect the Moon more strongly than the Earth? It is not for nothing that the Moon is the only planet that does not move in a Keplerian orbit (why then does this not apply to the satellites of Mars, for example?). By the way, according to the law of universal gravitation, the Sun has a stronger effect on the Earth (its mass is greater), so why does not the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the ecliptic precess, but remains constant?!

What else can be added to lunar eclipses? Their number.

There are 29 lunar eclipses in a saros. Eclipse table calculations for last century showed that with an arbitrary choice of a range of 18 years, the total number of eclipses varies from 26 to 28 (and where are the regular 29?). Interestingly, total amount with penumbral eclipses is constant - 42.

How long does it take for the eclipse to recur? The moon should fall into the same band of 12680 km. The length of the Moon's orbit is 384400*2*Pi = 2412000 km. Those. the band is 12680/ 2412000=0.005 (1/200). Those. once every 200 years, the Moon will be in the right place for an eclipse to occur (the coincidence of the line of nodes with the Line is only an opportunity for an eclipse to occur, the Moon must still be full). This number should probably be multiplied by 10 (since the event is possible within 34 days out of 365). It turns out the same saros - 18 years. How interesting! It turns out that the frequency of eclipses is related to the radius of the Moon's orbit (and the parameters of the Earth's shadow) and has nothing to do with the rotation of the line of nodes.

2.2.B Dates of solar eclipses

The mechanism of a solar eclipse is similar to the lunar one, but the Moon should not be behind the Earth, but in front of it - obscuring the Sun. Naturally, the radius of the shadow cylinder for a possible eclipse will be wider: 8200+1740 = 9940 km (and not 6340 for the lunar one).

Based on the distance to the Line, an eclipse is impossible at a distance of 9940/370=27 days, and a total eclipse is (8200-1740)/370=18 days.

Based on the angle of the line of nodes, a total eclipse will necessarily occur if the angle is less than 15 ° 31 "; if the angle is greater than 18 ° 31", then a total eclipse is impossible. This time, the coincidence in the calculations is complete (the greater the distance, the smaller the error). Let's look into the eyes of reality over the past 18 years (this is really saros: the last eclipse of the cycle - 07/11/2010 - is 18 years 11 days away from the last eclipse of the previous cycle on 06/30/1992):

24 .12. 1992 5 m 24 d
21.05. 1993 13.11. 1993 4 m 27 d
5 m 23 d
10.05. 199 4 -K03.11. 199 4 -P 5 m 24 d
5 m 24 d
29. 04. 199 5 -K
199 5 -P
5 m 26 d
5 m 25 d
17.04. 199 6
12 .10. 199 6
5 m 23 d
5 m 25 d
09.03. 199 7 -P
. 199 7
4 m 27 d
5 m 23 d
26.02. 199 8 -P
22.08. 199 8 -K
5 m 25 d
5 m 23 d
16.02. 199 9 -K
11.08. 199 9 -P
5 m 25 d
5 m 24 d
15 .02. 2000
.12. 2000
6 m 04 d
5 m 16 d
4 m 26 d
21.07. 200 1 -P
.12. 200 1 TO
6 m 26 d
4 m 23 d
10 .06. 200 2 -K0 4 .12. 200 2 -P 5 m 26 d
5 m 24 d
31.05. 200 3 -TO
.11. 200 3 -P
5 m 26 d
5 m 26 d
19 .04. 200 4
.10. 200 4
4 m 26 d
5 m 26 d
08 .04. 200 5 -P
200 5 -K
5 m 26 d
5 m 26 d
29 .03. 200 6 -P
.09. 200 6 -K
5 m 26 d
5 m 24 d
19 .03. 200 7
.09. 200 7
5 m 26 d
5 m 23 d
07.02. 200 8 -TO
200 8 -P
4 m 26 d
5 m 24 d
26.01. 200 9 -K
.07. 200 9 -P
5 m 26 d
5 m 26 d
15.01. 2010 -TO11.07.20 10 -P 5 m 26 d
5 m 26 d

Naturally, as for lunar eclipses, the table reflects a sliding schedule of solar eclipses (P - total, K - annular). But we are interested in the last column - the time difference between neighboring eclipses.

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